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    Memorable Dreams

    1. I witnessed psychokinetic manslaughter!

      by , 04-09-2012 at 06:18 PM (Chronicles of the Cosmos)
      So, last night, I had this dream where I was walking around this lounge and there were other people there, walking around and sitting down. I looked over and saw this fat guy acting suspicious at the counter. The clerk seemed to be irritated by his presence.

      Then I saw the fat guy raise his right hand, points at the clerk, and starts twirling his finger. The clerk's body slammed up against a wall repeatedly until he either lost consciousness or died. Then the fat guy's got this "oh, shit! did anybody see that" look on his face. He looks around, turns around, and starts to walk towards the exit as casually as possible.

      There weren't any real loud noises or open arguments, so the other customers didn't notice what had just transpired. So, I'm standing there near the exit, and I'm burning this guy's face into my memory. I try not to let him notice that I'm looking at him and he walks right by me.

      He was a guy I've never seen before. He had really, really, short, curly, dark brown hair, a full mustache that went down both sides of his mouth, and a short beard.

      Note: The twirling motion he did with his finger. I did the same thing during one of my other dreams when I dropped a folder and spilled paper onto the floor. The twirling motion helped me to reorganize the folder and bring it back into my hands. That's what amateurs do, lol.

      Updated 04-14-2012 at 02:57 PM by 53119

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. I Just Read In This Dream...Seriously.

      by , 04-09-2012 at 05:22 PM
      This dream is probably the result of me training myself to read in dreams. Believe me, it is more difficult to me than it seems.

      First, I was reading some book where Christians did a bunch of experiments--including one involving some sort of Pagan(?) ritual and scientifically testing the density of...rocks. I should probably refrain from saying why I should have known it was a dream, or else I'll sound like a major jerk.

      Then, for some unexplainable reason, I read an Ed, Edd n Eddy fanfic... WHY is beyond me. However, I do remember parts of it:
      She was so beautiful it was almost non-canon.

      I probably shouldn't read the rest...because it totally had nothing to do with that kiddy show. It was more about a pretty girl's strained relationship with her father.

      Lastly, and I can understand why I would have this part of the dream, I read a bonus manga of Vampire Knight. They all--as in Yuuki, Zero, Kaien, Toga, Senri, and Rima--went to the movies. Hilariously enough, Senri was wearing a baseball cap with teddy bear ears. I guessed in the dream it was because he was so good looking. XD
      I was a little disappointed that Kaname wasn't with them. But, man, that was a good bonus manga! I especially liked the part when Senri and Rima just left in the middle of the movie. But, in the beginning, there were three panels, showcasing members of the group over the years. It said above the panels,"Most of these guys really aren't the types you'd see at the theaters."
      Then, it pointed to Zero and said,"Especially this one!"

      Although, when I said I wanted to read Vampire Knight, this wasn't really what I meant.
    3. Evil Santa

      by , 04-09-2012 at 03:58 PM
      I'm going to camp. After getting off the plane I meet this really nice guy who is really funny and it turns out he is going to the same camp. We get there, taking a cab together. The entree of the camp, which is located in a building in the city somewhere, Has a arcade. We put our stuff in the "Camping Room." A large room with tents and a camp fire in it. We pick tents right next to each other. We go back to the arcade and start playing games. The camp director comes in and starts explaining rules. It's late at this point so we go and sit by the fire in the camping room. Then the director comes to the last rule which is, "At night you must stay in your tents or by the fire because Santa comes at night and walks right by here. If your not in the protected area then he will kill you." I laugh and everyone including the nice guy gives me a hard look. Apparently they all came to the same camp last year and he is not joking.
      The Director leaves and It's becomes utterly dark. We all sit by the fire and then the door opens and here comes Santa along with some king of creepy little elf thing. He is carrying a dead cat. He walks past us, When he gives us a glance half the group almost had a heart attack. He went into the next room that had a kitchen and proceeded to cook the cat. I'm sitting there and get the urge to introduce myself. "Hey Santa. It's nice to finally be meeting you man. The names Joy. Hows it been going for you lately?" He turns and gives me and "are you kidding me" look. I continue, ignoring the pleating looks from the other campers. " SO. You going to eat all that cat, I could really go for a spleen of cat right about now." (The fuck? ) I say this jokingly. Everyone gasps and I turn to see Santa right behind me. He smiles in a evil way, not the way you would think to see Santa smile like. He lays something on my shoulder and says "Here you go." Its a freaken cat spleen.(I don't even know what that looks like.)

      Dream skip

      I'm in the arcade playing games with the nice guy and it's the last day so we stop and pack our things. I'm sad at the thought of him and me going our own ways. We see we are going to miss our flight so we go outside and call a cab.

      That's all a remember
    4. Pirate god of storms.

      by , 04-09-2012 at 01:01 PM
      My dream starts with me in my bedroom getting up to go to the restroom. I look at my digital alarm clock and notice I can't read it. Being a pro, I'm all like "I'm probably dreaming since I can't read this, I'll look closer to make sure" Sure enough there aren't even any numbers on the clock it just glows red a little. So, bam lucid! Well sorta at least. I then went to use the restroom still. Get in there and go to hit the light switch and it doesn't work. Being pro again I'm like "O ya, dreaming. Should go do something cooler than take a piss" (Note to self; dream pissing?) So I go downstairs and remember I want to try calling some one in a dream. I grab a phone and see that it only has 3 buttons talk, hang up, and 0. I planned on calling the operator anyway.(Connection?) I call and the lady on the other line tells me there is a problem with my line and it needs to be fixed. I agree with her and ask her to do so. I loose the next moment and it looks like I have given up on my call with the operator. Instead I'm heading outside. Its light out but its also raining, plus my yard has been replaced by a kickass forest of giant trees. I walk outside into the rain, strangle I didn't get wet at all. Didn't think about this till after my dream. I come across a house in the woods when I remember some one here talking about controlling the weather. So I try the same. I couldn't get the rain to stop but I could get it to kick up a notch. In fact I started trying to swirl the clouds into a cyclone but I guess I over did as after a few swirls of the clouds I woke up.
    5. 6-21-09

      by , 04-09-2012 at 07:53 AM (BloodSand's Dream Journal)
      Ok this is a very old one I never posted, but I decided to post it now even though I've kept it private until now.

      The Dream where I am a 13 year old girl

      I'm in a clearing with tall grass all around. The little group I'm with consist of me; a 13 year old (half human half elf I think, judging by the sheen of my skin) girl, a couple human men, and 5 dwarfs. Two of the dwarfs are arguing about something and one takes off into the tall grass then the other chases after him. The one chasing him after getting far enough in to be very concerned says “wait help me get back first if you're going to go, I'm not a professional runner!”. He ignores him and keeps going and the dwarf running after him turns back and runs as fast as he can. He's almost back as something rustling in the tall grass is coming after him and he goes as fast as he can to get back. He comes out of the tall grass just as this snail monster about the size of me is right on top of him, I use my spear and kill it. I hear more rustling headed towards us and I decide not to wait for them, I go into the tall grass successfully spearing the snail monsters I come across. The snail monsters completely white from there shell to there body to there oddly but grotesque human like faces. All the others in the group follow right behind me and make there way to the front right as we reach a clearing where battle is being done. The humans and the dwarfs battling together against the snail monsters. The dwarfs out number the humans 10 to 1 and clearly this battle would be lost were it just the humans. I take down a couple more snail monsters and soon the battle is over. We all head back home but still move quickly through the grass, the dwarfs reach there before me and the rest of the humans, dwarf speed is quite impressive despite there short legs. When I arrive I am greeted and shown a table of food which I am happy to see because I'm quite hungry, my favorite food from real life, a bacon double cheeseburger and French fries. I pick at the fries as a talk with a tan women who is laying on a lawn chair. She says to me “you're developing quite nicely dear. Come hear and let me feel you up darling”. I'm wearing very tight shorts that are actually very short made of some water resistant fabric, and a loose shirt that comes down about half way. I walk over to her and she feels my little budding breasts, not even a handful but I am quite proud of them and she seems to be enjoying herself as she 'see's how well I've developed'. She's tanner then I like and a bit older too,about 30, but I find myself quite turned on by her rubbing. I can feel my erection from real life and look down in concern because being a girl I shouldn't have a penis, but when I look I see nothing that shouldn't be there. At this point I think somewhere in the back of my mind I realize that the erection I'm feeling is from real life and has nothing to do with what's going on in this dream world.

      Updated 04-25-2012 at 11:05 AM by 14374

      memorable , non-lucid
    6. My Lucid Dreams, SP experiences and OBEs. Part one

      by , 04-09-2012 at 07:19 AM
      This Is a account of the Lucid Dreams, Sleep Paralysis experiences and Out of Body Experiences I can remember. I decided to type them up so I won't forget the ones I can remember.

      I will begin with My OBE since My first OBE ( One of two) I had at a very young age and it was way before I knew the meaning of LD OBE and SP.

      I was seven or eight I believe and my family was on the way home from getting food from Walmart. We had a van much like the one we have today. It's the kind with two seats up front, two in the middle ans three in the back. I was sitting in one off the middle seats. This happened in the middle of summer and I live in Texas so It's really hot. I had fallen asleep and had a pretty insane experience. I felt myself lift out of my body and looked down to see myself sleeping in the car. I floated up and out of the car but outside there was nothing just a solid empty void. Looking down I could still see the van. The roof of which was clear like I could see through it. I could still see myself sleeping. I could also see my brother and sister and grandparents. My grandma was driving. There was music playing and they where talking but it all sounded far away and i couldn't understand what was being said. I floated back down into the car and hovered right above myself, unsure of what to do. Now inside the van I could see outside and watched as we pulled up to our house. I watched as everyone got out and took all the groceries in, making more than one trip. Finally I watched as my grandpa closed the trunk and everyone went inside. Then it got really quiet. I was still in the van. I hovered above myself. I tried to call out for my grandpa but I had no voice. It was strange though. It was like I could feel myself talking but there was no sound. I started to feel really hot. I feel trapped and unable to breath. I looked down at myself and tried to will myself to wake up. I started to panic and things got even stranger. I felt myself splitting apart and rising up through myself once again until I staring down at many of me hovering above the asleep me. (The best way i can explain this is if you face two mirrors inward at each other and look through it, the image repeats forever) By this time I feel almost like I'm on fire and there is no air left in the space. I really begin to freak. The it was almost like I just snapped. I yelled as loud as I could "WAKE UP!!!!!!" This time words formed and I could hear the sound. It was like a delayed reaction of sound and as the wave pushed down toward the sleeping me all other mes came together all going down to the true me then SLAM!! We all came together and I woke up so suddenly that I jerked the seat belt and sling shotted backward.

      I looked around the car which really was empty and everyone really had gone inside. In fact the car was park exactly where I had watched it be parked in my OBE. Then I realized that I was still burning up and i still couldn't breath. I frantically ripped away my seat belt and practically threw myself out the door. Took me a second but i caught my breathe and went inside where it was cool. I think I got really lucky that day that I didn't have a heat stroke. (DON'T LEAVE KIDS IN CARS!!)

      OK Before I tell you my second OBE I want to share the first time I had SP.
      I was at my aunt and uncles house so I was sharing a room with my sister. This freaked me out for a long time but really I'm glad because it was because of this I researched SP and that led me to find out about Lucid Dreaming (Which I had been doing very mildly since i was young but never knew it was a term)
      I guess it started as most people experiencing SP do, by realizing you can't move. I woke up in the middle of the night and my body felt soooo heavy and thought I wasn't breathing like there was two much weight on my chest. I tried to move but found that was impossible so I did want anyone would do if they wake up in the dark and can't move..I FLIPPED SHIT!. I struggled and tried to yell to my sister but my voice wouldn't come and that's when I saw him. I shadow like figure in the corner of the room. I became complete terrified, if I wasn't already paralyzed I would have been frozen with fear. I began to notice for the first time the noises and vibrations. I looked at my sister peacefully asleep and in my mind I was like "WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!" I start to look back to the corner and come to a wall of darkness and it take a second for my eyes to understand what I'm looking at. The shadow guy had gone from the corner across the room to standing a inch in front of my bed. The wall of darkness is really his chest. The way I'm laying give me a odd perspective. If I strain my eyes I can look up far enough to see him leaning over me. He leans farther and farther in getting closer to my face. I get this not so odd idea that he is going to do something along the lines of bite my face off.
      Then in a instance it's all over and I jump out of bed. Needless to say it was hard to go back to sleep after that.

      My second OBE has to deal with my second SP as-well. This was after I had learned you could use SP to do a WILD.
      I woke up and felt the familiar vibrations and heard the frighting sounds and when i found myself unable to move i knew exactly what was going on. That didn't keep the panic from rising. Then I looked across my room and there was that same freaken shadow man standing in front of my closet. My first thought was "OH YELL NO!!" I slammed my eyes shut and tried to send myself into a Lucid Dream but it didn't quite work out like that. I started to feel myself slipping away only this time I wasn't floating up I was sinking down. I watched as I sank below myself and my bed and slowly into a dark void. I slowly hit a ground of some kind. It felt cold and had gleam to it. I looked up and could see my room as if the ground of it had been replaced with glass. I could see through my bed and at me laying in it. I glanced around at the empty void and got a horrible sinking feeling that if I didn't go back now I wound never be able to return. I willed myself upward and back into my body with great ease and I woke up.
      I went over to my computer and looked out a trailer on Youtube for Deathly Hollows part one (This all happened right before that movie came out and i really wanted to see it) That's when my room began to change and It became the scene I had been watching and I was now standing on top of Hogwarts thinking "What just happened". I watched wizards fly past and it was so amazing. Then I understood I was Dreaming and previously it had been a false awakening. I was so happy but then the world began to spend and I woke up for real this time.

      End of part one. I'll post my lucid dreams next time but I'm super tired now so, Happy Dreaming!
    7. 4-4-12 to 4-8-12, A lot of catching up to do

      by , 04-09-2012 at 04:16 AM
      My kids just don't seem to be getting better So Sleep has been mostly non existent and dreams short and murky if apparent at all, but here's my catching up for the week:


      Dream One: An assassins creed dream. There were lots of bubbles, and I was on a stealth assassination mission on a tower. I wasn't alone, there was someone else helping me, maybe the game was multiplayer in the dream?

      Dream Two: I'm following some one, then I see some police step out. I notice they look like German soldiers from WW II... one looks like Hitler and hands me a business card. The card is for some dating service. I think it's funny, Hitlers trying to help people hook up. An Asian dude walks by with huge headphones on, then looks over his shoulder at a huge billboard that takes up the whole wall of a big city building.

      Dream Three: Another Assassins Creed dream. I'm scaling walls.


      I'm at some sort of school dance type function. My old drama teacher is there, as are a couple other teachers from high school. I see a friend I had a crush on back in the day, but he looks a lot different. His hair is darker, and long... while I know his hair these days IS long, it's red not brown like in the dream. I stare at him for a moment not recognizing him, then realize who he is, and talk to him for a moment. I remember feeling in the dream like I was by myself, and I wanted to be near people I knew because I hate being alone and awkward. Funny thing is, I found out later that day via Facebook that it was that guys birthday. I haven't spoken to him in years (I graduated like 7 years ago, and he left school a couple years before me) I'm not even subscribed to his news feed so I never see any news about him, so it was a neat coincidence


      Dream One Notes: Forum W/ White light room, Snow? Aunt (can't remember these now )

      Dream Two notes: Security check, Balls (Still can't remember)

      Dream Three: I was in a world with Vampires and werewolves (just called them Weres, so perhaps there were other animal shape shifters as well) someone wanted me to make them a ball room masquerade type mask with red and silver paint. There was a well or a cave or something I was nearby and thinking of going to.

      Dream Four: I was at a family dinner. There were broken fences in the back yard. I had a lot of cousins over. I needed to pee, so I went to the bathroom. When I got in the bathroom I discovered that I was wearing some sort of form shaping underwear that covered from my arms to my knees. I couldn't figure out how to take it off, so I tried to sit on the toilet and pee while wearing it. It got really wet and I realize what a bad idea it was. Later in the dream, my grandpa was there. Then I went home.

      Dream Five: My brothers pet snake Pete was ten times it's normal size, and I was baby sitting. It got lose and was slithering through the house. Everytime I'd see it's tail and start to follow it to catch it, the tail would disappear into a hole in the wall and I'd be looking for it again. I remember searching the car and the bathroom.


      Dream One: I'm in a building, maybe and office or hotel building. I'm either looking out a window or standing on the ledge about to scale the wall. There's a guy with me, I think blonde or brunette, and he's sad because he wants me to stay but I have to go.

      Dream Two: I'm packing to visit my best friend. I'm talking to her on the phone as I pack and we are so excited!

      Dream Three: I'm in the backyard and the ground looks like it's moving. At first I think it's worms coming out of the ground after rain, but then I realize there are MILLIONS of tiny six to ten inch snakes crawling all over the yard. I try to kill then by cutting their heads off with a shovel, but there are too many. I tell my husband to get the lawn mower and run them over, but he swear it wont work and not to worry about them. I'm so sure they're poisonous snakes and we need to kill them before they're big enough to bite.


      Dream One: My cousins daughter and her daddy are delivering Skylanders to our house. It's dark, and the daughter is afraid to walk in the grass because she thinks she will step on a snake.

      Dream Two: I'm on a bus, on some sort of trip but it's dark. I feel like I'm not a student, but not a teacher either. Perhaps a parent helper or something, though I don't see my kids on the bus. We're in my town, and I tell the bus driver I'm from the area and that if she gets lost I can help her find her way. Time skips or my memory is missing, but we end up in a room with a door and a window to another room, like the receptionist at a doctors office would sit behind. There's a lady we're waiting on behind the counter to open a door for us. I see a tall guy with blonde hair and a long face looking at me. I wonder for a moment why he's staring at me, because he's being very obvious and stalker like. I think for a moment that maybe he's K because K has blond hair, but his face doesn't look like K's, and he's taller and more bean poleish than K. I ask him anyways why he's looking at me. I don't remember the reply, I think it was that I looked familure or something. I ask him if he is K, and he says Yes. I tilt my head and shake it, No, he's not K. I tell him he's lying, he doesn't feel like K. Then I feel like my attention is being jerked to my left. I look, and there's K! K starts to talk to me, and coyly asks me if I've been looking for him. I think he asks if I missed him (it's been a while since I've seen K for sure) and of course I do, but I can't remember how I reply because I feel cocky like I'm flirting by playing hard to get. He tells me he's in a band, and asks me if that makes me want to date him and I think he grabbed me around the waist and put his fore head against the side of mine so he's talking right into my ear. I pulled away teasingly, and told him I didn't much care for band members, but if he really liked me I guess I could give him a shot. I look away at the end though, acting like I wasn't so interested after all. Suddenly a really short guy dressed like some sort of gangster want to be (complete with the gold bling necklaces and baggy clothes and silly hat!) jumps up in front of me, and he's shorter than me even (I'm 5 ft, so that's SHORT!) and says, "I really like you! Would you give me a shot?" I'm playing hard to get, so I tell him sure, then look at K to see if he's jealous. He just smiles like he find the whole thing hilarious. I'm pretty disheartened by his response, but when I turn back to the guy I agreed to give a shot He's suddenly a little kid my sons age (no wonder he's short!) and I think it's hilarious and adorable because he's acting just like my son does when there's a teenage girl around and I'm like I'll just humor this little kid for a few minutes and hold his hand and walk with him to where ever we're supposed to go then break it to him gently that I'm way too old for him. We walk through the door, and we're suddenly outside. It's still dark, but the sky up the road is glowing red as if there is a bright red light illuminating the sky. The road is blocked off, and there are some emergency vehicles. Someone's saying there's an airborne chemical in that area that is burning people and they are trying to keep people away and evacuate the unaffected people. I see a girl who reminds me of a Hawaiian friend of my husbands. The dream goes into third person, and I'm watching her go home. There's a little girl there, and she's upset. Apparently the older sister brought some sort of chemical home from work, and the little girl dropped it on the floor and it spilled. She scooped it back into the container, but it had dirt mixed in with it. The dirt made the chemical change, and when the sister got to work the chemical became the air borne chemical that's burning peoples faces. The older sister is worried the mistake will be tracked back to her and she'll get in trouble. The little sister keeps messing with things that belong to the big sister, and she snaps that it's the little girls fault. The little girl gets something black on her hands, and the big sister gets worried that it's the chemical and it might burn the little girl. She wipes the child's hands off and starts crying, then I wake up.

      Updated 06-14-2016 at 12:52 AM by 53224

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    8. A Dream I Couldn't Wake Up From

      by , 04-09-2012 at 01:45 AM (Chronicles of the Cosmos)
      Yeah! i remembered a good one. This dream was at least 1080p, lol.

      In this dream, everything looked and felt as real as the real world. I was out in the middle of freaking nowhere; on a trail that led in between two mountains. I stated that this is a dream and I tried to wake up--but I couldn't. So, I tried yelling my guts out and I actually got tired from yelling IN MY DREAM! LOL! I was so winded after all that yelling that I fell down to my knees; then I laid down on my back, and just stared up at the sky--it was daytime and there were clouds in the sky. I said "I can't wake up!" in an exhausted voice. I don't recall when it ended exactly. That was a crazy ass dream.

      Updated 04-14-2012 at 02:24 PM by 53119

      lucid , memorable
    9. Little Big Dictatorship

      , 04-08-2012 at 10:11 PM
      I lived in some society where everyone had to play Little Big Planet, but there's certain ruled everyone must abide by. Me and some friends and a small red guy were making some quiz based level, when suddenly... A guy fro the government came and started saying we can't do that, so I got the official rule book which said otherwise, then shouted "proof disproved!" then slapped him around the face a few times and then he moved out of the way, so I shouted "you dodged it!? High five!" So we high fived.

      Then I woke up because my cat was doing some stuff which woke me up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. The Gods Have Told Me

      by , 04-08-2012 at 08:27 PM
      I had the craziest dream last night. I'm a part of this reincarnation forum elsewhere and in this dream we got a new member who had only one post on the entire forum and had taken the liberty to private message me there.

      She said that she had a "spiritual connection with the Gods" (I think she was referencing the Greek pantheon, if I'm not mistaken) and that they had told her that I was "of importance".

      I remembering laughing and being like "yeah whatever". But she seemed to know a lot about me that she couldn't have possibly known otherwise.

      She also referenced my recollections of my soviet past life several times and also stating that I had been given a "divine assignment" in this life that dealt with from her words, "liberty for all".


      For the record, I consider myself to be Pagan since a lot of my beliefs are derived from Eastern philosphies and pagan beliefs. I am not necessarily polytheistic. I believe in A Creator, which is synonymous with the universe and all the deities from the various pantheons are simply powerful deities that work under the Creator and co-exist with one another.

      How that has anything to do with this though, I'm not sure.
      lucid , memorable
    11. Trying to Help

      by , 04-08-2012 at 03:32 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Trying to Help

      I see my first girlfriend walking in with a heavy pack on her back. She was leading a cattle drive and was beat. Lots of people were coming in, but she was one of the main people in charge.

      I asked her if I could take her pack. She asked why, probably cause she was already almost to her room or whatever. She just looked so tired, I wanted to take it. Her pack was huge--stuff all over her back.

      When she asked why I wanted to take it, I remembered something I read on enlightenment. I thought about telling her, but it was too much to go through. When she asked "Why," I just answered, "Why not?"

      Someone then asked me if I would "take this." It was some metal object. I said, "OK." Then the guy turned and walked away. I asked, "Where should I take it? How far?" He said, "Five miles." I said, "I can't take it that far." The guy walked away and didn't seem to hear me.

      I tried to get his attention, but now he was ignoring me or something. He didn't understand me. I asked if he spoke Spanish in Spanish. He didn't answer. I told him in Spanish I couldn't take the object. He had that blank look on his face.

      I tried to motion with my hands I was not going to take it and the deal was off.

      Dream Skip

      Bruce Lee was fighting Dr. Oz, who apparently knew Karate. Bruce did some weird power-up scream. His body and face contorted a bit, then he ran at Dr. Oz and beat the shit out of him before Dr. Oz could move a muscle, though he was still standing.

      Dream Skip

      There was some fighting competition that wasn't fair. It was some weird games scenario with people who were skilled fighters and in control of the game.

      There was this weird thing that played out twice. Someone had to fight someone from a lower level. It was not a fair fight. A boss type person said, "OK, you don't have to fight them." When the less skilled fighter feels a bit of relief, they realize that now they have to fight someone above the other person--the bosses boss.

      So, in the second fight like this, I watch it unfold. First this girl has to fight her boss, a guy. She gets a reprieve, and then finds she has to fight the guys boss, a woman. She had a weird red head thing on. it was like a padded tube that fit around the sides of her head.

      I somehow got involved. I was not looking forward to fighting her, but I was going to. Then I started feeling more confident. I controlled one of her weapons, though it was like her clothes or something. The she said, "Aaah, I can kick you!" She was wearing boots with heals and some kind of fur jacket. Very sexy.

      I put my foot on the underside of her boot and pulled it off. Then the same with the other boot. Then I got on top of her and started kissing her face. This was wonderful. It didn't get too hot though.

      Dream Skip

      I was talking to my dad and told him that I wanted to tell him about my dreams of him because he's gone now, and while I had the chance, I wanted to let him know that I dream about him and always wish I could tell him I love him.

      Dream Skip

      I beat the shit out of my older and bigger dickhead brother. A family elder was mad at me for cussing and for being violent. I told her that I would blow up the fucking world!

      Updated 04-08-2012 at 04:55 PM by 41873 (Remembered a dream)

      non-lucid , memorable
    12. Caveman Battle / Dimension Shifting

      by , 04-08-2012 at 12:45 PM (Chronicles of the Cosmos)
      Haha... What a night. Ok, here we go!

      Dahreb, The Barbarian vs. The Giant Cavemen

      Before I had the first dream, I was trying to go to sleep. As I'm laying on the pillow, I felt and heard two electric-shock-taps on top of my head. That's the best way I can describe it. I was like "WTF was that?!"

      In the first dream, I'm this barbarian? guy named Dahreb (that's what I heard--I spelled it the best way I could). I'm bigger than the average human but not by much and I'm really, really strong. I didn't have any powers or anything like that, just strength. I appear to be fighting a tribe of Giant Cavemen. Looking around the battlefield, I can see about a dozen dead Giant Cavemen and I remember killing two during the dream--both the same way.

      These guys are your typical cavemen with the animal fur for clothes and carrying giant clubs. They're several times the size of an average man and they must have weighed anywhere from 600-800 lbs. But they were not super-giants.

      I remember killing two of them during this dream. So, I'm standing there looking around at the dead bodies and two more show up. One of them jumps super-high into the air and he's coming down at me with this massive club. I look up, bend my knees, yell, and jump really high. I meet him in mid-ar and dealt him a fatal blow to the mid-gut area, which was wide open due to him having both arms above his head. He hit the ground like a ton of bricks.

      I land and watch as the other one came at me. There's somebody standing behind me and they don't want to be seen for some reason. This person says to me "Do you think they're good enough for the battlefield?" The next thing I know, the Giant Caveman is airborne and he's coming down yelling. I did the exact same thing I did the first time. I bent my knees, braced myself, yelled, and jumped really high to meet him. Again, I dealt a fatal blow to his mid-gut area and he hit the ground like a ton of bricks. I land and I said to this mystery guy "They're not good enough for anything."

      I recognized that voice the first time I heard it. It was the same, exact, calm, monotone, emotionless voice I had heard during one of my previous dreams where I observing the body / container (it had no soul) of a girl and this person was standing off to the side, just outside of my peripheral vision, and he said "go ahead." And the next thing I knew, I was in that body and browsing through a bookshelf with that guy standing behind me out of sight. It was the same guy....

      Note: I heard the name "Dahreb" upon waking up.

      Dimension Shifting

      So, after I woke up from the Caveman Battle dream, I tried to go back to sleep. I was facing the wall and the room was totally dark. I heard this ringing sound which filled my ears for a few seconds and then the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I got the chills for no apparent reason. Then I saw a flash of light while my eyes were closed.

      When I fell asleep, I was somebody else, a white guy. And I was with this guys' mother who looked to be like 18 or 19 years old. She had short blonde hair. She had said something about needing some kind of dry powder substance (I dunno). I knew what she meant then.

      So, I left to go find this "stuff." I decided to go visit my current mother for some reason. As I was walking, everything shifted to this dimension and I was standing beside my mother in her house. My real mother is black and she's in her early 50s. She was sitting down on a lazyboy and was telling me that her "tooth was itchy." I told her "you need to brush them, lol."

      I was glad to see her. I don't recall ever being so happy to see my mother. Then I shifted through dimensions again to go check on my other mom. She was sitting on top of a crate messing around with her android phone. I turned and started to walk away to find this "stuff" I had forgotten about when I heard her say "what do you want?"

      I turned and saw a guy coming at her with a really long knife but she didn't budge, lol. I immediately walked back and stopped in front of her while facing this guy who was still coming at us. I was not afraid of this guy at all because my mom was the world to me. He swung the blade at me and I deflected it, then he managed to stab it far into my left chest. I didn't feel anything though.

      Then I began to transform. I felt my eyes, skin, and everything else changing but this part is blurry. This guy is freaking out as I grabbed the handle of the blade that was stuck in me and broke it off. Then I raised my right arm and punched him in his heart. I know that it killed him instantly, although, I woke up right as I hit him.

      Updated 04-26-2012 at 04:18 PM by 53119

      non-lucid , memorable
    13. 4/7/12 | Annual Dream

      by , 04-08-2012 at 12:06 AM
      I had 2 really cool dreams.
      One of which I was in a house which I visit every year in my dreams (very weird, I remember it from last year) and I was drinking alcohol, which I don't in RL. Than I jumped on a bed and started making out with this hot girl but I could feel it, felt nice. I don't normally have feelings or anything in my dreams, except for a long time ago when i had another kiss. I had this dream last year or a couple years ago except I didn't hook up with anybody.

      6/10 Vividness except I felt stuff so 7/10

      The next one was very weird too. I was in school and my friend said the 'fućk' word and had to go the office, for some reason i thought it was freaking hilarious. Next thing I knew I was walking his dog to his house (wtf?)

      5/10 Vividness
      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Mom's Roasted Hearts.

      by , 04-07-2012 at 11:08 PM (The Realm of the Child)
      Dream Type: Non-Lucid, Memorable.
      Dream Mood: Strange.
      Dream Setting: My Mom's house and Some Plaza.
      Dream Characters: Anthropomorphic Animals and My Mother.

      I'm not sure what to think of this dream.

      It started somewhere like in an open, outside plaza or something, where the clouds were a dark gray and the horizon in the distance was just desert; plain nothing. I was told by someone who reminded me of an online friend I know that I should pick an animal, and I turned to look behind me and there were some animals, much like humans though, sitting in a sauna of sorts. I didn't really get why, but there was a gorilla, a fox and a bird.

      Once that one was over, I was at my mother's home, and she had told me that she made a sort of new bread creation. She gave me one, and it was a sort of bread that was so soft, it jiggled and moved in my hand. I looked at it, and it had many different things on it, like burnt parts and less-cooked parts, though as I looked at it more, it looked more and more like a human heart. I placed it somewhere and scolded my mom about it, though she seemed to just jokingly deny that it was actually a heart.
    15. Poked in the back.

      by , 04-07-2012 at 10:21 PM (Chronicles of the Cosmos)
      Has this ever happened to anyone? I remember early one morning as I was sleeping in bed (I think I was dreaming, I dunno), someone poked me in the lower back, waited a few seconds, and then poked me again. After the second poke, I turned around and nobody was there, then I got up. I was staying at my mom's place then and it was just me and her in the house that morning and she doesn't poke people, lol.

      Also, when I was working at my previous job, it was just me in a room all to myself. I was standing up doing something when someone poked me in the lower back (the same spot) but there wasn't anyone around. It was a solid, hard poke, lol.

      Updated 04-14-2012 at 02:29 PM by 53119

      false awakening , memorable