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    1. Lost Island

      by , 05-17-2014 at 04:41 PM
      Lost Island


      Im in a plane with a nice girl and Kato, the guy from the hunger games.
      We're having drinks and the interior is one from a private plane. It starts crashing and I can hear loud noises. I find myself in the water with the girl and the guy. The water is really warm and I start swimming. The others follow. We crawl onto the beach and start walking arround. It's an tropical island with palmtrees and colorful birds. We climb on soe trees to get a good view and find out we're not alone. There's a village like the one from lost. We hear noises and turn arround and everything goes blank. I wake up in a prison cell. I break the door in and run out. It's night and it's really dark. I hear birds and my own steps. I run to the beach where a water-plane swims. I hear people chasing after me and wake up...

      Updated 06-25-2014 at 11:11 AM by 69017

    2. Baseball

      by , 01-28-2014 at 07:34 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      I was a famous baseball player and we were playing with basketballs instead of baseball. I caught 3 of them and the mats were different like the home base. Anyways i got like thousands of people but they just kept on running and it ended
    3. Probably the wierdest dream I've ever had...or that I can recall.

      by , 12-03-2013 at 06:10 AM
      I worked in a small store in a huge mall.. I kept knocking things off the shelves that my coworkers were organizing and stocking. They continued to get mad and instead of taking it out on me, they took it out on eachother. There were huge windows and it was around 7pm, but already dark outside. One of my coworkers looked outside the windows and started freaking out and called all of us over to look. There was a HUGE UFO outside just flying across the sky. I started freaking out and then more appeared. They hovered over every building outside including the mall we were in. A few seconds later, blue lights started coming out of each UFO and blaring through each building they were next to. I ran and hid because one of the UFO's were coming towards me and I didn’t want it to see me. Then, it moved away and blared its light into another building. All of a sudden I heard a big bang, which was the UFO's killing every human that their lights were shining at. Then dead people started floating up the lights and into the ships, then the UFO's left. I survived.

      A talking alien cat was standing on its hind legs with glasses on talking to me and my coworkers.

      When I got off work I stayed in the mall and walked around. Then out of nowhere, when I came out of a store, all of the doors to every store in the mall closed and locked so the people that were in the stores, couldn’t get out. I managed to pull a door open to let some chick out, but before she could squeeze through it closed again. Everyone started freaking out, screaming, and crying..then robot things appeared everywhere. There were different ones that killed you in their own special way. As people were dying, I ran everywhere and ducked and swerved past them. Then the robots disappeared and I was one of the few survivors. The people the robots killed..or didn't kill..I guess instead of killing them the robots injected them or did whatever they had to do and made everyone stupid or have something weird happen to them. Some people's voices changed and became high pitch while other people's voices got lower and more robotic sounding.

      I went into some kind of restaurant and sat down. There was a mixed guy who saw me sitting. He pulled a ton of srynges out of his pocket and handed them out to random people. He kept one for himself and said “Everyone with a syringe, take them, find someone and give them the medicine that’s inside of it. I’ll get Mikayla (Me).” So everyone with a syringe grabbed someone and gave them the pinkish red stuff that was in the syringe. The people who were forcefully given the meds fell down and died. The mixed guy chased after me and once he got ahold of me, he put the tip of the syringe in my mouth and squeezed one drop of the medicine in my mouth..It tasted sour and bitter. I flailed around and tried to get away but he ended up putting a second drop in my mouth. At that point I started becoming weak and I fell into his arms and looked at him while he held my head. He then looked at me and said “I’m so sorry.” And put the last drop in my mouth. My body started becoming weaker and my eyes started to shut. I felt my lungs struggling for air and I couldn’t breathe. Within a few seconds, my eyes closed completely and I went limp and died.

      I ended up waking up on the floor, so I guess I came back to life somehow, but I’m not sure how. Damian (my best friend) made plans with me to hang out that night at 11pm. I was on my way to his house (walking), and a sewage pipe exploded or something so there was about 5 feet of sewage water. I remember I was wearing flip flops. Eventually the water got deeper and deeper, and I was swimming in it at this point trying not to get any in my mouth. I swam in circles and decided to swim back without getting attacked by sharks in the water. When I swam back and managed to get out of the water, I saw two people in the middle of the water. They were in kayaks. They each had their own and they were coming up to me. I was mad because NOW they decided to help me get across…

      The scene changed and I was at Damian's house, but it didn’t look like his. Then somehow I appeared back at my house and my phone went off. I picked it up and looked at it, and saw a text from damian saying “I’m sorry we couldn’t hang out tonight. I love you so much and we’ll definitely hang out soon. (: ” It said some other things too that I cant remember..

      Then some chick came out of nowhere asked me if I needed any more underwear. I said “yes” so she gave me a few to keep. I put on a pair and was happy because I had gotten some more underwear for free. I had to go to the restroom, and while I was pulling my underwear down I saw a huge stain in it..then thought.. “THIS is why she gave me them.” All I remember was being pissed and then I woke up..
    4. Jocke155's DJ - Turned back the time!

      by , 07-14-2013 at 11:27 AM
      Had some non-lucid dreams tonight, didn't remember so much tough.. But i did remember one dream
      I was sitting at a busstop near a big road, trucks and cars drived fast here. And there was 2 guys that played with the motorcycles at the road.

      The trucks needed to slow done, else they would hit them, but the other trucks didn't notice the slowdown and many, many trucks crashed after each other.
      The "force" of the crash made it hard to see and walk. so i decided to take cover or whatever. But then, suddenly the force stoped. It was over, i saw people trying to help
      people in the crash, and i hear a man shout: "call after ambulance"

      I decided to turn back the time, and i decided, that the motorcycle guys should be somewhere else. And i was sitting with my friends at the busstop.
      I asked them, do you know i turned back the time?
      - No
      and i said: You wouldn't belive that the trucks was crashing if i didn't turn back the time again.

      And after i said that i woke up.
    5. Zombie attack

      by , 06-02-2013 at 05:06 PM
      I'm standing in my driveway, and my dad is sitting in the front seat of his van. I hear over loudspeakers that the world has been overrun by zombies. I'm told that so long as I don't leave the block I will be safe. One of my dream friends have been zombified, and my dad wants to drive into zombie territory to retrieve her. At first I think this is a terrible idea and want to stay home, but then I decided I should help. I start to get into my own car and realize I've left my sword in my dad's car, so I get my dad's car and ride with him. He ride out into zombie territory, some of the zombies are completely feral, others are human and are nonthreatening, but most of them still speak and act like a human, but attack like a zombie. We slow down for a moment to wait for my zombified friend to arrive. Another zombie comes up to an open window and tells me " you know that's really a terrible position for you to be in, your sword isn't of any use on the inside of the vehicle, you should come out here." and gives me a sly grin. A bunch of zombies start attacking the car, I open the sliding side door and start slashing randomly. My sword is an iaito (unsharpened) so the blade won't do any damage, only the point is sharp, so my cuts only make scratches on the zombies. My zombified friend arrives and before I realized who she is I slash a vertical cut over her left eye. She seems not to notice and says " hi Aaron." She gets in the van and we start driving home. A zombie appears just outside my window and my friend tells me to stab at it through the glass, I'm skeptical but decide to make the thrust anyway. Just before the point of the sword reaches the class my alarm wakes me up.
    6. Casual car ride with a side of religious musings

      by , 05-12-2013 at 03:44 AM
      I'm in a big group of friends at my school, casually sitting on a picnic table and sinking my teeth into an apple. I'm pretty annoyed because this one girl is being super clingy, holding onto my arm and stroking my face, and her fingernails are causing pricks of actual pain to my skin. Some unknown que from my mind helps me to realize that it is time for me to leave, and I walk up to a massive pickup truck in the carpool line and get in. Inside is one of the girls who rides with me in real life up in the front, and some random woman who is driving. I wish my description of the dream could live up to the enticing title, but all I recall is driving slowly along in the car with light gray skies and a rain sprinkling the windows. The woman driver for some reason asked me a question about religion, then got ridiculously offended by me saying that I was an atheist. Things got really hazy at this point, but I remember having a surprising awareness of my surroundings, both outside and inside the car. Needless to say a rather detailed and heated debate ensued, but I can't remember most of it. Pretty much the woman would not back off, even though I tried to be a peacemaker multiple times.
    7. Non-Lucid Weirdness

      by , 05-11-2013 at 02:01 AM
      Wow so um okay. This dream is embarrassing, kind of. >.>

      I was at school. One of my dream signs. I was in the classroom where I take biology. My teacher, let's just call her Mrs. Teacher, was teaching. I went out of the back door of the classroom for some reason. I think I got the impulse to take off my shirt... I went into this hallway that doesn't exist in real life. I think I was viewing myself in third person at this point. I took off my shirt, which was sky blue... all I was wearing was a bra and my pants... what the actual fuck? Now 3 boys were following me. I knew one, his name is Evan. The others were not real IWL but wore glasses and were blonde. Anyway I turned a corner and tried to run and put my shirt back on, but they told Mrs. Teacher on me! Oh no! I went back to the biology room and she was like,
      "Why did you have your shirt off? You get a detention," she said.
      and all of that good stuff.
      *Memory gap*
      Uhmmm so now my shirt was on except Evan was there and um he was feeling up on me, I guess. His hands were on my chest and all of that good stuff >.>
      "Oh yeah these are pretty nice, but I've seen better", he said.
      and... there was probably maybe another part but you know, I guess I'll keep it to myself.
      And then this blonde boy with glasses also starts feeling up on me... yeah. But somewhere in the end I get away from them and the dream ends.

      Very odd dream.
    8. TotM Fail and DEILD Attempt

      by , 04-28-2013 at 07:22 PM
      Key: Notes/Comments Nonlucid Dream
      Lucid Dream
      I was going to try a WILD, but it was way too loud, so I instead did a MILD with a mantra of "I will realize I am dreaming." I had some REM rebound from lack of sleep from the night before.

      Dream 1, Nonlucid Dream

      I was in a city like San Francisco, except it was cleaner. This asian guy had this big staff with colorful bubbles in it. I acquired the staff somehow. I realized that the staff had magical powers. I pointed it toward a car and a white light flew from the end of the staff to the car: the car grew in size. Eventually some guys came up to me, they were like "Give me that staff of yours" and so I shrunk them. Later this girl came up to me and said, "The staff of gods! You can grow things, resurrect people, and kill people!" I walked around 'San Francisco' and I dropped my staff at one point. It rolled under a car. I went under the car and noticed that the colorful bubbles, which looked like bubbles, had spilled out. I used the staff to suck them up somehow. Someone called my name, though, and I forgot the staff. The dream sort of 'skipped' at this point and I was in a car driving with my mom. I think she was driving to work. I realized that I had left my staff at the city, under the car. I said,
      "Oh no! I left my staff under the car! It has magical powers." My mom gave me an annoyed look.
      "Staffs in real life don't have magical powers," she said.
      "It must have been a dream then," I said.

      Dream 2, Lucid Dream

      I was at my school. Two boys were following me around. They said, "I can't believe she doesn't realize that this is a dream."Then, of course, I became lucid. I'm dreaming!I thought, shouting it in my mind. I forgot to stabilize, but I DID remember the TotM. I took off running, and found the nearest person I saw. His name is Nate Yu. I barely know him in waking life, but he goes to my school. I ran up to him. I was confident he would give me a lump of coal when I asked.
      "Hey, I need you to give me that lump of coal you're carrying around." I got this idea from CanisLucidis' dream journal post. He nods, and pulls out of his pocket what my dream thinks to be a lump of coal. It's got some black, like coal, but it's connected to some sparkly, rough, silver rock that's more pliable, like clay. "Thanks," I say. I squeeze the rock in my hands, but instead of getting a diamond, I got a boring rock. I ran off, still squeezing the rock, but eventually I gave up and threw the rock on the ground. I thought of making coal materialize at this point, but I decided I'd try asking a few more people first. I went to where there was most people: the lockerrooms. I ran over screaming, "HEY, IF ANYONE HAS A LUMP OF COAL CAN THEY GIVE IT TO ME PLEASE?" Everyone just looked at me oddly and continued what they were doing in the lockerroom. I noticed that the boys were also entering the girls' lockerroom along with the other girls. Eventually I gave up and ran off to these 3 boys. I was also thinking of some of my dream goals I also had. I asked them, "Hey, can I have that coal you're carrying around? I can turn it into a diamond." They looked at eachother, considering it, and the middle boy nodded and handed me a lump of the silvery rock instead of coal. For some reason it seemed like the 'coal' was used like a drug in this dream. I squeezed it into a diamond shape, but no actual diamond. They started to look angry. "It's okay, it's okay. I can make it into a diamond like they have in minecraft." I tried again. No diamond. The boys looked even more angry, but instead of beating me up, like I thought they would, they ran off. I turned around. I could hear my 5-year-old stepbrother Gabriel screaming in waking life. He's going to wake me up!I thought. I could hear my brother trying to quiet him down. The dream was blurry and extremely unstable now. I ran my hand across the nearest wall, and it felt real as one would in real life. Then, thinking of a post on dreamviews about 'making out' with the dream, I dropped to my knees. I felt super disconnected from the dream by now when I said, "The ground is going to taste like strawberries instead of the ground." I licked the ground. It felt rough, like the ground would normally, and it tasted like a juicy strawberry. Then his screaming started again. I decided that he would inevitably wake me up anyway, so I decided that I'd try my first DEILD.
      I exited the dream, and then I kept my eyes closed when I woke up. Almost immediately I heard the 'vibrations' (which, to me, sounded alot more like blood rushing through my ears.) I freaked out because this is my first time hearing them and started flailing my leg around in an effort to wake myself up. I kicked myself in the morning for not tolerating the vibrations
    9. Skyrim Lucid Dream (3RD LUCID)

      by , 04-23-2013 at 04:19 AM
      22ND APRIL 2013
      I fell asleep around 10:30, cause I was paranoid about bedbugs or something idk

      I was at school. I set my binder down at a random table near a bike rack and for some reason I realized I had to walk home. I walked home and accidentally left my binder there. When I got 'home' it was this huge mansion that I'd never seen or been in before, but in the dream I just thought it was my home. I went upstairs to my room (which looked exactly like my room in real life. I realized I left my binder at school. I walked back and saw my best friend Brianna. She said, "If you had been at the s'more party this winter we would never have become friends." I guess I had, in fact, been at this "s'more party" and I remembered it. It was nighttime and there was about a half a foot of snow on the rooftops and ground. I vaguely wondered why it was snowing, I never remember it snowing in the three years I've lived in California. Anyway I was on top of the short portable building and there was this random blonde girl I'd never seen before. She was trash talking me and stuff, (can't remember what she said) and then she punched me in the side. I fell in the snow on top of the building. Then there was a burning sensation on the left side of my stomach (It wasn't really painful, just burning.) Somehow I knew the girl was doing it, but I didn't know how. As this was happening I noticed her shirt went above her stomach. She had a tattoo around the same place where I was burning and it looked like one of the little "Parental advisory explicit content" things you see on music albums, except it had different words on it. I wondered what it meant. The girl kicked me, I think in the chin, and cheers erupted from my schoolmates on the snowy ground below. I felt winded from the kick, but no real pain. Then I snapped back into my dream "reality" and walked back home, forgetting my binder AGAIN. When I got home I realized I didn't have my binder. I went back and got it and brought it back home and the dream ended.

      [Dream 2] Lucid
      I was in a cave in Skyrim. (I play skyrim way too much, 2/3 of my lucid dreams have been about Skyrim) I was fighting two men and a falmer (goblin sort of thing, for those of you who don't play skyrim.) I killed the first guy with my sword and then I thought, "This is a dream, isn't it?" I was lucid and (I told myself that next time I was lucid I would go on a rampage) went on a rampage. I was holding a shield with sharpened edges so I threw it like a frisbee at the falmer, slicing it in the chest and killing it. Then I thought that I would try out a "dream power" or whatever and I pushed the second guy away with a telekinetic thrust of my right hand and he died. Then I walked into a huge dome shaped chamber. The floor was stone. I decided to grow a tree in it. (Because who can grow a tree in stone?) I imagined it growing out of the floor and then lifted both my hands: a tree grew out of the cracks in the stone. Then I decided to fly. This time I WOULD be able to fly (In my first lucid I tried to fly but couldn't) and so I started flying and flew a little ways. Then the dream faded away.
      [Dream 3] Nonlucid

      I had a false awakening. I was at my mom's house in my room (exactly like I was in real life) I forgot to do a reality check. I got up and walked out into the kitchen and saw my Uncle Chris and this other good looking man I didn't really know, but I felt like I knew him. My uncle asked me, smiling, "Jayden, how come you woke up so late?" I looked at the clock and it said "5:41". Maybe If I had checked it again I would have become lucid, but I didn't. Then I woke up to the real world and vaguely wondered why I had woken up twice in a row.
      All of my lucid dreams are DILDs.
    10. A Very Special Episode of Dreaming

      by , 03-17-2013 at 07:22 PM
      My dream last night featured some weird stuff.

      First off, the line, "it was like California and Tennessee were personified and California was really angry that Tennessee was suddenly getting all of the boys even though she was so mainstream."


      Also, I was fleeing from the Wild West of California because I think I was a mistakenly wanted criminal or something. And I was running with this other girl and we found this girl who was living in this little shithole illegally and she was an artist? And she had some really bad disease that was causing her skin to look like scales and stuff and it was very painful for her. Um, anyway... we started visiting her regularly, I guess. And then we went to check out her old house, which she couldn't pay the bills for. And it was like, dangerous death trap falling apart.

      Anyway, the dream pulled an epilogue style montage on it and was like "NAMEOFGIRL lived for x more months.... when she died, her art was auctioned off... a foundation was made in her name.... and her bills were paid off... and her family could move into her renovated home... which was turned into a museum."

      like what

      there was some other stuff but that's the most important part, I guess.
      Tags: nonlucid
    11. Remember Me

      by , 02-17-2013 at 05:21 AM
      It's been a while since I last had this familiar dream. Not the exact same one but it felt like the memories were coming back to me. I'm standing under a structure in front of an abandoned city. It was also raining. There was no one in sight. The last time I was here I was on a mission to kill a few people silently around the city. The city looked very beautiful. It sort of looks like Rome or France. I had no goal in this dream, I only walked around to see what would happen.

      I felt an unusual feeling when I stared at one of the buildings in front of me. I started to think about someone. I started thinking about Quynh. I pictured her in the same clothes she wore when I first met her in the waking world;green sweater, blue pants, and white shoes. I always picture her in the same clothes. I never once tried to summon the "new" her in my current dreams, I just can't. She was so beautiful before. Having the same feelings I had about her in this dream, they made me happy.

      I can't help to think that this place also reminds me of my sister's room. The last time I saw Quynh in my sister's room was when she was there alone and I walked in there to develop a special relationship with her.

      That wasn't the whole dream. I still remember the moment when I tried to summon her. I was at my parents' home. I was standing in the kitchen at night with no one in there at the time. One of the small lights on the kitchen counter was on. I don't remember being lucid but whenever I try to summon Quynh, I always try to make sure it's the real one.

      I tried summoning her by yelling out her name. She appeared after I yelled two more times. It didn't work. Instead of Quynh I got this smaller kid who looked a lot like my niece. I was disappointed and I wasn't sure how I was ever going to make it work. So, I done another technique. I grabbed on to her shoulders and asked, "Why aren't you Quynh?", "Why don't you look the same?!" Not the exact same words but I still remember asking something like them.

      It didn't work. I tried a few times and knew it wasn't going to work. This is all I could remember.
    12. House Protection (Oct 16 - Oct 17, 2012)

      by , 10-17-2012 at 11:45 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      I am in the clearing of a forested area on a hill. I am with about four other people and we are
      discussing what would happen if our homes are under siege or something very simillar. There
      is a yellow shack in my view and I think I tell them that it is my home. I forget if I go in or around it but when I do I
      am in view of a huge mansion house and I head inside it. When inside it I begin bheading through rooms and getting to other rooms using the windows. Once I have finished what I was doing I jump out the window and join the group
      now in a huge garden with hedges. We begin to fight eachother and I take out each
      one of them, then they respawn in a blue flash.
    13. Lucid Studies (Oct 14 - Oct 15, 2012)

      by , 10-15-2012 at 07:05 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      It is a sunny day and a bunch of yellow balloons and a woman is standing with her arms outstreched in front of them. She is wearing a very colorful dress and as she stands there a man narrator is talking about lucid dreaming and studies that have been made into it.
    14. Fail. Non lucid

      by , 10-02-2012 at 09:50 PM (Zödra)
      Now this is two dreams, but they combine into one, and I wouldn't have considered it two dreams except I woke up and wrote part of it in my DJ next to my bed and then I went back to sleep.

      I was with my family watching Lord of the Rings. It looked nothing like any of them, but if I had to guess I would guess it was The Two Towers, since their were wargs in it. I was watching the television, but as it always does, I kind of jump into the television. However, instead of taking control of a character like I normally do, I just watched it in third person. Not much to say about the fight, it wasn't in Middle Earth, it was actually in a neighborhood. I zoomed out of the TV and back into my parents house, I automatically knew that they were filming right outside.

      I went out and started talking to a Gondorian, he was complaining about how much it hurts to put his armor on, and how much it hurts when the fake Warg bites him. They packed up and left, leaving me in a backyard, but it was the dark red of night falling. I knew I should go inside, but I didn't really think about it. It became night and a Wolf came around the corner (I do not know if it was a Werewolf, but I could have been, I was thinking about the task of this month right before I went to bed). It jumped at me and I kicked it, I snapped its teeth at my arm and I snapped my hand back, the wolf started moving in slow motion, or I just started thinking in fast motion, because I was moving way faster, I pulled my entire arm out of the way of the mouth, but I could feel the teeth with my hand as the jaws closed and barely missed. He jumped at my again and I grabbed his head and threw him away. I walked back home.

      This was a pretty intense battle, and I became very vivid from this point on, and I had almost my entire brain there. Normally fighting a dog would seem weird, but my occupation for the past couple of years has led me to fight about 50 dogs without a weapon in people's back yards. I haven't been bitten yet.

      I crawled in my parents doggy door and start talking to some people inside. somehow I get back outside and I try to crawl back in again, but the door is way too small, and my dad tells me not to. I get back inside on the computer. I am showing people quotes from Lord of the Rings off of IMDB
      "Brandon, get off the computer." I look at the time, it reads 6:59.
      "I have to leave to work at seven, so I'll be off in a minute." I reply.
      "Sure you will." He says, in a knowing voice that makes me look at the clock again 7:05 it reads.
      "That is weird! It said 6:59 one second ago!" I know I have to get to work, so I woke up.

      When I wake up, it was 6:44. I was really mad about that, because I had 10 more minutes to sleep, and I had just done a reality check that failed! It also didn't feel like waking up normally feels like, it felt like I woke myself up.

      Updated 10-22-2016 at 11:01 AM by 58222

    15. log6-10

      by , 09-16-2012 at 08:15 AM
      Log 6

      A Vision upon waking: a smoking worm of perception???

      I am in a laboratory of evil dream scientists. DR strange is inside my head. "They Are Trying To Kill Scrooge McDuck!" I flee quickly, with an invisibilityspell, finding myself in a slum.

      Two female succubi blond and brunette. They try to steal my sexual energy. I summon a baseball bat and ram it into the brunettes ass like a barbarian. I do this to teach the blonde one compassion.
      *Scratch, shiva scratch!*
      Visions of dr strange. He meditates, and then we are in space. I see myself as astring of spacesuits, sorta like analbeads.


      In the tower of illumination. It is dark upstairs and a loathsome alien lives there. A hippie commune near the tower, there is a garage and a lake nearby. We goe for a swim with the hippies. My naturist thinks it is ridick ilous to wear swimpants if you are a hippie.

      *Scratch Shiva scratch!*

      Army forces attack the commune....to be continued...


      In my house of birth, me and my ex GF having kinky sex. Afterwards i go to an old saunabuilding witch is now in public use during the festivals of the Students Infinite=you. Every student notices my shitty pants. GOL. then every kid asks me about the shitpands.LOL.Som wisekid says perversions are A O K.

      I Meet a visiting mentalist and ask him to read my mind. He sees all my sick false memory implants and avises me to think the rape scenarios happened to a 17 year old Cosovan. Or former life.

      I dream of sleeping in hibernation in a flat somewhere between dreams and waking. Music..speaches. Waking up i seek the source of sound to the neighboring flat 2 men 1 female or vice versa...*False awakening* Mirrors...ugly toot leaves my mouth and a hot hard tooth comes underneath My hand is invisible and i get up. (am ai ded?)

      My fire body condenses and i feel it. aaawaakiiinnnnnnnnnnnnn.... Tis teh fnord, voices tell bees.

      Karmic scnaps.
      I am a courier. a man on a mission. with my faithful companion going to russia to accomplish some mission with im, J. In my city I first go grab a bite from truck stop with V.S.But... le fu...the fries of obedience are over. VS. stops icescreamning and we be ballin to a nextstop.

      FInally! in rssuia. Meet my first love. Shes tho one the package was meant to go. Near a russian factory. I hold a kettle.in it theres a hoop. girls need it 4 deir games. I wanna join but mans gotta do whatta mans gottado...to be continued...
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