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    1. 7-26-2013

      by , 07-28-2013 at 02:21 AM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      No dreams, But this was my final day of getting up extremely early. Which means, i will be getting back into the groove of things from now on.
    2. Random bits+Lucid Dream #48

      by , 07-28-2013 at 02:20 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I was driving my dad's car in some urban area. First on an expressway, but later, I got into a more boulevard like area. After awhile I got distracted on my phone and lost control of the car.
      The car spun off the road and rolled over into a vacant lot. I knew that I had lost control of the car under my own fault, and it wasn't the accident. So when the cops and my parents showed up at the accident scene a few minutes later, I pretended to be dead so I wouldn't go to jail.

      My mom had singed me up to go to some preliminary military school that only lasted for five days. And (enter dream logic) the military school was held in my own bedroom.
      I had just woken up on the third day. I had been sick and asleep for the first two days of the school, but now that I was awake, I was expected to be ready for the class.
      After I woke up, I was scrambling around my own bedroom with the other students from the class in uniform watching me. I was trying to get my uniform on while being yelled at by the drill instructor.

      I was in some subway station, I think in New York. I became lucid somehow. But this wasn't very good lucidity, this was crap lucidity, groggy and not very clear. And that goes for the whole dream. I was lucid, but I sort of had drunken lucidity.
      The first thing I can remember after that was Lia was there. She started teaching me something to do with flying in lucid dreams by having me jump between these two platforms in the subway station.
      It's a little difficult to describe, but these two platforms were on either side of the train track by the end of the station. (Where the train goes from the station to the more narrow tunnel between stations.) Also, the platforms were quite a bit higher above the train tracks than the station platform.
      Anyways, Lia had me fly between the two platforms several times. Eventually the flying power failed. Lia said that it had something to do with the gravity of the dream rather than the powers I was using.
      After the power failed, we walked up some stairs into the city. The city had buildings that looked like New York, but it didn't have the feel of being near the water. (Another thing about dreams, I can have a feel for the area even if I don't look at it.) Also, the skyline seemed somewhat sparse. There were only a few tall towers, most of the buildings were very low-lying.
      We began walking down the road. I began using voice commands to change the weather. But the problem was whenever I gave a voice command to the weather, it would change to something seemingly random.
      For example, If i said the weather should change to rain, I would get snow. If I asked for clear skies, the weather would change to cloudy.
      I was trying to get there to be clear skies, because I wanted to experiment with moving the positions of the Sun and Moon in the sky. Eventually I gave up.
      I went into some diner and sat down. The diner had the feel of one of those retro kind of diners we rarely see these days. But I didn't sit at the bar, but rather one of the tables on the front side (not all diners have these, only the larger ones.)
      The diner had a very dank feel to it. It was dark, and only a few lights were on. I sat down, and a moment later, a faceless waitress gave me a glass of chocolate milk. (my favorite childhood beverage, admittedly, still my favorite beverage.)
      Well it wasn't a glass, but rather served to me in some strange thermos container. The lid was a very shallow white plastic cup filled to the brim with chocolate milk. The actual cup was a much deeper chrome cylinder, also filled to the brim.
      Given my groggy lucidity, I decided to try and drink the chocolate milk. But I was afraid that since both ends were so full, I used telekinesis to carefully lift the cup up to my mouth and take a sip.
      I was able to do this with both the silver cup and the plastic lid, in said order. But after the lid, I had attracted the attention of some other dream characters in the bar who were amazed that I was able to lift the cup with my mind.

      Updated 12-15-2014 at 04:08 AM by 53527

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    3. Oneironaut Zero Saves Me, Kicking Ass and Taking Names [DILD]

      by , 07-28-2013 at 12:32 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Oneironaut Zero Saves Me (DILD)


      Listened to a self-hypnosis recording I did with my voice and decided to continue not using WBTB, managed to get a decent lucid. Without even trying, SWEET!!!

      Recall is okay, just the normal if I were to actually do a WBTB and have a decent sleeping schedule. It will only get better when I get more into making more audio hypnosis scripts and/or saying them to myself before sleeping at night. I managed to get my tonality and emotion-pouring down with the scripts, which makes the imagination that much easier. Might even make a longer hypnosis script for myself where I'll make a recording and save it for some other purposes.

      Imagine being in an underground base where the dominant colors are mostly shades of blue and turquoise. The dream itself repeated some aspects for some odd reason, and it was mostly me checking if the person Oneironaut Zero killed stayed dead. But let's not worry about that right now.

      All I can remember as I'm shifting back and forth with third person, first person, and just spectating what's going on over what seemed like watching a movie, I started harboring extreme sensations with adrenaline and fear.

      My recall for this has a lot of patches, seeing how there were so many areas I must've traveled in a short span of time. Most of the double doors were electronic and open, and it seems every time I enter some area, I would see to my right side a wired fence shaped into a cube protecting random electronic objects. Like bases or power generators of some sort, and with how things were going, it seemed the building we're in has some kind of invasion of weird creatures, machines, and such occurring.

      It seemed I was pretty lucky, not having to deal with all of that, yet. Throughout the dream, I felt sensations occurring within my head, neck, and back region. It was a sort of fuzzing and vibrating feeling, it didn't hurt, but it wasn't something I would want to tolerate for too long. It almost as if my senses were just elevated because of the rush and adrenaline surging through my dream body, that it was a matter of life and death, and all that mattered was getting out before I end up dead.

      And as I'm running and dodging without looking back, as if all that was needed was for me to sustain the narrow tunnel vision I had in this dream, Krauser shows up yet again, and his countenance is completely different from the other dreams where he seemed to only show up to scare me, but never had any ambition to kill me.

      He extends his left arm, and seems to be ready to facepalm my face straight into the wall behind me, and luckily, there just happened to be someone right behind me that he ends up hitting instead of me. Either he was still trying to scare me, or he just had crappy aim. I waste no time and immediately dashed to the open double doors to the left about 10 feet away from me.

      Suddenly, I find myself accidentally tripping, and it's really, really hard to get up.



      While Krauser is trying to get his hand out from the person's head he slammed against the wall, I'm still struggling to get up. I felt like this dream was going to end up being miserable until someone in a blue-black jacket comes in rapidly, and the dream character looks a lot like Oneironaut Zero who's just waiting for a good fight with Krauser.

      He indirectly signals me to leave, but I'm still trying to process how he came about. Eventually, I managed to finally get up from the floor, still looking at what Oneironaut has up his sleeve to deal with the Krauser dream character coming after me. And before I managed to get past the same left door that's now to the right of me (since I braced against the wall), Oneironaut Zero goes through some mutation while Krauser does the same.

      There seems to be tentacles gradually coming out of the left side of O's face, then some grows behind his back, and after that, I was too afraid to really see the full transformation from both dream characters. I wanted to help, but it seemed O can hold his own, especially since I have no chance against a fully mutated Krauser that probably would end up twice the height of the original.

      Now things shift back to me watching the events as if I'm looking at a movie or something. I noticed I started to pick up the pace with running away, but not only that, feeling more agile, flexible, and even ready to do super-human jumping as well. The scene that was previously saturated with a turquoise and blue atmosphere now changes into a mustard-yellow atmosphere.

      And things are getting even more hectic as I'm trying to avoid the random machines and other-worldly creatures that are just too hard for me to process their visage and composition because of how I only cared about getting out of this place alive. I still worried about whether or not O would be fine dealing with the Krauser dream character, but I guess some kind of instinct kicked it telling me he'll be just fine.

      There's a long metal chain that happens to be one of the few ways to get out of this place, and I immediately jump up to grab onto it. And as I'm slowly taking my time climbing up the metal chain, there seems to be random fighting below me. I noticed Wonder Woman (the Justice League version) seems to be taking pretty hard hits from whatever entities she's fighting. She's being thrown left and right and still while recovering each time to go back fighting full force.

      All of this is still occurring while I'm looking at myself and the background scene in spectator mode. It seemed the dream character of me was so fixated on climbing upwards without looking down, and the more I focused wanting to get out, the more intense the fighting is below. I can hear the slashing, clashing, and all the punching sounds along with the grunts, moans, and screaming as well.

      I wondered how the hell I got myself into this dream environment, and I'm presuming I finally made it to the top and I'm hopefully free and safe from all the chaos beneath me. My train of thought, or at least me being able to visualize myself starts getting patchy again.

      I start seeing a few glimpses of areas I've been before, and I take advantage of this ability to check to see if O was okay. All I saw was Krauser's dead mutated body, so I'm presuming O managed to seal the deal and get out perfectly fine. But I didn't have time to speculate and try to again some assurance that he's alright, seeing how the monsters and machines most likely are tailing me by climbing the long metal chain as well.

      From this point, I don't know where in the world I'm headed, all I remember was just jumping off somewhere very high. The dream environment and setting shifts completely now, and that's probably because I forgot what happened in the middle.

      That's what I get for not doing a proper WBTB.

      Anyway, I'm in a different scene, and my feelings are less anxious and intense, so I'm assuming things are safe now. Imagine me now being within a large and spacious area that resembles a base for small planes and helicopters to traverse. Surrounding me about 400 feet to 2 miles are large garage type buildings, as if I'm near some miltary base.

      But it doesn't feel like that, it feels more like some type of training ground for people who want to pilot flying vehicles. And I find myself noticing that I'm waiting in a short line, and I quickly shift my head to the left to see who I'm waiting in line to meet.

      I noticed there's a lady that looks like she's in he 30s, she has bowl cut hairstyle that's orange-red with a slight shade of black near the front regions before stopping to the side of her face. She's wearing a classic secretary black dress shirt and skirt that's a about knee-level.

      She's filling in applications and signing forms I'm presuming, and while I'm waiting for my turn, I take the time to just look around and stare into random space. I noticed how it's early morning within this dream, and I can see the sun rise up slowly to my left side. And as I turn to my right, you know how you can see the heat waves or whatever from a distances where the light gives the illusion that the objects are bending?

      It was like that for a a minute, and as I'm turning left and right occasionally, I turn to my left again to find an elderly man sitting about 5-10 feet away from the same female that's busy with the people in line. He has his back faced to her on her right side (my left side), and is sitting perpendicular from her.

      It seems he's waiting for something, and I begin to notice how he's holding some kind of certificate in his left hand. I didn't want to pry into the information within this certificate, but because he's holding it in a way that makes it look like eye-candy, I can't help but zoom from far away to see that he's most likely trying to get his driver's permit or something.

      The man is wearing thin-framed glasses, a few jagged features sustained in his visage, and is a bit obese, maybe 250-400lbs. He's wearing a green cap with a small streak of orange, if I remember correctly, and he's just casually reading this certificate to himself, probably to kill some time.

      Then he finally gets his turn, and quickly gets up to meet the secretary like female I'm waiting for as well. She declares to him the type of license this man will be getting, and she stated some things that are hard to process, jargon most likely. I believe he had to have a restriction on his license or whatever it is he's trying to get because the female stated how he had some kind of disability.

      She states this a bit loud, not too loud, but just enough to make the man feel ashamed for his disability. He quickly tries to cover the topic by questioning her randomly, but it's not really working out for him. I don't really pay too much attention to is situation with her, and I'm sure the dream characters I'm behind in line didn't really care, or at least pretended they didn't hear the conversation.

      You know how you wait in line for something, and there's someone somewhere at the far corner of the area you're in that shows off or does something loud that makes every avert their eyes towards them? And then when things settle down, they quickly turn back so the person doesn't feel like people are staring at them like hawks? It was kind of like that, and as the man eventually has his situation covered, it's finally my turn to speak to the lady.

      I honestly don't know why I'm standing here, but it seems the lady knows I'm here for something fortunately. She tells me that O gave me a letter, and I was puzzled for a bit. She tends down while still sitting on her black rolling chair to open a drawer and hands me a letter. I quickly tear the seal and read the glanced at the content for ab it.

      Then I tried to re-read it to absorb whatever content the O dream character that saved me tried to give me in this letter. The letter is folded into thirds, hot-dog position, and as I'm trying to sustain my vision and make things a bit clearer, I find it difficult to read the content.

      It starts getting blurry, and no matter how hard I tried to calm down, relax, and let the word trailing shift back to their original position, I can't really string together a cohesive train of thought from this letter. I believe I decided to put this letter in my pocket by folding it the opposite way after folding it back hotdog style and gave my thanks to the secretary like dream character female.

      All I can remember from the letter was that O stated he was alright and didn't really have much injury from before, but he was more concerned that I hopefully got out alive without any injuries myself.

      I can't recall what happened from this point, and I guess I tried to leave because I didn't want to stall the people waiting in line behind me.

      Sucks I don't know what the O dream character was trying to tell me. It seems whenever there's a message being given to me, especially letters, I always end up having to save them for later only to forget them and never really getting the chance to see them before I try to have a dream where I can find the letter again without worrying if it was going to be a false copy.

      If only I recalled this dream earlier, I'd probably be able to get out a few chunks within the letter, but that's my fault.

      I felt even more guilty that despite of this O counterpart being a dream character, that this entity still cared enough to risk his own life to make sure I got out safely. It's happened before with a female that takes a laser cannon shot to her chest and stomach region, and a few others I can't recall off the top of my head. I'm personally glad O was just fine and things didn't end up where someone's life is taken away, compared to the dream I had months ago where the lady that pushes me off before possibly dying from the laser shot.

      Those types of dreams where someone has to take their life are always hard for me to process honestly, even if it's all just a dream.

      I wanted to do much more in this lucid dream, but I guess all I really cared about was seeing how the dream plot would unfold instead of sitting around doing nothing but wondering what to do.
    4. 7-27-13 Dream Journal

      by , 07-28-2013 at 12:08 AM
      Yay I found a few free minutes today to DJ so here goes. I don't really have a ton of time so most of them will probably just be shorthanded.


      Dream One: Bear fight

      I am in a large underground cave like the bio-dome from the TV show Eureka. There are large purple stalactites/stalagmites, whichever are the ones that come down, hanging from the ceiling and there are snow covered paths snaking through the bio-dome. I am with my family riding around on snowmobiles. We run into a large brown bear, he doesn't seem to mean but he is interested in playing with us which just doesn't seem safe. The path is to narrow for us to safely get around him so we start turning around. We escape him but he says his black brother is going to hurt us now because we wouldn't play with him. He calls out "He is going to get you, he is noticeably black" whatever that means. I start scanning the woods for something that is "noticeably black" and see a patch of something that looks like moving shadows heading towards us. The bear kind of comes out of the shadows but he is so black it is still hard to see him. We manage to escape him to and get safely back to our fort.

      Dream Two: Space

      I am walking along a dock and look up. I notice that the moon is SUPPER huge and beautiful tonight so I get my phone out and start taking pictures. Then the dreams turns into 3rd person and I am looking at the solar system focused around a HUGE burning sun in the middle. Everything is interactive, I can see clouds moving on the planets, and there are solar flares coming off the sun. I see some circular distortions come out of the sun and move, even though I don't have a body, my hand out to pop them like a bubble. They pop and when they do they make a huge electric space storm that rages on for a couple seconds then burns out. I pop three of the distortions then the dream transitions again and I am back on the dock with my phone in my hands. I realize I have video recording of everything I just saw so I start showing people around me and they are amazed at how real it looks. Then when I show them the space storms they are just so cool looking people want to watch the video over again.

      Dream Three: Water Manipulation Powers

      Very little back story on this dream, I don't know my motivations. The dream starts as I am walking into a large water park. For some reason me and my friend, who has freezing powers, don't like this water park or the people who run it so we are going to trash it. I start clapping my hands in a cadence, 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4, clap clap clap clap. I am using my water manipulation powers and with each clap Reaking havoc around the park. Water tendrils are shooting out and grabbing people. Some of the tentacles are smashing the buildings and stuff like that. I remember being just amazed that I could control so much water at once. My partner with freezing powers was coming behind me and freezing the people in the tentacles, which put them in a kind of stasis. The dream takes a transition and I am standing on top of a water tower over the park negotiating with the owner. I am making some kind of demand but she is not cooperating because she thinks I am joking. I am not joking, not at all. I remember feeling very serious, I did not like it at all that she was not taking me seriously. I put my arms out to the side, focusing all my power, I slam my hands together manipulating the water in a woman's body who is standing below the water tower. I send her blasting up into the sky, she is quickly out of site. I start counting down from ten, I tell the owner that if she does not meet my demands the woman will die when I reach zero. She still thinks I am joking even though I stare at her solemnly as I count down to zero. When I reach zero I say the woman is dead (side not the women really was dead, I could since her land on a tree a long ways away, she didn't survive). The owner is starting to realize that I am serious, but is still not willing to meet my demands. I hold my arms out to my sides again, and slam them together focusing all my power on a man below the water tower. This time I launch the man straight at me. If the owner won't give in to my demands when I kill a woman out of site, perhaps she needs a more... clear... demonstration. I launch the man at me and as he approaches I bring my right arm back and punch at him again manipulating the water in his body. I focus on sending it in all different direction, the man explodes and his blood covers everyone on the water tower. Through all this I continued to stare at the owner, I never showed anger, just solemness to let her know I was very serious. She gets the picture now and urgently gives into my demands as a once again had began bringing my arms out to the side. The dream fades away.

      Dream Four: Submarine and Crocodiles

      I am in a huge huge huge submarine shaped like a giant see turtle. The man who is the cook from the show Falling Skies is the captain of the submarine, he is up on a stage performing some karaoke. I am a prisoner and he starts leading me down a hallway. The hallway is lined on both sides by big swimming pools. I see that there are large crocodiles synchronously swimming around in circles in the pools. He throws me in one of the pools, the disturbance of me entering kicks up a tone of mud from the bottom and so I can't see anything anymore because the water is so murky. The dream takes a transition and I am no longer scared. I reach out and start petting the crocodiles. The are soft, kind of slimy, and like being petted. I somehow learn they are slaves to run the submarine. They have some device that captures the momentum made by the crocodiles swimming in circles to propel the submarine. neat.

      Dream Five: Arena King

      I am a women fighting in arena combat. There is loud techno music playing, and hundreds of people over the arena betting on the combat. I am loosing to the man I am fighting. There is some kind of lull in the combat, I don't know why because he had clearly one the fight. I look up and notice that there is somebody in the crowd I know and I don't want him to see me lose. There is now a huge dream transition and I turn into the man I was earlier with water manipulation powers. This time I am angry, very angry at this man for hurting and beating the woman I was before. I hold my arms out to my sides but this time I focus a different power and throw my arms down to the ground in a summoning ritual. Then I throw my right arm out first catching a sword that appears out of a portal, then my left arm catching another sword. I yell out "These are the swords of the ocean, Rashni and Krishna (Side note: no idea if those names have any significance, anybody ever herd of something like that... they mean nothing to me). I hold them out to my sides and a ton of power floods from them into me. With their power I am so much more powerful than the man I was fighting that he is not even in my league anymore. It would be pitiful to even fight him, so I just glare at him and turn to leave. He is strong enough to since my power and he is terrified. As I turn to leave he looks re leaved and just slumps to the ground. I leave the pit and enter the crowd, everyone is looking at me. I head to the throne and approach the leader of the arena. I am challenging him for the right to rule. Weird turn of events here. The challenge is not a fight. To become arena king, I have to chose a cookie out of a nearby cookie ten. If I choose and eat the right cookie then I will be arena king. I don't even have to choose blind folded or anything. I look in the ten and can clearly see the cookie that will make me king. But I choose another one and the current leader says good I knew you wouldn't choose the king cookie. I accepted this statement as a matter of fact and the dream ended.
    5. Hogwarts and Alien Haze

      by , 07-27-2013 at 11:42 PM (Life's Dream Accounts)
      I remember the dream seemed to start out where I was at a school library that looked like the inside of a Barnes and Noble book store. I could smell printing in the books, and then It was like I was reading a manga book but then it was happening right in front of me somehow but two dimensionally. The manga book really didn't seem to have a premise because when I was reading it I saw the print of a school girl aiming a gun or beam gun up in the air randomly. She had short dark hair pulled back into a pony tail and looked like a manga character. Then, she pulled the trigger. This was like looking at a flip book except it seemed to happen on one page. After she pulled the trigger it hit a pillar which then collapsed and fell on top of another school girl who kind of looked like Konata from lucky star but then an older version of her or a similar looking girl then came around the corner. The younger Konata was passed out from being hit and the older girl that resembled the younger shorter one came in and swiped the girl up then ran off to get some help or something. I then flashed back into the bookstore. It was almost like I was witnessing another dimension act itself out. I thought that what I had just read was boring and seemed to lag on about random stuff so I looked through the other manga books. I said no to all of them while saying things like "another book about school girls, no. A book about friendship and hardship, no." I listed all the genres off by my own liking and insisted that it was just the same crap over and over again.

      The next dream I was onboard an Alien ship, I had awoken into this dream remembering seeing a fading light and being lifted up. I saw these tall green aliens looking at my feet and poking them, I then realized my feet were green. The aliens then started saying things like "where, were you?" "we were looking for you" and they kept asking those questions until I said something like "I don't know." and then felt distanced from the aliens as I zoned out into a haze for awhile and then woke up

      The next dream was Harry Potter related. I remember that chronologically something had happened to where howarts history was repeating itself and time in this matter really didn't exist. I was walking around Hogwarts talking to Ron who was telling me how easy it was to get lost as a first year and told me to try not to get into trouble. I then was on a different floor, Hermione, who was standing looking on ward looked disappointed about something. I couldn't tell until the scenario of where I was became more clear to me. I was in a class, I don't remember which one, but something had gone terribly wrong and Hermione was struck by this. I was a little disoriented within the dream so I don't remember completely what had happened in the classroom like room in hogwarts, it was as though I was trying to remember bits of the movie and the book together to create a dream, but it was all a haze.
    6. Former teacher

      , 07-27-2013 at 10:39 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed at 2:30am after partial Breaking Bad marathon

      DR 5:40am

      But the time I wrote it down, all there is left is a frag.

      I'm running up the stairwell, hiding from a teacher. Something about some type of a LDer.
      dream fragment
    7. 27th July 2013 Fragments

      by , 07-27-2013 at 09:40 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Recall was better but it kinda vanished in seconds, i need to stabilize my sleeping times.

      I was playing some multiplayer games with someone and in each there was some choice to be made, also there was something about dragons.
    8. Six Dream Fragments

      by , 07-27-2013 at 07:26 PM (Casting Shadows)
      [In search of the time that is good to wake up so that I can remember dreams I am trying out a project. I knew that I wouldn't be going to bed until three this morning so I set my alarm clock to ring at six. I would write down anything that I can remember from a dream, pace around a little, and prepare to take a nap--because I usually have lucids in naps. Unfortunately my dad didn't wake me up at nine like I thought he would and I ended up sleeping from six-thirty to twelve, soooo. . . .]

      1) I must have been in some store, either a general store or a pharmacy, because I was looking at a shelf that had several pill bottles on it. I recall that their tops were shaped somewhat oddly.
      *** this is the second time medicine has appeared in my dream. if it keeps on like this it'll be a dream sign.

      2) In real life CLS is a Christian Camp that I used to attend during the summer for one week, but here in this dream it was slightly different. There were four groups and we were placed into whatever Hogwarts House we were (so of course I was in Gryffindor), and our "levels" were determined on what grade we were in. I was a junior so the year after would be my last year to come unless I became a counselor.

      The place that we were in was sort of like the school cafeteria back in Ucon with a "log cabin" sort of theme. There was a large but old fridge pushed to the side and by collecting food in our bags we would obtain points for our teams. I remember thinking something like, I wish this was a Nano-Fridge, which comes from The Sims 3 in the Nano-Microwave. If the fridge was a Nano-Fridge then it would have been of better quality and would have kept it from breaking. Every time the fridge broke we were instructed to stop running and dump our food on the ground (or on the table, which ever worked better) so that the counselors could fix it.

      3) In The Sims 3 for console there is a particular character called Willow Lynd, and she lives with the other local Goths. I was sitting with her in what I would assume to be a library (though to be honest it was really as though I had been sucked into the living room of The Clique house--the house that she originally lives in in the game. The walls are red, the carpet is red, the chairs and sofas are red, and the windows are big. Someone distrusted Willow due to her "Goth" status--I think it was an authority figure, but I can't be sure--but I can't recall how she felt about that.

      At some point during that dream I stood up and walked over to them, though. There were a lot of people in the room over.

      4) Another effing Sims dream. Each Trait you choose for your Sim would open up a different "Challenge" (or story line). The ones that I were looking at were technological, so I was probably thinking about the Computer Whiz Trait. Also, I caught a glimpse of the daughter on there turning into a Teenager.

      5) Nothing but crystals in a cavern. The crystals had a blue tint. . . .

      6) Jarvis and I were playing some sort of video game with one another. I'm not entirely sure but it seemed that the objective was to become a leader over a land by recruiting people. My character was a female and she was going to some area that almost looked as if though it had been abandoned. The stone bridge was crumbling, the grasses were growing out of control and trees' branches had fallen onto the trail. She kept persisting through the wilderness and eventually reached civilization. I'm not clear on what happened but I don't think that she was welcomed with open arms.

      She escaped through the pipes during the night. It was a full moon.
    9. Sky High Zombie Outpost

      by , 07-27-2013 at 07:15 PM
      I was walking down the edge of a skyscraper apartment building, steps tumbled down the side of the building, reaching a platform every ten steps or so and curving back around. I reach floor seventy and I peer inside this room through the window, to the right was a lounge room where three guys were inside, in their twenties and in decent physical condition. I entered their apartment through the window and we starting conversing. There was discussion of zombies, food supplies, weapons and protection from attacks. I remember discussing with them about the potential of their apartment being over run by zombies, they said that they had already cleared out all the floors of the skyscraper, removing any internal threat. They also had food and weapons of an unlimited quantity, I noticed this as I walked through their living room and into the kitchen. I turned back around and one of the guys was leaning on the coach watching the television, none of them were relatively scared or cautious. They all seemed pretty relaxed. I however felt very exhausted and weary of approaching zombies. This could have been because I had an encounter with them prior which I cannot recall.

      Blue X - People and their location within
      Green O - The location of the food and weapons

      Pink Arrow - The guy watching the television (Very vivid and iconic in my mind)
      Numbers - Points of conversation
      Dotted Line - Path Taken

      Newbie Adoptions?-dream.jpg
    10. from karaoke to spaceport salloon

      by , 07-27-2013 at 05:43 PM
      last night I ended up into Karaoke restaurant in Kualu Lumpur. It was a high standars place were they didn't look all to well at hanging outside the tabbles or disturbing the singers. Restaurant came haunting me in my dreams

      first fragment that I recall is me sitting in Karaoke bar that didn't look a bit like Malaysian restaurants. Customers were European looking or American ones. I thought I was on vacation and wondered was I in states or Paris. I wondered the absence of black people. There were some steampunk cosplayers and I tried to make my way towards them but ended up talking with punch girl soccer players.

      Only Karaoke piece that I recall was "Power of Love"... how neat

      after a while I recalled the lost steampunk gang but at this point I was deep in dreaming. I wasn't looking for cosplayers but some steampunk gang with all too reasonable explanations and worldviews. I was in some kind of danger. Then Akari came chrashing in. I was in some kind of mixture of steampunk karaoke bar and spaceport salloon. Name of the place was really: Club Afterlife...
      I remember it from Mass Effect

      Rest of the dream was like adventure / thriller scifi movie but I'm unable to move any real happenings. Just the atmosphere, two locations (computer gamelike) and feeling of important mission while being hunted
    11. My 'groundhog' moment.

      by , 07-27-2013 at 04:51 PM
      Date: July 27, 2013
      Method: MILD & WBTB
      Total Sleep Time: ???


      I was in some type of department store and I think I was looking for a lamp (not sure though). I kept asking the workers where would I find this item and they would tell me where in the store it was located. As soon as I go to that particular aisle, the item would not be there. I would go back and ask the worker the same thing and she would tell me to go back to that same aisle to find the item. Just like in the movie 'Groundhog Day,' I would just do this same scenario over and over and over again...

      Note: Too short and broken up to call this a dream. I should have become lucid just from the constant repetition .
      Tags: lamp, store
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Lucid #205-Typical flying lucid

      by , 07-27-2013 at 04:06 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      Dream 1-All I could remember was a female co-worker's voice saying "After my vacation, I only have one boyfriend. My parents won't recognize me anymore as a bilium boy fraternity member. They'll call me a bilium boy blem blum."

      Dream 2-I was riding a couple roller coasters.

      Dream 3-I was at a very crowded beach. The tide went up real high and sent everybody scrambling up the beach. I had to apologize to 3 old ladies who didn't like how I ran into a couple people.

      Lucid #205-When I woke up from dream 3, it was unusually dark outside. I did a nose plug and could breathe. Yay! I went outside and decided to fly. I didn't seem to have much control of my flying so I decided just to explore. I was over a medium density city with lots of Monterey cypress trees, similar to Southwest San Francisco or Daly City. A couple notable things I saw was a large tree house and a lady waving at me with two hands. I woke up after 30 seconds to a minute of flying.
      lucid , non-lucid
    13. 13-07-26

      by , 07-27-2013 at 02:43 PM
      I was fighting some guy. He had a knife, and I was unarmed. I tried to get past his defenses to knock him out, but he kept viciously stabbing me every time. I didn't really hurt,
      it just felt weird and uncomfortable. I was annoyed and frustrated, and went like "dude, stop defending already"!
    14. 13-07-27

      by , 07-27-2013 at 02:40 PM
      In the morning, I had a hallucination. I saw a hand, and it had "I love you. Please don't give up" written on it.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Fragment, Saving Captain Jack, Misses, Meditation, and Sex

      by , 07-27-2013 at 02:28 PM
      I dreamed that I was working at a copy shop (I currently work at a copy shop, but this one was different). I was the only one there, and I was trying to help one customer, but I wasn't familiar with the machines and I couldn't find the right printer from the drop down list. As I struggled with this, the line built up until the whole store was full. I then realized that I was dreaming, and as someone started to complain I made an announcement to the entire store "This message is to inform all our customers, that this is just a dream in my head. None of this is real, none of you need copies, and I'm done." They all started to yell and scream at me for how irresponsible I was being, so I made a mental association to link the concept of fire with the concept of paper before snapping my fingers. All of their hard copies instantly erupted in flames. During the confusion, I walked out, but then woke up. It was after going back to sleep that I had the next dream.

      Saving Captain Jack:
      I forget how it started, but Captain Jack Harkness (the lead character from the show Torchwood) had been kidnapped and was being dissected. Of course, because he couldn't die, this was a pretty awful thing to do. I was trying to save him. Seemed like there were also aliens who fed on human misery. At first they thought that completely and utterly blocking me out from saving him would provide the most misery. I told them that misery is actually strongest when there's hope, and that they should offer to allow me to see him, but also take that away, as it would provide a better "meal" for them. Both sides understood that we were trying to game the other.

      They took me into a big elevator, which turned out to work kind of like a wonkavator, going all over the place. Apparently, it was voice activated. It didn't take long before I realized we weren't going anywhere near where we should be. On the elevator, I ran into a man in a wheelchair. He said he would help me. But for some reason, I didn't trust him. I told him that I needed a handshake before I could know if he could be trusted. He extended his right hand, I extended my left and said "no, with the left hand".

      A bit of backstory. In my dreams, I have engineered the left side of my body to absorb, while the right side emmits. I wanted to absorb some of his "energy" to determine if he was indeed a threat. A left handed handshake is essentially and instant "I now know you" in my dreams.

      In any case, with the handshake came a sensation like an electric shock. We both recoiled. He exclaimed "WHAT ARE YOU?!!" and rolled back slightly. His human form then began to waver and he started to look more like a realistic version of an ape that Dr Seuss might draw. I tried using telekinesis on him, but it didn't work. It was official, he was fae. For the first time ever, I managed to get some degree of telekinetic purchase on a member of the fae, but I couldn't thrash him about. He was being very confrontational and just wouldn't let up. So I switched gears and decided to use my TK on his eyes, which popped. That was done.

      Now to address the aliens. I went over to the panel, told them the address I wanted to go to (which was back where we started), but they pushed a button labeled "lies" which overrode the previous and subsequent commands. I then decided to escape and try to make it back there on my own while they were out. I used my teleportation technique. I closed my eyes, fell backwards, and through the floor. I focused on what was just outside the elevator, and that's where I ended up.

      I then tried repeatedly to get to Jack, but found that I kept missing. I have to visualize where/when I want to appear, they had been, and would be, doing these sorts of dissections for a while, so I kept showing up at the wrong place and time. It actually seemed like they were prepared for me, like they knew they had a problem with a guy randomly showing up, killing a few guards, and then escaping. I couldn't save him.

      I decided then that I needed more control. So I performed the teleportation, except this time I cleared my mind. As I tumbled in this place outside of space and time, I folded my legs into a lotus position, my hands in a prayer position, and I began to meditate. I cleared my mind. Thoughts moved in and out like the passing wind, but my mind became still. I found that the lotus position helped me anchor into the meditation more as the kinesthetic sensations held a small portion of my awareness on my body, and it's odd position. This, combined with the sensation of falling, anchored me very well into this dream meditation.

      After meditating for only about 10-15 minutes, I decided that enough was enough. I "landed" in an attack from which I could find no way out. It was very vivid though. I remember feeling the dust and dirt as well as seeing the light streaming through holes in the roof. I decided I would teleport again. But this time I was more lucid, and realized that I didn't have to go save Jack because he was just a DC and not really someone suffering who needed my help.

      I find the next bit a little unfortunate. It's annoying because it's so common. When my self-esteem and confidence were lower, I had fewer sexual dreams. Now that I've overcome a lot of my anxiety issues, I find that my confidence and subsequently my libido are soaring. This often results in my LDs turning into sex dreams. It's like when I become sufficiently lucid, my brain asks "So, what do you want to do?" and my libido yells "WOMEN!" This was an interesting one, because it involved combining meditation, yoga, and sex. It was fascinating, but ultimately I didn't accomplish anything that I set out to do.

      That all being said, I did accomplish some awesome stuff this morning.
      1. My powers worked on the Fae for the first time.
      2. I meditated in my lucid dream again (which is more difficult than I make it sound).

      Both of those are pretty big deals.

      Updated 07-27-2013 at 02:37 PM by 64466

      Tags: meditation