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    1. A strange and War torn Dream

      by , 04-13-2017 at 07:48 AM
      It begins with me climbing over a short barbed wire fence. Within the fence is a single Sheep, And in a near by similar fenced in location is a Hog. The ground is Cracked, and grayish tan. Behind me it slopes up and disappears into the sky, as if we are on the side of a step, dead hill. There is no food nor water any where for the animals. Above the sky is a dingy, almost sickly green.
      The sheep is scared, and burnt along it's right side. The wounds are fresh, and barely scabbed over. However the sheep is very large, and aggressive. A voice from behind me lets me know it will not let me treat it, I am not it's Sheppard. But I need it. I need it's meat, milk, and wool. else I will die.
      As I approach is charges at me, and I refuse to move. It changes direction and almost collides with the barbed wire. I remove my self from the pen. I can't have it hurting it'self more. It has suffered enough.
      The voice then leads me away from the pens, we travel down the slope, along a dusty trail. Eventually a river comes into view. However as we continue down it smoke fills the air. The world grows darker and darker until we reach the river and we can't see more that 100ft in front of our faces. The river is also lined with 12 ft tall wooden posts from which barbed wire is strung hap haphazardly. Similar to the pens we had left.
      The voice passes to in-front of me. He is a general from the war that caused this, he is my friend. He explains that this fence was made to keep the enemy from crossing over the river. He opens a large gate, and leads me to the side of the river. The river is a sickly brown- green, like the water is dead.
      Destroyed and sunken ships lie just beneath the surface. Directly in front of me is an old weathered pier, with a matching wooden overhang for rain. The front posts are gone, and a half sunken ship lies there holding it up. My friend points to a still intact ship across the river. He says there are leads and food for the animals on it.
      When I turn my head for a second, he leaves to attempt to walk across the ships like stepping stones. I turn back to see him and he has disappeared from sight And I know he has drowned. Rain begins to fall and I try to cross the river my self. I make it to the first ship that has holds up the pier. I step on it and the ship gives way. I can hear the voices of my family scream as both I, the ship, and the pier fall into the dead river. I try desperately to swim upwards, and I almost breech the surface, before I wake up.
      I'm no stranger to messed up dreams, I've even had apocalyptic dreams but it's the first time I've had one this messed up. Just felt like sharing it.
    2. End of the World

      by , 06-19-2016 at 08:14 PM
      An environmental catastrophe was about to happen to the Earth. Humans were aware of this, and there was a system installed in which we all had to wait for our name to be called (sometimes in groups, sometimes alone) and step aboard a small asteroid-like rock that floated nearby a cliff. The asteroid was like a disposable mini-rocket, and as it launched off with each group, it begin slowly disintegrating until the people aboard would fall to the ground and die, or be injured and die later. It was terrible, but not very real-feeling. I watched a friend die, then came my turn, and I woke up before I died.

      I fell back asleep and entered a similar scenario, only this time it felt more real. I was living in a 'Fall-Out' type village, with very few amenities and maybe 50 people at most. We were under the control of another group of humans, like a military or militia. We had a local stand where a guy sold things like cigarettes, food, drink, drugs, etc. There was a man who delivered small amounts of rations regularly. I saw some soldiers going into some of the other homes on the compound and I knew the end was coming soon, they were going to take us away, and some [vague] bad thing was going to happen. During one moment I seemed to be playing the role of a child, although I also had my current dog, Cayna. I heard that the soldiers weren't allowing animals to come along and I began to panic. I knew I couldn't leave Cayna behind. She would starve. I knew she had been abandoned before and I dreaded the idea of putting her through that again, at my hands. I was leaving the home I shared with other people and I think I told a woman and her 2 kids that I had a dog and I was so sad to be made to leave it. I asked her if she was ready to leave too, and she said they were staying, because they have a cat, and if you sleep outside with your pet you can stay. I was thrilled and went to get my mother [random woman in dream, not real mom]. I saw her in the back of a car being driven away. I cried for her and she looked back and seemed to be crying out in pain of leaving me behind.

      I had Cayna though, and now I seemed to be back to my regular age because my husband was with me. I knew sooner or later we would be forced to commit mass suicide. I felt an enormous amount of dread. I thought, 'This is the worst possible ways things could end.' I wondered about Cayna again, and how she would survive without us. I thought she would have plenty to eat for a while—the left behind food and corpses...but then something convinced me that her death would be horrible if I let her live and I began to wonder if the safest thing to do for her was also poison her when we had to poison ourselves. My heart hurt; how could this be happening? I thought wouldn't it be wonderful if somehow, right before the and that someone said we didn't have to die after all? We could go on living! I felt a sting of hope rise and die quickly. I looked at my husband who was teary-eyed as well and told him that maybe the best thing for Cayna in the end would be to take her with us. He cringed and seemed to emote that he didn't want to talk about it. I said, 'I understand but I just wanted to say it now so when the time comes we had talked about it.'

      Some time went by. We were outside this entire conversation, my husband and I. He suddenly told me to hold still and he began plucking at something on top of my head. He plucked off a ladybug -still attached to some of my hair- that he said had burrowed itself into my head/hair.

      I had some allergy issues right before bed, and my throat felt tight, felt itchy, and it felt a little hard to breathe. I've had allergy induced asthma before and it wasn't that bad, but I decided to take a Benedryl to relieve my symptoms. My husband spends lots of time playing Fall Out 4 lately, and I think the post-apocalyptic town was designed with that in mind. I have been a little worried about my dog. She is aging, and I wonder if I am giving her the absolute best care that I could be. Do I exercise her too hardly when we run? Do I feed her too much? etc. I found it interesting as I typed it out that my worries about abandoning my dog turned into me playing a child being 'abandoned' by my [dream]mother. I'm not sure what that means though.
    3. Positive recurring apocalyptic dream

      by , 02-12-2014 at 05:37 AM
      Ever since I can remember, I have had recurring dreams that were all set in a place I cannot easily describe. This "world" is a brightly lit place, always coastal, or a feeling of being coastal, and is a very highly built city. I couldn't tell you how tall because I am always either in the top of the towers, which are all connected, or at the beach. In this world, clearly a very productive and happy place, our time as humanity is always coming to an end. The events of these dreams are never exactly the same. I recall when I was a young child that in the dream I was driving on a highway (very high in the sky) towards the beach, when the earth began to shake and the highway began crumble. More recently, I was in this world and found a friend, I stepped out of the elevator and went to hug him. I also knew at that moment I had been there before and some part of me knew the world was ending. The strangest thing about these dreams, and why I consider them recurring, even though they are not the same people, the same events, or even the same exact location, is the feeling that comes with this world. I feel it in the dreams and it feels familiar, and I know they are all in the same realm. This feeling carries over to when I wake up, as near as I can describe it is love. (as an aside I was convinced for two days I loved this friend after that dream before realizing it was only the feeling the dream had given me) Love is not totally accurate, however. Bliss is less accurate. I only know that as scary as the world ending may be, something about these dreams draws me to them. I almost cannot believe they are only dreams. To me it feel like a different realm, as real as this one, where I lead a very different life in a very different place. A place where people are so contented even the end of days does not damper their happiness.
    4. The depth of my lonely apocalypse.

      by , 07-17-2013 at 09:47 AM (Mysteries of my subconscious)
      June 14, 2013 - haven't remembered to post this!

      It seemed like the game the division, post apocalyptic. There were no zombies or anything, but some monsters that seemed monkey-like to me. They were scavengers and hunters, just some monsters that would try to kill me and my people. I was only with some friends (some people I don't remember), my brother Brian, friend Presley, and a teacher Mrs. Williams, as well as her two daughters(which I don't know if she has two daughters). It started out in a prison that was made safe into a settlement early on. I was requested for help(maybe?) and had to leaave the prison. I was in a house which didn't seem too bad, and I was with at least Presley and Brian.

      *There was some sort of side trip where Presley and I were purchasing a video game and he cut in line* dunno why this happened...

      We then went back to the room and hung out there for a little bit after avoiding attacks. On a radio or a phone we were called to go to another room that Mrs. Williams was in. She and her daughters were in there and the daughters were both terrified and young. One seemed about 8 and the other 3-4. She was doing anything she could to protect them. She seemd to be some sort of warrior apparently and she went out to kill some of the monsters that were causing trouble outside. She was requested for help and Brian went to help her. Neither returned although I tried to call for them various times. The daughters got frightened and hurt themselves running to a corner. They remained there for a long time. Many events that I cannot fully recall occurred during this time. I believe that Mrs. Williams story was somewhat revealed to me and I witnessed her death? Also some other guy showed up and was in a fun battle with some bad guy (familiar characters). It was mostly just tension and speaking. Then the bad guy shot the good in the head, I stole the gun and shot the bad guy in the head.
      Daytime was approaching and the older sister did not make it alive. I took the younger one back to the prison where she was taken care of, as I went to get something to eat. I walked into the eating hall alone, something I wouldn't typically do, it's just that anyone close to me was gone it seemed. I walked through the room with utter disappointment and loneliness until I sat at a table with friends Brittany Bolger, Santana and some others. I was still alone though I felt.
    5. Survival Montage

      by , 06-17-2013 at 05:07 PM
      Yesterday, I got a post apocalyptic game called The Last of Us, and played it for 12+ hours until I beat the story. The following dream was inspired by the game.

      So in the dream, I was turned back into a kid again, I was in my teens like 13 to 14 years old. I was trying to survive on my own from the infected until I find this family. This family consisted of a mother, and her two children; a brother and sister, I did not get their names though. The family took a liking to me and let me join their group to survive with them. While I'm helping them with their travels I talk to the brother and sister, I found out that the sister who is the older one of the two is teaching her younger brother to survive. After this the dream went into a forest setting, and the brother, sister, and I do a training montage. The sister taught her brother close quarters combat, then we teach him how to properly throw hatchets, then finally how to sneak, via capture the flag. The flag was in an open area of the forest, next to a sand pit. The brother was moving silently through the brush to see if there was an opening. I hid behind a bush that was overlooking the flag, until I saw him. I immediately went in to catch him, but got beat to it; his sister tackled him next to the flag. After, we all laughed and I woke up.
    6. Stealing a Slave Train

      by , 04-21-2013 at 07:43 PM
      The whole dream was oriented around a Train.
      Me and my dad were in a train station, and I knew I needed to take over the train because it was full of slaves (the slaves were like little goblin/oompa loompa things).
      The train station was like a post apocalyptic settlement. (a bit like a Fallout 3 settlement, kinda reminded me of a lighter version of the Metro 2033 station)
      We stole the train, but it was coming off the tracks like they weren't even there, it was like spinning and stuff.
      We were then in another train by the slave train suddenly driving near where I live down a hill past tree's etc... we then jumped into the other train and started riding it down the hill, although, it was hard to stop.


      Updated 04-21-2013 at 08:14 PM by 62566

    7. Zombie Apocalypse

      by , 01-16-2013 at 03:35 PM
      I'm in my house, but it's different. I start running. I look back to see zombies chasing me. My mom, dad, brother, friend, and an old lady are running alongside me. We burst out of the front door to a city street. We run to a big brick school. ( I guess the old woman worked there.) It's a big maze. We run through it, but the old lady is taken out at the principals office. She's one .fast zombie. She chased us to the back until we broke through a wooden door to outside. I remember I had a dream like this and started looking for an ax or some kind of weapon. ( All this non-lucid) There is are only some pool sticks. Greeeaaatttt. Just what I need. Half of them are gone, so I look around for them. More people are there. I give a pool stick to everyone. We ran through a maze of rocks. A zombie jumps out and I stab it. Another comes and bites me. I technically die, but I respawn at the house. My friend, J is here. So is my brother, K. We all run around the house dying and respawning. Pretty fun actually. I wake up soon after.
    8. Futuristic Space Colony Feels the Wraith of Killing my Loved Ones

      by , 11-02-2012 at 07:09 PM (Meanwhile In My Dreams...)
      Desolate Land spreads as far as we can see, but we've sustained somehow, and have a little group of survivors. In fact, Somewhat famous for dealing with other Survivors that do harm or threaten others. Average day out, when something we've never seen before comes from the sky. A space station of some sort, Metal, Grey, With Giant Glass Windows all over it. It has Giant Rocket Like things on joints on the bottoms that enable it to lift and fly. It comes down landing right in front of where we are. People come out blasting, I'm thrown off guard that such a thing is controlled and used by humans. I get blasted by a blue bolt of Electric Like stuff that paralysis me and brings me down. I black out...

      I wake up strapped down to a chair. Everyone from the campsite is chained up and being hung, from the torso twenty yard in front of me. Their then being blasted by gunshots and I start to break from my chains. They all die. I go into a rage. Snapping the guards neck to my right and then using the others gun to shoot himself. The Two Guards guarding the door run through it. Leaving it locked behind them. I look to the wall to the right of the door, left of the way the chair was facing, and see guns placed in a holder. I walk up and grab some SubMachine Guns throwing the straps over my shoulders, grabbing a double pistol hip holster, and some sort of grenade launcher. Alarms start going off. I turn to the door and send a grenade from the launcher that way. The blast blows the door off, killing and/or knocking down a gathering of soldiers on the other side, I come through Shooting the guards trying to get up with a pistol. As I pass the last one I grab a replacement pistol from the guy, put it in my holster and then I grab a shotgun. I have no destination but I'm walking determinedly in a rage, blasting anyone that gets in my way with the shotgun. Eventually a door slides open in front of me. and I see all the windows that were in the front of the ship. There is one guy, standing in front of a control panel. I raise the shotgun and fire, but its empty. the guy then turns to see me... He doesn't look like a normal guy, more robotic, then I realise that he is hooked up by long wires from his finger tips... I pull up a pistol and blast him in the face... He smiles like its nothing and some soldiers come running in through doors on the left and right. I pull the other pistol out and start blasting them as they run in... Eventually I notice that their are too many and I'm being over run. I then pull out my smgs and start blasting the windows. I see clouds outside, so its not really a space ship so much as a moveable station in the sky. The glass shatters sucking us all back. As I come by the man hooked to the panel I see he is still hanging by the cords coming out of his finger tips. I grab his shoulders as I fall past. I look around, all the henchmen are gone, but I see the ship is still flying fine. I look up at the cords. I climb a lil bit up the guy and start to rip the cords from his finger tips. once I get to the last two we rip free. we get sucked out the windows. as were flying I see the ship going down with us, flipping end over end. As I'm rushing toward the ground and my death I'm happy, knowing I avenged my loved ones, with self sacrifice.
    9. 18th May 2012 - Second Lucid Dream

      by , 05-19-2012 at 01:54 AM
      Italic Text = Personal Thoughts
      Normal Text = Non-Lucid Segment
      Purple Text = Lucid Segment

      I had woken up multiple times today, each time failing to achieve any kind of dream recall. I decided to do my WBTB 30 minutes later than normal just to test it out as I hadn't been having any luck with my previous time. I figured I may as well attempt a WILD so I get relaxed and begin my attempts, only I drift into sleep by accident.

      I find myself in some kind field, somewhat resembling the field I had been previously dream incubating, only with many more trees surrounding the area. There's a gathering of sorts between myself and friends I know from the internet, everybody's hugging and greeting each other. At one point, one of my friends who happens to upload vlogs to YouTube pulled out his video camera and began recording the event, a tall guy wearing all black and sporting an afro who I don't seem to recognise makes a remark about how crazy my friend must be for talking to a camera, and how he could never do such a thing.

      As the gathering gets in full swing, I realise I am one of the shortest people here, being only 5'6" it isn't an uncommon thing for me. I begin to get anxious that everybody is taller than me, which is strange as I'm usually perfectly content with my height in real life. I'm fighting my way through the crowds of people who are all chatting. I end up bumping into this guy, dirty-blonde medium-length hair, sporting a scruffy beard of the same colour and bright green eyes. He also seems to be concerned that everybody else is much taller than he is, he's about my height, maybe a little shorter.

      I seem to instantly bond with this guy, we have a pretty lengthy conversation which I've completely forgotten now. We decide to split away from the group, as we're walking away we're playfully fooling around. I should mention that I'm bisexual. I hear a voice from behind make a remark about "guys in love" but choose to ignore it. I rest my head on his shoulder and he turns his head and looks me at my directly with his green eyes and i'm taken aback by how perfect he looked in that moment.

      We end up beside a stream, he sits down on the sloping grass just beside the river and I follow his lead. I get lost in conversation (which again I have forgotten) as well as sound of the running water from the nearby stream. Things blur, my vision fades and before I know it the dream had a complete scene change

      I'm in the living room of my house with all the people from the gathering, including the nameless dirty-blonde haired guy. We again decide to split from the group and head into the kitchen where we're discussing what's happening. I recall a familiar voice say "Hello" as she walks in the door. A bright red haired lady with a long face and somewhat haunting. I place the voice with the woman from the field who made the remark about us being in love.

      She suggests a game of Truth or Dare, although she calls the game something else at the time, but I forget precisely what she called it. We decide to take her up on her offer, and it's my turn first, I pick truth. She begins going into scientific detailing of the specific names of genitalia for transexual people, I blame the genitalia conversation from IRC the night before this lucid dream. When she's finished, she asks if either of us are transexuals, to which we truthfully respond "No".

      For some reason, there is a strange shift in the entire dream here. I seem to have two consciousnesses. My dream self and my waking conscious self floating around in the head of my dream self. All three of us begin discussing the "game", something my dream self seemed to understand, but I had no idea what this "game" was all about.. We start detailing why each of us wants the prize money from the game and it turns out that the red-haired woman actually has a really good cause, she intended to use all of the prize money to repair the world after the chaos. Again something my dream self seemed to realise, but I was amiss as to what this chaos was.

      Dirty-blonde-haired guy states that, if he wins, he will donate all of the money to red-haired girl to help with her cause. This leads to all of us eventually teaming up as a group in this "game". We start discussing strategy and state how the prize fund gets bigger with each person that gets kicked out of the game.

      My mum, who for some strange reason was the organiser of these games, walked into the kitchen just as we were mentioning how the outside world seemed to have died down as of late and how we're currently safe in this house. I'm still unsure of exactly what these games were about or what they involved, and what had caused the outside "chaos", but dream self had no problems knowing what it was all about. My mum quickly corrects us, saying how we're fooling ourselves if we believe that.

      She guides dirty-blonde-haired guy and red-haired woman to the window in the living room, while I hang around in the kitchen momentarily to clean up some mess. I soon follow after and both of them are breaking down on the sofa, crying. An overwhelming sense of worry takes over and I rush to the window and am in shock at what I see.

      Cars are turned over in the streets, houses are on fire and there are burnt corpses laying on the ground. Any people that aren't burnt to a crisp are crawling along the floor, grasping on to the last ounces of life. I ask my mum if I can go upstairs to get a better look out the upstairs window, when all of a sudden it hits me.

      I begin thinking, this can't be real, I know it's a dream. I lift my hands and my vision begins to blur but I try my hardest to focus and count my fingers, there are far more than there should be and I know for sure that it's a dream. I begin getting excited, I can't decide what to do first.

      I notice the dream seems to be continuing regardless, my mum is already walking up the stairs and for now I decide that I want to continue on with the dream. I follow her up the stairs and into her bedroom, she stops momentarily to slip off her shoes, mentioning how she doesn't want to get the carpet dirty before walking up to the window.

      I decide to break away from the dream here and get a good view, I walk straight up and through the wall, finding it much easier to will myself through the wall unlike my first lucid where I got stuck. I also went straight into flying after passing through, instead of falling down to the ground first.

      I am again shocked at the detailing of the world around me. The trees are bright green and full of detail, the fires blaze and I can vividly hear the screams for help from the dying people. I fly down the street but seem to struggle to stay up in the air, I slowly descend and try to adjust my body into a position that can fly the best.

      I'm low enough now that I am obscuring the cars on the road, there's a truck behind me honking its horn, obviously wanting me to get out of the way. I turn around and decide to use telekinetic powers to flip the truck over and it's completely destroyed on impact.

      I continue flying down the road, and round onto the other street which joins onto mine. I again flip over another car and I seem to accidentally flip it right on top of this innocent car on the side of the road. I begin to feel guilty and go over to help this guy out of his car. He has about 5 young children and insists on fetching a doctor to help. I inform him that I could heal, knowing I'm dreaming and that I could just will their health into existence.

      Regardless, he insists on getting a doctor. He steals a nearby car and I leap in just as he's driving off trying to get him to listen. The spinning of the car and being disorientated seems to kick me out of lucidity. I fall out the car, he drives off and I become completely non-lucid.

      Everything is incredibly blurry from this point. I remember flashes of staying with the children, the guy coming back with a doctor and then being in a hospital as the guy is reunited with his wife and they're told that all of the children will be okay.

      I fade back into waking life and the dream is over.

      Updated 05-19-2012 at 03:57 AM by 54730

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    10. Buildings in the desert, possibly post-apocalyptic future setting,does anyone recognise these images

      by , 07-25-2011 at 03:54 AM
      Buildings in the desert (possibly india,china), possibly post-apocalyptic future setting,

      - does anyone recognise these images from dreams
      - has anyone seen a sunburnt man with a robe gaining access to these buildings in the desert

      underground rap-thistoo424177935_6_oluw.jpgunderground rap-thisone_922432824_6_d0ti.jpgunderground rap-buildings2.jpgunderground rap-buildings1.jpg

      Updated 07-26-2011 at 11:49 PM by 32472

      nightmare , memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    11. Labyrint (and the missing H)

      by , 06-19-2011 at 05:33 PM
      I'm having very intresting dreams at the time being, but not so much recall. So I decided to post one of my key-dreams from couple of years back. This really did change something in me.

      So this dream was played in two acts. They both were long and complex.. but I remember the first act only vaguely.


      ACT I - The Party

      I was at this underground festival wich I did partisipate in wakig life many years ago (when it did happen I was in delusional state so the experience there was quite psychedelic also in real life). The parties in dream were parties of apocalypse. All kind freaky stuff happened but in a somewhat "normal" way. I was acting as a ringmaster and tried to keep the spirit up, help people to find their way there and help the world to change. I was wearing tailcoat and top hat (I own over 100 year old tailcoat and did have over 150 years old top hat in waking life). At one point I slipped and fell into deep woodstocklike mud pit and got a moment humblening. I remember thinking how on earth I can get these clothes clean, how much it will cost and is it even possible etc.

      After that and also scattered around the I act I tried to contact people (spent much time in phone etc) so that they would know that parties are happening and get there. I moved in dreamlike manner across the communication lines. In one point I had moved to the town where I live in waking life and I was in phone booth talking to someone in festival. He/she told my that one person I know had arrived to the festival. In the waking version of those festival he wasn't there and I remembered that. It came clear to me that he has arrived from present to parties that were in past. It was absolutly clear in dream that this was what had happened. I became thrilled that things were finally working and the first act ended.

      ACT II - The Sanitarium

      I found myself at the mental hospital. I was patient there (I've been hospitalized iwl). My girlfriend from that time came to visit me. I said to her that let's go to my room so that we can be in peace. So we get to this room and in the back of the room is another door that hasn't been there. We go through the door and after a corridor we come to this room full of mirrors and old paintings. Paintings are somewhat romantic but also impressionistic. All of them symbolise some theme or situation in intimate relationship. Situations are universal and about the crisis, glings, disconent, frustration and situations you end up reliving from time to time (loops). We deside to go deeper into this knowing that they are only loops. So we go deeper this time travelling through mirrors and paintings. Every time we go through one we end up to act the situation in our life, but in some level we are lucid that this is what we have to do to get to the end of this road. After every passage we end up to new room full of, yes, paintigs and mirrors.

      Then we get to this one painting. It's quite small and from 18?? I think. It's a holiday and tourist town in French normandy. There are houses that are cafeterias, inns and restaurants. There is a promande and in the side of it a low wall, by the wal there is stairs that lead to beach. In the middle of promenade there is a phone booth (not realistical at that period of time) and in the phone booth there is a gentleman talking to phone. He is wearing top hat and tail coat. After a decent distance there is a woman waiting for her man. She is leaning to her umberella. We decide to go through this painting. We end up to relive many symbolically analogous sitution from our relationship. In those situations either one of us is talking on a phone or using computer. The other one is jealous for attention that other is giving to outside world and at the same time hoping that he/she could be on computer/phone conncting to outside world. These scene goes on too long. The whole labyrinth that we have travelled inside the sanitarium collapses and we are back in my room. My girlfriend is shouting at me for some obscure reason that I don't understand. She doesn't have any memories of us travelling in that maze of realtionship. She leaves from the room and bangs door loudly.

      I end up wandering around the sanitarium. Group of three or four patient come to talk to me. One of them woman, other are men. They want me to go to a room where some of them live. I'm cautious cause you never know how to trust other looneys but in the end I decide to follow them. So I get to this room and they start to talk to me very entusiastically. They have difficulties to remember not to talk at the same time. They tell me stories and try to make me remeber things that I have blocked out. Their message is this: they are group of reality revolutionaries (not the kind that want to rebel against reality but the kind that want to fight for new, better, reality. In fact I'm one of them. We have done many missions together before. There are many more of us. Some of us (like me) don't remember this.
      As the story goes on I start to remember bits and bits. And as I remember their appereances start to change. I get to see glimbses who they really are. Some fantastical features in their looks.

      After they have downloaded this information to me they say that it's a time of next strike. It's now. So we go to common areas of department, and strike starts. It is a fasion show. So the nurses happen to be caring and motherlike and have allowed the patient to keep little fun. Patients get to arrange fasion show and the nurses are sitting in the audience. Everybody is dressed in blankets and pillowcases and stuff that is avaible. My comrades ask me to sit on a ground and hold a flashlight. So I sit in lotus possition and held the lamp like a torch. I start to get tired and doze off. As I start to get closer to dream (in a dream) I see glimbses of my fellow model patients inner shelves. Not just how they are but who they experience to be. Then I fell asleep.

      I wake up to this large dog licking my neck and get scared. Wait a minute. It's not a dog but a dragonlike being whose tail is around my neck. And it stays there. I'm still among the models/patients and the nurses are watching but this freaking dragon stays there and freaking nurses are staring right into it. So I realise that reality is quite leaking. Divine intervention (lights and stuff) put this large book into my lap. The books is about cracking the code of reality. I open it from random spread. The other page has this chart about history: years, periods, rulers and things. The other page has a map of time were every time periods are not separeted by time but by geographic distances. There is island called 1960's and a city called French revolution with suburbs that are like American independence war and other too. Large nation called Archaic and everything else. When I read the both pages simultaniosly the timeline of world starts to collapse to a one hypermoment where everything is simultaniosly.

      I open the book from another spread. It talks about multidimensional masters that have reached the fifth dimension and effect the world from there by telling stories. They use codenames to let the awake people know what's the story about. There are names of waking world playwrights, songwriters, comic writers, book authors, poets and other. Code opens up who they really are, who tell the same story, what other aliasses those master use in waking world. As I read this code the optional storylines start to collapse in one hyperstory with all possibilities. I got this strong sensation that now the reality is really open. Mental hospital has mostly faded away. We (and there are many of us now) desided to make one last effort to really crack reality up.

      (this part is very hazy.. so I don't even remember how I experienced the last effort. Was it a party, orgy, battle, chessgame or what.. maybe all at once)

      We win (kind of). Reality has changed into Orwellian Nazi Germany where our side wears uniforms of SS officers. Some of as start losing their memories and act like their roles. I'm alarmed and depressed. Something must be done. I pick up a piece of paper and start writing. Asking questions from remaining resistance about what should we do. After I've written those things the letters reshape into answers and suggestions. They so me this one sigil that I remember from somewhere and suggest that maybe we should use it. I think for a moment and then agree. I use the sigil and the dream collapses. Error message appears in English (it's not my native tongue). I'm not sure was it a mental or visual text. It says:


      I wake up and have this surrealistic feeling for the next couple of days
    12. So much for semi - weekly.

      by , 09-05-2010 at 12:19 AM
      I kinda like doing this daily.

      Non Lucid

      Mountain Trek (post apocalyptic?)

      In a shopping centre. Someone has used a spell to create zombie witchs or something ( I never see them). I have to bury some body in natural earth. I have a (ghostbusting?) partner, possibly my brother. We want to bury it in a backyard so we look for a mail box with lots of junkmail building up and figure no-one is home. We break through the front door. (my partner lock picks it). Now it gets weird. There are two small children staying in the house. They are very dirty, their parents are dead. I have a false memory of doing this last time, except we broke in through the window, the little girl screamed and we accidentally killed her. This time we did it right and we can save the kids. My ghost fighting partner (brother?) goes back to the shopping centre for food, I begin to dig up the back yard to bury the body in the boot of my car. The kids have been in the house for weeks (dead parents, possible zombies in the streets yada yada) and only now do the neighbors start to car, so I have to get the little boy to dig up the back yard, lie to the nosy neighbors, pretend his parents are still alive so they can go away. I distract the neighbors by sneaking out the house, going to the alley between their houses and jumping back and forth over the nosy neighbors fence till he looks at me and leaves the kid alone. I run away and sneak back to the house. The plan works I guess. I'm back at the shopping mall, behind an old wooden door is the (sacred? enchanted? evil?) forest where whoever summoned the zombie witches is hiding. now I've buried the body though, I summon the witches by chanting something that sounds like Ominous Day. Somehow the dream ends with me at an Icecream store getting free icecream.

      Driving a truck down a steep mountain with shitty brakes
    13. The Masked Man

      by , 08-25-2010 at 05:17 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was floating in the waves, and washed up on the shore. I pulled myself from the water and looked up. Around me it looked like a post-apocalyptic zombie town. Buildings were caved in and I didn't see anyone.

      I walked along the shoreline a little more until I heard a man's voice coming from one of the buildings. I followed the sound and peeked into the room where the wall was destroyed. An older teenage boy was sitting across from a teenage girl who looked like Megan Fox. He saw me and beckoned me to come inside.

      "What's your name?" He asked. I did not know. He moved a large piece of fallen wall over to reveal a hidden passage. He said that we would be safe here. We met his family. They told us that in their town there was a man with a mask. He liked to sneak into people's houses and murder them. They also told us that we would never know when he would sneak in.

      I decided to check out the house. Looking around, I found an extra bedroom. My phone was there, and I had a text from Mike. I responded to the text, but when I turned around I felt a creepy presence...

      Everyone in the house was getting ready for bed, and I was the only one left still up and not in the main bedroom. I left the extra bedroom and walked down the long hallway. Turning around once to look behind me, I saw a dark shadow standing at the end of the hallway!!! The shadow had the silhouette of a man, but I couldn't see if he was masked or not.

      "Get inside the bedroom!" I heard the family yell. I ran to their bedroom and bolted the door shut behind me. WTF was that?!

      I slept peacefully that night. The next day we went to eat with the other townspeople. They had a large room that resembled a cafeteria. Our family sat down and ate our meals while I thought over what I had seen last night.

      The cafeteria got quiet. I looked up and saw the masked man standing in the doorway. He looked like the man from Friday the 13th.

      He stood there for a moment before silently pointing to me. He walked over and grabbed me and pulled me away into the kitchen. He said that we were going to play a little 'ice fishing' game.

      Point of view changes and I am now the head of the household. I am running around trying to find where the masked man took the girl. Our family runs into the kitchen. The sink has iced over. We pull a string out from the drain and we see that the girl has frozen in a solid ice cube. We set her down to let her thaw. We also find another string in the other sink and pull out the frozen version of the masked man. We decide to kill him while he is unable to move. We grab a large pole and shove it through his neck. We think he is dead for now but I think he wakes up again, can't remember the rest.
    14. 7/24

      by , 07-26-2010 at 05:27 PM
      Remembered three dreams this night!

      1) I am the last hope for humanity (not sure why), working in an Apple store. Some evil being is trying to get me to sleep with some girl which will apparently cause the world to end. It's new years eve. Feels like I'm the only one around who knows of the impending destruction of humanity. Got off work, everyone is going crazy, in a very demonic kind of way. At some ceremony with lots of people I know, feels like they are all in a trance.

      2) 5:41 AM - Around some priest who is telling me that children who hang out with the child he is with will die, at which point the child's eyes start glowing red.

      3) In a band, playing bass. It's our first gig, my top bass string breaks and can't find another string. End up borrowing someone's bass. Leave my bass at the venue, on a glass elevator and can't get off to go get it.