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    1. Holographic Toy Tiger (sleep & REM atonia simulacrum)

      by , 03-14-2016 at 09:14 AM
      1 minute 54 second read.

      Monday, 14 March 2016.

      Holographic Toy Tiger (sleep simulacrum)

      Dream # 17,983-01.

      My dream's location is my den from the Stadcor Street house in Wavell Heights (where we have not lived for years) in Brisbane in the late morning.

      A stuffed toy tiger is on a blanket on the floor in the center of the room. The design implies that the animal is resting on its stomach. (See the image if available. It is similar to one we have in waking life, but my dream's version is less realistic.)

      With the back of my hand, I pretend I can touch and feel the intangible hologram. I move it over the periphery of the hologram's imaginary surface. I "know" I am feeling something, but I consider it may be something located elsewhere and not in alignment with the hologram's shape. (I have often had dreams of this implication. It is otherwise a specific type of lucidness to increase my somatosensory phasing response to the dream state, to bring about more vividness and realism.)

      Eventually, Zsuzsanna stands in the doorway (in the background), looking into the room. I see her from the other side of the stuffed toy tiger hologram (in the foreground) that briefly moves its head in her direction. I see a flick of its tongue from its profile and feel intrigued, waking at this point.

      The stuffed toy tiger correlates with a thread of lucidness in recognition that my physicality in the dream is unreal. The blanket signifies my realization of sleeping in bed. The toy tiger's tongue moves somewhat because my tongue has some mobility before waking before REM atonia diminishes.

      A similar model from early childhood, titled "The Skunk," has the same foundation of causality, although the co-occurrent dynamics are slightly different. I will compare and contrast the content of both dreams here:

      "Holographic Toy Tiger":

      A hologram of a stuffed toy tiger in a sleeping position on a blanket signifies my co-occurrent recognition of being asleep in bed. The room is otherwise featureless.

      Protoconsciouness initiates as Zsuzsanna in a doorway (background), seen from my side (foreground) of the "sleeping and waking animal."

      The outcome reveals my recognition of having tongue mobility before REM atonia wholly diminishes.

      "The Skunk":

      A sleeping skunk signifies my co-occurrent recognition of being asleep in bed. The room is otherwise featureless.

      Protoconsciouness initiates as an unknown girl in a doorway (background) seen from my side (foreground) of the sleeping and waking animal.

      The outcome is that the white area of the skunk's body becomes a question mark to correlate with the essence of being puzzled by the sudden realization I am dreaming.

      Imagine all the people who cannot understand or accept the factual attributes of concurrent dream content causality (as explained here) and seek to corrupt it with the unintelligent misdirection of "dream interpretation."

      Updated 07-13-2022 at 08:00 AM by 1390

    2. [14-03-2016]

      by , 03-14-2016 at 08:51 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was an emerald collector. I was on a desert, searching for freshwater streams. There were dunes huge like hills, and I was close to an ocean. The scenery was quite beautiful, palm trees beneath an ocean. As I went deeper within the desert island, it gradually changed into dark woods, full of forgotten ruins and horrible monsters. In most cases I had to run away from them. Once I was lucky enough to find a car left by previous expeditions and escape from peril.
    3. Salty dude in Culinary Class

      by , 03-14-2016 at 08:08 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was sitting at my desk with a computer in front of me. I was supposed to be doing some type of culinary report, but I wasn't. The room I was in was huge, and was probably 3 to 4 times the size of the average school classroom. It was full with students, maybe about 70 or 80 in total. Everyone was on a computer doing their work. The walls in this enormous room were made of fully gray glossy bricks and the floor was a glossy white tile. All of the computer stations were gray as well. As I sat there in my chair looking around, I noticed that there was a blonde chick sitting in the computer desk next to me. She was wearing a white dress with flowers all over it. Suddenly she looks over at me, "Can you help me figure this out?" she asked. "Sure what you need?" I ask as I move my chair over to her computer desk and sit next to her. "I can't find a way to make this program work and make this pop-up window go away" she told me.
      I took the mouse and scrolled over to the pop-up window and clicked on a box that was in the lower left corner. I then pressed "Next" and the pop-up window disappeared and the program started up. "Thanks" she said as she looked at me. Her eyes were a soft brown and they seemed to glow. Chef Pellicano came over to her desk and she saw that there was no work on her screen. She got frustrated, "Why aren't you doing your work?" she asked. "I am I just had to figure out how to get started" the girl replied. Just then 2 large chocolate chip cookies that were stuck together flew over my head and across the entire classroom. "Who threw that?!?" Chef Pellicano asked. A guy I know from school named Jason stood up "I did" he said. He was wearing a gray hoodie and dark blue basketball shorts as well as basketball shoes. "I'm tired of this fucking class. I fucking hate it!" he yelled. "Excuse me?!" Chef replied. Jason then grabbed a full white cake with complete icing off of his computer desk. He walked at a fast pace over to Chef and smothered the cake all in her face. "Well then" Chef said. She was not impressed at the least as I could tell by her neutral facial expression. It seemed as this was a normal occurrence for her.
      Jason then stormed out of the classroom and into the hallway. "He's definitely getting a referral" Chef announced. Everyone was quiet. "Can someone who is wearing pajamas go to the front office and report to an AP what just happened?" she asked. I was wearing pajamas, but right as I was about to volunteer myself a black dude with a nice flat top stood up and took the task. He was wearing blue and red pajamas. He then left the classroom to report the incident and after that, class resumed. For some reason the lights were turned off now though. The cute blonde chick who I was sitting next to got up and went to the other side of the classroom to talk to her friends. I got up as well and walked over to my friends Dylan and Bryce. When I got over to their desks, they were both laying on the ground on their backs just chilling. I layed down next to dylan and we all looked up at the ceiling(lmao what fun). "Why are you guys laying on the ground?" I asked as I chuckled. "Because we can faggot" Bryce said in his usual joking tone. I laughed.
      Everyone in the class was now chilling and it seemed as though no one was doing any work anymore. Students constantly walked over or around us to get past us as we were right in the middle of one of the rows of computer desks. The row we were laying on also had a restroom at the end of it which was were many students seemed to be going. The restroom lights were on and seemed to be the only lights on anywhere in the class.
    4. Hotel resort nightmare

      by , 03-14-2016 at 06:03 AM
      Dreamt that I was walking around in a super fancy exotic resort with clean, beautiful white porcelian interior. There was a large pool with crystal blue water flowing through the main lobby. Everything about this hotel was perfect and picturesque. The weird part? there were corpses littered all over the floor and bright red streaks of blood on the walls. Except the hotel continued to function normal with all the lights and streams from the pool running perfectly. Also, there were no staff or anyone walking around. Everyone was dead on the floor.

      the justapositon of luxury and decadence with the macabre setting made my stomach feel uneasy as i walked around the hotel with seemingly no one alive in it. I walked outside and saw a beatiful gold golf course with the ocean providing a beautiful backdrop. Suddenty it was the magic hour with a majestic orange glow emanating across the landscape. As I looked out over the horizon, I felt an odd twinge of fear for my life and wondered if i would escape the hotel alive. then of course, I woke up.
      lucid , memorable
    5. Dream Guides (DEILD)

      by , 03-14-2016 at 01:11 AM
      Ritual: I thought it might be nice to get lucid again, so I read DV before bed, though my motivation was considerably reduced when I realized that the time change had caught me unawares, and I was going to bed an hour later than I had intended! Also drank some sage and mugwort tea before bed. Those are the only relevant factors I can think of. WTB at 3am, woke 9:15am with dream.

      DEILD: I came out of an NLD and started going over it in my mind, when it dawned on me that I had not fully woken up. I was in a hallway carrying a large package; to confirm, I tossed it in the air and sure enough, it hovered for a moment before drifting back down. It occurred to me that maybe I should take up the habit of tossing things into the air in waking life as a kind of RC. But it would have to be something smaller than a large box, something more like a coin or small ball. I produced a small black ball and tried again. To my amusement, this one behaved as if gravity were operating normally. Maybe not such a good RC unless I actively intervene: I tossed it again and concentrated on holding the ball in the air. That worked well enough. I resolved to spend more time in WL trying to move small objects with my mind.

      I exited the building and thought I might try a TOTM. Even though I had just reread the list before going to bed, I now realized that I couldn't remember any of them. Thinking hard, I finally recalled the one about the dream guide.

      "I'm ready for my dream guide!" I shouted. I've never had a dream guide before, so I had no expectations. I shouted a few more times until a woman showed up. She was of hefty build, with straight shoulder-length dark hair, and looked to be in her late forties. On the right lapel of her uniform-like black jacket, resembling that of a hotel clerk (or more to the point, a tour guide) was a name tag reading "RUSH." There was something very blank and bureaucratic about her demeanor that immediately put me off.

      "Take me on a tour," I instructed.

      "A Grand Tour?" she asked. Lately I've been reading about the Grand Tours eighteenth-century travelers would take in Italy, so I assumed this was merely waking life residue.

      "Take me on a tour of Hogwart's," I proposed instead.

      The woman must not have understood, because she started saying things about temperature and time that sounded like the details of a technical process—brewing coffee, I guessed. I was getting impatient.

      "This isn't working out," I told her. Perhaps I should have been more patient, but she reminded me of one of those blank, automaton-like DCs that never have anything interesting to say. I turned my back and walked away, determined to try again.

      "I'm ready for my dream guide!" I resumed shouting, trying to muster a sense of optimism. Nothing changed at first, but I persisted, shouting about five times before another figure drew my attention. He was a short brown-haired man standing next to a bar, gazing at me with a slightly amused expression. As I walked over, I was startled to see that he was the spitting image of Michael J. Fox. This perplexed me, because I have no particular attachment to that actor, nor did I recall having encountered his image recently in waking life. I remembered that in WL he had developed a terrible disease and I couldn't remember if he was still alive. This DC looked like the younger version of him from the 1980s or '90s, and his cheerful confidence created much more favorable impression than the last DC.

      "Are you my dream guide?" I asked uncertainly. He replied with something casual, along the lines of, "If you want me to be."

      "Let's give it a try," I said. "First, take me somewhere beautiful. Then, take me somewhere that I will find interesting." Since I'd never had a dream guide before or thought much about their proper role, now I was acting on the assumption that their job was to give me tours. In retrospect that's kind of funny.

      As we walk out of the building together, he expresses a sexual interest. I'm surprised at his bluntness, but tell him okay, it's natural that there might be sexual tension between us, I can accept that. He seems relieved, telling me that many of the applicants ruled it out from the start. In fact, a lot of the essays he received closed on that note. I commiserate, noting how even from a purely rhetorical standpoint, that does seem like a terrible way to end an application essay.

      We continue through a park-like setting, and as we descend along a wooded path I see a tree with several conjoined trunks. Emblazoned across it like a light projection is the name of a website, "www.tabu.com." I look again to make sure and the text shifts. "www.tabut.com." I wonder what it means. Is this in reference to the Polynesian word "tabu," the basis of our English "taboo"? [I looked them up as I was writing this and...seriously, it's a big world out there, how could these websites not exist?]

      We walk right to the edge of a wide shallow lake. I realize we'll probably need to travel somewhere by a means other than walking, and let him know I'm familiar with some basic methods: "How are we going to get there? I can spin and teleport, if you like. And I know how to fly."

      He offers another possibility: "See that brown line?" He points to somewhere behind us. I look back, and without thinking about it we automatically start rising into the air and drifting toward a brown line that runs across the grass of the lawn. "That's where we'll transition," he explains. We start gliding toward it, and sure enough, a moment later we are flying across a completely different scene.

      The previous landscape was park-like, but we emerge higher in the air over a vast landscape. Distant hills, distinctive coloring, shades of red in the earth and sky. Everything becomes a bit clearer. "Okay, this is beautiful," I acknowledge aloud. He's definitely succeeded in the first task I set him.

      We drift closer to the ground and I notice an odd detail: an enormous fence of thick horizontal wires strung between vertical poles that must be at least 50 feet high, stretched across a valley between two steep hills. There are only a few of the wires, maybe eight, strung in pairs of two. It would be no barrier for a person at all, or any earthly creature—it's so big it doesn't even obstruct the view—but then I see what it is keeping in. They look like giant green mantis-like creatures, clearly insectoid, but enormous. Despite the monstrosity of the creatures, the enclosure reminds me of a nature reserve. Are the fences for our protection, or theirs? Perhaps both.

      I think about how my second instruction to my guide had been to take me somewhere interesting, and it would certainly be interesting if one of those things got out! However, I decide not to vocalize my thoughts or deliberately influence the course of events, instead waiting to see how things will play out.

      One of the creatures catches sight of us and scuttles over, moving with astonishing rapidity for its size. It crosses several hundred yards in a matter of seconds. It pushes against the fence, snapping at us with its mandibles. It has surprisingly long reach and the wires of the fence are being bowed out by the weight of its body—they hold, but we have to dart away very quickly to avoid the initial attack. I realize the safest course is to fly directly upward, well out of its reach, in case the fence breaks. I can feel my adrenaline pumping and have to admit, that was definitely an interesting experience.

      Abruptly the environment changes and we are back in a room that I think I recognize from earlier in the dream—but way earlier, the NLD sequence before I even got lucid. I realize the dream is ending, but I'm very pleased with how well this dream guide was able to fulfill my requests. "Can I meet you again?" I ask. His acquiescence is as casual and noncommital as when I first asked him to be my guide.

      Updated 03-14-2016 at 01:57 AM by 34973

      lucid , task of the month
    6. FBI behind terrorist event

      by , 03-13-2016 at 11:11 PM
      I dreamed i was in pursuit of an armored car that inside it was terrorists that had to be stopped. I crashed into to car and two women flew out of it into a pile of potatoes? and me and my friend drug them out and arrested them and tried to ask them where the bomb was and they pulled out FBI badges and said that they were only pretending to be terrorists but they were going to blow up a city. Still trying to figure out why the potatoes were there, but FBI agents plotting to blow up a city is something kind of creepy.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    7. DJ#102: Drugs & Portal

      by , 03-13-2016 at 10:49 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was taking some sort of drug through an injection. I was in the city at night with an orange glow where this happened.

      Dream 2: I was the prisoner/accomplice of someone, who was guiding me through a building and monologueing about their plan to me. We got to the main room of the building and then a horde of creatures started piling in to attack us. The guy's guards held them off for a bit but they were overwhelming them, so my leader and I shuffled to the back of the room and went through a portal to a corridor somewhere safe.

      Fragment: Something to do with a mountain and designing a new pokemon game cover.
      Tags: non - lucid
    8. 12/03/16 - 13/03/16: No recall :(

      by , 03-13-2016 at 07:22 PM
      Nothing to say here, just documenting so I can follow my progress accurately.

      Went to bed: 23:00
      Fell asleep: 23:30
      Awakening 1: 07:00
      Fell asleep: 07:30
      Final awakening: 9:30

      Daytime techniques: Practicing self-awareness with state checks.
      Nighttime techniques: None
    9. A glass world

      by , 03-13-2016 at 07:21 PM
      While guiding a woman through a certain demon's territory, I make a deal with him for safe passage. I offer him what appears as a glass paperweight in the shape of a globe. It represents a world that's about to die, though the inhabitants aren't aware of that yet. Neither was the demon.

      He's sorry to hear it, he'd enjoyed that world - hence why I'm offering him my rights to it. It's the same sort of emotional tone you'd use for a game that's coming to an end. I'd hoped it would end differently, but it failed, which means now it's just another piece of territory for us to use as bargaining chips. He takes the deal.
    10. 11/03/16 - 12/03/16: Planning to move to France

      by , 03-13-2016 at 01:50 PM
      I went out friday night, so I didn't expect much and didn't get much, but what I got was actually very interesting.

      Went to bed: 02:30
      Final awakening: 7:30

      Daytime techniques: Practicing self-awareness using state-checks.
      Nighttime techniques: None

      1: Planning to move to France

      I'm with my parents and little brother, sitting at the dining table. We are looking at a map of a part of Europe, including The Netherlands, Belgium, France and Spain. On the map you can see city names (I remember Brussels and Paris in particular) and a train route going from Amsterdam to the east of France, the border with southern Germany. In the east of France, at the far end of the route, there is a picture showing some rollercoasters (really small, as if looking at them from an airplane). We are talking about where we should go or something, but it also has to do with me moving out of the house (since I attend university now). My brother becomes very enthousiastic when he sees the rollercoasters, because one of them is apparently the biggest of the world. I look closer at the train route, and along the route are tags on which you can see whether the train stops at every station or only at large cities. Also, along one of the lines, the words "LUCID DREAMING" are written, and I notice them, but don't pay any further attention to the words. I say something like: "Oh, they're all really fast trains so I might even go there and back home every day!", jokingly, and we all laugh. Then I wake up and feel really stupid,
    11. 10/03/16 - 11/03/16: Exam stress, two men sailing the streets, playing in the toilet

      by , 03-13-2016 at 01:28 PM
      Really weird and uneasy night, resulting in nice recall.

      Went to bed: 22:00
      Fell asleep: 22:30 ?
      Awakening 1: ?
      Final awakening: 5:50

      Daytime techniques: Regular state checks as self-awareness practice
      Nighttime techniques: Water method

      1: Exam stress, 12 themes

      I'm sitting behind my laptop scrolling through YouTube, looking for a particular video I had watched in waking life that day, and everything looked like the right thing but nothing was quite it, leaving me very frustrated. I look at the clock regularly, because I have to be taking an exam this day.


      I'm at the place where I should be taking the exam in about 6 hours. My father is standing there, and I am panicking because I have no idea what should've studied for the exam. I ask my father and he tells me I should be familiar with the 12 themes. In the dream this makes sense, but I haven't the slightest clue what this actually means.


      I'm home again and I look at the clock. It is 11:30, apparently (which doesn't make any sense if you realise how much I had been doing already. I try to plan my route to where the exam will be taken, but get distracted every time. I look at the clock again, it still reads 11:30, but now I realise (falsely remember) that the exam would start at this exact time and I have to travel for two hours to get there. I stress out completely, get a huge surge of adrenaline and wake up.

      2: Sailing the streets

      I don't have a body in this dream and just watch 2 men in a motorized boat. They are moving through the streets of my hometown, since the streets are completely flooded. On some spots there's still some ice (seems like Ice Age: Meltdown) and the men talk about being lucky that there isn't much ice left.

      3: Playing in the toilet

      One of the strangest dreams I've ever had. I'm sitting in the toilet at home, and I am flooding it completely. Somehow the water can't get out of the toilet so there's a 30 cm layer of water on the floor. I am sitting on the floor, in the water. All around me are small, floating black and white rubber balls of different sizes, and when I touch them they multiply. Meanwhile I am playing a game on my laptop which I only remember being really difficult.
    12. 09/03/16 - 10/03/16: Danish woman doesn't like Trump

      by , 03-13-2016 at 12:34 PM
      So, I've been slacking with my dream journal the last few days, only managing to type up some short notes in my phone. I'm going to update it now, but I don't really remember bedtimes and awakenings that well.

      Went to bed: 22:00 ?
      Fell asleep: 22:30 ?
      Final awakening: 6:45

      Daytime techniques: Practicing self-awareness using state checks very regularly.
      Nighttime techniques: ?

      1: Danish woman doesn't like Trump

      I'm cycling down the path between the lines of trees near the train station (I cycle this route every day). I look behind me once and I think I see a girl I know from high school. I slow down so she can catch up. As she does, I say 'Hi!' before really looking at her again. When I do, I see it is not her, but an older woman with similar hair. I say 'Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else (in Dutch)". She replies, in German: "I don't understand you, I am Danish." We then have a short conversation in a mixture of Dutch, German and English. I don't remember what it was about exactly, but in the end the topic becomes Donald Trump. I remember exactly what I had to say about him (I was surprised about how clear my mind was when saying this): "He feeds the nationalist feelings of the American people with his bullshit talk."Then I woke up.
    13. 13/3/2016

      by , 03-13-2016 at 11:19 AM
      1) Disjointed memories of this dream. I'm on holiday, it's time to go home. Looking over some water at the airport, I explain that I have to go there to pick up a metal goalpost that I stored there so I can take it home, and I won't be long. Then I'm in an airport. We are standing in a queue waiting to get through security, there are 2 women security officers frisking everyone as they come through. It's my turn and some people push past, they are dealt with swiftly by the security officers and go to the back of the queue. I'm inside the airport. I look at some car keys and realise I have to return the hire car, and realise we only used it once. I'm looking around for the hire car desk. There is 3 people palying guitar on some of the airport seats. I get told where to go to hand in the keys I go out through sliding doors. Then I'm in a hangar to pick up he goalposts, but now it's actually a hanglider - I see it hanging up and look at it, it is very cheap and flimsy but it was just something I bought on holiday, I look at the suitcase it fits in and think about folding it up as I want to take it home but decide it's too big. Next I'm wandering though more airport lounges, someone I know sees me and comes over to talk to me, then I see another couple of people I know. I think the dream ended here.

      2) I'm in a GP surgery. I'm walking towards the stairs for some reason feeling like a failure, then I think about a nursing home that actually asked for me to become their GP and convince myself that I'm not that bad after all. I'm walking up the stairs adn another doctor passes me. next I'm in a meeting and someone is goign to give a talk, he is using a projector and is going to start. A female GP leans over towards me and says that he alwys runs over and asks if I'm in a hurry, I say that I am so she promises she will interrupt him when time is up so I can leave on time.
      Tags: medical
    14. [13-03-2016]

      by , 03-13-2016 at 09:28 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      I was in home, my eldest sister was there with friends too, so I decided to stay in another room. It was a huge from with rows of computers. There random people, most younger than me, and they were playing computer games.
    15. #209 - War / Cops / Ancient tortoises

      by , 03-13-2016 at 07:45 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - War
      The context of the dream was that we were in the Middle Earth universe and there were elves who refused to help the mortal races or something.
      A female elf similar to Arwen had joined Rohan's side in a skirmish to convince her father, the elven king of (Mirkwood maybe?) to join their side. I remember a huge amount of mounted horsemen charging forward, lead by the elf girl, for some reason we were absolutely thrashing the elves and storming through them. There was another elf on our side and he somewhat resembled Legolas. They began to route and after continuing to chase them the only one left was the elf king. He reached the forest edge with the Rohirrim right behind him and started skirting the forest instead of going into it. The reason was because soldiers began to emerge from behind the trees, and at this point I remembered that we had established reinforcements in the forest to ambush the elves. From the group of horsemen in pursuit of the king, the elf girl shot out on a white horse really fast. As an elf she is supposedly meant to be really fast on horses or something . She dismounted the king but he continued to fight, that male elf leapt after him and began freezing his legs with a stream of ice magic. The king was resistant to magic and the ice was rapidly thawing, though it still slowed him enough for someone to grab him. The king continued to resist, his elven pride relentless, and then I woke up .

      Dream 2 - Cops
      Spoiler for Warning, R18(ish) content!:

      Dreams 3 - Ancient tortoises
      I was somewhere with a small fungi-covered tortoise that could talk, we were outside and the scenery was bland. There was some dream-context to this, we were meditating to reach some sort of state or possibly just a certain age. The tortoise left at one point to head to the place where all the ancient tortoises go when they've reached that 'level'. I think I headed there with him, but my memory gets a little confused here.
      I'm at the place where tortoises go, but only when I get there do I actually know that it's the place where tortoises go. I look around and realize that what at first look like a green-fungi ridden stone was actually another ancient tortoise.
      "That must be your dad?" I asked the tortoise.
      "No, that's my wife. She did get to meet my dad before moving here though" the tortoise replied, I guess that means that his wife is a bit older than him?
      Looking around I can spot about 5 more tortoises sitting still. The scenery is like a desert, there's a palm tree in front of me and some small green tussocks of grass that are around too. It looks like the Sahara meets Tropical rain forest, though with more sand? The reason the tortoises come here is because of the old man sitting cross-legged near the palm tree on a little sandy slope. His hair is white and his skin is a deep tan. He's really old and looks quite withered, I know that he wouldn't respond if I tried to get his attention and for some reason I the thought of even talking to him doesn't seem possible anyways. Like he was god or something?
      The confusing part in my memory is that now I'm pretty sure I'm experiencing the journey towards where the tortoise and I were heading. The tortoise isn't there this time, and I'm walking through jungle that has some sand scattered on the ground here and there.. There's maybe 2 other people with me as well. The jungle is really dangerous, everything seems alive and at one point a plant opened up revealing these thin long vines with little sharp jaws at the ends, I clambered away from it as it tried to nip me. Straight after I looked up a slope to where we needed to go, just beyond would be the end. I remember seeing 'me' climb it, but from 3rd-person. At the top was a wooden log and I fell on my ass for some reason, only to have a GIANT python land next to me! I clambered up over the log and ran for it. The python didn't even bother noticing me .
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