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    1. [05-09-2016]

      by , 09-05-2016 at 10:11 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in some dark building with a dude in heavy tactical armor. It was really dark, I felt great sense of danger. There were demons, skeletons and zombies wandering around hallways. The dude moved onward, shooting all monsters with a shotgun - one shot and only a bloody explosion was left after them. I followed him, but more monsters came and from time to time some grabbed me. I tried to fight them, but they were much stronger than me. Suddenly a grim reaper appeared - it had black coat with chainmai. Everything was black and white, the dude met with reaper and offered him a great assortment of scythes.
    2. nap lucid

      by , 09-05-2016 at 10:06 PM
      I'm laying down in some apartment that I don't know where I am at. Then I'm off in a fantasy land. I'm looking at someone with a costume with like a beak or big mouth and I can see a person in the costume. Also later in the dream these creatures or beings who look small and are dressed in white from wherever I am at fly into some kind of ship or something. I'm lucid but not enough to control what I am doing. I was mainly an observer.

      Updated 09-05-2016 at 10:10 PM by 59763

    3. Tower

      by , 09-05-2016 at 09:09 PM
      Trouble sleeping night before back to work, woke 1.15am tried to recall dreams but unable to recall anything.
      Then not only could I not remember dreams but I couldn't remember who I was or anything. Was real weird.
      I had a thought that it was like reincarnation, my mind was a blank slate and I felt like I was floating, observing. Anyway was revelation time for me.
      Had a horrible sore throat and cough which brought me back to reality.

      D1 - In a rocky bay surrounded by cliffs, it was dark and the water was dark. In the middle of the bay high, high up above me was a gigantic knarled dead tree (as big as a skyscraper), its branches touching the sky. It was suspended above a frozen cascade of water, which touched the sea.
      [After dream I felt this represented the Archetype of the tower from the tarot]

      D2 - I am engaged with some others in anti-government operations and am inside the house of parliament.
      We are leaving but first must take a video tape with us. It is white with a stip around it.
      Needing to get away we take it hurriedly only to see that the 3 editors are looking gleeful, showing their teeth. When I enquire why, I find it is because unless they finish the procedure the tape will be wiped and useless within an hour. So we wait pensively for 4 mins and 19 seconds, then leave hurriedly.
      Outside it is night, and we can see all the lights of the city.
      I got a lift from hagrid (out of harry potter) on his motorbike up into the night sky. He was able to protect me from lightning.
      [lightning is link to tower again]

      D3 - Anne is asking at a dinner party whether to like a drama series as the ending is not the sort she would usually like.
      I say that if she likes it it is because a part of her likes it, either he adult or child self and she should give it attention.
      I ask her tentatively if she like the Highlander historical fantasy series.
    4. What Is Energy?

      by , 09-05-2016 at 06:10 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #495 - DILD - 6:16AM

      I'm keeping this brief. Again forgive typos.

      There is a longer part of the dream that might be a bit too personal to share but at some point I step outside and suddenly become lucid for no apparent reason.

      I am in a yard and it's a nice day. I try to think of goals and got it a bit wrong. I ask the dream what energy is and suddenly a strong wind starts up. I face the wind and look down a street that ends in a huge tree. I can't keep my eyes open very well because the wind is so strong so I turn around and lean back into is. I float up and fly like I am a kite. I see a huge tornado in a dersert sucking up sand in the distance. It a really cool sight, but I look at it with mild interest. Then I turn around and face the wind. Still messes with my eyes but I endure it and fly around a bit.

      I get tired of that and find a place on the ground with a building to block the wind. Then I remember my actual goal. A long time ago I mostly failed at trying to create fire with my hands. I was caught up in the eye candy of it all and it didn't work well. This time I decided to make it more about invisible energy and the after effect. I see a trash can full of various items and spent a lot of time generating heat from my hands and melting things like empty egg cartons and soap bottles. Then I turn and put my hands on the wall of the build and make to two melted hand prints on the wall. Some it the melting looked really cool and some of the melting didn't last very long. Still it was cool experiment. Something I can work on later. I soon wake up after this.
    5. Noby Noby Cat

      by , 09-05-2016 at 05:59 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #494 - DEILD(ish) - 4:50AM

      I had some help from my little friend Galantamine this morning. I'm not spend a lot of time typing this dream or the next so please forgive the typos.

      Dose: 3:30AM
      8mg Galantamine
      400mg DMAE

      For some reason I'm leaving work early in the morning and I'm in the break room getting some coffee. The break room in really nice and has a lot of free food options almost like a continental breakfast kind of set up. I speak to my boss and tell her bye. Then for some reason I go back to a back room in the hot mold shop and take a nap.

      I'm laying on a pile of work rags and am feeling like I am in a half dreamy state (irony). There is a TV on. While I watch it things get really psychedelic and I high. I remember I was trying to get lucid and I just relax into the sensations while enjoying all the trippy imagery.

      After awhile I snap out of it and find myself in bed next to my wife. I get up for something and see the mattress is laying on the ground outside and the ground is wet and swampy. I see an hear my dog eating dry dog food as I go lay back down. I remember that I was trying to get lucid and I feel that I am really close. I decide I don't care about being wet, but my wife wakes up complaining about it we take our blankets inside a house. As we are walking I think, "This really is happening." But I wonder if I am really dreaming. There is a room with two couches and we decide to sleep there. Something feels off and I know that if I just stop and concentrate I will be in a lucid So, I stop and close my eyes and focus on my body.

      I am laying down again and start getting vibrations. I focus on that for a moment then sit up quickly. There is a high pitched zooming sound and I fall out of bed. I get up and though I worry a bit about opening my physical eyes I go ahead and open them. The dream is not bright and clear.

      I am in my old house that we just sold. There is sparse furniture and I forget that we already moved out. I say out loud, "Bye house. Bye." I hear my son say bye back to me from the other room. "No, Riley. You're coming with us." I laugh. I walk around the living room and see our cats running around. I scoop up Amelia and hold her close to me as I think of my dream goal. I can't recall, but I get a crazy idea to stretch the cat. I hold her up and pull. At first it feels too realistic and I hesitate. Then I just go for it and she stretches out like a noodle. She looks a little like Noby Noby Boy and It's weird so I set her down and then she has this ridiculous cartoon pouty face. I will her body to return to normal and laugh. I tell her I'll leave her alone now. I walk out the back through the kitchen noticing how vivid and detailed the dream is. Amelia follows but I ignore her now.

      I pause at the back door and focus on what I expect to see. I want to avoid stepping into the void. The looks close to waking life but the sky is surreal. The sun is low behind a cloud and the sky is a deep purple color fading to black and bright stars. I pause and take in the view. For some reason looking up destabilized the dream and I wake up shortly after that.
    6. Witch, possessed

      by , 09-05-2016 at 04:01 PM
      A young woman's walking quickly through the woods just before dawn - the trees are sparse and thin, lots of fallen leaves from past seasons covering the ground; she's wearing simple dark clothing and a white cap, from maybe around the 1500s. She's very nervous. I follow her as she steals a black hen - she's thinking about some dog as she does it - and makes her way to a well.

      But just as she reaches the well, an older woman grabs her and shouts, "Witch! Possessed!" This woman's familiar to me. Painfully thin, red hair so short and strangely cut that I suspect it's growing out after being shaved off completely, wearing a nightdress as if she'd just seen my witch and jumped out of bed to stop her, but I don't believe it's a coincidence that she's here; I believe hunting witches is something she's done before.

      The scene changes. Three men - two middle-aged, one older, all still looking like it's the 1500s - are discussing the woman who'd been caught as a witch, and her mother. Her mother had been the same, accused of "magical transformations," but she'd died years and years ago, and the daughter had been raised by another since she was a child, changed her family name. The last these men had heard of her, she was to be married to some knight. They frame this marriage as a very good thing, that she had a good life that she's thrown away; but I hear them say this and I think indeed she was married to him, and that had gone very badly for her, and that's why she summoned me.

      Later. Different scene entirely, my IRL home, a pair of men attempted to break in and I turned them into cats. Cat burglars. They made for very angry cats but I was pleased with myself for the joke, and my sister had been wanting a white cat anyway.

      Updated 09-05-2016 at 04:04 PM by 64691

    7. 2016-09-02 lots of scenes, not as present/vivid. Pizza (twice), tree/wasps, collapsing house,

      by , 09-05-2016 at 03:44 PM
      + driving in a car on freeways, I take several on-ramps and off-ramps. I arrive in a suburban neighborhood with houses set down below from the street. I think this is not a great area of town and I hear some thug-like talk from down below. One guy approaches me looking at me from another direction and I realize that "recognize" him [FALSE] from the ad that I came here to answer? We go into a house. A party is being prepared. The host has pizza, several types. The crust is not crispy so the pieces are floppy when picked up. I say that he'll need to heat the oven and put the pizza in there to get the crust crispy again. One of the participants is really excited about this guy-party. He says there will be yogurt and (rice?) and is looking forwards to it.

      + I'm in some shelter, outside it is starting to rain and I see the water hitting the pavement just outside and I'm trying to figure out where to put my shoes so they don't get wet. I climb up a tree inside the covered shelter and I'm moving out among the branches to pick something from the tree. I look down and see that I'm pretty far out on a branch and I don't want the branch to break. I notice something there on the branch and realize with a shock that it is some wasp nests and I see little things flying around and I don't want to get stung. Then I see that the wasp nests are tiny, only the size of a walnut and there are only a few of them so now I'm not so worried.

      + I'm in a room with some middle-aged men. We're sitting around a counter talking about pizza [DREAM SIGN]. I'm saying how I like Round Table. One guy wants to get a combo pizza but doesn't want the expense of the King Arthur Supreme. They want to go to a restaurant that is far away and I don't see the point.

      + walking towards a building that I see is tilting severely, it's a house-boat on water? Multi-story. The view of this building really gets my attention. Some things happen inside with people, there's a rotating (log?) on the water that is part of a pump system moving the water?

      There is someone talking about the water system, I also say that the water is what we use to do many things, and I'm standing on the bridge over a river and holding a thick hose (like a fireman's hose) and spraying some water around, including on some (pigeons) sitting on another bridge near-by.

      Later I'm indoors and opening windows because it's really warm inside.

      Outside later people are putting on robes.

      I walk up to a building and look through the large windows/glass walls [DREAM SIGN] to the inside. There are a bunch of young people inside cavorting in a hot tub (mostly girls?). One girl is standing up in a bikini, and I see clearly her bikini top is pulled a bit down to expose both nipples. Our eyes meet, and while holding my gaze she slowly pulls the bikini top back up covering up her breasts again. There is a fair bit of nudity and some sexual activity/play going on to the left as well.
    8. 2016-09-03 night of fear, conflict, near-nightmare level most of the time

      by , 09-05-2016 at 03:15 PM

      + I'm walking along a series of multi-level terraces (above a seashore?), this is my place. It is night. I look down and see I've climbed on to a medium-sized rectangular terrace/platform with room for several chairs to sit comfortably but not much more. There is a bright, intricate pattern on the tiles that line the terrace's floor. I look towards the water/away from the hill and I see a small/square pool (or large Jacuzzi) which is lit inside. The light from this pool is shining into the night lighting the area around. I know this is my pool. (I think about turning off the lights?)

      + in a room with some (friends?), people are outside, it's a threatening situation. I see my (girlfriend/wife?) 's naked back and it is covered completely from top to bottom with a "design" of self-inflicted cuts that forms a picture/words. I'm wondering how she did this, with a mirror perhaps? I think that every time I see her like this I will be reminded of what she did to herself.

      + I'm in a kitchen fighting with two young punks. It is a vicious fight. I'm throwing them around but no matter what I do they keep getting up and coming at me. There is blood smeared all over the floor. Sitting in the corner of the room is a crazy old hag with skin pulled tightly over her face like a mummy almost and a very wild look in her face. She shouts endlessly "HEH! HEH! HEH! HEH! HEH!..." I go to window and pull aside the curtain to the front yard/street and peer outside, it is night, I see that there are about a dozen (children?) standing there in formation on the street, standing still (with head down?) like zombies, it's a freaky scene.

      I go out a door and the punks follow me I pick up stones to throw at them. There is a bin of smallish rocks there, black, and one of bright shiny bronze. I throw the rocks hard but it's like I have no strength in my arm and they don't fly very fast. The rocks do no damage at one of the guys even manages to catch one of them.

      + I'm driving on a bridge in an open vehicle (like a small scooter). There are dark figures (in robes?) I pass standing on the side of the bridge. A tall truck in front of me loses control, weaves, and topples over to the left right in front of me. I think that had I been there, just a small bit more forwards besides that truck, it would have crushed me.

      + Two people, a young man and woman, are racing (on scooters?). There's going to a particular destination, and the thing they're riding has some long wire about it, and a precise way of measuring distance. I think the destination is at reading "3000." I think the young man will win.

      + I'm in the common room of a suite of rooms that open off of the common room on the sides. It's cluttered and full with appliances like washing machines, cupboards, etc. Ahead of me in a room off of the common room is a team of kids, they are our enemies, but in this place there is no fighting or throwing things, but we do trade (candy) with them sometimes. A kid comes forwards and we trade candy, I get his Butterfingers. He says "it smells like mouse crap here" and I do notice a musty smell. And I then think I hear the scratchings of a mouse under the closed door to an adjoining room to the left. I get down on the floor and look under the door (there is a step or two up to the door from the common room to this is easy to do), and I see it is lit in there, and I see a band of mice in there, with brown fur, and they are emaciated/strarving, I don't think they'd make much of a meal they're all skin and bones.
    9. 2016-09-05 some dream-y dreams, fairly fragmented by now

      by , 09-05-2016 at 02:49 PM
      1mg melatonin @ around 11:30pm

      wake around 5 hrs

      recalled 2 dreams at the time, now forgotten

      awake for a bit, then decided to listen to / do Daniel Love's WBTB "lucid trance" youtube audio. Key last thought: the very next thing I see will be a dream.

      + I'm standing at window in a bedroom looking outside through large window/glass walls [DREAM SIGN]. It appears dark outside, but there are some large objects outside that are white and lit. I'm on the second floor. I'm having an internal discussion of some sort trying to reach a conclusion about what I'm seeing but I do no RC and continue on. There is a bed in this room and I decide that I'm tired now and I will go back to bed. I get under the sheets and my wife comes in and starts talking to me / asking me something?

      +(f) (was this an earlier dream? Not sure) I'm in a house, fairly tall-ceilinged room, and a very large bus enters from the upper floor heads down the stairs and gets stuck trying to make the turn into the next room. I think "there's no way it's going to make that turn, it's too tight."

      + At some large mansion, concrete curvy walls, stairwells around. I need to find some way through to some destination. I need to pour out some garbage bucket. I pour it out over a railing down a road that runs in between this place and the neighbor's place. I hear the slapping sound as the liquid hits the wall of the neighbor's place, like water hitting a plastic tarp. I'm looking down at the splash of liquid and am trying to see the things that I think are in it. I see then several dozen parasitic worms that were in the garbage, as they wiggle their way towards and under the neighbor's fence.

      + at a billiards table [DREAM SIGN]. I'm watching an expert play and demonstrate "draw" (applying backspin to the cueball so that it will zip backwards to the place you want to shoot next), he doesn't get quite the position he's hoping for. Some object balls almost make it to a corner pocket but they stop disadvantageously one blocking the other. I'm presented a cue stick without a proper tip, it's more like a rake. I demonstrate "draw". I am the tip of the cuestick low and hope I won't miscue. I notice that a girl has a cue stick with a proper, rounded tip.

      +(f) in a house, with people (N & A MK grad school?), upstairs, having to climb over some woman's kid to get into a room

      +(f, faint/vague) outside with some attractive girls, I'm friendly with them, giving them hugs, (kissing their heads?), one is in a tank top?

      + long, vivid multi-scene sequence. There is some competition involving one team throwing things at the opposing team into a court surrounded by a net. I'm moving around the surrounding roof-tops with a colleague and we're trying to find a place to line up good shots. We are pushing over large soccer-goal-like angular structures that are straddling the peak of some roof-tops. I try to lob a (water baloon?) into the court and it hits the surrounding net-wall and pops and the water splashes down, I think this is pretty good and I'll probably get the team in the court wet this way. We continue circling around the court on the roofs. We reach a position in our "base" and lie down facing the court near a ledge, and below is a former boy-scout troop scoutmaster, looking up and complaining that our position is not fair, that we have an advantage up there.

      I find some little bottle, like a medicine bottle with a label on it with a name and I go looking to deliver it to that person. I'm walking up a stairwell with low baby gates periodically blocking the way and I step over these and walk by the people sitting near them. I reach a hallway where there are two doors. I'm trying to read the label of the bottle and trying to get the idea of what it is and who it is for, and I'm trying to read the name on the doors across from me. The guys in the doors are some high-up gangsters? A henchman (or two) approach me and I say that I'm bringing this bottle to the lead guy (in the room). The bottle is not full I see. The henchman says the boss is going to ask where's the rest of the delivery? I say I don't know anything about more, this botltle is all I came to deliver. I repeat this and say "so it's probably better to only deliver the full shipment than this one bottle, huh?" So I leave in search of more. Then I'm going through a pile of teeny tiny bottles, trying to read the labels, there are letters there and one bunch is something like "melatonin" (but not quite) so I think it's related to sleep.

      Returning to the court area it's now a fairly large athletic field surrounded by stands. On the field is some large animal/beast, like a white polar bear, the bear comes in to the stands and returns to the field. I see a very large "disc" of about 1-meter long bright orange/red feathers that suddenly appear around the neck of the animal and I think this is particularly noteworthy/interesting. The game is started by tossing the "ball" to the bear on the field but the ball is really a large chunk of a large fish. The bear falls over backwards behind a fence trying to catch it and I think it may be injured.

      I move forwards to the other side of the field and I'm following someone/something. I'm staying very low, crawling on the floor in between chairs. I emerge between two chairs and they squeak when I move them and I think this will give my position away.

      I'm now in a library (or book store) looking for a particular book/series on a particular subject. The book titles show series one or two, in different colors. People are talking about these books. I'm walking along a bookshelf and I hear the librarians talking, I know they are all militant feminists. They're saying something about "Even Edward Norton would(n't)..." most are women, but there's a man librarian (also a feminist) there, too.
    10. Three on the Field WILD

      by , 09-05-2016 at 01:42 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm aware that a dream is forming within my visual field, and I begin to see three figures appearing. The three are younger males, with one in the front, and two flanking behind him. The one in the front has an organge jacket on, and the three gradually become a bit more vivid. I don't quite feel like it's time to 'walk in' to the dream yet so I concentrate a bit longer. I get slightly excited, but quickly keep my cool and focus. I get some distracting thoughts that tell me I'll lose the dream/that it's not stable enough, but I suppress them for the time, and continue to focus strongly on the figures. The dream solidifies and I simply expect my dream body to be able to emerge seamlessly into the scene. I focus on the front figure and make a rapid approach by flying at him and I'm anchored in. I stand for a moment, and the three disappear. I'm standing in the middle of what appears to be a rectangular grassy field in the middle of the night. Trees surround the entire perimeter, with even larger trees situated beyond the left edge. The tops of the trees have sparse leaves, and moonlight come through the canopy and slightly lights the field. I feel I need to stabilize more and begin rubbing my hands. I continue to tell myself I'm lucid. I look around the field a bit. I then begin to spin as things are getting a bit shaky. I end up in a void without visuals, and continue rubbing my hands resolving to remain in the whole way through. After a couple minutes I decide to use the visual dream yoga techs as this has worked in the past. I make my visual field light blue and begin imagining white birds. I quickly switch to green as I'd rather go to a forest. I try to focus on trees appearing with some success. After a few more moments I appear in a FA where I'm thinking about my last dreams.
    11. Lucid

      by , 09-05-2016 at 01:29 PM
      It's night time. I don't know where I am. I'm sitting on the ground. I grab dirt. I look around. I see a cat. Then it's daytime. There's this strange big creature or something and I and others are floating around it. I looked at the time last night when I woke and it was 1250 am.
    12. Directing Godzilla with the Book that Controls the Universe

      by , 09-05-2016 at 09:22 AM
      Morning of September 5, 2016. Monday.

      I find myself in an unusual balanced composite (more integrated than usual) of my Cubitis family home and the Barolin Street house (to where the Barolin Street house’s porch is integrated with my Cubitis bedroom in atypically smooth orientation). I have a large hardcover book which seems to be meant to be a notebook yet has the look of a novel.

      I am aware that Godzilla is approaching from the west (Cubitis orientation) and will reach the house within a short time. I am clearly focused and write in the book how Godzilla will not damage the house and will pass by without destruction.

      As I write with a pencil, more like making annotations above my previous writing at some points, I hear Godzilla approaching. Soon, he is somehow in the house but only about as tall as the ceiling. He does not bother me and instead, ducks down and goes through the doorway. He turns to the left and shuffles through another doorway after hunching down. No damage is done. I find this interesting but I also realize that he may come back in his full size and with a more monstrous presence depending on how I write the events in the book I have.

      I get the sense of there being an island in the distance (northeasterly), which Godzilla will mostly destroy all the buildings on, yet I am not focused on the idea of a body of water separating it from the region where the house is. I write about how Godzilla will march in a rectangular path so that he will eventually come back from the same direction, but supposedly not near the house. I walk to an area that is like an underground cavern but still seems part of the house (and “actually” above ground). In Cubitis orientation, this cavern would open to the north and is probably analogous to the hallway of that house with a vague bilocation. An unknown dark-haired female approaches me from the mouth of the cave while holding a pillow horizontally (obvious dream sign) with a black gemstone with an emerald cut sitting horizontally on it. It is about six inches long. This character seems like an odd composite of Xena and Kira from “The Dark Crystal”. (There is an association with my wife Zsuzsanna here. Her middle name is Gabrielle, which is also Xena’s friend’s name. Kira is also the name of a “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” character and “Star Trek” featured in another dream of today.)

      She seems very concerned about the supposedly inevitable approach of Godzilla and yet is also wondering if the crystal should ever be used to control such creatures, as it is implied to be of great power and may fall into the wrong hands. She talks about hiding it instead, so that no one would ever be able to use it for anything.

      “It doesn’t matter at all,” I say. “I can control everything in the universe with this book. In fact, I made everything in the universe.”

      The girl eyes me curiously while seemingly dismissing that the crystal has any consequential aspect at all but seems puzzled and somewhat wary about being an entity I had created or she may be uncertain how I may shape events concerning Godzilla’s approach towards her people or alternate world. I wake before writing any more.

      This was interesting in that I had total control by what I wrote in the book yet was not even slightly lucid at any point. A book represents the nature of consciousness (or the transmuted conscious mind within the dream state) and the critical thinking skills on the conscious identity side of liminal space.

      A pillow is an obvious dream sign, not at all a symbol, that is, a residual memory of having fallen asleep (as is a bed and being undressed in public). The crystal seems to symbolize focused lucidity here (as it is dark and sits on the pillow and thus is analogous to the sleeping mind), yet full dream control is still present without lucidity or even a greater perceptual clarity. As Kira has wings and is a muppet, this is an atypical form of the otherwise very common “return flight” waking metaphor which also reflects the artificial nature of the dream state (and a puppet or muppet obviously represents potential dream control).

      The cave represents the dreaming side of liminal space (or the depths of the unconscious while sleeping) and thus on the primary level the emergence of the female character symbolizes my wife Zsuzsanna waking up next to me. Godzilla was the base coalescence metaphor (dream-swallower for the return to whole consciousness yet also represents heartburn in this case which I had to a small degree after waking, especially as Godzilla hunches down with his left paw on his stomach at one point), yet something within my dream self focus was able to shape my dream differently without being lucid.

    13. 5/9/2016

      by , 09-05-2016 at 08:06 AM
      1) Riding a bike along a road. I had to hurry because there was a big bike race just about to start along the same route. The bike turned into a motorbike. Can't remember much more.

      2) I was doing some work for someone, I felt like I was a school work expereince student. Someone was havign an arguament and showing a large very old fashioned computer disk to someone else and saying that I had to be given a full disk of space in order to use Microsoft Word.

      3) A room full of older school children. A teacher walked in and a very complex song was being sung with him in the middle as if he was something very important.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. The Girl in The Blue Dress

      by , 09-05-2016 at 07:59 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I'm not sure exactly where I was, but I was inside of a large room. The lights were dimmed and it gave the room a sort-of glowing blue appearance. Suddenly I find myself talking to a girl named Lizzy. She had long black curly hair that went past her shoulders and was wearing a blue dress that looked perfect on her. "Cory, its been so long" she told me. "Do I know you?" I replied. "It's me Lizzy" she said. Suddenly a huge wave of memories came to me out of no where. In that moment I vividly remember spending a lot of time with her in the past. I somehow knew that these memories took place on another world. Going through these memories I saw all of the things we did together. One memory stood out to me and it caused a flashback.
      In this memory we had both been walking through a field of tall thick grass together, and the sun was setting. We grew tired and came to a clearing in the field where the grass was alot shorter than the rest of the field. As we sat down in this small clearing we talked. I distinctively remember us both promising that we would never fall in love with each other because we lived way to far away from each other. The moment we made this promise I remember taking everything in. The wind was blowing Lizzy's hair and I looked into her bright blue eyes as the sun continued to set casting a deep orange hue all across the sky. I knew instantly that this was how it was supposed to be, but deep down part of me knew that I was making a mistake. I loved her, but something inside of me was trying to suppress this love because of the fact that distance would soon separate us.
      I came back to the present moment and my eyes met Lizzy's. I wasn't sure what to make of the current situation; I felt lost, overwhelmed. Suddenly two guys walked into the room we were in from around the corner. These guys looked both of spanish descent, and I even recognized one guy as he is in my Macroeconomics class. These guys came over to us and we all made conversation. Instantly I could tell that these guys were hitting on Lizzy as they were not hiding it at all. I felt strong emotion in me, an emotion that told me to make Lizzy mine. I tried reading Lizzy's emotions but I couldn't tell at all what she was feeling in the current moment. I remember her laying down on the ground saying that she was tired. She laid on her side facing away from me and the two other dudes. We all sat down behind her for whatever reason, and the guy from my Macroeconomics class began to massage her.
      Seconds into this massage Lizzy moaned my name in a clear way that she was feeling pleasure. The guy that was massaging her looked at me, and I thought about telling her that I wasn't the one massaging her, but I decided not to. Instead I laid down behind her and put my arm around her. This is how it should be; now all I wanted was for us to be alone.
      Suddenly I find myself in a car parked inside of a parking lot that belonged to the church in front of it. I felt groggy and disoriented. "What the hell, I have to get back into that dream. Except this time I'll be lucid" I told myself. Suddenly I found myself falling asleep inside of this car that I was in and within seconds I saw a dream forming. Seconds later I was inside of this dream. "This is way too real. I have to be awake" I said to myself. And so I believed that I was awake and didn't achieve lucidity. Now I found myself standing on a sidewalk. I looked at the horizon in front of me and it was clear that it was morning because the sun was just starting to rise. Bright white clouds filled the sky, but it was only partly cloudy because I could still see the vibrant blue sky.
      "Dude are we gonna go or what?" a voice from behind me asks. I turn around and see Patrick, as well as a gray sports bike that is parked. "Yeah of course" I said, still slightly disoriented as I got on the bike and put on a helmet. Pat got on the back of the bike and I started driving. I rode down the sidewalk and we came to a stop at an intersection, but I was still on the sidewalk. In front of me looked to be the start of some sort of city or market street. A lady in front of us started walking across the road towards a movie theater. After remaining stopped for a few seconds, I too went to the movie theater. I remember getting off of my bike and walking up some stairs into the theater.
    15. #204: Row row row your boat...

      by , 09-05-2016 at 07:08 AM
      I’m with my friends Sil and San. We’re going through an area that is either flooded or that is supposed to be a river. I look at a map on my phone (Google Maps?). We’ve still got quite a distance to cover. It doesn’t fully register with me in my dream, but we have several countries to cover. The map is nowhere near reality. I think we're near Italy and we're trying to get to the Netherlands, which is to the south-east on the map. There are two small islands in front of the coastline, near Haarlem. Wauw. Very accurate map.

      Sil and I are sharing an inflatable boat, which doesn't seem that suited to hold 2 persons. I'm not sure anymore what San was doing. Swimming? I've got my backpack with me, with my phone in it. I'm quite afraid that the phone is gonna get drowned, cause this boat really is not dependable. We try to work something out with what little plastic bags we have. Again: not very dependable. At one point my phone does get soaked, but it is still functioning.

      Some time later on, we're running. It seems to be the hash. Sil is ahead of me. We end up inside a house, with my family. Someone tells me that Sil is attempting to fix the phone through applying heat to it. Shit, no, she's gonna fry the inside! I run over before she destroys my phone. I realise then that I still have my phone, so which phone is she fixing? I take a look. I don't know which phone it is, but it seems both ruined and ok at the same time. There's melted plastic stuck to the outside. At this point my family starts speaking in Dutch about Sil, which she doesn't understand. They're tired of her stupidity. It's my mom, aunt, uncle and I think my little brother. I listen for a moment and then my uncle points out that I have an annoyed look on my face, probably cause I'm into her. I tell them that she's a friend and very kind, she's just clumsy. So I don't like that they are talking negatively about her. They agree to stop their conversation.
      Tags: dutch, family, friend, hash
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