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    1. Not enough sleep

      by , 10-15-2016 at 11:13 PM
      I didn't get much sleep. My grandkids tossed & turned & laid on top of me & each other. Sigh. I'm exhausted! It figures, the first night of a new comp & it was a bust. I probably won't get any again tonight cuz they don't leave until tomorrow. I guess I just hope for the best!
      Tags: no sleep
      side notes
    2. Competition day 1

      by , 10-15-2016 at 09:57 PM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninõ Casinõ)
      The first part I won't say here, but after a minute I was kissing a girl. It was foggy and dark and her face and hair color changed and I pushed her away from me, I was a little creeped out or repulsed and went away, flew. Then I remembered and told myself (so I'd remember after waking up) that I had had a lucid dream before this one and that I also vaguely remember having a third one that night. Oh and I went outside, trying to make the dream more vivid through commands or will-power but I don't remember if it worked.

      And I had a non-lucid dream I remember the best part most vividly. Me and a girl in class were doing some math problem and as we were working on it, we happened to be close with our heads because we were writing or looking in the notebook and it was kinda warm-ish. Then we moved closer I think or we moved our heads more sideways so we'd touch heads more and then she was just leaning her head on my shoulder or pushing her hair into my face and I was a little shy and was just sitting there enjoying her warmth. (What the hell was I thinking not doing a reality check xD There's no way this would happen at school) She had long straight blond hair and I don't remember her face (I rarely register faces), I think she had blue clothes over her upper body.

      Unfortunately I didn't remember the 2nd lucid dream nor the third. My recall is pretty bad unfortunately. But I'm struggling to wake and sleep in time for school and it's a big change for me since I've had an even lazier life before I started college so it's okay. I think I'm slowly adjusting and soon I can make time for remembering dreams and occasionally sneaking in some extra juicy morning dreams :)
    3. 10/15/16 - Spooky Comp Night 1

      by , 10-15-2016 at 08:43 PM
      Ahh, nothing like a fresh competition to get me to write in my DV DJ again. And not a bad start, I will say.

      Fragment: I’m doing acting lessons in preparation for the Christmas play at my church.

      After I do a WBTB, I find myself in this huge mall, where there’s a ton of weird people walking around, and even weirder stuff for sale. I walk outside in the parking lot, where there’s hardly any cars anywhere. Weird, why is it so packed inside then? I look up at the sky and suddenly realize that I’m dreaming. My mind immediately goes to knocking out my 3-step task for the competition. I start running and then slowly lift my feet off the ground until I’m hovering just a few feet off the ground while still moving forward. I round a corner and nearly slam into the hood of a police car pulling up to the intersection. Luckily, I swerve to avoid it and instead just graze the front of the car with my hand. I gain some altitude, but notice that there’s nothing past the edge of the parking lot - just a drop-off into the abyss. Guess I don’t really have anywhere else to go. I head back inside the mall.

      I try to remember the second of my 3-steps, but for some reason mistakenly think it’s mind control. I walk up to this guy standing in the food court and telepathically tell him to make chicken noises. He suddenly starts bawking for a few seconds, until the bawks start to turn into coughs. I fly up to another really tall guy (seriously, like 8 feet tall) and try to manipulate his mind, but he instead starts reading my mind. “I know you think you can change my mind, but I won’t be doing that.” Wow, what a tool. “I know you are, but what am I?”

      I’m in a different location now, somewhere in the country that looks like a setting from Little House on the Prairie. I’m working for the sheriff, who is basically a glorified drill sergeant, barking orders at me to do random menial tasks. He wants me to fetch water from a super dirty water pump in someone’s backyard and pour it into a pipe sticking out of the ground 3 feet away. Of course, he doesn’t give me a bucket, and the only ones lying around are caked with dirt and rust. I remember my third step is element manipulation, so instead of using a bucket, I try to pull water straight out of the ground. I put both my hands forward and focus super hard, and manage to make a ball of crystal clear water rise out of the ground. I slowly move it over to the pipe, as it morphs into a sort of rounded cube. I drop it right into the pipe and smugly turn back to the sheriff. He’s incredibly angry that I used powers - so angry, in fact, that he takes a swing at me with an axe. His first swing hits me in the shoulder, and there’s a bit of pain for a short second, but it goes away before his second swing. I dodge it and manage to grab the axe out of his hand, before breaking it over my knee.

      I wake up in some version of my house. My parents have told me they’ve repainted the guest bedroom. I walk in to see that the walls are painted black, with random pink and blue lines painted in certain places. It looks like that hideous 90’s laser background. I walk back into the hallway and realize that the layout of the house makes no sense, which makes me lucid. I head back to the living room, where I see the sheriff from the previous dream in a game that’s playing on my Xbox One. As I walk by, I get a video call through my Xbox from some user named “Fatal”. I don’t recognize the username, but when I see the video preview, I realize it’s JadeGreen. I hit the answer button, but I realize that I don’t have a camera or a microphone to talk to him with. Yet somehow, he hears me through the controller. Once the video is full-screen, I can faintly make out Manei standing in the background. I tell him to hang on a second, I need to find a keyboard and camera. I rummage through the living room, but don’t find anything, so I try to summon a keyboard with no luck. I eventually wake up for real.

      I fall back asleep and have a 3rd-person dream where I’m watching this car chase involving the cast of Leverage and Scrubs in a black Cadillac trying to outrun the cops. Sophie (Leverage) and Carla (Scrubs) are sticking out of the car firing tommy guns at the police cars. At one point, the car hits a ramp and flips, but everyone inside is fine.

      I’m now at some church event where all of the band is in an RV right by a huge outdoor stage. We’re just kind of chilling in the RV, when we hear the music start on stage, which is our cue to get up there. I walk down the steps, when I’m only wearing a t-shirt and underwear. I rush back in the RV to change, but I’m passed by an old gentleman who is wearing only his underwear and doesn’t seem to care.

      1 Fragment - 0.5
      3 NLD - 3
      WBTB - 2
      DILD - 10
      Fly + 1st step - 5 + 5 = 10
      Mind Control - 5
      Element Manipulation - 10
      Invulnerability - 5
      2nd DILD - 5
      Meet an enemy (JadeGreen) - 5

      Total - 55.5 pts

      Updated 10-15-2016 at 09:39 PM by 63804

      Tags: competition
    4. 15/10/2016 Non - Lucids

      by , 10-15-2016 at 06:33 PM
      Went so sleep at 4 am and woke up at 10:38 am. Slept about 6 to 6:40 hours, and i feel well rested.

      My recall about the dreams last night is not great, probably due to how strange the dreams were.

      I dreamt i was in the entry room of my grandfather house. I was in the dining room and went to that room. It was night, and there were some "saints" there... converting people from normal good persons into fully powered saints. However they were called saints but maybe they werent, they just transformed into the most powerful version they could, but that didn't mean they would be nice... I didn't trust them. There were some cards, that had titles like "father", "mother", "priestress", etc... and people were turning into that, and only one person could turn into one kind. There were hundreds wanting to turn, and they all could probably before their lifetime was over... but i wasn't sure that was the right way... I think that "the father" began, and then turned the mother, and so on. The last one was the priestress. [They were all saints of a religion similar to the religion of the seven of game of thrones, but with many "gods".]

      These saints were hanging somewhere in Egypt... in a desert, probably in the Sphinx, and there were pyramids too. Actually one wanted to open a sand door, but didn't have the tools to open it. Arya Stark was prisioner... but she was treated nicely (I just watched her as if i were behind, but like a spectator...) She was given a rapier, and when she finished her dinner she practiced with it as she would see other people do.

      Then i dreamt i was near a river, probably of my home city. Neil DeGrasse Tyson burns up a pick-up.
      Then i wanted to cross a street, but i saw cars were rallying. So i waited so i didn't get hit. A car was coming but it was slow enough for me to cross, so i crossed the street safely. (This part was more vivid, as if i were aware of what was going on, but not lucid) It was wide. There was a bus parked, and when i see the side i couldn't see from the other side of the street i saw a girl that was peeing on the floor. She was looking at me wanting to say how timely i was... but ok i didn't want to watch her so i just walked on towards a desk that was in front. (Now the dream started to darken a lot, it was hard to see but i knew i could see so i hanged on) In the desk there was some luggage of my sister. A guy, friend of her came by and just grabbed a backpack of my sister and started walking away. I couldn't let him do that so i ran behind him and talked to him to get the backpack back. He gave it to me and said something like not to feel ashamed and goes. Then Eri, my sister, comes with one or two friends. I don't remember if she asked me anything or not, but i told her that a car burned up, and she complained and said something that it was my fault. (I couldn't do anything for it. Since she wasn't there she didn't know, but she talked anyways. Anyways i was aware of this so i didn't care what she said, i actually felt like sad for her, but didn't pay too much attention.).

      Fragment: Then we were on the appartment (it was very different, i haven't been in an appartment like that before. It was like a duplex.) and she talked on the phone asking how much the debt of the rent was. (Well... i might be worried about this so that's maybe why i dreamt with it. But i shouldn't worry too much either since it's a stage, and also i know that being clear is way better).

      Updated 10-15-2016 at 06:38 PM by 53430

    5. 2 Dreams; Similar but not the Same.

      by , 10-15-2016 at 04:58 PM (Journals From The Void)
      Had 2 Dreams last night. However, they seemed to follow the same story unintentionally, so I'll be putting them in this one DJ entry. Both of these dreams were fun, and both focused on me fighting this 'sage,' as the DC's called it. The Sage was an evil cannibalistic person who could use magic of some kind.
      Dream 1

      It starts off with a few members of the marching band deciding to practice next to a really steep cliff, with a jagged, rocky 'wall.' A dust explosion occurs in the distance. A shadowy figure flies towards me, and I couldn't make out the details or features. He hits me, and I end up hitting a rock. The figure charges towards me again, but I jump off the rock just before he hits me. As I fall, I see an explosion of dust where I had just jumped back from, and the figure once again charges at me. A blue slime pops out of my sleeve and connects me to a sky tram placed in a very convenient, although sensible, location, connected to the top of the cliff and somewhere I didn't care to look. the slime pulls me to it just in time to dodge, and I end up crashing through the wall. My face hurts and my left arm was sore. While I was laying down, I saw a person, encased in stone and with red eyes and two nubs of horns growing from his forehead flying up to look at me as the tram moved away slowly. He didn't give chase. I wake up.
      A brief awakening and missed dream signs

      When I am awake, I feel pins and needles on my face, and my shoulder is somewhat sore. I prepare to do a DEILD, but fail when my dog starts licking my face, making me open my eyes. So I decide to think about missed opportunities to become lucid.

      Dream Signs
      1) Cliffs rarely form away from oceans, and I don't think there are any around my location.
      2) The grass was to dense and lush.
      3) A flying man attacks and no one flees.
      4) I survive the first attack.
      5) I dodge the second attack.
      6) I have a pet Blue Slime. (I genuinely want one now that I've had that fun dream, though.)
      7) Convenient Sky Tram keeps me from being hurt again.
      8) This Dude can Fly.
      Dream 2

      I am running back from the guy who I saw in the first dream. Only, he's fat and eating people in my school. People are saying "he's the sage, here to save us all," and similar things. I shout "Can't you see he's EATING PEOPLE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" People just stare at me like I'm crazy. I dodge past my short section leader, who is taller than me in this dream, and see my other section leader, who's normally taller than me, but is my height in this dream. He's not in the line to get eaten, so I figure he's at least one person with common sense remaining.

      "Hey, you see that guy eating people?" He says.

      "Yeah, I think he might be evil," I respond.

      "OHHHH!" He says, surprised.

      Like an idiot, he gets in line. 'Whatever,' I think to myself as I take shelter in the cafeteria. The cafeteria is round, and missing 60 degrees of wall. The fat 'Sage' flies over to me. The remainder of the lines seemed to come to their senses and entered the cafeteria too. All of a sudden, I remember the previous fight. The sage grabs a butter knife and... stabs his left eye. He becomes skinny and lots of copies of him are made. Blue Slime turns into a sword, and there's a bit of tension. I wake up.
      Dream Signs
      1) There was a fat flying guy.
      2) All these people were ignorant of their imminent deaths.
      3) The halls were completely different from my real school's halls
      4) The lunch room was missing 60 degrees of wall, and was a perfect circle.
      5) The sage stabbed himself in the eye with a butter knife.
      6) The sage's clones came out of his eye.
      ************************************************** ************************************************** ***********************************
      Tags: fighting, fun, strange
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Spellbees Comp Night 1

      by , 10-15-2016 at 03:59 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      DILD #1-I was sleeping and something felt off I guess because I did a nose plug. I could breathe. I couldn't quite believe it so I did another one and this time became lucid. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a dark, empty room with a closed door. I leaned my side against the wall and slowly phased through it into a hallway. The hallway was lined with several closed doors on each side. It was quiet and peaceful. I tried to make the dream under water but couldn't. I went outside into the backyard where it was nighttime and overcast. I tried to breathe fire but couldn't. I noticed a lion cub sleeping and checked it out. I tried to make it rain but couldn't. Looking for something to do, I jumped up to fly. I made it a bit higher than the second story of the house before I woke up.

      DILD#2-I was talking to somebody and did a nose plug for some reason and could breathe. The dream was wobbly and unstable. I went outside into my grandmothers sunny backyard. I tried to stomp on the ground to create an earthquake but this woke me up.
      lucid , false awakening
    7. Going to the doctor / Landing strip / Water park / Gathering / AI Apocalypse / Security / Space trip

      by , 10-15-2016 at 03:02 PM
      Bed @ 2215.
      Woke @ 0240

      Fragment: Something about a British boarding school.

      BTB @ 0250 /w SSILD
      Woke @ 0340

      Going to the doctor
      I "wake up." I have an appointment in Atlanta with Dr. Carson at 9:30. I check the time and decide that I have another fifteen minutes before I need to get up. My wife comes into the bedroom, seemingly also having trouble sleeping, and recommends getting up now - Atlanta traffic is very unpredictable, and I don't want to be late. I go ahead and get up. I check some mapping software on my phone, but I don't understand what it's telling me - it's showing me two curved arrows going from my house to the destination, almost forming an eye shape; both arrows fade from <a color> to red, and both fan off into many more arrows. I assume it's trying to tell me that there are many routes and that they're all bad. I zoom in and see that every street is colored red. Great.

      Now on my way, and I'm riding a motorcycle. I know how much my wife hates motorcycles, but they're very effective. I'm trying to psych myself up for driving between cars which are stopped in gridlock, but thankfully I never actually need to; despite the lanes around me being stopped, my lane is moving well.

      Now I'm driving downtown (I may be in my car now, but I'm not sure). Traffic in all lanes is jammed, and I'm trying to merge a couple of lanes to my left. Up ahead, I can see barriers across the two rightmost lanes of traffic - no wonder everyone is merging left and traffic is so bad.

      Now I'm in a tasteful office building, at a reception desk that's at the intersection of a number of hallways. I'm talking to the receptionist, and I'm really suspicious that this is all some kind of conspiracy. She's very polite and answers my questions well, and I'm not concerned any more.

      Now I'm in the parking deck at the doctor's, talking to Pete A, a friend I haven't seen for many years. I'm holding a pile of pipes and fabric, amazed at modern technology - this is the first time I've tried my car's 'fold' function, and I had no idea it could fold up so small or so light. Even so, I have a hard time keeping hold of it all and wish they could have automatically put the whole thing in a bag with handles. I realize I've got a bag - a big gray one made out of a tarp-like material - and start to put it in, wondering if this bag came with the car; but then I see it already has camping stuff in it from over the summer and remember that, no, this is just my bag. Now I'm talking to Pete again and notice my sunroof. I didn't know my car had a sunroof, and I certainly never opened it myself, so I assume it must have opened automatically when I parked to reduce heat. Unlike a normal one which slides back, this one has folded open three 'petals.' I reach over and wiggle a petal, then realize that this isn't actually my car. Whoops. Mine is one over, but I see that it, too, has a sunroof - a more traditional one that slides back on rails. I push a button on a panel on the roof and it closes. I wonder if there's a button inside the car that controls it too - if there is, I've never noticed it.

      Now it's time for me to head home. I consider giving Pete a quick kiss (it seems that I'm a girl now?), but I decide that that wouldn't be appropriate and just make my goodbyes and get in my car.

      An unusual landing strip
      I'm watching planes landing. In turn, each one approaches what looks like a toll plaza, touches down just in front of the toll booths, and rolls forwards under the roof, out of sight. So far, all of the planes have been small, but now I see a larger one coming in. Not only is it large, but it's coming in really quickly, and I'm afraid it's going to crash. Amazingly, the moment its wheels touch down, it's going at the same slow speed as the others and taxies away safely. As it passes, I look at its tail and see the American Airlines logo. Even though everything worked out OK, I'm still rather horrified at how the pilot handled things, and American has lost some credibility in my mind.

      BTB @ 0400 /w SSILD
      Woke at 0645

      The new water park
      I'm reading about a new place opening up - a weird hybrid indoor swimming pool / game. It's small enough to be in a store in a shopping center. I see pictures of people in it - a deep pool filled with pipes about 3' in diameter - and I think it looks neat but scary - not only is the pool deep, but I think it would be far to easy to run out of breath while in the middle of one of the pipes and not be able to surface. Now I'm actually there, climbing out of the water (yet fully clothed). Now I'm talking to a woman about the cost of playing and the size of the prize for the winner - it seems to be a game of elimination, with the last player left taking the prize. The floor is glass, and the pool is under us, so I can see a couple of families swimming around having a great time.

      Now I'm walking through a large restaurant area (much larger than the pool) filled with circular tables. I see the owner, an Asian man, and decide to go up to him and congratulate him on making something really unique. He's really excited about it and talks to me for a few minutes, eventually asking if I'll be bringing my family. I have to decline, saying that we live in the US and wouldn't be able to make it. He understands but still says he hopes that one day it'll work out.

      Now I'm walking across a parking lot away from the shopping center with the pool place. I've just come to a gas station on the corner when I remember that I have my car, and it's back next to the stores. I turn around and start walking back to it, surprised by how large the parking lot is and how far I need to walk, and - by extension - how far I've already walked.

      Now I'm driving around the shopping center. I realize that my stomach is grumbling and am tempted to look for something to eat. I don't want anything too sweet, ice cream or any real dessert like that; then I remember there's a store that sells some kind of frozen orange juice dessert, and I'm really tempted to try to search it out.

      An odd gathering
      I'm in a small apartment with a family I don't know well. We're all in the living room. Most of the family is seated on a couple of sofas, and I'm walking around, looking at things. I come across a water massager and fiddle with its controls for a minute, trying to figure out the different settings, but eventually I give up - they don't make a lot of sense. Eventually I give up and notice the I notice that the wallpaper, which at first glance just seems to be of mythical scenes, is actually rather ... risque. I consider asking my host about it but decide not to.

      Now we're talking about watching a movie, but someone else has to go in a couple of minutes. Our host and another guy head off to get a quick nightcap before he heads out, leaving me with the kids (early to mid teens) and another adult. At first, I just keep to myself, but eventually the other adult comes over and we start talking. He tells me that AI is much farther along than anyone thinks and starts describing its progress.

      AI apocalypse
      Now I see a post-apocalyptic scene with a hunch of people standing in a derelict building, visible from the outside through a hole that's been blasted in the wall. A firing squad kills most of them, and the rest flee deeper into the building. I know it's the government killing off people it doesn't need since AIs are able to do most of the work now. Now I see the survivors of the first firing squad being executed by machines who have decided they don't need humanity at all. Only a couple of people escape. I watch them fleeing through more derelict buildings, grabbing what they can. Now I see some strange creatures - something like huge anteaters - moving along roads in the falling-down city, spraying themselves with water from their long trunks. They see something that looks like a huge cube of pizza and hurry over to it, and it somehow traps them. Now I see that the trap has been moved elsewhere and they're being freed from it to face ... something.

      Security notice
      I've received a security notice from my company's security team telling everyone to stop using instant messaging built into OpenOffice. I'm reading it on my new, pretty monitor. As with all the security 'training' they send out it's very pretty and totally useless. I flip through it, thinking they've probably sent it out because the official IM client is so terrible and they don't want people to have the option of bailing to one that works.

      Now I'm looking at another security communication. This one is telling everyone that we need to install some new security software which will make sure we don't have any unauthorized files on our machines. I wonder how I can get around it - I have lots of useful third party software, plus a couple of games, and I'd hate for all that to get wiped, or to get me in trouble.

      Space trip mix-up
      I'm watching a couple of people - a woman (dressed in leatherish pants and a solid-colored long-sleeved shirt) and someone else - talking to a guy (who looks like the mission controller from The Martian). It seems he's running a new experimental service to get to and from orbit, and the woman was supposed to be on the latest flight - in fact, she'd already paid for the trip, but some kind of paperwork snafu lost her records. Behind them are weird stretcher-looking things, which are what people are attached to to protect them from the g-forces. Someone is saying it's a good thing she didn't go, because they've since found out that if she did go, she would have been fatally injured, and their cryo-preservation facilities aren't yet set up, so she couldn't have been frozen while she waited for them to find a way to heal her.
    8. Festival at Kokiri Forest (and chains)

      by , 10-15-2016 at 02:59 PM (AndresLD's (somewhat) Crazy Dream Adventures)


      I was lying in my bed for what seemed like 5 minutes. I had HIs about Saizaphod posting something about being more calm during DEILDing. I calmed myself down and then felt SP. I held still another minute and tried to get up. I couldn't

      I slowly moved my feet towards the edge of the bed. I was able to throw them over and sit up. I plugged my nose and breathed through it. I stood up, everything was spinning. I imagined I had just finished spinning and waited for the feeling to go away as it should, and it did. I rubbed my hands and looked at them, and gained a bit of stability. I looked around my room, decided to exit through the door. I phased through it, eyes open. For some reason there was a voice over about spinal cord injuries and it was extremely clear. I went downstairs, and opened the front door. It was night time, but I decided I would leave it that way. The neighborhood was dimly lit by the street lights and it was snowing lightly. I could feel the snow on my skin, but it was warm instead of cold. I started running down the street and took off. I flew towards the city, I could see it far away. I started flying so fast that everything became distorted. I felt myself break the sound barrier and heard a sonic boom which destabilized my dream.

      I was back in bed. I held still for a minute and stood up again.

      I plugged my nose to confirm I was still dreaming. I opened my bedroom door and went downstairs. My dad was in the kitchen, eating. I rubbed my hands to stabilize, and went on to open the door to the backyard. It was daytime, the sun shined bright, and the grass was intensely green. My dad followed me and asked me if I had seen Helio's dog yet. Helio is my brother's father-in-law who passed away 3 months ago. I smiled and told him I hadn't but would love to another time. He said Helio had just adopted him yesterday and that they were coming over.
      I stepped outside and saw my dog Fiona playing in the backyard. I decided I would hop the fence, but while running towards it I tripped and ended up phasing through it. On the other side, I sat down and rubbed the grass to stabilize a bit more. I stood up, held my hands facing each other in front of me, and tried to create a portal to Kokiri Forest. a green orb formed between my hands and started expanding. I saw a forest inside, but I lost control and woke up.

      I held still and felt HIs/SP come on right away

      I stood up, plugged my nose, still dreaming. I wondered how Spellbee would count these, as I couldn't confirm whether these were actual chains, or just FAs. I assumed being able to distinguish between a FA and an actual awakening must count for something anyways. I looked at the window, decided to make a thorough RC again, and then ran towards it. I jumped through, but heard glass breaking. I flew over my neighborhood, it was daytime. I landed on a street and started walking. The houses were odd. I saw an over-water bungalow and for some reason I assumed it was my future house. It had a name above its front door, "Scala". To me, it meant Climbing
      (I love rock climbing IRL, Escalar means to climb in Spanish). Upon searching it online:
      Scala: etymology, from Latin, Ladder; sequence.
      (anatomy) Ladder-like structure in the cochlea of a mammal's ear.
      A machine formerly used for reducing dislocations of the humerus.
      The house was made of bamboo on the outside. Inside it was all made of wood as well. It had a lot of natural light and was decorated with pictures of me and my friends surfing, fishing, and other beach/water activities. Steph and Matt were there. I sat down with them. They were discussing where to go drinking. I asked them if they knew how to get to Kokiri forest and they told me to simply "use a portal". I went outside and saw a park across the street. I ran towards it and decided to "crawl into a portal through a tree". I got on my stomach and tried crawling through a hole inside one of the trees.

      On the other side I could see Kokiri Forest through a portal; i crawled into the portal and heard weird sounds. I was standing on Link's treehouse deck, and looked over but it was night time and I couldn't see anything. I put my hands in front of me and spawned an Ocarina. I played the Sun's Song and the sun came up; the Kokiri Forest theme song came on. I jumped down, everything looked surreal. Everything looked like on Ocarine of Time, but real life-like, and even more real. The grass was tall and green. There were kokiri running all around the place, fairies dancing in the air. The houses were just like in the game, trees carved out. The river and pond were big, the water turquoise blue. I asked one of the Kokiri girls where Saria was, she told me she was waiting for me by the water. I found her, and she hugged me. She said I had just made it for the festival. Everyone came in the water; there was a stage on shore. Kokiris came on the stage wearing flower costumes and they did a dance.
      I lost a bit of lucidity. Saria morphed into my gf and we were introduced to another couple. The girl was spanish so I went to kiss her on the cheek when introducing myself, but she told me her bf was American and wouldn't understand. I laughed and shook her hand. I reminded myself of my goal. I left the festival and walked through the hallway to reach the Deku Tree, but instead, there was a tall building.

      I was now an Assassin. I looked down and I was wearing Ezio's black outfit. There were two demons shooting at me from the building's windows. I ran up the wall and leaped in the air towards them. I slowed down time, pulled my short blade out, and smoothly cut off their heads at the neck. Blood splattered all over the walls. I landed, and tried to get to the Deku Tree, but the dream crashed.

      I was in my bed once again, I thought I was done dreaming, but held still just in case. I felt SP/HIs again.

      I stood up, did a RC. I walked outside and crossed the street towards the park. I saw my mom following me. I tried to hide but she found me. My dad came as well. They told me Tonka, my dog, was dying. The vet had said we had to put him down. Although I knew this wasn't too far from reality, I told them it was just a bad dream for now, and flew off. I was crying and screaming, I lost control and crashed down.

      I woke up for good.

      Updated 10-15-2016 at 04:59 PM by 28148

    9. What do these clouds mean?

      by , 10-15-2016 at 02:57 PM (AndresLD's (somewhat) Crazy Dream Adventures)


      I woke up at 4:15 for a WBTB. I read through some of the dreams and posts on DV. I played Zelda OoT on the Emulator and explored Kokiri Forest. I incubated my dream for a bit and then went to bed at 4:55, and tried MILD and WILD. At 5:20 I still hadn't fallen asleep an was worried as I worked in the morning. I lost consciousness between 5:25 and 5:55, then fell asleep

      I was walking down the street, FaceChatting with a friend from Edmonton; he was complaining it was snowing over there, whereas it was nice and sunny where I live. I went into a McDonalds and bought a burger. I was watching TV with my brother and my dad eating my burger. I spilled my drink and went to the kitchen to grab something to wash it off. My house looked like the apartment I used to live in when I was a child. The kitchen was undergoing a renovation and I couldn't find what I was looking for. I went outside and my brother came with me. We were on a backyard looking at the sky. He pointed out a cloud that looked like a raccoon. I couldn't see it but then I saw one that looked like the gamecube logo. I was finally able to see the raccoon. My brother looked at me and told me "You know what those mean, right? They are dream clouds". I was trying really hard to understand what he meant when it hit me.
      I became lucid and thanked him. I took off and started flying. I saw a forest far away and assumed it was Kokiri forest. I had forgotten to stabilize, so the dream started fading.

      Tags: mild
    10. Me, the boy and the goldfish

      by , 10-15-2016 at 01:43 PM
      I had this dream previous night. (It is a non-lucid)

      I was a boy. a little fat, but not too much. I had blonde hair, and I was around 9?
      I was a real anime lover, but was mostly looking at fish, because there were a lot at my place. (We lived near a lake, and the land we were on was like island) It was far off the main land.

      I also was in love with a girl, blonde curly hair. She had pretty blue eyes, and she wore expensive dresses. She looked like a doll. I don't know why I was in love with her, but it wasn't because she was rich or anything like it. I just liked her. We, together, looked at fish in aquariums at the zoo. We first looked at a group of goldfish together. Most of the goldfish were still young, and they were beautiful colored.
      I was captured with one goldfish. It was a young goldfish, a boy, with white and little red spots. I really liked that goldfish, and wanted to observe it more, but I was with the girl, so we continued to the other aquariums.

      We saw more tropical fish, who would live in regions with coral, and ended up at the last aquarium with more the shark-like fish, and the scary fish who would live in the dark part of the ocean.
      We were done, and played outside, I had potato chips with me.

      A little while later, I watched the goldfish on my own, and still captivated with the little goldfish with red spots. I wanted to name it, but couldn't think of a good name for it, so I let it be, and just call it, ''the little friend.'' I wanted to protect the little friend, I want to take it with me.
      But suddenly I got absorbed in a black hole. I only got to see the goldfish, and me with only darkness around us. We fell endlessly, and suddenly spawned in the middle of the lake. I knew the lake we lived near was enormous, you could never come back if you drove off the island, but now I am here?

      I couldn't see any land in my sight. I only found out that the little friend was with me, swimming circles around me. I had no other choice, but find home together with my little friend. I didn't know where to go, but I just began swimming. Only finding out that I could breathe under water, I could swim with my little friend on my side under water. I had to protect the little friend from dangerous fish who wanted to eat it, and help to overcome obstacles.

      A day later, I met a young man with a hat on. He had dark brown hair, almost purple, and long almost touching his shoulders, and red eyes. He looked a little like Willie, from Willie Wonka. He asked me what I did here.
      I told him that me, and the little friend appeared in this lake, because of a black hole who absorbed us.
      It is hard to believe, but he helps us find home, he said.

      We swum together. Under water, but what was weird is that I forgot to help the little friend. Like, how could I forget to protect it? It is my friend, I can't leave it alone. It is still too young to survive on its own. Why does this guy let me forget it??
      We found more people, they came from Atlantic. But Atlantic looked a little old, and not cleaned up at all. It was full of nasty stuff from the lake, and how could Atlantic end up in a lake? I didn't think about it too much.
      The people from Atlantic were very kind, and wanted to help us. I was relieved when they had a special device that could bring you to your destination. It was a flying elevator.. (Like in Willie Wonka)

      The elevator stood under water at the bottom of the lake near Atlantic, but there was one problem. The little goldfish/friend, couldn't get out of the water. The scales of the fish could dry up, and it could die. The people of Atlantic had a idea. They had a plastic bag with water, and they could the gold fish in. I was a idea, but is it really good? I want to know if the little friend finds it ok to be in such a small bag.. They had not a little aquarium sadly...
      I asked the little friend if he wanted that. It answered with a blub. ''I think it says it is ok.'' I say. ''Hang in there, little friend.'' I say to it.
      We began to swim to the bottom of the lake. I dragged the little bag with me, and the little friend near me.
      The hatman is going with us together to the Island, he needs to go there too, somehow?

      What was shocking, is when I stepped in the elevator, I again forgot to take the goldfish with me in the elevator. ''Again?!'' I quickly got outside the elevator, and wanted to take the little friend, but it suddenly drove on his back, and slowly fell to the ground. I quickly hold my hands under the goldfish, and hold it in my arms.
      ''........It is dead? Why, what happened?'' I didn't saw what happened, but it suddenly was on it's back. Did it have a heart attack of something? Still having it in my arms, I got condolences from everyone from Atlantic, and from the hatman. I cried my eyes outT_T Why is my little friend dead? It was still so young.. it had a whole life ahead for him... I didn't know what the case was, but I hold my little friend dear, and never let go of him.

      We had to go, and I held on the elevator. It began to go to the sky. I still hold the goldfish in my hands. Planning to make a pretty grave for it when I arrive home. I got a little fatter because of the trip with the elevator. (Somehow I get fat when I sit too long, I barely sit, and always move.)

      I arrive home. I was really happy to see everyone, but what was shocking was. For me it was only 5 days gone, but for them, it was a full 2 years missing. How can I be gone for two years? Is time gone faster in the lake then normal? The girl I was in love with was also gone. She is in Hollywood, trying to be a actress. I didn't even had the time to say goodbye to her... What happened here while I was gone??

      I already was 11 in this time I was gone. I already made a little grave for the goldfish, and prey for him everyday. Also getting more thinner, because I move a lot again like crazy!!

      It was here that I woke up. I hope it is a interesting dream I dreamedxD
      See you with the next dream!
      *Sorry if the grammar is bad at some point!! I am trying hard, if there are any things that are written wrong, you can tell me! thank you!*

      Updated 10-16-2016 at 09:38 PM by 91151

      non-lucid , memorable
    11. Arcade Date

      by , 10-15-2016 at 11:08 AM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I'm a cyborg ninja. I can go invisible. For some reasons, I think that shoplifting will be a useful way to spend my powers on. I made some noises accidentally and the workers start to look for me, and they also have an angry french bulldog looking for me. I go to the back of the store (the store is separated into two sections, with a glass wall between) and go visible to rest, but a girl sees me, but she does not raise any larm. I grab some soda and chips and as the dog sees me I make my escape, with a cinematic interlude that looks like me slashing the dog, but I actually cut off its chafing collars. I am gone but I see things in third person where the workers realize the dog didn'5 like the collar and now it's happy that it's gone.

      I meet up with the girl who let me go and we go on a date at the arcade. One of the games is like one of those light gun cabinets, but with throwing knives. We have two opposing characters, she throws her knife and scratched me a bit. I throw mine and headshot myself. I say that wasn't my intention while she laughs. There is a lengthy cutscene with yaoi overtones so we lose interest and go elsewhere. She takes me to the opposite wing of the building, which I remark is a museum.

      Updated 10-15-2016 at 08:06 PM by 50816

    12. [15-10-2016] #1st competition entry

      by , 10-15-2016 at 08:51 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in a party. It was a huge party in some great party complex. There was dancehall, bar and even a cinema. I was there with classmates, we were sitting by a bar and drinking vodka. People around were having fun, but some didn't. I also had fun. We finished drinking and looked around - all people went to cinema. We went there too and took our seats, but I couldn't see a thing from mine so I changed it. There were some girls sitting behind us, they allowed us to take these seats if we won't disturb them. The movie started, it was about a man who used a ray to make his children gigantic. One of classmates said that I left my vodka by a bar and laughed.

      Second dream

      I was in my house, browsing the web with my phone. I was downloading something - a game engine. It weighted only 7.1 MB. Then two of my sisters appeared and jumped on me, then started hugging me. The engine downloaded when they were finished. I hid my phone and went to kitchen. Looking at the table I saw a few rows of glasses with pickles. On the hallway there were parents and sister talking with one girl from my class.

      Third dream

      It was in some city, a sunny summer day. I was wandering on a sidewalk when some people rapidly run out of nearby house. Some people with machine guns chased them. They wanted to kill them and tried to kill me too as I was a witness. They took cars and escaped. I took a nearby sports car and drove with them. They stopped at some mansion of a man that controlled half the city. They went there to ask for help on eliminating them. I went with these people and said them that they should just shoot them. But they didn't listened, they went to that crazy man and he said that if they want help, each of them should entertain him. He gave a tall blonde girl a mug and told her to fill it with cereals. She did it and then he ordered her to eat it. I left them, meeting another dude from the group on the way. I told him about what happened and he said that he waits for his turn. I ran out of the building and got into my car. I took off saying that I'm just gonna shoot them. There were some Muslims talking in the radio, they were talking about their homeland. I just drove, hitting a few cars with high speed on the way. Then I drove to that building. There was group of women, one of them seemed both attractive and really close to me. I knocked to door and men with guns opened. I disarmed one of them and got inside. But instead of shooting them all, I gave them an offer. I thrown some really shiny crystals in the ground and told them that it's beginning of my business, which will repay to them in mere weeks if they'd invest in it. I gave them bank account number and left.
    13. 2016-10-15 SSC16 night 1

      by , 10-15-2016 at 08:48 AM
      ~ 5 hrs

      1st half:

      + personal library cabinet, with (girl?), she makes her books appear, than I make my journals appear, I show them off to her, then I see a picture of ex-GF having sex with a black guy the picture is fuzzy, I see this guy sitting on a couch live action, I'm upset about that situation

      + coming up on a raid from behind, it's a raid on us so my move is daring, pretending to become one of the raiders, under a table, then push through, I see that the raiders are zapping our field, and burning all the people in them, totally ruining them. I run through the blockade up the steep hill, see flowers on the ground and signs of mowing, there is movement in the trees I go under trees, a guy says there is a collander hidden in a tree stump and you can use it and it means "termites for dinner!" I imagine catching termites in that thing. I find my old boy scout sierra cup, then another on a well, and I clean off the rust and see my old name tag on the bottom and see an engraving indicating something about brass players and french horns? I drink from the water anticipating a clean, cold fresh water but it has a distinctly unpleasant mineral/salty taste. There is a boy and girl, brother and sister, I want to see them the girl comes to me and says "buenos noches!" and I say it back assuming with an accent, I wonder if I"ll understand her if she keeps speaking Spanish, but she says s.l. "oh your're an american", then I see her mother who looks like her, and something about the mother's boyfriend.

      + coming up on an apartment with a sliding glass door on a street, there is a bustling university to my right with students moving around, in the apartment I'm trying to decide to keep my little stack of 5 grey books on the table there or take it with me, I talk to the guys inside and I'm telling them my plans to return after class, they're upset that it's later than I said before (7? 8?) but I say it will take time for me to get there and return in my car. There is a loud bang and they all freak out and I tease them for being afraid of just a sound.

      ~ 10 hours

      2nd half:

      + club/girl/sidewalk/grieving hot woman, addict stairs halfway house with shivering addicts and socks messy, guy doing better his stack gets knocked over by leader ,guy swears, "ocean 11" presentatation, up on stairwell over pool, watch plane take off then crash on purpose, 2nd guy saw it too, girl's fist hurt dive into pool ot help, say I saw it, CC asks about how to draw a normal curve, we all try to draw one

      + get into SUV, shall I fill tank, yes, so out have to siphon it in, back in see tank is more full, take off road up hill full of bikers pedestrians, going slow, falling over on purpose, get to top start going down, pass two hot girls speaking [foreign language], see another buxom one grab her go down start sex get to bottom she says "time to play nurse" and takes control, puts me on stomach and I look arond to watch she says "no peeking!" and puts something in my butt, I'm upset at the loss of control and conerned that she may break off a thermometer and give me mercury poisoning, her intentions may not be good (upset at me grabbing her?)

      +(f) wake in hospital bed to nurse asking about my side, I say it's fine I don't feel anything any more I could turn

      +(f) dance competition outside, dancers on left, judges on right, a small girl is trying but dancing poorly

      + sting at the car dealer, criminal boss is caught, undercover agent upset that is cover was blown

      + guy's tv is broken he's furious and starts breaking another guy's flat screen, the stripper girl is preparing "to go upside down and embarass her self in front of (us guys). I'm one of the few guys who will be watching and feel uncomfortable that there are a bunch of other women around who will be watching

      + sick girl, sit her on my lap, he mom near, she has painful varicose veins in leg, feet, "can you walk?", riding in car, her cheeks turn blue/purple, but she says she wants more cold, her nose starts bleeding, we arrive at "stripper park?" it's outside cold, snowy, one dancer goes off to see about getting a ride, girls walking around, one mother playing with her kids, mother is attending to sick girl, kids in doctor cabinets, the mother is the doctor to the sick girl, a boy in another room, a girl in another across teh way, I see a doctor present the findings on a screen, walk down the prominade to a showe area, turn on shower, find soap, start taking shower, noice naked girl on other side of wall, get bold and take a good look at her, get bolder and walk around squeezing through a narrow place get to her,
      Spoiler for sexual encounter:
      , wake.
      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Part 2 of today- SP/possible shared dream experience/another house

      by , 10-15-2016 at 05:49 AM
      I accidentally erased my first entries for the day & left the fact about my grand children being here. But they just went to sleep so I'm going to try again.

      D1: Mike & I were in my childhood home. It was dark & the twins were babies for some reason even though they were only there via the bond I felt. We both heard something. I knew it wasn't only me who heard this "something". We were moving & fumbling around the living room in darkness, around "it". Mike says, "We shouldn't have come here." And I said, "I told YOU we shouldn't come here." I awake & he is staring at me next to me. I'm in complete sleep paralysis & freaked out because I'm thinking we had a shared dream. He doesn't remember the dream, but he rarely does. And he doesn't remember looking at me. When I can move I go to pee, left bewildered. I tried to get back in the dream but no dice. This was definately memorable. I should have woke him up right then & asked him what he was dreaming about. But he just got done working 60 hrs this week & couldn't screw him out of his sleep. I should've manned up so to speak & said damn the torpedoes cuz this could have been a game changer. I've heard of it being done & my husband & I are very in sync w/ each other on a deeper level than most. Now I'll always wonder what it was. But then again I can now have a glass full kind of attitude. "If it happened once, it couldn't certainly happen again." Optimism, I like that.

      D2: Dream sign. Damn shambled house again but w/ a lot of family around. Lots & lots of rooms per usual. And I keep thinking, "It's along a road which seems creepy but it's near a small town which is good." So odd.

      Maybe I'll get lucky & the kids will go to sleep before midnight tomorrow night too. It's hard to predict w/ these 2 younger ones. My other set of 2 are just at home here so it's not anything out of the norm. But I have been making progress w/ these 2 this time around. I've prayed about it quite a lot.
    15. Oct. 13, 2016

      by , 10-15-2016 at 03:03 AM
      I was just in my house, as normal. The only different thing was a very large, water-filled glass tank in our living room. At the bottom of the tank were around 20 larvae-looking insects. I watched them for a while, and a couple of them started forming cocoons. I continued watching, and after a few minutes one cocoon started to break open. A huge moth crawled out of one cocoon, and since they were underwater I reached in and pulled it out so it wouldn't drown. This moth had a wing span of about a foot. It started speaking to me through its thoughts, and we could understand each other somehow.
      non-lucid , memorable
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