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    1. cccxx. Cramped pavement

      by , 08-29-2021 at 07:40 PM
      23rd August 2021


      Meeting L, mom's old friend from teaching. We're in the ramped bit going out of the cul-de-sac just in front of home. She comments that she taking some interest in me. I comment that it's nice for someone to take interest in you and she agrees. T is with us and it feels more cramped than it should feel, even considering this bit of pavement isn't that wide; it seems smaller than it should actually be and I think there's some clutter nearby too.


      Seeing T's room, it's a bit Japanese in style and actually quite big. Apparently it's his own flat.


      - Rest of recall was gone as I woke up to the sound of the doorbell being rung many times within a second or two. I got up from bed and went to check, nothing. I ended up concluding that it must have only been some kind of hypnogogic hallucination from still being sleepy, it wasn't a false awakening and there are no pranksters in the street, plus it would be way too early for it.

      - I'm not entirely sure what could have brought on L as a dream character, I'm also not sure whether she's ever appeared before or not.
    2. cccxix. A's late husband, Dreaming of dreams

      by , 08-29-2021 at 04:06 PM
      19th August 2021

      Away from home at the time.


      Something about a big drill at the tail end of a dream before waking.

      Before that, something more adventure-like.

      Another bit about S and A. But S was implied to have died and A was having a conversation with me, telling me all of this. In that moment I realise that was why we hadn't had any contact with her for a long time.

      21st August 2021

      Recall was good at first and dreaming presence was very decent too, lots of dreaming overall, but I was unable to write any recall down initially and it was left too long by the time I had another chance, meaning almost all detail was gone.


      Something about dreaming and art.

      Last bit just before waking, I'm doing something charitable for someone. I'm somewhere like in Scotland and I remember moving around a fair bit. (in what way?)


      - I cannot know whether my dream realisation about A's husband has any truth or not, since we still haven't spoken. Sadly it's been years since we last spoke.

      - Dreaming about dreaming and art probably relates to some of the long-term lucid goals I have.

      - I'm not sure if I was still away on the 21st or not, possibly just after I had been.

      - I just realised while typing this DJ entry title that our host's husband passed away some years ago, perhaps this was what brought on the dream about A's husband, in some way.
    3. ccxviii. Underwater space and Discord messaging, Adventure group at some ruins

      by , 08-29-2021 at 03:56 PM
      16th August 2021

      Left recall too long. Some in-line notes.


      Some bit that initially takes place underwater but then it becomes more space-like, in a seamless way.

      RT messaging me on Discord. (but about what?)

      17th August 2021


      (near the middle of a dream)

      I'm in some kind of space station (implied) but it's also like a hotel. A character that looks like Major Kira (DS9) lives here but some other characters she knows are unaware (of the fact that she lives here?). Something fast-paced is taking place.

      There was something else relating to me, but details gone.

      (some later segment)

      Outside at some ruins. It's dusk or something alike. There's a forest, maybe a pine forest. (I'm vaguely reminded of Hunger Games scenery, which I think at the time of this dream I saw MoonageDaydream had mentioned somewhere). I'm in a party group with MoonageDaydream and a random dream character. Moonage is separate from us at first, but then she comes to find us when I spot two solid chests (WoW) and tell the group to roll for the chests. I pass on rolling; I see the random DC's roll in a chat log.

      Another three-person group approaches us. They take one of the chests, which I find annoying; I don't think we can do anything about it because they're not hostile. I think we guard the other chest until Moonage arrives, because it would be hers to loot I think. (On waking I realised it would have been a better option to open the chest without auto-looting and keeping it open until she got there)

      (When I first spot the chests I think I wonder why I didn't have my treasure finding racial on. And all of this segment took place in first person but with UI elements present.)
    4. cccxvii. False position, sword in the water

      by , 08-29-2021 at 03:46 PM
      14th August 2021

      Had several long dreams but recall became very fragmented.


      In a tower or castle of sorts. I have a position of power or influence, but whenever I try to get anything done find that my position is just a facade and a farce. At some point I'm in a treasure room of sorts. There are illuminated displays (did I mean display pedestals/stands?).

      Then another bit, something about a sword in water, in a sea but nearer the coast. Looks a bit like Azshara. The sword is unique in some way and belonged to a female character?


      - I think the sword thing and possibly female character may relate to thinking of conversations I'd had with OccipitalRed. The dream theme reminds me of some medieval trope (Warcraft is a medieval-style fantasy too) and the water/sea most likely relate to their non-conscious symbolic aspects.
      -- Interestingly I associate Azshara both with the land of that name and with female Naga in general. There's a lot of close associative linking going on here.

      - At the time of the dream, the position I had in the dream seemed relevant to something relating to waking life, but I cannot recall what anymore.
    5. 28 Aug: Purge like situation and running from attackers

      by , 08-28-2021 at 09:55 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At a huge place wth different departments, can't tell exactly what it is, seems like a company. Suddenly all turns into silence and people seem to form groups and start killing each other mindlessly, as in the Purge. I am caught in a large open space office with a group of 4 people with guns but all I have for my defense is office supplies and a bar code scanner, which I aim at the eyes of an attacker to defend myself. I turn a table upside down and from behind it I throw stuff at attackers and then manage to escape. I meet some nordic man who is a researcher or something else with some status in his country for some reason. I get really upset when others try to kill him, so along with a couple other people, we decide to protect him no matter what. One of the killers gets closer and I recognize him as a friend of mine, so I am shocked, but he laughs in my face. Asks me to surrender the guy, we don't. I say he might make me bleed but then I am gonna kill him. We escape this place and enter a moving train, but I am sure some of our attackers have managed to also get into it. I try to find a place where we can be safe. I pass by a wagon where I find Zilla with her partner and her baby. They are entertaining guests as if they were at home. I stop for a while just to kiss and greet. Then quickly move on. I spot our attackers, they are now wearing Halloween costumes and people are amused by it. I jump from the train and hope to make them chase me. I enter some warehouse. They follow me. I spot a small window between some shelves and sneak out through it. Outside I find the back of a museum and there is some construction work going on. I keep running across the place and enter the museum. Inside is happening Comic Con.
    6. Bonus: No More Bad Dreams. Extra Bonus: Precog- Car Crash

      by , 08-28-2021 at 04:06 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      How weird. So I was about to post this dream as an example of how lucid dreaming has made it so I no longer have to deal with bad dreams. Last night I was casually experiencing dreams and images. My attention was drawn to the scene and it suddenly shifted into a vivid scene of an auto accident. A car got smashed but it also included emotions and was generally not pleasant. The imagery changed so that I was inside the car and experiencing the emotions involved in getting in a car wreck.
      I simply stated to myself, "this is stupid, stop dreaming unpleasant things," and I made the scene vanish. The stream of standard interesting dreams resumed. I was going to mention that this is a bit different than what beginners think about lucid dreams. I pretty much have to plan on having a true lucid dream for what you think of as LDs to happen. However, I basically never think a dream is real and am aware that I am dreaming to some degree, I just don't really pay attention. I saw that the dream was not pleasant and was able to prevent that sort of thing shifting back to nice dreams. That was what I was going to report here.
      I did think the dream was vivid and really stuck out in my recall, so I warned my wife that I had had the dream and to be extra careful. I told her that this morning I came much to close to backing into an old lady and her dog and perhaps that was what the dream was about.
      I just got a call from my best friend! His first words to me are "I just got in a wreck." He took a job delivering pizza and just got in a smash up. This was about 14 hours after I had the dream.
    7. 27 Aug: Poltergeist, weird workshop, friend on space trip, muslim extremists

      by , 08-27-2021 at 09:30 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my parent's house, sleeping on the couch. Some news on tv about a poisonous spider that has been spotted in exotic fruits, mostly bananas and might accidentally be brought home with the groceries. I am too sleepy to care about it, but my dad goes around the house removing cobwebs and killing harmless spiders just in case. I later wake up and I am with Riverstone instead. I am attacked by some poltergeist and pushed and pulled through the air like a rag doll. It's not hurting me and Riverstone finds it kinda funny, but I am getting sick of it. I force myself to reach the bathroom and look in the mirror, wishing the spirit to show in the mirror. It does and it is a young boy. Slowly I realize it is a young Riverstone, which I tell him, by yelling across the hallway. He does not believe me. I splash the boy with water and smile to tease him. He does not react, he just smiles back and go away, but first, out of spite, he shrinks my cat Yéti to a hand size. I feel he is actually afraid of being alone, so I tell him to come around to play, if he behaves.
      I then go to attend some workshop on how to renew some license on something. It's at some office place at post-working hours. Meeting is on the 2nd floor and there are signs pointing towards the direction to follow. Up there, some people are just hanging, others are already seated at tables, I chose a table to sit at and then some weird shit starts. It seems like this ain't their 1st meeting. Apparently they all know each other and some people complain about the teacher. She comes forward to apologize for something but it felt more like a public flogging. People get up from their seats and continue accusing her of many things, others hug each other in support and others seem to just ignore it all and keep on filling forms. I am sure that I got in the wrong group and I am stimming by kneading some colored silly putty I found around. One lady starts talking to me in french, asks me if I am autistic. I raise my eyes to her and she immediately steps back and apologizes saying I am not. I reply in french "No, but I actually am". And she seems confused, points out traits she doesn't spot on me. I explain it manifests differently for every autistic and that I have other traits. Then my french doesn't go so far and I end up speaking in english. Anyway, I've decided to leave, so I abruptly get up and leave. I reach the door and it is raining cats and dogs. A couple of people who are at the door smoking or getting some air, look at me like "well, you ain't goin' nowhere". But I step out in the rain anyway and look for my car keys as I head to my car, because I don't want to stay around these people anymore. I can't find my keys, so I freak out. Soaked wet, I sit at some garden bench and dive into my purse, which is absolutely empty except for the car key in a pocket. But then the key is broken at the top, I might insert it but probably can't turn it around to start the car. I think about having to go back to the building and try get some help.

      I am just coming from my mom's and about to pass under the highway overpass to enter the main road, when a gate falls down and closes in front of me, not allowing to do so. There are military all over and one by one they shut down all passages under the overpass, with enormous gates between the pillars, cutting people off. They say this is the most recent quarantining measures, and I imagine my mom freaking out when she finds out. They tell me it is just over the weekend, but it feels more definitive. Supposedly we can still travel freely to East, just not take the road to north and south, but I wonder how far East we can go until we find another blockade. I also wonder if I just walk South over the hills, if they have put any other barriers ahead or if I could come through.

      Zilla went to space on a research project, while pregnant and everything is just unbelievable. I go visit her in her lab when she is back to earth and my dad comes along and his only comment his "I still don't like her much, but I gotta hand it to her, she achieved the highest achievement possible" and I know he means "and what have you done?". And I feel such a loser, but I decide to ignore him and concentrate on my friend. I give her a big warm hug, feeling happy that she is ok and she goes on telling her adventures, which I relive as if I was actually there. They went on a ship like a huge space shuttle, which orbited the earth for just about a week and somehow had artificial gravity. Zilla had some claustrophobia at first, especially when first realizing "I am on a spaceship!". I see her seated to eat at the canteen with panoramic views to space and then going to bed, in a common room, with lower ceiling and also panoramic windows above head. Before I leave, she takes me to see the ship, which is now all broken after some accident on reentry (not on her mission, but right after hers). There are plans to recover it, but I wonder if it makes sense at all considering the damage. The middle section is crunched like an accordion.
      When I am about to leave, I watch a couple, she is arabic and muslim and wearing a niqab and he is an american in jeans. She is yelling at him that it makes no sense that he left her. She says he turned a muslim for her and then started demanding she wear a burqa, while he himself continues wearing jeans and shirts and shaves just like a normal westerner. He doesn't have any justification for it, just says he wants nothing with her anymore and that she has to follow him to some place, like a court or something. She on the other hand says she is also bringing a case to court against him, so she agrees joining him to whatever thing he is also concocting. I follow then and take a sneak peak to inside the room they entered and all I can see is a bunch of bearded muslim men sitting against the wall at the end of the room, quiet and watching. Then she leaves the place through a back door, clearly upset. Unfortunately, four of those men also go after her and they carry knifes in their hands. I follow them to try to save her, but they corner her in the back of some building and I don't see anyway to help her without also getting killed. I hide under a tarp and see she manages to go through a door to some other building. But it is some dead end and they surround her and stab her. I get out from under the tarp and run towards the main street, which is just at the end of a small perpendicular street. I bump into a policeman and drop a camera I supposedly was carrying, but I don't recall taking pics. Anyway, one of the 4 men spotted me and is coming towards the policeman. By the look of the cop and the way he seems to want to delay me and not protect me, I realize he is an accomplice, so I run to the middle of the road and into the crowd. I hear the cop telling the guy I have a camera and possibly have photos. I sneak behind some panels hiding some construction work and I am thinking whether I enter a shop behind it or go down a manhole on the ground that is open.
    8. Dream - What Did I Do Wrong & An Old Nameless Star

      by , 08-26-2021 at 03:38 PM
      Date of Dream: FRI 27 NOV - 2020

      Dream No. 785 - Separated Sections

      Dream 785 A - What Did I Do Wrong

      I can’t remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, I was in the primary school classroom of 5/6V, but with high school teacher Ms. Ko. teaching the class in a weird fashion. One of my classmates in the dream, AB, got upset with me, even though I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong towards here. EBo then walked into the room and said that he wanted to reward me for something I had done to help our online community.

      For the next scene, it was night time, near my house, when I was walking down the hill, I told my dad that I was just going out to the water. I can’t remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 785 B - An Old Nameless Star

      This dream was very short. It seemed to take place in the same area as the last scene of 785 A, but I was now by myself. As I looked onto the water, a middle-aged to older lady, plump with very short gray hair came up towards me. Apparently this was the Nameless Star from Kingdom Hearts, but I have forgotten what she said to me. I can’t remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 785 A

      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 785 B
      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No
    9. Dream - Missed The Wedding

      by , 08-26-2021 at 03:25 PM
      Date of Dream: WED 25 NOV - 2020

      Dream No. 783 - Missed The Wedding

      I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at my house, and I was apparently invited to Riku’s wedding (but I didn’t know who he was going to marry). I was going to lead and conduct the choir in singing during some parts of the event. I went to my study room to pick out which dress I was going to wear. However, as soon as I picked the one I wanted to wear, another dress appeared on the rack and tempted me away from the original one. The process kept repeating itself.

      Eventually, I decided what dress I wanted to wear, but by then, I had realised the wedding. What was worse is that the choir were there without me. I can’t remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream No. 783

      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Postage Notice: As of this point in time, some dreams may cover sensitive topics of modern day mass discussion. Such dreams exist in the Microsoft Word journal but will not be posted on DreamViwes. One such dream is No. 784. Therefore, No. 785 will be the next dream in the DV journal sequence. If possible, a message like this will be left at the bottom of the relevant journal entry, stating what number in the sequence will not be posted.
      non-lucid , side notes
    10. Dream - Bike Ride To The Beach & Picky About Chicken & Frame Renovations & Quadratum Presentation

      by , 08-26-2021 at 03:20 PM
      Date of Dream: SAT 21 NOV - 2020

      Dream No. 782 - Separated Sections

      Dream 782 A - Bike Ride To The Beach

      For the first part of the dream, I was catching up with JH at a place that seemed like my house, but then it wasn’t. It was actually a house that was unfamiliar to me. I forgot what we exactly did in this scene. The scene then changed to mum and I being in a random outdoor area, as if it was the outside of a park, and she was walking to my friend RV about us meeting somewhere later on. And then the dream went to its last scene which was set at night time, but then I could still see from ‘natural light’. Apparently I was riding my bike from home, past Killester, and all the way to Chelsea beach. When I was about to be on the turf of the beach, the dream ended.

      Dream 782 B - Picky About Chicken

      I can’t remember much about this dream. From what I can remember, I was looking around in my kitchen fridge when I found some chicken drumsticks from some ‘unidentified’ meat. My brother then came up to me and said that he wanted to know where the chicken thighs were. I found both a connected thigh and drumstick in the fridge, but my brother said he didn’t want that. I answered that he could simply rip off the drumstick and have that. I have forgotten if he responded to that or not.

      Dream 782 C - Frame Renovations

      The dream took place and what seemed to be an accommodation complex of cabins from one of my high school IRL camps. Though in this dream, the identity of cabins was replaced with houses. Each member of Kingdom Hearts ended up having their own house, including me, which had furniture that seemed to be inspired by Merlin the wizard. They each also had a framed picture on their front door so that other could tell who the house belonged to. However, I thought the frame was ugly, and so I went outside to make a rainbow themed beach-house mailbox, with a circular area in which I had put the picture in. Once I had put the mail-box on the roof, the dream ended.

      Dream 782 D - Quadratum Presentation
      The dream started off at one of the halls at Monash University. Riku was at the front, with other KH guardians and myself sitting in the front row. Apparently Riku was giving a PowerPoint presentation about some aspects of Quadratum; I can’t remember what it was exactly about though. I also don’t remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 782 A

      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 782 B
      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 782 C
      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 782 D
      Dream Guide: Riku
      Lucid?: No
    11. Dream - Data Riku Is Not Dangerous

      by , 08-26-2021 at 03:15 PM
      Date of Dream: FRI 20 NOV - 2020
      Nap Time Range: 4:20 PM - 5:45 PM (AEDT)

      Dream No. N781 - Data Riku Is Not Dangerous

      I don’t remember how this dream started. From where I do remember, I seemed to be in an empty, black void when Data Riku (KH-Re:Coded) stepped out from some unknown door with the intention to help me with something. However, it wasn’t long before Mickey, Donald, Goofy and even Sora ran into the dream and all pointed their weapons at Data Riku like he was a savage; they all wanted to strike it seemed. However, it didn’t seem to be out spite, but there was this energy like the real Riku had sent them as he thought to protect me. I can’t remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream No. N781

      Dream Guide: Data Riku
      Lucid?: No
    12. Dream - Help At The Aged Care Place & Mischievous Teacher

      by , 08-26-2021 at 03:11 PM
      Date of Dream: FRI 20 NOV - 2020

      Dream No. 781 - Separated Sections

      Dream 781 A - Help At The Aged Care Place

      I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was in an unknown aged care residence and had apparently finished performing to the residents up on the second floor. To leave the nursing home, I had to take the elevator down but was nervous to do so. Without me doing anything to prompt, 18-Volt (in his realistic Game & Wario appearance + green clothes) appeared. He took no hesitation to whip me up as he then held me against him, and as half-ghost/half-human, he himself took me to leave the place. I can’t remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 781 B - Mischievous Teacher

      I can’t remember much about this dream. From what I can remember, I was at my old house, doing something with my mum in the front yard when my year 6 teacher appeared. He was quite distorted and I can’t remember what he did, but I do remember that I didn’t want him there, like in any other dream. I can’t remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 781 A

      Dream Guide: 18-Volt
      Lucid?: No

      Dream 781 B
      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No
    13. Dream - Watch Some Videos

      by , 08-26-2021 at 03:06 PM
      Date of Dream: THU 19 NOV - 2020

      Dream No. 780 - Watch Some Videos

      The dream started off in some unknown bedroom, like I was staying in a motel room within some sort of accommodation complex. I was sitting on the double bed as I wondered what to do with the Quadratum case study I had set IRL. Riku didn’t come as human in this dream, however, I heard his voice speaking to me. He was telling me to watch some of the theory videos that Kingdom Hearts fans would post on YouTube. I can’t remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream No. 780
      Dream Guide: None
      Lucid?: No
    14. 2021-08-26 work, gym, wrench duel, snickers store, tennis

      by , 08-26-2021 at 01:54 PM
      + driving in to work, on a wide open flat area, the road leading uphill to the work parking lot is up ahead. There's another car heading towards the road, I want to get there first, we start racing a bit to get first to the hill. Get out, meet ShCl (former boss at company N), we talk about work

      + downtown B (C & S), enter gym building, this is the gym of tech companies like Google, there are tons of young Google employees there. In the reception area there are many turnstiles. I'm trying to get in, my name's not on the list, I'm explaining that I'm not a full time employee yet. Inside is a work area, large open area, lots of tall counters with stools , there are many groups of young engineers all seated together discussing their projects. Working in groups like this is a requirement for working here. I'm observing the groups and think I would not like to work like that.

      + I get off the (bus?) too early, I'm far from my destination, I'm trying to think how I can get to where I'm going. I may have to the bus. I start walking down a very long street with a broad sidewalk. At some point I see a technical entrance to the (subway)? with stairs leading down, and some employees are entering these stairways. I'm walking along this sidewalk, and getting nervous, because this is a bad part of town. I'm looking suspiciously at the groups of youths walking by. I have a long shiny two-sided fixed wrench (about 1.5 feet long) in my hand. A guy I'm walking next to has one, too, I see. We have a brief duel with these, swinging them like swords.

      I enter a convenience store and am looking closer at the counter. I want to buy some chocolate bars, I think if I feed those aggressive hoods some Snickers, they'll leave me alone. I think I see the Snickers down towards the far end, I get there and don't see the familiar Snickers logo, but there are a lot of other generic chocolate bars. I take some, including an individually wrapped single "mini" bar with a clear top, up to the register to pay for them. A group of people start crowding me [DS] and pushing me from behind, first a young kid, then an adult man (his father?), I'm quite concerned about getting pickpocketed. Then the father is doing some lengthy transaction at the cashier and I have to wait. His family is having some sort of problem on a trip and he is doing some lengthy transaction. I get very impatient and just want to buy my candy bars.

      I go to the bathroom in the back of the store and enter. It's a large room like a living room/office, with couches and desks and furniture, the toilet I think is at the back of the room and I head there. One one bed/couch there is a long row of stacked papers. As I get the toilet, someone else enters the room. I think "GREAT, I forgot to lock the room," and start heading out. A mid-teens girl, dark-ish complexion and long dark hair, is heading in to use the toilet. I'm frustrated that I've lost my chance because I forgot to lock the door, and just head out of the room back into the convenience store.

      There is a dinner buffet for friends and family going on. I'm serving up a plate for my and my young son S2. The A's (kids family friends, Ar. [boy] and An [girl older]) are there and commenting. I put a group of carrot-looking vegetables in sauce on my plate, they have a lot of little branches connecting them altogether (sort of like moss), and I'm dividing the portion between my plate and my son's.

      + at a nice building complex/park with a lot of really beautiful tennis courts [DS]. Some of them have a lot of netting separating the courts. Some of the houses are up on a hill. I come to an area which is good for practicing serves (someone says?), it's just a flat area in front of a fence/ tall netting to catch the balls. I imagine that practicing serves would probably be better on a real court. I imagine the movements for performing a tennis serve.
    15. Junk cereal+ sister+ goth siblings

      by , 08-26-2021 at 04:32 AM
      Now in this dream. Its a two part dream but in some way still in the same place? In the first half of the dream- I'm in a kind of like super store-like a real super store. I'm with a friend from my program (G) and I think her son (B) whom I met a few times. Anyway I'm not sure what we're shopping for but the theme appeared to be "food we never eaten"- At first there was only one cart-but at some point (if I remember what was already in the cart I would-but I don't) when I briefly left friend and son (G&B)-I somehow gained a shopping cart view "dream magic" and I put a punch of cereal-some of which I have never eaten. The only one which comes to mind I remember picking up in the dream is the Captain Crunch. Well anyway as we're on our way -we notice there were platforms in various places in the store and some ones were on them in a white T-shirts which had someone on the back (I know what it said when I dreamed it but I can't remember now) and they seemed to be shouting something at a crowd of people we couldn't see (we're behind the people on the platform).

      Then somehow I'm in a fashion store +boutique but it seemed to be inside the store there were maybe 5-6 people: my sister, myself, and I think 2-maybe 3 other women. Now the first woman who appeared to be around my sister's age was dressed like a Goth going to prom or that she just stepped out of the Sims 4: Vampire pack-just without being a vampire + chocker from the base game. Now the other woman (who appeared to be a cross between me and Amy Adams but was my age) was also wearing black dress as well but her's was I want to say looser then the first woman's. The first woman implied some mean things about the other woman (and yet.. like my sister and I -its implied they're siblings) and that makes me say something and i think the one of the word's i used was Cinderella's step-sister" (I think I said in-ream "you're acting like Cinderella's step-sister") and my sister kind of explained it in a nicer way (can't remember what she said) and then the dream ended
      lucid , memorable