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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. 1/4/2016

      by , 04-01-2016 at 08:14 AM
      1) I was in the dining room of my childhood house (again!) talking to a colleague(?) who handed me a wallet belonging to another doctor. I felt that there was something seriously wrong and felt something evil about the wallet. It fell to the floor and seemed to move by itself, I started to feel very uneasy. I phoned the doctor who owned it, no answer so I left a message. Then things started to get very strange. Things were moving around on the floor. The wallet jumped at me. I was stood in the corner and started to feel freezing cold, I could see my breath. I turned around and asked the person with me what was going on. We both knew that a very evil presence was with us, it turned into a nightmare. I was breathing very fast and woke up.

      2) Driving down a road came to a big dip in the ground that was full of thick fog. Drove into it very slowly, with bright headlights on I could only just see enough to crawl through very slowly. Came up the other side and went for a walk in some woodland. Had to drive back through. The fog was clearer now and I could see more and got through more easily.

      - set off for work this morning and immediately hit a thick fog bank - strange
      Tags: doctor, evil, fog
      non-lucid , nightmare
    2. Dream #2 of 2 Today

      by , 04-01-2016 at 12:39 AM
      So in my dream I was at this country music concert & gonna perform with a bunch of other ppl & Blake Shelton was there. We were all in a big dressing room & I dropped my eye shadow that had a bunch of colors in it & they all got jumbled & broken inside. Some woman suddenly started asking me for eye shadow & I told her mine broke but I have another one & she got all hoity toity & said she needed "high quality" eye shadow & I said sorry but I can't afford "high quality" eye shadow but she used it anyway. And I was thinking what a Bitch she was, lol. But after that we all went out to perform w/ Blake on the stage & per usual, my cat Meesha came & woke me up... Oh well, it was not lucid & it was only more of a sleep fragment anyway.. Hopefully tomorrow will be diffferent.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. My dream about a rocket

      by , 04-01-2016 at 12:21 AM
      Dream #1 of 2 today:

      So that this makes sense to anyone reading this you should know the following. I used to work at the place where my husband works which is called Eagle Picher Technologies, & they build batteries that go into the space shuttle, rockets & secret stuff etc for the government...(Both my husband & I worked in Quality Control) I was injured there & that's why I can't work any longer. But we call it EP. And second Petra is from the tv show "Jane the Virgin" & "Blake Shelton" is a country singer/a member of the show "The Voice." But then again if you don't know who Blake is you've been living under a rock, lol ... Okay, so in my dream I was at EP & a whole bunch of use were taking turns with a welder working on a battery & then Petra comes in & I follow her, but not like normally follow her, it was more like remote viewing her at this point for some reason. She's trying to steal a rocket. But as I follow her we run into some Russian's who had gotten there first & they see both of us & then my cat woke me up in real life & it was over... It was a very vivid dream but unfortunately not lucid.
    4. 3/31/2016

      by , 03-31-2016 at 11:56 PM (BloodSand's Dream Journal)
      I'm in an airport with family. The airport has a lot of elevators and is very crowded. I'm trying to sort out some kind of mix up with some paper work for my grandmother and people keep reading a brand name on my sweatshirt and thinking that is my name, others mistake me for my grandmother when I present her papers. At some point I'm not sorting out paper work or talking to airport workers and more and I've split off from my family. I notice a girl sitting on a marble ledge by a food court. She has short hair dyed various colors in some places. I remember seeing green and at least two other colors. I walk up to her and something to the effect of “hello cutie”. She says hi and ask me what kind of music I like. I tell her I like just about every type of music but country. She says something to the effect of “Come on you've got to do better then that. I'm not interested in guys who can't answer this question correctly.” I get annoyed thinking I don't want to deal with a girl who thinks like that so I start to get up to walk away. She stops me. Her challenge of the question apparently being a bluff. She kisses me and sits on top of me. At some point I find we are having sex but I don't remember taking my pants of or even pulling myself through my pants. As she's grinding on top of me we scoot a bit on the marble ledge into a spot slightly less in view of the bulk of the crowd. She says something like “oh this is so nice I can't believe I'm not paying for it.” I sort of laugh and say “Oh no charge, but if we get fined for public indecency you're welcome to pick up the bill.” I then realize we are still out in public sitting on that marble ledge. I suggest somewhere more secluded so we head into the women's bathroom. It's still pretty crowded in their and not very clean. We head over to the men's bathroom thinking it's probably empty compared to the women's bathroom. It was bigger but even more crowded and kids including girls that were in their with their fathers presumably. There were a couple of isles in there strange as it was so we hoped to find a place that was less in plane view.
    5. #218 - Ball game

      by , 03-31-2016 at 11:27 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I was playing a ball game with a bunch of people who are the same age as me, plus a couple teachers too. It was day time in my old primary school, though it seemed a little like a university and that fields were bigger. The ball game was a little odd, you basically grabbed a bunch of balls and you have a goal on each side (like soccer) but your way of scoring was usually dependent on your 'stats'. The stats were generic DnD style, str, dex, con, int, wis, cha. I think my brother or maybe a friend was playing too, and he had a very high strength stat so he would always punch the ball to score. Apparently this was the meta, but I had exceptionally high dex (like 18+ or something) so I was a kicker. There were 3 fields we played on, the first field I remember grabbing 6 balls and it was intense because there's a lot of balls to attack with and defend from. We migrated to the second field and this time I grabbed 5 balls for the game, it was still pretty intense. I remember my brother punching the ball and scoring, the power from it was intense. Eventually we migrated to the third field as school finished or something. The sun was setting a little bit, it was still bright out but the sky had an orange tinge. The amount of balls in this game wasn't really clear until later. I remember zipping about, I had the ball and was dribbling like a pro soccer player. At one point I think I'm vsing my brother and I just completely bypass him with a flip and some incredible dexterous foot maneuvers. I think I score a point, everyone is a little surprised at how effective my high dexterity stat was. I go to get the ball from the goal post, I scoop up 5 balls, they're all baseballs. 1 of them is 1/3 the size of the other normal ones, I thought this was weird. I wake up after that.
    6. DJ#130: Computer sreen and fragments galore

      by , 03-31-2016 at 09:09 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      I know I had 2 or 3 big long dreams but I tossed around as I woke up and they flitted away :/
      Fragment: Talking with Jamie

      Dream 1: I was at the dinner table and a computer screen was there in front of me. My dad pointed this out to my sister who started hitting it and laughing.

      Fragment: Something about Dylan

      Fragment: Something about basketball
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. 03.31.2016 Broken Ladder

      by , 03-31-2016 at 08:50 PM
      Lack of sleep the whole week. After Easter I have been cleaning and focused on getting some extra things done around the house. As a result, I have been sleeping a lot later 11pm ish.

      DR 1

      I was in a bar/restaurant. I was with two other people that I don't know. I went to the bar and ordered Sambuca. (I have not tasted Sambuca in years, so this was a surprise.) During the course of the dream I frequented the bar, ordering 3 total after going to a dimly lit room (empty dance floor?).

      DR 2
      I was with a man. We were trying to escape something or someone. We could see the second floor of a loft from where we were standing. We saw a ladder and thought we could use it to get to the second floor.
      The guy started climbing first and I helped him up. (Weird, because I am a lady and ladies are supposed to go first!!) When it was time to go up, I noticed the wooden ladder was kind of weak and seemed like it would break soon. I evenly spread my weight on both sides as I climbed. I almost reached the top when the ladder broke. It broke, but not before I could grab on to two thick wooden pegs at the base of the loft floor. So I'm dangling. I realize I am wearing heels, (pink ones) and I kick them off one by one. First, I try swinging my body and gaining momentum to make it up. That doesn't work. I finally just pull myself up and bring my right foot onto one of the pegs to climb up. The guy I helped never helps me. I make it up by myself. I wake up exhausted.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Game theory

      by , 03-31-2016 at 08:22 PM
      I had a dream sign but it doesn't seem to relate to something happening in my waking state
      so it must be symbolic of something. Trying to tell me something. Maybe that i'm trying to figure out the best possible route to take with my life

      D1 - I am in a game world but it is all very primeval. The world is vast watery in texture, colosal dark shapes battle it out.
      And I win and move on to the next world. All very very alien and abstract.

      D2 - On holiday, in some lovely warm and sunny country, where it is warm all year round. I am in a villa, apparently we have stayed here many times before. And were privileged enough to stay in the best part of the main house. Quarters with large opulent black leather seating and animal skin rugs and large bedroom. The room is glass (dream sign).
      I am walking down a thickly carpeted hallyway in the night when I see a familar woman approaching, she has long fair hair and wears a summer frock with a dark cardigan over her shoulders, white heeled shoes.
      Spoiler for Sexually explicit:
      Tags: game, glass, holiday, sex
    9. [31-03-2016]

      by , 03-31-2016 at 05:29 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was wearing a black suit. It was night, sky was full of stars and the moon was somewhat bigger than usually. It was in a catle of some kind, in a great hall where proms and balls happened. With other people from previous and current school we were descending down the stairs. Most of these people I haven't seen since a few years. One of the girls caught my attention - she had dark hair and dark complexion. It was a girl that I never really liked, and for some reason it has changed. She was wearing a red dress. She was smiling to me, I held her hand.
    10. 31/3/2016

      by , 03-31-2016 at 07:14 AM
      1) Sitting around a table. Very small portions of food. I complained to the woman sitting next to me and she agreed they were getting smaller. I asked for some more but just got a teaspoon of gravy added to the side of my plate. Bit of a theme here.

      2) It was lunch time in a school canteen. The children were all rushing over to get their lunch. I had to serve so moved a serving table around and cleared all the rubbish off the top of it. Continuing the food theme.....

      3) I was with a patient and noticed that he was interested in lucid dreaming, congratulated him and told him that I was interested as well but hadn't had a lucid dream yet

      Updated 03-31-2016 at 07:16 AM by 88643

      Tags: food, school
    11. DJ#129: Uni, Dota & Basketball

      by , 03-30-2016 at 09:04 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was playing a Dota game, it started off alright but our support was absolutely terrible, feeding and such and ending up abandoning. 4v5 we started to struggle, until their bloodseeker went absolutely insane nd started eating us up left right and centre. He killed all of us multiple times and the last time I just barely managed to get away to the fountain.

      Fragment: I was on the internet doing something.

      Dream 2: I took the train down to where the basketball stadium I normally play at was, however the whole area is sort of blocked off. I try to get through but can't really. I look through the window of the basketball stadium and see a few people inside playing, however I have a feeling that I'm not allowed to go in there. I wen back to the train station and met up with my brother who explained what was going on. He told me the Olympics were happening soon here and the Olympic village was being set up there. I asked him why they weren't using the Olympic village from 60 years ago but he said he didn't know why.

      Dream 3: I was on a cliff with someone else, skimming rocks down the cliff to try and get them as far as possible. It was a bit like a science experiment so they all had to be about 1.8 kg to count. I think we each threw two rocks before we realised that though so I collected them and measured their weight. One of mine as 1.7 kg so it was ok, but the other was only like 0.9 kilos so it didn't count. I went to find another rock to throw and found a weird purple one but it weighed the right amount so I threw it anyway.

      Fragment: Something about shaving and cutting my super long toenails.

      Dream 4: I was at a different university campus at a computing tutorial. The tut was really hard and by the end I was completely lost and panicking. Everybody went outside and sat around and talked on a football field. After a little while though an alarm went off and security guards came to us. They started interrogating us, saying none of us would leave until someone fessed up, and eventually someone put their hand up and was handcuffed by them. I walked over and could hear them crying, until I got close enough to recognise it was my brother. I walked up to the guards and asked them what had happened, they told me that he had broken a gutter on the edge of a roof. I asked my brother why on earth he would do that and he said he saw it has hanging low and jumped up to grab it and it snapped due to his weight. I told the guards to let him go as he hadn't deliberately down anything wrong. I don't know if they actually let him go because of this or not, but I know we had to go the regular city campus next as we were no longer welcome at that previous campus.

      We got to the city campus where we had a computing workshop this time starting shortly. I knew it was on level 10 of the building, so I started going up the escalator but my brother said the elevator was faster so I hopped off after a few levels. Somehow I lost my brother and didn't know where the elevators where so I wandered back down to the ground floor to try and figure out where I was. I walked around to the other side of the building and then reentered up a short escalator. I ended up in a food market of some kind, and was about to leave but I saw some of my friends hanging around there. I asked them what they were doing and they said they were getting lunch from a make your own kebab place. Intrigued, I went over to them and saw you could pay to get a skewer, two slices of bread and all the meat you wanted. I saw it was only $10 so I decided to get it as well. I put one slice of break at the bottom of the skewer, leaving the other for the top like a burger, and then looked at all the different meats. I got some bacon, lamb, pork and this amazing looking smoked beef. I ate that and then went up the escalators again. I met up with my brother on level 9 somehow, and he told me to follow him to the room even though it was the floor below. We walked in and it was an arena in darkness with a woman giving a speech in Chinese there. We sat down and it turned out to be next to a friend from high school. I asked her if this was the right place and she said no, so,, scolding my brother, I walked out and tried to get up to the next level.
      Tags: non - lucid
    12. Dream #2 Today

      by , 03-30-2016 at 08:05 PM
      Dream #2 today. I was w/ friends & family by a beach w/ a cool outdoor eating area where we were eating Chinese food hibachi style. For some reason I was being married off to some old Chinese guy which I wasn't looking forward to. But an old boyfriend from my childhood was there & we managed to sneak off together & get away from those people. It was a very vivid & memorable dream... My first husband was a Chinese chef & I worked in the industry & still have a great fondness for Chinese food & both of my sons worked also in the industry in there teens.
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. Gruesome dream but not really scary.

      by , 03-30-2016 at 07:44 PM
      Dream#1 today~ I was at this strange abstract birthday party w/ some ppl I know & some I didn't. My friends & I were trying to cheat to not participate in some sick party gift game... The object was to give some of your organs, yes body parts, as gifts to a child for his birthday. Then we went to an after party for adults & ppl were drinking & getting wasted so that triggered me to get away from the dream. I quit drinking almost 2 yrs ago just as a lifestyle choice which in turn gave me more vivid dreams like I had had when I was younger.

      Updated 03-30-2016 at 07:47 PM by 90317

      Tags: dream about
    14. [30-03-2016]

      by , 03-30-2016 at 07:01 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in a huge library, there were many people sitting near tables and reading. Someone came closer and gave me an "Underground admittance". I took an elevator and quickly arrived in a dark cavern room built over with wood. Some parts of it were lit. As soon as I left the elevator, everybody rushed inside it to get to the surface. Only I and manager of this level stayed. He was a black man, wearing a green uniform. When he saw me, he said "Welcome to the underground level! We are surrounded by endless darkness, and as you can see, only this wooden construction protects us from perilous danger!"

      I wandered around the cavern, wondering what's going on. In one place I looked in between wood beams, staring at the strange blackness. I moved somewhere else, and between the beams I saw a beautiful tropical beach at sunset. Another look - and another beach. There were dangerously looking storm clouds gathering upon it. I called the manager and asked "Are our brains generating these beautiful landscapes as a way to deal with this unusual darkness?" He looked a bit surprised and said "I'm not certainly sure, but it is possible."

      A sudden earthquake occured, lights in previously lit area turned off. Manager shouted in panic when he realized that we were stranded down there. I tried to open an evacuation shaft, but a chandelier almost fallen on my head. I tried again and opened it, only to discover that no human is able to climb up through it. He said with hope "They are preparing to save us... they really are!" I said "You know what? They really do, because I expect it, and in lucid dreams, expectations and belief are the most important factors!" I didn't even noticed that I'm back in my house and that the man turned into one of my classmates.

      We talked for a while in my kitchen. We both wanted to go to toilet, instead of it we both peed there. Suddenly he turned and shouted "Oh shit! Grandma!". We ran to another room, I held the door so nobody could enter. It was my parents' bedroom, but only mother was sleeping. Suddenly I heard a shout "Hey! What are you doing!?" - it was my father going back from toilet. I tried to explain "I thought it was grandma!" to which he replied "How could she get here?"

      I left him and went to toilet, thinking if this is a crazy dream that could become lucid, but I woke up soon.
    15. Neigh.

      by , 03-30-2016 at 05:44 PM (Here be dragons)
      Not much time for dreams lately, RL is kicking my ass a bit. Here's a dream about horses, because why not?

      I'm in a messy house with a lot of clutters and white walls. My mother is bringing something back from somewhere. She parks the care and there's a trailer linked to it. She brought in two horses; a grey one with a spanish built, a lipizzan maybe, with a wavy mane and tail; and a alezan one, with a roughter built, more quarter-horse. The second one is a bit bovine, and do nothing more that grazing a bit. The grey one is something else. As soon as we have him in his pasture, he find a patch of bare dirt and rolls around in it, overing himself with the bright orange soil. I pick up a brush and call him. He trot up to me, head held high, and stop in front of me. I start to brush out the dirt, the sky turning dark but the light not changing. It's a long process but it's not tedious; it's almost meditative, and both the exercise and the body warm of the horse warn off the cold of the night. I lean against it's back to take a breather, tucking my arms under my chin and looking out to the pasture. The smell of horse is strong but pleasant, and his skin is slighting shaking each time my breath touch it, as if it was a fly. I can barely see the other horse; the light around us seem to stop a few paces away.