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    1. 2009, Dec. 13 (Sun), 22 (Tue) (Estimated), 23 (Wed); Nazi, Ring on groom's nose, Frodo Baggins

      by , 05-08-2013 at 04:32 AM
      Most of what I wrote below is what I wrote at the time.

      "Dec. 12th - Dec. 13th

      I've been playing "The Saboteur" A lot lately. But anyway, The part I distinctly remember is when a Nazi standing in a checkout lane at Walmart told me to stop doing something in my awake life. I was lucid dreaming at the time too and I actually told him that I knew I was dreaming. I asked him to keep talking and he did. I don't feel like sharing all of the details. "

      (Now I do feel like sharing; This was speaking of mas--------on, Fill in the blank.)

      Next entry:

      "Dec. 21st-22nd (I'm guessing...)

      I remember a wedding at one part that went weird. The best man put the ring (Which was like a hoop earring) On his nose, I think the bridge took it off his nose and then saw it wasn't a wedding ring and ran off."

      I also wrote this little note later:

      "(Bridge? Did I mean Bride?)"

      Note - "His nose" = The best man's nose.

      Third dream:

      "Dec. 22nd-23rd (If you count falling asleep after midnight the 22nd)

      At one part I was Frodo Baggins in the Prancing Pony. It was weird, It went similar to the lines of the movie - Pippin said "Sure I know a Baggins, He's over there" And I may have went over to him. I'm not sure exactly how it all went, Some parts may have repeated but when I got the ring on I couldn't get it off and the eye was rather far away.

      What the heck is it with golden rings in my dreams lately? "

      Updated 09-02-2013 at 01:02 AM by 61868

      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    2. Getting married... again

      , 02-21-2013 at 06:17 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Wednesday, 2/20/13 Bed 12am-8am

      Some people and my mom are bugging me, when am I going to get married. I have enough of it so I say, fine, I'll do it. They are showing me some wedding gowns and I point at one of them without really looking at it, because I have not intention of getting married.

      Suddenly the wedding day arrives. I'm just lounging and feeling really bad, how did it come to this, when i didn't wanna get married. I'm looking at the dress and it looks horrible. I would never wear anything like that. I'm angry at myself why did i agree to this.

      I'm talking to two guys, whose brother is my groom. His last name is Nesmith and I tell them I'll remember that, because it's the last name of character in Galaxy Quest. I have never even seen my future husband. I walk towards his house, eventhough he said not to. I see him walking by not being happy about me being there.

      *Not a happy feeling from this dream. Btw, it's a 4th dream about my wedding in last 2 month. That's enough, please no more.
      Tags: wedding
    3. Fragments

      by , 02-05-2013 at 03:24 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I'm dreaming a lot lately but I'm not writing them down so much. Today just some fragments:

      a wedding

      Melissa from elementary school
      dream fragment
    4. Another Wedding Dream

      by , 12-18-2012 at 07:38 PM
      Real-life influence

      At first I am just an observer. I walk up a flight of yellow carpeted stairs, a young woman's father is saying that due to the policy of the company, for her boyfriend to travel overseas with them, he must first take her as his wife. It's impromptu, and at first the boyfriend is worried that she won't want to, so he keeps coming up with reasons why it won't be terrible.
      "Or, you know, it can only be on paper. We don't have to act married at all."
      She doesn't say anything, though she seems pleased by the prospect of marrying.
      (I picked celebrities to be my dream characters. Katharine McPhee was the bride to be, and Jensen Ackles was the husband. I'm assuming I only picked them because I just finished watching Smash and Supernatural.)
      I wake up and roll over.
      In the next part I'm with some other women about to get my hair dyed. There are two women in front of me who have red hair and orange highlights. I think that there is no shame in copying them, then I just decide to dye my hair black. I tell one of them about the time where the black 28-wash out dye wouldn't wash out. They criticize my box dye. I try to defend myself, but then just accept their judgement. I don't actually end up getting my hair dyed. From there I start trying to find something to wear to my wedding. I'm myself as far as I can tell. I have to pick from what's in this room, because time is short. I choose a black skirt I own in real life, and cast about for a suitable shirt to go with it. I ignore a pile of black shirts, pick up a weird shirt on a hanger, it's a dusty dark pink and looks kind of like a coat cut in half. I wonder why anyone would wear it. I find the one I'm looking for, a cream shirt with small green flowers on it. I put it on, but don't know where the skirt is.

      Besides, I have to shave my legs. I walk into the next room. There's a shower in there, but it's also the kitchen. I notice a room separator that I can pull across and latch to the other side of the room to give me privacy. I pull it across but a woman unhitches it and tells me she has to examine my razors. I hand them to her. They are pink.
      "What do you intend to do with these?" she asks, like I could kill someone with them.
      "I'm going to shave my legs? Before the wedding?"
      "Okay. Fine. But stay where I can see you."
      I walk over to the shower. The water is already on. I really wish I could close the divider, now there are more people in the kitchen. I don't want to get naked with them watching me, so I get into the shower clothed. I take my shoes off and drop them outside the tub. My shirt gets soaked, I pull it off. I wonder what I'll wear now. I start to shave my legs and realize I don't have any shaving cream, I keep going anyway thinking I'll just have to be careful.
      The woman interrupts me, but I don't remember why.

      I get out of the shower. My mother- and sister-in-law (DCs, not people I know) run up to me with fabric swatches. At the time I knew what they were for, but now I have no idea. She has 4, I only really see the white one with small blue flowers on it. I choose that one. They seem ecstatic about my choice, saying they knew I'd pick the blue. They rush off.
      I realize that the wedding is going to be in a few hours, and that none of my family is there
      . I really want to call my dad, to see if he can make it. My friend Cel, and also L. I wonder what L will think. Will she be happy for me? Or will she just remind me of my doubts?
      ...do I have doubts? I then ask myself who I'm marrying. Since I can't remember, but can recall in the dream having the other dream, I assume I'm marrying my boyfriend and not a DC.
      Once inside the sanctuary where I know my boyfriend will be, I walk to the length of pews where he's sitting. I start to ask him if he knows when the wedding will start, but he shushes me. A priest (in full papal regalia...oh my god I just realized he was dressed like the guy from Princess Bride XD haha...except with lines of red down the front of his robe.) makes his way to me. He says he's there to bless me before the union. He doesn't seem concerned with blessing my boyfriend. He holds out his hand to me and at first I'm confused. I don't know what he wants me to do. Awkwardly I lean down and kiss his ring. He looks down his arm at me and smiles with yellowed teeth. He says something that I miss entirely, but I know there's another part of it. I'm supposed to kiss him. A little disgusted, I press my lips to his for a good 10 seconds. I really don't like the look on his face when I pull away.
      The priest pronounces me blessed and then leaves.
      My boyfriend seems amused. I wonder if it was some sort of prank...
      "Anyway. Do you know when it'll start?"
      "A few hours I guess...why?"
      "I want to call my dad."
      "Don't you think he'd want to be here?"
      "Yeah, I guess."

      I decide to call my dad anyway, the drive will take a couple hours. Maybe I can hold the ceremony until he arrives. It doesn't feel like I have that much time.
      My mind wanders, and I start to wonder what it will be like for us once we're married. I wonder if we will echo Liam and Saja or if I'll create the echo myself just so I can live it again.

      I wake up and roll over.

      When I fall asleep I dream about zombies. I am one and I'm traveling on a boat with some other zombies. The boat is sinking and one of my zombie friends is stuck. I use a giant scythe to slice through the thing holding him. We start walking together. A weird dog/bird creature is following us. It looks a little like a furry emu with a terrier's head.
      "That was cool." It says. That seems so absurd that I burst out laughing. The creature shoots me an accusing look. "What are you laughing at."
      "I'm sorry." I giggle. "That wasn't funny." Then I laugh more because I realize I'm a zombie giggling at a talking bird creature.
    5. White/Black Wedding

      by , 12-01-2012 at 04:08 PM
      I'm in a church. I rush into the bathroom, thinking I have time to freshen up before it begins. The bathroom is narrow and dim with red and gold carpet. There are accent plants on either side of the wide vanity that takes up one wall. I stare into the mirror, thankful in one breath that I have recently trimmed my hair, and then annoyed that one layer of it refuses to stop cow-licking up no matter what I do to it. I lean close to the mirror, examining my face. It looks a little different but the differences please me. I start to worry about my clothes. I'm wearing a long black strapless dress, and I'm afraid that it won't fit the occasion. I'm attending my own wedding, after all.

      I feel like someone has surprised me with the event, or that it slipped my mind, or that I thought I was at the church for another reason. I worry that I don't have any dress shoes, then remember some ugly black ones that I have in my car that will have to do.
      (http://ak1.ostkcdn.com/images/produc.../P14797327.jpg kind of like those, except the elastic band is twice that width.)

      Someone knocks on the door to tell me everything is ready, by the time I open the door they've gone ahead of me. I trail after them into the sanctuary. All the preparations for my wedding were done without me, none of it feels real. The sanctuary reminds me of one of the churches I went to when I was a kid, except more compact. They have hung crystals from the light fixtures and run white and black ribbon across the pews. It's pretty, I guess. I worry again that my dress is too plain. The left side of the room is just a wide walkway, so that there's only one length of pews. There are twelve bridesmaids, and they are all my boyfriend's female cousins/spouses of cousins. It bothers me that none of my family is there. They are all dressed more extravagantly than myself, in ankle length white tulle dresses with a black sash around the waist. The black sashes make me think maybe my dress isn't so out of place.

      There's a guy named Rio talking, I don't know why he's here and I hate him. He's talking loudly to my boyfriend's family, alluding that since we have been together so long (seven years in real life), the marriage will begin without purity, and is ill-fated. It annoys me, because it isn't any of his business. I don't tell him that though, I just walk from the front of the aisle to the back, between the bridesmaids. I notice a woman laying in one of the pews, she's the only one not dressed for a wedding. At first it looks like one of my boyfriend's family, but the closer I get the more she looks like my friend Laura. She's very pregnant, and she says she just wanted to see me once before the baby is born. I lean down and hug her, then leave the sanctuary.

      I'm suddenly back in the bathroom. I've willed myself there. I'm still worried about my shoes, and think I might have time to go get more suitable ones from home. I close my eyes and concentrate on home, then clap my hands once sharply. I open my eyes and find myself standing in a parking garage (definitely nowhere near home). A faded dark blue car pulls up next to me, and the driver orders me to get in. I'm being kidnapped by strangers.
      When I get into the back seat there's a man there, I don't know him either. I close my eyes and concentrate and clap my hands, but nothing happens.
      "What's wrong with you?" he asks rudely.
      "The clap-teleport isn't working."
      "The what?" He looks at me like I'm nuts.
      "You know, where you concentrate on your destination and clap to teleport there."
      "Sure, whatever sweetheart."

      Then I woke up.
      Tags: black, wedding, white
    6. pigs hedgehogs wedding aniston peach

      by , 11-26-2012 at 02:58 PM
      first part of the dream was about keeping little pigs. they were really friendly and there was a grey one, a pink one and a japanese one which was animeesque with weird angular bone structure and advertising branded on it. also there were hedgehogs in the garden.

      then i was stressing about being made to conduct my cousins wedding. i was wearing a long tail coat and for some reason looked like the bastard child of stewart lee and russell brand as i checked my hair in the mirror.

      back home and jennifer aniston is there as i am trying on these multi coloured towel shorts things for her. then we are out in the garden and i notice we are growing peaches and one of them is ripe. i give it to her and as she bites it, the juice runs down her neck and chest....
    7. Non-lucid, Boyfriend, Superman wedding

      by , 10-30-2012 at 10:45 PM
      This means normal dream
      This means lucid dream
      This means I'm loosing my lucidity
      This means non-dream notes

      Okay, so it started out as me walking into the house, (my grandma's actually), and my mom was sitting on the loveseat talking to my boyfriend on videochat on my old phone. While I didn't think it odd that my mom was there though she no longer lives with me, or that my phone doesn't have a video camera or internet, or that my BF would be conversing with my mom at all, I accepted it. I was in my swimsuit and it was a bright summer outside as my sisters played in our nonexistant pool. My hair was fluffy though, and longer than it is in real life, so I must not have been swimming. Anyway my mom hands the phone to me and my BF and I start to talk like we do any other day, me playing around with the camera angles and making myself look upside down.

      Then, my Bf's sister and her two little kids interrupted our conversation by barging in and the littlest kid blowing a party streamer in my bf's face. He looked annoyed and proceeded to chase his sister out of the room, leaving the two kids. I looked around awkwardly, suddenly realizing that I was in his room and not at my house. His laptop was still sitting on his desk (very odd, he NEVER uses a desk) and the skype window was open, but I was not there. His room was largely devoid furiture, with blue walls, white trim and light hardwood floors. There was the desk, a closet and an air mattress. Thinking back, it seems to resemble a cross between my sister's old room and my dad's new room, only cross sectioned into a new home. Looking down, I was still alone with my Bf's wide-eyed niece and nephew. So, I decided to play with them like I do most kids of their age, I pretended to be a dog. They enjoyed seeing me barking and walking on all fours, play bowing for them to throw balls for me that I brought back by nudging with my knuckles, unwilling to put anything in my mouth touched by a toddler. When my BF and his sister returned they seemed unconcerned by my presence. I stood up and when I looked to the web camera on the open laptop I was transparent and outlined by a black dotted line. Then, my color started to fill in and everyone else started to acknowledge me.

      new dream

      I do not remember how I got there or why, but me and my boyfriend were apparently in the wedding ceremony for some friend or relative of one of our families. The groom was wearing a superman costume and the wife, a tan indian woman, was in a muddy wedding gown. The entire wedding ceremony was on a large staircase and it was not bad by superman standards.

      My bf pulled me aside and started to yell at me, I yelled at him back and we were just plain mad for some reason. I told him that he couldn't be mad at me because I loved him and I had even had a dream about him just an hour ago (a reference to my dream previous). He said something along the lines of "well, you sure as hell weren't fucking me in that dream. now were you?" and we both bitterly continued to be our parts in the ceremony.

      it is to my conclusion that the last dream is my fear of ever getting to the point of marring my boyfriend because I am asexual and he is heterosexual. I could never give him what he needs, no matter how much I love him.
    8. Wedding Fragment

      by , 10-22-2012 at 01:42 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I had a dream that my friend Morgan got married and had her wedding on the roof of a building. That's kind of all I remember.
      Tags: morgan, roof, wedding
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. The Quartruple Wedding

      by , 10-18-2012 at 03:54 PM (My Life On The Other Side)
      Zahidah, Mei Ling & Meriliyn were all wearing white lacy form hugging wedding dress. All of them looked really pretty.

      I was walking with Zahidah before and saw a photo of a photo session that involved wearing a wedding dress and a veil that covered half the face from the top of the head to the nose. You couldn't see that person behind that veil. We saw a sample of the photo framed up behind a glass window of a photo shop.

      The dream went through the havok of choosing a wedding theme and a dress for each of them, they were excited the whole time including me. I was mostly going around taking pictures of the whole thing and ended up being the last one to choose a dress.

      The starting a the wedding was at an open space with the 4 grooms wearing white tux coming driving horse drawn chariots. The grooms were laughing and waving at everyone. Following behind them were more people on carriages and horse drawn trucks throwing flowers. They rode from one end to the other end of the field.

      The girls came from the same place as the guys, all 4 of them wearing their wedding dressing and a parade of people behind. They did a really complex route and everyone cheered. The girls rode away turning behind showing off their long train lace, laughing and excited.

      This whole time I was watching at the side line taking photos and trying to hold up my wedding gown still draped on my arm. I was slightly disappointed that I was not taking part, but I was still awed at the magnificence of the whole wedding parade.
    10. Catching Shrimp

      by , 09-10-2012 at 03:44 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      Did this a few times - 1. Buy 2 white bricks (drugs) and a lighter. 2. Go into a secret door in a hotel and use the lighter to see. 3. Find a secret room downstairs - pay hookers and do the drugs.

      A fine ass prostitute came up to my hotel room right before my wedding. We are ready to go but she has to pee. Then my wife gets back early from wherever she was. She tells me we have to do some wedding thing where we have to dance around all of our guests. We go outside and there is a huge pool with all of the guests seated around it. We all dance in a line around the pool. The hookers were invited and we were on roller blades.

      Dream 2:

      I pick up some dirt with my Dad's truck. I am with Bender from Futurama. Someone steals the truck. I become a cloud and I can see Fry's (from Futurama) face stretched around the planet. Then my wife and I are swimming in the ocean with a big net. I am explaining how to catch shrimp. We drag the net through the water and catch one shrimp. My wife is so excited.
    11. A weird test.

      by , 09-07-2012 at 10:33 PM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      Last night, I had a dream that I recieved a weird and eerie message from an unknown sender instructing me to do a series of random things for reasons unknown. Such as, to go to this specific place. Or find that specific thing. Now that I'm awake, I don't remember directly being informed of any threats- but I knew that the thing that was leading me was supernatural, and I was aware of fatal consequence if I were to fail. Also, I was aware of the possibility that once I finished doing these things that I would confront the one giving instructions. I had an image in my head of a cloaked shadow-like mass and I knew that was the mystery transmitter's image for some reason. Unfortunetly I don't remember exactly what the tasks entailed, but I remember my family being around me telling me not to proceed, it was too dangerous.
      I made a decision to go along with it, not because I was being forced, but because I wanted to hunt this thing that seemed to have so much power over me and beat it. The two scenes I remember out of my search for it were both very cloudy and dim. I found a small abandoned house with old decaying furniture and other items filling it up. Like a house you would see on that show "Horders", but if the horder lived on a creepy coast line, then died- and left the house there for fifty years. Tons of cobwebs and annoying obstacles. I remember rummaging through them. I found a box, but don't remember what was in it. The other scene I remember, I was walking down a rocky edge of the coast that was right outside of that house. It was pretty, no sun was out and it was raining a bit.

      I eventually got to the end of the tasks, and I remember looking at my computer screen again. At the end, it turned out that I was welcomed into some sort of strange leading order of the dream realm by my tester. The person who secretly vouched for me to be tested was my sister Rose, so she knew what was going on the whole time. Back at my computer, the screen was at this website, dreamviews- with a few minor differences. And my name "Nerq" changed from it's orange color, to a weird purple color.

      Now... I know that it sounds really boring, a supernatural being made me go to a couple places and then accepted me into a dream order on... the internet. But it didn't seem so dull in the dream. I was so proud of myself for some reason. Ophelia, the staff member I talked to a while back on here was part of this weird dream order that sent the test. I thought that was kinda funny when I woke up.

      Later that night after my WBTB alarm, I had a second smaller dream. This one was less intense. I met my co-worker Jeremy at a burger place that he liked. A few of his friend's had come, I recognized them as if I had met them before and they recognized me the same even though I've never seen them before in my life. We were celebrating Jeremy's gay wedding that was coming up. I sat down and met his one of his new friends, and that guy went to get the food at the counter. I could tell Jeremy looked nervous, like he wasn't having a good time. It looked like he was unhappy about something, so I tried to calm his nervs about the huge changes going on. Talked a little about my own marriage and then I left. That was the end of the dream. This was also kind of funny because Jeremy isn't gay in real life.
    12. Wedding Sex Games

      by , 09-07-2012 at 04:03 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      I am at my wedding reception and people are playing a very strange wedding game by the pool. Everyone at the wedding gets in a big circle, head to back, and they stick their dick in the ass of the person in front of them. Me and 4 other people refuse to participate, even when KTC asks me to go behind her. I am upset because later I find out my wife participated. They were going for some kind of world record.

      Dream 2:

      I see myself in a mirror. I don't recall what my face looked like but my back looked very weird and hairy.
      Tags: mirror, sex, wedding, wife
    13. Post Wedding Party

      by , 09-03-2012 at 03:45 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      Everyone threw a big post wedding party for me where I receive more gifts. It was at my old house on Pam Ln. I am sitting in a big chair in the driveway opening presents. Cousins R&M give me a ton of shit - can't remember what. An old guy from my Dad's side gives me dessert. The party ends
      (or so I thought) around 11pm and I leave. I go around banging chicks until around 11am - the last chick was crazy tight. I get back to the house and everyone is still there PISSED because I left. Apparently my Aunt E was late and I was supposed to wait for her. I open her gift then everyone leaves - 13hrs later LOL.

      Dream 2:

      I am playing a game at the pool guessing food and drinks.
    14. Rude Family Members

      by , 08-28-2012 at 03:30 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      I am at a wedding of one of my wife's family members. Everyone is giving them cash as gifts but we forgot to bring a gift. We frantically scramble to find $200. We give it to the couple in front of all the guests and they said they didn't want it. They said "checks only - we have too much cash now." We are VERY pissed and this tears the family apart. I just walk away but I regret not saying anything.

      False awakening - I wake up and start writing the dream in my journal then I wake up for real after a minute or so (common).
    15. Crappy Wedding Gifts

      by , 08-22-2012 at 03:18 AM
      Non-Dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I have to rescue my cats a bunch of times from the neighbors yard / house. I get caught inside of her house and she is very understanding.

      Dream 2:

      I have to pick up JK from some city past Anaheim Hills on the 91 freeway.

      Dream 3:

      M&J tell me about how they were in the finals for summer bowling but they got beat. Nobody liked them.

      Dream 4:

      I am opening wedding gifts and people are being very cheap. Getting $0-$50 checks.
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