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    1. Movie Theater and the ride home 2/25

      by , 02-25-2013 at 10:57 PM
      I only remember one very long dream last night, and I only remember segments of it.

      I was in a movie theatre in the lobby. There was a hallway with structures and benches in the middle with movie posters on triangular prisms coming out of the ground like in some malls where you can see three different movie posters if you decide to walk around the structure. I remember there was a guard standing next to the wall but I was just kicking the wall next to a moving sidewalk, one of those things at an airport. I decided to go inside the movie theatre and I sat near this random girl in the corner of the audience section? what do you call the area where all the seats are? the auditorium? stadium? whatever. No one was there so I got up and left to go back into the lobby and continued to kick walls while I was on the moving sidewalk. When I went back into the theatre there were many people there and I chose one of the only seats left, which was next to this girl I have known for a long time named Melanie. For some reason I remember she was wearing a white t shirt. There was tension between us but neither of us said anything for most of the movie, at one part she lazily put her arm over the armrest so it was dangling over my lap. I did nothing and after a while she put her arm back and nothing happened between us.
      I feel as if this might have been a different dream or happened right after the first dream. I was walking home in this field. There were two roads that if the field was a rectangle, I would start at the top left corner and go down a bit then go across horizontally. There were roads on the edges of the field and as I walked through the field a car drove past me and threw a firework out the window, it had already been lit a while ago but for some reason there was still a few explosions left, and after the car drove for a bit it crashed in the distance. Further down the field police with a megaphone told people to walk with their right sides to the road, so I had to walk backwards as I was going from the top left to the top right. As I was walking backwards on the side of the road I saw a policeman staring at me from the back of a bus as he was going the opposite direction and I was walking backwards to follow the police order. The field seemed to be in autumn at dusk. I remember dark orange being a color a lot.
    2. Very funny dream 23/02/13

      by , 02-25-2013 at 10:57 PM
      This was a very strange dream for me, me and my girlfriend were staying at my grandfathers house in North Yorkshire, a secluded cottage in the middle of the forest. We were staying in a room in the attic (a room which does not exist) and when we woke up there was a strange surprise. On the lampshade of the room was a moth the size of a cat and, quite rightly surprised, my girlfriend began backing out of the door and we started talking about how to get rid of it or how to kill it when it spoke It started to tell us in quite an intellectual and reasonable manner that it wasn't going to start flapping against the window like a normal moth and if we could just get it outside it would fly away and leave us alone. And for some unknown reason, to get the moth downstairs, it sat on the side of my girlfriends head who didn't seem to mind at all and that's when I woke up
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. 2/25/2013

      by , 02-25-2013 at 09:59 PM (Dreamscapes)
      Was driving with kara to the sperm bank. On the way there I realized I was on the pez and it was getting really strong. I came to this conclusion because every turn I took made us almost crash. It was impossible for me to stay within the lines. I need her to drive but she did not want to do it. I started screaming as it got harder to drive and she agreed to drive. I must have fallen asleep while she was because I was in an entirely different place, still on the pez. I know it was a dream however and explored my surroundings. People were coming toward me, but in an aggressive looking fashion and I used my finger to swipe them away into the air. I ran super speed around and continued throwing them aside. I must have woken up because I was at a mix of leos and my house. The whole crew was there and G was also on the pez. I was surprised at how weak it was by then and I went outside to see G. He looked messed up and asked me if I could see the portals. I could not and he walked away. Izra said this place was cooler than my place because of the view. I agreed. Leo was on a tree talking to a distant person walking by making jokes. His dog heart was supposed to be fed dinner so I went to put it in his auto dispenser. It was filled with water and I tried to fix it. It started to spray water non stop and I got angry and started bashing it against the wall not caring if he was fed at all.
    4. My first Lucid Dream

      by , 02-25-2013 at 09:52 PM
      I am laying in my bed just trying to fall asleep. I notice that there are colorful images floating in the darkness of my eyelids which I have noticed in the past but never to this extent. I'm fascinated so I watch them swim in my vision. A very round and mirthful face drifts down from above and fixes itself in the center of my eyelids. I find it slightly peculiar that it is so prominent in my vision when my eyes are closed. It slowly starts to float off to the side. I watch it as it leaves my vision..

      I wake up. I'm laying in my bed but everything is SO bright. My sheets and the light coming from my window are the most brilliant vivid white I've ever seen. Suddenly I realize that I must be dreaming. I excitedly pinch my nose and try to breath. I expect nothing to happen like every other time I've checked - BUT I am able to breath! At this point an exultant triumphant feeling wells up inside of me and I have an ear to ear grin. I try to prop myself up on my elbows to look around but it's like I don't have any control of my limbs. I roll over and try to push myself up but my arms just seem to sink into my bed.

      I actually wake up. I was slightly disappointed that it only lasted what felt like a minute and a half, but that feeling didn't last long. I FINALLY was able to become Lucid after a few weeks of trying.

      Updated 02-25-2013 at 09:55 PM by 61455

      lucid , false awakening
    5. 1st February 2013 - An intelligent incinerator, alternative endings and credits song

      by , 02-25-2013 at 09:46 PM
      This dream was from a while ago, but I wasn't registered at that time. Well, I decided to share it here because I think it's curious.

      The dreams starts with me in a wooden cabin in the middle of a forest. I think that there was somebody else with me there, but whoever it was it wasn't important. I know that in the forest I am located there are plenty of different monsters. i get out of the cabin and start walking.
      Skip. I only remember I find some monsters. I simply ignore some and kill others. I meet a new monster. I don't remember what was it exactly, but it was something that possesses objects, and is intelligent enough to talk to me. Also, when it possesses anything, the colour of that thing becomes dark metallic, like a robot. I decide to accompany him, and he follows me jumping from one object to another. Eventually, we find a wooden house with two floors, which has a water deposit that can be accesed through the second floor. The thing possesses the deposit, and converts it in a deposit of lava. Then, he says it is an incinerator, and that if I threw things in there, he can analyze them and become more intelligent. I leave and head to a city that was nearby. When I get there, I start taking all the urban furniture (traffic lights, rubbish bins...) and taking it back to the wooden house, where I threw everything in the incinerator. Eventually, there isn't any more furniture to throw, and I start stealing in houses and shops so I can keep feeding the thing.

      At some point, I meet a character from Persona 4 (a videogame) called Dojima. In the game, he is a detective, but in the dream he is a psychologist. I tell him about the incinerator, and that I am throwing things there so the thing will become as intelligent as a human some day. He psychoanalizes me and says I've been charmed by the thing, and asks me to take him to the incinerator. When we get there, he sees the thing and says that he has been tricking me to make him more powerful, and that he is evil. He explains the thing is becoming more powerful with everything I'm threwing in, and that when it gets powerful enough, it will get rid of me and destroy the city and kill people. He then sees the incinerator from above, and I can push him inside and burn him to death. Meanwhile, the incinerator says that he is lying, and says that when he gets powerful enough we can rule the world together. I am given a choice at that moment: I can either push Dojima into the incinerator (bad ending) or deactivate the incinerator (neutral ending). Nothing adverts me of this choice, but I know I can choose what I want to do. I decide to deactivate the thing by pushing the lever at its side. Once it is done, Dojime says we should leave, and goes out fo the house. While he is walking away, I look again at the house and the incinerator with nostalgia, thinking what I went through, but knowing I haven't destroyed it completely, so if anyone finds it, the thing can be activated again and charm someone else. I feel bad, but I know I am not able to detroy it.
      I walk away, and the point of view switches to look at myself walking away, and then I can see at the left of my point of view (like if it was a screen or something) some credits in japane, while the ending song of the previosly named Persona 4 plays.

      I wake up and confirm I'm awake. However, it is still 6 o'clock of the morning, so I put down a summary of the dream and go back to sleep.
      This time, the dream is another alternative ending. Previosly, I had seen the neutral ending and gave the choice to do the bad ending. This time, I see the good ending. In the good ending, instead of meeting Dojima, I meet with my friends, and tell them about the thing. They also think that the thing is evil, and decide to help me destroy it. We go to the wooden house, deactivate the thing and then we destroy it completely, without any chance of being resurrected. The good ending ends. I wake up before I can see the credits again, but I know that was the good ending. I put it down in my DJ and go back to sleep a bit more. I don't remember what I dreamed next, but it wasn't related to the previous dream, as it was "finished" in all possible way.

      Well, obviously this is influenced by my passion about RPGs, especially the ones with a good plot and many endings xD
    6. Drew

      by , 02-25-2013 at 09:15 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      This was another one of those lucids where I become aware that I'm dreaming for those few minutes as I'm gradually waking up. The dream usually incorporates some activity in bed, which parallels the feeling of actually being in my bed as I'm waking up. It's really weird, but it is technically a lucid dream because even though I somewhat feel myself in my bed, I also feel someone else that I know not to be there irl. And no, I don't wake up making out with my pillow. I wake up in a normal sleep position. Anyway, this is the type of lucid that got me looking up dreamviews all those years ago.

      So all I remember is that I'm hanging out with Drew Barrymore. And I'm a dude. We lie down in bed and start making out, when I suddenly realize it's a dream. I feel really aware, and I can tell that I have a few minutes before waking up. So I take off her shirt as fast as I can.

      Spoiler for rated R part:

      I was almost afraid that I would find out she has a guy's lower body as well, and just when I was about to accept this possibility and just go with it,
      I woke up. I guess I got too excited, oh well

      I'm such a mac daddy
    7. Nightmare #2

      by , 02-25-2013 at 08:50 PM (Strange dreams and experiences)
      Torture... person strapping people to tables... cutting them up and playing with insides... he thought he was just having fun with people... I was one of the victims.
    8. Nightmare #1

      by , 02-25-2013 at 08:48 PM (Strange dreams and experiences)
      ((I had this dream a while ago, so I don't remember anything from it. I'll just put what I wrote in my DJ)) Little brother got shot, massive depression.

      Updated 02-25-2013 at 08:51 PM by 57176

    9. Lucid? Restaurant, Germany, graveyard.

      by , 02-25-2013 at 08:43 PM (~Cookieh's Land of Cookies~)
      Well, the first thing I remember is [color="darkslateblue"]being at this one little shop that's close to my home. I was bugging the owner about getting me a summer job there, but he only told me that they don't need any help. I decided to stick around anyway, in case he changes his mind.
      The shop turned into a small restaurant, there was a staircase in the middle of the room and there were tables here and there, I saw a couple sitting at a table. The whole room was darkish, seemed like it was only lit by candles.

      I walked past the couple, on a trail that brought me to a high building. I heard German, I assumed I was in Germany. The building had this arch and under the arch there was some little sculpture. Giving the sculpture something of value apparently brought you luck.
      The grass around the arch was green, a very nice and vivid green. There were people sitting on the grass, chatting.

      I continued walking the trail, it brought me to a very small, dim room. The windows were slightly foggy, but I could still see the enormous graveyard surrounding the tiny room. I went closer to a window to read the name on a tombstone, but then I saw my reflection in the window and it made me jump. :|

      I left the room right away, went back to the restaurant. It was all grey and dark, no lights this time. No people either.[/color][color="seagreen"]
      I sat down on the..3rd or 4th step of the staircase and stared at the room through the handrail spindles. I was sort of angry, the dream was so boring. Just for the heck of it, I tried to use telekinesis to smash some large object into the fireplace.
      Nothing happened.
      I was bummed, I tried breaking one of the wooden spindles. I broke the first one. Then the second. I think I broke another one. After that I stood up and quickly made it to my kitchen, looking for a wine bottle to break. Checked if it was empty..[/color][color="darkslateblue"]and then changed my mind because it would make a mess.[/color] >__>

      Yeah nice going. You tried to smash something big into a fireplace, but breaking a wine bottle's just too much.
    10. Getting Wet

      by , 02-25-2013 at 08:43 PM
      Must be 18+ years to read.

      There's two girls in my bedroom at night. They appear to be teenagers, it wasn't sure. They were both attractive but there was one I wanted to get my hands on. She was really good looking and also had a nice body, I mean come on! You wouldn't deny it if you were there.

      I walked up to this girl and as I got closer, it started to get intense and sooner or later we would already be on the bed. I wasn't even paying attention to the other girl, as long as this other girl showed her approval for me, I wasn't embarrassed! This was my chance to get some action.

      I grabbed on to her and brought her closer to me. I gently grabbed a hold of her neck and started kissing her lips until things got more intense. As I was making out with her though it almost felt very vividly real, so that made it better.

      I started placing my hands all over her body, anywhere I could get my hands on(Yes, even there). She was showing no disapproval for me grabbing her all over. I think she enjoyed it. I continued grabbing on to her body until I finally came to the point where we started undressing.

      I quickly removed her shorts so I won't have to lose my chance at this. I don't remember taking off my clothes. I then laid on a bed behind me and brought her closer to me and my accomplice(the penis). She got on top of me while I was getting ready to insert my penis inside her vagina. At first, my penis wasn't in there right but I was determined to get it in there. I didn't think got it in the whole way but I eventually did and that's when she started moving herself up and down. From there, she put her hands on my body as I laid back and watched her moving up and down.

      Then I woke up.
    11. 25th Feb 2013 Dogs

      by , 02-25-2013 at 08:20 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      I dunno why my non-lucid recall is so unstable lately.

      There were two detectives dressed as dogs that had puzzle piece come up on their neck whenever they talked. They had to investigate some sort of dog hotel with entrance from the roof. At some point there was one big dirty dog that attacked them.
    12. Melatonin Experiment #2

      by , 02-25-2013 at 07:48 PM
      So, I decided to do another ridiculous supplement test this time. I took 80 mg of melatonin at 9 PM, and I washed it down with thin mints, for good measure. The result was interesting. First of all, my first dream of the night was lucid. That's pretty odd, especially considering the melatonin... not that I really mind. For the rest of the night I noticed that nothing overly trippy happened, except that all of the dream scenes were very, very vivid and had mostly bizarre video game themes. I was also a bit delirious whenever I woke up, which caused me to lose one or two dreams from memory before being able to write them down, so I actually had quite a few dreams this night. And I could've had even more, but I had to wake up early again, so....

      #1 - I've Yet To Make This One Work >:T [DILD]

      I remember being at a school and walking down a hallway somehow having control over what was playing on the intercom, and I was using it to mess with someone by blasting loud music whenever they started talking. Eventually I got to the class I was walking to and became lucid. I wasn't incredibly aware though, because I kept texting my friend N throughout it, and I can't remember what we were talking about now. At first I just stabilized a bit, and then I kept trying to summon a joint or a pipe into someone's hands so we could smoke, but it never worked. Eventually I just sat down next to one of the guys there and started cuddling with him, but soon afterward I woke up.

      And yes, let it be noted that 80 mg of melatonin was not enough to stop me from waking up several times throughout the night.

      #2 - Dream Fragment [Non-Lucid]

      I think I was playing as a video game character, or maybe meeting one, who was super violent and was accused of attacking someone over one thousand times "outside of battle"...? Or something like that, and I believe there was a scythe involved too, but it's hard to remember exactly.... I almost lost this one, I just barely was able to grab ahold of the memory.

      #3 - Bobolo [Non-Lucid]

      I was trying to help my cousin K with a school paper based on some kiddie game website called Bobolo that was specifically about some kind of disease or diseases, and I was slowly realizing that this topic wasn't really going to be usable to make a very good paper, but I didn't want to point that out to her because I felt bad that her paper was due the next day. What I remember of the website I could most quickly compare to Maple Story, but I wouldn't say it was exactly like that. There was also some set of medical record scans that I was able to unlock and look at at one point, but I wasn't able to make our what any of them said.

      #4 - I Would Definitely Play This Game [Non-Lucid]

      I was with my cousin G, who was living at some kind of trailer house I'm unfamiliar with with his immediate family now. We were in his room and I was playing some video game with pretty strange maps. I'm fairly certain that the way I was walking around and the character I was using were based on Phantasy Star Online, but the maps had colored grid squares with area effects that were very clearly (I even remember thinking it at the time) based on geo panels from the Disgaea series. The way the character jumped also reminds me of a Mario game thinking back on it now, but not enough to say it was based on that. I was excited about something on it, but I can't remember what now, and then I logged off and talked to G about watching kids do something pointless (the conversation is pretty hazy in my memory), and then I left the house. I got in my car and started trying to figure out how to get home while blasting some really crazy dubstep song which actually sounded pretty badass, but just as I was starting to find my way the dream faded.

      At this point I woke up and, after I got out of my mildly hypnotic state, my libido was running pretty strong. I rolled over and started basically molesting my body pillow for a minute, but I tried to do this passively so the energy would wear off and I could fall asleep again. Eventually I started drifting and had some light hypnagogia, I think of some text or something? I didn't make note of it, so it's hard to remember. And the same with not long after, I rolled over and had more hallucinations, I think it was some kind of ladder pattern running horizontal across my vision, or something... but then my mom came in and woke me up because I have stuff do. Ah, well. Not a bad night.

      Updated 03-10-2013 at 04:30 PM by 50803

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. One New Message

      by , 02-25-2013 at 05:40 PM
      I bet i'm newer than you!-mqdefault.jpg

      * ADA + WBTB + MILD after 7hrs sleep this night. Was up for about an hour. Ate a banana and drank cup of herbal tea before going back to sleep.

      I'm in a small living room but I don't recognize it. I'm mindlessly walking over to a table with an old answering machine that sits next to a telephone. I start playing the messages on the answering machine. Evil sounding noises start coming form the answering machine and I think to myself 'Evil' and I am suddenly very scared. I wonder how evil could have infected my answering machine. Suddenly I realize this doesn't make sense and I become lucid.

      I test this by looking at my hands and predictably my hand looks distorted. It always seems to be a different distortion and this time the odd thing is that my index and little finger are only about an inch long while my other fingers are the normal length. I am positive I'm in a lucid dream now.

      I make my way out of the room and down some stairs to the front door. I walk outside and looking up a hill is a large windmill. I try to do my lucid task of trying to run very fast. I think about running very fast up the hill. However I seem to be stuck and actually walking very slowly dispute my efforts to run.

      My vision starts fading to black and I wake up.

      Updated 02-25-2013 at 05:44 PM by 55920

    14. Kidnapped by a Cult

      by , 02-25-2013 at 02:39 PM
      When the dream picks up I'm on a giant plane with a white haired man. He points down at a football field surrounded by a corn field. Even from here I can tell the football field is full of people. There's a designated spot for him to land, but he lands where the people are standing. They run out of the way, all the while cheering for his return.
      We're off the plane. He takes my arm and leads me forward, explaining his town to me. I'm not really listening, this place freaks me out. It's completely isolated, I remember my view from the plane and wonder where all these people live. He tells me that I'll be integrated into the community if God wills it. He has submitted my name to the marriage lottery and if I come up then, obviously, I'll marry the person God has chosen for me.
      All their activities are the Will of God, I think how perfect it must be for him. He could orchestrate everything and pretend it's the God's will. While I wasn't paying attention night has fallen. He leads me over to the ballot on the right side of the field where a wide wooden fence separates the playing area from the corn.
      "Let's take a look, see what God intends for you." He has his hand on the back of my neck. It's more of a threatening gesture than something that hurts. To everyone else it looks different, somehow that he's taking a fatherly interest in my future. There are scraps of paper with names on them beside a weathered slotted box. Someone has combined them on a list in black sharpie. I notice other people sitting around, they are a part of the community but also isolated. I recognize them as other captives, but they look dull eyed and complacent.
      I remember what the raid had been like. Our village of small wooden houses, how the mud felt underfoot as I tried to run, the creatures attacking us in the street. The buildings being on fire, all the smoke. Someone looming over me.
      The white haired man is talking to me about other towns he has taken, how many people he has integrated into his community.
      He pushes me forward to fence edge and makes me turn over the pages with names on them.
      I'm relieved to not see my name.
      "It seems God has other plans for you, my dear."
      I can't decide if the man has set it up this way, or if he truly submitted my name to the lottery and I was not chosen. I choose to see it as the latter. That Fate has saved me from the fell machinations of this man's faith.
      A woman comes up to us and tells him that THEY are here. He releases me and I move along the fence away from the creepy converts. Then I notice that 'they' are the press. They've set up cameras, all facing away from the converts/abducted and toward his community.
      I pretend I'm going to rejoin the others and run across the line of the cameras hoping that my family will see my face on the news and know that I didn't die in the raid.
      I return to the fence and nervously lean on it, hoping no one questions me. They don't. As I'm sitting there I lean back a little and it's like the corn was an illusion. I can see the wall of corn, but just beyond that is a city street. Almost like he wanted us to believe it was isolated so we wouldn't try to escape.

      There's a lapse in the dream and I'm driving. I've stolen a car. I know it won't be long before they discover I'm missing. There are very clear turn lanes and signs that are supposed to lead out of the town. I take the right hand turn, noticing the body of a man in the street that no one has bothered to move. He's clearly dead. I keep driving, taking the suggested turns. I find myself back on the street with the dead man.
      This obliterates my hope for escape, I realize I would just have to drive around until I found the way out, and I don't have the time.

      They've found me. They put me with the white haired man's son. He's meant to watch me. I don't know what they intend for me, but the man's son doesn't seem so bad. He doesn't crowd me, and the only rule is that I stay where he can see me and don't leave the apartment alone.
      "I'm sure you want to shower and change."
      I agree. He hands me a pile of clothing and a towel. It has a rainbow colored criss-crossing design.

      There's another lapse and I'm standing in a cool dark hallway in the apartment. From here I can see my the son, my watch dog. I look at a painting. It matches the towel.
      Except that it doesn't seem like a design choice. The repeated patterns makes me think there aren't any pattern -choices-, that is all there is. I think it's because this man decides who makes the art, it isn't about creativity anymore. The thought makes me sad.
      "Hey, you almost done?" The son asks me. I smile at him. I'm only wearing a red tank top and panties. They took my other clothes and didn't supply a pair of jeans.
      I ring my hair out and instead of drying my hand on the towel draped over my arm I go to the pile of towels by the sink and start to do it there. The son's face makes me stop, reminding me I have my own. He makes me feel...wasteful somehow.

      I've forgotten about escaping. I live in a house with the white haired man's son. When he's not looking I use a square post in the center of the living room to do some sort of arm exercise, it runs from ceiling to floor. I wrap my hands around the post and lift myself off the ground, knees to either side of the post. I think about how I'm not really the person I was when I was brought here.

      Updated 02-25-2013 at 02:51 PM by 54746

      Tags: cult, kidnapped, towel
    15. Eating Towels o.O

      by , 02-25-2013 at 02:06 PM
      I'm at work but the building looks different. On the left end, instead of selling Lumber, we have furniture. I go to help a customer with the couch that they spent $1400 on. They're pissed because there's a stain about the size of a silver dollar in the middle cushion. I look over the couch. It's kind of ugly. I wonder why anyone would buy such an ugly couch. I tell her we can't take returns on special order items and she has a huge fit. With an inward sigh I take a look at the couch, wondering what I can do to fix her problem. Somehow the thing looks bigger, and there's a weird space between the back cushions and the seat cushions that's framed in wood. I realize there's a big wad of strawberry jelly there, smeared from the wood piece across the cushion.
      There's also a random glob on the floor ten feet away, leading me to believe these entirely shameless hicks brought the couch here and THEN damaged it. I'm annoyed, I know I can't return it, but I really don't feel like listening to this woman yell at me.
      "Okay, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to store use some carpet and upholstery cleaner, and some scrubbing cloths. I'll see what I can do to get the stain out, will that satisfy you."
      They say yes. I sense a trap, but I can't do anything about it. Cynically I think that I'll go through all the trouble trying to clean the stains and they'll throw another fit. I turn to leave and the woman points behind me at a large glass mixing bowl on the floor. It's half full of dark red liquid with a towel hanging out of it.
      "Don't forget that."
      "Right... of course." I pause, "Do you want to come back in a few hours?"
      "No, we'll wait."
      Of course they're going to wait. Nothing more annoying than having someone stare at you while you're trying to work.

      I head off to the other side of the store, carrying the bowl and towel. There's some sort of washing facility on the far end where I can dump out the bowl. On my way there I pick up a spray bottle of carpet cleaner (when I do, I get a visual on how the chemical is supposed to push the stain up out of the fabric), drape a yellow towel across my shoulders and cast about for gloves. I find some at the paint desk, and I put them on, but there's a tear from wrist to tip of thumb. I frown at it, but think it'll do. I go over to the 'cleaning facility' which is kind of like an empty concrete tub set into the floor. It's painted dark yellow, with a black iron bar to keep people from falling in. I lean against the guard rail, it's a little too tall for me to do this comfortably. (Not surprising, in RL I'm 4'11 and have trouble reaching things at work)
      Somehow the towel around my neck hangs over the rail, and as I pour out the thick red liquid I keep thinking is blood, I accidentally drip it on the towel. I finish with the bowl and set it on the floor then ring out the towel that was in it. It's actually several towels. Somehow they don't separate when I shake them out. They're still stained...maybe I can use the washing machine in the break room.

      I run over to the break room and toss the towels in a washer. I watch the red tinged water splash against the glass.
      It's unclear what happens next...
      Suddenly I'm sitting on the floor with the bowl in my lap. It's full of wet towels. I pick one up and take a bite out of it. It's easier than you would think, the material separates easily. I chew and swallow. I take several more bites. I'm amazed I don't feel full yet. I keep eating.
      Tags: eating, stain, towel