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    1. School?

      by , 10-07-2011 at 08:44 AM (fOrceez's Quirky Subconscious!)
      School? (Non-lucid)


      Driving down a familiar street..
      I hear my english teacher's voice tell me that 'we' were lucky to stay in the advanced english class. I commen saying "Shoudln't the head teacher be the best teacher?"

      Dream scene changes-
      I'm in my primary school library, sitting on one of the soft cushiony lounges. There are a few other people in the library with me, they're reading books. There's an overhead projector set up, but it's just for display. Above is the technology room from my high school. I notice that something is weird but i don't quite pick up that i'm dreaming.
    2. LD 10, 11 and 12

      by , 10-07-2011 at 08:39 AM (fOrceez's Quirky Subconscious!)
      Lucid Dreams 10, 11 and 12 (WILD)


      Lucid 10
      It was a counter strike scene, without the HUD. I think I had a Carbine. I was a counter-teorrist in the long end of the map De_Dust2, running towards the bomb site.
      I see a smoke bomb thrown towards the left wall and it pops off. The smoke looks dodgey, as if it was pixelated.. that's not right..
      I'm dreaming!
      Unfortunately, I wake up
      I roll over and try and go almost straight back to sleep
      Lucid 11
      I'm on the same map of counte strike, this time, semi-lucid right away. I wake up shortly and then try and go back to sleep.. again, i don't feel the WILD transition
      Lucid 12
      Same map, this time at the bomb site already, i see a counter terrorist running at me
    3. Prison Break, on the run.

      by , 10-07-2011 at 06:52 AM (Enter the mind of Ladendais)

      My memory picks up standing at the back of some sort of police vehicle, similar to a mailman's vehicle. I am speaking to a male police officer who the is in the back of the vehicle sitting on the right side, with another person sitting on the opposite side of the vehicle. Somehow I know that I have just escaped some sort of prison. I have handcuffs on my hands in front of me, and I am hoping that the police officer does not notice them. As the vehicle with the officer inside slowly begins to drive off, the officer notices the handcuffs and begins to stand up yelling at me. I immediately begin to look for an escape route, so I run a few feet to my right and notice a man made rain run off path. As I start to run over to it, I notice that the handcuff on my right hand is loose enough for me to shake off, so I shake off the right cuff. By the time the cuff is off I am at the side of the road looking down into the shallow water running through the path below me. I was thinking that this jump was seriously going to hurt me but I did it any way and I threw myself off the side of the road into the shallow waters below.

      As I land I notice that the path is not cement, and there are large amounts of mud below my feet which makes it hard to run. I recover from my fall and I take off down the waterway, as I begin to run I can see the officer off to my left side standing in front of a field full of what appears to be wheat. The officer is pulling out his weapon, and I try my best to run faster. I look at my feet as I attempt to make a get away and I notice that I am wearing black uniform type pants with a nice crease running down them, and they are muddy of course. The police officer is now firing his weapon in my direction, and I can see bullets hitting the water ahead of me as I run. Three or four kids come out of nowhere, and they are running behind me. I think that the officer will now have to stop firing his weapon because of the children, and he stops firing his gun. I then notice that the path I am on branches off, and I tell the children behind me to take the right path, and I decide to take the left path alone.

      I venture a bit farther down the path and I notice a rather large city ahead of me. It appears to be very busy, so I think to myself that this is going to be a great place for me to slip away from the police. I climb up over a small cement wall and head for an alley way nearby, the alley is crowded and I notice an opening in the wall off to the left and I enter it. I now find myself in a sort of locker room scene with plenty of showers and people scattered about the entire room. I walk over to a bench, and I take a seat by a man that I apparently knew. I look over to the left and I notice a pair of swimming trunks, and a shirt folded up neatly sitting on the ground. No one near the clothing appears to be the owner, so I ask the man that was apparently my friend sitting next to me to go grab them for me. While my friend goes to grab the clothing, I look back to the right, directly at the entrance to the room I am now in because I was worried that the police were going to come in at any time. I see plenty of people walking by, but one white man with a black eye catches my interest I know him from the prison that I just escaped.

      The man with the black eye walks right by the door, he then turns back around and walks into the room that I am currently sitting in. He looks rather happy to see me, and he comes right over to me and sits beside me. I shake hands with him, and then my friend comes over with the clothes so I introduce him to the man with the black eye and I explain to my friend that I know this man from prison. The two begin to talk, and I look down at the swimming trunks and shirt that my friend brought over to me. The swimming trunks are bright orange and they look as if they would be too small for me but I take off my muddy pants and put them on anyway. The trunks seem to fit, and I put on the shirt as well. I tell the man with the black eye that I just escaped prison, and he asks me what I was in for and at that point in time I did not know why I had been put in prison so I asked my friend sitting beside us why I had been taken to prison. My friend tells me that I had gotten caught stealing an Eminem CD from a store, and the man with the black eye laughs at me. The black eyed man then asks me what prison I was in and I tell him that I had no idea what the name was. I then look toward the door worried that the owner of the swimming trunks and shirt will come back looking for his clothes, and I see many people walk past the door but no one decides to come in.

      I see a man that resembled an officer, so I asked my friend if he knew if the police were still chasing me. He casually says "No, they stopped chasing you and they said that they were going to get you next time, like they always do." I then notice that a women walks through the door to the locker room without a top on, and I think that this is quite odd. She then walks over to what seemed to be her husband and she seems as if she is quite angry with him as he is packing some clothes into a backpack. I then look to my right, and tell the man with the black eye, who I knew from prison, that I might need some help now that I have escaped. He tells me that him, and his mother, who he points to across the room, would be able to help me with whatever I need. I say alright, and I then tell him that I might need a gun sometime soon. He looks as if he is a bit worried by this, and he tells me that it wouldn't be a problem. He also lets me know that he usually hangs out around the locker room area.

      I then awake from my dream.

      Updated 10-07-2011 at 06:55 AM by 48019

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Megan

      by , 10-07-2011 at 06:30 AM (fOrceez's Quirky Subconscious!)
      Megan's House - plates (Non-lucid)


      I was at my girlfriend's house, hiding in her bathroom. Her parent's weren't aware that I was over, we were just mucking around. Her comes home, surprised that i'm there and Megans' grandpa finds me. As I run out the door, Megans' grandpa throws plates as me
    5. Stop Thinking about Her...

      by , 10-07-2011 at 06:28 AM (Choi's Journey of the Conscious Mind)

      [COLOR="silver"]I went to bed and did the sleep deprivation experiment and I managed to do it for a little longer, but I gave up as usual, but this time I experienced new things.[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="lightblue"]I started to think random thoughts and tried to do like a buddhist and just observe them, but instead I focused on them, and the black space infront of me started to create vague images, I lost my awareness in this stage, but i was still awake in some weird way or maybe I was dreaming and was just aware of the non-rem dreams, I don't know. [/COLOR][COLOR="silver"]I looked at the clock and I had been laying there for 1 hour! The next day was going to be my 18:th birthday, so I was pretty excited about that and i went to sleep.[/COLOR]


      [COLOR="blue"]I had a very longer never ending dream about me being in my school. I was in love with a girl and she was also interested in me. Normally I am very nervous around her, so I usually doesn't talk to her...
      But in this dream it wasn't me it was my subconscious saying everything it wanted and suddenly she was interested in me. It felt unreal, but I never become lucid. I was holding her hand and we were talking about a lot of stuff.[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="silver"]My alarmclock woke me up, I tried to fall back to sleep. I did fall asleep, but my EILD alarm was to loud this time instead of too low, so I woke up..[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="blue"]When the EILD alarms stopped I was back in that school and I realised that the girl wasn't interested in my anymore. I asked my friend Andriano what had happend? But he just said "She's in love with someone else".
      I was heartbroken... I then walked to her to talk to her, but I noticed that I was walking in a really weird way, I asked "Oh so this is one of the reason?!" she said "yeah, but.." but I walked away. [/COLOR]


      [COLOR="silver"]I woke up to my parents singing and forgot all about this sad dream :( :D Anyway I have done some progress with my meditation and method of staying conscious so I hope that I some day don't have to say that I am gonig to sleep, instead I am going to say I am going to Nirvana! Which I believe is a state of dreaming.
      I'll be back =)[/COLOR]
      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Another dream within a dream - Thanks Howetzer!-heartbroken_by_puritychick23.jpg   Another dream within a dream - Thanks Howetzer!-22160-clipart-illustration-yellow-emoticon-face-wearing-party-hat-blowing-noise-.jpg  
    6. Hong Kong + holiday..?

      by , 10-07-2011 at 06:25 AM (fOrceez's Quirky Subconscious!)
      HK, Bali/Hawaii (Non-lucid)


      In Hong Kong with family. The apartment buildings had been destroyed. There was some sort of portal that went from building to building. I was in a room with my family, and then i drinked a bottle of water. I talked like shit/plastic.
      I ran out of the room and through a few portals that connected through the destroyed buildings, looking to scavenge some stuff. Going through the hallways, i saw that all the rooms had been trashed, perhaps from scavengers before me.
      I went down an elevator. When it stopped, i looked outside and i was in on a very, very nice beach. The elevator came out of the side of a light wooden building. I started talking to a manager of some sort of nice restaurant and convinced her that I was the boss of the company but I was not wearing my mask today. (I think i was deadmau5..)
      I asked to speak to her in private and she led me to an opening of a shopping mall. It was very nice.
    7. Lost dog

      , 10-07-2011 at 03:24 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Just a regular dream.

      I was back home in the house I grew up in. Somebody found a brown dog and we were trying to figure out, how to return him to his owner. While everybody in the house went nuts, talking at the same time, suggesting how to find his owner, I yelled out "shut up everybody", there is a phone number on his collar, let's just call and have the owner come and pick him up. Then later, my mom was telling me to dress warm, because it's getting cold and I yelled at her to leave me alone, I know how to dress myself.
      The scenery was interesting, because it was a mash-up of real house and street as it exists in Slovakia, but across the street, where there is a small park, in my dream there was a rolling hillside with houses, in classic Southern California style. I live in SoCal now.
    8. 10/6/11

      by , 10-07-2011 at 02:36 AM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I really need to start writing down my dreams when I wake up. In fact, I'm writing it right before I go to bed hours later. Most of it is gone by now, but here's what I remember:

      I was in the kitchen and my brother was at the table. He was eating a taco, which is wierd because he doesn't eat meat. I said "Mike, I thought you didn't eat meat."

      He responded by saying that the lettuce makes it taste better. He doesn't like vegetables, either. (My brother is pretty weird). I kind of gave it a rest and moved on into the living room.

      There were other dreams, I just can't remember them now.
      Tags: mike, taco
    9. 0/1 Wed: A Kiss

      by , 10-07-2011 at 02:00 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      A Kiss
      This dream was about AC, my coworker and friend. Kinda weird. I've never dreamed about her before and I don't really think of her in a romantic way. AC and I are in the office and we get called down to a warehouse (the scene is a lot like the warehouse in the TV show The Office). We go in and it's just me her and some guy who is lecturing to us about something and then shows us a video on a small TV set. I don't remember much of it. My recall is hazy.

      Then I recall sitting on a blanket with AC like a picnic and we're just talking, not paying attention to the video. Then she suddenly gets giddy and lays down on her back and pulls me on top of her. We are face to face and she's smiling and her face is flushed red. She's giving me that look like "kiss me now!". I remark just how pretty she is and how happy she looks. I kiss her. That's all I remember.
    10. exes

      by , 10-07-2011 at 01:38 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      So I'm with Diana, and we're talking about going out. We're flirting with each other and all that jazz, but then I have to do something. When I walk away I start thinking about everything. I come back up to her, and I ask her when did we start dating again, and I told her I could have sworn I left her.
      Tags: diana, ex gf
    11. Unable to pay the Dentist.. Shark, snake and alligator in water.

      by , 10-07-2011 at 01:25 AM (Visions of the night)
      Had a dream I was at the dentist and he was doing work on my bottom front teeth.. after it was done I was told to pay 75 dollars so I started digging through my purse and didn't have the money. I was upset and had stepped out onto a pier.
      There were other people hanging around the pier and I saw a fishing pole leaning against the rail of the pier and the line was in the water .. the pole was bending. I walk over and look down into the water and see this shark it was bone white and bright grey it was trying to grab the line down. I see a snake to the left hand side make it's way at the edge of the rock that was underneath the surface of the water towards the shark .. this shark is bobbing up and down the water still grabbing the at the line with it's teeth.
      As I am leaning on the rail I notice it was coming loose so I backed up. I decided to get off the pier.. people are looking in amazement at the shark as I make my way back to where I was off the pier near the boardwalk I look over and see a dead alligator floating belly up near what looked like a sewage pipe opening.. and I also see a snake floating belly up too.. that's all I could recall.
    12. Nuke at the Plaza

      by , 10-07-2011 at 01:25 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in an unfamiliar place at first. I then heard people talk about the nuke "practice" nearby.

      I was in our hometown's plaza. We can see the explosion from there. Some things fell. Dust? Debris? Ice?
    13. Dream Update

      by , 10-07-2011 at 12:52 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      10/06/11 Monday

      Football Rocks
      I am in my own house, sitting on the couch watching a football game. It is the Dallas Cowboys vs. some team I can't remember, but I remember thinking the other team must not be very good. The Cowboys are kicking the other team's ass, and the Cowboys aren’t even doing very well. My mom actually seems disappointed that the Cowboys are winning when they haven't earned it. I am annoyed at her being hypocritical so I get up and leave the room. I go outside into the desert around our house and start looking around. Something seems off, but I can't place what. I pick up a couple of rocks and see that they are uncommonly shiny. I decide to keep them. I find a larger rock that is really pretty. It is a bit too large to take back. I pick it up and see it breaks easily, so I take a small piece of it. Someone else is in the yard with me and he says if everyone takes a small piece there will soon be nothing left. I tell him it's on our property, no one else will be taking any, and I won't take any more. He doesn't seem to believe me. I put the small piece of rock in my pocket and continue looking around the yard.

      Secret Gifts
      I am in Bookman's with Alicia, and we are browsing for stuff to buy. She is looking around in the books and I am checking out the video games. I find a game for the PSP that is a sequel to the game Prototype I have played on my XBox. I pick it up and look at it to see what it is about. I am thinking I have read that in the new game, the main character from the first game is the bad guy… and I don't like that idea… But this game says the player is still playing as Alex Mercer. The only thing that stops me from buying the game is that it's a side scroller, and that doesn't appeal to me. I put the game back and look some more. I find yet another installment of Assassin's Creed. It doesn't say what system it's for… so I look for someone to ask. Weirdly enough I find an employee dressed as an assassin from Assassin's creed. I try to get his attention, but he is set on ignoring me. I have the crazy idea I am not really there. I try to get Alicia's attention and she responds right away. So the guy is just being a jerk. I try to get his attention again and he finally responds. He says the game is not for me and ignores me again. What an ass…

      Assimilated Virus
      I am in a video game, and I am fully aware it is a video game… beyond a shadow of a doubt. It is an awesome virtual reality game and I want to explore it fully. I am walking down a busy street with lots of people. I also notice there is a heavy military presence there, many soldiers are walking the streets. The civilians don't seem to notice this as strange, though some of them do seem a bit nervous. I wonder why. I head down a side street to try to clear my mind away from the crowd. There is a suspicious man there, he is watching me. I am not worried about it. This is just a game. Instead I investigate him, which seems to take him a bit by surprise. It doesn't seem to bother him much. He grabs my arm and stands there with a puzzled look on his face. I get a report from the nanites in my system that he tried to infect me with a strange virus. Epic fail, the virus has already been neutralized. I tell him his plan was an epic fail… have some of my infection… and he is infected with nanites… too bad I wake up before I find anything else out.
    14. Walking on Water

      by , 10-06-2011 at 09:52 PM
      I'm also going to try to remember the lucid dream I had maybe two weeks ago.

      The End of September....

      Lucid Dream:

      I was dreaming about something that I no longer remember when I suddenly had the feeling that I was dreaming. I thought, "Why don't I just fly?"

      I was on the top of a small mountain. I wanted to fly out and across the mountain until I came to the spot that it just dropped off, then I would be soaring way high in the sky. So I did that I enjoyed that neat sensation. I then thought about doing the Task of the Month--Walking on Water.

      I looked down. I needed to find some water. Finally I saw a small lake and flew down to it. By the time I got to it it was very small indeed. In fact, small enough I could cross it in a just a few of steps. But I felt that I didn't need that many steps to complete the Task. I first hovered over it horizontally and tenatively placed my palm on the surface of the water. I then pushed down into the water. It went all the way to the bottom (about 8 inches). There was nothing solid about this water. I wondered if I needed a strategy to make this work.

      I then decided to have faith. If I believed I could walk on water, then I should be able to walk on water. I got in an upright position and placed my foot on the water. I started to put some weight on it. It immediately sank to the bottom like my hand.

      Okay...I needed to have a different approach. I decided that since I could fly that there was absolutely no reason why I couldn't cross a pond without sinking. So I hovered over the pond in an upright position again. This time I placed my foot on the surface of the water without puttting any weight on it. See...that was easy. So I slowly brought out my other foot and also placed it on the surface of the water. I adjusted it so it was perfectly flat on the water.


      I was "standing" on the water. This was cool.

      I then slowly swung my back leg forward and placed it again in front of me on the water. I noticed that my body was getting lower toward the water, so my legs were bending somewhat. But I looked and saw that my feet were still perfectly flat on the surface. I took a couple more steps forward noticing each time that my body was getting lower and lower and my knees bending more and more until I was "walking like a duck" on the water.

      But I felt that since I was able to keep my feet on the surface that I had successfully accomplished the Task.

      Then the dream got weird and went on to me wanting to take off my shirt. Why, oh why does my dream self insist on this--I don't know.

      And I think I lost lucidity a some point shortly after that.
    15. Its better to be warm...

      by , 10-06-2011 at 08:47 PM
      Alright well first of all its been a while heheh. but just last night i had some really vivid dreams that i actually remember pretty well. But im only gonna put down two because they're the most interesting and make the most sense heheh.

      Dream #1 : Broken Hearted No Minder
      This dream starts off at what I think was a grocery store, when it introduces me to the main character which happens to be this tired, kinda scruffy guy in his mid twenties im guessing. He had messy but cute brown hair, a little bit of stubble, and was actually quite good looking. He had a look of "i dont give a f*** about anything" writen all over him. But anyways as he's going through this grocery store he runs into and old friend; something gave me the feeling that it was an exgirlfriend. That he was terribly in love with but they ended up breaking up for some reason and left him broken hearted and in the condition he's in now. She's happy to see him and acts like they were just old friends and had no real connection. They pretended like nothing really happen. He was silent pretty much the whole time. In fact I dont remember him saying anything at all. But he deicides to help her shop and carry some heavy things for her. But shes not alone, she is accompanied by what i believe was a new boyfriend or some guy that was interested in her but hes pretty much this dweeby loser and isnt much of a help when he tries to carry heavy things too. The next thing i remember is them walking out to her car and put the groceries away in her trunk. Im assuming the other guy is already in the car while they were putting things away. As she puts away the cart, the guy comes across a scratch/dent in the car which i think was from some special night or something when they were still together. He stands there and messes with it really sort of meloncholy until she comes back. When she notices him looking at it she looks hurt. The guy shoves himself away from the car and with out a word starts walking away and back toward his house. The girl i can tell feels really bad and wants to say goodbye and give him a hug. But he doesnt look back at all and just keeps going. Then it flashes to him in a small, messy, dim apartment where he undresses into just his boxers and a tshirt and settles down on the couch with a dead look on his face as he turns on his crappy tv. Then the dream sort of just fades out. But i do know that he stays there a couple of days and doesnt see the girl again for a week but thats all i remember before the dream ends.

      Dream #2: In the light
      This dream starts with a group of richer people on a ship, its pretty much all women as i recall. Our main character this time is a young woman about 17. She has an over protective, pretty crazy mother. This girl was raised to be obidiant and proper without faulter and just be the perfect young woman. But what she really wants is freedom and to find love. I know there was a lot more detail to this dream, something about a curse and being left to freeze in the waters below but I really cant remember them. I think I had two versions of the dream but im gonna stick to the one that makes more sense and is easier for me to recall. So anyways one night this when theres some party going on on the ship and theres actually guys on bored. The girl happens to find this spanish boy and ends up doing the dirty with him later that night. Which unfortunatley the crazy mother hears right below her feet. I cant remember all that happens afterwards but i think the boy is thrown into the water and the girl is yelled at and whatnot. But all I really remember that happens next is the mother and the daughter sitting and looking at the moon. The mother wrapped a blanket around the girl to keep her warm and keeps and arm around her. The girl is broken and silent. Then the mother says "See, It is better to be warm than in the light..." its that quote that i remember the most. It repeated a couple of times and got me thinking before the dream fades out. It was really quite painful... thats what vibe i really got from this dream.

      And thats pretty much it, now that i look at it they're kind of similar in vibe and such. The quote is kinda confusing and doesnt really make sense but somehow i get it......