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    1. 14 Jul: Meet friends and an instagramer at some boarding house

      by , 07-14-2021 at 03:21 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Sitting at a table at some bar or cafeteria. I spot John Blacksmith in a table nearby, making a phone call. He gets up and is walking back and forth and I am sure he saw me, but I don't want to distract him from his call so I keep doing my thing. Currently trying to fix the cell phone of one of my friends. Then John sits at my table, right in front of me and I wave my hand to say hi but still don't talk not to interrupt him. But he keeps his eyes on the table and ignores me. I am feeling a bit awkward. He finally ends the call and looks up and says sorry and that he saw me from the beginning, but he had to really make that call. I say it's ok and we make basic updates to each other and realize we are both too busy to stay talking, so we go do our things again.
      After fixing my friend's cell phone, I help my friends organize stuff pilled up over some shelf and then rehearsing a play. Afterwards we go upstairs to meet the manager and owner of this place. The place by the way is some kind of boarding house and I find out that this crazy girl I know from instagram is staying here in a room. She has rainbow hair and she offers to dye my hair too. I wonder how my mom will react. She says hers really hated it at first but then got used to it. It does not go as well as hers, actually she dyed with unicorn colors (pink, baby blue, purple, etc), but I like it.
      Then there is some commotion on the hallway and we understand the owner is arguing with some girl. Turns out the girl is sick with a highly contagious disease and came here to hide in her room, as to not be taken away, but the manager doesn't want her there, putting everyone else at risk.
    2. NCIS And Train

      by , 07-14-2021 at 10:48 AM
      Dream From April 1 '14:
      the location is a restaurant, probably somewhere in the United States of America.
      apparently the restaurant has been built on top of an underground train station platform.
      the actor who plays Vance in NCIS, is sitting at a diner booth, with seat going around the table.
      not sure im sitting opposite vance, but i do see his face fairly clearly, and close.
      he maybe on a lunch break or having dinner, while his colleagues investigate a case.
      the time in this is not known.
      building a restaurant on top of an underground train platform, seems a smart idea.
      next thing i know, a train has arrived, thanks the vibration sensation through the floor; that would be a "first" for any of my dreams.
      the arrival of the train seems rather impromptu or inappropriate.
      was the train supposed to arrive later?
      vance stand up and leaves the booth, walking away from me to my left, past me.
      he goes out the door of the restaurant, and down a set of steps to the ground floor level.
      the steps have a short concrete wall and handrail.
      vance, who now looks like gibbs, is going down, to the left, to talk to vance, to find out what has happened.
      apparently, upon arrival, the train was supposed to
      1: explode at the platform, causing however much damage and possibly the collapse of the restaurant floor, despite being a first floor or higher.
      2: cause an explosion.
      3: trigger an explosion.
      so, the train was being used as a weapon, by someone, or a group.
      as for the train itself, i only feel arriving, and don't see it or can't see it, from where i am in the restaurant.
      so, because the explosion hasn't happened, vance has to leave the restaurant, to find out why.
      going by the look of vance's facial expression, something has gone wrong that shouldn't have, or something else has happened, that shouldn't have.
      before vance stands up and leaves, and without him saying anything, i seem to know that an old man, or an elderly man has been injured, or killed, by the train.
      not sure the man is killed by the train itself, or whether he was in or near the tunnel, when he wasn't meant to be there.
      or, the man was meant to be there.
      and the ncis got their info wrong, or were given info that was not correct.
      my guess is that the old man wasn't mean to die.
      so, ncis was waiting for an explosion, that didn't happen.

      any comments or questions ?
    3. CT Scanner ..

      by , 07-14-2021 at 05:59 AM
      Dream From Mar 8 '14:
      Am reading a newspaper article, that features one of the male staff from the local Christian radio station, in Newcastle.
      he is shown in a black and white photo, which looks like it was taken 50 years ago.
      the man is sitting on a bench, like that of a weights bench or a chiropractic bench, and facing a device like that of a CT Scanner.
      that device is to my right, and yet im not entirely sure what it is, even though it looks very much like a ct scanner.
      the mans name is under the picture.
      as for the text under the picture, i don't quite read it all, and im not sure what is written about the man.
      because of the photo angle, he is sitting front on/side on, and i see his right side.
      he could be operating the device, or waiting for the device to finish its cycle, when the photo is taken.
      dream ends.

      any comments or questions ?
    4. Young Woman In Back Seat ...

      by , 07-14-2021 at 05:53 AM
      Dream From Feb 15 '14:
      it is day.
      the location is the driveway of the Westdale house.
      not sure i have done anything inside, to then step out the front door, but i see myself on the front path, at the front door, which is where i see the dream continue from.
      from the door, i step to my left, to the driveway.
      there is a vehicle parked on the driveway, the front of car facing the backyard.
      the vehicle is a four door sedan, which is, or could be red.
      the rear left passenger door is open, or i open it.
      the occupants are female.
      the front two occupants, or the driver, is facing the backyard, like that of a character is a computer game.
      from the path, i take a step to the rear left passenger door, without stepping onto the driveway.
      my right knee goes into the car, and onto the backseat.
      and i put both hands on the seat, to support myself.
      my left leg is stretched, behind me, with left foot on path.
      while i'm doing that, i see the occupant who is in the backseat.
      the occupant is a young woman.
      she is sitting on the rear right, turned a little to her left.
      i can see her face, but she otherwise not known to me.
      so i sit on the seat behind the front passenger, on the path side of the car.
      either, the young woman offers me her right hand, or i gently grab hold of her right hand.
      well, whether she offers her hand or not, im holding it.
      its when i hold her hands, that i there is a white ring on her middle finger, that has a tiny fake round ball at the top of it.
      its fake, because it doesn't reflect light.
      with her body turned slightly to her left, her right shoe/foot is pointed to me.
      her shoes are pink and white sneakers, which could be nike, or another brand.
      she is wearing black trousers or slacks, and, is wearing a white singlet/tank top.
      seeing that her hand, is flat in my hand, i kiss her hand gently with my lips, the top or outside of it.
      her hair is shoulder length and brown.
      this unknown woman, is caucasian, and could be a little bit freckled.
      then i look to my right, and out the back window, and see the front lawn of the neighbours house, on the east side.
      not sure why it is i look, nothing there to see that i know.
      or maybe to distract myself a little bit, from this woman.
      or perhaps to pace myself, so i can ask her the next question.
      and my question to her is, what is her age.
      this woman says she is 17.
      oh what?!
      although she does speak to me, i don't hear her voice.
      going by that info, that she is 17, i steadily get out of the car.
      an attractive woman, like her, is 17.
      how is that possible?
      and then the dream ends.

      any comments or questions ?
    5. Reversing Opposite Gran's Old Place ..

      by , 07-14-2021 at 05:45 AM
      Dream From Mar 8 '14:
      it is day.
      am in my car, and in Brisbane Street, on the north side.
      gran's old place in brisbane street, is on the south side.
      am trying to reverse my car, to the kerb on the north side.
      instead of reversing so that front of car, is to my left, the front of the car is to my right.
      and the front of the car, is pointing to gran's place, which about two houses to my right.
      Rawson Ave is to my left, about one or two metres away.
      im parked, about in line with gran's former neighbour, who was an architect.
      my front windscreen is dirty due to dust, or there are grey clouds in the sky overhead.
      and i don't look in the rear view mirror, to reverse the car.

      any comments or questions ?

      Dreamscape gonna be gone for a while...-img_2772-windscreen-dream.jpg
    6. Salvo's Garage ..

      by , 07-14-2021 at 05:40 AM
      Dream From Feb 15 '14:
      it is day.
      the location is the driveway of the rear hall of the Belmore Street Salvos.
      im opposite the rear hall, with the carpark fence behind me.
      i look to my left and see the old garage.
      the garage has two roller doors, even though it may actually only have one.
      the roller door on my side is shut, and in its position.
      the roller door on the yard side of the garage is pushed back and has a flat concrete square verandah in front of it.
      there are chairs and tables, from a cafe, on the verandah.
      the verandah is fenced.
      people could be playing on the grass.

      any comments or questions ?

      Hello to all-img_20150122_185112_725.jpg
    7. 322 Bus, Mum And Woman Sitting On Bench Seat ..

      by , 07-14-2021 at 05:26 AM
      Dream From Jan 17 '14:
      it is day.
      the location is Dowe Street in Tamworth.
      am at a bus stop on the west side of the street.
      the bus shelter is behind me, about one metre away.
      the bus stop doesn't actually exist.
      the driveway of the bottle-o is on the east side.
      there is medical place on my side, or something like a medical practice, and its to my right.
      it may not actually exist as a medical practice.
      i step forward to the bus stop, from the shelter.
      the bus stop sign, is similar to the Newcastle bus ones.
      so, i wait for a Newcastle bus to arrive.
      the bus route number is 322.
      to my right, in the distance, is bridge street, and that new shopping complex.
      the bus should arrive any minute.
      bourke street is to my left, a few metres away.
      there could be another person at this bus stop with me.
      the person could be a woman, who is older.
      she is to my left and behind me.
      what i know is that something is amiss with this bus stop and bus.
      well, the bus won't be coming this way, and would have to fit in dowe street anyway.
      dowe street is enough for cars to park along it, on both sides of street, but not all the way along.
      plus, the bus may have to turn right from brisbane street, and go over the median strip.
      doing that would be illegal and would interrupt traffic flow.
      and, i look back at the shelter, to make sure i have all my personal belongings with me.
      the bench seat, is a wooden seat, or like a shelf from a wooden bookshelf.
      the three walls of the shelter, being the back of it, and the two ends, are made of corrugated iron, which are white.
      the bus stop certainly isn't fancy.
      so then, i walk away and still make sure i have everything of mine, which i do.
      so i go for a walk, to find mum, because she will know where the bus stop is.
      mum will be somewhere in peel street, so i walk there, via bourke street, which is to my left, from that bus stop in dowe street.
      then in peel street, on the east side, outside the coles complex, i walk away from coles, and see mum sitting on a wooden bench seat.
      the bench seat is set, so that mum is sitting, facing peel street.
      the seat isn't attached to, or part of a table, for people to sit at.
      to her left, being my right, is a young woman.
      so i step to my and approach mum.
      mum and the woman, are sitting on the bench seat, which is near the middle pedestrian crossing in this section of peel street, between bridge street and fitzroy street on the east side.
      they are on the north side of the pedestrian crossing, by one or two metres.
      i have walked to them and there is no traffic that i know of.
      as i approach mum and the woman, i look at the woman.
      the woman looks at me as well.
      she is wearing a full length red dress that has thin shoulder straps; its a bodycon dress.
      it may have a black flower pattern on it.
      her physique is probably similar to that of mel b from the spice girls.
      can see her face.
      her eyes are brown, as is her hair.
      her hair is about shoulder length.
      this woman isn't known to me, as in being familiar to me, and i haven't seen her before.
      she isn't smiling, which is fine.
      her head is almost oval shape, not quite rectangular.
      her skin colour isn't dark as such, but perhaps a dark shade of tan.
      and not that im going to, but i wont touch the woman, while mum is there.
      well i won't because i don't know the woman; i would have to know the woman fairly well, to know that she would want me to touch her.
      so i talk to mum, not that i hear what is said.
      whether mum has spoken to the woman, or not, i don't know.
      and then the dream ends.

      any comments or questions?

      Something lighthearted about life after death-img_20150122_195629_209.jpg

      Updated 07-14-2021 at 05:30 AM by 98466

    8. Seeing Women In Their Units ..

      by , 07-14-2021 at 05:21 AM
      Dream From Jan 6 '14:
      it is day, though overcast.
      that's not odd for January, but Newcastle can be tropical.
      the location is the public housing units in Hamilton South, in Fowler Street, at the Beaumont Street end.
      im outside, at the letterbox, or near the steps that lead to unit 1, and the other units in block 6.
      the weather, being overcast, is like that of winter, in the middle of summer.
      in the ground, between the block of where unit 1 is, and the block where my unit is, there is a garden.
      the garden is parallel to fowler street.
      looking at the garden, the design of it, is like an iced vovo biscuit.
      as i look west, fowler street is to my left, and beaumont street is behind me.
      there are flowers, vegies, or something else growing in the garden.
      as for the garden bed, i can't see it.
      there is a soaker hose to my right, and there is water from it, going onto the garden towards fowler.
      although im standing away from the garden, at the east end of it, the garden doesn't get my attention.
      the hose gets my attention.
      there could be a thin/narrow concrete path, between the two rows of the garden.
      as for what is being grown in the garden, it could be flowers or vegie, or something else, but not sure what.
      where i am, im out the front of unit 13.
      although overcast, im not really sure why the hose is on, and watering the garden.
      as for who put the hose there and turned it on, i don't know; it wasn't me.
      what i do know, is that i want to run through the water.
      as for any drizzle, i can't smell any, nor do i feel any.
      well, i don't run through the water, because my cell phone could in my left hand, though i could put it away or turn it.
      something is in my left hand.
      well, i have something separately, in both hands.
      there is a basketball in my right hand, and i grip it like that of the NBA.
      because of the two items, i don't want to run through the water, and get my phone wet.
      well, i may end up going through the water, to get it out of my system, though i don't recall doing that.
      and i don't recall getting wet.
      regardless, i do see the garden from unit 13.
      so, i raise my right hand, and see the basketball there, attached to my fingertips.
      and then i decide to check out the other unit blocks.
      so, i go past block 6, towards darling street, which is to my right, and north.
      to my right, is a section of grass that leads towards darling street.
      the grass is like that of a corridor between buildings, and is about 10 metres long, by 2 metres wide, going away from me.
      so, while walking the corridor, i bounce the basketball.
      while doing so, i do a left handed lay up, against one of the brick walls of either building.
      "oh well" for anyone who is bothered by me doing that.
      after the lay up, i look into a unit, to my left, along this corridor.
      the unit is ground floor.
      not sure a door is open, or whether a window is open, because i can see a young woman in her bed, with a blanket or quilt over her.
      can only see the back of her, and she is on her right side.
      her light is off, but seeing her in bed, is odd, due to the time.
      and i can't hear her sleeping.
      the woman is not known to me.
      the quilt or blanket design, looks like a blue pattern.
      given the lack of light, i can see her quite well.
      maybe she is sick, or sleeping it off.
      so it must be that i have accidently seen her.
      her mattress is in a frame.
      she is a few metres from me, but close enough.
      so i continue walking.
      in another unit, to my left, which i can see inside, because another door or window is open.
      there is another young woman, sitting on her bed, studying, with her feet on the floor.
      a bedside table light is on, which is to her left.
      she is, or could be studying with a laptop, on a small wheeled table.
      she is of course, sitting, facing to my right, though i see her right side and almost the front of her.
      could be wearing pjs.
      she is a few metres from me, but close enough.
      the woman doesn't see me, or wouldn't know that im outside and can see her.
      and so, i keep going.
      and i can see inside another unit, which is like the one im in.
      there is mattress like mine.
      there is no bed sheet on it, but there is a pillow, at the head end.
      a blanket or quilt is on it, but as a pile.
      perhaps the bed is not made properly by the tenant.
      looking to my right there is a bed side table or a chest of drawers.
      the mattress though has my attention, as to why the bedsheet isn't under the pillow.
      then i leave from there, and away from the direction of darling street, back towards my unit.
      as i step back along this corridor, from that mattress unit, i see there is a stove on the grass.
      the stove is upright, and on an angle.
      its to my right as i go past it.
      according to the top switches, the red light is on and one of the hot plates is on.
      strangely none of the flour hotplates are one, nor are the covers.
      and there is no smell.
      the grill and oven are both shut.
      somehow, this stove is plugged into a lead outside from somewhere.
      thats a puzzling.
      why is a stove outside, and why is it plugged in, to a power lead?
      and im the only person who can see this, so i can't ask anyone.
      there is a brick wall of a unit, to my left.
      i dont take another step back towards my unit, because the scene changes.
      next, im fishing over a concrete pipe, in a small creek near a small bridge.
      it is day.
      this could at the Peel river, along Scott Road, near the velodrome.
      using a rod, i bring up a small muddy looking eel.
      the eel is about the length of my hand.
      then i see that im in dad's boat, with him.
      it is day.
      we are both near the front hull.
      dad is to my left, and im facing left.
      we are sitting, almost hip to hip.
      the seat could be a bench seat.
      my legs aren't crossed.
      the water where we are, is clear, with a green tinge.
      where we are, is not known, nor is the depth of the water.
      im holding a fishing rod, which is red, and regular length.
      so i let the line down into the water, as i hold the spool piece.
      on my line, or on the hook, is a really small caramel coloured cube with the yy pattern on it.
      dad has already lowered his line in, which i don't see him do.
      so i hold the line with my finger, at the spool.
      i let the line go down further, before bringing it back up.
      the water depth is still not known.
      so i lower the line again.
      with his left hand, dad helps me with the spool.
      what, like i don't know how?
      i say to him "you teach me, surprisingly!"
      then i lower the line again.
      this time im puzzled.
      either, my bike is on the line as i let the line down, or bring the line back up, with the bike attached to the hook.
      it attached via a cable between the seat and the handle bar.
      so, i turn the rod to my left, and lower the bike into the boat, like that of netting a fish.
      and do so in front of dad, who doesn't object to me doing that.
      how does the bike fit in the boat?
      dream ends.

      any comments or questions ?
    9. Close call with ghost leviathan area and command and conquer with Angela Merkel | [13.07.2021]

      by , 07-14-2021 at 04:02 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Close call with ghost leviathan area
      I am at the mountain island in Subnautica, and for some reason falling down into the water at the side like a rock. I am a bit scared of the reaper, but then I notice a hole, which I go in, but I notice the water color suddenly gets really dark and I am afraid a ghost leviathan might spawn so I quickly retreat.

      Command and Conquer with Angela Merkel
      I am on a sort of flat, circular island which is in its entirety surrounded by very spiky and cartoon-ish mountains, which also nearly split the island save for a ~10 meter gap. There is apparently a battle. It also seems to be a recurring dream, where last time there was an intense battle with mammoth tanks and artillery walkers, now it is that in my fraction the leader is Angela Merkel and apparently this time, after a short battle, for some reason they apparently realize they need to nuke each other, and so they do.

      Yeah, idk what that second dream was.
    10. VIP lucid dreamer

      by , 07-13-2021 at 06:47 PM
      VIP lucid dreamer
      Lucid# 8 - DILD

      I’m stood in an English looking farm area surrounded by a few stone cottages and beyond, fences and green fields. Suddenly I see three Orcs stood in front of me!? All are still and staring in a creepy way as if they’re ghosts. I’m startled by the image and it’s then I think, “Wait? Am I in a dream?” I’m not sure for a moment and I go to do a hand reality check but my hand is caught in my sleeve. I tug and pull desperate to get it free. As I struggle though it all becomes obvious this is a dream and I no longer need the reality check.

      I try to remain calm and not wake myself. I look away from the orcs and to my farm surroundings. It all looks so real. I look at my hands and then touch my nose and I feel I still have one. I then get moving and watch my feet as I walk toward a fence and a big red tractor. I listen and I can hear a chainsaw in the distance sawing into wood. I then smell the earthy scent of grass and mud. All my senses are working. I touch the tractor and feel how real it is. I touch the fence and other things as well and the dream seems to be very stable. I then see the grass below my feet and decide to eat some just to engage my taste sense. I pick up a few bristles and put them in my mouth. I half expect them to taste nice as I had heard eating in dreams always tastes amazing. It just tastes like grass though. It’s bland, planty and dissolves in my mouth.

      I look around some more and wonder what I should do now. I see a grassy path leading away from the farm. I decide to follow it and as I do I see my dog appear in front of me. I start walking down the path and see lambs and sheep as well. They are baa’ing as I walk by and seem scared of me. My dog then runs toward them and scares them more. It’s then a big sheep is running at me baa’ing loud. I think it’s attacking and defending its young. I panic and move out of the way but I’m mistaken and it just runs past me. I turn to see if my dog is following me but she is chasing the sheep in the opposite direction. I mean to go after her but then I notice she’s no longer black and has a grey coat? I’m reminded that’s not really my dog so I leave her and keep walking.

      I’m just heading under some trees when I remember I wanted to attempt to fly! I instantly jump in the air and hope to float but it does nothing and I land back on the ground. I get annoyed with myself as I know I did it wrong. I need to focus and believe! I think to try the superman pose which I heard can work but I’m under trees and I won’t be able to get past them. I’m then distracted by the scenery in front of me. The path leads to a large structure, a temple with pale yellow walls. It’s sat on the side of a large green lake with shores lined with trees at the other side. “Whoa, cool” I say. It’s beautiful and I run over to it and go under a large, rounded archway. It all looks Indian/ Taj Mahal in design and leads to a small, open room. To my left are big square pools filled with a shallow water. They’re there for decoration but I go over and dip my hand in the cool water and bring it to my face. I think about drinking it but I worry it may be unclean so I just wash my face with it instead.

      I note again how everything feels so real and every where I look the world around me is in lifelike detail. I then see a large metal door leading inside the temple. I see a key in the door and pull the key. The door swings open and I enter a large room with high ceilings which at first looks like a giant museum and is more modern then I was expecting. I look around and first see the walls are lined with colourful art work going all the way around the top of the room. I’m amazed and can’t believe what I’m seeing. Realistic art work of various styles is visible in great detail in a dream. I then see a simplistic, abstract image of the Virgin Mary in a blue hood and recognise the image though I’m not sure where from. I stare at it and it looks so familiar. I wonder if I’ve seen it in another art gallery?

      Just then a man walks up to me. He is tall and looks to be of Middle Eastern ethnicity. He is wearing a black suit and though he comes up to me in a polite and friendly manner I realise I’m probably somewhere I shouldn’t be. I feel out of place here and it feels like a 5 star hotel that I could never afford. “Can I help you?” He asks politely but I know he’s here to get rid of me. It’s then I remember I am in control and this is my dream. “Yes show me to my suite!” I say playing along like I’m some powerful VIP guest. “On the top floor” I add, maybe because I want a view or maybe some height to try to attempt to fly again? The trick seems to work and he obliges immediately and shows me to an elevator. More people then surround me to help and serve. “Would you like a cup of tea when you get to your room”? asks a man. I’m not sure if I’ll have time given my limited time in the dream but I say “ooo yes please” now wondering what a dream tea tastes like. “Oh and a tray of little cakes as well if you have any” I say now feeling greedy and wanting to try different things. “You won’t want them” explains a member of staff as if hinting they’re not very nice.

      Im escorted into the large elevator and as I walk in I’m now with at least 4 other staff who are guiding me and treating my like royalty. I notice one has a large tray of fruit and grapes for me. I enter the lift and wait. The staff are all staring at me as if waiting for instruction. “Come on make it go” I snap as they’re wasting time. A lady with frizzy blonde hair jumps forward and presses the disabled help button on the lift which apparently will get it moving? The doors shut and the elevator gets on its way. I quickly go to the tray of fruit and find a big juicy green grape which is cold and wet. I pick it off the bunch and all I can think now is “please don’t wake up again!” I put the grape in my mouth, bite and taste it. It does taste really good. Like a grape but much sweeter and the flavour much stronger. “Mmm” I say delighted I finally got to try a dream grape! I then lean back against the elevator wall and feel around a bit more to make sure I’m staying connected with the dream. I see a red post box on the wall and read some text on it. It says something odd like “red post”. I look away and look back to see if it changes and when I do it now says “team ltdfg” or some gibberish. I’m amazed how it changed so easily and hope I can remember this when I wake up.

      I look back at the staff in the lift and see the lady is now naked accept covered up by dungarees!” Why are you naked?” I ask but when I look down I find I’m naked as well! I look back at the woman but she is now Keanu Reeves! “What happened to you!?” I say puzzled. I then realise I’ve been in this lift for ages and get a little annoyed. “Come on speed it up” I tell the staff. I look and realise the lift doors are open slightly? One of the staff, a tall guy with a red bell boy hat on shuts the doors with his hands whilst smiling awkwardly at me. It’s as if the whole elevator is fake and I’ve just realised and now they’re trying to cover it up. Annoyed, I walk to the doors and the man opens them fully for me. I see a long hotel corridor ahead and as I step out, everything goes black. The dream ends. I am left in the void for a moment and know I’m about to wake up. I think about trying to DEILD but again I’m worried I won’t have time and may forget this dream so I don’t push it and wake up instead.

      So this is by far my longest and most stable lucid I’ve had! I can’t remember the start of the dream just the moment I realised I was dreaming which makes me wonder was it almost a WILD only I noticed shortly after the dream began. I remember how clear everything was and how stable. I could freely walk around and think for myself and I think doing some ADA and engaging my senses within the dream really helped prolong and stabilise it at the start. I really saw how forever changing things are in dreams as well, like my dog turning grey, the text on the post box changing, the people becoming naked and so on. You really can’t take your eyes off anything and you have to stay focused. I also tried to fly which was my main dream goal but it failed, I sort of didn’t do it with any commitment or belief though and I knew I needed to concentrate harder. Then came the hotel section, this is when things got really interesting. First off the art work on the wall. How did my brain produce it all in so much detail! I wish I had inspected more of the paintings. Maybe it was all original artwork created by subconscious! Then came the dream characters. I was able to manipulate them and get them to treat me like some VIP guest. On reflection I came across like a bit of a snob to them but I was just playing along with the dream and it was a lot of fun. I also saw how dream characters can be lifelike but also robotic and unable to act without commands. They’re almost like a crude AI and simulate humans but aren’t fully formed people. I got to try my grape which I was delighted about. The dream came to a quick end after that which was a shame as I really wanted to see my room and what else the dream had to show me. Still I can’t complain the entire dream felt like it was maybe 10 - 15 minutes long? I’m not 100% but it felt a good amount of time and I hope I can have more lucids of this length and quality.

      Waking Notes:

      Stability: High
      Control: High
      Clarity: High
      Awareness: High
      Length: High

      Trigger: Dream oddity
      Reality check: None
      Length: 10 - 15 minutes (approx.)
      Goals: Try dream grape, Manipulate DCs
      Techniques: WBTB, MILD
      Time: 6:40am
      Lucid count: 8
    11. 13 Jul: Lucid surreal stuff, chased by Darth Vader into tunnel, college field trip

      by , 07-13-2021 at 03:36 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Had some lucid moment in front of a mirror, but then lose it. I hate my clothes and look, so I make magically appear a gorgeous princess dress and then get horny with myself. I pull the dress up and expose my nether regions in the mirror and summon some dildos to play with. Some dog big hairy appears and gets on top of me and humps me. And the weird thing is I let him for a while until I realize this is kinda sick and I want it to stop. So I become lucid again and break it. I get up, go out and see some scenario I think I had dreamed of before at least twice.
      There is a big group of people outside, then on a black horse comes some lady like a Queen, of whom people are afraid of. I remember from having this dream before, that she'll boss me around and I am not in the mood. So I freeze everyone and everything around, like even the birds in the sky. Some people resist a little bit my order to freeze, so I yell to them that I am in charge. When everything is totally still, I admire the details, I focus on the shapes of the clouds and then I see the International Space Station falling from the sky and smashing against a building. I go check it out up close. There is some kind of engine burning fuel and I climb on top of it, almost get burned by the flames, but make some joke about it, as I know it can't possibly hurt me.
      Then I see a door behind this burning engine and I go in. Looks like an entrance to a theater, and once I get inside I am followed by Darth Vader, who stands there at the entrance, looking menacing. I run from him down a corridor that gets tighter and tighter until it becomes a tunnel and then the tunnel starts descending until it is a sliding pipe. It gets tighter and tighter, until I feel stuck and unable to get out. Plus the walls are covered in chocolate. (Looks more like I'm stuck in a sphincter ). I start digging around to remove chocolate layers from the walls until I slide down and find myself out of it.
      Once outside, I am in a strange locker room and hear someone discussing how they'll clean us up and then will chose 2 or 3 girls. I don't like the tone of the conversation, and try to escape through a door, but end up cornered in a room with a balcony where some guys are assessing girls like they are meat.

      There is a fire in Á-dos-Loucos and firetrucks are going up the road in a long line. Then behind my mom's building, the gates of all the houses also start burning. It is clearly arson, but now all the firefighters went up the hill for the other fire, so no one can put these fires down.

      Checking in at some place, like a college and then hostel. The procedure involves interviews and putting applicants interacting in small groups. I pass and I am admitted without hassle. But later on I pass by the admission area and there is an enormous queue and everyone is complaining about the time it takes. Bad Wolf is among them and I have this fuzzy feeling of having him being my colleague again. I picture us becoming bf and gf and marrying and me owning half of his business. When everyone is checked in, we take a field trip and we get to meet each other and assess each other. When we debate whom we seem to connect to and whom we think will end up fighting, I say I don't fear anybody in the group because I could handle them all, since I noticed we are all about the same size (males and females alike).
      We have a quick lunch at the hostel, but some prefer going back to our college as the options there are better. We eat a soup and then some pastry. I then need to go to toilet and it is a unisex with two stalls and very little privacy. David the Kid is also rushing to the toilet, so I tell him to go first and instead I go look through a window on the corridor, with view over a lake on the back of the building. I spot 3 toads who change colors. Some are white with black patterns and another is blue and green and when they spot me they all turn brownish and dive into the muddy waters camouflaged. I find them awesome and then tell David about it but he tries to spot them and can't.
      We join an afternoon activity with our hosts. They take us to the back of a local meat processing plant and show us how they observe the workers conditions and denounce them. They sometimes make live vigils, often they end up dumpsterdiving and salvage lots of meat. Back at the hostel they explain they are really into meat eating not only because they get a lot for free, but they believe they need it and start telling individual stories of some of them who became strong and other BS because of their meat diet. I feel it's time to go away or else I'll end up disrespecting our hosts. So I get up with a colleague and we say thank you for your hospitality but we are leaving. I go back to the room we were supposed to stay for a night and I pick up my bags and lots of electronics and headphones we brought in for some reason.
      I go down to the lobby with my colleague and she asks me to do the checkout with her right away, because we have a ride. But I find they have a really nice library on the ground floor. Some guy approaches me rudely asking for help and I reply that I don't work there. He says "ok, but you study and stay here, right? I need some info about this book about Angola" I say no, that I am a biologist for many years and notice some incongruity in what I am saying. But then Marta P. comes to us, presents herself as the librarian and offers to help the dude.
    12. ok

      by , 07-13-2021 at 06:35 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Bad recall this week. Just a couple fragments about Jamie. The best i can recall is audio only. She was telling me she's planning to reach out or something. Heard that one before last year. Not sure I believe that.
      Tags: jamie.
    13. Water Palace

      by , 07-12-2021 at 12:45 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I relax my body, staying aware as a dream scene slowly starts to form. I find myself within my home, and float out through the front doors. I take in an autumn scene of the front yard and float up about twenty feet and continue floating down the street with my arms stretched out. Visually, the scene is amazing, with bright autumn colors displaying in full vividness through the leaves. I look left and right at all the intricately designed brick houses as I float down the street, remembering back to the street layout in past lucid dreams, and considering if I should enter one of the approaching houses. Each design is very different with some more mystical yet others more macabre. I decide not to enter yet, and drift further down the road. The road becomes a bit more dim and I notice a Buddhist theme front yard on my left, and more of an abandoned look to the houses on the right. I decide to enter one of the upcoming houses, and drift yet a bit farther, yet the dream quickly fades and I wake up.

      Updated 06-06-2023 at 12:29 AM by 50425

    14. 21/07/11 - ld 37

      by , 07-11-2021 at 08:37 PM
      Random lucid after unintentional WBTB. Slept ~6.5 hours, awake for an hour, then fell back asleep...

      The dream started non-lucid, with me walking around some village by the sea. Somehow my awareness was increasing throughout, and at some point rational thought caught up with the knowledge of being in a dream that I already had for some time at this point. I kinda awoke into the dream, now with my waking-life-like consciousness present, inside the brightness of the dream surroundings. The whole scene seemed strangely permeable, I could have just chosen to wake up but I wanted to try and stay. To stabilize I kneed down and engaged my senses. To my right there were people walking along the promenade, in front of me there was something like a sandbox. I let my hands run through the sand and once again, I was astonished how real this mind-made representation can feel. Using my hands as a shovel I picked up some sand and closely examined it. I could see every miniscule stone; most of them being of a white color but some also dark. While I was focused on this stuff immediate in front of me, I realized that the world around me was quite unstable and seemed to change shape all the time. I clenched my left hand and let the sand run down slowly. It seemed that I could feel every single grain of sand leave my hand. By now, the dream was very stable and I was fully aware.

      I went along the promenade and towards the sea. There sat a friend of mine with her son (who seemed to have some kind of disability) playing at the beach. Somehow I, too, had acquired a small child on the way (which I didn't really question - despite my lucidity). I considered what to do now and found that I'd like to go swimming. Though I knew this to be a dream I still felt somewhat responsible for the child and so I asked my friend to keep an eye on him. She agreed and I dove into the water straight away. Reminding myself that this is a dream I continued to swim and breath underwater. It was pretty difficult though because some kind of force was pulling me up and also holding me back. I struggled against it and finally freed myself somewhat. I kept swimming further but at some point the surroundings dissolved and I woke up.
      lucid , side notes
    15. ccci. Meeting at a church, Visiting an in-dream dream location, Living in a mall

      by , 07-11-2021 at 07:03 PM
      11th July 2021


      Transitioning from the TBC era to WLK era. T is there as his paladin at one point. There's something very Roman-esque about the setting? We need to complete some gold-payment quest to continue on into the city. There's a group of randoms with us, part of our party.


      In a place like L, by the pier area I think. There's a lot of commotion because of an upcoming football match. It's dark-ish, twilight-like, orange and purple hues in the sky? I want to take the subway to go somewhere, but first I got into this church. Many people are leaving an on-going service in the church but many still remain.

      Aunt G enters the church, I notice her and approach, getting her attention. She eventually recognises me and I tell her we should go somewhere together (to make up for lost time?) because I realise this place is actually quite crowded. I don't entirely feel safe, I think. Someone, an older lady but not as old as my aunt, she's putting up cordons and tells us we can't go in a certain area of the church. She had white hair, maybe tied back.

      The church is artificially lit, quite a warm light which contrasts with the twilight. Originally I wanted to move towards one of the areas that was cordoned off. We end up leaving the church and heading down a nearby subway entrance.

      (recall gap)

      We are next to a guy who's a pipe maker. I tell my aunt how many churches just can't afford new pipes, even though they'd benefit from them. The pipe maker gives us a statistic; only about five-hundred thousand out of one and a half million can afford such things. I realise and remark that it's only a third. I also remark that the distribution is going to be geographically unfair or disproportionate, too.

      (after writing these two, I got up and had thoughts about WBTB as I got back in bed)


      Visiting a church with H. In the dream, I had a dream where I'd visited this church and it was sort of empty. So, when we're there together, I already know the layout. During the dream, this made me vaguely think of "vision quest" dreaming and that sort of thing (no doubt related to reading Dreamgates before bed). The church has an odd layout, the rooms are laid in an inwards spiralling fashion. One of the back rooms we go through is tiled and looks a bit industrial.

      It has four big cylindrical tanks, all white. They're about twice and a half our height. I understand them to be part of some boiler system. A man, possibly the warden, is showing us around the church, some kind of introduction.

      Before this, me and H are outside. We just got out of the van. It's dark? I don't remember the grounds too well but there are tall trees and low dry-stone walls. H shows me something about a painting, which resides out here, on the external church walls. The painting is very big, mostly vertical. It's about one yard wide by four yards tall.

      The painting itself is kind of sepia in tones. It has a sketch-like look. At first I just see some eyes at the top, like part of an incomplete portrait, but as I move it around (because I'm moving it to hang it on another wall), the image changes. On some level, this makes me think of those "holo" images.


      At a mall place with H. We live in a flat inside the mall, accessible via an escalator through a store, it's either a clothing or jewellery store. Some people I know from school are here, there's some interaction. Rest of recall is gone.

      - We went today somewhere that took us the same road that we can take when we went to see a pipe maker. This was recently, so I wonder if that dream theme was influenced by this.

      - The TBC->WLK dream theme probably came from a nostalgia of the actual WLK period and from having some interest in its classic revival. On the other hand, I have little or no interest in paying to play the game, especially since there's very little social motivation for me to do so. The last time I went on, the atmosphere was more "toxic" than I recalled, something I found hugely disappointed, making me feel like some people just never grow up. Perhaps when I played many years ago, I was just that much younger that I didn't think much of it/just ignored it or maybe it wasn't that far removed from daily life, but now it would just bother me.
      -- I still find WoW dream themes to be fairly enjoyable, since they do tend to focus on the sense of adventure, combat or exploration, which were feelings that were much more present in me when I was younger. I haven't felt a genuine sense of wonder about anything at all for many years.

      - In the area where I used to live, the mall has flats over it. Although the mall in the dream had a more "airport-shops" feel to it, the rest of the associations seemed fairly close to memory of home.