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    1. August 21, 2024 12:00 am

      by , 08-20-2024 at 11:17 PM
      I was once again criticising the nonsense being posted on LinkedIn, just to get approached by Disney to be working on their next cartoon which was gonna be super abstract "inspired by that recent vaporwave trend", kinda Regular Show type of episodes.

      Imagine my disappointment as I woke up in my tent realising it was a dream T_T
    2. cccxcv. "Chapeling", Red hand portal, Dithering at a car park

      by , 07-07-2022 at 03:00 PM
      2022 June 21st


      Me and H travel to a place called Chapeling that's apparently near London in southern England. It's a 300 mile drive from where we were? We go there to have a look at this small pipe organ that sits in a little chapel building which is beside a main church building.

      Overcast day outside. Town streets and so on.

      2022 June 22nd


      Something about showing someone a little organ. At some kind of concert or theatre hall, a vast one at that, but the wood all seems very bare like all its polish has worn off and nobody has taken care of the place for a while.

      (recall gap)

      Something about needing to get some homework done. I have my black laptop bag with me and whatever I need for my homework is in there I think. I keep being distracted or pulled away from doing it and later I am climbing some kind of abstract structure made up of large red long nailed bony hands. It's part of some kind of dimensional portal or threshold.

      Later, on the other side of said portal. Something about Warcraft 3 game mechanics. I want to buy a mini town hall item and destroy a human settlement to take their gold mine.

      2022 June 25th


      I'm outside, at a Lidl car park. It's about seven in the morning and it's light but not as bright as it should be for this time of the year. I'm deciding whether I should get closer and do some shopping or not. There's a white man in the parking lot. He's getting some stuff ready round the back of his car. At some point I realise the shop won't be open for another hour at least. I dither about for a while, wondering if I should bother crossing the road and going back home or if I should just wait it out. I think it may have felt a bit cool outside.


      - Trying to look for a place called "Chapeling" somewhere near London didn't really result in anything. I suspect the location name in the dream was simply tied to the context of the attached chapel. I've not heard the word before, not in any situation that I can think of anyway, but it's a fairly straightforward construction and likely easily created by automatic and associative dream logic and the like.

      - Unfortunately, I've lost any visual recall I might have had of the abstract structure made up of red hands, which is a shame really because these are often the type of things I like to try and recreate in art. I might still try recreating something alike if I can think of a composition I like.
      -- I still have some visual recall of the rest of the dreaming in this entry, at the time of writing.

      - For some reason I've come to use dithering as an expression more often of late; it's not a new expression to me, but it's not one I've typically used a lot.
    3. Strange star | [25.04.2021]

      by , 04-25-2021 at 04:44 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Strange star
      I am viewing stars in a sort of program, but it's somehow also real, as if I am flying through space myself. There is a sort of feeling that is somewhat scary, and also a bit exciting. I come past stars that look like normal stars, glowing in their usual red, blue and yellow. But then I come across a massive structure. It reminds me of the death star, but as I look closely, the structure is much different. It seems artistic, with abstract geometry.

      There was something that happened before that, but I don't quite remember.
    4. Problem Solved

      by , 06-11-2018 at 02:28 AM (Night Vision)
      This was a dream from early in the night, which may explain some of the peculiarities. I—and I may or may not have been me—mention some ongoing problem to my mother—who definitely wasn’t my actual mother. Neither of us actually seem to be represented visually in the dream: I perceive her as a powerful and protective energy, and I am observing somewhere from outside of the “I” character—I guess whom I also recognize by ‘feel’. The only clear imagery from this part I can recall is the setting—the basement of my old house in M---.

      I guess I was just complaining about it, but she takes it as a call to action and immediately sets to work. She first does something to me to keep me from interfering in any way—like an abstract version of shutting me up in a room. It had been a problem that I considered tough and protracted—I can’t remember any more about it than that—but she takes care of it with astonishing ease. And then she lets me go.

      But I manage to get into some kind of trouble again not long after that—in a forest, almost falling into a freezing-cold river I don’t see because of the snow covering it. Fortunately, she comes along and is able to get me somewhere safer, but I can’t convince her I’m not getting into dangerous situations in purpose, and so she does the shutting-in-room thing again.

    5. Abstract dimensions

      by , 11-20-2017 at 09:50 AM
      Im viewing multiple rooms in multiple dimensions as something is passed from one to the next in a cycle. A machine swings its mechanical arm around in an arc to catch something in the next dimension, as it does my view switches to the next. I spend a lot of time trying to workout the process. Hmm next similarly abstract, I have some kind of food that will sustain me for an exact amount of time and I am trying to figure something out Oo.

      At a strange supermarket, I am chatting to the assistants when I see behind them a rocky outcrop/hillside. I go out for a walk around then decide to go jogging with my daughter, i'm very happy about this.
      Tags: abstract
    6. Being a Paragraph in my Bed

      by , 10-06-2017 at 04:06 PM
      Morning of October 6, 2017. Friday.

      Something has happened to my physical form, but possibly only as I am “sleeping”.

      I think of myself as a paragraph of writing, in the form of a hazy cloud of about four feet long, hovering a few inches above our bed. Being a paragraph incarnate makes me feel somewhat vulnerable. I am aware of Zsuzsanna sleeping om my left, but my viewpoint is curiously from somewhere in the center of our bed at times.

      Other than being only a hazy cluster of “words” hovering a short distance above our bed, there is a perception of having an additional “shell” at times, or some sort of armor, but which comes and goes. There is no viable perception of having a physical body. I vaguely remember an affirmation (“I am of the healing powers of Universal Mind”) but I do not fully grasp or sustain it.

      I turn in my “sleep”. It is like a twisting that “rolls” from “head” to “foot” when I do. It occurs about four times. I am aware that having transformed into the form of a paragraph relates to my illness (food poisoning). I only feel slightly ill in the dream state.

      Before I am fully awake, I start to realize aspects of this abstract dream’s source. It is quite old and it has been years since this memory was more present. Years ago, in an animated version (shown on television a few times) of “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”, there was a scene where a boy informed the main character that he was a page. The Connecticut Yankee responded by saying something like “A page? You’re no more than a paragraph.” Additionally, having the “armor” around my cloudy form relates to the (King Arthur) knight association with the story. The perceived “suit of armor” is obviously a biological symbol of wishing to be protected from the norovirus. The rest, including “being a paragraph”, is incidental to this association with the Mark Twain story, which I had not thought about for a long time.

      Since early childhood, my non-lucid dreams, other than prescient or precognitive threads, have often resolved themselves in meaning in a form of light hypnopompic thinking (as well as reveal source patterns that created my dream in the first place), which is often carried directly into conscious afterthought (although this process is occasionally “replaced” by a false awakening where I am writing down my dream or talking about it with someone else). In a way, this has always been like having two dreams in succession, the original dream (often surreal or at least unusual and illogical) and the decoding of its meaning while waking or in a different (much lighter) level of unconsciousness. (It was not until I was about seventeen years old that I started to come to terms with the fact that most people were apparently not like this.)

    7. WILD from a Theater Seat

      by , 06-26-2016 at 08:05 PM
      I am in a large movie theater. Somehow I am both aware of the details of the theater as well as my physical body and the sound of the fish aquarium in my bedroom. I decide since I appear to be "halfway" between worlds, I want to try to go deeper, so I sit down in one of the theater seats and attempt a WILD, or at least a hybrid version of WILD since I'm already dreaming. I feel my body begin the usual distortions I experience with a WILD. I am also aware of the sound of my aquarium growing dimmer as I go deeper into the dream space. Twice I feel myself transition into the void until my aquarium is no longer in the background, but then I am pulled back by the sound again. Each time I snap back I am in the theater again, not my bed, but still holding the awareness of both my physical space and the dream space.

      On my third try, I finally push all the way into the void and disassociate completely from my body and the background noise of my bedroom. As my vision becomes clearer, I realize I am looking at bright red geometric shapes against a background that looks like outer space. I am enthralled by the scene, wanting to go further into it to see what I am really looking at. I move further "into" the scene, watching the red glowing shapes swirl all around me. I wonder if I have somehow moved into another dimension because everything is so abstract and alien.

      Unfortunately I woke up in my bed before I could explore any further.
    8. Non-Lucid w/ the ex inlaws

      by , 04-02-2016 at 08:26 PM
      I was dreaming that my first husband's family & I were all at some shopping mall & bowling alley but it was all abstract & jumpy like scenes. I don't know another word to describe it. It's like the scene changes all the time. Like we would be talking in a shower, at a table, in a restaurant that has those half wall looking things that have those glass cubes. We all were just talking about what to do about something but I can't remember what it was. It wasn't the normal banter w/ these ppl but it didn't feel real off either. Dreams about these ppl come & go because my first husband was the bio dad to my oldest son & my twin daughters. My current husband is their dad however & I am the mom to our youngest son (his bio mom is not in the picture). I would have remembered more but my Meesha (cat) was all over me during the night. I found out she has worms so I guess she wasn't very comfortable but I bought her some meds today & hope she calms down.
    9. Abstract Music

      by , 09-04-2015 at 07:10 AM
      Morning of September 4, 2015. Friday.

      My senses are not very clear in this sequence. Firstly, I am playing some sort of game with an unseen character (seemingly by proxy via some sort of radio broadcast but he may also be “present” though disembodied) though the plays and outcome are quite abstract and hard to describe and follow. The playing field is illogically on an otherwise featureless area of an electronic keyboard (where the voice settings and other features would otherwise be). There is something to do with placing very short lengths of “hair” (of only about one centimeter) into a pattern that seems to have no particular form. It seems difficult and annoying. We had apparently been playing awhile because the shape that is supposedly mine is like a large circular form, but it seems the other character is winning (though I am not sure why or even what the purpose or rules are). Eventually, as I do not seem to be the winner, I pick up my game result and it is somewhat like a furball though seemingly made of drawn lines that somehow are separated from the surface that they were originally drawn on.

      Later, I am on my side in a bed that is outside near an isolated intersection in a wooded area during the afternoon. I get a vague impression that there may be large dinosaurs (such as a tyrannosaurus) in the area. There is no fear or perceived threat of any kind, though. It is almost as if I am aware I can create any creature I want and have it run around by the intersection and along the perimeter of the forest. I absentmindedly choose not to focus more clearly to do this, though. Instead I am playing around with an electronic drum kit that also is like a digital sampler to capture at least an octave range of a particular sample.

      I press something (some sort of small rectangular button) and sample the ambiance of the area, which is barely audible. I try to play a melody on the pads, but the sample is not loud enough to hear. I try again and get some ambiance that is slightly louder, but mostly only wind through the trees, my breathing, and a distant (unknown) animal sound. From here, I am able to play a random melody with a rather odd sound (almost like a person saying “huh?”), though which eventually sounds more and more like an electric guitar. I remember that sound can be recorded from anywhere and turned into anything else.
    10. Strange Weather for Healing

      by , 04-04-2015 at 09:02 PM
      Morning of April 4, 2015. Saturday.

      I am lucid in this dream, though it is not of the level of lucidity that enhances the dream state to full vividness and highly focused dream-self awareness. It starts out at our present address on W street, rendered fairly accurately in layout and overall appearance. My wife is with me for most of the events. Two unknown people (late forties perhaps - male and female though not necessarily a couple), dressed somewhat formally as for a business, are on our porch while there is a storm beginning. A thicker bolt of lightning comes down and strikes them, actually curving around underneath the eaves, seemingly knocking them unconscious. I decide to summon the lightning to strike me to see what will happen (regarding my in-dream state of awareness) as well as thinking it may improve my physical well-being. I am not able to do this though and become somewhat annoyed though not outright angry.

      Later, my wife and I are on a crowded bus in a larger city though the storm seems to threaten to tip the bus over. We get off the bus and the other people do as well, though we hold a cheerful disposition. There is a strange sudden heavy rain that blows horizontally (mostly only in one small area of the street, near the corner) and for a moment, almost seems like a large unseen hose spraying from the front of the bus (from near the rear-view mirror). It is not even near us so we do not get wet.

      I am later walking down the sidewalk and there is a large gnarled tree that actually moves one lower branch to avoid physical contact with me, which annoys me in the manner of an insult. I then demand (though without projected anger in my voice) that the tree make contact with me and heal me. The branch perfectly forms the shape of a human hand and holds it over the back of my wrist. (This reflects somewhat on a long vivid dream of over twenty years ago where trees on a boulevard reached down to caress my face and express love though the mood is entirely different here.) The mood is not fully positive though, and my lucidity is not that pronounced - though I am still aware that I am making most of my dream’s contents.

      Later, it seems to be after sunset and there is still some sort of unusual storm activity (but not directly threatening in any way). My dream takes on a similar mood and setting as previous dreams where I am looking straight up at the sky; the zenith (and almost always with abstract features). It actually seems to take place in the same setting as other similar dreams somewhere in the southwest area of La Crosse. (It is not anything like the “remember the twilight” dreams where I watch lights or other things and events in the sky over the horizon with a nostalgic sense.) The sky is very unusual regarding the cloud formations and I also see various “objects” moving around, such as an orange trapezoid and other geometric shapes now and then, though which seem two-dimensional and not related to a spacecraft of any kind. From here, my dream becomes too distorted to hold cohesion of any kind. The sky; the zenith; becomes a random hodgepodge of abstract morphing shapes.

      Updated 08-15-2015 at 06:24 PM by 1390

    11. Trek and Abstract

      by , 02-04-2015 at 10:16 AM
      Morning of February 4, 2015. Wednesday.

      I keep moving in and out of sleep over a couple hours but stay in the same general dream environment and level of consciousness. At one point I open my eyes and watch an animation of a hand-drawn red and blue daisy on the wall above the real telephone (red and blue alternating petals). I do not try to shake it off as the hypnopompic stage it is - I am not getting out of bed yet anyway. It wiggles insect-like at times, and wavy lines “swim” out from it on the wall in all directions (one “jumping” over the phone chord), as the daisy drawing breaks up into its individual smaller lines. I look near the ceiling on the wall in the room to my left. High on the wall is a series of handwritten years (each about four inches high); 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and so on, in a column, alternating in red and blue writing for each year (for example one year written in blue, the next down in red, the next down in blue, and so on), about seven or eight dates. I am not sure of the relevance.

      Over time, I keep turning to either my left or ride side (typically alternating in seemingly “precisely timed” stages) taking care not to bump my sleeping wife and making sure it is done at the right time relating to the “proofreading” system I sometimes indulge in. My task is to read through someone else’s writing - three or four paragraphs, I think; I am not sure of the content anymore. The “paragraphs” are an orange fluffy ball hanging in the air (lit from the inside as if in photographic negative), about four feet up and to the right of the bed. I have to move my essence up and down through it to “download” the English writing. I have to “read” and “reread” this orange-fluffy-ball and mentally correct any spelling errors. It gets rather boring at times…It is almost like a featureless porcupine fish rendered in the wrong area, though it is not close enough to my sleeping body to be that annoying.

      At one point, I am lying on a porch at an unknown residence. I am lying there mentally reading through a newspaper that is lying open near where I am, no need to turn the pages - I read it in a dream within my dream. This is not the right newspaper, though; I am actually looking for a CD that came with a particular newspaper, something relating to animal sounds made by students in a special project - I see the advertisement for it being in another newspaper. The front door opens and an older frail man looks out at me, seemingly annoyed at first, but then he offers me a place to sleep, but then I tell him I am okay where I am. He apparently sees me as a homeless teen.

      A new “Star Trek” (original series) episode is being filmed in the large parking lot of a shopping mall in La Crosse (near the old Quillin’s IGA area). I am within the story itself at first, as if it is all “real”. I am on the Enterprise and I watch the activities of a Klingon ship from a window at the end of a very small downward-slanted hallway (nothing like this on the actual show in real life) - it is close and I see a lot of detail but it does not fire. Later, I am walking around in the parking lot and see that all the ships are miniature. Does this mean all the actors had been miniaturized as well? I see no larger sets representing the inside of ships. It seems very late at night. After a short time of exploration in the parking lot, I look down at a model of the Enterprise and comment on how much of it is made of cardboard, though in fact, it is actually sitting over a rectangular cardboard “fence” and not with any cardboard in the plastic model itself.

      Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner, both seeming only around forty years old at the most, are seated on benches. I ask William Shatner if they are making a new “Star Trek” episode (again, as part of the original series) and he says “yes” quite cheerfully and I say “cool” with a warm sincerity, not remembering they are rather old now and that it is not 1969 anymore.
      lucid , false awakening
    12. Body Transitions

      by , 01-27-2015 at 02:35 PM
      Morning of January 27, 2015. Tuesday.

      I am in a somewhat uncomfortable dream state (likely from being overheated) and in reality am farther down on the bed than usual, somewhat in a sideways fetal position. I am mostly in muddled states of creative thought where I am trying to get my body to “rematerialize” correctly. Usually, it is only about two-thirds the correct size. I am also slightly hovering, shifting into body forms that suggest static statue forms for the most part, but sometimes distracting abstract tangents.

      Some of the forms are just too abstract to build on, so this will not do - I cannot exist in an “abstract body”, suggestive of human or not - I might just float around and not have full control that way. I have to live and breathe in an anatomically correct physical body. It is difficult (relative to establishing more mental clarity) and mentally laborious trying to bring all the molecules together so that I may live in my body again after it is correctly remade, sometimes floating about a foot from my bed. At one point, my body is like “The Thinker”, but on his side and half the size of my actual body. Sections of my body in one last session and attempt are still missing as I decide to abandon the process.
    13. A Night of Human Pachinko - My first recollected, semilucid dream.

      by , 12-26-2012 at 08:13 PM
      I fell asleep last night peacefully after Christmas dinner, after all family went home expecting little to occur other than to attain rest and respite from my Girlfriend's absence, who is on a trip to Indiana now(which is very far from our home city of Albuquerque). As I slowly dosed off, I couldn't really remember or realize I was in any dream till I woke up at 7 AM today, took my dog out to use the restroom, then came back in and got in bed. It was then, once I lost consciousness, my first semi-lucid dream occurred...

      I'm sitting in a rather abstract living room that gives off an aura of being similar to one of my good friend's living rooms. I'm sitting on a couch awkwardly positioned in front of a large screen television, playing a Super Mario game with children with no easily recognizable identity. Having fun at first I slowly realize that I don't actually have controller in hand, and that every child there is slowly disappearing. Not concerned, I continue to (somehow) play the game regardless until no one is in the room playing with me. At this point, a person with a face walks in, though it isn't a face I necessarily recognize. She's a women, seemingly in her late twenties to early thirties. She gives me the impression of being a family relation, though one I've not encountered before. She begins questioning me about what I'm doing. In response I attempt to explain Super Mario from the perspective of someone trying to get her to play along with me, seeing as all other players have disappeared. I get around half way finished doing this when suddenly I seem to have teleported into the TV, yet Super Mario isn't what's on display anymore. Instead, I'm greeted with the sight of a face-less -shapeless crowd-like entity, looking on into an arena in which I, and many others are standing, wearing color coated clothing (Though I can't recall the colors now, I know they varied from groups of people and were all similar to single color unitards). Some men were stuffed into very tightly fitting hamster-balls, requiring them to curl up into a tight human ball in order to fit. Then suddenly a burst of joy came from the crowd as one of the human balls were loaded up into the first section of a strange device. It glowed red, and appeared to have the aesthetic of an old treasure chest, if that same treasure chest had been imported to the TRON universe, and then re-styled graphically to fit in with a rather cartoonish color pallet, just like the rest of this dream now. However, as they pressed a trigger to launch the first person fourth into a now revealed massive ball-rollercoaster, the machine stopped functioning. A loud yell called over to me over an announcement speaker, informing me that it was my duty to fix the machine. Knowing not what to do, I ran over, jumped on top of the machine, hunched over like a spider to retain balance, and stomped on it. It worked. The human-hamster-ball was catapulted fourth with great speed and power, shooting down tracks as if on an oil-slick. Then suddenly, bam, smacks right into the second non-functioning part of the ride. Exactly like the red chest, this new chest only differed in the sense that it glowed yellow. Fixing it in the same manor I fixed the red one, the hamsterballman was launched once more from red to yellow, this time flowing through yellow and somehow speeding up like crazy, even blasting through a loop in the track without losing any momentum. Then in a third instance of failure, he smashed into both a wall and a third chest, this one green, at the same time. Backtracking all the way through the strange game-track, I ran over to the green chest, mounted and stomped on it, noticeably needing to do more than previous to get the chest to function. However, it was fixed, just like all the rest. Looking back down to the beginning of the track, I saw that the hamsterballman's hamsterball had broken. He was slowly fading away, everyone panicking, yet another man preparing to get into a light turquoise hamsterball. Rushing down to the scene, I warned the light blue hamsterball man of his fate. I suddenly felt a friend-like bond to this man, despite not truly knowing his face. I remember he had a goatee, and dual pony tails. He had dirty blonde hair, and a freckled dirty face, that if anything else, reminds me of a genderbent pippy long-stocking. He simply nodded in response to my warnings however, got into his ball, and was loaded by the others into the machine. He was launched. Red catapulted him to yellow, yellow launched him through the loop at higher speed, he hit green and was seemingly bound to the wall with a strange green oily substance that let out a strange syrup-like smack as he ran up the wall. He then made it to the cat walk, where I remember faintly a light purple door awaiting him on the rafters. Yet unfortunately I don't know what became of this man, seeing as I woke up shortly after that, and began writing this.
    14. College/ Outside World

      by , 11-23-2012 at 05:13 AM
      College World
      -Walking around big and wide hallways, I looked for the classroom that looked different, yet it was still a stadium-designed classroom. Not sure what class I was taking, or if I was taking a class at all. There was a girl, as I walked into the classroom, who had several pairs of black-rimmed glasses, whether they were sun glasses or 3-D. She handed me one of the pairs. I was somewhat confused as to what they were for.
      - University-size classrooms
      - Walking into the university-size classrooms, noticing the seating similar to a stadium, where people walk up and down the stairs to enter their seats.
      -Being called on for attendance by a man and seeing my name on some sort of board on a wall. I may have heard him also call my name. Still not sure what was happening.
      - Thinking and noticing how huge the classroom was. How exaggeratively huge it looked.
      - In the same classroom, I walked up some stairs and past a podium right behind a bunch of people with both cap & gowns as well as casual clothes. Wondering what people were wearing the gowns for, thinking maybe they were graduating or something. The stairs looked deep, yet I do not remember where those stairs went. As I walked down to the lower half of the room, the area got darker. Interesting feeling.
      - Remember being outside, sunny weather, and walking down an abstract jungle gym type of playground equipment. Going down the abstract jungle gym, seemed and felt twisty and turvy. It was awesome. Though It was kind of interesting because the gym was very complex walking down the stairs. Following a group of people down the gym, yet not knowing who they were.

      Back to the college world....
      -Being in a dark area in the college building or just a school building. Walking down a dark hallway, feeling like there was a party going on. Seeing people in the dark area.

    15. the brown slimy dream

      by , 05-09-2011 at 01:05 AM (Flying Spaghetti Dreams)
      i remember feeling very concerned about the state of affairs of my family & friends but i was very distracted by the sensory perceptions of brown and sliminess (like brown slimy mushroom caps) i was experiencing.
      weird.. woke up pretty confused and feeling like there was more to recall but had to get to uni.