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    1. Night of 4/13/24

      by , 04-15-2024 at 01:52 AM (Dreamlog)
      Hazy Maze Cave:
      I'm in a large space reminiscent of hazy maze cave from Super Mario 64.
      I'm with Azula, Mai and Ty Lee from Avatar the Last Airbender.
      I've won a battle and hooking up with Azula is the prize. Fairly vivid.

      Elsewhere in the cave there is another large open section with more openings on the left and the right. The further one has a portal or time-related effect. Stuck in time.
      I find some old stuff of mine there.

      I’m leaving my car and walking through the parking lot to get to work. There is an escort standing by the turnstile with some pen and paper. She wants to give me her name and number.
      I already have a sheet of paper and make a weak excuse. She fills her's out instead.
      My hands are full with stuff and I finally struggle through the turnstile. My coworker B’s wife, J, asks me if I have my ant colony and my ant friend with me.
      I quickly say yes, but then realize I don’t. Annoyed, I make my way back through the turnstile and head to my car.

      Updated 04-15-2024 at 01:55 AM by 99808

    2. Night of Tuesday 4/9/24 (Comp Night 12)

      by , 04-12-2024 at 08:59 PM (Dreamlog)
      My dad is being investigated by a stereotypical gumshoes style detective.

      Champion of Farore:
      I’m in a volcano area. Similar to Death Mountain Crater from Ocarina of Time.
      There is a game mechanic where you must choose one of the three goddesses to support. I’ve chosen Farore.
      She has a large wizardly looking hat. This outfit that has the best stats, but there is another more simple one with tan cloth.
      There is a menu screen similar to Final Fantasy. I’m using an item called token and it teaches a move with very high special attack called Prometheus. But it won't be active until tomorrow. I understand this to mean tomorrow, real world time (not game time).
      To progress, you have to equip and unequip specific gear to show support to your goddess and then talk to npcs by doors leading deeper into the mountain.
      My point of view is similar to Pokemon now, where there are trainers that must be defeated with the gear equipped.
      Din’s trainer is a bulky looking bald guy, and he is the last one I need to defeat.
      The doors have opened pre-emptively but I go to defeat the last trainer anyway for the experience points.

      I’m in a park area, and there is a bulletin board in front of me. There is a war happening. Chaotic scene.

      Updated 04-14-2024 at 01:23 AM by 99808

    3. Night of Monday 4/1/24 (Comp Night 4)

      by , 04-02-2024 at 07:09 PM (Dreamlog)
      Before WBTB

      Mount Grump:
      I'm standing on a mountain, with the cliff to my left. The area resembles Pride Rock from The Lion King.
      On the rock wall to my right, there is a slot hole. It appears that a hand would fit in there.
      I'm trapped in a mountain cave.

      I'm watching the Game Grumps play a modernized Donkey Kong 64.
      They are controlling Squawks the bird from Donkey Kong Country 2.
      Arin is having the bird shoot red pellets at wasps as they ascend a square-ish grassy area.
      As he ascends, there are buttons he needs to shoot in a sequence.
      Dan makes the comment: "This is soooo much better than the 2D original version!"
      He also comments about being trapped in the mountain earlier.

      After WBTB

      My friend B from back home is crawling through a vent. We are in a sort of manufacturing facility.
      The vent has poisonous gas in it, so he is making a sacrifice for us.
      He is trying to get a game cartridge. It might have been a Nintendo DS one.
      Later I'm playing Pokemon with someone. The player has a "fat" Pikachu.
      It's a regional exclusive Pokemon. It looks wide, sorta like Hey Arnold.

      I'm stranded in a park-like area with my coworker H.
      I believe the scene started off in a rocky-cave, but later transitioned to the field.
      We aren't directly working together, but she has her own area off to my left.
      At one point she has taken off her top, presumably to try and wave it around and grab attention.
      I crane my neck so that I can see her, and I notice that her chest is different than I expected.
      Not mad about it though.

      I'm at a small bar with H from the Tots.
      I notice there is some spilled water or beer on a hightop nearby.
      There is also a karaoke setup off to my right.
      The owner of the bar comes out and tells us that we can have the bar if we want it.
      I start to imagine the possibilities, and the logistics of owning a bar.

      I'm at a Doctor's office with my Dad.
      He breaks the news that his brain inflammation has gotten bad.
      And also that he has cancer.
      I'm struck with grief. Frozen. Unsure what to say.
      I slide down the wall I'm leaning against and sit on the ground.

      Updated 04-02-2024 at 07:42 PM by 99808

    4. Night of Friday 3/29/24 (Comp Night 1)

      by , 03-31-2024 at 09:12 PM (Dreamlog)
      I’m watching somebody play a modded version of Mario 64.
      There is a central town square. It’s circular and has tall buildings all around.
      Mario has been modded to be Crash Bandicoot.
      He has a hammer attack and the sound clip he makes when attacking is from a meme.
      The player goes down an alley and arrives in a large flooded lake area.
      We are discussing some seams in the edge of the rockwall keeping all the water in place.
      It looks like the beginning of the second water level in Mario 64.

      Later we’re in a store from the town.
      I’m physically there now, no longer watching somebody play the game.
      It seems to be a convenience store, but it is all messed up.
      There is a flooded section, where a wave of water repeatedly is knocking over shelving and causing chaos.
      An employee is blaming me for it.
      I tell them they should move product away from that section. They get angry with me.

      We’re upstairs in the store now. This doesn’t seem to be meant for customers.
      Daylight beams in from a window.
      My coworker B is here now, and somebody else.
      B is talking about something he is most proud of me for achieving, but I don’t recall doing it.
      I admit I don’t know what he is talking about.
      The other person claims I abandoned the people I supposedly promised to help in B’s story.

      Updated 04-01-2024 at 01:36 AM by 99808

    5. Night of Thursday 3/28/24

      by , 03-31-2024 at 09:06 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm in a game resembling Banjo-Kazooie. I'm flying around a neighborhood, exploring.
    6. Night of Tuesday 3/19/24

      by , 03-20-2024 at 05:00 PM (Dreamlog)
      Something about my friend J from the Tots.

      I'm at a baseball diamond. The plate is part of my driveway. I am up to bat.
      There is something going on strategically, such that the pitcher is forced give me an easy pitch.
      I'm nervous because my team is expecting me to nail these.
      I mess up the first one. Strike. Then the second. Strike. And the third. Out.
      I'm mortified and leave the plate. I go to the side of my house, through the gate to sit down.
      I'm sitting over where the trash cans normally are, on the rocks.
      I'm trying to remember what the strategy that forced the pitcher to go easy was called but I can't.
      J from work comes over to me. I open my conversation with him similar to how I do in waking life:
      "So, dumb question but..." I don't recall his answer.
      I'm feeling nervous because I recalled that I still have to perform my band solo tomorrow.

      I'm in a warm-up room at a school with my sax.
      It's Solo and Ensemble, where I will be performing a classical music piece
      similar to this one for a judge.
      My brother is there too. He's already warming-up. It's the same solo piece (with piano) I will be performing.
      I'm concerned about whether we are allowed to warm-up yet.
      I'm in a small bar.
      Lifelight, from Super Smash Bros is playing on the Karaoke machine.
      There is a DJ off to the left. The music is low quality over the speakers.
      The DJ leaves and I go over to his station. I try on the headphones and notice that the music is low quality there too.
      I reason that the original file might be low quality, not necessarily just the speakers.

      Updated 03-20-2024 at 05:30 PM by 99808

    7. Night of Wednesday 2/21/24

      by , 02-22-2024 at 04:34 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm in a grassy area, and I may have just emerged from a cave.
      There are tall rock walls all around. The area feels serene.
      I become aware that this is a video game.
      My girlfriend is here. She gestures to an item in front of me I can pickup.
      The item is in a green glowing circle: an object I can obviously interact with.
      It's a wedding ring. She is proposing.
      The ring is a tiny thing. Thin and wooden, like a splinter.
      I obviously accept it and move to put it on. I'm not concerned about how much she spent on the ring.
      But, I am focused on making sure she knows that I don't mind.
      I'm embarrassed because I have to ask her which is the ring finger.
      I vaguely think about how this is gender role-reversal. It doesn't bother me much.
    8. Night of Wednesday 2/7/24

      by , 02-08-2024 at 05:37 PM (Dreamlog)
      Sneaky Crabs:
      I'm at a party at somebody's apartment, sitting at a desk with a laptop in front of me.
      My coworker J from the lab is here. I noticed that I'm not wearing pants and feel nervous.
      I'm at my second Arizona apartment, and there is a group crowded around the TV playing a game.
      I watch the screen for a bit. It is a dark area, with tiny crab monsters all around.
      The player needs to navigate a dark pathway forward while avoiding the crabs.
      I brag that it looks easy. Somebody calls my bluff and hands me a strange controller.

      Something about my coworker G.

      A nightmare about shitting my pants.

      Updated 02-08-2024 at 10:51 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    9. loud floor, store zombies

      by , 02-04-2024 at 07:23 PM
      I was walking up some dark empty street with beige brick buildings. I'm then in a room with my father. There are two king sized beds, I start walking to claim the one in the corner, and the floor booms like I'm stomping. He scolds me, saying that there are people trying to sleep below us. I try tiptoeing to the bed, and it still sounds like I'm stomping.

      I am telepathically controlling some sort of saw blade. I make it fall down next to a rock pole. I move it so it comes into contact with silver coins, I miss one so it starts falling up, and I get the coin this time. I see a wooden triangle with a large H at the bottom I pass it, and go back down to cut into the H. I miss the H somehow, so I cut through the pole, and cut into another triangle with a G in it, and I manage to get it this time. I am then falling down next to the pole. I land on some ground, I have a rifle, I see a yellow fish swimming above me, so I try to shoot it. I miss, but a voice tells me about the scope. I look down it and get a pinhole view of whatever I'm about to shoot. I aim at some distant corral, I take some time to adjust the scope, but I finally focus on a clown fish and manage to shoot it. I somehow end up in some sort of store, there are people walking around, they look super zoned out. One staggers towards me and I realize they're zombies, I look down the scope which now has a wider view, and I shoot him. I make my way past the cash register while shooting several others, and I'm almost to some storage room. A woman jumps out, and I try to shoot, but I'm out of bullets. There's a stapler on the bottom of my gun, but I don't think it would do much, so I run into a bathroom, it has one door which successfully locks, but the other door right next to it doesn't, so I run into a room labeled cold storage. It's another bathroom of course, and there's no lock, the woman is probably about here now, so I decide to hide. I notice Mario in a stall so I join him, I hear the door, and see the woman, and she starts talking to us, she's actually not a zombie, and she's going to help us fight them. She leads us to a shelf full of stuff, we all grab wooden canes. I notice Mario's not next to me so I look around for him and see him at the urinal. I'm Luigi so I start using the one 2 away from him. He says something I didn't really hear, I realize one of my legs is in the urinal, and it's soaked up to the ankle. He then asks why I'm just standing there, I get annoyed because I'm not just standing there, so I turn to him and aim for the face. I ask "DO YOU SEE ME JUST 'STANDING HERE'?" He calmly says "Yes." like he's in a completely different universe where I'm not some crazy guy peeing in his face. I pack it away, and start walking to the door. [COLOR="#EE82EE"]I'm in a bed, my breathing sounds a little weird, I think that the zombies will see me if I move. I decide to make a run for it, it took a lot of effort, but I pushed the blankets off and sat up. [/COLOR]
    10. malice korok and skeleton things

      by , 02-03-2024 at 08:18 PM
      I was in 3rd person but also a blue korok covered in malice slime paragliding onto a rock. I landed and some dialogue bubble popped up. next thing I know I'm link and there's some skeleton creatures I don't recognize, they run at me and swing their swords. I kill them and take their stuff.
      Tags: video games
    11. Kept forgetting wallet, death dates and causes

      by , 01-23-2024 at 06:52 PM
      I was in some busy street, there was some asain restaurant. I entered, there were several people with sushi on their plates. I checked my wallet to be sure it was there, it wasn't, so I left the store. I walked down the street a bit and then forgot what I left the store for. I reentered and remembered that I left cause I forgot my wallet. I was really embarrassed so I grabbed a straw and a pack of chopsticks off the front desk and left.

      [COLOR="#008000"]I got out of bed, I felt weightless, but I was really short for some reason. I walked outside and noticed that I returned to normal size. I started digging in one place to get under the house but I wasn't making much progress. I went to a part with a different dirt type and started digging. I accidentally broke off a piece of the wall. It had soggy plywood boards and fiberglass. I stopped cause it felt gross, I then remembered that I wanted to go down the street to see if it would be like the last time. I walked down my driveway. I looked to the east, the sky brain was gone. I looked forward and in the distance there were several tall buildings that resembled the Washington monument. I went down the street, I passed some houses, there was a metal gate in my way so I just walked through it. There were some cars, and I could see some buildings, to the south was a brown square building with red cloth draped on the exterior. To the north was a big hotel and a smaller hotel. I walked to the large hotel and entered. I slipped into the elevator and accidentally pushed all the buttons, so I pushed a button that deselected them. There was a man in there with me. He asked for a name, I was stunned because I had a sense that I was trespassing."E?" he asked, 'Ethan.' I then smacked my face because I definitely do not look like an Ethan. He that said the name of my favorite cousin, and the elevator moved up. I walked into the hallway, there was a room across from the elevator with the door open. I entered and I recognized some of my cousin's friends. She sat at a table, I greeted her with a hug and she said something and I said something about it being a dream, and she tells me "It's a world now because you've been here so long." we move to a couch, she closes her eyes and slows her breathing. I hear three pings like the ones from assassins creed, she gives a date "(i forgot)/24/24, I will die a horrible death from a firebomb." I copy her movements, I don't hear the pings, but I feel them in my mind, I have a hard time making it out but I think I see the words '11 MST burger' I then open my eyes. My parents have joined me and we start a conversation about something, I notice my 3ds is flashing red so I get up to grab a charger my mother screams something about me being addicted to games and grabs at me. Everyone is now pissed off so I sit in a chair, stare at the wall, and remind myself not to let a dream character make me too mad. I am staring into the wall when something catches my attention. An army or something is blowing up the stairs. I run past the stairwell, there's an explosion, I go into a room and hide under the stove. I notice that there's no wall behind it. I crawl under it, and I walk under all the shelves into a secret room. A man dressed as Luigi jumps into a pipe, I try to jump in after him, but I land wrong. I get up and some guy shows up, and a bunch of zelda dialogue bubbles pop up with too many words to read as the dream fades. [/COLOR]
    12. CN12- two story kennel, another mario level

      by , 01-19-2024 at 04:16 AM
      I was in my hallway, I could see my dogs in their kennel which had two floors for some reason. I wanted to stay in the top floor for a night to see what it was like for them.

      I was making the orange princess jump up some bouncy cloud things, I tried to grab a mushroom but it slid off the edge of the platform.

      I was at a table, there was a black bag in front of me so I dumped it out. There were a bunch of puzzle pieces that looked black, I started looking for corners and edges, and the corners were connected together in the middle of the pile. I picked them up, and I realized they had holographic images of pokemon on them, there was a mudkip, a tepig, and some other pokemon I can't remember.

      comp total-62.5[/COLOR]
    13. Night of Saturday 1/13/24 (Comp Night 8)

      by , 01-15-2024 at 05:16 AM (Dreamlog)
      The Legend of Honda:
      I'm driving a 2018 Honda Accord EX-L in Hyrule Field from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I'm testing out how fast I can go. The dream is in first person.
      I accidently drive into the Lord of the Mountain deer spirit, and immediately feel bad about it.
      I get out of the car to look around and notice some arrows that I shot earlier.
      I'm surprised that I can still pick them up.
      I've been transported into a high-resolution version of Ocarina of Time's Water Temple.
      I'm admiring the graphics as I descend into the lowest floor underwater.
      I'm remembering where I need to go to progress into the dungeon essentially off mental memory.
      As I go, there is some narration about what I am doing, similar to The Stanley Parable.

      Nintendo has a new partnership with Honda to help sell used cars.

      Updated 01-15-2024 at 05:59 AM by 99808

    14. Night of Wednesday 1/10/24 (Comp Night 5)

      by , 01-12-2024 at 04:58 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm in a hotel with two levels.
      My Dad and my Uncle J are there with me.
      My Uncle is looking at something on Google Maps.
      One of them has thrown a cigarette bud into a trash can.
      I'm concerned this will cause a fire.

      Return to the Hilltop Arcade:
      My friends G and A are sitting on a bench, watching the sunset.
      It's my birthday, and there is a cake-like pastry sliced into four parts.
      There is a Dave and Buster's like arcade behind the bench.
      This arcade is the one from my previous dream in September, where I met Arin Hanson.

      The space has changed into a big factory. Intuitively I know that the working conditions are bad.
      I'm escaping in a sequence similar to the one in the game Portal.
      There's a monologue at the end that sounds hopeful.

      The Hilltop Arcade. Made with Bing Image Creator AI.

      Into the Square:
      I'm riding a CATA bus from college, but I don't know where I am going.
      I realize that I should pull the string to get off on the next stop and I find it on my right.
      There's a building nearby and I go in, thinking I would like to buy a t-shirt.
      Inside it looks like a mailroom, with a small square entryway in the center of the wall in front of me.
      I'm through the square hole now and I see my coworker J getting makeup done by a team on my left.
      He's sitting down in a chair in front of some lockers.
      It looks like a large locker room.
      My friend H from the Tots comes through the square hole, but she is mad at me.
      Somehow I have messed up the entryway, and she pulls out a banana peel from it.

      Updated 01-12-2024 at 05:54 AM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Night of Tuesday 1/9/24 (Winter Comp Night 4)

      by , 01-10-2024 at 04:18 PM (Dreamlog)
      Coffee Splash:

      I'm in a long square-like room, sort of like a trailer.
      My Grandpa R has just died, and his casket is on display.
      I keep thinking that the body is going to stand up.
      Highly emotional feelings. My Dad is there with me.
      We're tasked to set the casket aflame in some ritual and we are hesitating to do it.
      Later in this process the casket goes down a serpentine system of pipes into fluid.
      Later I am in a huge banquet hall-like building, with a theater attached.
      I'm walking over to a concessions stand. I find a couple of fruits with barcode stickers and try to scan them.
      A woman nearby says that this cannot be bought, even though the scan goes through.
      I've come home to my current garage. There is a small circular folding table setup.
      My laptop is setup there, and my brother has an identical one setup for him next to it.
      My sister is with us as well.
      I'm having an argument with my brother. He thinks I'm being too easy-going, and not allowing our sister to mourn.
      This makes me angry, because I want to deal with grief my own way.
      I notice a cold mug of coffee on the table, and I splash it in his face.
      Trying to remove myself from the situation, I start to pick-up and leave.
      My brother grabs my laptop's power cord, preventing me from going.
      I wake up angry.

      Shooting for the Girl:

      I'm on a roadtrip with my girlfriend, her mom, and a young guy.
      The guy is a friend of my girlfriend's mom, and I suspect that she is positioning him as my replacement.
      I'm checking out at the counter, buying some snacks. I pay for the guy's food, trying to be cordial.
      He seems to appreciate it, not outwardly trying to steal my girlfriend. He is friendly.
      We leave and head outside. We are driving a large semi-truck.
      A middle-eastern looking man follows us outside and seems angry.
      He points out that I'm carrying wrappers, and going to make a mess in the car.
      I notice a dumpster nearby and try to basketball-shoot the crumpled wrappers into it.
      My shot is miserable. Embarrassed, I pick-up the clump and place it in the dumpster.
      I'm worried that bad shot just affected my chances against the guy.

      Game Night:

      I'm playing a Yu-Gi-Oh inspired card game with my girlfriend.
      Taking just a couple turns, I've already cleared her side of cards and attacking her life points.
      The values on the cards are in the single digits.
      Later I'm playing a mid-generation Pokemon game.
      Looks like it might have been DS or 3DS era, with animated 2D sprites.
      I'm controlling a Magneton, except it is made from four Magnemites instead of the usual three.
      I use an attack called Tetraelectro Blast or something similar.
      The animation has four distinct stages with accompanying sound.
      Basically, it looks accurate to the games.
      I'm in a Yu-Gi-Oh duel with someone in a large empty warehouse.
      The atmosphere is dark and foreboding.
      We have fully 3D virtual monsters, like in the show.
      My opponent has summoned the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
      But it is multiplying. Four heads. Five heads. Six heads...
      It's the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra now.
      The entire warehouse is filled with the oppressively huge heads and necks of the monster.
      This monster gets so comically large that I'm nearly trapped by the slithering necks moving around me.
      I see a light on my left side. I duck by one of the snaking necks and escape.

      The Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra. Made with Bing Image Creator AI.

      False Awakening:

      I wake up and start telling my girlfriend about the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Hydra.
      She has put a couple Monster Energy drinks on the foot of the bed for me.
      My room is perfectly rendered, down to the real-life detail that my girlfriend is up early for an important work meeting.
      I go over to the bathroom and look in the mirror.
      I see that my eyes are large and white, with the pupils faded like a blind person's.
      I start to freak out and wonder what is wrong!
      The eyes correct themselves after I blink a few times.
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