non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Marry into a rich family. Their mansion in a beautiful place surrounded by mountains, but my mother in law is insane. She wants everything in the house plus everybody to wear only white knitted clothes. It is kind funny at first, but it gets exhausting after a while. None of the sisters and cousins of my husband ever complain but the hate it to. I get an accomplice to change the decoration in the living room to colorful stuff. Off course she hates it and wants it down. Then I live in an apartment (looks like my mom's, but in a totally different life) and my husband becomes abusive. He keeps me locked up, I can't go anywhere except to some family or work events with him. He's been telling everyone that I'm schizophrenic, so nobody believes when I say what's going on. I always find ways to come to the door when the mailman comes or something, but nobody believes me. He keeps moving me to more and more restrictive places. Then at some party he takes me to, I refuse to go back home, keep insisting publicly that he is abusive and I demand someone to call the police. There is a couple people who give me the benefit of the doubt, I press charges, I don't go back and I stay with this lovely family. Police goes to the home and does find evidences he keeps me locked up and that I am suffering malnutrition. There is no record of me in hospital and psychiatric treatments as he claimed. I get a restraining order from him, get support and go to university to study. But gotta keep looking over my shoulder. I am afraid to pass under a tunnel that is so dark. Some guy passing by seems safe and nice so I ask if he can walk with me and we become friends. He is such a geek and later invites me to watch him participate in a Lego tournament for 2 or 3 days. I go and I am amazed, as he builds an entire Hogwarts castle and train from Harry Potter with regular Lego pieces.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In a large room with groups of people talking, making lots of noise, confusion. I can't handle it, so I leave. It's in some kind of hotel where I am staying. I know that NightHawk is also staying here. It is late night, but he has insomnia and is hanging around in the lobby. He sits over some bench and doesn't notice when I approach. I sit by his side and grab his hand. He is surprised and happy to see me. Asks why I am here, I tell him about whatever I was doing in the big room (some networking event or whatever) and I would, in the past, be able to enjoy the chaos and take notes about the dramas between the people and write stories about, but now I am just tired and overwhelmed and have to leave. We talk and we get cozy and we're both giggly and then we kiss. I am so hungry for him, I kiss him like a maniac. He complains I am not even taking a breath and therefore I am suffocating him too. I laugh. He says he needs to go the toilet. While I wait for him to come back, I am approached by my aunt's personal assistant and helpers. Apparently my aunt Ludovina is filthy rich. They ask me why I am here and say that my aunt is crazy worried looking for me and sent them to get me. She was throwing a party for me somewhere else, but when she found out I was at this hotel, she moved the party here. They tell me the party will be at a hotel floor they booked entirely for us. Then I watch an absurd parade of workers carrying lots of food and gifts into the hotel. Like, one person is pulling a cart full of exotic fruits, then three black men carry three canoes on their heads full of what seems to be fish and seafoood, plus a whole army of caterers with other yummi things. When NightHawk comes back, the parade is over, but I tell him what happened and that my aunt demands my presence, so I invite him to the party. On the party's floor, the first room actually looks sad and gloomy, with some family members and nothing much happening. I say I hope it gets better and they tell me to go explore the rest of the rooms. The next room is a prank/game and is full of fake cobwebs and an upside down piano. I don't know exactly what I should do, but seems like I need to get through the maze of cobwebs. Then I notice there is a real spider on top of the piano, not very big, but there are mirrors positioned in a way that makes it look gigantic. I still don't understand the game, but my family teases me by saying there will be a few more surprises and then there is the banquet awaiting us. I am at a university, like studying there and a young Colin Farrel is visiting friends or whatever. I see him through the corner of my eye that he is talking to people sitting to my side on a long concrete structure that serves as a bench. Eventually he sits down right next to me and he accidentaly bumps into me. I look to the side and he says sorry and smiles. I smile back and he introduces himself as some unintelligible african name. I excuse him but I say I know he is Colin. He asks my name and I say it but he is having trouble understanding or he is playing with me and makes me say it many times and finally spell it out. We make a bit of small talk but eventually he turns to his friends demanding his attention. I drop some papers on the ground, a bit by accident, a bit on purpose and get on my knees to get to see if he helps. He does offer help but I already finished gathering the papers, so no luck. Then his freinds get up and invite him to go to a canteen for lunch. Not the normal one where I usually eat but a fancier one. We look at each other and smile again and he asks if I wanna join. I say sure. I pick my stuff up in a hurry and go after them, but then meet some of my friends on the way who distract me and I lose them. I still go there, because I know the place, but they are already sitting and eating and I need to get the food first. There are no more plates and I can't find anyone to help me with that. Some girl helps me out with the drink dispenser and somehow I get some alcoholic beverage spilled in my head accidentally. When I am grabbing some cutlery I get closer to them and I hear Colin tell his friend that he likes me and can't take his eyes of me, but that I am a bit too plain and he can do so much better. His friend tells him he is being an idiot and overestimating himself because besides being famous he is not that special either. I find it funny that is friend is so brutal. I keep having trouble joining them because there are no more seats available near them, but I hear their conversation a bit longer and his friend is encouraging him to ask me out on a date. And mentions some advice from their friend Lisa Gerrard about relationships. My mind then goes on a rush thinking I don't really wanna be Mrs. Farrel, I just would like to date him for fun as it would increase my "market value" but in my heart I am thinking of NightHawk.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Working as a maid at the mansion of some filthy rich dudes. Some alarm goes off and they go around looking for something suspicious, but no one can't find any intruder. But I spot him. He is dressed as the help and considering this is a huge palace with dozens of employees, no one pays attention or noticed he is not one of us. But I see him robbing silver and gold stuff, sneaking from one room to another. I follow him into an office and he realizes that I've figured it out. But he doesn't feel intimidated, he notices I am not yelling to denounce him. He just nods his head like saying "Go ahead, serve yourself of some to." and I do! I rob a bunch of gold necklaces and other jewels, wrapping them in table cloths and right under the nose of the bosses, hide them in my pockets. I then follow the other guy trhough a window to the garden and we leave. Looking at a mirror and instead of my face, I see my guru reflected on it. And he looks pretty aware that I am seeing him. Then it gets weirder and I have trouble explaining it in a 3 dimensional way, but it is like he is also holding another mirror in front of him and his reflection is me. And we are both aware that I see myself as him and he sees himself as me, but not straight up like a mirror image and more like a mirror within a mirror thing. Then I am suddenly not myself and I am some tibetan lady in the past with an intricate hairdo with really long braids with beads and other decorations. While I admire the intricacy of it, someone comes in the room and refers to me as princess.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am sitting near the back of a bus. Keanu Reeves comes in and goes sit in the last row. I play cool and just make sure he sees me and notices me, so I try to engage later. I don't wanna annoy him for no with a rushed approach. Then he drops something and doesn't notice, so that's my cue. I pick it up and give it to him. Apparently it is something important, because he thanks me a lot and says he wants to reward me somewhow. As he looks through his bag looking for something, I say "You know, we have a common acquaintance." "Oh really, who?" And I say "DJ K. You worked together at a film." And he is like "Whom?" I didn't expect him not to remember, so I insist and say maybe he forgot because it was a long time ago, but they were pretty close and I even have pics of them together. He is curious and wants to see the pics but I don't have them with me on my phone. I tell him I can send it later. He asks for my number and I feel like my mission is accomplished. I visit a botanical garden and check a little corner that I loved very much. There are two guys there making some sort of inspection. One asks for my opinion about the flowerbed arrangements. It looks gorgeous, very colorful and diverse. I say I have never seen it so gorgeous. We talk about the evolution of the garden. Then some rich guy, a movie star, arrives in a big SUV, stops in front of us and very theatrically, comes out with an entourage. One of his bodyguards puts some sort of key inside a stone carving in some stone steps on the opposite side of the path in front of us. The stone stairs pull in magically and reveal another set of stairs going underground. Then everyone around goes in and since I am curious I go after them. Someone questions if I am supposed to be allowed in, but no one seems to care. A the end of the stairs we walk down a corridor that looks like service tunnels, with art pieces stored in storage rooms or hanging on the walls. It is an access to some house of an artist. The house itself has a really exotic decoration. Finally we arrive at the main area and I learn it is actually Audrey Hepburn's house. It is huge. Although we entered via an udnerground tunnel, the house actually spreads up through an entire building several storeys high. We head for the top terrace, where there are two indidivual houses on top of it and get to see we are in the middle of other city buildings. The terrace has different levels, one looks like a normal rooftop with a pool and direct access to the house we just came from. But then we go down a few stairs and there is another level that looks like a restaurant, with rowns of tables outside in front of another building which is a kitchen and another level with a private cinema. I meet Audrey, she is so nice, but I tell her I am not so sure about her house. Seems cozy but also just too much and so kitsch with weird art everywhere, which makes it overwhelming to the senses. I even find a pot in the middle of the way with some Buddha ststues and jewels inside, just abandoned there and I take them out and put the budddhas on top of a boulder that is on the side of some stone stairs. Then try to untangle a necklace to also hang it there but I fall in love with it and I put it on me. It is made of a dark metal, deep blue stones and peacock feathers. Some security guard looks at me sideways and I say "Don't worry, I wont leave with it on, I'll just wear it while I am here." Then everyone starts heading to the cinema because there will be some movie preview. There is a lobby where guests have to leave bags and coats and check-in and I get in the line. In front of me is a girl with a baby in her arms, and she seems a bit stressed, because the computers crashed and they can't log us in. I get her a chair and offer to hold the baby for a while, which she accepts after a while. The movie started and we are stuck outside but the baby is adorable and I am ok, don't even know if I want to watch the movie.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am going to some fancy school and some day there is a concert there. The singer who was invited can't perform, so a couple people are pushed onto the stage to improvise and I am one of them. I sing a little bit and I feel like I killed it, but no one applauds. Then follows a guy who just can't sing at all, but all his friends cheer him up. This event is recorded and later broadcasted, but the video was edited to cut me off while this guy is still in it. I feel extremely upset that they cut me out, because this could have been my chance to be heard by many and I feel that I am surely hated by those who did this. Then the school director calls me to her office and says that I'll be expelled, because I said I didn't like being hugged by random people and she contacted my psychologist who confirmed my aversion to being touched. I am appalled and tell her that makes no sense at all and they should respect my boundaries, not attack me over it. It seems everyone in school just wants to get rid of me, no matter what. I am a good looking, rich and spoiled girl, but hated by all. I live in a giant family mansion and have my own quarters in the attic. I like to mistreat the servants. I have my own cinema in the basement. My family is in the movies industry and I feel pissed that they don't make me a star. Some guests come over for some preview and I decide to make a scene, by walking around the house in just lingerie and an open silk robe. Some guy becomes crazy obsessed with me. But I don't really care and I ignore all his attempts to approach me. But later, one day I am feeling horny and have no one else, so I invite him over to my attic. Someone knocks on the door but instead of him some guy claiming that his loving wife died in this house. That she was a servant there and somehow got electrocuted. But most weird is he claims her was never retrieved because she fell into some tank and her body got stuck into some plumbing. He asks me to please help him empty the tank and flush the pipes, but that would cause some kind of flooding with seward water in the garden. At first my reaction is to shut the door in his face. But then I feel compelled to help, mostly because I love the idea of causing a mayhem with seward on the garden. I do it and there is water flooding all around the house. It is so much and so fast that I end up having to rescue the family dogs from drowning in it, as they unexpectedly run outside when it starts. I guess the guy retrieved his wife boy, because he is very thankful and then invites me for something he wants to show me. We join some of his friends and they take me to what appears to be an abandoned house. They touch a specific piece of carved wood on the door and the whole house exterior walls move like parts of a Rubik's cube and rearrange. A new type of door appears and opens up. Inside there is a large open room which looks like a museum, with ancient artifacts protected under glass displays. Then I hear a voice welcoming us. It is an alien, like a grey but human sized and slightly more human looking eyes. He wears long robes. He mentions some dagger, but before I even take a better look at it, he is already calling my attention to a giant book. The book levitates through the air and lands on my hands. He says it tells the story that explains it all. And the story is that Isaiah met an alien, who looked like this grey alien but had hair and some crown like thing like a cubic hat with jewels incrusted in the front, that was an actual part of her skull. And they had a son who looked like this alien without the crown thing and might actually be him. And he wrote this book, which has 14 volumes which are spread throughout the world, containing all the secrets of the universe. After we leave, I go on a lifelong journey with these guys, living a simple life, walking, hiking, living like nomads, in a mission to find the other books.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my grandma's house in Moita, with my parents and aunt/uncle. I am reminiscing about the time my cousin said he had a cancer and did not show any worry, but I felt it was a big deal (and it was). Dad is closing the windows of the house, saying it is time to sleep and I ask if he locked the front door. He says no, so I grab the keys and he asks if I know which one to use. I say I'll find out. Turns out there is not even a door in place to close. My aunt joins me and I show her there is no door and she thinks it's no big deal. Then my mom also joins and while they figure out what happened to the door, I step out in the garden and admire how lush and chaotic it is. It grew into a full forest, but with edible plants all around too. I tell mom I'd like to move in here and she looks worried and tries to change my mind. I realize there is a small road passing through the garden that is being used by other people. There are rickshaws taking people through our garden. I watch as one departs empty and the conductor falls down a bridge over a stream at the end of the garden, that cracks under his feet. Other people come to his rescue. As I approach, I am no longer at my grandma's garden, this is in clearly an Asian garden in some Asian country. I'd say Chinese by the style. I then see a temple and go inside. Like in some comedy movie that I am watching, there is a funny scene where some village idiot gets into an absurd situation and somehow is face is reflected on Guru's Rinpoche statue and people think it is a miracle and pray to him. While this happens, my mom comes in looking for me and asks me to leave with her. But I am actually interested in staying and joining a prayer session starting. She complains she does not understand a word it is being said and I point out there are subtitles in the air if she pays attention, but she can't seem to catch them and is upset. I walk her to the door but say I will stay. Then I am surprised by D. Rinpoche who comes from a back room to me at the door and asks me why haven't had a child. And I am like "I don't want to". He insists "why not?". And I wonder why is it so important for him that I have a kid. I explain it is a complex mix of reasons and he asks for the main one. I reply I think Riverstone would be a bad father to my kid. He looks a bit shocked but wants to know more. Then Riverstone is at the door and we have to stop talking, so I bow down to D. Rinpoche and say farewell. I am rich, just inherited some hypermarket stores chain and a mansion. I am exploring my new house and it is ridiculous. I have a walk in closet the size of my actual living room and two-storey high, filled with outfits. There is also a room with a full library of comic books and rare graphic novels, and several copies of each volume. I am already thinking of selling some. All is fantastic, I am planning on having a quiet weekend enjoying my new mansion, when instead of all the people who were present, going away, more and more people are coming. Turns out one of the chain stores is right below my house and actually partially going into my house, like that library is actually part of the shop and not just for my pleasure and the walking closet is actually the clothes section, so turns out I don't have any privacy or the things to myself. I feel upset and go through some back door to what looks like a storage area. I am attacked by a really fat crocodile that comes out of nowhere. I climb something and try to stay out of his way but he keeps chasing me. I am saved by a giant toad that attacks the crocodile. Accidentally I turn up at some ceremony that will be lead by Rinpoche. He is coming soon and people are looking for a place to sit. The place is a narrow rectangular room, people sit on the floor with their backs against the walls and Rinpoche will sit at the end on the narrower side, on a slightly elevated stage. I get a very good place right by the side of the stage on the floor, but then realize I don't have any of the texts I will need to join in prayer, so I put down a jacket or something to mark my place and get up to go get some texts somewhere. I jump over a wall to get outside more quickly and come across Rinpoche who is just passing behind that wall. He asks me where I am going. I explain I am going to get texts and he says not to bother, and just ask the boy sitting next to him. So we go inside and the boy is sitting on the elevated stage prepared for Rinpoche. He is a very young boy, I believe a tulku, and he is sitting on the stage on a pillow and has another ready by his side. I ask him about the texts and he says he does not have extra but will share his with me and offers the pillow by his side. I am so embarrassed and I say "no, I can't sit there", but he insists, so I ask if we can at least push the pillows near the end of the stage and not be so close to Rinpoche. He indulges by moving like 20 cms to the side. I give up and sit by his side, so very self-conscious of what everybody will think. Then notice I am dressing an exquisite outfit and wearing adornments in my head I didn't had previously. Still nobody in the audience flinches and I wonder "what do they know that I don't?" Then Rinpoche arrives and sits on his place but before anything else, he says he has something to share. He says his cancer is back and he just found out this morning. I see people in shock but nobody moves from their places, so as I am so close I reach out to hold his hand, knowing once again this might shock people, but they don't care. Then Rinpoche comes closer and leans to me, crying a bit. I hold him in my arms and comfort him. Tell him I don't think I'll live long either, so let's live one day at a time. Then I start feeling again self-conscious and whisper to him if we can meet later alone. He says yes and nothing else. It is only when the ceremony ends that some Asian girl approaches me to say "when Rinpoche leaves, please follow me".
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In a post-apocalyptic zombie world. Clearly inspired by some episodes of "the Walking Dead: world beyond". I am traveling in a van with some friends I made along the way. Nobody knows exactly where we are going but we expect to stay together, until one of the girls says she wants to go to some university nearby and that she studied for the admission exams and wants us to take her there. We go. The procedure is a bit strange as each candidate goes to a booth with one person that interviews them and hands them the test and they do it all in front of the family and friends who sit in front at some row of chairs. Looks more like a trial. She is asked questions about her background. She is asked about her parents and she says they died because of the zombies. The examiner replies that's the case for the majority of the applicants, so being orphaned doesn't give her any real advantage. But then she tells about our group experience during our travel, hoping they'll be impressed with the courage she showed and the skills she developed. Instead, the examiner looks at us and makes some not so unveiled comment about us not being appropriate material to even enter the premises of such school and wonders if she is fit for the school. But eventually gives her the chance to take the test and she scores really high, so she is accepted. The whole group is heartbroken because now we need to leave her behind and we don't know if we'll ever see her again. We depart without her. I am in the outskirts of London, waiting for a tube that is never coming. I finally take a bus and I am looking at some notes to figure out where I am and where I am going, but can't really figure out. I check how much money I have and gather it and stuff it in some hidden inner pocket of my bag for safety. I am going through some shitty neighborhoods and people on board of the bus also don't look so friendly. Some weird crazy guy starts harassing people and a kid on his mom's lap his scared and says so to his mom, but his mom says to suck it up, because taxis are awfully expensive. She mentions a Ł96 cost to get home, which I find absurd, but makes me wonder if I could afford taking a taxi considering those prices. I find my phone on my bag and think I can use the gps and maps to find my way. Then I see an area that looks more touristic and I decide to hop off the bus and just make a plan from there. I go down some narrow street that has gorgeous view over a neighborhood by the Thames bank. Ground level brick houses with lots of flowers on the windows and doors. I want to take pics but I can't. The things I want to photograph keep disappearing from the screen of my phone and the camera always points somewhere else. I break the phone in half and start panicking as pieces start to fall off and the image on the screen fades away. Now I am lost and with no gps any more. I freak out as I see the evening coming to an end and getting dark. But then realize I am just dreaming and I don't have to be afraid. I tell myself to just have fun with it. So I keep walking to a very posh area of the city, with high fashion shops, fancy hotels and I decide to indulge. I go to a very high end mall and start looking for a dress worthy of a princess, but immediately everybody looks at me and says I don't belong there. I am wearing jeans and some shitty sweater. I don't care. I see an event where some lady full of plastic surgeries, is on some type of arena with spotlights and announcing they'll have a fashion show of the most beautiful and elegant ladies and outfits and I barge in and start walking around like a model in that arena. People are shocked and she is furious. She tries to push me away but I push her instead and she falls on the ground. I say I am sorry, that I did not intent to harm her and she insults me in every possible way, so I keep mocking them all by continuing to catwalk in silly ways. Then I decide to keep going. I don't get the dress I was looking for at first, as I am afraid will lose lucidity while distracted dressing and undressing. Also, I can simply summon some outfit. But I am no longer interest in that. Instead I go outside and see some kind of Carnival fair and I want to enjoy that instead. But it is so very dark, the sky is covered in black dense clouds that threaten to rain and besides, the darkness is making me lose lucidity. So I decide to make the sky blue and sunny. It doesn't happen right away, so I point my hands to the clouds and start pushing them away. It is getting a little bit clearer but is taking too long. So I project a vortex that sucks it all up and it works so much faster. The sky is clear in seconds and I feel proud of it. But then the vortex shatters like a mirror and all the sharp pieces come tumbling down over the fair. People scream in panic and all I can figure out is getting inside a mini car for 1 person, that I see parked in front of me. I take cover inside and hear the rumble of all the debris hitting the car. Then I get out. A couple of girls is rummaging through the debris and I check out what or whom they are looking for. Even they don't seem to know or don't want to say, but I find a bag with some dolls and clothes and ask if that's what they are looking for. Some clothes are damaged but the dolls look ok, just covered in dust. But their reaction is strange, they no longer want the dolls. I give up. Meanwhile not much to see here anymore, so I keep walking and enter some palace like building and rub my hands to keep lucidity going. It is all decorated like for Xmas and some gentleman gather in a circle chatting, with drinks on their hands. They also look at me like "who's this?" and some butler comes to me, very gently asking me to leave, as this is a private club. I declare I couldn't care less and that I am up to no good. I spot an hallway where they set up a table with all kinds of goodies and I go there. The butler is in panic and calls me "Please, please, you must leave. Don't touch that food." And I stop in front of it, defiantly, and stretch my arm to grab something and just watch his panic growing and also his inability do deal with me. I eat some hors d'oeuvres and I find it repulsive. It's some kind of pickled vegetables, but nasty. I say "How can people like this shit?" And then the butler goes from panicky to insulted. "This is a very expensive selection of fine Japanese pickled daikon and vegetable sushi." Then he tells me the names of each piece and that they must be eaten in a certain way and order. Then he goes on exemplifying. Eats a slice, by first removing a detachable part in the center and then the rest of it. He makes a face of delight and sounds of pleasure, like he is having an orgasm and I laugh. Then he challenges me to try it exactly as he says. But unfortunately I wake up.
Updated 04-13-2021 at 09:07 AM by 34880
12/26/20 I am at a school with many tables and people sitting in groups together, I recognize some kids from my middle school. We are right next to the coast in florida and notice some storms with dark clouds in the distance off the shore. Though the weather is sunny and beautiful where we are. I am walking down the beach with a friend collecting shells, there are some large ones by a kiosk selling drinks and food, the owner laughs at us for being touristy. I am now on a boat driving fast down the coast. I am seeing many coastal homes on the water most on stilts with varying colours and designs, they are very beautiful. I dip my hands into the water and feel the pressure of the water as it passes, it is serene. I tell the companion in the boat with me I am originally from Charleston south Carolina and this feels very nostalgic for me. We travel down the coast more and make it to an event center of sorts. It is very large and packed with business men in suits, they are all very rich, this almost feels like a pyramid scheme mixed with Wolf of Wall street type mood. My old manager tells me he has moved my section so I could 'be with my people' on the balcony of the convention. (Used to regular in our cocktail lounge at my old job IWL) I tell my companion I haven't been to work in weeks/months and I just showed up and they gave me my section back, I didn't even have to ask and laugh out loud. We are instructed to just bring beers to people sitting at tables, I clarify to the managers 'so you just want us to bring beers without them even asking for them?' 'Yes' they reply, seems fishy but I do what I'm told. Most of the businessmen are older with full suits on. I see that I am only wearing a black button up and stand out somewhat. I ask a table if they want beers but then notice they all look like minors, not dressed like the rest of the people there. They say yes they want beers so I ask for an ID. They all huddle around each other whispering. A girl in the middle produces her ID. I struggle to read it but notice she won't be 21 till 2026, she begins some obvious lie about how she ordered a new ID because they printed that one wrong. I don't believe her and walk away. Looking at the many different tables and displays there are many sweets like donuts and brownies and all sorts of chocolate confections. We are then told as workers we can have anything to eat we want. I have my eye on a candy cane shaped donut with coloured sprinkles but there are people who grab them up once we are told we can eat, I decide to walk around more and see what is available. Walking back to the front of the convention floor past most of the tables of treats. I notice the entrance looks like a convenience store. There are people standing in line for odds and ends by the register. I ask a guy at the front of the line if he wants a beer, he raises his hand and shakes his head graciously signaling no. I notice a giant full wall display cooler to the right. It has many different types of prawns/lobsters in it. The largest lobsters are at the top, they are larger than anything I've ever seen at 3-4 feet long. The sign says they are $69 a pound. I recall paying $28 a pound for king crab IWL so this doesn't seem too odd and I gather most of the business men are incredibly rich anyway.Still impressed by the display I pull out my phone to take a picture of the wall of shellfish. As I am walking back into the convention center I notice the sounds of my feet hitting the tile go quiet in a certain section just after the main doorway. Curious I am made aware that there was a scientist before who used to do his research in this facility. He made himself invisible and was never seen again. I am made aware he was murdered and his body was smashed by being stampeded by the mass of businessmen in suits all flooding the convention center. They left him on the floor of the entrance as a disgrace. There was no sound because people were walking over him. The dream fades as I am disgusted by this discovery.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I see movement on my kitchen terrace through the glass door. One female dog decided to make a home there with her three pups and they are gorgeous, look like Akitas, just like my Hachi. I encounter a lost love from school at some big event. He is Nighthawk, but at the same time he isn't. I don't want to be pushy, but I feel like I don't want to get away from him ever again. Luckily he seems to feel the same, because he finds all sorts of excuses to sit by my side when everybody heads to the tables to eat some meal. He even makes someone get a stool and sit on it, so we can sit side by side. And because there is no space, we have to get really really cozy. We end up sleeping together. I just remember waking up naked in a bed by his side and him saying I should go check a rash I have on my butt and I feel embarassed. Well, I didn't know but he had become someone rich and powerful and the next day my mom calls me because she read in one of those gossip magazines about celebrities, that he had been spotted on the event very intimate with me and he was asked about it and he said I was someone he would like to keep by his side for the rest of his life. My mom was already asking if he had asked me to marry him and if I was rich now. I was overwhelmed by all that and I told her certainly I wasn't rich or I'd have noticed. But feeling confused about what exactly had happened between us.[/COLOR]
9/3/16 In this dream I'm visiting a friend, I think It's Jack from HS. Except his family aren't the people I remember, they're royalty. I walk into their yard and hang out there, they have four dogs. Two adult dogs and two puppies, one belonging to teach adult dog. One of them is a black Labrador and It seems to like me the most. I'm playing with them when the Mother comes out, and begins talking to me. We chat for a bit, then I go inside. The Dad is sitting inside on a lounge watching television, and I tell him something about the yard or his kids or something. -dreamskip- I ask if I'm allowed to have a shower and the Mother says yes, and leads me to their private suite with a shower and a room coming off adjacent. I'm looking out the window at all the city lights in the distance, the two-storey rich people houses across the road and a factory a little further away. It's beautiful to say the least. The black lab in the yard is just hanging out below and I watch it for a second as it walks through the yard, which now that I think about it doesn't fit with the house at all since it's just a normal middle class yard. I walk into the bathroom and take off my pants in preparation for having a shower when the Mother comes in, and asks to see if I'm allergic to anything. She walks me back into the bedroom has me sit down on the corner of their bed, and opens my legs. She takes a marker and begins writing something on my inner thigh, It's kind of like an autograph, and she signs it saying she's a doctor or something like that. She makes a comment about my, uh, organ as well and then leaves again. I decide to try taking a picture of the writing since I'm about to take a shower, but none of them seem to turn out. I step into the bathroom, and It's all extremely well decorated. -dreamskip- I'm out of the shower now, two people I know are now in the bedroom, rummaging through the drawers and whatnot. I get angry, and tell them to get out, and they begin getting really angry back as if what they were doing wasn't wrong or out of the ordinary even. I get them to leave eventually, and walk downstairs, wondering where my friend is. This is all I remember.
Characters A Khajit is a mythical creature in Elder scrolls 18 April 2014 I do not know where it was I had arrived in this strange and ambiguous world we call the dream realm but it would appear that I had arrived at the perfect time, reader. You see, in this particular region of the dream realm resided a neighborhood of upscale families and wealthy business men. Everyone had his nose up in the air but I did not seem to mind. Now there was one family in particular who stood out from all the rest. This might be an ironic statement as the family that stood out the most was very family that had put forth the most effort not to stand out the most. But it seems that their attempts at privacy backfired for it is their obvious effort of reclusion that seemed to spark everyone’s curiosity. What was this family? What were they hiding? Now there are some things we did know about this family. Or to be more precise were things that the neighbors knew and things that I had learned from them. For one the entire family tree from then until now was exclusively human. There was no non-human blood dripping into the family’s gene pool which, among the dream realm’s incredibly divers population, is a fact worth mentioning. The reason for this is simple: the family inbred. Like other rich families before them they believed in keeping these things within the family. It was the idea of sharing wealth with “outsiders” that really did seem to repulse the family more than the sexual vice of incest. Another thing is the simple fact that the old man who owns the family business is about to bite the dust. Now the family was so well sheltered that many members did not realize how famous they were. However, they would have to come out of hiding soon enough as their father had just died and now the multibillion dollar business is up for grabs. There was no standard next of kin inheritance here. It seems their father would have preferred a much more interesting alternative. There would be an auction held among the family and the business would go to the highest bidder. This is where the true nature of the family was made apparent. They came out from behind the veil of anonymity for the first time in decades and the spectators were in for a big surprise. The family was not united in the way that people once believed. Many of the family members were actually quite immature and they were fighting over one thing, the business. Another thing that surprised the denizens was that the family was no longer exclusively inbred. There were Khajit among the family members, which means that at some point in history a Khajit has managed to wriggle his way into the gene pool. Now the auctions took place at an amphitheater just outside of the neighborhood and it was not a silent one. I sat far right of the auctioneers along with everyone else there. They all watched in amusement laughing at the immaturity of these people. I had no feelings either way but the denizens who were watching the spectacle clearly had lost all respect for this family. After the auction the families were talking about what had happened and what was revealed. “I cannot believe they are out and about after so long.” One of them said. I asked an upper class woman why there were so many Khajit among the family members and she said, “It would appear that at some point in history a member of their family slept with a Khajit.” A Khajit. Someone slept with just one Khajit and yet now there were so many. This told me that even after this one misstep the inbreeding had not ceased. The Khajit were now just mixed in with the vice.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening (...) I live in a poor neighbourhood. My family sells clothes in a small shop in a shady corner. Some bullies come to collect money from us, but they get more interested in myself and I have to run through back alleys to escape them. At some point I enter a back door of a building and find myself at some kind of posh shopping center. I continue running, but I have time for some observations. I see, for instance, a lady trying on some jewelry the shop keeper put over the counter and as they turn around for a second, I manage to grab a beautiful necklace, but I throw it away before exiting with it. It would be so helpful to sell it and make some money for my family, but I can't. It's not so much that I find it absolutely wrong, but I believe there's a good chance it has an alarm of some sort and I would be caught and it really wasn't worthwile. So I drop it and keep running. I exit through another door and I find myself crossing an oriental-style spa. It's so soothing, but if they see me there, I'll be caught and jailed, so I keep running. I finally exit the building and get to a non-urbanized area, by a riverbed. The sun is setting and I duck under some bushes. I stay there until it's dark and I sense that there's no one looking for me. I then walk through a dirt road and I find a well. I look at it and see the moon reflected on the water and I feel an absolute sense of peace and detachment. I touch the rough stones of the well and have a strange feeling that they are moving. Scared, I fall on the ground and covered in mud, I see a dragon arising from the well, the stones becoming his scales. Is he going to hurt me? I feel that it's up to me. It all depends if I run from him or if I tame him. So, in a corageous decision, I grab some scales on his neck and I decide to ride it. He turns his head and looks menacing, but then he talks to me and he says something magic I can't pronounce even if I wanted. But I understand he is going to take me somewhere. He drops me at some big palace like hotel or something. I wonder how I can go inside covered in mud, but then he merges with me and his scales transform into a beautiful golden scaled mermaid strapless dress and I look like a queen. The doors open for me and I'm inside. But I keep feeling a stranger and everytime I cross paths with someone on the lobby, at the hallways, I fear that they will see through me and notice that I don't belong. But they don't. I see everyone heading to some kind of concert room and I follow them, trying to mingle. Some old rich couple starts talking to me, I have to lie about a few things, and I wonder if I'll be asked for a ticket a the door and look stupid for not having one. They do ask for ticket and I don't have, but the way I look, they don't even doubt I haven't paid for the show, they believe I just forgot and allow me in. I can't believe it is so simple. Some guy offers me a coat and then I see why. The doors open to an open air amphitheatre over a hill and it's a chilly night. We take our seats and we get a package. If we're on an even row we must open it to the right and if we're on an odd row we must open it to the left (or vice-versa). Inside are some kind of 3D goggles and other weird gadgets. I wonder what this show is about. Then I see some kind of gigantic molecular structures with lights floating above us and I'm said the show is about to start.
Just a small aside; not even two weeks after rejoining I've had three lucids... Knew being involved here would do the trick! I had several small dreams last night, but they were dull so I'll cut to the chase. I am sitting on a red velvet couch in an incredibly elegant ballroom. Red velvet curtains twenty feet high have been drawn across all the windows, and beautifully polished wood pillars stretch upwards fifty feet to the cathedral ceiling. A glimmering chandelier hangs above the ballroom floor, casting a golden hue across the room. I know I am waiting for someone, but whom I'm not sure. Suddenly, a beautiful Latino woman tackles me off of the couch. Before I know whats happening, she begins hurling fireballs at me. I remember that I'm spider man, and I begin slinging around the room, even though my webs are invisible. Her flames are flying everywhere, but the room is impervious to fire or magic, as nothing catches. I sling some webs at her but they seem to have no affect. Finally, I hide behind one of the luxurious curtains and get a good look at her - gorgeous, and in a white dress with a large cleavage swoop and quite long train. The beauty of both the place and the woman jolts me into lucidity. As soon as I become lucid she lowers her hands, and turns to look me in the eye, smiling. Most dream DC's I encounter go still and brain dead when I become lucid, but not this one. I walk slowly out from the curtain and I am suddenly in a tuxedo, and I have the overwhelming feeling that this is my ballroom. "You're finally awake!" she says with a smile, which I must admit creeped me out. Usually in my lucids whatever plot was occurring vanishes, but not so here. "Dance with me" she requests, as the two of us embrace in fine ballroom posture. We begin sweeping around the ballroom in the most elegant waltz of all time. My heart is in my throat as I haven't had a lucid this clear in months. After a few moments of our sweeping dance, I try to recall the task of the month, and recall the basic one about asking New Years resolutions. The effort of remembering causes me to dance clumsily and nearly lose lucidity. I stop dancing to look at my hands and surrounding to anchor myself, and notice that the red paint of the walls has become a Christmas wallpaper of green gold and red. I look at her and her beauty makes me nervous to speak to her, even though I know its all a dream. I ask her her New Years resolution. Suddenly, she sweeps me up and begins to lead like I was a few moments before. She is leading so hard that she seems to just pick me up and hover me across the floor in an aggressive dance. She spins me and dips me like a lady and I take this to mean her resolution was to take control, whether it be dancing or something deeper. I find it funny that I am being held in a dip, and I allow myself to lose lucidity and wake up grinning. WHAT A COOL DREAM!
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false-awakening I'm a college student of a small town, who has a secret business my parents don't know of, and which made me secretely rich. Because they'd disapprove the source of my earnings, I keep a hobby of nightly UFO watching with "friends" on the plateau looking over the town. Some day I meet a guy that looks and talks just like Samuel L. Jackson. He his charming at first and I feel taken away by his seductive moves, but at some point he starts making indecent proposals and I push him away. He doesn't take a no and starts being pushy and threathening me. We fight on the street and eventually there are some witnesses who make him stop attacking me. He is ready to run away but first he threathens to destroy me. He shouts he will reveal my UFO watching "activity" and I say I'm not embarassed by people knowing that I do that. He smirks and say "Oh, but I have pictures of what you really do on that UFO-watching time!" OMG! Nobody can know! Then I remember I am rich and can hire a chinese assassin to take him out of the picture. (why chinese...?)
Updated 10-03-2013 at 11:35 AM by 34880
May 05 - 8:56 a.m Sitting in a casino with lavish surroundings with a guy who looks like Birdman. He had rings on all fingers and lots of diamond chains on. He had diamonds in his teeth, i was sitting across from him in the casino environment talking with him and i got to see an in depth look into his lifestyle. At first i thought he was on hard drugs the way he was talking to me because he talked like he was putting little effort to pronounce the words, very quiet and mumblish. Once he took his glasses off and looked into my eyes i got the feeling he wasnt on hard drugs, he was just the most intelligent being ive ever seen, it was an intence feeling seeing his eyes, its even hard to describe. He had cataract looking eyes , they were very glazed , very bright light blue eyes, they looked like ice almost. He told me" Never take from the earth. Don't even touch it unless you absolutly need it, even if some1 is offering it to you. Crazy feelings. I woke up right after he said that because my window was open and i was freezing. i keep dreaming about the sun and sun related things, like his cataracts. Ive been looking at the sun for 2 weeks now and i have filthy rich people show up in my dreams recently.