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    1. Over Japanese Nuclear Plant Disaster

      by , 04-06-2011 at 05:08 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Background note: I used to work at AIG. I did some unique, creative work for them which they liked. I was "promoted" a few times, but never rewarded with rank or title; but I was given better work. The used me for two years.


      There was more dream that led up to this but I forgot it, so I start out in a strange vehicle flying over the Japanese nuclear disaster.

      With the plant shut down, they are releasing all the sea water being used to cool the spent rods back into the ocean as it will be diluted by the rest of the ocean.

      I was being flown in a long box thing with windows. It flew by jet power or something. I looked down and saw the water rushing. There were officials overseeing the operation on top of secured train cars with water almost touching their feet, but they were safe some how.

      The driver of my vehicle swoops down very fast and erratically and comes very close to the water, but we kept circling. It was like we were the news. Then, the driver becomes this Armed Forces guy--very serious, and he DOES go into the water...and we are not enclosed anymore. We have to hold our breath!

      We go deeper until my head is under water. WTF?! The guy doesn't even warn me? So we are cruising deeper and deeper and I think this is pretty ridiculous now, and soon I need to come up for air.

      I make it back to the top for air. Now I feel like I need to save the other guy, so I take four deep breaths to get oxygen back to my brain, I started feeling better, and then I went back down to see how the guy was doing.

      Now I'm with my dad. We are all in Army attire but kind of futuristic (my dad was in the army), and we are lined up as if at a bank. My dad and I are signing papers.

      My dad said to me quietly, "See, I've never had to sign papers with three other people." Only three people were signing the paper, but that is what he meant. (His point was that someone else could change something later and then his signature would still be on the paper, and he didn't feel comfortable with that.)

      Soon, the person behind the counter was an old boss J.H. I was going back to work with her at AIG...kind of. The papers I was signing indicated permissions. I was allowed to map drives on my computer to Google and certain other programs.

      I asked about it for more information and J.H. told me how my dad and I were signing the papers because I was known for talking a lot before. I couldn't get my argument out in this dream of how much I did for this company, so I said, "When do I get a promotion?!"

      At this point they let the cat out of the bag. J.H. pointed to a man on her left and said I'll be working with the devil.

      Fuckin' A! I looked at my dad realizing we were in Hell. Then, very quickly, I realize this I'm in a dream. Cool! I decide I'm going to bitch-slap the devil! I turn to my dad and say, "Watch this!" Then I walked around the other side of the counter and told this bitch of a lady who knew I was going to Hell, "Watch this! Hey...watch this!" I couldn't really get her attention.

      I woke up. Still, of all the times to go lucid, I was really happy for that moment!
      Tags: aig, army, dad, hell, japan, water
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    2. Smoking Weed with don Juan

      by , 03-26-2011 at 11:29 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I am chilling with don Juan on a mountain in Arizona. We are smoking weed and sage out of a long peace pipe. “Look, soldier. The enemy approaches, and yet none is there.” I see a swarm of locusts, and zombie confederate calvary approaching through the desert, then they suddenly vanish.

      “Nothing is real, blah blah blah.”

      “The way of the shaman is upon you. Listen to me.”

      He roars into my ear like a demon. I feel like I am falling into Hell.

      Dream Diverge

      1) I fall into Hell. Everything is obscene. I alter my perception. Now the same thing is beautiful.

      2) I am still with him on the mountain.

      “All those drugs are just gates, man. You found the gate, and now you can open it any time. But even still there is a superior way: do the drugs in dreams in your invincible dream body, and find the doors that way. Do only drugs that benefit your physical body. Avoid drugs that are only for symptoms or to alter your mind or mood. For that, we have the Realm of Gates.” We have been walking on a old dirt road in what feels the 1600‘s of New England. He swings an iron gate to a graveyard. We walk through, but all the stones are now gates. They have names of different drugs, mindsets, brainwaves, and chemicals in our own bodies named on them. We return to the mountain.

      “Now you know where that is, I will reveal you the mysteries of the universe.”

      “Yeah right.”

      Suddenly I feel like my soul is melting, and vaporizing into steam by the ray of a star. I feel like screaming, but I can’t conceive a scream due to the fact I feel like my mind is completely gone. I am nothing and everything... I am the universe... everything is. All is one, and one is all. Everything orbits around everything else. I am really one snaking centipede not really moving through time, but growing through space, using time as a vehicle.

      I slam my fist down on to the surface of the dream. BAM.

      “GRANT MORRISON!” I shout.

      He appears before me, like Professor X in a leather jacket. “You are beginning to get it, Nomad. I am you. Everything is you. Everything is everything. We’re all just part of this childish larval universe, and I am cool with that. Star in your own movie. Write yourself into your dreams. Write your life and may it be so.” He flips me off, and laughs, then disappears.

      A graphic novel appears before me.

      It’s called: NOMAD: Oneironaut
      A second one appears in my hands. It’s called NOMAD: Oneiromancer

      A series appears in my hands: The Nomad Chronicles

      A miniseries appears in my hands: WEEDMAN

      A video game console appears before me. It’s called the Wii 3. You step into a suit to play video games. I put the suit on. I am in a lucid dream video game. I am playing myself. I see Raven, Tigress, and Mosh characters in the game.

      I excitedly summon a pen and a book, and begin writing a book about myself....

      There is a writer... he is a lucid dreamer... in dreams, he is called Nomad. He becomes a god in dreams. It’s a joke... no one gets it... He dreams of a beautiful woman called Selene... He dates two women that look like her... like Grant Morrison... He writes of himself becoming a superhero, Weedman, a multimillionaire playboy writer who dons a ridiculous cannabis Green Man costume at night, and runs around giving people the cure for cancer.

      He writes of himself having a hot girlfriend who is his best friend. He draws sigils and burns them. He forgets he does this. The sigils work. Aliens laugh in joy at his magical madness. He forms a gang of dream warriors, calling themselves VIRUS with the goal of infecting the Hive Mind with the revolutionary idea of equality and peace.

      The writer is about to write about himself getting abducted by aliens, when aliens abduct him, mind, body, and soul. He visits planets in Sirius. He is only gone for five minutes of earth time. The writer appears back in his bedroom, writing about getting abducted by aliens. Everyone thinks he’s insane, but he’s making the comic book companies a lot of money, so they don’t give a shit.

      He publicly states that IBM worked with the Nazis to help them track down Jews to kill them in the death camps. His publishing company cuts all ties with him. He starts his own company, and buys all the equipment in cash.

      He makes e-comics and paper comics. The comics are all completely true, but he writes them as fiction.

      I close the comic.

      What the fuck? That was insane.

      I write in the air, “Tomorrow, I will meet a beautiful woman.” I erase it, and write again, “Tomorrow, I will have a conversation with an interesting, single beautiful woman.” I erase it again. “Tomorrow, I am me, as I always am, and always will be.. a part of everything, and nothing...” I smash the words together into a sigil, crumple it up, and eat it.
    3. Dance in hell

      , 03-16-2011 at 06:41 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I'm on Teraluna with Yuya and Liv.
      Liv is here for the first time.
      The gates would usually prevent any demons from getting into the city, but they let her through because
      she has no dark thoughts.

      Even though everyone is super nice to her she's still extremely shy and clearly feels out of place.
      But she's happy to be here.
      We're sitting at the table in front of Yuya's place talking about all kinds of things.
      There's a bowl with sweets on the table, and I keep sneaking stuff from it because everything is so delicious.
      Lemon marzipan surrounded by black chocolate, yum!

      During the conversation I notice that something is on Liv's mind.
      There's something bothering her, she wants to ask something, but she's too shy.
      I offer her a cookie from the bowl.
      Yuya realizes that there's quite a bit of stuff missing from it.


      I chuckle as she throws something at me. (I think it was a hairpin)
      Liv realizes what's going on and laughs out loud.
      There we go, loose some of that shyness.

      "So Liv, what is it you want to ask?"

      She turns red.
      It takes some time to actually convince her to tell me.
      She finally ends up explaining that she is going to a ball.
      She has to for some reason, and her sisters will be there.
      But she's very uncomfortable going there, because it is common for succubi to seduce someone
      rich or powerful to go with them. She doesn't want to do that though.
      She's known for being shy, which is a bit ridiculous since she's a succubus, and she'll be laughed at if she comes without a 'date'.

      "I don't really see where the problem is."
      "But... I don't..."
      "You could just ask someone to go with you, you know."
      "Nobody would go with me..."

      She's not biting, but I can clearly see it in her face.
      She wants to ask me to go with her.

      "You could ask me for example."
      "Would you.... go with me? ..."

      "Yes, absolutely."

      Yuya says: "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

      "So, where is this ball anyways?"
      "... it's in hell."

      Wait, what?
      I look at Yuya. She doesn't seem concerned, so it probably isn't as dangerous as it sounds.
      Whatever, it'll be an adventure, it's probably going to be awesome...

      ... Liv and I are standing in line... to get into hell I suppose?
      I'm wearing a red and white kimono, as is tradition for dragons according to Yuya.
      Liv's dress reminds me a bit of a prom dress, it's cute, it looks nice on her.
      We're at the entrance... it says "Club Hades".
      I ask Liv:

      "Seriously? Hades?"
      "You know him?"
      "No... he... what?"
      "The club is named after it's owner, he's called Hades."

      I find it funny, but Liv obviously doesn't know about Greek mythology.

      The inside of the club is actually quite awesome. It's in a huge cave, and the place is lit up by pools and fountains of lava.
      I hide my energy at first, because there's a lot of demons here, but that quickly attracts the attention of some predators.
      Some bird-like creature looks at me with an appetite.
      I quickly change my aura and emit some energy to show that I'm a dragon.
      The creature quickly looks away.
      I decide to act confident, as if I have nothing to fear here.

      There are all sorts of creatures here, most of them look humanoid.
      Not all of them appear to be demons though, some clearly aren't and some may very well be human.
      During a conversation Liv explains that this club is some sort of a neutral zone.
      Hades is insanely powerful, nobody would dare to cause any kind of trouble here.

      At some point she introduces my to her sisters.
      There's 3 of them, they're all older than Liv, and clearly not as nice as she is.
      They seduced some men to come with them. The men aren't even aware where they are, they're under complete mind control.
      Her sisters are extremely surprised that she's with a dragon.
      The oldest of them asks how she managed to seduce a dragon.
      I say in a serious and dark voice:

      "She didn't have to."

      That's gonna leave an impression.

      ...I'm a bit surprised that nobody's causing trouble, some creatures look quite aggressive.
      I suppose this place is quite safe indeed.
      Liv is still very shy, but she doesn't show it to the other guests.
      I ask her for a dance. She's quite happy and we go to the dance floor...
      lucid , memorable
    4. fragmented

      by , 01-08-2011 at 09:12 PM
      first fragmet:
      I am in a stone maze. The walls are grey, I can see each individual brick. Shadows show where one brick ends and another begins. There is no ceiling. Three left tuns are available, but no right. I cannot see what i look like. The dream is in a first person point of view...
      second fragment:
      Still in maze... but now i have only one way to go. Through a tall reflective golden gate. The top row of stones arches over the speat tipped top of the gate. Can still see each individual stone. There is only sky on the outside of the gate... Still in first person...
      third fragment:
      I am now on the other side of the gate. I am at a marble dock. In every opening there is a ship with the same color scheme as the dock- white center, gold trim. There are no ropes, anchors, nor poles or tires to hold the ships or keep them from bumping the docks. All of the ships are the exact same. I turn to face the gate, which has closed and locked. As i turn i hear an ominus voice say something about Hell overrunning the earth. I can't tell exactly what the voice says...
      fragment i don't know where to place:
      A close up of two faces against the same sky background as the rest of the dream. the faces have the image quality and look of the final fantasy game Crystal Bearers. the face on my right is of a girl with bluish/purple hair, and eyes that look blue. the face on the left i cannot see well enough to describe...
      Then i wake.
    5. Dark overlord of hell

      by , 12-22-2010 at 01:07 PM (Eonnn's Akashic Records)
      This is by far my most favourite and memorable lucid dream. It's quite evil and it felt so good to feel so powerful and unstoppable.

      I dreamt I was in hell, or a place that could be considered hell. It was night-time but I got the feeling it was always night-time there. The landscape looked like a post-apocalyptic city, with half-destroyed skyscapers and raised highways. I was like some kind of dark overlord of hell, everyone feared me and I looked similar to the grim reaper. I was flying high above the city on a huge black dragon, I felt really powerful and dark/evil, I felt like I owned this place or was some kind of ruler and everyone there feared me. As I was riding this dragon I could see bullets firing up at the sky towards me from the ground. Like people down below were trying to kill me with machine guns. I couldn't see the people I was too high and it was too dark, and their attempts to kill me with bullets was feeble at best because it had no effect on me or the dragon. The bullets would pass straight through me and bounce off the dragon. It made me laugh inside my head as I grinned evily.

      Unfortunately, this dream was cut short and thats all that really happened. But since this dream I have often wondered if perhaps I am some kind of overlord in hell, and when I die I will return to that. I can just imagine walking through the streets and using any kind of power my mind can come up with to kill anyone who crosses my path. I've actually come up with a whole list of the things I could do, and call me evil but its quite fun to think about.
    6. [001]"Hell and Baseball"

      by , 12-15-2010 at 12:50 PM
      The first thing I remember is being at a baseball game. The seats are all orange, and the stadium is rather large. This guy keeps pulling on my arm. When I look down, I notice that he has huge red scars all over his arm. I touch him in the sternum, and he falls down all of the steps and is thrown into the bottom level seats.


      I am in a basement with a few friends(I don't know them in real life. I don't think some were human.) I, along with a few others, are in desks. The rest are in couches. A strange man walks into the room. He has blond shoulder length hair, and a grey overcoat and top hat on, and a dark blue undercoat. He informs me that I have a portal to hell in my basement. Some of my friends start laughing. The man says something about an appendix. The only one there who I know, N, says something else about flies. I look at him and notice a poster behind his head. It is a tongue with a bunch of flies on it.


      In a medieval chapel. Two people are there, a teenager with brown hair, and the previously mentioned blond haired man. (They are dressed like the characters of the old Romeo and Juliet movie.) They are walking rather rapidly toward the exit. The boy tells the blond haired man "you will cease to exist in fifty and nine days."


      Notes: I am getting back into trying to LD. I had a journal going for a few months, but school took over. I have a three week break so I thought I would start back up
    7. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 09-16-2010 at 09:51 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!®

      I Like What You've Done With the Place (DILD)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      I had a pleasant visit to Hell (it felt really homey) wherein I got into a quick spar with Hollow-Controlled Ichigo; it turns out you can chop up your opponent's blade if you swing yours really, really hard.
    8. Milton Goes to Hell

      by , 08-17-2010 at 05:23 AM
      I was an artist. Of more than paint and more than words. I created through raw imagination. I would focus on a canvas and a world would be created inside. My worlds were dark and frightening. My gallary was called "Hell". You could enter through the door but simply opening it was not the way in. Opening the door and stepping through it brought you to just another static gallary of paintings and poetry. You had to make an offering to enter Hell. You dip your fingers in the holy water and instead of crossing yourself you spread the water on the door and listen to it sizzle. Then the veil becomes sheer and Hell can be entered.

      I was trapped. Surrounded by fire. My friend--Cordelia?--made it through before the ring was complete. I'd been here before. I could abandon the poem and run through the fire to the other side, to safety. But not this time. This time the poem had to be completed. This time I didn't know I was reading or writing. "I am Milton," I said. "No you're not," pleaded my friend, "Just jump through the fire!" "I can't," I said, "I must complete the poem." The fire drew closer and there was no longer any hope of escape.

      In the back of my mind I felt an angel turn its head from God. It tore itself away from the Kingdom and descended upon me. "No," I thought, "Not forever!" but it was too late. The angel took me downward and we descended into Hell.
    9. Link in Hell

      by , 07-22-2010 at 12:17 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      Dream starts off with Link from the The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time entering a dark dungeon with grey stone walls. A narrow hall leads to a large square shaped room that has a platform in the center with bridges leading to doors in the southern and eastern walls. The platform is surrounded by dead bodies, hanging from chains, suspended over flaming pits of lava.

      Instead of a creature from the Ocarina of Time the first enemy encountered there is a cacodemon from the Doom videogame series. Link cannot kill it because it floats just out of range of his Master Sword, above his head, near the ceiling. Link escapes through the door in the south and finds himself in a small maze of long halls with many identical looking doors. Most of the doors are fake and the halls dead ends but Link stumbles upon a fake wall in the eastern part of the maze that leads to a room with a treasure chest that contains the Eye of Truth.

      The new treasure reveals which doors are real and which are false and also shows entrances to hallways that were hidden behind fake walls. Down one such hidden halls in the weatern part of the maze Link encounters more cacodemons but is able to kill them this time because the hallways has a very low ceiling and the demons cannot float out of reach of his sword. Beyond them is a short "t" shaped hall extension that Link quickly discovers is booby trapped. When he tries to reach the treasure chest at the far end of the hallway, rockets come flying out of a hidden alcove in the opposite end of the hall. Link's shield is unable to effectively protect him from the exploding rockets so he is forced to retreat to the entrance of the "t" shaped hall to figure out what to do next.

      Just then a cacodemon comes wandering down the hall and Link lures it into the "t" shaped hall. The rockets start firing at the new target, which becomes confused and tries to attack the wall hiding the rocket launcher, and while he has a chance, Link runs to the treasure chest and claims the prize which turns out to be the Biggoron's Sword. He runs out of the hall mazy and back to the central room where there is now one of those brain demons. Despite it being twice the size and strength of a cacodemon, Link makes short work of it with the Biggoron's sword and moves goes through the door in the eastern wall.

      The next room is similar to the hallway maze but instead of walls and fake doors the maze is made up of public bathroom stalls that are all painted light blue. Some stalls are the entrance to new hallways of stalls but because all of the stalls have doors that are closed, Link has to check them all one at a time. For some reason the Eye of Truth will not work here and some stalls contain hidden cacodemons and other monsters, making searching for the exit tedious and frustrating.

      The dream becomes fuzzy but Link ends up in another large room facing more of the brain demons after finding his way out of the bathroom stall maze. There is a door that leads outside and onto the tarmac of a parking lot where a 1979 brown chevy Nova sits. The landscape of the surrounding area is an arid desert like you would find in Arizona. A man behind the wheel of the car, who looks like Bob Hoskins, and a woman with brown wavy hair, urge Link to get in the car.

      The exit of the dungeon smashes open and one of those huge cyberdemons with a rocket launcher for an arm comes stomping out. Link tries cutting it's leg with the Biggoron's sword but it has no effect so he dives into the backseat and the car burns rubber to get out of there and onto a deserted highway. It doesn't go very though because it the blast from an exploding rocket causes it to spin out of control and into a dirt patch on the other side of the highway.

      The three occupants of the car lay low and very still because they believe that if they they do not move the demon will not be able to see them. Apparently it works as the demon seems to have lost sight of the car despite the fact that it is a mere 50 feet away.

      I cannot remember any more of the dream.

      Updated 08-30-2010 at 02:09 PM by 6048

    10. To the Fires of the Furnace

      by , 07-01-2010 at 02:35 AM (From the Drowsy Mind of a Mouse)
      "At the time of your appearing you will make them like a fiery furnace. In his wrath the LORD will swallow them up, and his fire will consume them."
      ~ Psalm 21:9

      This one was epic. It was a video game dream, and those are always fun, and sometimes inspirational. The only downside to a video game dream is that, due to the fact that I saw it as a video game, I can not recall what exactly I did. I don't memorize what I'm doing while gaming unless I actually need to, and I didn't need to. So alas, I can only give a description of how the game worked.
      There was a ghost with a bag. The ghost was a simple, cartoonish thing, and the ghost would go about a 2-D side-scroller platform level collecting stray spirits and avoiding enemies. It was like a treasure hunt, or a puzzle game, but it had a similar feel to Super Mario Bros. 2. The ghost was looking for stray malevolent spirits, mostly fire spirits. He would collect them in his sack and bring them to (this is so awesome) throw them in a furnace to burn for eternity! The incessant moaning became an annoying part of the game, though.

      "brb/collecting spirits to thrust into a furnace for eternity."

      Updated 07-01-2010 at 07:31 PM by 33120

      non-lucid , memorable
    11. #2. Bureaucratic Hell

      by , 06-14-2010 at 03:05 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      March 9, 2010

      My name is Lucifer, and I'm busy.

      "But you have to stay here! You're the Lord of Hell!" says the ex-cherub, who seems to have been recast as my secretary.

      "I don't, actually. I've left this job once, and I'll leave again once I have this place reorganized." I'm standing up at a desk, looking at blueprints.

      I turn toward the ominous wooden door at the other end of the (hellish) office-space. The door leads to a dimension where damned souls are trapped. As they make their way to the door, they inch closer to the end of their torment. At which point, welcome to bureaucratic hell.

      He continues to pester me, "But God wants you to-"

      "Okay, look," I interrupt, "I don't care what God wants. In the actual comic book, Lucifer didn't care what God wanted. Every version of the devil, ever, actively resisted doing anything that God wanted him to do. So what makes you think that I care?"

      I realize that I've broken out of character at this point, but the demon seems to actively resist the idea that this is a dream and I'm not really Lucifer. I decide to be amused instead of summoning up a gale of fire with which to burn him alive. Because, as the devil, I could totally do that.

      Instead, I throw my hands up in the air, metaphorically, and walk through the now-open doorway to the realm of the damned. The door swings shut behind me, cutting off the shrill ranting of my unfortunate secretary.

      I take the form of a woman with short, blonde hair as I take the first steps into the realm usually thought of as Hell. This area is closest to the exit, and as such, is actually fairly pleasant in comparison to the rest of hell. This, of course, means that it's a boring approximation of a cave that slopes slowly downward. The cave curves away in the distance, and I know that it's an infinite spiral to the bottom.

      The soul nearest the door looks like a boy in his young teens, although he probably lived to be older than that. The boy is building a fence up the sloping ground, not noticing as it collapses into inexistance behind him. He is intensely focused on the task, trapped, as all the damned are, in a nightmare of his own creation. I approach, and as I do, I hear deep, threatening barking. The boy reacts in a panic, looking about wildly for the source of the noise, not seeing me.

      Part of the fence has been shaped into a basket-like form, with half-rotten plywood as the bottom. A rottweiler puppy comes into existence as I look at the space, and it barks at the boy. When the boy sees it, he starts to back away from the puppy, and away from the door.

      I'm standing directly beside the puppy, so I pick it up. The dog starts barking and the noise in the boy's nightmare lessens. I look at him, and he sees me for the first time. Finally, his eyes land on the door behind me...


      Bureaucratic Hell. Scare Factor: 3.
    12. Old Dream: Maze Boss

      by , 06-28-2004 at 03:23 AM
      June 27, 2004:
      I had this dream that I had Bunbun and a cat in cages, and they kept getting out, and I was afraid that the cat was going to eat Bunbun so I put her back in her cage, but every time I turned around she was back out of it.

      In the end, I had to keep the cat in the cage and give up on keeping Bunbun in her own cage.

      June 18, 2004:
      Last night I had a dream that the cast of 8 Bit Theater was driving a jet plane down highway 41. I know there was a plot and stuff but I don't remember it, only that they eventually got the plane stuck in a hotel lobby.

      June 30, 2004:
      I had this dream I was fighting the forces of evil in a video game. Or else it was a theme park. But you accessed each room by going through a maze in virtual reality and entering little trap doors. In the end, I had to go to this one area, which had a pretty cool design scheme, and go to the "Jail", which was also technically a portal to Hell. Everything was on fire and the main boss I had to fight was impervious to normal weapons. I realized that in order to kill him, I was going to have to bring a mage with me or else get magical weapons (I was thinking of getting a gun with enchanted bullets). But I realized that enchanted weapons probably wouldn't be enough, nor would one person. So I raised an army and we went and stormed the building and brought that mofo down.
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