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    Memorable Dreams

    1. A Date With The Romanian Cute (Tumblr Would Be Jealous)

      by , 05-29-2014 at 05:22 PM
      Look at me, haven't successfully had a lucid dream in a week and I started to worry about my ability. Today's dream showed me that I have nothing to worry about, and what the heck I was doing wrong all week: attempting WILDs when I wasn't fully relaxed. It also must have been the accidental WBTB, as I had been awake for 2 hours but dozed off.

      There's a building where lots of stolen merchandise has been found on the roof with no explanation. Even more unusual is that the building is on a university campus. Dad and I go there for a political meeting. He keeps talking about corrupt politicians and holding them accountable. I'm just tagging along because he can't drive. In the elevator, we're given a brief glimpse of the stolen goods through the ceiling of the elevator(?). Then we go to the meeting, which is being held in a classroom. They're doing standardized testing in the same room. People mistake me for a student and hand me test papers and a pencil. I'm a bit surprised to see them opening a hidden panel in the wall to get to the pencil boxes. I start assembling a plastic storage container to hold more pencils, but then I realize it will be too bulky to take it with me, so I disassemble it. Now I notice that the pencils are being kept in pink kid's shoe boxes. Someone hands me a school newsletter. It's got to me one of the strangest ones I've ever seen because it has packages of candy and food attached to it. I unwrap one of the slices of cheese that comes with with newsletter and munch on it as I try to read it. I'm actually kind of pissed that the university hasn't spoken publicly to students about the stuff on the roof or how they should deal with the media attention. I go to say this to Dad, but when I look out the window, I see a plane flying upside down.

      I watch with terror as the plane keeps climbing and falling, all while flying upside down. It's going to crash, right? Why am I the only one who has noticed, and why doesn't anyone else care! It's because I'm dreaming. I take a moment to revel in how realistic the dream is. Then I consider what I should do. I briefly remember the Jack and the Beanstalk task, but then I remember that I've been doing task after task for a while and I want something more personal, something romantic. The scene changes to a ballroom, with me wearing a fancy one-shouldered formal dress. I touch the edge of the shoulder strap and I'm surprised that it's metal, not fabric. It's more like some kind of necklace holding the dress up. Then Cute Guy showed up (and I realized I've been spending too much time on Tumblr). I think he's going to dance with me, but instead, we head outside and have an intimate little chat. He asks me what I want, and I ask him to take me to Romania, which makes him laugh. But we somehow end up in a Romanian castle. He takes me to this bedroom with a four-poster bed and whispers to me, "This is where we're going to conceive our first child."

      I "wake up" in a sunny bedroom in a house that is unfamiliar. I'm absolutely buzzing over the fact that I not only had a lucid dream, but that I had a lucid dream about a date with Cute Guy. I look at the clock and it seems later than I realized, and I remember that I have a meeting to get to. I'll have to write this up later for my dream journal since I'm running late. I start to look around for something to wear, remembering that the pajama top I wore last night was a bit sheer. Then I remember that I'm alone in this house and no one's going to care if I run around naked. I step out of the bedroom and head down a large spiral staircase. Light pours in from the floor to ceiling windows along the front of the house. I live here? This is awesome! I head outdoors (wait, wasn't I wearing the sheer pajama top?) and find myself rushing across a college campus with friends. My goal is the campus bookstore to pick up a tote bag to take to my meeting. My friends are grumbling about security not removing people trying to sign students up for credit cards. Almost as if on cue, several of them appear in our path, trying to push "free" beach towels on us. "You've got to admire one thing, though," says the girl next to me. "Think of how good their willpower is. This guy goes to all the college parties and he's not allowed to pick up any girls!" And then I wake up for real.

      Updated 05-23-2018 at 06:25 AM by 54978

      Tags: dild
      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    2. Tom DeLonge and Jillian Michaels

      by , 05-28-2014 at 11:38 PM
      I will catch up with a couple of dreams that I have had recently that have stood out to me.

      I notice that I have certain people that I dream about regularly. Two of the people that I dream about are Tom DeLonge and Jillian Michaels. It seems like once I dream about certain people it's like they have permission to keep showing up again and again. Seems to be a pattern.


      I was in some sort of a game show. The questions were all about athletes. I was starting to panic since I felt I knew nothing about the types of questions they were asking. My turn was going to come up soon. Suddenly Jillian came to me and told me she was give me a hint. She handed me a little jacket of hers. All over the front of the jacket were pieces of jewelry pinned on it. She told me that my question would be what was her favorite piece of jewelry on that jacket. Then she walked away. I was grateful for the help, but as I looked at the jacket I realized that I was in just as bad of a predicament as I was before her "help". How was I supposed to know what her favorite was?

      But then I looked closer. I saw a tiny carved wooden dolphin. I suddenly recognized it as something that I had carved and had given her. I suddenly was so grateful. Not only did I know the answer, but I felt so flattered that my dolphin was so special to her.


      I don't remember a lot of details except that Tom was hanging out at my house. He was going to go with me to visit my grandma in the rest home. I thought that was so cool of him to do. He also told me he had a bunch of clothes that he was giving me.
    3. Snake-Kong and the Mouth of Hell

      by , 05-28-2014 at 06:46 PM
      Okay, this is a bit of a long one with a lot of miscellaneous actions, but the really interesting parts are in red...

      I stood in a circle with a large group of people at an outdoor celebration of sorts, headed by the owner of the restaurant I work at. He spoke for a while, then we all dispersed to mingle.. however there was a colossal snake slithering around the entire time, often getting close to me. It was about twelve feet high and was extremely wide and long, with huge beady eyes. It was a mottled brown and black color. I told a couple people that I would go and meet the snake, but I knew he could smell fear and it scared me. I walked around a while, talking to DCs and avoiding the huge snake. Eventually I was outside a large tent-corridor a distance from the gathering, and the snake came through. It kept trying to come through various doors, but I would zip them up before it could enter, though I was letting it smell me so that when I came toward it, it would know me and be friendly. A DC distracted me by pointing out a comic behind the snake that I knew explained its back-story, but I couldn't see it clearly.

      The snake transformed into a massive gorilla, like King Kong. He charged through the door, grabbed me, and picked me up, taking me a distance away into the night. We spoke a while, and though I can't remember the details, I knew that by talking to me he learned about the concept of death, of which he had been blissfully unaware before. I also knew that he associated the concept with me, which made me feel threatened, though I was acting cool, calm and interesting on the surface. He wanted to show me a trick, as he had apparently spent his life forced into circus work. He threw me lightly into the air, and though I could imagine him tearing me in two with ease, he lightly caught me. I let him throw me again and relaxed myself utterly, and knew pure joy as I knew I was safe in his massive grasp. We went inside, and I was now friends with the snake-ape. There was a council of his owners. I attempted to slip past them, but they offered me a breakfast fajita, which I politely accepted. They began to talk to the proud and insolent Kong, who was newly awakened to the concepts of mortality. One of the chiefs asked, what were you talking about? I responded, we were just talking about life. Technically true, dream self, well played. The gorilla was talking about his past, perhaps his mother had been poached by the corrupt council. They attempted to assuage him with soothing, honeyed words that shuffled the blame from them. One woman turned into a bird and massaged his back with her claws, which he liked. Before I figure out the conclusion, I awoke.

      Wake, sleep, dream. I was in a classroom without a teacher. The kids were passing around bowls and bongs and getting ripped, myself included. Then, authority figures entered and demanded we register our drugs, mainly acid, as weed was still illegal. I kept the bubbler I had hidden under a blanket.

      I was home again, and my mother left, exhorting me to be moral. I got in a car with some friends and went to a hill near my house to smoke the ganja I had left over from the classroom. We went into a massive trailer and sat in a circle. A couple other friends came in, along with a guy who must have lived there, then they left to go adventuring. I sat and smoked a bit, got bored and left. I came across a group of women playing volleyball in an empty swimming pool, and saw others climbing pine trees. The hill was well populated. I walked down to the university gym and saw more girls playing volleyball, and some guys playing a game. There was food on the sidelines and many morbidly obese players.

      Next, I was at a camp or retreat of some sort. We were all hanging out and I was acting a clown, cracking jokes and goofing off. I went to the bathroom, walked in and cleaned a urinal, then walked out. Turned out I was in the ladies restroom! A couple guys followed after me, too. A tall, extremely beautiful woman came up and laughed about the mix-up, and I told her she now had to use the guys, because it was all mixed up. She had writing on her lips. I offered to kiss her, but she asked, right or left? I said, right, and presented my right cheek for her to kiss. Later, we played a game like hide and seek. I decided to hide in a box, but couldn't decide between one or the other side of the room, so I didn't have time to get the box closed, and was immediately caught.

      I'm in a magnificent cathedral. I'm with someone, and see a friend about to go play a guitar onstage, and he waves at me. A priest walks up to me, and asks, are you confident?to which I simply say, yes.He leads me to a wall. There is a small, tight mouth, an opening, on the bottom of it, covered in runes and glyphs, wrought in beautiful stone work and pouring out red and orange. It looks like the mouth of Hell. He says something to the effect of, it's good you're confident, you'll need it, or we'll see, I can't remember. I barely fit in the gap, and began a slow facedown descent, using hand-holds on the passage to keep myself from tumbling. I see two scorpions, and wonder, why am I down here? I'm not even Catholic. After a while of indecision, I exit into sunlight and fresh air. Another priest stands there and asks, what you doing? The real challenges are ahead, you must face your demons.I pathetically say I need shoes, look down and I'm wearing them. He extols me to have courage and continue, so I go back into the mouth, down, down, down. I'm on a stair case that's unbelievably cramped, with hundreds of even tinier scorpions that I run over, worrying that one is in my shirt. I'm now in a dark, quiet and misty stone corridor bathed in glowing white and blue. I enter a room to the right, and find myself looking at two animal spirits floating over stone wells. One I can't access, but the other purports to be a mirror of the soul, and speaks proudly and with disdain. From a third person perspective, it consumed me, and I now look like Harry Potter. It was all fire within, and he discussed a Reformation of sorts. Whether the historical one, or a personal one, I don't know.

      Then, there's my brother next to me. He has a beautiful amulet and he gives it to me to help me. I thank him, and awaken.
    4. The Interdimensional Girl

      by , 05-28-2014 at 11:28 AM
      Morning of May 28, 2014. Wednesday.

      I am on my way to a supposed meeting with an unknown male. I am not sure why. It seems to relate to some sort of business, perhaps even the local black market.

      I end up talking to a male who had been sleeping against a concrete wall on a shabby makeshift bed in a cul-de-sac area near a large shopping mall. He is rather large and stocky. Even though he appears to be homeless, he also seems to have enough finances to eat fairly well, though he is dressed informally in shabby clothes. Over time, another male is in the area and also talks with him. The other male does not seem homeless.

      The unkempt homeless man seems like a sort of scavenger and street-opportunist and also talks about stealing jewelry and anything else of value from various females who shop in the region. Apparently he has not been caught, although his present sleeping conditions actually seem worse than those of some jails.

      Eventually, a young female seems to literally step out of my body as if my body was some sort of “portal” for interdimensional travelers. She is dressed in old-fashioned clothes, almost ballroom-like and she regards the other males curiously. The homeless male asks to see more of her necklace and the girl lifts up the chain so that a larger pendant rises up from behind her fancy lacy blouse.

      From here, things go a bit stranger. The rays of light coming from the pendant are too bright to directly look at and there is a very slight audio effect that is somewhat wind-chime-like, almost inaudible, and with a very low-volume higher-pitched continuous tone “matching” it - seeming like two isolated higher frequency bands (with no spanning broadband ranges), but again, almost inaudible. In fact, the rays extend a fair distance, possibly reaching two or three city blocks away. The homeless man covers his eyes a bit but still tries to see the girl and the necklace yet all that is visible for the most part is bluish white light. The girl starts to make fun of human beings (even though she looks like a normal human being herself) and what they do and how they move, seemingly with great pleasure and miming and continues on like…

      “Oh look I’m a human; I can walk around on two legs. Then I can sit down. Then I can stand up and oh look I can walk around on two legs again. Then I can sit or stand…”

      “Do I have a brain? Yes, I do, but only in my head; I can’t see or even guess what is ahead in my future very far and oh look, let’s just walk into this wall since we didn’t see it coming” (mimics walking into a wall).

      “And, oh look, now that I have walked into a wall, I guess I will sleep here from now on with my two legs. But sometimes I will sit or stand and then walk again…”

      This is likely exasperating for the other two males but I do not mind it so much. Eventually, an additional normal-looking male (except for the fact that he seems dressed as a swashbuckler) begins to appear in various “pieces” in a holographic form about five feet from our little group…not fully forming by the time I wake. I get the vague impression that it could be a holographic “shell” that I may inhabit when going off for a time with this being.

      Updated 04-08-2018 at 10:25 AM by 1390

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Dragon Bridge - Encounter

      by , 05-28-2014 at 09:23 AM
      In all my life, I can recall two dreams about dragons. The first was in childhood and the dragon was something more like Godzilla. The second is the following dream I had a few months ago and neglected to post to Dream Views.

      I was walking across an abandoned bridge. It was clearly abandoned as there were broken down cars and a number of makeshift shanty homes on it. It was day light and the sky was bright but completely overcast. I didn't see a single person on the bridge. As I walked along the bridge I looked over the edge. Below, on the shore was a forest and more shack-like homes. I saw this rouge-ish looking woman with red hair standing with a rugged looking man.

      They spotted me and started anxiously motioning to something in the woods behind them. Out from the woods, crawling on all fours was an enormous gray dragon. Around its neck was a frill of flesh like a lizard. It was around the size of a full sized bus. As soon as I got a clear view of it, I took off running further down the bridge.

      I recall thinking, "I doubt it can make it up here quickly." It looked too massive for much speed and it wasn't walking particularly fast. I got to section of the bridge that actually had multi-story apartment-like buildings. I ran to it, turned the corner, and hid behind a cement support column. I thought I lost it. I waited a few moments and peaked around the column.

      Rounding the corner, completely silently was the dragon. It was opening its mouth, which looked like an enormous black beak. Its eyes were black with some white showing and it looked intelligent. An enormous burst of flames came steaming out of its mouth directly at me. It was a furious fire filled with wind. The wind generated by the breath, apart from the fire seemed dangerous and absurdly powerful.

      I pulled back in time to avoid the flames but the cement column I was standing behind was breaking apart like cheap plaster.

      I suddenly had the sense that I was not just confronting a dragon. But something very evil. Perhaps even the devil. The fire was still blasting past me. Some strength started building inside me. I felt the power to strike back even though I was unarmed.

      I looked into my right hand and concentrated. A black energy started to draw inward to a single point in the center of my palm. An energetic black sphere started to form. It grew to about the size of baseball.

      As soon as the fire stopped, I leaned out from around the corner and threw the black fireball as hard as I could directly at the dragons face. It exploded with such force the dragons head violently flung backwards and it made an expression of shock. I took off running into the apartment complex. I came to a wood door which I entered and locked behind me. The door lock was very old fashioned, and weak. I looked around and was in a run down bathroom. I could hear the dragon forcing its way into the hall way. The flimsy wooden door trembled with its footsteps. I recall thinking, if it can smell me in here I am caught for sure.

      -Then I woke up.

      Updated 03-26-2015 at 09:22 AM by 32174

      side notes , memorable
    6. 00:00 Wednesday 2014-05-28 long night full of vivid dreams, FLEW TO SPACE!

      by , 05-28-2014 at 07:37 AM
      Long night full of dreams, experienced vividly, memory a bit fleeting since no recording until morning

      23:58 bedtime

      remee on, 10 minute signal interval, 4.5/5 hour delay
      left remee signaling every 10 minutes on all night, I think it helped me to sleep more lightly. I noticed the lights several times during the night (being awake, I think, or in light sleep) Also, afternoon nap for 1.5/1.75 hours, it was harder to get to sleep at bedtime but lighter sleep and more aware of dreams, but nothing lucid.

      00:00 Wednesday 2014-05-28

      + I FLEW TO SPACE! Saw the earth descending and shrinking beneath me, cities lit in the night-time regions, I was scared to leave the area of the earth for fear of never finding my way back again.

      + In the home of my college friends, do lots of stuff there, they have young children, I revisit them later in the night in another dream, they were playing music featuring the instrument that I play, I say "you always play such great <instrument> music," I hear the instrument very clearly, like it's playing a long solo or a concerto.

      + A buffet with very elegant and nicely sized sushi, I think these are good sized and a real meal (I eat one?)

      + I'm designing some animations in a video game, the screen is live before us floating in the air, I'm trying to show my client (a woman) my work to get her to review it and approve it but she just won't listen to me, I see these animations for a long time, I'm comparing my animations to the build-in animations and how they cover the avatars of the people displayed on the bottom of the screen, the animation is called "over the rainbow."

      + I'm gathering up a board game to take with me to play later and realize I've forgotten the dice, I see them on the ground, starting with the 20-sided die, they're probably required to play the game, some guys say yes they're required, I see more and more strangely shaped dice, 8-sided, 4-sided, 5-sided, then really bizarre irregular shapes.

      + I'm trying to close and secure the sliding door of a rented room, trying to get the panels of the door to connect to one another and to the door frame, it's really flimsy, I think I just can't leave this room with the door open, I think I've left the keys in the room, I debate hopping over the door panels to go get them, I eventually do.

      + I'm flying around a neighbourhood looking at cars driving and thinking about where to park.

      + I'm traversing an unusual freeway exit with my wife, trying to choose the right path through to our destination, we're mostly DO and flying. The earth/ground is unuusally shaped, like rounded tall hourglass columns with steep sides, we're standing on top of one and I think I'll fall down one of these columns if I try to walk down

      + I'm DO flying around large indoor spaces, like concrete parking garages, with my parents, looking for the elevator, I know this area is inside a national scientific laboratory, I see portions of large scientific machines poking through the walls and floor of the garage, I see people with shopping carts near cars?
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    7. Instant Lucidity and Guides? (/O w 0)

      by , 05-27-2014 at 05:04 PM
      I couldn't sleep last night and ended up falling asleep at 6am. But I got lucid as soon as i entered the dream. I was on my bed and decided to go outside because the house was empty and the quiet surrounding was kind of creeping me out. I got outside the house and saw the world was filled with trees and the ground was covered in bright grass and orange colored leaves. It was really pretty so i went out to explore it. But suddenly a anime guy with a gun appeared and tried to shoot me. I ran calling for help and he cornered me in a house. Eye came out and stopped the guy from killing me but he disappeared quickly. I decided to leave that place and found my dad in the street. We were walking to a party but he pointed to a sign that showed the people changed it from 12 to 1 to 3pm. But out of no where I lost my clothes and covered myself with a curtain i found. There were other girls too. They were naked and one was kissing this guy in a bathroom stall. I thought she was kissing someone i knew so i told them to stop. But when I opened the stall they disappeared. My nephew than appeared and i told him this was a dream. He was just playing around but i told him to follow me cause we were going to go on a lucid dream adventure. We ran,appeared on the stairs of my house and kept running to the door entrance but when i opened it my nephew disappeared and there was a fat girl with a white mask, small blue lights around her and in the corner of both my eyes i could see creepy black creatures smiling. The girl looked like a spirit. She started to speak to me but i couldn't hear anything she was saying. It was so low so I told her to speak up but she just kept talking and talking about something. I than got a little scared so i told her I believe in Jehovah. I think she said "oh you believe in" than kept on talking. It was annoying but i woke up after a little bit.

      In my second dream I appeared in a random place in front of a entrance to a huge basement. There was a dark skinned lady who i met in my other dream about the ointment in the basement. She seemed really nice and welcoming as she was preparing for a party in the basement. I had a feeling she was going to tell me something about someone I knew though. I asked her is this about [insert name here]. She said yes. I than asked her if he was evil and she said yes. She told me to come down because she wanted to show me something. I was scared I was going to get bad news. I walked into a room with her that took us into a hospital. I told her I was scared but she reassured me it was going to be okay. We walked into a room and there were fat people being checked by a female doctor. The lady guide told me to sit down so i did. She said If I kept talking to this guy my skin will get paler, I'll gain more weight and stress in my life.Like the people who were old and fat in the room. She even showed me a patients arm there who was really light. I told her ok and saw she had a chicken in a black plastic case. I was like Ooo~ chicken~ Than took it and bit it. But it was really nasty cause the meat was like a squishy ball of fat, so i spit it out. Than we left the room together. I saw the cookie monster a few other people there. I was going to get some chips but i decided to wash my hands first. I started to wash my hands but i woke up.
      Tags: dream, guide, lucid
      lucid , memorable
    8. Flying, throwing people with my mind and a super hero

      , 05-27-2014 at 01:54 AM
      Well again with the same supps as last time.

      4mg G, 250 C and 200mg L-Theanine.

      I had taken this combo other times but I guess I never really got to sleep in or never went lucid when I took them. The last two times I have taken them I have been lucid no less than three times in 3 separate dreams throughout the night.

      Pre-WBTB: I was in some sort of competition and racing against others. It was a maze of sorts and some underwater events. There was school work or trivia questions involved. This was early in the night and I didn't take notes on this until late in the morning.

      Post-WBTB: I think these are the order they happened, I had many through out the night so they kind of got jumbled and some of the details are fuzzy.

      Dream 1: In an apartment and I think it was a female celebrity. I wound up with two women and carried one around. I started kissing both of them on the neck and mouth, woke shortly after.

      Dream 2: On a ship working and there was a lot going on, cranes and forklifts moving stuff around. I looked up and the cranes were lifting big red bells and some were starting to fall down. I thought this was rather strange so I did an RC, 7 fingers... LUCID: I decided it had been awhile since I flew so I took to the sky. Its always tricky starting off for me but as soon as I started going up the speed increased and I was flying high. I don't have to flap or point my hands I just do head forward. I flew up pretty high and could see fields, I came upon some sort of ruins. I just remembered this part, I tried to yell focus and it didn't come out right and I thought I might have talked in waking life and it woke me up. Thinking about waking life seems to be a constant theme with me. I always think about my real body or what I am doing and wake up right away. I really need to focus on the dream itself and have a long goal or several goals planned out in the dream.

      Dream 3: I was in some strange place and ended up with another guy and some I was with and some other guy who may have been a 'bad' guy. We were talking about lucid dreams and stuff we could do and I think I was Lucid or at least semi lucid. I was going to show the guy what I could do. I ended up summoning fire balls and throwing them at the wall around the guy, they kind of exploded and melted into the wall I guess, it effected the wall more than the surroundings. Anyways I did this a few times and then I left the room. Either this was the same dream or a different one but I was with two girls in the same area or type of place. I jumped off a roof and onto the ground, I know I was absolutely lucid at this point. I wound up at an outdoor café with people eating around tables with umbrellas around them. I decided to begin using telekinesis on them and throw them around. I threw a couple people with my mind and then also tried to just crush them in a ball with my mind. I know this is rather morbid but it was kind of fun to do, there was no blood at least . Anyways I did this for awhile and don't remember how the dream ended there.

      Dream 4: This was my last and most remember able. I cant say if it was fully lucid or only semi lucid but it involved me having super human strength and flying. I think this was on the tail end of the supps so while it was a pretty awesome dream I don't think it was fully lucid. Anyways it may have been at the tail end of dream 3 so I may have just lost some of my lucidity. I had a feeling people were in trouble above me in the clouds. I flew up through clouds and fog and found people in a balloon above me. They were looking for something on the ground but couldn't see anything. I went and checked below us (at this point I was still lucid or at least partially, because I remember worrying about not being able to see and waking up). I grabbed the balloon and drug it down to the ground, they were looking for lemon and lime trees for some drinks they had. I got them to the ground and we then were in a store. I don't remember many details about the store but I do remember a snobby kid who wanted this and that. After the store we were headed back up in the air and there were people falling out of the sky. I was rescuing them but couldn't hold that many of them. I was hanging onto the balloon again and we decided that we needed to get rid of some of the soft drinks we had onboard so the people could be onboard the balloon. I began throwing them off the balloon. They were the size of AA batteries and I ripped a couple of the tops with my teeth and drinking them down quick then throwing the empty can.

      There were a couple more insignificant or dreams I don't remember any details about but overall it was a really adventurous night.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    9. Cherry Hospital Bed and the Ford Threat Incident

      by , 05-26-2014 at 11:29 AM
      I've gone to visit my mother. She's working as a nurse at a hospital, and I can't go back to see her where the patients are, so I'm in the waiting room. I look over and see a large four-post bed in a corner next to some double doors. It's made of some very nice cherry. I hear a man explaining to passers-by that it's what hospital beds used to look like, and he demonstrates how the surface can tilt, and the built-in traction assembly for broken legs. He seems to be a meausium tour guide type person. I walk over to take a closer look, and realize that the man is Norm Abram. We shake hands, he explains how he built the bed and I explain how he got me interested in woodworking over 20 years ago with his TV show. When my mother finally gets a chance to take a break and come out to the waiting area to see me, I'm beaming with excitement as I relate my experience.

      I'm driving home through a small town. I see someone important like a senator a little ways ahead, and see his secret service detail fanned out around him as they move. Somehow now we're all walking on foot. We seem to be headed in the same direction, so I take the opportunity to watch them. Our path leads us away from the main street of the town until I realize that there's almost no one else around. I notice that one of the agents has his pistol in his hand. I shout "gun!" since I don't see any other threat and the agent is looking at his principle. The other agents rush the senator away, and I'm left facing a very angry Harrison Ford, gun still in hand, demanding an explanation. As I try to explain that he's the one that looked like a threat to me, he doesn't get less angry.
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. The Wave

      by , 05-25-2014 at 04:50 PM
      I can't remember exactly when I had this dream. I had it on three seperate occasions, but by the last time I'd learned what to expect and I woke myself up before anything happened.

      The dream: I'm at a water park. It's on a sandy cliff beside the ocean. There is the entrance building, and then you see the main pool. Behind the main pool is a really interesting structure; thin wooden stilts hold up other pools, water slides, diving boards. The diving boards and water slides lead directly into the ocean. The pools are all full of people, some with floaties and some just swimming. There are even more people down below, on the thin beach at the bottom of the cliff and in the water. A set of wooden stairs is built into the sandy cliff wall. I find myself on the beach, and I go into the water with some friendly DCs. We swim out as far as we can, and we lose track of time. Our attention is abruptly brought to the water by one of the DCs. A massive wave is visible in the distance. It's like looking at a mountain, and it is getting bigger. The DCs around me are swimming frantically towards the shore, some of them shouting. We can see people streaming up the stairs to get away, but we're still ten or so yards out in the water. Things seem to fast forward then, and the DCs I had been with were in front of me, pulling themselves onto the stairs. I look back for the first time, and the wave is right there. The water is electric blue with tinges of green. It slams into us. I make a grab for the stairs, and my fingers brush the wood, but it feels slimy, like it's been underwater for a long time. I can't hold on. I feel the water surging me around violently for a few seconds, and then I wake up.
    11. 5/19 & 5/24 Time Stopping DILD & Romantic Girl Friday Session WILD

      by , 05-25-2014 at 05:21 AM

      WILD! Very nice love making session with Girl Friday. I wake up after about 6 hours and I'm very tired but try to wake myself up more first with a little weirdness induction and then just thinking about lucid dreams & my recent boldness initiated lucid dreams. It takes me a little while 2 get back to sleep partly because I tried without my earplugs thinking I was still plenty drowsy and then put them in after a while. Yesterday I start to re-read the open beta exercises but didn't quite get to exercise 2 and I also did the self hypnosis script from Steph's posting about 30 minutes before bed. This is supposed to be quick notes. Anyway the WILD. I am doing my version of SSILD and periodically break off from it to attempt to drift toward sleep but returned to the cycles several times. Eventually I get the feeling of my wife moving in to cuddle from the back and not sure if it is HHs but I feel like I'm close and try not to engage with her physically IWL and I start to get vibrations, I was wondering where the vibrations have gone. I guess I haven't been focusing on WILDs. Anyway I start to nudge on the vibrations but then remembered my plan to remain patient through them and I can tell that they are the stronger kind, the pre-dream kind. At first I get the sensation of being in an ocean again and there is a light blue glowing all around me kind of like the ocean but more floating in the air than anything else with slight ocean sensations. It is quite nice! Like last time I decided I did not want to be in the deep part of the ocean away from shore but instead the scene fades back to my bedroom but I can still tell I am in dreamland. A female outline starts to appear and patiently watch as she materializes but she takes a couple of different forms of different women before finalizing on Girl Friday. At one point she looks like my wife and I went to caress her and start to remove her clothes with foreplay etc and I could see that she
      started changing again at first she look like generic version of Girl Friday and I think that's when Girl Friday started to materialize as I realized it looked kind of like her. We start to kiss passionately and slowly remove one item of clothing after another. When we get to removing our bottom underwear the excitement intensifies but I continue to take it slow and enjoy this realistic interaction...nothing else exists for the moment! I reach down and caress her moist flower. After enjoying that for a few moments, I insert while looking deep into her beautiful brown eyes and kiss her some more. She has a look on her face like she thinks I am too large and I ask if she is okay as I want to keep this realistic and romantic. She looks half worried, half excited. I say that it is okay if she is sore the next day as long as nothing and I stop myself from saying anything more or visualizing it lest it happens. We continue on and I think about my
      conversations about kissing and looking at the face at the same time during a dream and it is working just fine and enhances the experience as usual but this time I really think about it as I am doing it. As we are going at on the floor I can hear my wife back up on the bed moving around and I think about a dutchraptor style lucidity test and consider calling out to my wife to tell her what I'm up to and maybe have her join us...who knows, she might be excited by the idea...at least in the dreamworld...probably not advisable anywhere else. I then think, what if I end up talking in my sleep so I tell GF to tell my wife what we are up to and she does...she says "We are making love" in a shy voice with a look of love on her face. I feel a rush of romantic love-like feelings. Not long after I
      find myself back in bed and smiling big and my wife notices and I turn my affection towards her. 148

      5/19/14* Short version: walking in a hallway I have a boldness initiated lucid dream (DILD where I get the urge to be bold with a passing woman and realize that it is a dream). I immediately think of my time stopping pocket watch idea from a Twilight Zone episode and I commence to use it to do various depravities to various women. It only freezes the DC's in the immediate vicinity of me and sometimes I have to press down on the pocket watch twice for it to work. I also comically expose myself while flying by some of the ladies. Two ladies turn into like Barbie dolls with no features down there. I run into a family and the mother is only one that won't freeze with my special pocket watch and she chastises me and asks are you really going to do this and I do, pulling up her shirt and feeling on her breasts but I did feel kind of bad afterwards even though this is all a dream, it felt like she had a point. Perhaps I should just enjoy exploring like the two wonderful recent dreams I had but I feel like I should experiment with this time stopping technique again...maybe in preparing for a fight or deciding what action to take...hmmm... This one lasted maybe 5 minutes. 147
    12. Zombie Lucid Dream

      by , 05-24-2014 at 09:05 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      Okay, so everytime I witness or have a scary feeling, I do RC's, I think that's my dream sign. The dream started out as me looking out a window, only to see a zombie, it looked very vivid and scary, it was my first zombie dream, that actually showed one so I was very scared. I instantly thought dreaming, I was thinking "this seems like a dream" so I pinched my nose and sure enough I was, I started walking around, looking at stuff.. I'm not sure where I was but I was in a house, a random house. I remember thinking "This is my longest lucid dream yet" And just walking around, I'd say it was about 45 seconds. That's all I remember but I think I lost lucidity.
      Tags: lucid
      lucid , nightmare , memorable , dream fragment
    13. TOTM for May 2014: Telekenesis and a Shot!

      , 05-24-2014 at 05:43 PM
      Let me preface by saying I haven't written a dream journal entry on here for a bit but last night was pretty crazy, and I completed the TOTM. This is the first TOTM that I have completed within the month it was in since January.

      Supplements at WBTB: 4mg G, 250C, 200mg L-Theanine

      Now I had about 10 different dreams I remember for the most part, they start to run together a bit and the order is not exact but here is what I have. Also I did have some dreams before the WBTB but I cannot recall them right now.

      Dream 1: I was driving home or going home by foot and went by a school or building that was getting worked on. When I got home there was a guy working on the siding on my house. He was replacing some that was messed up. I saw that he was using a certain kind of caulking and was curious about it. We talked a little bit and eventually he was gone but not sure where he went. I thought he might have disappeared in my house. I went looking for him and thought this was pretty weird so I did an RC by looking at my hand, 7 or so fingers. Lucid: I was blown away of course since it had been awhile since I became lucid, so I tried to stabilize the dream a bit by concentrating on my hand a little more but whirled out.

      Dream 2: Now this one actually started Lucid but I just flowed with it for a bit so it would stabilize. I was in a corn type field and I could see my wife in the distance. I called her name and she looked at me, the dream cleared quite a bit. I interacted with the environment a bit by touching the corn and said "focus" again. I began walking a different way to do my own thing. For some reason I had a hard time walking in a straight line and seemed like I couldn't control myself. I woke myself up at this point by thinking about me in bed.

      Dream 3: This one was my longest and most memorable. I rolled out of bed on the opposite side I sleep on, I knew I was lucid but still needed to check since I always have to really convince myself. I got up and turned on the light and looked at my hand, 7 fingers Lucid: I went through the door and around the house to the living room area. I still couldn't believe this was a dream so I wanted to check again. I tried to flip on the light and it didn't work, I knew this was another sign of dreaming. I then thought about the room I just came from and if I wasn't dreaming then I would have left on the light in my room and woken up my wife and daughter. I looked outside and I could see a glass door where my room was and the light on. My wife (didn't look like my wife) came out and looked mad, at this point I realized this was definitely a dream. I turned toward the front door and thought of the TOTM and planned to do telekinesis, I have done this before in other dreams so was comfortable with it. I saw a little wooden vase on the table by the door and concentrated on tossing it up in the air. It flew straight up to the ceiling and bounced off it. I wanted to experiment further with something bigger. I spotted the couch (which was a huge sectional) and with a little more will was able to lift it straight off the ground as well. It flew into the ceiling. As I am doing this I use my hands to guide what I am moving with my mind. Lastly behind me was a Christmas tree with a bunch of presents around it, I concentrated again and lifted all the presents and tree with my powers. Pretty sweet! I thought what do I want to do next. This is where it was one of three events, I am not sure of the order. First I went outside, it was bright out and I could see a lake from my front yard (I cant see a lake from my house). I wanted to fly, I leaned forward and kinda floated down and hit the ground. I then tried again and started going up but the dream ended. Next was I continued on to the back of my house to my laundry room, I thought of the other TOTM and tada a bar was in my house. I asked the bartender for a shot and he didn't' hear me, I gave up on that and ended back somewhere else, maybe with my wife in the bedroom. Either a different dream or the same one I was headed back from a different part of my house and ran across the bar again. I looked and there was a full shot on the counter. I picked it up and looked at it, there was salt around the rim and I assumed it was my tequila shot. I drank it and it tasted like sprite and lime I guess, kinda fresh. I then grabbed a lime off the counter and ate it to get the flavor gone, plus that is what you do after a tequila shot. I don't remember what happened after this.

      Dream 4: I don't remember what we were doing but me and my wife were driving and had just come from somewhere and were supposed to get something. I was talking to her and wanted to tell her about the cool dreams I had last night, she doesn't really ever care when I tell her so I just said I had the dreams and that was that. We were almost home and we realized we forgot something so I turned around in my driveway to go back. At this point I think the supplements were wearing off.

      Dream 5: I think this one was one of the last ones but it could have been before my WBTB. I was on some mission to get some jewel or secret weapon or something from some girl in china town or some downtown area. I had some body guard type guys with me who could whoop butt. The guy had smuggled some sort of weapon that looked like an umbrella in his suitcase. I had to talk to some girl and she gave me a code word or location for the thing I was supposed to get. Others were after us and trying to get the same thing. I was some sort of espionage/spy stuff but is pretty fuzzy now.
    14. Saturday; 24th of May 2014. Semi-Lucid Dream of meeting a girl I saw years ago.

      by , 05-24-2014 at 02:20 PM
      Some of these were lucid, Or semi-lucid.

      I was in a graveyard, Observing what crimes some corpses committed. I then knocked on the door of an observatory in the graveyard next to the corpse of a woman that had been buried for at least 214 years (I say that because she died in the 1700s) and a person smaller in height than I am (A midget/dwarf/whatever you want to call a person who is of such a height) opened it and talked to me. There was not enough room for me to fit in the observatory. Soon after that he had me repeating things after him to make me sound stupid or so he thought; People were then coming by and observing what I was doing, Which was saying "Ha Ha." One person was a woman wearing glasses, And at this point I was on top of a tarp that fell down from an elevated position while I was laying on it. I also saw doors and it looked like I was on the inside of a department-store building.

      Some time after that I may have woken up and fallen back asleep and gone back to dreaming in the same general place. I then saw a woman who I think was ten or twelve feet tall and someone said to me a thing like "Do not think of dating her," To which I commented something like "She's too tall" (For me, I mean.) I then (Or was this earlier before I saw the twelve-foot tall girl?) met a red-haired girl who I saw when I was eight years old. I asked her a few things and learned her name which I'm sure is in my memory somewhere. When I saw her while awake, She had long hair and was nine years old (She said so when asked when I saw her, Though I didn't ask her or even talk to her on that day.) And I talked to her in the dream and asked her questions to see if she is the girl I saw on that day, All of the questions worked out too (Meaning I found that Yes, She is who I think she is) but then I woke up.

      I went back to sleep and "Woke Up" In the dream close to the same place I left off at. I then kept searching for this red-haired girl I had met in the dream, With a blond-haired girl who occasionally wore glasses. I once said to this girl something like "Do you realize I am lucid dreaming?" and she said "Yes."

      Later I recall being in some sort of a flea market and I went up to a very beat-up (It looked as if it had been crumpled and un-crumpled or was in an accident) and grey (If it was painted at all) truck next to a man and I looked in the truck's back seat.


      I do think I was semi-lucid as I didn't try to manifest any magical powers, The dream did just go on without me changing much. And, Yes I would like to meet this girl in waking life.

      Updated 05-29-2014 at 04:05 AM by 61868

      lucid , memorable
    15. New Puppy Smell in a Dream!

      by , 05-23-2014 at 03:33 PM
      May 23, 2014: Dream 2 of two: I am seated alongside the hospital bed of a man I do not recognize. He has a minimally injured right hand which looks like a sprained or broken ring finger, because it is taped to his middle finger as a splint for support. Despite the tape, we shake hands and we talk as the two of us leave the room. We find ourselves standing on the red embroidered rug in the lobby of the Bellagio Hotel/Casino in Las Vegas. There is a small adorable puppy at my feet and I pick it up. It has that “new puppy” smell! The puppy belongs to the man with the injured finger. He says the puppy’s name is Clementine. He is not particularly fond of dogs, but I tell him I love this puppy. It is so cute! I secretly hope he will give it to me. I put Clementine down and it playfully romps with another, larger black dog, before the two of them playfully scamper off. When they are out of sight, I see my wife’s springer spaniel Lacey in the far distance coming towards me from the direction the two dogs ran off in.

      I go to leave the casino/hotel. My car is parked in an outside lot, and is the only one visible in the deep dark of the un-illuminated lot. It is parked obliquely in front of where a rock band is set up, so I need to move the car. I get in, and Lynne appears in the passenger seat. A tall woman opens the hatch to the Nissan Pathfinder and puts in a large radio controlled helicopter which barely fits inside. A man (evidently the owner of the heli) yells to her from a distance about folding the blades, and it finally fits and she closes the hatch. I start to back up, but can’t see anything behind me that I might run into in the pitch black. The car gains more speed in reverse than I would like or is safe, and no matter how I pump on the brake with my right foot, it doesn’t slow appreciably. I switch to my left foot and also pull up on the hand parking brake. This slows us down and we finally stop. All the time the car is slowing down I am worried that we might hit something that could penetrate the rear hatch window and hurt me or Lynne, but the car finally comes to a stop without incident. I wake.
      non-lucid , memorable