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    1. ccclxxxix. A's bags, Police drama, Mount farming, Russian exchange

      by , 06-24-2022 at 01:35 PM
      2022 May 27th


      Talking to my friend A on Discord, via voice. Eventually, she shows me a handmade skullie she got. It looks simple but nice. She looks a bit like A, H's sister. Then a bit later, she also shows me a handmade handbag, looks knitted. Again kind of simple but also looks good. And finally, she shows me a second handbag, also handmade, apparently by a friend of hers on Etsy. It has a dark tanned leather exterior and a silk-like fabric interior. It looks quite complete and is somewhat amazing really.

      Her dad seems to be there too. He's got curly hair and beard, looks kind of slim. I feel a bit bad that I know what they look like, but they don't know what I look like.

      Then, I'm there myself, but it's actually more like my old home. Soup is being made by H. He's making a traditional soup but there's no kale in it and I complain a bit.

      (rest of recall was lost)


      Half like a police drama. Sometimes I was one of the leading characters, and other times just observing. A man and a woman. (on waking, the format reminded me of Wire in the Blood, but taking place in America)

      The female character started off depressed and by the end was very jolly and happy and they lived together as a couple in the end.

      2022 May 30th

      Disjointed Dream (DFLN):

      I'm at Tanaris desert. I'm going around near the town, I think at one point I'm lacking the level for mounts but at another point I do have a mount.


      I'm in Stratholme, where I'm farming Rivendare for the mount, and it drops twice in a row. I am able to use the mount in the instance.


      I'm in Russia. Some kind of prisoner exchange is taking place. The prisoner our(?) side is releasing is a soldier, and the Russians are releasing to us a guy who I don't personally really believe deserves to be released anyway. I feel bitter about his release.

      When people speak in Russian, I can read subtitles, when I can remember to have my "real time" translator on.
    2. Camp House and Alex's Wedding

      by , 12-06-2020 at 11:33 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am at a sort of camping house which is located in a campground I frequent. It is a common area that seems like slightly nicer than a large shed. It is run down but charming like a rustic 3rd world b&b.
      There are daily cleaners who tidy up the place and the shower always smells nice.
      At a certain point I am doing laundry in a common space just casually listening to the sounds of the machines and the outdoors.
      There are a few people who hang out in the common room/kitchen, it is familiar to me because I have spent a fair amount of time in this room. Other people have the same sense of ownership. They have special events which can be facilitated like communal meal time or paid tours of the grounds we are on. There may be lasertag? I gather it costs like ten bucks a night for a fold out bed in one of the rooms. It's not fancy but it's dry and warm. I live there for a while with friends from the campground. I meet amazing people and we form a sort of impromptu family unit.

      Alex's wedding

      Alex the French guy cooking and I become friends at the campground ground, we become best friends during the summer and while there he meets the love of his life. She is called Eve and just as wild as he is.
      They hit it off really well while at the campground and are always around each other. At a certain point he asks her to marry him. Very happy for them both I tell him I am ordained and would love to officiate the ceremony for them.
      Fast forward to the day of it is something slightly different.
      His grand idea is to entertain her and her friend in the middle of a street while musicians set up behind them in a mass of chairs and perform their favorite sonata flash mob style. She is meant not to see the group before they are set up so him and I are attempting to distract them while the musicians show up. I am the main distraction. I am playing an accordion for the first time, I really enjoy how it sounds and remember some of the notes I play while dancing with the accordion like a drunk street performer, I get some compliments on passing.
      Cars keep coming down the path and Alex is getting distraught because Eve and her friend see people coming in and setting up behind them though I think they try to pretend not to, to preserve the illusion of surprise. The road was supposed to be closed off but traffic keeps cutting through the parking lot driving past where we are, we move to only blocking one lane.
      Her and her friend finally notice something special going on so he abandons the surprise and decides to move to an open part of the parking lot with no road going through it.

      The location then turns into a large room like one of those strip mall churches with drop ceilings and tile floors.
      She knows what's happening now, but it's ok the magic is in the air, everyone is getting excited now. She is getting ready with her bride's maids and they all have a different bright neon colour on. She is all blue in a tight fitting dress with a Massive blue fohawk, her friends have on, red and green with their hair dyed respectively, with also matching awesome huge hairstyles.
      Alex has on a snazzy suit. It almost looks like a mix of period and futuristic style.

      There are lines of chairs people are filing in taking their seats little by little. Alex was sitting next to me waiting for the orchestra to all get there and set up along with guests. At a certain point he goes to the doorway to see his fiancé. I think of the tradition and what people will think of him seeing her before the ceremony but he doesn't seem to mind. He stands with his back to the doorway and she comes up and gives him a kiss on the cheek, I am standing close to him, they are both giddy.
      He glances to the side but doesn't see all of her.

      Things then begin to be quite chaotic.
      Not all of the orchestra is here yet, there is uncertainty if they will all show up.
      A long tuba flute player is in front of me blowing into his flute thing, obviously bored.
      The ones that are there are just casually tuning their instruments making that pre-show cacophony.
      The bride starts to freak out a little bit, getting nervous and pacing back and forth at the front of the room. Alex goes up to try to comfort her to no avail.
      I now have an open seat next to me. There is an older couple which walks in looking for a seat and asks me if the one next to me is open. I tell them that's the groom's seat but see many open seats behind me I motion towards.
      There is a rough not unattractive girl who walks in, and I point to a seat behind me as well. A guy she was flirting with earlier in the dream(at the campground maybe?) is sitting next to the open seat. She mentions 'well at least someone can carry me out of here if I get too drunk' and the guy quietly pumps a 'Yes' fist action. I also gather she has some kind of show she is popular for.

      Things are becoming more chaotic now as the couple begins to audibly fight at the front of the room. There is a great disagreement which neither party is seeing eye to eye. The band is all here but are waiting to start playing. As with the crowd, we are all just kind of looking at each other while we watch the obviously distraught couple attempting to make amends just prior to their wedding.

      I really feel bad for the couple, Alex is being proud and trying to make light of everything to calm her down. She is upset he is not understanding her, claiming his insincerity is not helping and she's kind of laugh crying at his attitude. She tries to get away as he's following her back and forth in front of the room.
      It is really hard to watch.

      People in the audience start to bicker at each other, making snide comments and generally escalating the situation.
      Things are really going downhill now.
      Everyone is standing up and multiple people in the audience are in arguments.
      Someone makes a comment to the girl with the show obviously trying to throw shade however she seems oblivious to the criticism. I finally interject and say something for the first time.
      'I mean, we all have seen your show, so we know who you are, but have YOU seen your show?'
      People gasp and everything stops while people standing in a circle are all looking at her and I now.
      I continue 'Now don't get me wrong, I like you, and I'm sure many people here do too. But you should really watch your show. Because if you do that then you would actually See Yourself. Like see yourself how we see you, not just how you see you, and that's not a bad thing. It's just the perspective of seeing yourself the way other people do. That's why relationships are so important, it's a way for us to see each other through each other's eyes, and that's beautiful. That's what is so special about Alex and Eve, they see each other, because they love each other, and it's that completely unadulterated vision which bonds people in this way.'
      Everyone is silent but smiling,
      The couple is quietly hugging behind the circle of people, they are watching and listening with tears in their eyes while smiling and pressing themselves into each other.
      'Its important to see who you really are, or at least to find someone who can really see you, so that you can see yourself, and love yourself, so that you can love each other'
      The dream fades with a warmth of compassion in the room though it is quiet after my voice.
    3. Victorian Orphanage, Masterchef, and Freaky Fragments

      by , 12-01-2020 at 11:51 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I am at a school lock-in at a large period style manor with my old classmates.
      I saw her dressed in an all black victorian style dress walking calmly, standing out in the crowd she is graceful and glancing at me out of the corner of her eye.
      We walk by each other, I notice her notice me but I do not acknowledge her as I walk slowly with my hands behind my back. I don't see her again.
      I am with a group of guys who look like power lifters wearing singlets. We are all cutting up laughing.
      We put wigs on and joke loudly about starting a strip club, girls line up for us to jokingly grind on them while trapy thump music plays in the background.
      The joke gets old.

      It's time for bed and we're all herded into different rooms. They are large dormitory style rooms only the beds are also large, some have several pillows on them.
      I don't see any open beds really so I sleep at the foot of one of the large beds.
      They are all kids now, I am unsure if I am also a kid.
      Another kid lays down next to me unaware there are pillow positions.
      I ask him if he wants the other bed next to us, he says no, I am fine with it and fall asleep anyway.
      In the morning time the old nanny-like ladies are waking us up
      We are all standing around them as the introductions are happening. There are laminated numbers hanging from the ceiling. I gather we will be here for a few weeks.
      The room starts to rotate and I see out the windows a line of coloured small circus style tents outside that the african american boys were sleeping in.
      I think I want to sleep outside the next night as the segregation is totally unfair.
      I look and most of the boys inside are african american too, I am confused.
      The caretaker (who looks like Paterson Joseph) outside tells us while standing on a ladder that this place has history and our water comes from the creek which has had slaves shitting in it for centuries and we should feel lucky to have this history in our water.
      We are all sprayed at once to shower and brush our teeth. I continued brushing my teeth after and am scolded by one of the nannies.
      The morning chores begin
      I am the oldest one so I am unsure what to do and wander around. They are preparing food in the kitchen so I offer to cut stuff up. Everyone is using their hands instead of utensils and all the counters are cutting boards.
      He hands me a few slices of pineapple to dice. I take them to a station and grab a knife. The blade has been bent twisted sideways so it is not straight holding the handle. I cut them up anyway.
      Walking around more they are spreading new concrete/floor sealer in one of the rooms and a boy is being charged with the activity with two adult guardians.
      The older guys tell me they do this every 2 days or so. The kid does a horrible job spreading as the coloured dye on top doesn't swirl right and they bash him for it.
      I tell the guys I am massage therapist and kind of the all around guy so I can do many things.
      One of them asks me about a rumour he heard about Massage therapists having all the right words to sell their craft but their skill is sometimes lacking. I go in on the topic of there being too many therapists in my state so there are plenty who don't take their practice seriously. He tells me he can tell I am smart one and we should get along just fine.

      I am in a cooking competition like master chef. Another stressful one. It is the first challenge and we are tasked with making a dish that describes us, we only have 45 minutes. We can only use the ingredients we brought with us. I wanted to braise some pork but don't have the time. I am standing next to that one bald guy with glasses and neck tattoos. Everyone is far more experienced than I am. He mentions going across the street to get some ingredients and asks if I need anything, I still haven't decided what I will cook and spend most of my time brainstorming. My box is full of frozen meat and reminds me of my deep freeze. No time to dethaw. I end up cooking some small chicken pieces that were marinaded. There is a small garnish station set up so I make a small salad like garnish on the side. I remember I have some rice as well and make a fried spanish rice in a cup form next to my chicken slices on a long plate with the leafy greens on the end. Gordon yells at me for making a salad. This is the worst meal I have made in my entire life. I am ashamed. There are maybe 20 people all at their desks in the competition. A kid who only got one vegetable on his plate ends up going home. I am relieved but still believe I am the worst one here.

      Snipers pin down me and some kids at a hilly mountainous home.
      Drama drama drama
      A mounty looking navy seal guy shows up and I task him with helping us.
      He sees the snipers and throws me his huge binoculars.
      I hold a 4 wheeler while he starts it on a hill to go to a better vantage point.
      He dies a gorey death sliding down a skiing lift cable, gets cut in half and his upper half lands on top of a cooked hog sitting on a picnic table. He screams the whole way.

      Things wind down and the house is now a run down hillbilly home with just 2 somewhat disabled people living in it.
      I walk down the driveway and they have a vendors tent set up selling only various types of plastic pencils. One of them looks like an ice cream cone and I ask if this is the only edible one.

      Updated 12-02-2020 at 12:56 AM by 51110

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    4. Random Fragments and Fair Skin

      by , 11-28-2020 at 11:19 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      I'm in a large dimly lit room with various beds and chairs in it. I notice an old friend Micheal laying towards the back of the room across some chairs. He's using clothes to keep warm while sleeping. I shake out a large heavy blanket for him to sleep with and drape it over him.
      There's a rough looking english guy who looks like ed sheeran sitting on the couch leaning on a girl who's laying on one side. She doesn't like it. I make fun of him for it, he gets an attitude with me so I mock a British accent singing the Beatles "she don't caaaare, she don't care". She likes me. We end up cuddling and making out.
      She mentions having a troubled past. At some point we are making music that's sort of punk and I'm yelling lyrics. It's still night time but I know no one who is sleeping will mind.

      Something south park related

      I am watching a livestream of some girl. She gets knee'd in the face and the phone gets picked up and the stream goes dead. I am concerned for her even though I don't know her. I tell Matt Smith who is suddenly around. All I remember is the address on the screen which said 305 S th. I tell him and he does some sciencey thing to locate her. We are at a strip mall and walk outside. She is sitting at a park bench across the street. I find it incredibly lucky. She has blue eyes and straight dirty blonde hair, she is dainty and fair skinned. I am enamoured. She assures me I don't want to get mixed up with her. But we are still concerned for her well being.

      Dodgeball tournament mixed with overwatch.
      They take all of our things in our pockets and put them all together before the match.
      We win barely
      I remember I was kind of rude to the Symmetra and knock her off the second story rail with my shield. I don't play rein usually but somehow we win. I am confused. I apologise to her after the match saying it was nothing personal.
      The coach of the other team is kind of mad at me for beating his team. He complains they were going to make state finals and his team worked so hard to get to where they were. I am walking to my car and I see the fair skinned girl again. I invite her to come with. I don't have my phone and have gathered it went missing in the big pile of peoples things. There is a nokia in my car I call the coach on. I assure him everything will be ok and I am sorry his team lost. But I am sure they will do better next time. He is surprised I am so supportive of my competitors. I wish them well and tell him I lost my actual phone at the competition, I say goodbye.

      She is now completely nude standing over me. I motion for her to come here. She lays on top of me straddling one of my thighs. She is petite and incredibly soft. I just caress her skin from the neck down her back, her arms and sides and legs. I tell her I cannot believe how soft she is. And I could just touch her skin all day, I count her freckles down the side of her body. She is comforted and we just lay together in each other's arms. Nothing sexual, more sensual. We are incredibly close.
    5. Drama and the Neon Terminal

      by , 11-26-2020 at 02:21 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      The laundry room was flooded, I was concerned about the clothes that were on the floor but there are too many so I resign that everything is wet again, the dream fades

      Having trouble falling back asleep. I am suddenly somewhere else. In another room I do not recognize, it is afternoon. G is sitting on a futon looking at a stack of older pictures she has found, they are framed.

      I lean in closer to see and there are nude photos of when she was younger in various poses, the largest frame is of two guys sitting down exposing their member, I gather these are ex boyfriends, she is giggly at the memories. I am furious. She doesn't understand why I am mad so I begin to throw the frames back at her face with force while shouting I don't want to see my best friends dick! She is bewildered and doesn't grasp my irateness.
      I am back laying in bed.

      What followed was quite confusing as I was phasing back and forth from my dream to my bed uncontrollably. I would be in bed and see the dimness and the low rumble of other people walking through the house, and back to that brightly lit room which was completely unrecognizable to me. While in the room the girl who was with me now looked identical to someone I used to work with. Only she knew me as someone else. I was confused every time telling her I didn't know where I was, I didn't know who she was, I've never been here before. She called me a different name and assumed I was joking or being sarcastic the entire time. The jump occurred 3 or 4 times before I was stabilized in the other place.

      She was with one of her younger friends and I, recognizing her somewhat asked her name, she said Addison. This is not her name IWL, still unfamiliar with my location or how I got there. Everything felt too real and detailed to be a dream. I told her that her name was Breanna, she laughed and still thought I was joking, but I could see the concern start to appear on her face. Perhaps I was having some mental psychosis I felt her think. This is all just too real. I felt like it was wholly possible as I was in a place where nothing made sense to me but everyone around me was certain of me.

      They were crawling out the second story window to sit on the roof to overlook the neighborhood as teenagers often do. I was tired of being confused and decided it was time for me to leave.

      I told them I was leaving and though there was a slight protest they quickly faded from my immediacy. As I was leaving the house I now found myself in a heavily populated terminal of sorts. The clarity now fully hit me as everything was INCREDIBLY coloured and crisp in detail. Like a fine lifelike render from a video game. I could not believe my eyes. The room was large and decorated with a variety of screens and advertisements and swirling passing vehicles. It was a bustling metropolitan city center of sorts.

      All the people around me had neon coloured garments and LED strip like accents, it truly felt like a cyberpunk setting only everything was clean and bright. I now noticed there were humanoid shapes as well. Perhaps they were robots, perhaps they were augmented humans I couldn't be sure. Everyone was relaxed and generally having a good time. Completely overcome by the detail of my surroundings I began to cry. It was beautiful, there was too much detail for me to focus on everything. I was awash in the emotion of finally being somewhere new, as if I always knew this was where I would end up. It was relief coupled with the bliss of newness. I felt the tears stream down my face as I smiled larger than I have in sometime.

      I walked to a large walled window to my left which I knew to overlook the city and I can only describe it as planet coaster combined with Coruscant. Vast sprawling brightly coloured buildings with streamlined shapes and transit systems which resembled high-speed roller coasters. It was also overwhelming. There was too much to see, every window in the terminal had a similar vantage. I took a few deep breaths and continued to explore the terminal I was in.

      I now noticed there were screens for people to buy different tickets for different rides or tours or locations I couldn't be sure. None of the writing looked familiar but I recognized a $ sign and numbers here and there. I was made aware that there was a public communal buying platform where people could list the tickets they had bought and opt to sell the ones they weren't going to use at a discounted rate to anyone else looking for the same destination. Nothing but smiles, it truly felt eutopia-like.

      I ventured into a room off to the side with maybe a dozen full body wrapping chairs which would contour to your shape when you sat in them. They felt like a captains chair on a spaceship. We were all oriented generally facing a large screen in the corner of the room but could still see out the walkway to the grand terminal.

      On my left arm pad where my hand comfortably rested there was a myriad of controls including a couple joysticks. Curious I began to click buttons and toggle the stick. On the large screen we were all looking at appears an overlay with games and information and I gather I am controlling a cursor on the screen. Concerned the display I pulled up accidentally was obscuring other people's experience I quickly looked around to apologise to those around me. No one batted an eye and continued tapping away at their own controls and all still watching the screen. It was then I realized that only I could see the display overlay I had pulled up because it was unique to this chair. And everyone else had their own display that they all saw on the same screen which I was unaware of. Impressed I continued to toggle and click but quickly gave up because I couldn't read any of the characters on the screen.

      I began walking back through the terminal just taking in all of the details and colours. It was an amazing sight and felt so futuristic I was amazed no one noticed me out of place.

      There were various humanoids intersparsed through the crowds of actual humans. I question a droid which I gather to be an informational hub of sorts. He explained this terminal is a dome of protection from the outside environment, all domes are connected with high-speed transit and entertainment junctions. There was more information conveyed but the details are lost to me. Other than the knowledge of some great existential threat. They were all hiding from a predatory extraterrestrial race which occasionally would land and take a batch of humans never to be seen again. It informed me of a breaking news of a landing occuring and authorities were being dispatched to quarantine the area.

      I am fond of ETs so I decide I will follow this cue and attempt to make contact. I am now outside the dome in a sort of dark and foggy area, I see bright lights and a circular craft just beyond a large boulder in front of me to the left. As I round the large rock I glance up and am almost blinded by the lights. They shine in a sort of pulsating manner coming from the center. I hear a ruckus behind me and know these are the authorities coming to help/make things worse.

      I am now in the craft surrounded by a brilliant white light, it is clean and only the corners are barely visible. I see a face in front of me which has undecipherable features. There is a metallic sheen to the lower half. It looks at me close with a tilted head as I begin on some monologue, the dream fades
    6. Competing for Affection

      by , 04-18-2015 at 06:05 AM (Exploring My Mind)
      Remembered this dream this past Friday morning. My recall sure has been wonky lately.
      I lost my house due to not paying the bills, along with the fact that some greedy people wanted it for themselves. Basically, I was kicked out, and my girlfriend was with me (naturally).
      We seemingly had no where to go, but luckily enough, her Canadian friend (a guy I know IRL) owned a ranch and allowed us to stay there with him.
      Now, this was all well and good. Soft beds and beautiful outdoors weren't things to complain about. But this guy, whom I'll call E (her friend and the owner of the ranch), he started trying to get her attention away from me on him. It started to become a dastardly competition between the two of us, to see who could win my girlfriend's affections. This was basically us:
      Eventually it got to the point where we started arguing over who was the best. My girlfriend didn't intervene on the whole thing, but instead chose the more amusing option and sat on the sidelines enjoying every bit of it.

      I know there was a little more before the dream ended, but it's too hazy. So, here we are.
    7. Drama Production

      by , 02-08-2012 at 07:34 AM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      I'm part of a drama production, we are carying out various tasks, we are using the iPad to create water on the floor.
      I go outside and look at all the different productions in progress.
      Tags: drama, groups, ipad
    8. a break from junior year.

      by , 12-24-2011 at 10:28 AM (a teahouse inside my head.)
      As is my custom, here is a long digest of dreams from the past few days.

      December 19th, 2011

      1. There were some creepy guys following me down the street in front of the church near my school. I told them I only spoke Spanish and Japanese. My friend Anna fought them off. Dylan did something online in which his username was "Dylan ____DDDDDDDD" (and the blank was actually something I don't remember). Then there was some kind of river race. Then a guy was doing a photoshoot in Parish Hall, like when they take school photos. He was acting like the creepy guys (and might have been one of them with a different look. This guy was in a black pinstripe suit and had shoulder length black hair, a mustache, and cream colored hat). Somehow I went on his deviantARt and he had a shoutout to jessietea (me, except on dA where I'm jessie-tea, but for all intents and purposes is was me). He wanted to date me in some capacity.

      2. This one is crazy and confusing. I hooked up with Dylan. Then at some point later we were at his apartment (irl he lives with his parents) which looked like they were near the modulars (these trailer classrooms at my school) either in place of them, or they were the apartments right next to them. I ended up telling him that I "was the one who was pregnant with his brother's baby" the year before (NONE OF THIS IS TRUE, the guy exists, and another person who I later mention, Haley exist). He flipped out. Apparently, when we found out, the two of us pretended to kill ourselves (by pretending to cut our throats and hang ourselves upside down in a lake....). Somehow I was still here, but Dylan thought his brother was actually dead. At this point I still keep it a secret. I gave the baby up. This makes the sister develop eating disorders (bulimia), Dylan is angry at me, I'm traumatized by the whole thing. Then it seemed like a montage where time passed and we were a trio and hung out. At some point Dylan starts dating Haley (oh wait, this and the hooking up are real) and we're all still friends. At some point I remember the image of a cream colored laundry room. Finally, we all go to get Guardasil shots together (this dream was the night before I had to go get one of those, so that's why I dreamt it) and we ended up getting it done in the Parish Hall bathrooms.....

      Actually, I'll finish these up in another post soon. I have to sleep.
    9. February 15, 2011- Museum of Hi-Tech Shininess

      by , 02-16-2011 at 04:06 AM
      I dreamed that I was in this intense ultra hi-tech theater/museum/jewelry store thing. It was all royal blue, white, and black, and everything was shiny. I don't remember much of the actual dream, but I do remember my drama teacher was sitting at a table. I was talking to her, and she randomly burst out into loud, blubbering tears while flailing her arms above her head. T'was rather strange.
    10. My first dream journal :) very fun!

      by , 08-12-2010 at 02:32 PM
      Ok so i don't forget it I'm going to write whatever I could remember quick.

      There was this game we were playing with a giant jabba the hut like frog, in a forest grassy like place but it was big and wide and it resembled the corner part of a ralphs next to my house (this is the end of my dream that I remember, there was also another place but I forgot where it was), and it had the intersection of a vertical street next to my old school and the gate at the side was just like my old school, and the horizontal street was the street in front of the ralphs, and the houses were the exact same but the street posts were a bit more elegant.

      Ok the game was like, there was a bunch of big tree branches, huge and long and one of them was enchanted and you had to kill jabba with it, I had 4 other friends with me, one of them was clearly my cousin, the other one I sort of remember which was my cousins friend, and 2 other people I forgot, all together it was 2 boys and 2 girls (my cousin is the girl), plus me (so 5 people).

      Jabba also had 4 guards, 2 knights and 2 ogre like monsters, and you couldn't kill them unless you had these 4 knight swords, the knight swords were supposed to be used by my 4 friends, and I was supposed to use the enchanted tree branch against jabba which would finish the game (but usually the game just started over lulz, how fun).

      Here are some of the mechanics like, jabba was invisible for one thing, he would jump around places all around us and we couldn't even find the enchanted stick, at least I couldn't, and his knights/ogres weren't helping much either, since they couldn't die, so it was beginning to piss me off, and before this game (the last one before I woke up), I had already somehow gotten to hit jabba enough times with the enchanted stick that the gate opened and I followed the road (which was an exact copy of the streets around my house) towards this place that had like a little monument, small, with 4 swords, and I got them and ran back to my friends, gave it to them and they killed the knights, then I took the enchanted stick and hit jabba for one last time and killed him winning the game until my dream restarted lol, my and my friends had some chit chat also.

      Ok so this last one before I woke up, jabba was more invisible and he kept taunting me saying oh you can't catch me blah blah blah and for some reason I was blind and I was using my 'inner memory' of the surroundings (basically my memory of the dream itself) and I created some 6th sense surrounding, it was cool as fuck, but I had an extremely hard time getting to do anything and jabba and his knights were beginning to creep me and my friends out and we kept on going like omg what are we going to do but his knights didn't do much since they weren't what my dream was really focusing on.

      Ok, after spinning around with random sticks that weren't enchanted with my 6th sense vision that was basically a black n white contrast view of my dream, I finally got my normal vision back and I got so pissed that I ran out the gate (which already had a nice lot of spectators watching our little game), and I saw one of my friends who is asian and her name is min jin and I clearly remember it was her, and I told her to hold my hand and strut on the street saying we're going to go get the swords anyway because I was pissed, but then I don't know what happened and I woke up and was pissed so I fell back asleep and I was at the same exact place with no change, except it was like I fell out of my dream and it continued without me.

      I saw my friend min jin outside the gate and a couple other people which I remember one is another one of my cousins friends, one is the friend that was part of our group (the 4 people) and min jin coming back with plastic bags of swords, and it seemed to me that those swords were all fake except the last person had the real crystal swords (which I had described in my dream to myself earlier so I basically conjured up a better defined sword), and I was like yes woohoo, so I ran back to my cousin and told her we got the swords, but then I looked around and saw on all of those elegant light posts/street posts there were 2 sort of slots like the ones you have on things that have swords in places idk, and they all had swords in them and I was like shit all that trouble (but it was funny oh well) and for some reason I went around instead of going and finishing my dream/game and crossed the street to the other side with one of the elegant street posts and I clearly remember the street name was green and said 'Verdugo' (but it wasn't right lol) and I tried to climb up but it was too high and long and then I heard my cousin go 'careful that's not our property you might get arrested or something there is a cop here' oh and btw there was also a stupid cop watching us as well and I saw his big long motorcycle that I tried to jack but it was too big for me to ride, and I was scared he might see me trying to take a sword out of someone else's 'property' (supposedly) and arrest me, so I went and waited in front of the sidewalk like a good pedestrian, so I don't get run over lol and I looked to both my sides (except my left side wasn't too clear there was a big car on that side that sort of blurred the view from the left) (oh and it was a nice cadillac if that makes a different, a big black cadillac) so I couldn't really see very well but the right side I could see well like 2 blocks, but cars kept passing so I was scared to pass but then it seemed open to me at some point so I passed and then the rest I don't really remember, but I do remember waking up after that....

      ....did I get run over at the end of my dream? I didn't even get to kill jabba and his knights, damn it, all that trouble for nothing! But it was a very fun dream and my dreams are always fun and exciting like this so I'm going to post them here from now on each day so I don't forget Hope you guys liked it lol! Hope it wasn't too boring, oh if I was a good drawer I would probably draw up some illustrations of it as well, heck, make a movie!

      Also keep in mind I never actually saw jabba, it's very weird, it's like my mind thought of him subconsciously, made me think of him consciously (conscious in dream rules or something), but with sight I never saw him, but I heard him talk to me and I guess I created a mental image of him within my dream (even though the whole thing is mentally created...) err :O! I'm only a teen by the way, I don't know much about this stuff, but my dreams are usually long and fun I don't even have to be lucid for something to happen or change, it's weird but I'm sure I'm not the only one who can do that lol.

      Also some illustrations:

      Also if you had ever played KH2, the knights (and the swords stand kind of) in my dream looked EXACTLY like the ones in KH2 beast's castle in the hallways and stuff, (before they transform into like heartless lol). I can't find a picture from google so sorry but if you do play the game or seen it whatever then you would imagine !

      Edit: I'm going to write their names down so I don't forget (surprised I haven't forgot by this point): Suzy, Emin, Anthony, Yohans, Min Jin.

      Updated 08-12-2010 at 05:42 PM by 35232

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment