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    1. Pills, Mall, Road Trip, Lucidity

      by , 11-02-2013 at 11:51 AM
      Hi! I had another lucid :D. Every time I go lucid I am always in a car, hopefully I learn to go lucid when Im not in a car. Last night I went to sleep early because I was tired and also my stomach was hurting. I just kept falling asleep on the couch so I just went to bed at around 8 or 9, really early for me. I usually have trouble falling asleep by midnight. Anyways here's how my dream went.

      Earliest part I remember was buying pills in the mall. It was inside this weird store that was pretty much purple and had a little stand in the middle where I got my pills. I let this girl see the pills and I thought she gave them back. I had a bottle of my new pills and my old pills, she looked at the old ones. As I was leaving the store I looked inside the bottle for my old pills and there was nothing there. I looked at her and she started trying to walk away, I chased her down and kept trying to get my pills back. I got this little pamphlet from her with some of the pills in a baggy on it or some pills that stick to the pamphlet in an orderly fashion. I couldn't check if they were all there so I kept chasing her and getting my pills back. After a while, like 5 minutes dreamtime, she got to this maze. I kept going along the side of this maze and she came out right in front of me and I took my bag of pills back. Then she tried to grab them back and the bag ripped and it went all over the floor.

      The next part was my sister and me in the car going somewhere, she was driving. For some reason I think she is the girl trying to steal my pills in the mall. I also tell her I have to go home but she gets her friends in the car and she says nope and they start driving somewhere else. So at this point I am really angry over everything she has done so far so I smash her head through the windshield and push it against the window through the broken glass so her head comes off. Her friends keep driving and somehow her head grows back. I sit there a while and then [COLOR="#0000CD"]I realize I'm dreaming. I look at my hands in the car (my car) and it looks exactly like real life its crazy. I look over to my sister and shes reaching her hand out trying to touch me like a zombie, I fly out the open window and land along the side of the road. I quickly try rubbing my hands together and it works for a bit. I look around and I'm in a road with wheat on both sides, or very tall grass and a tree on the right side, when I'm on the left side. Past the wheat is a forest, it's in the afternoon and everything looks awesome. I fly into the air again and I chase the car down, Im about to shoot an energy blast to blow up the car from the air but I accidentally wake myself up.[/COLOR]
      lucid , memorable
    2. 1st Nov 2013 Fragments and MiniLD

      by , 11-01-2013 at 03:05 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was browsing DA and viewing dragon images, then there was some discussion about flying and somebody posted that he "Accidentally nom'd instructions".

      Dream 2(fragments):

      Something is going on at home and then i go to bed, but while standing(?) on bed i realize that i am dreaming, and also notice that bed is in wrong place. I leap towards window nearby but dream instantly fades.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was watching some video which was showing some game ab out gangsters and noticed that really unfitting for video touhou music is playing for some reason: Voyage 1970.
    3. Driving Car, LUCIDITY!!

      by , 10-31-2013 at 02:37 PM
      I apparently always go lucid when Im driving.

      Anyways I dont remember much at all about my dreams last night except when I went lucid. I was driving my car and I just knew it was a dream, I didn't do a reality check or anything I just realized I was dreaming. I rubbed my hands together so I wouldnt wake up and I tried driving around for a bit but it didn't last long and I woke up. Thats pretty much all I remember

      I only have this one other fragment of playing this game where I had to pour this liquid in little grooves on a board. I let it drip and the girl next to me told me I lost cause if it drips then you lose.
      Tags: car, driving, lucid
      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    4. 29th Oct 2013 Fragments and MiniLD, Artist

      by , 10-29-2013 at 02:41 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/nap.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      There was something about decisions and clans.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was updating dreaming competition and seen that somebody posted a dream about akashicverse.

      Dream 3(fragment):

      An illustrated game on one of forums got updated and i was reading it.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was chatting with dragons on skype and then followed some link where i started watching somebody drawing. He was drawing some weird house and i didn't noticed as i somehow was together with artist now. I continue watching and i feel that i am dreaming, artist suddenly reacts to that and asks what i would suggest that should be added to that picture, which now looked like some sort of abandoned house. For some reason i think graffiti would be fitting for abandoned place like that so i tell him and he agrees that it would be perfect and starts adding, i then realize that i need to go for goals and stuff, but dream starts destabilizing and artists tries to help me stay in dream telling that i should not move but i wake up shortly and go through some HH.
    5. 27th Oct 2013 Fragments about dragons and MiniLD FA

      by , 10-27-2013 at 02:52 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I am looking around net for some dragon pics and then at some point i wake up i notice it"s different room, i do RC and stabilization then go towards window, i try to phase around it since it's blocked by curtain, but curtain still gets in the way and dream destabilizes.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      For a part of a dream i was in quadruped stance and felt wings i was searching for something then it turned into video game and i was going around some base, then i joined massive attack on enemy base and we were fighting some mutants that looked like ones from far cry, then i went to ingame editor and was looking around.

      Dream 3(fragment):

      I was chatting with someone about dragons.
    6. It's Been A While. But, unintentional WILD!

      by , 10-26-2013 at 07:32 PM
      Yeah. So Its been over two weeks since my last LD, hopefully it will be a dry spell if I can manage to LD more frequently.
      Today I woke at 6:45 - very slowly. I was so groggy. I worked out, had breakfast, showered and went to two classes. I got back to my room and took a nap. I fell asleep quickly. Its been a long week. I have been using the mantra 'I notice details and become aware' before I fall asleep and sporadically throughout the day. When I use it sporadically, I practice noticing details in my environment.
      So how'd I get lucid? Well, as I was falling asleep I pretended to become lucid in the short daydreams I experienced before bed. I asked where one of my friends where he was going next year and he said, "Toyota." I then thought, Toyota is not a place, and pretended to become lucid. Then, as I fell deeper asleep I had some H.H., I offended a dog somehow and it Put its mouth over my bent knee and began to bite it. This got me aware and woke up my mind as I fell asleep. I then decided to wait for a dream scene to begin.
      I could feel my consciousness floating thru my mind and thinking how relaxing it was. When the dream scene formed, I was not completely in control of my actions. I was also not completely aware. I was lucid, but not aware, just kind of going thru the motions. I was going to kiss this girl in my dream. I did an RC to check that I was dreaming, as to not screw up my normal life if I wasn't dreaming. Everything faded after that, or I simply do not remember.
      I am going to try to focus more on control than doing things in my dreams.
      Thanks for reading
      ~ BB316
      Tags: lucid, wild
    7. Nightmare with happy ending

      by , 10-26-2013 at 01:32 PM
      I haven't been paying much attention to my dreams lately because I've been busy, but tonight I've had a nightmare which has randomly turned into a lucid dream.

      I was walking down a street when I found this guy staring at me and started harassing me. I got scared and turned to the left, into a very dark street. I couldn't see a thing, but I could hear his motorbike chasing after me. I tried to run, but my body felt very heavy and I was unable to. I have to say I tend to have dreams where someone is chasing after me and trying to hurt me, and every time I find that my body feels too heavy for me to run.

      Thing is, I got into a building to hide from him, and while I was waiting, I thought it was strange that I couldn't run and that I had to be dreaming. Once aware, I decided I could turn the situation around to my advantage, that I had to do something to prevent the dream from fading away. When he got into the building, I stood before him and told him to stop chasing after me and trying to hurt me. All of a sudden, he didn't look dangerous anymore. I stopped for a second to think what to do next and I did what first came to my mind I could do with a guy in a lucid dream. I made him sit on a couch, sat on him and got it on with him.

      This is the second lucid experience I've had since I got started with all this. I have to admit that this last month and a half I haven't quite done any reality checks or practised anything like ADA, so I wasn't expecting to have a lucid experience again yet. Hopefully, I'll get back to it now.

      Updated 04-16-2014 at 02:46 PM by 64401

      lucid , nightmare
    8. Multiple Short LD's/Normal Dream

      by , 10-26-2013 at 08:07 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1:
      I talk to an old lady and she brings up the convocation about Creatine. She say's that she had previously thought it contained ammonia in it. I had heard this before and said I too thought that. We continued talking about Creatine and were talking about the immunity benefits to it, and that there's still a lot of unknown benefits that have yet to be discovered.

      I get asked a question by a teacher. It's about what was written on the piece of paper. In some what a lie, I say yes. I do know what was written but it slipped my mind earlier. She asks what was written, and I think long and hard, but couldn't remember. She hands me a piece of paper that had the information on it.

      We talked about someone called Tracey Lee?

      I see a category of what I can choose from. The choices were, Health and a lot of other options which I don't remember.

      Dream 2:
      Time Lucid - 10 secs
      Non lucid - grey text
      Semi Lucid - red text
      Lucid - blue text

      I'm on a bus and I see Daryl two seats in front of me. He's trying to tune a black girl. I think to myself, Daryl is clueless when it comes to picking up women. He said something to the girl which was a joke, and she knew it was a joke, but he kept insisting it was a joke. I start to feel a strong emotion of awkwardness, as I come to my senses that this is in fact a dream. I know I'm dreaming, even without reality checking. I try to get up out of the bus chair, but I'm stuck. I attempt again, but no luck. I wake up.

      Dream 3:
      Time Lucid - 30 secs
      Non lucid - grey text
      Semi Lucid - red text
      Lucid - blue text

      I'm at Jamie S's house, outside in his backyard. I see 2 dogs? they're eating their pigs ear treat.

      I'm on my Dads computer. I suddenly realize I'm dreaming, without really anything weird happening. I do a nose plug which doesn't work. I now try the hand and it looks a bit off. I try to stabilize the dream by going through my senses. I first take a strong whiff of the air, but I feel myself losing the dream. I attempt something that I've never tried before, and that's falling forward straight into the ground. As I hit the ground, I don't feel it. I see blackness, and feel a sensation of rocking up and down. This happens for a few seconds, and then I end up in a bed in a random house. I get out of bed and see 50+inch TV in the distance with something on the screen. I walk into a lounge room, it's my old house in blacks land. I see a cat on the couch and I try and chase it down, but it's too quick and hisses at me. I grab the cat eventually and then wake up.

      Dream 4:
      Dream ended - 8:25am
      Time Lucid - 1 min
      Non lucid - grey text
      Semi Lucid - red text
      Lucid - blue text

      I think my mum passed away and I was thinking about the heart attack. I see a bath with stuff in it, so I decide to step into the bath and push my feet into it. I wake up, and turn it into a DEILD. I see a scene come on like none other. I see a tree and the image comes closer and closer, to the point of where I actually go inside a flower. I see a fuzzy flower image spinning around. I get projected straight into a dream scene where I am standing in a bush. My vision is weird, it's as if I have no peripheral vision. It gets worse and worse, so I try and pry my eyes open with no such luck. I try to pull off my sleeping mask, but same thing. I even take off my glasses and throw them front of me and kick them like a football. My vision comes good eventually and I see 2 football ovals in the distance. I think I'm at my home towns football oval's car park. I decide to do something I have heard before to what I thought would prolong the dream, but really it's only for vividness. I bend my fingers back to break them, but not too long after I awaken.
      I think I did another nose plug which didn't work again.
    9. 25th Oct 2013 Short Lucid, midget

      by , 10-25-2013 at 02:57 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps, had difficult time falling asleep but still got lucid in the end.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      Something about dragons and barriers.

      Dream 2:

      I still "can't" fall asleep but then i realize that room is different, in fact it's different room of my home, i go around and stabilize, then i go on all four and find some midget who asks if i need help, i ask him about dragon form but he just goes away, i end up going around rooms and finding a distorted mirror, near which i find him again, i ask again but he still doesn"t responds, i think about going outside but dream fades.
    10. 24th Oct 2013 CW3 level, Being dragon in spiral knights and Glitchy lucid with teleportation success

      by , 10-24-2013 at 03:26 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today"s WBTB/nap.

      Dream 1:

      I was playing creeper world 3, custom level. Started in top right and there was apparently some sort of enemy base near the bottom left corner of the map which was connected through rotated S-like way to start. There were also creeper emitters all around and bunch of stuff to the right of the base. I've started progressing and apparently had to fight enemy forces like an RTS, as well as creeper, which was apparently controlling those enemy forces. I've managed to clear enemy base using turrets and destroy specific building, which freed the base and gave all it's units to me. I've built two artillery cannons, one on charger, and easily cleared up the remaining part of the map.

      Dream 2:

      I was playing SK with some T3 newbie, we have reached some dark purple place with obelisks that was apparently newly added place to arcade which allowed to access danger missions from arcade runs. Also custom models were added and my player model was a black dragon. We decided to do Compound 42 but i forgot to change equips which were weaker versions of fire breath and fire ball that i was leveling up for upgrading. I've left to change equips and we decided to restart mission from mission menu.
      Then i wake up and feel
      that i am dreaming. I stabilize and go to balcony door, i try to phase through it but something goes wrong and i get outside of the place's boundaries into the void in some glitchy state. I try to get out but then i wake up again, or rather, get awaken by somebody, i still feel that i am dreaming and i go to try again with balcony door. Halfway towards it i wake up again, bed is in wrong position and i feel that i am dreaming, movement is glitchy but i manage to get up eventually. I look around for portals and then i just decide to teleport by going through the wall. It works and as i go through wall view kinda gets pixelated for a bit with white pixels forming squares. Then i find myself falling through some large dark tube, i glide with my wings to the bottom and there seems to be exit to the side, but i wake up before i can look into it
    11. False Awakening + DEILD

      by , 10-23-2013 at 03:48 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream ended - 6.25am
      Time Lucid - 2 mins
      Non lucid - grey text
      Semi Lucid - red text
      Lucid - blue text

      False Awakening:
      I reality check and notice fingers are smaller, and nose plug which worked. I'm dreaming. I get up and stabilize by rubbing my hands together which works, and study hand and spin for maximum effect. The scene looks quite vivid and I'm happy. I spin again and think of a night club to hopefully teleport there, but my couple of attempts don't work. I walk outside and realize I'm only wearing my underwear. At first I think to myself I should put some pants on, but meh it's a dream and move on. I'm outside my old house in blacksland, and walk to the letter box. I see a car come towards me and I run in front of it to see who's driving. It's RP, and he is driving a station wagon which has it's back cut off like a convertible. RP say's to me, how did you know it was me?. Dream fades and I try to DEILD but nothing happens.

      Dream ended - 7.25am
      Time Lucid - 30sec
      Non lucid - grey text
      Semi Lucid - red text
      Lucid - blue text

      While falling back asleep, I catch the moment my vision goes from blacky-grey to black. I figure this the transition from awake to sleep. I relax my body with each breath and intentionally bring on the sensation of sinking into the bed with each breath. This brings on a scene, but it's not very vivid. I do a hand RC and notice my fingers look tiny. I'm dreaming. I try and get out of bed, but I struggle a little. It feels like I have a lead blanket on me, but Im able to complete the transition. I'm in my bedroom and I stabilize by rubbing hands together. I try another method and check my senses. I take a whiff of air which smells normal. I move onto the visual and look to pick something up. I see my computer table which has a lot of junk on it. The pasta bowl stands out and I figure I should study that. I feel my sleeping mask on my head and decide to take it off but I begin to wake up not long after and try to chain a lucid. It brings on a little scene but fails.

      I notice both dreams were logged at 25 past, which makes me think the dream is failing due my mind waking before the alarm goes off in the next 5 mins. I set intervals during the morning to go off every 30 mins.
      I've been thinking of my dream body and waking up early from a lucid. I really need to get this out of my head.
    12. Dild (21.10.13)

      by , 10-22-2013 at 10:52 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream ended - 8.30am
      Time Lucid - 1 min
      Non lucid - grey text
      Semi Lucid - red text
      Lucid - blue text

      I'm with my Brother, cousin Trev and someone else (SE). We're in a resort bedroom and receive a phone call from someone that is dangerous if you get on their bad side. He says that we stole something that meant big to him. I think it was drugs. Once the convocation was over, we all looked over to the SE, and he looks devastated. He knows he fucked up and put us all in danger.

      I walk into a bath room which is my old house in blacks land. I see Trev in front of the mirror. I place down 3 bottles near the bath.

      I'm looking through the window and the resort looks beautiful. I see nice tree's, pool, gorgeous ladies. A fat man that looks quite wealthy jumps into the pool with all his clothes on. Some of the ladies walking beside the pool jump in too. I think to myself, I wish I was dreaming so I could have sex with those ladies. I reality check by looking at my hand, and notice a couple of my fingers are smaller than the others. I'm dreaming. I fly straight out the window towards a playground. I see a girl standing there. Instead of just have sex with her, I ask her if she wants to have sex. She looks at me strangely and walks off a little freaked out by me. I remember that I wanted to have a conversation with a DC instead of doing random fun stuff. I walk over to some girls and start having a chat, but they don't seem to want to talk to me. I move along and notice a tall man walking near me. I say Hi and he pauses of a couple seconds and says Hi back. I try to keep the conversation going by telling him what I'm doing here, just hanging out with friends I say. He doesn't seem to want to talk so I move on. I think about sex again and turn around to find some ladies, and to my surprise, they're all morbidly obese +some. There's even a lady on a swing set (must be a strong swing set). The dream fades and I try to chain a lucid together with no luck.

      I've been trying to promise myself to do tasks instead of random stuff in lucid dreams. I felt when I wanted to have sex, my subconscious kicked in and made sure the women were not up to my standard lol. I hope my subconscious continues to do this more often
    13. The New Technology, Infection, Transforming, and the Supermarket

      by , 10-20-2013 at 11:03 PM
      It's been over a year, but I'm going to start making DJ entries on here again. I've been keeping them in my own journal but I ran out of space. I will be labeling weird stuff in red and lucid stuff in blue. Also, waking life in green. This dream was extremely vivid and different than anything I've experienced before. (Except while lucid.)

      Last night - Friday October 19th

      The first thing I remembered was being in a very large super market. For some reason, it was extremely crowded (much more crowded than I've ever seen before, even on black friday.) Most people were in the very back of the store waiting for a certain item to come out. I believe it was some kind of new technology that acts like an inhaler, but is basically equivalent to eating a full meal. I was immediately interested so I got one, along with the crowd.

      After I bought it, people were trying it out in the store. Inhaling meals. The mist from these things quickly crowded the air, kind of like second hand smoke. I breathed in some of course. I went home with my new item. My house wasn't the same and most of my relatives were there, even a few of my friends. I told them about the inhaler and how great it was.

      Later on, we turned on the news to find that there was a break out of some infectious disease that turned people into cat like humans. They grew in size and had large claws. These were more along the lines of big cats than house cats. The TV was showing live footage of the supermarket I had bought my inhaler from. It turns out that the inhaler meals were defective. The footage was brutal and showed people transforming and killing other humans inside and outside the store.

      I realized I had inhaled some of it and I suddenly started convulsing and puking violently. The hair on my body began to stand up and started growing and changing color. I grew claws and felt like my brain was changing shape inside my head and my vision began to change. I had become a sort of werecat? I don't know what to call it, but it felt insanely weird.

      My family and friends quickly tied me down, else I'd go on a killing rampage. I roared and kicked to get out because I wanted to kill and unite with my cat friends.

      I woke up around here, about 4 hours in. I went back to bed and the dream felt eerily similar.

      This time I was outside in a very hilly suburban area. It was cooler than where I live and definitely seemed like Colorado or another mountain state. There was another supermarket like the one from before, but on a hill with a different name. I went inside, and like before there were a lot of people. There was no inhaler this time though. I didn't buy anything, and walked home.

      I got home and it was the same house as before, but my good friend and his family lived there. We'll call him C. I talked to C about what happened with the inhalers and stuff before, but he didn't know what I was talking about. His dad seemed to be listening to the conversation under his nose. Out of nowhere, the same thing happened as before. I felt the urge to puke and my legs got extremely unstable. I ran to the sink and puked up this white liquid, which quickly hardened and turned into a thick film in the sink. The feelings somewhat died down and C's dad told me I would be okay.

      I went to the airport with C and his dad. I watched them get on the plane and fly off. Suddenly, the feeling came back and I fell to my knees and began puking all over the airport floor. Nobody noticed me. I decided it would be good to get home and get away from the people before I transformed again. As I was running and stumbling around the giant airport terminals, I noticed other people began convulsing, falling, and puking as well. I made it out before I could transform.

      I thought it would be a good idea to hit the super market before going home, so I headed there. What I saw was horrifying. Cars were on fire and there were dead bodies all over the parking lot. I decided to check it out, so I went inside. Inside there were tons of people, screaming, transforming, killing other people. It was chaos. Different from before though, the people were transforming into bear-like humanoids. Not the cats from before.

      I ran home and locked myself inside. Blocked off the doors and windows as best as I could and turned on the TV. All the news stations were talking about the developing infection. I overheard that the army was on their way to suppress the situation at the supermarket. Outside my window tons and tons of Humvees and other military vehicles sped past. I ran outside my front door and watched as they drove down to the supermarket. I followed them down the road as best I could eventually getting to the supermarket.

      I watched as they unloaded troops and weapons. Helicopters were in the air. They got into position to enter the front door. I was standing on the opposite far side of the road in front of someones house. A little girl came out from the house and ran to me. For some reason, I realized what was going on and became lucid. Her mother came outside as well. I told her the army was here to help and that if the army failed or didn't come back she should run as fast as she can to her mommy. Her mom agreed with me. We watched the army breach and clear the supermarket. We heard lots of shooting, screaming, and explosions. After about fifteen minutes of waiting, the sound finally died down. It was awhile before the army got a response from the soldiers who went in.

      It turns out the source of the transforming wasn't from the inhalers, but from an invisible pathogen in the atmosphere during this time. Anyone is susceptible to the pathogen, but after being subject to transforming once, you develop resistances to it. After a half hour of waiting for the army to come out, I made my way to the front door. The army warned me not go in due to the risks, but I showed the commander my scars from transforming before, and he let me pass.

      The sliding glass doors were broken, opening and closing over and over on the body of a dead soldier. Upon entering, there was a pungent odor in the air. Death. It was completely quiet with nobody to be seen, not even any bear-people. Weird. I started walking down one of the aisles, stepping over corpses of civilians, soldiers, people that failed to completely transform, and creatures that looked just like grizzly bears. While walking down the aisle, the dream slowly started to fade out, and I
      woke up.


      A very interesting dream nonetheless, but I have yet to figure out how to interpret it. I'll edit this later tonight after some thinking.
    14. Graffiti on the Great Chinese Wall

      by , 10-20-2013 at 04:32 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Graffiti on the Great Chinese Wall (DILD)


      I woke up in the morning and lost a long dream, so I told myself I needed to come up with something and started to focus on another task of the year.

      I was in some sort of school and I believe I was younger that I was. Suddenly, a guy and a gal who wore old clothes came and tried to abduct me. They claimed they were going to ask for $1,500 in order to release me. I found that it was a pretty much retarded amount for all the trouble they were going through and I tried to play it smart. I told them I would tour them around the school and show them the areas were rich boys were and were they could ask for more money. I had a plan to save my butt and get to call the cops.

      The school was very long and it had two restaurants, which one of them was very fancy. I showed them it was a good place. The school now looked like very old school and it had like different stories. We went to the arts class and the music class. We went through different places until one rich looking kid appeared out of nowhere. The guy grabbed him and started to run, leaving me alone with her female partner, who was not over 5 feet tall, very slim (and hot,) blonde with very clear eyes and very clean skin.

      We entered in some sort of Auditorium with Opera and told her that the school had gifted children with a lot of money. We existed the school and went for a walk. As we were outside, I started to question the realize and
      realized I was in a lucid dream. I did not do any reality checks, but I knew I was dreaming. I asked her if she wanted to have sex. She agreed and we started to make out. I focused in trying to not wake up, but she was so hot and good looking I did not care really if I woke up. I did not, but I lost reality. We could have sex because another car pulled next to us, and an exact replica of her, just a bit older stepped down to the car. There was a guy in the car that looked that the abductor from before and they had the children he grabbed. I knew there was some sort of jump in it time and she told me that we needed to get going.

      We just went down the road and we stopped in a street that only had houses around, so we wondered were to have sex. i tried in the car without success. I realized it was snowig and the grounds were snow covered. I told her it was amazing that it was snowing in San Diego, California.

      We went inside to where I believe it was their house and I could hear the cries from the abducted child. I needed to wait outside and i start to feel worried if they did not try to abduct me, since I was inside their house and they had low lights. A door opened and I saw her dressed in a very sexy pajama, and that is all she wore, She smiled at me and called me, pushing me inside the restroom and looking the door behind her. We had some amazing sex.

      As we were done, I exited the restroom and the house. I was in a different place now and some guy asked me, "How was she?" I told him, "She is a amazing, easy to handle as a doll."
      I started to realize that I was again dreaming and while I was thinking about it, this guy was telling me that the tree above him had amazingly beautiful animals... I looked up and all I saw where huge bees. I indeed knew I was dreaming and looked at my hands and even though I had five fingers, one of them started to grow and stretch and then, it started to become wider, but only on the tip.

      I decided to take off and fly away, while the guy kept talking about the bees. I was on the top of the roof of a store and told myself I needed to get down another Task of the Year. I took off and flew high, the dream could you a bit more clarity, so did the same technique about pulling my glasses out of nowhere. It worked again. I kept flying until I saw the whole Earth, so that way I could travel easier to the target country. I flew down and I entered in Italy. I told my self, "No, no, no... I do have nothing to do here." I recalled the Great Chinese Wall thing. So I started to look for a Chinese restaurant and use it for a portal. It was easy to find, as I entered it a Chinese guy greeted me and told me if I wanted to dine with an accent. I told him, "Yeah, sure, sure." I kept looking for a door without any success. I saw that the restaurant at the end had a garden. so I pretended that the garden would be China, but all I found was a small garden and a tiny replica of the Wall. I doubt that would work so I started to fly and glide above this garden. I could hear a voice telling that I had to ay to be there, but I ignored her. I saw another door and flew through it. As I did, I was stepping on the real Great Chinese Wall.

      I was happy but i knew I was not done. I tried to start to tear down the wall, but as I tried to pull out a rock, it wouldn't move. I tried to brake it with energy balls but neither worked, so I decided to pull a Red Spray and do some graffiti. That is vandalizing after all. I wrote, "I rock" and as soon as I ended, I heard voices. I saw Chinese guys coming towards me with assault rifles and riding horses. I got in fighting stance and as they came I started to knock them out of the wall, until I finished a ton of them. I told my self I was done with the task so I was going to do something else, but i lost focus and
      so lucidity.

      Now there was water around the wall and some female Chinese people like making photos. I started to grab them and fling them to the water, but there were a few steps of concrete before the water. I grabbed a light one and flung her. He fell on the ground hitting her head and I started to feel bad, I did not want to injure anyone.

      My wife came out of the blue and made a photo. She told me that it was the girl that Fabian like and told me she was going to post on Facebook what I did. I woke up.

    15. 20th Oct 2013 Fragments and short lucid

      by , 10-20-2013 at 02:08 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1:

      I am at home in my room, i spontaneously realize that i am dreaming but the dream is highly unstable, i try to stabilize it by focusing on senses and it works, then i go to balcony door and open it. I take off using my wings but dream quickly fades.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing various creeper world 3 maps.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing some RTS and there was hero unit that had ability to turn into a dragon.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was in subway on platform and trains were stuck apparently, there were some other people one of which started exploring subway rails and another was saying that we need to find a driver? Then out of nowhere another train came and 'very softly' crashed into one of trains that were stuck.
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