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    Memorable Dreams

    1. I dream most vividly right before my alarm.

      by , 08-31-2010 at 04:33 AM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      And what I mean by that is I'll routinely wake up an hour or less before my regular alarm clock and realize I remember something. So I'll write it down. It's usually short. And then I'll fall back asleep and in that last 30 mins or so I'll have my most vivid and detailed dream of the night. It's something worth looking into, I think, and I'm going to look into maybe doing an alarm every half hour for the last two hours of my regular sleep. Maybe I'll couple that into the DEILD if I can remember to do it.

      I am in Brew and Grow and the rest of the crew is there we are chilling out behind the counter like normal when some guy in glasses comes in. He's a few inches taller than me and going bald. He has a beer gut so he looks like a typical customer. He walks over to me and asks for a "20 amperage setup". I'm annoyed because that isn't the normal lingo we use in the store for figuring out what people need. So I ask Mike to take over for me and he does and ends up grabbing the guy a 150 lumatek. The guy says that was the rig he was looking for and he needs a bulb with 150000 lumens. I tell him there's no way he is gonna get that kinda power out of a 150 and I lean down and pull out a 1000w Hortilux Blue and crack it as I stand back up. I grimace and he laughs. I tell him I accidentally broke it but he's gonna need a bulb similar in power.

      I go to the computer and I ask my manager what I should so about the busted bulb. I tell him I don't want to tell Jenny (our inventory girl) because the bulb I broke is super expensive. He tells me just to throw it away and I tell him that I don't want to lie to anyone. I throw it away though.

      Now some other guy is here. He comes in and slaps a black computer tower in the counter and I'm immediately annoyed. I tell him flatly that we don't fix computers. But I know what it is. It's one of those secret growing containers. I refuse to help him because we do not help people doing illegal things. So I let someone else take care of him too. He leaves and I notice that he goes walking away with the first guy and I also notice that he left the tower. I ask why and Mike says he is gonna try to fix it.

      I then see Julie by the computer and she is wearing a big coat. I then realize it's cold in here and she says she is going to turn the fan off. At the same time Alex starts playing some odd music and looks at me with Antrim and says "From the party!" but I don't recognize it. Mike apparently does because he walks by and says: "How do I know what this is?"

      And then a large group of women walk into the store and stand there quietly before turning around and all leaving at once. Creepy
      I am on some sort of website for a game I, in my dream, used to run. However in my dream I had given it up and handed it over to this member of my forum. I read this news post where this new owner mentions how hard of a time she is having getting the game ready to go and there is a bunch of sad and upset replies in the thread. I skip ahead to the last page and see a bunch of screenshots of the game. It's 16 bit and mapped out similar to Pokemon. I'm walking around the town as if I'm playing it and i start to like it. I see this wifi battle building several times though.
      And finally..

      The dream begins with me, Julie, and Mike pulling up to this gorgeous tropical island. Instead of docking the boat a guide, Matthew Mcconaughey, asks us to transfer over to a smaller boat so we can paddle ashore. We do and as we do it starts to rain.

      And now we are all swimming in the water and Matthew leads us through this crystal clear water around the island. This group of girls next to me goes diving under water to explore. Everything is crystalline. There is a school of fish swimming around. It's gorgeous.

      Now we are on shore and I am in some sort of kitchen with an open view of the ocean and way we arrived. There is a urinal to my right and a few people talking about stuff behind me. I go to use the restroom and the I put my laptop on the kitchen counter. I almost set it on top of Mikes laptop but instead I put if on top of a cutting board. I see a book on the counter with the initials EoT and I read the first little bit. As I read it I am suddenly transported into the world of the book. It's sine future world similar to Pandora but darker and more advanced.

      I get a hold of my friend and we talk about how cool the island is when suddenly I get suspicious for some reason. I pull Matthew aside and tell him I think we've been tricked. I don't think he's in on it and I think he'll try to help us.
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    2. 8/30/10 Keep 'Em Coming!

      by , 08-31-2010 at 01:29 AM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      I just had my 6th LD last night. I think I'm making some awesome progress.

      -Lonesome Much?-
      I was laying in my mom's bed on my laptop. I think I was surfing the internet and saw a news post. I saw a picture of a little girl unconscious or dead on the ground. Under the picture, was the headline: "Is it true that the Hathaway children might have permanent birth defects?" After seeing this, I closed the laptop and then walked out of the room. I saw Sam on the bigger laptop playing an online game. I walked up the stairs and she bounded up beside me and then she walked into my brother's room. I said something to her but I don't remember what I said. Feeling alone, I walked into my bedroom and closed the door. I turned on all the lights in my bedroom, Sam's bedroom and the bathroom. It was weird because one switch didn't work. After this I went back into my bedroom and noticed a patch of moonlight beside my bed. I sat on my bed, and made a cross with my fingers in the reflection. It was a very peaceful moment. Then I woke up. This dream felt very real.

      -Mom's House, Again?- ~Lucid
      It started out in my mom's living room. I was standing in between the chairs that faced the TV. I immediately noticed that I was not supposed to be there. So I RCed, and became lucid.

      I walked into my mom's room and noticed that she was asleep. I looked to my left and saw Sam lounging in a chair playing with her phone. I said, "Hey! I'm dreaming! Do an RC so you can be lucid too!" I was going to try to do a shared dream with her. "Hold on." She said. Then walked away. While I waited, I went back into the living room and tried to imagine Taylor Lautner once more (he's sooo hot ). Fail. I went back into my mom's room and told her that I was dreaming, but she didn't really think anything about it.

      I walked over to the other side of her bed and picked up a book. I opened it to a page, and tried to read it. It was a crazy mess. Here and there were snippets of sentences, and in between there were numbers, letters, and foreign symbols. By this time Sam came back and I read a sentence out of the book to her and she started laughing.

      I walked back out of my mom's room and decided that I wanted to fly. I kept flapping my arms and jumping up, but nothing really happened. Then I woke up.

      Updated 12-11-2010 at 04:11 PM by 32984

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    3. Shared Lucid and First Creature Summon

      by , 08-31-2010 at 12:23 AM
      I'm in a car with my girlfriend, she's driving and we're going to her mom's house. We get there and tell her about the new bunny we just bought named Cuni (pronounced "koo-nee" short for Cuniculus, which is Latin for rabbit) We leave and she's driving again, then I look over and ask: "Is this Roanoak?" she replies yes. I look out the window and notice we're not on the ground anymore and the ground that is visible is waving around like ocean tides, I become lucid. I look over at my girlfriend and tell her: "Babe! This is a dream! We're dreaming right now! This is a shared lucid dream, come on! Become lucid!" She accepts this and I excitedly jump out of the car (holding my girlfriend by the hand, taking her with me). Falling down I notice we have too much speed and I sprout giant white angelic wings, seeing this my girlfriend also grows wings; we then softly come closer to the ground.

      We land on top of a building, in the middle of a dense city filled with giant sky scrapers (like New York City on steroids haha). Since i had the angle wings already I felt that I should have some armor to match, so I look up conceive what it looks like and affirm that I'm wearing it and then look down; wallah! I'm wearing armor similar to that of the Spartans in 300, but instead of the bronze armor it's a deep brown with golden trim; and instead of the red cloth underneath it's tattered, battle-worn black clothe. Since I have all that going on I felt as though I should have a minion of some sort, so I place my hands in front of me with my fingers spread outwards as much as possible. Staring intensely at the ground in front of me, a ring of fire appears in the sand (as there was a large patch of sand in the corner of the rooftop); it started as a single flame from what you might see from a lighter, then it grew on an invisible line forming a perfect circle. I raised my hands towards the sky and the flames followed in suit, what was once a ring of fire was now a column of fire. I put my hands back down and the flames again, followed in suit. Then in the same place where the giant flame column stood, there was a demon with black armor, red skin with great red wings, giant curling horns, cracked hooves, rows upon rows of snarling and drooling teeth, and terribly angry green eyes. It looked at my girlfriend who then proceeded to scream, then it looked back at me and roared; in one fluid movement I leaped in the air towards the demon and with both feet drop kicked him in the face, breaking some of his teeth as well as his nose. Knocked to the ground and beneath my feet the demon was in a daze, I put one foot on either side of his neck and violently twisted, this snapped his neck and killed him.

      I reached out and grabbed a sword and shield (after summoning that insanely awesome demon, conjuring up some weapons came very easy haha) and raised the sword into the air; then from around the corner of one of the buildings flew a majestic Pegasus, it landed in front of me. I hopped on and pulled my girlfriend up, who had summoned a spear and was also wearing similar armor (apparently if she sees me do something, she knows it's possible and is then able to do it as well). Zooming around through this never ending city, this eternal forest of skyscrapers there were fearsome monsters everywhere. I slashed the smaller ones with my sword and held the reins in my shield hand; but then we came across a gigantic cyclops with an enormous wooden club. This beast was just as tall as the buildings (and mind you, these buildings were so tall that I couldn't see their base) and he began swinging his club at us, trying to swat us out of the sky. I doge his attacks one after another, but after several attempts he finally grazes the back end of my winged horse; a mere glance but powerful enough to send us plumeting... i wake up a split second after we're hit.

      Unfortunately, my girlfriend only remembers the first paragraph (actually she doesn't even remember becoming lucid, so only the first half of the first paragraph). I keep telling her to work on her recall, and still she doesn't; oh well, her loss. But like the other shared lucid dream I had, this one was unintentional and just sort of happened. Does anybody else think it's strange that out of my three last lucid dreams, two were shared lucid dreams? Is it normal to have shared lucid dreams that often?
      lucid , memorable
    4. Shared Lucid Retyped

      by , 08-30-2010 at 11:38 PM
      Ok so I actually already wrote this sometime ago, but this site deleted it (or maybe my comp, idk but something screwed up and I lost my entry before I could post it ) But I'm going to summarize, seeing as how I already wrote it in my paper journal I keep by my bed and I hate writing things twice haha (well... this will be the third time).

      Blue = Non-Lucid
      Red = Lucid

      I was in a dumpy looking trailer, with shag carpeting and it looked so dirty I swear I could see the smell of filth looming in the air. Then suddenly the door burst open, it was my friend Aaron who I haven't spoke to let alone seen in close to a year. Given my environment and this strange reunion, I became lucid. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his back, he seemed so distressed I couldn't just leave him there (DC or not). I tried to talk to him, but it didn't really work out; it was like there was some sort of sealant in my vocal cords. Watching my friend i noticed that he would look at something and concentrate on it as though he were trying to make it explode using only his mind; then he would switch his focus onto another object with the same intensity, changing his focus onto something else about every 3-5 seconds. Breathing heavily he said in a hoarse, angry voice: "Come on man! Lets go outside and start some shit!" Then he sprints through the open doorway into the night. I walk outside the trailer and see terrifyingly dark clouds, a sky that was so violent that the plumes of clouds would make it from one horizon to the opposite in less then a second or two. It made me want to run back inside so I could hide from these almost villainous clouds, but I walked out further into the night; the sky became angrier and angrier with every step I took, then I woke up.

      I fell back asleep and reaffirmed my REM cycle before I woke up too much
      In this second dream of the night i was in some sort of public pool/gym. I had much of my focus on the water slides and pools and enjoyed myself a great deal as I splashed down their slopes and ramps. Then I landed under one of those mushroom shaped water pumps you see at many public pools (normally in the kid section) this is where I saw my friend Aaron yet again. (Semi-lucid) He gave me this strange apparatus which he had just sucked on, I proceeded to do the same. I don't know if you've ever done drugs but this felt EXACTLY like waking-life drugs, it amazed me how I knew that I was breathing oxygen sitting in my bed yet I was still able to feel these effects as though I were breathing some sort of inhalant. We continued to suck on this smokeless drug until I woke up.

      So as I stated in the dream, I hadn't seen or even spoke with this friend in close to a year. After I had this dream though he contacted me, and asked me the first question he had asked me in over a year: "Did you have a lucid dream last night?" We then proceeded to exchange stories and were amazed how similar they were. The only difference was that he identified the public pool simply as a public gym, as in his dream experience most of his focus was on the weight machines; and mine was on the water slides. He asked if he had been acting "strange" in any part of the dream, because he told me that he has trouble controlling his emotions while lucid. Describing his typical behavior in lucid dreams matched perfectly with how he was acting in the trailer; being over-focused, yet still distracted.
      Tags: dream, lucid, shared
      memorable , lucid
    5. Four Sword Adventures...er...Three Sword Adventures

      by , 08-30-2010 at 08:23 PM
      I began in this old, creepy shack that was near the edge of a cliff. Not thinking much of it, I went around exploring until I came to this certain room. Inside were three Flaredancers: a red one, a blue, and a green one (enemy on Zelda). They were doing there usual actions such as dancing but they didn't laugh. The three of them quickly grabbed each others hands to form a row. They started to come closer to me and I then realized that I couldn't move. Suddenly a firey barrier of red, green, and blue appeared in front of them and shot at me. I tried to shield myself with my arms since for whatever reason I didn't have a shield. When I reopened my eyes the Flaredancers were gone and the shack seemed to be more depressing, dark, and worn down.

      I hear a door creak open so I go to investigate. I find that my partner, Red, had just entered. I start to ramble on about the Flaredancers and how I was attacked but Red walks right past me like I'm a ghost. So I yell out and wave my arms trying to get his attention but again no reply. It was then that I realized I was in the Dark World while Red was in the Light World. Being my usual smart self, I come up with a plan of using the dust on the floor board to write him a message (this is weird though because I believe Red was carrying it around...).

      The first few words I write out are: help, trapped, etc. I guess the Dark World was draining my energy or something because all I could write was one word at a time. That or I was just lazy XP. Red notices the words but thinks that a ghost is doing it so he says, "whos doing that?" and "whos there?" I faceplam and write down "Purple" (which is odd because his name is Vio not Purple and also, yes I'm Vio in this dream). Finally stupid Red realizes that it's me, the only problem is that he doesn't know how to help me. Coming up with another idea, I tell him to rip up one of the floor boards (now this I so don't get...I guess I thought I could walk up it or something but uh how would that get me out of the Dark World? Not to mention I'm standing on the floor already so...?). Red does as his told. I'm assuming after that I got out of the Dark World but I don't know because my dream skipped on to something else.

      Now onto the other half. This time I'm Green who just so happens to be at the exact same location as Vio and Red were, only they aren't there now or if they are then they must still be inside the shack (Blue was never shown in my dreams for whatever reason). So I'm walking around near the shack with my sword drawn for some reason. Without warning a ugly cyclops rising from the depths of the cliff. I believe that the cliff somehow turned into a lava pit at this point.. Moving on, this thing HUGE!! Probably bigger than a giant goron...

      So it snatches me up by grabbing my sword arm which was my left arm just as Link's would be (though I'm right handed..). The monster says something to me but I can't remember what. I swiftly whip out my hookshot that appearantly was in my pocket just as every other item should be... I target his right eye and fire away, latching on tightly. However instead of flying at the cyclops, (it really had two eyes but it still looked like a cyclops monster to me) I was pulling my hookshot so I could rip his eye out. Which is also weird because hookshots don't work that way but whatever. There was also a strange "clank" noise when I shot his eye so it seemed to be metal? Anyway, I finally managed to pull his eye out but then remember that I'm way up in the air and would probably die if I fell. But of course I woke up just as I was falling so I'll never know if I survived or not...
    6. 4th Dream Journal Entry

      by , 08-30-2010 at 06:29 PM
      Note to reader: Sorry I haven't been writing as much dreams lately. I haven't had any good ones until last night. Also the "cousin" in my dream is not actually related to me. We are just really close family friends so yeah. Malarie is a really close friend of mine as well. And my cousin and her do not know eachother. So here it goes!

      August 30, 2010,

      Ok so the dream started out when me, my 11 year old cousin, and Malarie are playing an online video game. We were like the best players in the game. This was weird because Malarie doesn't even know what the game is. We were staying in this big ass mansion. And it was like a sleep over. I was like "GUYS I have an idea. Wouldn't you like to become even better at the game?" And they were like "YEAH YEAH!" Then I was like "Ok with this video game...you can play on the xbox and you can play your character's and level up past 200 which is the level limit." I was holding up a DVD and they were looking at it amused. I put it in a DVD player to start playing the game. We were sitting there and then a movie started playing about an arena. And this arena took place in World War 2. The Nazis took a bunch of Jewish people and made them fight in an arena to the death. Much like the colloseum of ancient Rome.

      This is kind of what the arena looked like in my dream except a little smaller and there was more dirt in the fighting arena.

      Mal started crying because it started getting really gruesome and gross (also she is Jewish so she gets really emotional about these things). And she said "Do we really have to watch this to get better..??" and I said no we can just switch it to the game. I walked up to the TV to get it and I started getting that weird feeling again! I was slowly going unconcious then in a second I just blacked out. I woke up in the same mansion we were in. except I was alone in the dark halls of it. I was there and I started walking around. Then I got knocked out and kidnapped and when I woke up I was in the arena. This arena...was the same one from the movie we were watching. Then 2 guys grabbed each of my arms and dragged me out into the arena. I was going to fight some guy with like super speed and 2 knives. I was so scared. The guy just absolutely wrecked me. I could feel the pain and the knives piercing me. And I closed my eyes and wished it was over. Then the guy knocked me down on my back and he was declared the winner even though I didn't die for some reason after all those hits. Everyone thought I was dead but I wasn't I was just paralyzed and wasn't moving and I looked really beat up so they just assumed. They took me to the morgue with all the other dead bodies. And after a few days I started feeling better. I got up and started looking around. I was in the mansion again. Apparently the arena was outside of the mansion...so I walked downstairs and found another boy wandering alone.

      This is kind of what the dark hallways of the mansion looked like in my dream.

      It was my cousin who was playing the video game with me and Malarie earlier in the dream. He had a gameboy sort of handheld device that could control reality. And we walked around and found where all the other fighters were sleeping. The girl fighters slept in one room and the boy ones slept in another. As soon as we found them, we knew it wasn't safe. I told my cousin we should get out of here. He agreed and we walked with me out of the room. Then I accidently hit something with my foot and made a really loud noise. I started running to get out of there and my cousin followed me. The fighters were chasing us. And I saw a bathroom or something so we ran in and close the door and locked it. And then I told the boy to type in "@go ellinia" on his handheld device. This code would take us far away from the arena. So he typed it in. The fighters were trying to hit down the door. And I looked at the device in horror hoping it could work already! I looked at the device, and it only took his game character to Ellinia, not us. The fighters barged down the door. And saw us there. Then they started laughing because it looked pretty weird that 2 boys were in a small bathroom together. They dragged us out and my cousin disappeared. They kept dragging me somewhere. Then a woman who was just surrounded with an aura of light appeared and she gave me this bottle of liquid.

      This is kind of what the woman's aura looked like except of course it was a woman not a man lol.

      It was a potion. I took it and then suddenly I became invisible and untouchable. Everyone started looking for me and I didn't know what to do, I tried getting out of there but I couldn't find an exit. The invisibility wore off, and they spotted me. I had to think fast. I created a huge vortex so that it would suck in all the fighters that were chasing me. After it sucked them all in, the vortex turned into a small bowling ball. I created a giant treasure chest and opened it and dropped the bowling ball in it, shut it and locked it. It started rumbling and made noise like it was gunna open. I ran. Then this evil woman got me. I tried taking another sip of the potion but the bottle was empty. She took me to a blank room. And it was much like the arena except no dirt and no dust. It was just a blank room and a white hard floor.

      Kind of like this except without the windows and furniture.

      She started telling the audience, "THIS is what happens to a runaway." and she transformed into a giant snake. And I knew she was going to attack me, so I closed my eyes and when she hit me, I felt no pain. I opened my eyes again. She was startled. Then she said, "Let's see if Mr. Hotshot can handle a bullet to the head." and I yelled NOO! I knew this was going to kill me there was no way I could defend myself. I closed my eyes and I heard the bullet shot. The bullet hit my head and shattered on contact. I felt no pain. I opened my eyes. The woman was afraid. I stood up (because I was on the ground on my knees.). The crowd roared. I pulled out a desert eagle. I aimed it at the woman. I put my finger on the trigger. And then I woke up this afternoon at 12:13.

      Updated 08-30-2010 at 06:44 PM by 35750

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. The end of the Earth

      by , 08-30-2010 at 04:22 PM (Ruesia's Dream Journal)
      I had this dream the night of 08/29/2010.

      I remember I was at some sort of debate/speech competition. We were on a large, expansive campus. I had the feeling it was in the desert; there was little brush or vegetation around and the buildings were tan. I was one of the coaches in charge. M., my fiance, was there. I knew he was in the large cafeteria/dining hall with the students. The league president of the area suddenly drew a meeting. He had a large map up on a projection screen and the coaches crammed around it. He told us there had been a bomb threat. We all grumbled, as if this happened often. I remember asking if we should take it seriously. The league president, K., said that due to protocol, we had to. We all began arranging our things when the atmosphere changed. Someone had gotten a call or somehow we knew that this threat was not only real, but it had been received around the world. Our map now started sprouting new threats in the area, big yellow boundaries being drawn in the counties threatened.

      I didn't have a phone, and I suddenly rushed to the cafeteria to find M. Students were streaming from the cafeteria, and I frantically searched for M. I couldn't find him and I was screaming for him, running around in the crowd. I could feel the fear in everyone around me and I finally spotted M in the distance. I started running, but I felt as if I were running in slow motion. I couldn't run fast enough. The skies started to turn dusty and the crowds thinned as people tried to get away.

      In the distance, I saw my horse, Deacon. I whistled to him and he turned. I whistled desperately again and he turned and game galloping toward me. I was still trying to reach M. Deacon leapt over two fences and I was suddenly leaping onto his back. I felt the only way to get away was to ride away on him, because no one had vehicles and I knew we wouldn't survive this explosion.

      I turned Deacon towards M and M swung on behind me. I then turned Deacon away from the buildings, toward the open desert, and we started off.

      But then we were in the ocean. We were deep down, at the depths, and I remember we were enshrined by some sort of spider-like creature and we were caught in her web. She was talking to us. M was there and I remember being so relieved. He was some sort of worm and I was some sort of crab. I remember we talked to the small, red spider as she brought us down to the sea floor. It was tropical looking water. She was telling us we would be safe here, in the ocean, at the bottom, while the world rebuilt itself. That no one would survive the explosions, and that only we would survive. That we might be down here for a long time. That our bodies had been transformed so we could survive here in the ocean together. M and I swam around each other and were so happy that we were not apart. I remember feeling so happy.

      I then remember 'waking' up in a train station. It was dusty outside. There was a train enginge outside a glass-walled building. People were sitting inside on the benches. I thought, "Oh no, my body is still up here!" As if part of our soul had been transferred down into the ocean, but my other half was up here. I remember screaming out for M , but he was nowhere. Conductors looked at me angrily for being loud. No one seemed concerned, but I knew we were being evacuated. But what I knew was this explosion would obliterate life on the surface of the planet. I then looked at the train engine and noticed a spark. It was like the spark from a gas line, sparking and trying to catch. I turned to run inside, but my feet moved so slowly. I screamed "HEY" and dove into the walls. The engine exploded.

      Then, I was standing next to the engine, but I was inside. The scene was quiet. I was right back where I had woken up before, as is back in time. I turned and noticed the spark on the engine again. I became panicked and rushed to hide behind something, knowing I wouldn't be saved. The engine exploded. A great roar.

      I was back in time, back in the station. I suddenly ran to people, pleading them to help me. I knew M was in the ocean, waiting for me, and that my mind and consciousness was up here, on the surface. I was sobbing and begging people to help me. I was crying and I remember asking anyone who listened to please help me, I needed to get back. I was so overcome with grief. I felt like my heart was exploding. As I was sobbing, sitting on the bench, I heard the ticking of the spark on the engine. My mood turned for the worse and I was completely engulfed in despair. I lowered my head and waiting for the explosion once more, knowing I would never rejoin the love of my life and that my body down there would soon be lifeless and I would leave M all alone, waiting for eternity, waiting to come back up and find my body.

      I woke up and was still raptured with the pain and despair.

      Updated 08-30-2010 at 04:34 PM by 35609

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    8. Amongst the painted clouds

      by , 08-30-2010 at 01:53 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      This dream starts off with me watching Peter Jackson's rendition of the Lord of the Rings movie, the Fellowship of the Rings. Everything seems like it is in virtual reality or 3D and I am viewing the movie from the inside. I can move myself around and view everything from any angle I want but I am invisible to the characters in the film.

      The part of the film taking place is when Gandalf is imprisoned atop the Tower of Orthanc in Isengard and he looks over the edge to view the destruction of the trees and the beginning of Saruman's war industry. Everything feels very real like I am really there and watching a real event take place, even though paradoxically it feels as if my body is laying down on a bed.

      As the scene progresses a thick fog rolls in enveloping the top of the tower and making it impossible to see the things occuring on the ground below. Gandalf disappears and there is suddenly quiet, and along the edges of the tower's platform many standing easels appear with painting canvases on them, all facing towards the center where I am. At first the canvases are blank but as the fog swirls around them streaks of grey colour slowly start to appear, as if the fog was being imprinted on canvas or if the fog was doing the painting. The images look like rouge renditions of clouds or of the fog itself.

      I can feel the fog as it swirls all around and it is cold and damp, like sheets of cold silk being pulled across my skin, and at first I fear that I am being painted on too but when I look down I cannot see my body because it is either not there or invisible.

      The scene changes and I am in a painting studio somewhere in Renaissance Italy. It is nighttime and the room is dimly lit by a few candles and is filled with the thick fog from the previous scene. Men of various ages start entering the room from a door on the west side of the room but it is too dark to see there faces. They all sit or stand at canvases around the room and begin painting in the dim candle light despite the thick fog.

      A large window on the east side of the room begins to light up as the sun begins to rise and as it does so I can see the men's faces and what they are painting. The men are all famous painters throughout history, from the late medieval period to the late 19th Century and even though they are dressed according to their specific time period, they are all painting pictures of clouds, under the direction of a man dressed in black Renaissance style clothing whom I think is Leonardo daVinci.

      I am in awe of all the painters and am entralled to be able to watch them work. As the sun rises further the fog dissipates even more and almost disappears completely. There are all different sorts of clouds being painted: there are thick, dark storm clouds; fluffy white clouds lit by bright sunlight; clouds lit my the moon, and so on. One of the painters is even trying to paint the fog in the room.

      The painting they are creating are incredibly beautiful and I remember thinking to myself "I wish I could paint like that." Everything still feels very real and even though I still feel like I am laying down, I can move about the room to get a closer look at some of the paintings. At one point I stretch out my arm and touch one of the canvases and I can feel the wet paint on my fingers, though I cannot see it because my body is still invisible. (Through all of this I still had the sensation that my body was laying on a bed. I know it is contradictory, but I felt I was both laying down and moving around as if free from my body. I don't know really how to explain it.)

      The day seems to go by too quickly and the sun begins to fade and the room begins to darken. The fog returns and becomes thick again as the sun goes down. The scene changes yet again and I am now indeed laying on my bed in my apartment and I can see my body. The images of famous painters creating images of clouds in a foggy room is still before my eyes, projected on the far wall of my bedroom as if it were a vision or hallucination.

      My room is suddenly full of the clouds they are painting, lit by the setting sun, and I am again entralled by the beauty of it, though my body lays motionless upon my bed as if paralyzed. As the sun sets and the room becomes darker, the painters themselves disappear though the images on the canvases continue as if painted by invisible hands or creating themselves. The beautiful oranges, pinks and purples on the clouds fades to a dull grey and soon I can no longer differentiate the clouds from the fog because it is too dark.

      The light fades competely and everything goes black. The dream ends there because I wake up.

      Updated 08-30-2010 at 02:18 PM by 6048

      non-lucid , memorable
    9. 29 Aug: lucidifying others, auroras, dreams about dreams, matrix-like tested by my guru

      by , 08-30-2010 at 11:44 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:20 GMT - Sleep

      Dream of dreams
      interestingly, my fist dream of the night has often been about dreams themselves. I dreamt something about having special dreams and thinking about sharing them with an audience [as if it wasn’t already happening, LOL].

      1:30 GMT

      Natural landscape
      Don’t recall the story, but remember being on top of very high cliffs, seeing a huge waterfall, flying around a bit over the intense greenery of the valleys and then photo-shopping the landscape – no idea why, but I was applying the blur and smooth tool on the waterfall. For fun, I guess.

      Experiment with tigers and people
      I was watching some wicked experiment in which there were two cages linked by corridor in between. In one cage there are 2 people, on the other there is a hungry tiger. In one experiment, the doors were open and the tigers run to devour the persons. Hideous. On the second experiment there was something put in the middle of the corridor to distract/attract the tiger and then when the doors opened he didn’t eat the persons. It didn’t make much sense.

      Lucid and making others lucid
      This time I was waiting for someone to open a door of a building so I could come in. I was ringing the bell, but nobody was answering. It was night, so I just sat there waiting. Then a black couple appeared and opened the door for me, saying they were sorry having left me waiting outside. I was ok with it. I entered the building and pushed the switch for light and it didn’t turn on. I thought “Weird!” and let the couple do it – they manage to switch the lights on. I realise something is going on and I become half-lucid. I enter this house where I’m staying and I find my cousin S. there (I don’t see her for years). For some reason I go fully lucid and I tell her we’re just dreaming. I don’t think she ever was lucid on a dream so it’s like I’m talking totally absurd things. She ignores me and asks me something about missionaries, maybe for some research project she is doing. Her question also sounds like a total absurd to me, so I insist in saying “We’re dreaming girl! Forget that.” So to prove to her what I’m saying I float and fly around the room. She is surprised and excited and I tell her she can also do it. She then tries and not long after she manages to fly to! She looks like a kid in a candy store, amazed that she is dreaming and flying! I feel proud of her.
      Then my boyfriend comes in and doesn’t understand what’s going on. We tell him “We’re dreaming! You’re dreaming to, join us!”. He offers some resistance but he also ends up believing (at least considering the hypothesis) that he is dreaming but he doesn’t fly. Then my mother also comes in and I’m feeling ever more excited to have this opportunity to “lucidify” so many people at once. I also tell her that we’re dreaming but at this moment I’m simply lying on bed and she has some hard time believing it. I try once again to fly but all I manage now is to float above the bed. She ends up believing me, just for the sake of believing, but not because she knows, so she doesn’t get lucid. All this disbelief let the dream fade.

      5:25 GMT

      Flying to USA
      I am at the airport to fly to the USA. I didn’t tell anybody I was going. I am very nervous for some reason, I think because I am already late and confused about where to check-in. I go to the toilet to take some anti-stress pills. Try to find it on my bag, but I don’t see it. Then I see the today’s date somewhere and I have this impression I am one day too early and look frantically for my e-ticket. Then I realise “Shit, it’s only tomorrow!”.

      Strange phenomena in the sky
      I am at some foreign country (maybe the US!) for some meeting/conference and I am at a gorgeous somewhat retro hotel. I see there many faces I know, some work related, others more personally related. I have this weird feeling inside and go outside to look the sky. My boyfriend is with me. We see strange rainbows, like 3 rainbows on top of each other, but not necessarily parallel and also 3 other smaller bits and pieces of rainbows on each side of the 3 main arches. I think that must not be natural, but caused by some substance in the air that is making those strange light refraction patterns. I look to my left and there’s a mountain covered in thick grey clouds and in between the clouds I can see patches of sky that are intensely pink. I find all those things a bit disturbing but also incredibly beautiful, so I go back to get my camera. When I’m outside again I see something more amazing in the sky. Someone says “Look, aurora borealis”. Now I get a weird feeling that something is not right. I’m supposedly not so higher up north. I imagine solar activity must be really explosive for all this weird phenomena taking place. I think about the travel home and if it is safe to fly as it happens.
      I go back to the hotel and find M.S., this lady friend I know professionally and personally. She just arrived from city centre and tells me there’s a lot of mess going on there. She can’t really explain what it is, but apparently the city is full of people like us coming to events, all happening at the same time, therefore adding more chaos to the city. Later on the hotel entrance they are distributing “emergency bags”. I ask for one and want to know what they are about, but they don’t say and anyway the bag is empty. Big help!

      7:00 GMT

      Looking for a meal in the city
      Again in a hotel (may be the same, don’t know, but the story is slightly different). My guru is staying there to, as well as dozens of people who came to receive teachings from him. I haven’t seen him yet. I am with all the other people in a living room that is completely full. I try to find a seat and can only fit between two other persons in a balcony with view over some lake or river. I thought we were there maybe to have dinner but that doesn't happen and we all go out. We cross this beautiful suspended gardens with artificial waterfalls ending on a pool. I shortcut my way floating over the water ponds and then through the pool. I see a cute turtle and take a picture of it, wondering how I haven’t wet my camera yet. Then we continue walking to the city and look for some restaurant or place to eat. We pass by a huge veranda over an amazing garden and a tennis court – there’s a tournament going on and lots of people are sitting down there and in the veranda, watching the games. This veranda continues and merges with this kind of tunnel that then goes under the garden and takes me to the other side of it. There I find nice streets with fast food and souvenir shops. My companions decide to go to a burger house but I say no way, bye-bye and keep looking for something veggie. I’m not having any luck so I just go to this pizza place and try to get something meat-free. But first I go to the toilet (what else!?).

      Recalling dreams between dreams
      Then I had a strange dream that I was actually between dreams and found my boyfriend there and asked him if he could recall the previous dream we had shared – the one with the auroras. He tries to recall and he can only mention a few elements from the dream hotel that actually match the place, but he doesn’t remember the rest. I am still convinced we shared the dream and tell him that.

      8:30 GMT

      My guru puts me to a crazy mind test
      I am still in that town, walking around. My boyfriend is again with me. We hear some locals saying funny things about the group that is lodged in the hotel: “I’ve heard they’re Buddhists!” "Oh!"
      We smile at each other but decide not to make any comments. We go back to the hotel. It is our last day there, and we all leave just after lunch – this time the lunch is at the hotel.
      The hotel has a restaurant in the ground level, but for this group they’ve set up a room in the upper floor, with only veggie meals (I guess, that’s why the first day we had to fetch food somewhere else – they probably hadn’t yet solved the logistics of the meals).
      I’m looking for some familiar faces and I find my friend R. She is not a Buddhist but I don’t seem surprised to find her there. I ask if I can sit with her, since we have not been in such good terms lately, and she says “Of course, sit”. I don’t think we talked much.
      After eating I just go to my room to grab all my bags and bring them to the lobby. My boyfriend takes some to. Then I remember I forgot something in the floor where we had lunch. I find it already closed so I walk around a maze of stairs and corridors trying to find someone to open the door for me.
      Then I find this foyer where a bunch of buddhist practitioners are still chatting about the events of the past few days, the teachings and so on. I still find weird that I have no recollection of ever seeing my guru after all these days there. And as I think about this, a door opens at the end of this foyer and our teacher (guru) appears. Everybody gets stiff with surprise and respect for him, but he just looks at us and takes 2 or 3 steps slowly moving away. Then he passes by the side of my bag, which is on the floor now, and my cell phone starts to ring. It has a funny Indian music on it (it does, in RL) and the guru asks who's that phone and what is that music. I pick up my bag, take the cell phone out and explain to him it is an Indian ringtone and that I was sure we would eventually like it (I do think that, in RL) He picks up the phone, he is now really close to me and whispers on my ear that he is not really that into the music, but that he wants me to follow him, so that I please come. He opens the door from which he just came, he goes inside and I follow him. The others are just staring with many questions in their minds as I look at them one last time.
      I follow him down some stairs and then through corridors that are all bluish. The walls and ceiling and floor become more and more blue and then he disappears in this small lobby/foyer that is all blue tiled and has 3 doors. I wonder which one he got in and feel afraid that I lost him. I open the big one on my left, but it’s just a grey wall leading somewhere - I see some white light and mist - but I don’t feel attracted to it. Then a second door on my right has a tag name on it and I wonder if that’s the one, when the third door a bit more to the right, a very tiny one, opens up and I see him inside. I am totally surprised when I see it is simply a tiny toilet room! I am “What the hell....”, I was expecting some bigger room, something impressive, but I kinda get the joke. At least this one is immaculately clean. Blue tiles from floor to ceiling and one very white and virgin toilet in the centre. He asks me what am I expecting to go inside and to please close the door behind me. I am like...”Okaaaay”. It’s so tiny! He is close to the back wall and the toilet is in between us. The door is behind me. There’s no space for anything! I have this hope there's a secret door somewhere.
      Then he tells me that no matter what, I will just watch and go with it. No thoughts, no judgement, no fear. Then he plugs an USB plug into a tiny hole in the wall and I hear this loud noise, like electronic music mixed with mechanical sounds. I look up but I don’t see where it could come from. My teacher is dead serious and looks at me in the eyes saying to me so much without really explaining anything. I see trust, but also concern in his eyes. That’s when a blue wall comes out of the lateral wall from my right, in front of the toilet and starts closing him in, separating us. I feel disappointed. I think he is gone and what am I going to do now? That’s when I hear more noise, I turn back to the door and I see another blue wall closing in between me and the door. I freak out and put my arm on the door to open it and think about escaping. But in a split second I remember my teacher saying I must not be afraid of whatever happens! Although I’m shiting my pants of I pull my arm and allow the wall to close in. I am now in between four walls, not able to move. I can’t put my arms up, I can’t sit, I can’t turn and I can’t even breathe too deep. I try to be ok with it, but it's just too much. I panic, I scream and everything goes black. I guess I passed out.

      Then I wake up and stay in bed for half an hour digesting this. I wondered what it was all about and if I had passed or failed some sort of test, when I remembered from The Matrix: “Everybody falls the first time.”

      8:30 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-06-2010 at 01:13 PM by 34880

      memorable , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    10. Dream J 3!

      by , 08-30-2010 at 05:40 AM
      Me and some frieends jumped down a dark hole, one that reminded me of the hole lugia hid in for some reason. I asked my friends if they knew how to beat and capture this beast, I was ignored . We jumped down, the fall seeming endlessand alien like as we passed through layers of multi coloured zones. We landed at the bottom into a cold pool which ressembled the one off WOW We arrived and to my suprise saw a horde of evil looking demonic creatures. I whipped out my mad bankai?/saiyen powers to hold of these monsters. I sent bolts of electricty with my mind towards the advancing waves, their bodies shook violently seeming paralysed whilst I channeled the spell. But there were so many of them I couddn't repel them all, My electric shock was useless, it was single target and only temporarily disabled them, I needed something bigger.

      I was running out of time, out of options and out of ideas. We still hadn't seen Lugia yet. The abominations were closing in, all of a sudden I had a burning/tingling sensation in my throat, the image of fire breathing panda from Warcarft III was stained in my brain. Next thing i knew a mix of fire and lava was spewing out of my mouth into the advancing hordes. I aimed at the faces of my enemy's, their faces sizzled I was in a world of my own, their screams were like music to my ears. Suddenly i was with my companions again. we saw the evil person who summoned these monsters. It was my class mate Ken. This little girlf form kiss ass and her father Big Daddy were my allies and they engaged him. suddenly all three of them chanted the same super saiyen sig move, "kah may kah may yah! " ( or something ) . small balls of radiant energy appeared in the palms of their hands as they slowly grew larger so did the stress and sweat pouring down their faces.

      There was a huge blinding flash, 2 of the beams combined and opposed kens beam. There was an explosion and ripples of energy emanated throughout the room. My friends were blown to pieces before my eyes. It was my turn now. The feeling of some sort of alien energy surging through my body , the rush of adrenaline and saiyen powers as a massive golden ball collided with kens and he was obliterated in a flash of white light. My dream whited out also.

      ~~~~ Kinda added my own story like effect to it.
    11. 200th Lucid - Flipping Cars

      by , 08-29-2010 at 05:22 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This dream was pretty cool.

      I was in the kitchen of my house, although it looked different. It had black granite countertops, light wooden countertops, and an island in the middle of the room, topped with the same black granite. There was a black modern stove in the middle of two pieces of counter, like most people have in their homes. I looked at the clock and was already more aware than normal. I became lucid as my gaze turned to the clock, and it read 5:8, aligned to the left. There was a space where the third number should have been.

      I did my usual simultaneous "yes" and "woohoo", and turned around to face the door, twenty feet or so away, located in the entrance way. I really wanted it to be light outside, unlike previous lucids. This wasn't exactly a false awakening, but I was in my house, and every time I'd exit my house, it would end up being dark outside. However, the lighting in the house was very close to normal, so I was hoping that'd help in keeping the lighting equal. I walked towards the door and opened it, expecting it to be light outside. As the door turned, I became a bit excited because the whole neighborhood was light, as if it were daytime. I slowly walked out the door, expecting my mother to be on the other side, and she was. I ignored her because that was pretty much just a control test, and walked down the driveway and onto the two-lane road. My street's a crescent, so it's a T-shaped road; one large road turns over into a small loop, which was where my house was. There was cars slowly driving by on the road, but in the wrong direction. I recognized this and laughed.

      I looked down the crescent and that was when I saw a shiny red truck, similar to an F-150, going down the street, onto the curb, and then onto the front yards, destroying grass.

      "Stop!" I shouted to it.

      The truck let out a hollow-sounding honk and kept going.

      "Where's my control now?" I cursed, upset.

      Then I saw a young girl, probably four or five years of age tops, playing with a yellow toy dumptruck in the yard. The truck was heading right towards it.

      Should I save her, even if she wasn't real? I didn't want to waste my lucid time doing that. "Fine," I said, somewhat arguing with myself, and ran towards the truck. It began to drive over me when I pushed my hand into the bottom bumper and it shot up into the air, flipping a few times and then landing on its side. Its wheels were still turning as a generic man got out of the trunk... From the bottom of it (not visible because it was overturned and I was on the other side), not using the doors or windows.

      I forgot all about the girl and continued to fling and punch out cars as they drove by. My control had returned; if it hadn't, I'd probably have gotten run over.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:33 AM by 28408

      lucid , memorable
    12. Umineko 101

      by , 08-29-2010 at 01:26 PM (Hiro's Dream Journal)
      I was in a highschool (though not one I ever went to), and junior high English teacher was teaching a class where we were studying the visual novel, "Umineko no Naku Koro ni". This is a pretty awesome idea, so naturally I wanted to talk with her about it, but every time I had a chance, I wasn't paying attention and missed my shot.

      I waited until after class, but as soon as the bell rang, nearly everyone in class got up to talk to her, so there was this gigantic line. I wanted to have a sort of in-depth conversation, so I got in the back of the line, but I had another class to get to, so I was worried I wouldn't make it to the front.

      I woke up before I could get much further in the line.
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. long non-lucid

      by , 08-29-2010 at 11:02 AM
      at least i woke up right away. it was very vivid and realistic.

      girl about to sleep with a man. he is very hesitant but she gets him naked and he precoms on the bathroom floor. she is really a man, about to have surgery on her penis-wearing a weeird devide on it. starts to brush her teeth, then shaves her legs. gets mad when the man still says no and cuts her hair. runs onto a bed, her air is now yellow with black squares...it's very curly and was in braids or dreadlocks before. she has long nails. morphs into same girl singing in a music video, her hair is now in big loose curls. she is singing. then it goes through many different people all singing different things. i feel like i am watching an opera where the stage is a big cirlce and the audience circles around and ther are different things goi g on on differnt sides. 2 nerdy men singing for a while. it ends back on the man/girl and she is at an extra long piano pounding on the keys...half go up and half go down in blocks.

      something about a d and d type game. we find someone to be our "crying baby girl"
      something about a long hallway? that has to do with the above.

      my mom and i are watching the opera and i start playing with these nobs in front of us. 2 holes we put the nobs in and my mom starts running her bare feat along a long flat cord thats below the table. she is moving a giant sheet in front of us. tells me to do the other. it takes me a while to find it, but the cord is behind us, at a 90 degree angle to the otherhuge rotating sheets. eventually we get the sheats to lift up entirely, chairs tables people have to move out of the way. the finally lay down flat. something goes wrong-i get thrown, covered in stuff. trying to cal for help. everyone staring in my direction but no one sees me. i am crying and gagging and dying. i think someone finally finds me??

      walking on a pond

      martha stewart/michelle obama party
      i walk into a fancy party-we hve to climb up the entry way its scary and the walls are filled with little boxes and narrow woden holes to hang onto. i get to top and find martha stewart/michelle obama sitting by a bunch of cooking food on a stadium style area. i take some soup, she glares. i eat some-its good tomoato soup. i tip toe down past but leave my soup up a few steps...i am clumbsy and its too full. she glares again and asks why i didnt get it. i tell her i am too clumbsy but reach back for it. i accidently spill it all on a white poodle/baby. i realize i shouldn't have eaten it as the party is still just getting started. i need to clean the baby so i put it in a pool. it takes a long to time clean, mostly because the baby is playing. it wants me to keep playing. i get frustrated and walk over to the other side of the pool. i have to walk along the bottom and the water is too high to keep the baby out. when i get to eht other side, the baby is very mad.
      i run away to my room. its a huge room in a huge building. the rooms are stadium style again, all built on each other. i am somehow related to michele/martha but this isnt my room. i might get a room eventually. i stand in front of a mirror and think about masterbating. i do a little...im in long wide pants. i look up, and there is a window looking into my room. a man comes and looks out as i am looking and looks creaped out that i was looking in and says goodnight. i say goodnight. i go out to turn off all the lights so i can sleep and try WILD(sheesh!). thats when i notice the other stadium style rooms and how big the place is

      i am by a pool/pond/house. i can hear jeremy talking about how he eneds to work on his thesis but he will probaby fail. we need to beat the russians for something..they are getting close, he method wont work, but he has to prove that so he can move on. i am digging and digging, not sure why. i hit concrete on the pool side. on the house side i hit some concrete but mostly it's open. there are support beams and then a narrow space. it's filled with bugs. it's filled with bees, and pretty much every kind of bugs. i see something giant move and hide. there is a 2 foot long catapillar just hanging out. i tell everyone to run. people start freaking out and we all start leaving. i feel responsible so i jump in the pool and help people leave. i am the last one besides a girl. she is struggling. i go grab her and help. she gets pulled under, i still have her hand. she is under too long and drowns. i take her body out and to the house. we have to cross a pond with a walkway to get there.i tell the owner about the horrible mess. kelso reorts that there are 2 new species that he has never seen before from the few they were able to collect. he shows me through a window. there is a little man made pond and several things floating in the water. some weird ducks. i notice one is a man/alien i somehow know. i excuse him and go grab the man i take off his suits angrily, but i can't not kiss him.
      enjoy kssing him, want to go further, he is scared but somehwat into it. i can't remember how far it goes.
      somehow end up in a strange place(open to the sky, a ring or circle in the middle) talking to this large book/map(large, glowing). it gives me something and tells me to run.
      got a book huge monsters chomp people a little-make them go crazy by removing parts of the brains
      dodging cops, found 2 hostages
      running looking for a plane at some junk yard...plans are made into restuaants and hotels. hide in a hotel. a woman comes in sayinh she is going to marry one of the other men/me. i tell her i am not ready, we just met. she gets angry, says i must have gone to a hotel and married a russian prostetute(a bordella) i say no and start pulling glass out of my mouth...its all along my gums. i keep pulling it out. theres tons. she thnks i am giving her a present and she gets angrier. i like her a lot, but am concerned about my mouth...i keep pulling it out.

      i wake up. it takes me a long time to recall all this. thinking backwards really helped.
      spitting out glass
    14. #134. Transformation

      by , 08-29-2010 at 04:52 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I'm in a nightclub, laughing at something a woman is saying. We have to shout to be heard. There are strobe lights, black lights, and coloured lights changing in time with the music. It's great fun, and utterly normal. There's a lot of alcohol involved.

      I spot the tattoo while I'm sitting at the bar. A woman walks by, wearing a top that reveals her torso. There are Chinese characters tattooed above her navel and to the side, which translate in my mind to "Transformation". I leave the club.

      The tattoo represents a group that I belonged to in a previous life, a school of martial artists. I need to find out what the hell they're doing here, in my city.

      It's daylight. The group has rented out the local campground, and set up a temporary building. When I step inside, I find that the interior is open and airy and entirely out of place. It's set up like a dojo martial arts studio, with hardwood floors and paper windows along the back. The students are lined up, practicing their forms. An old man stands at the front of the classroom. I step into the midst of the group, beside a young woman whose hair is pulled into a high ponytail. I flow through the familiar movements, as easily as I did centuries ago.

      We come to a stop, and I turn to the woman beside me. "Master Lin," I say, inclining my head respectfully.

      She laughs, and the rest of the group files out of the room, following the old man. "Am I a Master?" she asks, eyes twinkling. "You are here to see Princess ___, yes?" She says the name of the princess, but my mind automatically translates it to the English "Blossom".

      I meet her in front of a waterfall. She's on the other side of a narrow stone path, caged on one side by a raging river, and on the other by a treacherous fall. Her long hair flies free in a gentle breeze, and her silk gown flows with the air currents. She turns to look at me, smiling, and I read trickery in her bright aura.

      End Recall.

      Scare Factor: 2/10
      Rating: 5/10

      Hey, Subconscious! China =/= Japan.
    15. My 5th Lucid Dream

      by , 08-28-2010 at 07:43 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Hey all. I can't exactly name this dream, because it involved so much. Here's some details:
      For one, I kept dipping in and out of the dream. Also, I might have been LDEILDing on accident. The transition from one dream to another was so short it might have been one dream. FOR THE BILLIONTH TIME, it was fuzzy. I did, however, make one decision.
      Here it is.

      I started the dream at a party. It was at a house I've never been to before. The place seemed sort of familiar, though. I walked around the kitchen and examined the perimeter. Then I went back into a dimly lit room. There were a few people in there talking and slow dancing. I saw a bed in the back of the room and I walked over toward it. Then I became insanely tired, and fell asleep on the bed.

      I woke up and noticed that I didn't hear any music, or people talking. I walked out of the room to investigate. With the living room lamp on I noticed that I was in my mom's house. I "assumed" that my mom carried me to her bed while I was still asleep. So I went back into her bedroom and fell asleep again.

      This time I woke up in an outside loft, and now I KNEW something was going on. I wondered if I could've been dreaming, so I did a reality check. And I was lucid. I looked around and saw my brother standing on a bridge not too far off, so I walked over there. Then out of nowhere, some guy comes running out with a fishing pole stuck through his body down the middle (wth?). He looked like a mad man on a rampage or something, l0l. He looked like a murderer, and I think he wanted to kill us. Since it was my dream, I had the sudden urge that I wanted to kill somebody. People started gathering around him now, wondering why there was a fishing pole stuck in him.

      I ran up to him, braced myself, closed my eyes, and jumped on him. Since I thought I could do anything in my dream, I reached for the fishing pole and gave a long hard jerk, which gave him serious pain. Groaning, he held a dagger up to my face. I grabbed it to show him who's boss. Almost like in slow motion, I "dropped" the dagger with the tip down, and it planted right into the murderer's chest. He fell over, dead. Then the dream faded to black.

      I must have accidentally done an LDEILD here, but I'm not so sure. The dream opened up, and I was still lucid.
      I was sitting at a computer. It looked like a game screen. It was weird, because there was a menu of games on the screen. One which was lucid dreaming (Once you clicked on it, you had to visualize your scenery and then you would have to step into the computer and be warped to where you visualized). I tried clicking on it but it wouldn't work; instead it brought me to another game that almost looked like an online game. (like FreeRealms) My brother was in the other room on his PS3, playing some racing game. So I guess that's why I couldn't access the lucid dreaming "game". I closed my eyes, and tried to imagine my neighborhood, but it just wouldn't work.

      I was warped to... what seemed to be a dentist's office. I was sitting in one of the comfy chairs. I picked up a dictionary, and opened it up to the last page, which was the M's. In the next room, I heard Jenette McCurdy say, "Mom, I'm scared." l0l. It was so weird. (Which made me think of the dentist episode of iCarly)

      Staring at the dictionary page, I tried to imagine the neighborhood once more, but to no avail.
      I think I woke up after this.