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    1. Log 1157 - Copy-and-Paste Tornado

      by , 06-29-2018 at 11:05 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Friday 29 June 2018

      Got a brief WILD to note, along with some scraps.

      Scrap Group 1
      At home. I realize much later that the leftovers I'd saved up were gone.

      Watching Bob's Burgers with Pascal and Andrew There's a disturbingly gory scene involving a train wreck. Also, the title character happened to own two burger shops and worked part time in a diner. Later, I follow the other two down a cliffside towards a town at night. There's talk of a Nintendo 2DS release of Cyberbots. I kinda annoyed Andy by talking over him.

      Dream 1 - Copy-and-Paste Tornado

      WILD transition in bed via REM Atonia. I did nothing but kept my eyes shut for much longer than needed, as I was worried about RL distractions waking me up. Specifically, the AC, which sounded at full blast. When I noticed not getting further anchored, I tried forcing a transition via imagining a wave knocking me elsewhere, intending to end up in an aquifer cave or any other watery locale. It took no time at all to hear the sound of rushing waters, followed by feeling myself slammed by such, then finally getting dragged off to unknown depths.

      When I come to, I find that I'm flying above a hilly, green-filled island during twilight, the ocean barely visible past a "distance fog" in the land's borders. More pertinently, a whirlwind was strait ahead of me, the sound of its blaring gusts dazing me out of the dream momentarily.

      Reentry. I was back on that island, this time, with no tornado and better visuals. Thinking of the contest, I decided to call the storm once again. A simple 'point and click' did the work just fine. I gazed below, watching as dirt, grass, and shrubs alike were torn out of the ground and into the funnel. Such destructive force unnerved me greatly, especially given how effortless it was to conjure. I hovered away nervously.

      The dream collapsed soon afterwards.

      Updated 06-30-2018 at 03:40 AM by 89930

      dream fragment , lucid
    2. 2,035 words

      by , 06-29-2018 at 01:29 PM
      Tonight's sleep pattern was a little different. Instead of 5 rounds of dreams, I only had 3, and then it was morning already. I went to bed a little after 9, so that might be partly why. But my recall was good.

      I tried using a version of the mind palace method. But instead of using external objects, I just used my finger tips and the joints on my fingers. For example, I made the memory of the sea monster one fingertip because it was very memorable. Then I associated a memory linked to that with the next finger joint, and so on. I tapped on the finger joint as I thought about the memory to build the link.


      Round 1 of Dreams.

      I remember something with a Pokemon battle. I think I had a Pokemon with Psychic and Ice moves, but couldn't decide which to use.

      I remember being in my Nana's room, and/or at the Arboretum. Thinking of some homework assignments. I don't remember the particular assignments, but I remember the teacher.

      My idea in the dream was to create an excel file to hold all my homework assignments. This way they could be squeezed into a little excel block but look very organized. I was very excited about the idea.

      I remember floating on a raft around a lake. There was a bridge I would pass under, and a small water fall.

      There was something about aliens. They had come to Earth many years ago. Something about how they tried taking credit for the previous millions of years when really it wasn't them. I'm not sure how to describe it but there was one date mentioned from millions of years ago.

      I remember being at my Nana's. there were people with cell phones. They didn't have good reception, but they were happy anyway.

      I remember being in Nana's kitchen. I saw her go up the stairs with a cigarette. I was like, "Argh! Don't smoke inside! If you go outside, go far away, not even near an open window!" She seemed to be sorry. Smokers should be. I had a horrible run-in with an inconsiderate smoker on the way out of the store. They think they're having the time of their lives, getting stoned on nicotene, when really they are poisoning themselves and everyone else. I feel so angry at those damn smokers.

      I remember something about some EZ-up style frames being put up, with hoses traped over them. Uncle C or my dad was saying something like, "You wouldn't understand," which I think referred to the smoking. Oh, I understand, alright. I understand that those jerks should fuckin' stop. And I understand that their right to smoke ends where my right to breathe begins. Which basically means that all smokers belong in confinement camps.

      I remember the dream ended with me being at my nana's dinner table. My sister was to my left, and nana was to my right. I had my wallet and pulled out 6 dollars. A one dollar bill and a five dollar bill. I am not sure what I did with them.

      I woke up and recalled them. That was when I thought of that finger tip method, and using associations to ensure that I can re-remember the dreams later.


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      I was in a bedroom with a horse. I don't know if E was there. but I remember the horse could walk up on its hind legs. It also ran sprints accross the room, even though there were only 20 or 30 feet in one direction.

      I remember a black marble notebook with some writing in it. One page talked about how fire Pokemon should get more Energy Cards or something like that. Something about how they didn't make enough Fire Energy.

      I remember being at the little bridge at the back of the Arboretum. I was thinking about the difference between Humans and Saiyans.

      Then it shifted and I was in a church booth thing. I was hiding out as someone approached. It was A M. He was there to talk to someone about starting A C A meetings. When I appeared, he was glad to see me, and thought I had already got started on the meeting thing.

      He went to talk to the person. There was a huge puddle of water forming. I found a big basket of dirty linens and used them to soak up the water.

      I remember being in the room when the meeting was starting. Chairs were all around. I think R was there. I was trying to walk around. Some women were in a circle of chairs. Some how I got stuck in the circle and couldn't squeeze by the chairs. I made some funny faces and funny noises and they made way in the chairs to let me out.

      At some point, there was a totally different scene, but it seemed right in the middle of the meeting and food court scenes. So i will write it here. Someone like Goku was flying with someone like young Gohan through the air. They were carrying something big. The Goku guy was carrying it while the young Gohan character was just hanging from it by his arms.

      Then the young Gohan's arms started to stretch and he fell down to the water. Goku had to fly down and save him. There was a giant blue whale or sea monster thing.

      I remember feeling like i was the one flying after a while. I could land on a raft, but I knew the sea monster could bump the raft from underneath. I wanted to get to land, where we'd be safe from the sea monster. It had a blue back and face and a white under belly.

      I don't know how it transitioned to the next thing. But, next, I was in a cafeteria thing. There were food selections all around the room. Lots of stainless steel surfaces. I remember pouring myself some milk and then some bran flakes. I was going to put the milk first, then the bran flakes. I considered adding some sugar.

      A woman suggested I eat something else. I said maybe later. I wish I had got lucid! I noticed that they were putting out desserts, but not in a refrigerated space. So, if no one took the desserts within an hour or so, they'd have to throw them out.

      I said to R K, "Don't you think they should buy some fridges, and serve the desserts from there? The fridges would pay for themselves within..." And I estimated a time frame. He replied by questioning me, in a way that made me realize I didn't need to know what he thought about it.

      He had a big sundae in a glass sundae dish, and another food item. When I looked away, and looked back, I saw that he had already finished the three full scoops of ice cream in the dish and had added another 5! I wish I would get lucid in these food dreams! I would eat lots of dream food.

      I remember driving down the hill that leads into the Staples parking lot. I was hearing some song about "smoking the water" and was concerned about the smoking reference. I took a left, then a right. There were some road signs... I think the car vanished and I was just walking.

      Where I arrived was another facet of the cafeteria and meeting room place. This time it was another computer lab. There were only a few computers, and one person there.

      She was a blonde woman in a grey medium sleeve shirt. The shirt had red around the cuffs and red lettering.

      The woman sat back in a computer chair and told me that she wants to meet someone who needs her affirmations. I told her that I don't really need affirmations because I am already okay with self talk. It seemed like she wanted to coach someone in self talk.

      Then, J B came in through the door. I remember seeing his head through the glass window. She began to ask him about some things, and some other people they knew. I felt sad that she might lose interest in me.

      They were playing a guitar song. I think it was played in a way of criticizing someone else. Whoever they were criticizing came in. He happened to be the original artist of the song they were playing. He got his guitar and played, singing, something like, "Brad, dont go and blaze youself." I originally remembered the tune, but lost it. Dream memories of musical tunes have sometimes slipped my mind more easily than other dream details.

      Then there was something about work at the big food store where M R worked... There was something about a chimney pipe on top of the building. Someone in the room with us was saying how is was difficult to work there, not knowing who was the evil one and who was the good one.

      I woke up and recalled those. It was really satisfying to be able to go back, and back, and back. I guess my waking life recall is paying off again.

      I took my Alpha-GPC 300mg and Huperzine-A 100mcg before returning to bed.


      Round 3 of Dreams.

      I couldn't remember any dreams from round 3 for a while. So, I re-played Rounds 1 and 2 in my mind.

      Eventually, after my mind had wandered off, I remembered! I was in the high school locker room, changing for gym class. I saw my running shoes and didn't want to wear those. I wore my white vans and tan khaki pants. I wondered if those were going to help in gym class, but figured I would give it a try.

      That was all I got, from Round 3.

      However, something else interesting happened. I had a memory from last night's dreams return to me. I just remembered seeing some kind of pink tiles... Almost like Trick Room from Pokemon. Appearing in front of me. And I was like, 'This is a dream! I'm lucid!' I know it was from last night's dreams.

      I finished the outline around 6:36 A M, so I was up early. I am getting shoulder pain in my right and left shoulders when I lay on either side for a few hours, which is making it hard to fall asleep. I hope something will alleviate this, since I don't know how to sleep on my back.
    3. Dream - Confidence Vs Vulnerability & Music Mongrels

      by , 06-29-2018 at 07:20 AM
      Date of Dream: FRI 29 JUN - 2018

      Dream No. 362 - Separated Sections

      Dream 362 A - Confidence Vs Vulnerability
      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, me, Sly and Bentley were in an unidentified area, in the safehouse. Sly was supposed to do a mission but as it involved interacting with someone, I was to come along as well. Apparently for the gang, I was the civil social expert. So I was standing behind Sly, who was smaller than me in this dream. I forgot what we said or did though. All characters looked and behaved as they would in Sly 2. The next job that Sly had was one that he did by himself.

      Then there was a job for Bentley. At first, he was going to do it independently but when I read that there was some interacting involved, I bolted out of the safehouse to join Bentley as I thought he'd need me for this one. Just as Bentley was about to start talking to the NPC, I stood and waved at the NPC. I could tell that if I wasn't there, Bentley would have struggled as he began with stuttering. After a few seconds though, I started to feel off in some way. I noticed that Sly and Bentley were smaller than me and so I didn't feel protected in any way.

      Although I trusted Sly and Bentley, I still felt physically vulnerable and exposed to the environment. I became anxious and tapped Bentley on his upper shell. As he turned around to face me, I said in a whispering tone, “I'm worried... Without Murray around, I don't feel safe”. For the first part of the dream, Murray was completely missing from the gang and there was this empty energy that I perceived throughout all dream scenes so far to prove this.

      The next dream scene though skipped straight to Murray doing a job on top of a blimp complex which somewhat resembled Arpeggio's Airship but wasn't exactly. His job was to silence some exterior alarm horns and while he was running around trying to locate the horns, the dream showed him carrying me around, securing me in place with his arms. I was pressed up against his chest with my head perched and looking backwards over one of his shoulders. Murray being physically bigger than me influenced my dream energy so that I now felt restful, protected and in peace. That's all I can remember for this dream.

      Dream 362 B - Music Mongrels
      I don't remember much about this dream. From where I can remember, I was in some completely unknown area. In fact, it felt like we were in my house but it was single story and Mr H was taking a VCE music class but with a lot more students than in real life. The class was arranging who would sing in the choir for the upcoming music competition. There was singing auditions and at first, my singing was actually terrible in this dream. But then I decided to sing Mamma Mia from ABBA and everyone looked spellbound, especially WB who looked really animated and had her jaw completely dropped wide open.

      Despite the good singing finally, everyone was going to sing in the competition... Except me. On the paper and clipboard, names were being written down in pencil. At first I thought to myself, “Alright...? I might be written on close to the end” but when I saw WB's name go on and not mine, that's when the odds seemed grim. I then saw the names go on in the reserve section who would only be singing if members in the first section were sick. There were four reserves and my name wasn't even written there. That's all I can remember for this dream.

      Dream Tasks
      - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially)
      - Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? Partially)
      - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No)
      - In accordance to the "shared dreaming experiment" proceed on locating the moon (Achieved? No)
      - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No)

      Dream 362: Results (Competition #4)

      362 A
      Competition Night: 28
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Dream Guide: Murray
      Emergency Team: Sly & Bentley
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      362 B
      Competition Night: 28
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Dream Guide: None
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      Points For This Entry: 3.0
      Calculation Details:
      - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
      - Help Someone In Need: Sly & Bentley (1.0)
      - Have A Dream Guide Appear Automatically (0.5)
      - Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5)

      + Previous Total: 131.0
      Total Accumulated Points: 134.0

      I was right about the fact that my mum would be constantly telling me to do things, therefore writing down dreams would be difficult; thankfully, I told her, "I'm on holidays, so I need some days off".

      NOTE: As of FRI 29 JUN - 4:15 PM (AEST), no one has signed up for the July competition. If I don't hear from any other users by the same time tomorrow, the competition will be cancelled.

      Updated 06-30-2018 at 09:38 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    4. Log 1156 - Fiery Fangirl

      by , 06-29-2018 at 12:54 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Thursday 28 June 2018

      Got some things to note. There would've been more details and other dreams as well, but I had other things to mind before I could write them down.

      Scrap Group 1
      In a highschool classroom. The teacher (an unknown brunette) complained I wasn't taking enough notes. Later, while going upstairs, that same teacher demanded I stop some disruption I'd unwittingly caused. In response, I fly through a slit in the wall, prompting her to chase me.

      Dream 1 - Fiery Fangirl

      The visuals were blurred. I wasn in an unknown apartment suite as a guest. Later on, I end up in a bedroom, collectible figures, books, and plushies scattered all throughout the carpeted floor. This place belonged to an olive skinned college aged girl with kinky dirty blonde hair. She was an odd, bubbly kid obsessed with fantasy characters, prancing all around and spouting awkward references about one such media or another. Indeed, there was a collection of fanfiction novels involving a Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat crossover, of all things. One of these books depicted an overly edgy replacement for Quan-Chi in the front cover, while the back mentioned a "Guile Jr."

      I blurted out something critical about the girl's overenthusiasm. Whatever it was, it caused her to literally explode in anger, throwing burning punches and ignited baubles alike towards me. Despite the onslaught, such rage made her easy to avoid, and outlast. One simple push was all it took to get her to stumble to the ground.

      Poor girl didn't take the loss well. To make up for things, I tried getting her to calm down, instructing her to focus on her breaths for a few minutes. She did start, only for her to mutter inane thoughts of attaining instant enlightenment, rendering the whole exercise moot.

      Don't recall how this ended.

      Updated 06-29-2018 at 01:13 AM by 89930

      non-lucid , false awakening
    5. Revolution

      by , 06-28-2018 at 07:07 PM
      Four months ago I had a LD induced from FA.

      I wake up in living room and immediately gained awarness.(I live in apartment) Everything around was darkish, the lamps doesn't glow enough and the walls were covered in some dark substance like tentacles(or veins), they were like alive, they had a heartbeat(pulsating). I went in the corridor, everything was covered in that stuff, the lamps were flickering. I thought to get out from front door, but behind the door there was a strange noise, so I looked through the spyhole. On the other side of the door there was a black fat monster with big mouth and many teeths, which from time to time was burping with sulphur smell. So I went to my room, the walls were covered also, I thought that I can fly out of windows,but they were covered also, from what I saw through them all the city were covered in that shit. The sun was there, but was a full sun eclipse. In that moment the entire floor started to cover with dark spiders and snakes stuff. I jump on top of my bed. I thought that I can't escape from that, so I just sit on the bed, the dark things were crawling towards me in that moment the lamps gone all dark.

      Suddenly a person appeared on the bed beside me, he was carrying a little flashlight. He looked at me and say "What are you doing, why are you so afraid, everything in here is an illusion. Everything here is part of yourself, look carefully now". He close his eyes and the next moment his little flashlight lit like a big projector. I asked him how did you do it. He said "You must concentrate, use your inner light", "ok I will give it a try". I closed my eyes and focused on light, the next moment the room exploded in very bright light, all blackness started to burn and disapeared. Outside was a bright day, all the darkness was gone "See you can do it, if you just try and remember this is your inner world, your will is everything". I turned towards him and said "perhaps, you are Me". He smiled and vanish. In that moment the dream fall apart and I woke up in my bed.

      Everything changed afterwards. :movingmrgreen:
      lucid , false awakening
    6. 3,709 Words

      by , 06-28-2018 at 03:51 PM
      On this night I had a much higher dream recall and lucidity compared to the nights before. I think part of that was that I practiced waking life recall again. I had been playing back to back pokemon battles or DB Super episodes but I changed it. Instead of going back to back with those, I journaled about each one afterward, kind of like recalling a dream.


      Round 1 of Dreams.

      I remember something about a computer lab, and some people trying to contact outer space. Then, I was looking at a television. On the television, there was a row of pictures of cymbals. The sounds from them were used to communicate to outer space.

      Then I was looking at shelves. There were bottles of juice. The bottles had kind of a swirly design around the outside. Almost like a winding ramp.

      Someone said that J A wanted to ask me something. I went to pour myself a cup of the juice. I don't think she wanted any. The juice was a dark orange color, like mango.

      J A wanted to ask me what I thought about having a baby. She asked me if I wanted to have one. It wasn't clear if she meant, have a baby with her, or if she was just asking in general, like some kind of survey. Either way, I was like, "Yeah! I think having a baby would be cool." But of course there's a lot to think about before having a baby.

      I had been leaning back on my chair the whole conversation, without realizing it. Someone to my right said not to lean back on my chair. 'Have I been leaning back on my chair this whole time?' I thought. I tried to make sure all 4 chair legs were on the ground.

      I recalled those and then went to sleep, still re-remembering most of it later... There were one or two earlier parts I didn't re-remember though.


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      There were definitely earlier parts that I couldn't "reach".

      I remember being in front of a mirror, in a bathroom. Ms. M and J C were behind me, talking to me.

      Ms. M left, but a younger kid arrived, around age 14. He told J C that I liked her! I think she said something about not liking me in that way or something... Or maybe I just expected her to reject me. So before it made anything awkward, I told the kid, "Yeah, I like her!" But explained I liked her as a family friend, and mentioned our camping trips, and so on. I think that eased some of the awkwardness that I felt.

      I told the child that if he kept practicing his speaking skills, he'd be very good at it by the time he was 20. He rode his bike away.

      I remember seeing Ms. G (English teacher) sitting at a little desk. Then I went down a set of long yellow stairs. Each step was longer than my foot. I considered going down them backwards but just went down forwards, feeling light.

      Then I was in a Pokemon battle. My Pokemon had 2 steel type attack moves. One had 75 accuracy and one had 85. I was caught trying to decide which to use. I think I chose the 75% accuracy one because both were kind of risky anyway. It had some kind of silver umbrella thing appear on the opponent's side of the field.

      Then I was out of electricity. I needed electricity from outside the game to use to move inside the game. There was a wire with something I could charge up, right behind me. I went to get the current flowing, but realized the wire was directly touching my leg! I quickly jumped away, cursing. The wire lit up bright blue.

      At one end of the room, there were 3 people on a couch. The guy on my left had on a white shirt. He drew a black line with marker on his left side pocket. He said something like, "Please don't curse like that." But something about his tone really triggered me. It was probably because he failed to acknowledge/sympathize with my panic and fear, and instead found fault with my word selection. I started to curse him out pretty intensely.

      There was someone sitting in the middle. Maybe a smaller woman. I am not sure I even noticed the details of the person.

      The guy on the other side of the couch, to my right, was wearing a grey shirt. He coldly told me that I was being "sinful". This brought up even more rage... The exact reason I HATE religion. Because they failed to notice my actual state (fear/panic) and just judged the behavior as wrong. So it is very abandoning.

      I started cursing that guy out and telling him his religion was stupid. He was physically bigger than me, and decided he would physically assault me! So I tried to flee. I realized that the police would probably take his side, too, which sucked... At one point, he had me pinned down. "[name of diety] wants me to punish you!" He said something idiotic like that. I could see he had sharp teeth when he bared them.

      I somehow got out of that pinning and ran away. I saw myself from outside. I looked like Littlefoot from Land Before Time. He caught me in a net thing, like the collars they use in Animal Control. He had me walk ahead of him.

      We passed through a swampy graveyard place. With lots of grave stones but a few inches deep of water. Wading through there, I got a little ahead of him. I snuck off to the side to hide behind a grave stone, and he walked right by, thinking I continued on straight. He had morphed into a white ghosty kind of shape character.

      Eventually, he turned around, and started coming towards my hiding place. This dream was pretty scary. Not quite nightmare level but it reached around 70% nightmare level.

      I remember it transitioned into another Pokemon Battle. I had a move that only did 10% of their HP each time. I used it for a few turns. Suddenly, it did 25% of their HP, without even getting a critical hit. I wasn't sure why, but one more would have the K O.

      I remember thinking that I don't want to curse out people like that if possible, since they might want to beat me up. But I don't like having to... Filter the way I express my emotions. Anyway, I just remember being in the woods. And leaning my stationary bike on the wheels. I was going to push it up some stairs. Then I woke up.

      I recalled those and went back to sleep. I just made sure to re-play them in my mind enough to form a solid memory. I still re-remembered it all by morning.

      I also took my 100mcg Huperzine-A and 300mg Alpha-GPC Choline at this time...


      Round 3 and 4 of Dreams..

      I remember being in my Nana's room. I was on a lounge chair near her dresser. I had the land line on the floor to one side. She almost stepped on it. "Don't step on the land line!" I yelled. I moved it to the other side. My sister was there too.

      I went home to get some protein. It was morning, but it was dark out, still. My dad had just got home at the same time. I called out to greet him.

      I remember being in my room at 15. Someone was sharing about religion on a phone meeting. (I heard a share about religion yesterday, involving false loyalty to a dysfunctional church, that seriously pissed me off, so that's probably why i dreamed of it so much. Recovering from religion is a big deal to me.)

      After the meeting, on the fellowship line, I was telling the guy that his comment was stupid. And that his religion is stupid... He kept hearing what I said then taking a moment before replying. Whenever he spoke again, I tried to shut him down again. I remember looking at a pair of black pants while being on the phone.

      Then there was a woman with a book. She was talking about Satan but then she started calling it "Thesatan". There were some other concepts of dieties in the book. She also said that heavy people, with an over-eating habit, might want to make friends with a janitor. Since janitors see all the food people drop on the floor.

      At some point along these dreams I was awake physically in bed. I didn't need the bathroom though so I stayed still, recalled what I could, and went back to sleep.

      I dreamed I was on a phone meeting with M and 2 other guys. But, they were actually there in person. M shared first. He said that he likes "scriptures", but something someone said in favor of them in an earlier meeting had ticked him off. Hearing him mention "scriptures" had ticked me off, too. I was thinking of sharing reactively about it by the time my turn came around. I felt very reactive, just hearing about it. Religion is definitely a touchy subject for me to hear about, unless someone is saying religion sucks.

      I remember being in the guest room, but in the dream context, it was my room. I still felt a little out of place there. My Dad came to the door. "How was your day?" he asked. "Wait! I'm changing!" I said, and closed the door before he could look in.

      I remember dreaming that I was laying in bed, on my left side, like my physical body was. My dad came in the room again. He was angry about something. He said I wasn't allowed to use pencils any more. I think he also said I wasn't allowed to speak out against religion any more. I felt intimidated, and afraid to say anything, but I will speak out if I damn well please. He's not allowed to touch me... Unless he wants to give me a license to defend myself. At which point I will stop him. Anyway, in the dream, he seemed angry at me.

      My dad came in the room again. Again, from the head of my bed, he was yelling at me. Again, he said I'm not allowed to use pencils any more. A little green and gold emblem thing fell onto the bed. It had the letters "D" and "R" on it. My dad went to leave the room.

      I got the hunch that I might be dreaming. I got up. I might have floated up or perched on top of a dresser. Anyway, I asked him. "Dad! Wait! What's the name of the second car you let me use?" I had to "think fast" to come up with a question that he would be unable to answer if it were a dream.

      "Um... Marrion." He said it very matter of factly. Of course, that is incorrect. "No!" I said, and I said the actual name of the car. "You're not real!" I said, and flew up in the air. In hindsight, I probably would have been better off letting him walk away, then enjoying my lucid time, but I didn't think of it.

      I flew towards him and he became a sort of robot with a big white dome top and white vaccuum hoses for arms. I could see him through the slightly opaque white dome. At first I got ready to fight off his white vaccuum hose arms.

      Then I remembered to stop fighting in the dream. I gave the big robot vaccuum thing a hug and said, "I love you!" Then the dream ended and I woke up.

      I stayed still and recalled those. After using the rest room, I played the dreams back some more in my mind, then went back to sleep.

      I re-remembered it in full in the morning. This re-remembering thing is awesome. I never thought it would be possible to remember all the nights dreams, even rounds 1 and 2, in the morning. Without even making notes. I guess I have reached an advanced stage.


      Rounds 5 (and 6?) of Dreams.

      I dreamed I was in a version of my room at 15. My mom and sister or dad and sister were in the room, talking. I was on a phone meeting. Well, I was sleeping with the phone near me, and I dreamed that I kept waking up to dial a phone meeting.

      'Wait, why am I sleeping with the phone near me?' I wondered. 'It has lots of radiation!' So I pushed it away. 'Also, why am I on the phone when the other 2 are right there? I could be talking with them!'

      Once I hung up the phone, they dissappeared, too.

      I remember being in a bed. I was adjusting my position. I kept trying to put a pillow over my eyes, but accidentally covering my whole face. It really scared me that I would be unable to breathe while I slept.

      Then I remember being in a dorm room kind of building. It was more eventful but I didn't remember 100% from the earlier parts. I know I was lucid though. I was practicing abilities with some other people. There was "William" and there was "Lauren" and one other guy. (No waking life correspondence.)

      I knew it was a dream but they didn't seem to. "William" could punch really hard. Since it was just a dream, I let him punch my hands for practice. It actually hurt a lot, even in the dream. But I knew it wasn't doing physical harm so I let him continue. I think that came from watching DB Super, when they punch each others hands.

      Then I remember having a pain in the right side of my thigh. Maybe it was from the pillow in waking life. I showed "William" that if I used a twig and pressed into the location of the pain, I could release the trigger point.

      He was enjoying punching me so much that he wanted to punch my leg. At first, I hesitated. Then, remembering it was still a dream, I let him go ahead. Behind us, "Lauren" and her boyfriend were listening to a song about "[name of diety] is good" that was really ticking me off. I wanted to ask them to stop the song but didn't for some reason.

      Then "Lauren" and her boyfriend were just being affectionate, telling each other things like, "I love you" and "I always support you" and "I am here for you." Hearing them have that kind of bond brought up a lot of grief for me. As they walked off to the side of the room, I thought of my Inner Child.

      There was some kind of tac in the wall. To the right there just so happened to be a blue shoe box of my childhood photographs. I doubted my ability to "summon" the inner child, but the dream did it for me.

      I noticed one photo looked like my 4th grade photo. I picked it up. I was smiling and had big teeth. I was wearing a black plaid button down shirt with white and gold/tan lines. The next photo was of me as a kid, at a lemonade stand kind of thing. There was a big neon green poster in front of the table. It said, "I Love Narrating Elimos". The lower case "i" in "Elimos" was bold. I think it meant "Elmos" as in Sesame Street, but in a child's spelling.
      The next picture was of me as a kid. This time I had an orange poster. It said "My Russian Robot Bug" something something something. I forgot the exact words. I became very emotional and started to cry in the dream. I don't know if I cried physically when I had woken up but I felt very emotional.

      I had a brief awakening there. I don't remember if I got up, stayed still moved a little, or anything. That's why I wasn't sure if this was 5 rounds of dreams or 6. But I fell back asleep and they continued.

      I remember a part near the dining room of 15. I remember someone was saying how they wanted to get some kind of fat-removal surgery. But they probably wouldn't stop their overeating habit. So they'd just be in a cycle of overeating, gaining weight, getting surgery, and repeating it.

      Someone else said that they were afraid to go to college and get a career going. But really they were alluding to what was underneath the heavy person's condition.

      I remember another part about some kind of underground sewer or cement tunnel. Then I was walking around a building... Being called in to work? When I got inside, the job was to go into a giant bag of dirt, and I guess dig. I was eager to be called in to work, but other people were called in first.

      I remember being in the dorms again from the previous lucid dreams. I was practicing using powers with other people there again. "William" and "Lauren" were still there.

      I forgot some parts but I think we were afraid we'd get in trouble for breaking in. So, we left the dorm. Then, we realized that "William" and "Lauren" actually lived there, so we hadn't broken in.

      Anyway, we were out front. "Lauren" was sitting up on a table. It showed all of our names on the side. "Lauren"'s name was "SEVIL". She had to put herself as "single" on her profile due to a lawyer situation, but she wasn't really single. She said that if she was actually single, she would be in love with me. Wow! That was nice. She had blonde hair.

      I walked around the side of the building. I might have been riding a bike or a car, or flying. I was aware it was a dream. "William" and 2 others passed by ahead of me, from the other side of the building. "We're going to the dining hall! Come with us!" They said. I followed along.

      It changed from night time to day time as we went up the hill. It was a grassy area. I knew it was a dream, but I don't know if anyone else did. "William" was doing amazing tricks on his bike, but couldn't understand how he had gotten so skillful. He did one trick I forgot. Then, a 360 tail whip, and landed back on the bike. I got on the back pegs and he did a prolonged front wheelie.

      After that, he kind of rode or fell down a steep grassy hill. I used telekinesis to lift up some green leaves and tried to lift him back up the hill. Then I noticed the food court area.

      The chefs behind the food stands were saying, "Telekinesis isn't real!" and it was ticking me off again... I was gonna prove them wrong! I started to use telekinesis on some of the purple domes on top of the building, and then the dream faded.

      I was briefly in the phase, thinking I had woke up in bed... Then suddenly I was on an elevator. A guy ran buy, holding 5 big scrabble letters that said "DEILD". He held the letter "I" right up to my face, and I realized, 'It's a dream!'

      I woke up from those dreams and recalled them. My body felt much heavier than usual but I knew I was physically awake. Eventually I used the bathroom and laid back down, to replay rounds 1 through 5 or 6 in my mind, and see if I'd sleep again. Nope. I got up and made the outline of the dreams around 8 A M.

      It was a Thunder Storm last night. I actually enjoyed the sound of the thunder and rain. I like the natural sounds but not the industrial or plane noises.
    7. Day 137: Two Moons Over Texas Way

      by , 06-28-2018 at 11:34 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 11:00 PM

      Woke up at: 5:00 AM

      Dream 104: Check Please

      Started off in my grandma's house-- nighttime. Several family members are sitting with me on the porch. I move upwards a bit so that I'm not cramped, but for some reason I spot a goat/dog headed towards me. I move behind my sister as a shield and eventually walk away from the porch.

      Out on the road, I notice something odd. The moon to my left is bloated and looks especially off, more like an asteroid than our own moon, it's in it's first quarter phase. The moon to my right meanwhile is way off in the distance, and is in its third quarter (Or waxing crescent, whichever).

      I notice this, but I don't think of it as odd or even think to question my state. I think the moon to the left is some sort of hologram or something and the dream goes on as it would. I eventually go back to my family and have random talks over things I don't remember.

      We do go to the backyard, though. Where I ask my dad if he finds what we're looking at to be strange. He doesn't and finds a way to focus our conversation on something else.
    8. Soundfont Fiasco and Roosevelt Not Roosevelt

      by , 06-28-2018 at 10:16 AM
      Morning of June 24, 2018. Sunday.

      This entry is about two dreams of a different nature, though of which occurred during the same sleep cycle.

      In one dream, I am in an unknown room in semidarkness. A friend and classmate from years ago, Roosevelt, is seated at a different table than I am. I am talking to him about a “different” Roosevelt as he is writing something, not listening to me very closely. The Roosevelt I am talking about is in reference to who he is now in contrast to our school days (even though virtually everything else regarding my current conscious self identity is not extant in this dream scenario). (He is now a well-known singer in Germany.) After a time, I am very puzzled by what I am thinking, as the Roosevelt at the other table is apparently the same one I am thinking of and I wonder if he will be annoyed because of this. I cannot clearly focus on the scenario. I am even wondering where the “other” Roosevelt is even though he is at the other table and there is only one Roosevelt. This is a typical dream state waking process, where my conscious self identity is emerging more slowly. The two literal threads of which are both the one Roosevelt have not yet coalesced. (Synaptic gating and preconscious coalescence is a major factor of the waking process and is often rendered by way of dream state autosymbolism.)

      In my other dream, it seems I am seeking more soundfonts, though very curiously, they are actual objects rather than computer files. I have many of them and I am testing them to see if they could be feasible for producing music. There is an unknown male present in some scenes. We are sharing information on these supposed soundfonts to see which ones sound best.

      These fictitious “soundfonts” are a bit like miniature comb kazoos that one must press their lips around and blow on, the difference being a vague similarity to reeds with several “teeth” and without the need for paper over them. I have a library of them which supposedly includes one million eight hundred thousand (1,800,000) different flute sounds. I also recall one relating to various sounds of trombones.

      At another point, I see a set of hundreds of dog stickers or icons of which are somehow related to the soundfonts as possibly some sort of context menu or somehow descriptive, mostly only sketches. They include dog firemen and other scenes of dogs in human activities.

      Much of my dream involves playing these supposed soundfonts in an unfamiliar outdoor area, though my dream eventually distorts into the usual indoor-outdoor ambiguity (the sense of being indoors and outdoors at the same time, a common factor of the dream state itself, mainly caused by subliminal awareness of being asleep in bed while thinking about being outside).

      Tags: music
    9. A Fictitious Actress, Spectra Lee

      by , 06-28-2018 at 07:07 AM
      Morning of June 28, 2018. Thursday.

      One very curious factor of my dreams has been the effortless creation of interesting fictitious names. These names are most often female and sometimes implied to be that of a celebrity. Usually, this fictitious character is either a part of a vivid lucid experience or is a part of a specific type of non-lucid dreaming that is unlike other dream types and features the presence of a broadcast of the essence of watching television, though me being passively present in the broadcast setting at times (typically with a sense of ambiguity or of being incorporeal). In this case, it seemed to be an unlikely blend of television and Internet in its design as an unrealistic composite.

      I am looking at information about a popular 1960s actress whose name was supposedly Spectra Lee. It appears on one part of the webpage as “Spectra.Lee” as the title of her website and related contact information. She appears in a number of 1960s photographs, some black and white. She is wearing a headscarf and sunglasses in most of them.

      I suspect it is a play on “spectrally”, as I have been doing more sound engineering lately, though it could also apply to the nature of dreams and liminal space. However, after waking, I had a brief association with Elektra, the female Marvel Comics character (and of course Stan Lee).

    10. 2,419 Words

      by , 06-27-2018 at 02:54 PM
      I went to bed around 8:30 or 9. I did more journaling and memory work on 6/26 than I had been doing on previous days.


      Round 1 of Dreams.

      I remember one part about being angry about washing machine noise. I was on the phone with my nana. And the washing machine was making annoying noise. So I just flipped out about it on the phone. Nana was listening very sympathetically.

      I remember another part at the end where I was running from some pirates. I was inside a building. Maybe a basement. I had locked the door knob behind me. It was one of those door locks that has to be pressed in. Then I ran up some stairs.

      Some how I re-appeared on the other side of the door I had locked. But I just opened it again, and locked it again.

      I woke up and recalled what I could, then did an RBFA. I didn't re-remember everything but still got a good amount.


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      I remember being in my Nana's room. And then near her dresser drawers. I had stored my food in some cups and shoes. I had stored one serving in each of my white vans shoes. And some others in some cups.

      I wondered if the food in the shoes would be edible. 'Wouldn't it get contaminated from the inside of the shoe?' I thought. 'Maybe I will just eat it from the shoe this time and then start using other containers.' I didn't want to waste it.

      At some point I remembered the cups I store my food in in waking life, which are more sanitary.

      There may have been a part with my sister and her friend M. Maybe something with my dad.

      I also dreamed about rolling down a hill. I had been encouraging people to roll down a snowy hill as fast as possible, and they wouldn't get hurt. Then someone rolled down and landed on some stairs or someone who was stuck at the bottom, and got hurt badly. 'Oh no!' I thought. 'I mean, they could roll down, as long as someone has verified that the coast is clear.'

      I went to write some kind of amendment to my original statement so that I wouldn't be sued or anything. That led to me posting on some message boards. There was a board that had a variety of topics, all in alphabetical order.

      I also remember being in a building with some stairs. The forum had lots of pages. White back ground, blue hyperlinks.

      I recalled those and did another RBFA. This RBFA and re-remembering thing is great. I am getting so much more sleep now.


      Round 3 of Dreams.

      I remember a part outside these buildings. A guy was reading from the Big Book. It was an early chapter. Maybe Doctor's Opinion. I didn't want to hear it.

      Everyone was waiting outside the building for the meeting to start. Sitting in an overhang thing by the door. I didn't want to sit with them in case any one smoked.

      Eventually we got inside. I remember standing around with people. Then some other people wheeled out giant peanuts. 'They make peanuts this big?' I thought. 'I guess so!' The peanuts were like 4 or 5 feet long and wider around at the biggest point than my shoulders.

      Then there was something with coconut oil. It was for something specific in the meeting. I had a little table spoon measurer, maybe a green plastic one, and I took a table spoon. I wasn't supposed to have done that.

      Y J saw me do it, but didn't get me in trouble. I hid the tablespoon of coconut oil under something, and considered eating it to make sure I wouldn't be caught. I wondered why I had even taken it, if I didn't even want it right then.

      There were a bunch of rectangular tables. They were a light golden brown color of wood, with a wood grain patterning. I kept expecting them to put all the tables in one long row, but they didn't. Instead, they had them separated. I guess it made it easier for people to walk around them.

      I sat next to someone who showed me the design of the table. They showed me how it repeated almost like a fractal pattern. And how the design looked like peanuts. They also showed me some dark spots and said something about how it looked like a holiday.

      I remember being at some kind of store in the mall. It was something like S P's store but also reminded me of C W's store. It was a lucid dreaming store. He had shelves of lucid dreaming related pills in the middle. One was called "Red Tops" and said Benadryl on it. I was like, 'They use Benadryl for lucid dreaming?' Those were just circular red pills

      There was also something called "Blue Tops". Those were blue cylinders with white stuff poking out of each side. There were other shelves of pills, too, but I think I woke up.

      I remember seeing a picture of Alakazam. And something in the dream was telling me, "You have to fall asleep with focus. Once per night practice falling asleep with focus, then the other times you can fall asleep normally." Something like that. I understand that, but I already fall asleep focused on dream recall, so my mind is occupied.

      I recalled those and let myself RBFA again. That last detail with the lucid dreaming store was funny because it was on my mind as I typed the outline, but only OTTOTT. Then suddenly it came back into full view. Yay!

      I took my Alpha-GPC 300mg and Huperzine-A 100mcg before going back to sleep for Round 4 of Dreams.


      Round of 4 Dreams.

      I remember being at a shoe store in the mall. I was trying on some black and/or tan shoes made of a fabric material. I needed another size. The attendant guy there was saying how he needs 45 minutes to find the right pair. but I'm not allowed to leave the store to go any where else while I wait.

      So I waited. Then a woman brought out a form for me to fill out. It was at least 4 full pages of stuff. "Do I really have to put my social security number?" I asked, noticing 3 little squares. "Yes," she said. I went ahead and filled it in. (I was thinking of how forms say "last 4" of your social but in the dream it was "last 3".)

      As I filled out the form, and looked around, I figured it was because every person's shoes would have a different foot print. Then, they could easily catch someone who did a crime based on the foot prints. They wouldn't just sell shoes to someone with cash any more.

      Then I saw my Uncle C at the register. He might have had someone with him. I looked at him, but he didn't seem to notice me at all.

      I remember being at this church building place. Then went outside. A Mustang was out to the side, in the drive way. I got on a motor cycle. I had my lap top open on a panel of the motorcycle. It showed a map which was similar to near the Arboretum.

      I had a funny feeling throughout this dream. I thought it was waking life, but I thought that I could fly or use powers if I really, really tried. So my plan was to fly the motorcycle to the arboretum.

      Then I decided just to drive it... But realized I had no helmet. 'Will I get in trouble for having no helmet?' I wondered. I had on my orange glasses and some head phones or ear muffs.

      Just then, a family pulled into the drive way. They were out of gas. The father had 2 red gas cans to help fill up the car. 'I could just give them some gas from my tank,' I thought. But I didn't know how to get it out.

      They came into the church building with me. The dad went to light a big cigar. "Wait! Please don't smoke that while I'm here. If you start smoking that I will leave." He put it out.

      "Maybe you should just call some actual mechanics," I suggested. The mom told me that she didn't want to, because of a bad experience with the mechanics last time.

      'Maybe the other people arriving at the church can help them!' I thought. Sure enough, some people were beginning to come in from a hall way over to the right. There was one older man in a suit. I figured they could help, and I went to the bathroom.

      'I know it's not a dream, but I really think I can have some powers,' I thought. I was in a bathroom stall and some how the lock didn't work right. But anyway, I tried to jump in the air, then turn my body into a push-up position in midair. Then, use the force to push against the ground, making me levitate. It actually did work a little, but I eventually landed on the ground. More lightly than I would have with full gravity.

      I left the bathroom stall and walked back out to the room I'd previously been in. There was some water I slipped on. A heavy African American guy was out there. I asked him why I felt like I had powers, or something like that. "Because of all the love!" He said. I still didn't know it was a dream.

      I walked over to a table where E L was working. He was in charge of a Pokemon card table. I remember seeing one Venusaur card. It's HP was in red lettering, but not in bold. It had something like 228 HP. There were other cards, too. Some looked like proxy cards. I remember an electric type.

      I realized that E L had been covering for me, and really, it was my shift to be in charge of the Pokemon table! From 3 to 4 PM. It was already 3:50. "Do you want to do the rest?" he asked. "Sure!" I said, almost not seeing the point.

      I walked around the side of the table. There was a chair. I wanted to do a front flip with my hands on the chair, and land inside the 4 tables. I managed to get in the air but crashed down on the table on my left side.

      Then i woke up. I had been laying on my left side physically, so it made sense to land that way. I think I was afraid I had hurt my ribs, until I realized it was a dream. Then, I was like, 'Argh! I was trying all that stuff but didn't realize it was actually a dream!!!'



      Round 5 of Dreams.

      I remember driving around near O B and then being at a gas station. I was thinking about making a You Tube channel. Something about hiding my identity though. Or responding to comments. Not sure.

      Then I was in a place like that church place again. I remember Vegeta was there. A guy from the church was offering him some diagrams on the wall that would be helpful for target practice. Vegeta said, "no thanks," because he was afraid the pictures would brain wash him.

      Then, an older man came through without a shirt. He got his shirt and put it on. There was something about how that man proved that people here were being brain washed. They were under mind control.

      Then Vegeta was about to buy something at the vending machine. "No! Don't buy the processed food!" I said. But it was too late. He selected a thing of cookies.

      He ate half of one. "I will just use these when my HP gets low," he said. There was something about writing it down. "Okay," I said. "It's good to have something you like."

      Then it shifted to where I had a brand new blue chair cushion on a table... And a guy was walking on top of the table to get to something. He stepped on my blue cushion a little and I got really angry. I started yelling at him. "You should ask first to see if its okay to step on my cushion!!!" Something like that. He yelled back.

      I also remember something about writing my dream journal entry. I was writing on paper, and also had some drawings on the paper. I was writing around the drawings. I remember I was writing about the part with the mom and the kids.

      I also remember something with a stack of coins. I think that was as I was waking up. I saw that image.

      I woke up and recalled those, then re-played all the night's dreams in my mind. I've been regularly getting 5 rounds of dreams per night, which I think is good. I also appreciate the consistency. My shoulders have begun to hurt from sleeping on my side again. That worries me a little but I hope it goes away. I missed the 7:30 W A meeting because it was 8:14 by the time I finished the dream outline. But I'm glad I'm sleeping enough for a change. Sometimes early morning meetings are hard to let go of. In the past I would be too adrenalized about getting to the meeting, and not let myself finish sleeping. I am trying to let go of that now, since there are plenty of day time meetings.
    11. Day 136: As Per Usual

      by , 06-27-2018 at 01:57 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 3:00 AM

      Woke up at: 7:30 AM

      Dream 103: Humiliated By My Uncle...Again

      Inside my house--early hours of the morning or approaching nighttime, can't really tell. My aunt pulls me and several of my family members aside to talk to us about an upcoming trip they have planned for us. As she's telling us this, I zone out and ask her what we're talking about.

      My uncle points this out and gets everybody in the room to laugh at me. No one else's fault but mine perhaps... I try to hold my anger and embarrassment in, and ultimately just consider walking out of the conversation. Even in my dreams I tend to bottle up my emotions.

      Several hours pass and I'm in the living room with my yet-to-be brother-in-law watching something on our phones. My brother walks behind me to check out what I'm playing.
      non-lucid , memorable
    12. June 27, 2018 Non-Lucid

      by , 06-27-2018 at 05:29 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I'm in a theme park sort of like Busch Gardens in VA or Epcot Center. It looks rainy outside and dark. At some point we talk about how we're at a music festival but we only seemed to stay in one spot under this one random tent the entire time. It seems like maybe the festival is over and we're packing up to leave. It's night time but it's lighter outside with a shade of light blue. I don't think we want to leave.

      I'm walking around the theme park and there's very strange things occurring. It seems like this park is dark and something out of a My Chemical Romance music video. There's different events occurring throughout the park and there's music playing. There's performers at certain stations. There's a girl doing magic with one old man in front of her watching. I walk by exhibits and when I hear music I can see people dancing to it like this strange choreographed dance, they all know the moves. The people are dressed up in some goth clothing, I see a guy with black long hair and pale skin serious as can be doing these dance moves.

      At some point I'm off to the side with Moo and my jaw starts to clench up real bad. I can't control it, it's just strained really bad up and down. I fall to the ground and scream in pain, striking the ground.

      The end of the dream I'm watching this little turtle guy walking around. I think that I've made a video game and this little turtle is walking around in the over world trying to decide which level he's playing next. I remember I made is so the movement wasn't so linear, he could walk to these little leaves or other parts of the map that would trigger a level. He was a cute little turtle walking upright with a very concerned voice like "oh dear am I going to make it okay." I remember thinking this was a very good video game. I woke up thinking maybe he should be an armadillo instead.
    13. Log 1154 - Ex-Ante Ransom Demand and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 06-27-2018 at 01:36 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 26 June 2018

      Got a few scraps and some non-LDs.

      Dream 1 - Mall, 3D Panoramas, and Parking Confusion

      The visuals were slightly blurred. I was wandering inside a medium-sized mall. One of my stops was at a public art exhibition, occupied in its own series of rooms rather than in an open booth. Each room contained entire 360 degree panoramas depicting absurdist fantasy artwork. One such image was of a group of giants savagely assaulting a much smaller person. Another likewise had giant cyclopes', male and female this time, all of whom had obviously lustful affection towards a tiny woman.

      Later on, I sit down by some indoor foliage to eat a burger and fries. My brother, Roderick, eventually showed up with a sandwich of his own, but nothing else. He asked if I could trade some fries for a piece of his meal, but by the time he asked, I'd already eaten the entire container-full in practically one gulp.

      Cut outside to the streets of a shabby suburban area at night time, an area close to where my brother and I supposedly had left our vehicles parked. As I looked for my ride, I was accosted by this old man, who claimed to know the best way out of the place. It suddenly rained, so I offered the guy a lift. Or would have, if I didn't lose track of my vehicle...

      Not sure how this ended.

      Scrap Group 1

      Wandering around town. I stop at this Indonesian festival. There were sculptures depicting Hindi epics, including Hanuman's journey to Lanka.

      At home. I speak with my nephew, Theodore, on what he learned in school that day. Something about germs, I think. He becomes a bit of smart-alleck when he points out some facts of which I wasn't aware.

      Dream 2 - Ex-Ante Ransom Demand

      The visuals were a bit blurred. I was at home, as were my brothers, dad, Theodore, and his cousin David. Later on, I get a call from a stranger. He boldly identified himself as a criminal, and made a likewise audacious demand: that I either pay him and his crew, or risk getting kidnapped. Before I could press anything, the man hung up.

      This all seemed ridiculous. Still, just in case, I warned the others of the potential threat coming our way. Roderick went upstairs, where he revealed a secret stash of pistols and shotguns he's been hoarding (implausible as that sounds). Where my dad and my brothers armed themselves, I opted to remain as I was. I reassured them the weapons weren't necessary, for I 'knew' I had powers, of which I revealed by floating around cross-legged.

      Just then, the thugs burst in through the front door, each armed themselves. They, of course, wanted payment for the ex-ante ransom. I hid by the stairs, confident my brothers could talk their way out of this. Even if things got bad, I was sure I could pull them out. Negotiations broke down. Violence was inevitable. Unfortunately, I was too slow to react. By the time I realized it, one of my brothers was on the floor, unconscious, if not...

      I then became aware enough to know this wasn't real. Still, my rage prevented full lucidity. I mentally locked onto the minds of those around me, picking up a good dozen or so. It would've been so easy to telepathically rend each of these consciousnesses apart. But, since I couldn't distinguish one from the other, there was no way I could chance friendly fire. So instead, I lulled these marks to sleep. Unwittingly, I did the same to myself. Once I came to, I rushed out the door, then hid behind some vehicles for cover, taking fire along the way. Again, I tried knocking out the intruders, and succeeded once more. It was then that Roderick stepped out, apparently unharmed. There was no doubt he'd finish the deed.

      The dream collapsed soon after.

      Updated 06-27-2018 at 04:08 AM by 89930

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Rose Street Talk and Drinking Sudsy Water and Soda

      by , 06-26-2018 at 03:11 PM
      Morning of June 26, 2018. Tuesday.

      These are two dreams during the same sleep cycle. Marilyn (older half-sister on my mother’s side who died in 2014) appears in both.

      In my first dream, I am back in the Loomis Street house. At times however, I also seem to be simultaneously present, at least in mind, in the Rose Street building (where I have not lived in real life since 1967 at age six). I am “remembering” it incorrectly though, which is usually the case in non-lucid dreams when thinking skills and viable memory (and viable contact with the unconscious mind) are not present. I am conversing with Marilyn about the Rose Street building (where she also lived in the 1960s across the hall from me and my parents).

      The conversation focuses on the elevator that was, in my fictitious memory, near the back of the building. I discuss the elevator as well as the rickety steps (that were a real-life feature). I relate how my mother did not like me using that staircase. I talk more about the fictitious elevator. My dream eventually fades (without waking) and I am in a different dream scenario.

      In my other dream, I am sitting on the floor in the Loomis Street dining room (where I have not been in real life since February 1994). I eventually end up drinking what I first believe to be solely soda, though from a large plastic bucket and with a long drinking straw that almost reaches the bottom of the bucket. Over time, I realize that there is more in the bucket than just soda. In fact, when I begin to focus, I realize that I drank a lot of water with laundry soap in it. In the bucket, there are also a couple of clothes (my pants and shirt, at least), a few Matchbox cars near the bottom, and other items as well as other liquids (such as orange juice) mixed in.

      I mention this to Marilyn (who is in the living room near the front door) and my mother (who remains in the southwest area of the dining room) as I remain sitting on the floor. (My mother died in 2002.) I tell them how I do not feel any different after drinking this unlikely mixture of soda, laundry suds, and possibly other contents. I eventually notice a pile of clothes on the floor. I end up mostly lying on my right side, feeling very aware, and wondering if what I drank will affect me. I focus on my perception and there is a very vivid awareness but no lucidity. My dream soon fades.

      Despite my dream self not being viably lucid, I am still always aware on one level of when I am dreaming, as it is biologically impossible not to know I am dreaming. This changes the entire nature of what many people believe dreams to be.

      Although my memory is not viable (because of being without viable contact with my unconscious mind while in the non-lucid dream state), there is a thread of memory of dream state autosymbolism. My dream self is actually describing dream state autosymbolism without being lucid. This has happened many times before even in childhood dreams. An elevator is autosymbolism for the dreaming and waking process. It has nothing to do with waking life “symbolism” (as dreams are not symbolic in the conventional sense).

      My last dream also reveals liminal awareness of the dream state. This is evidenced by my position on the floor. Although I usually sleep on my left side, I had this dream while briefly sleeping on my right and I was mostly on my right as my dream ended. The rest is more about distortion from lack of viable joining of unconscious and conscious self identity. I also had mild indigestion in sleep and my dream was creating a ridiculous scenario to remind me of such. The laundry soap and loose clothes were present as a reminder I am not wearing clothes when I am asleep in bed.

    15. 1,408 words

      by , 06-26-2018 at 01:18 PM
      I went to bed around 9. After one more match of Pokemon Show down... Times 5!


      Round 1 of Dreams.

      I could only re-remember one part, which was an abstract chart C R had made to document his achievements. It was designed like a building layout.

      I remembered more parts from the end of Round 1, but didn't re-remember them once I woke up again.


      Round 2 of Dreams.

      I remember something about really luxurious hotel rooms. And installing a special stair case in them. Also, there was an African American person in my room. I forgot the details. I think they had a similar personality to the hip hop artists I listened to when I was around 16.

      I forgot the middle parts.

      My memory begins again with a part when I was outside my high school. By the tennis courts. I threw something in a garbage can. A teacher noticed, and asked me to stand near the garbage can for 5 minutes, and sketch it.

      I didn't want to. But he insisted. His reasoning was that if I added up all the time I spent looking at a garbage can when I threw something out, just a few seconds each time, it would add up to at least 5 minutes. So, therefore, standing near it for 5 minutes and drawing it wouldn't be too much.

      The dream changed and it was something about time to eat. Ms. M gave me some italian food. I jumped down like ten feet and landed just fine in front of it. There was also a hydro massage thing, like from a hot tub, as I stood there.

      I needed some utensils. Ms. M gave me some plastic ones. At first, I doubted the effectiveness of them. Then I decided they would be fine. There were some tiny carvings on some of them. One had a piece of wire as part of it.

      K S came by and I showed her the utensils. She thought they were cool.

      At some point, earlier, I remember something with a train. it was probably more involved than I could remember. Oh well!



      Round 3 of dreams.

      I think I just woke up from a short dream or one I didn't remember much of. Got up for a moment than laid back down. At some point there might have been something about not using too much light at night. Only the minimum.



      Round 4 of Dreams.

      I remember something about getting a pet dog. Maybe I even saw the dream from the view point of the dog. Not sure.

      I remember at least ten pounds of black beans. I felt bad because they were going to go to waste if we didn't plant them. I thought of some local field and how I could spread the beans all over the field. There would be bean stalks cropping up everywhere and no one would understand why!

      I also thought it would be inhumane because people would keep mowing them down. It wouldn't be a fun life, to be a plant, planted somewhere they keep mowing everything down.

      There was a little strip of grass indoors. I thought that might be a nice place. I pictured a big tree sprouting up from the sun that came from the windows. On a side note, I also remember something with a box of cereal at some point.

      I thought of pouring the beans into big plastic containers and putting them in the closet for now. As I poured them from one thing to the other, they cried out, "Ahhh!!! Help!!!" or something like that. They almost seemed like little bugs by then.

      I remember various sizes of those brown amazon boxes sitting around. And something about Stewie Griffin kicking the littlest one, but very lightly. Also, I remember something about packing peanuts or popping the bubble wrap.

      I remember a scene where Cat Dog (the Nickelodeon character) was lost in the middle of a city. Something with a bunch of cars driving by. I think they were sick or poisoned. I hadn't even thought of Cat Dog in like 10 years but it randomly came to mind, and I watched some on youtube, within the last few days. Funny how its in my dreams already.

      I remember being in a house with some people. I don't know if I was myself and they were my family, or if I was someone else, or if they were someone else. Etc. I remember something with magic and something with water guns.

      Some people were going up stairs. I followed them and began to be lucid.

      After that I woke up. I was able to recall a bit more of these dreams and then still re-remember it later.


      Round 5 of Dreams.

      I remember being someone else in these dreams.

      I remember we were eating some Italian food at the table. I sat at the head of the table accross from an older woman and there were other guys my age sitting on the sides of the table. A big towel appeared in my mouth. I tried to absorb the sauce from it and then take it out of my mouth.

      While I did that, the woman said something like, "Isn't it great how he doesn't say anything?" I got really mad, and looked at my fist. But I was still working on removing the towel from my mouth. 'Oh, I guess she doesn't want me to say anything. Well, then, I won't reply when she says, "I love you", either,' I thought. So I imagined her wanted me to say, "I love you," And me not speaking. and just thinking, 'Well, I guess you don't want me to talk!'

      I remember beginning to leave the place. I was going to move out or something. There was a blonde woman around my age alternating between complaining about me and then not wanting me to go. I left. I remember seeing a chalk board. It said how I began to work an A C A program that day, and healed from the problems in those relationships.

      The woman from the dream had been in W A and found out about me being in A C A through an inter program survey she was taking. It was about how the nay sayers of addiction based 12 step programs can sometimes end up going to the anon programs.

      I remember sitting in a meeting. I was taking really long and slow breaths. It took a while for my lungs to fill up, but once they did, I was able to feel that "lungs full" sensation.

      There was a guy accross the room sharing. He paused to take an in breath. In that time, the guy next to him thought he had finished, and started to share. The guy was wearing an aqua green shirt. He got up and shrugged it off, walking to get something and sit back down.

      I woke up from those and recalled them. Then, I went back around through round 1. I almost lost the end of Round 2! But some how I retrived it. What a relief. I made my outline then typed them up.