The Benevolent Alien Sages There has been a 9/11 level attack on planet Earth. On the human race. A group of benevolent aliens has revealed themselves. There is a great pillar climbing to the sky, or maybe it descended from space. Winding around the pillar is a spiral staircase. Around this structure, there are smaller pillars of the varying height along the staircase. Atop each stands an alien. I get the sense that the higher one ascends the staircase, the higher level intelligence the alien is. The aliens are sagely, wise, kind. They tell us that they have revealed themselves because humanity faces a great threat, and they want to help. The alien sage. Made with Nightcafe AI. Fragment I'm in a spaceship or futuristic bedroom. In shape, it is similar to the AirBnB my girlfriend SB and I stayed in while we were on a ski trip some time ago. I'm in a bed. The headboard of the bed has different switches to simulate a starry night and other ambient environmental effects. It's possible that this is part of the alien dream, based on the theme, but uncertain.
Updated 06-01-2023 at 08:06 PM by 99808
Harry Potter fragment I just cast some sort of spell. At some point I also saved somebody, it appears. At some point, I violently crush some enemy of mine with powers, although this seems more related to some sort of random video game mechanic instead of magic.
Non-lucid I sit down to watch a superhero movie, similar to the Incredibles where there's a whole super family, with my mother and immediately get sucked into it. I'm now somewhat "playing" the teenage daughter, and my family, myself, and captured civilians are in the evil person's jet hangar. There's a cute boy who isn't a superhero and doesn't know that I am one, and I have a crush on him. But unfortunately I know our arch enemy is hanging around, waiting to stir up trouble. I go into the bathroom, where my superhero family is hiding from her, and making a plan of action. I then wonder about the boy and peek outside. He's talking with our nemesis! I have to get him away from her! I call him over, which gets the attention of our evil nemesis, but the boy does come over. I pull him into the bathroom, and tell him things like "don't listen to her" and "be brave" and such. "Trust in me" I plead with him. He nods. I then leave the bathroom to go rescue the civilians. I hardly get very far when the boy comes to me and says "Hey! You left you phone!" The evil villain grins in the distance. The boy hands it to me and I notice a flashing light, that's flashing quicker and quicker. A bomb! I quickly flick that away, in the direction where nobody was nearby and it explodes the second it touches the ground. (This part happens in just a matter of seconds.) I look back at my phone in his hand and the phone is still blinking! I slap it out of his hand and push him away. The slap didn't fling the phone very far at all, it was too close to everyone. And it was blinking ever faster. I gingerly kick it down the tunnel where the jet is. It didn't explode, but it's still not far enough. I'm shaking in fear and because of adrenaline, but mostly fear. I kick it again, a little harder this time. It explodes, massively, farther down the tunnel, and I can feel the heat. I collapse on the ground, crying, psychically and emotionally drained. That almost killed my family, these innocent people, and my crush. During the huge explosion, the jet behind it turns on. A flame bursts from its tail, and starts pulling me toward it. I try to run out, but I get sucked further in. I make a force field around me to protect me. I glance up, at the boy who is standing at the mouth of the tunnel, looking at me in horror. The POV turns to him, and now I'm watching the teenager get pulling to the jet as it gets hotter and louder through his eyes. She starts to grow in her force field, but she's not strong enough to stop the blades that she's getting sucked in to. (honestly though why are there blades on a jet?) She keeps growing and growing at a faster pace, and finally grabs the blades, forcing them to stop and break off. But she's still getting sucked in to the jet. She forces herself under the jet, and looks at me one last time. She looks terrified. Everything goes black and all I see are two huge, glowing red eyes and I hear growling. The scene changes. I'm leaving a movie theater with my mother, and sister. We're talking about the movie while walking through the parking lot. Zack is in the parking lot, and he gives me the middle finger. I feel confused, and a little insulted. I never did anything to him. He joins our party, begrudgingly, and we walk to the park. At the park, there's a little gazebo where two pianos stand back to back, along with other, smaller, instruments. One piano is an upright, the other is a grand. People are welcome to play with them, and they're kept in excellent condition. I consider playing Jonsi's Where No One Goes from HTTYD2, but decide against it. We walk out of the park, and arrows lead us to another parking lot. Then, I wake up.
I woke up at about 7:00 AM in the morning, debating whether or not I should go back to sleep or to begin going about my day. I decided to dose off to sleep. I woke up in paralyzed in sleep, again. I didn't need to look around the room to notice. All I needed to know was the sudden change in emotions that were building up inside my body. I couldn't move. My hands and arms were the only source of strength I could use to try and rise from bed, but once I did, the force on my chest prevents me from doing so. After becoming consciously aware of my current state, I immediately let my mind sink in to the realm of the dream world. I closed my eyes and calmed down my nerves. For a few seconds, I avoided the thoughts of nearby terror. I imagined a place where I would be summoned in lucidity - the home living room. My mind then began changing the outcome of this paralyzing fear. My body, as I felt, hovered just slightly over my bed and began tilting out towards the exit door located in front of my bed. My mind was doing good. There was nothing that could have prevented me from escaping sleep paralysis. I gradually went hovering faster throughout the door of my bedroom and the dream then started to take place. Suddenly, I ended up in my living room. The ceiling lights were on, all four bulbs. I stood standing in the middle of the somewhat small room and observed what was around me. I felt a strong sense of lucidity. Not only that, but vividness, a very strong fell of it. There was no one else in the room, though it felt like it. At that very moment, I decided to do what I can with the dream world and utilize it in any way I can to escape my waking life. I wasn't motivated to perform anything in the dream, not as much as I once was, but my memories of Sydney reminded myself of how much I loved lucid dream and that was the first thing on my mind. I summoned Sydney, extending my right arm back and pulling her out in front of me. The rest was unknown, or unable to remember. I then appeared outside, out on the street. I saw these few individuals and decided to follow them. Their path led me to a small party happening on the front yard of someone's home. One of the first things I wanted to do here was to summon a pistol and shoot anyone who might have been an enemy. It turned out, one of them was sitting on the parking lot of the front yard. He was up to something, I just wasn't sure what. I walked slowly past him and slowly tilted my head over to see if he was doing anything suspiciously. I pulled my gun out and moved over to a quiet area. He then moved over deeper in to the backyard of the house. That's when I pointed my gun at him and squeezed the trigger. Surprisingly, nothing happened. What I thought was a overpowered weapon was now an air soft gun. I had to keep pulling the top loader part of the gun back to keep shooting the plastic bb's at him. He then started panicking and ran towards the back yard. I ran over behind a set of pillars and summoned an assault rifle, one without bb's. I aimed it at him and started firing. Everyone else at the party ran around in panic. There were a few other individuals standing behind me, one's who wanted to help. I summoned a few weapons for them, in hopes that they would assist me in stopping the bad guys. Bullets went flying over everyone's head, all without any sound coming from the opposite side. The criminals then started running back out on to the front yard and running towards the street. Me, along with almost everyone else at the party, including unarmed ones, were all still at the residence. I stood out and ordered everyone to go after the criminals and demanded all to attack. The whole crowds of people then stormed out on to the street towards the direction of the criminals. Change, however, took its toll on me. Before I knew it, I stood on the sidewalk of a street where the only humans left were me and my small group of armed individuals. The mood got quieter, softer. The noise left the dream world and the criminals we were all chasing were long gone. Me, along with my group of about 10 people, walked on the sidewalk, hoping something better would come up for us. I stood behind the larger numbers, walking next to an unknown guy. I talked to this guy just like I would to any one around my age. At one point, I brought up Sydney. I even summoned her. I extended my left arm back and summoned her. She stood right by me as I stared at her, almost as if she knew me. This is not true in waking life. I woke up happy.
Sunday 11.24.13 Last night, bed around midnight. 3rd night in a row meditating on bed before sleep. 3rd night nice, interesting dreams. DR Going through a futuristic building with my futuristic rifle. It has a small screen, laser sights, and a few control buttons. I'm leading a group of people out of there. I take up a position behind some concrete blocks, with my back to the wall. I take an aim at the distant door on top of short stairwell. We are expecting the enemy. The door opens and enemy soldiers in black, shiny uniforms walk cautiously inside. I see my gree laser dot and stream is on them, but my rifle had shot down. I fumble with the controls to turn it back on.
Date of dreamunknown) Dream Genre: War Based. Dream environment/environments: Desert and jungle. Your role in the dream: i was a private. Your age: 17 Your Dream: I was at war against an enemy not known to belong to a country. there was 3 of us the Sargent, recruit and me the private. i was taking cover in a wooden tower built from chopped down trees barbarian style. as i took cover in the tower with the Sargent and recruit/ other private we all had sniper rifles. We were under fire from a few enemy snipers they took cover in a jungle that had dense coverage so it was hard to spot them all. I was able to see their locations as if they were glow stick that were trying to hide in a pitch black room. i was ordered to kill them so i did. i raised the gun and aimed. After shooting each enemy sniper to death i then found my self in a desert terrain. a burnt down car was laying next to a brick wall that was destroyed probably due to war was half a meter tall. and there was other identical coverage which the enemy hid behind as i came to notice my position i seen 3 enemy targets try to attack my commanding officer i armed my self with a pistol a (m36 or somthing simmilar to that) a basic black pistol. After pulling out the gun i aimed and shot the 3 enemy targets killing them. I then proceeded to walk over to my commanding officer and we tried to retreat from the surrounding area as i knew their was more enemy's awaiting to kill us. As we turned to run i then woke up. END OF DREAM Thoughts you have about this dream: Someone told me if you dream about being or going to war that you would die young or be killed or something like that. Is that true what does this dream mean. What does it mean to me is it a warning or just a dream?
Operation Homicide - Ep. 101 Bad-Ass McCoy is a series of my dreams where I take on the character of Bad-Ass McCoy, and kick ass. Whether it be random villains or Albanian drug lords, Bad-Ass can handle it all. So get your guns ready, cock 'em, and hand 'em over, because I'm about to do all the shooting. Level of Lucidity: 1 Level of Clarity: 4 Level of Realism: 4 (levels based 0-10, 0-5 being low - good 5-10 being great - extreme) Operation Homicide Ep. 101: There I am. In a fancy, modern style apartment building. I'm standing in a large ground floor room, that seems to be partially a gym, and partially a recreational room. There's quite a few dream characters around me, and I seem very confident in my ability to walk from one side of the room to the other. I walk to the other side of the room, and find a doorway with a staircase behind it. I climb the stairs for about four flights, and then the stairs simply end, with a ladder and a small roof door above it that requires the climber to push it open to continue their ascent. I pushed it open, and had a look around. It was a standard apartment roof and seemed completely normal, but I did notice that it was a very hard angle to pull myself up and onto the roof from the ladder, so I just stayed on the ladder and looked around. After a few brief moments of looking, I began to lower myself down the ladder and descend to the ground floor. When I got the the ground floor, mostly everything was the same, except for the fact that most of the walls had been replaced with large ceiling to ground windows. Similar to this, but without the window pains: Suddenly someone walks in and starts an argument with a lady behind one of the park benches conveniently located in the middle of the room. He then turned his head and stared dead at me. I felt something in the back waistband of my pants, and quickly reached back and whipped out a pistol. The man whipped out a pistol too, and began to fire at me. Luckily he was a retard when it comes to aim, and I managed to shoot him square in the chest, I believe killing him. After that everyone looked semi-relieved. All of a sudden two more men come busting through one of the ceiling to ground windows. They both have guns but for some reason decide to run at me instead of shooting me. I decided not to shoot them and instead turn around and begin running up the stairs. (Dream logic...) They weren't far behind me, but as I began to run up more and more stairs, I started skipping stairs and climbing 3-4 stairs with each step. I got quite a ways ahead of them, but then I got to the ladder. I climbed up it with ease, but then had trouble pushing the latch open to finish my escape onto the roof. The enemy caught up with me and one of the men grabbed a hold on my foot. I looked down to the guy and said "Wait a second guys, let me get up here, I don't wanna fall." The two enemies nodded their heads and said "Okay, good point" and then let my foot go so I could safely open the latch. I then decided it best to perhaps go back downstairs and make an exit instead of jumping off of a roof. The guys understood and followed me down. The guys and I commenced to telling some jokes and laughing on the way down about the guy who I killed. By the time we reached the bottom floor I snapped back to my senses and whipped my pistol around and shot both guys, but neither died. I ran through the window that they busted when they made their entrance and I was just out of their reach of being able to grab my shirt. I ran around the back of the building and came all the way around to the side opposite of where they busted in. There was a bench outside of the window I was running towards, and everything suddenly moved in extreme slow motion. I ran up to the bench and jumped just enough so that my left leg landed on the seat of the bench. I looked back and thought to myself "Maybe they won't know how to jump and will just trip on the bench." It made zero sense, but after seeing what a derp their friend was, anything was possible. I jumped up and over the bench, and dived through the window, landing in a somersault. The two guys simply walked around the bench and walked into the building through the giant hole I just made in the glass. I turned to them and without thinking shot both of them. Everyone in the lounge area seemed very surprised and scared at the fact that I just fired my pistol indoors, and less surprised or scared that I just killed 3 people. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked at me, until one guy shouted "Go get-em Bad-Ass McCoy!" I casually walked out of the building through the front door with my new idenetity, feeling totally, 100%... bad-ass.
Updated 06-20-2013 at 04:22 AM by 63661
I'm in front of the danger zone(a big red circle that indicates it just like in Assassin's Creed). There is someone I'm talking to. I'm assuming it was an ally because they were telling me to be careful as I try and attempt to make my way in to the danger zone. The more this ally told me about the enemy, the more I feared going in there. There was nothing I could do but have the courage to complete the job. I decided to flank the enemy by going to the right side of the map, jumping and climbing through through buildings. It was fun but as I kept going through a few buildings, I feared one of the enemies would catch me. I finally stopped climbing and jumping until I came to a corner and stopped. In this corner I saw a circle to my left and as I got closer to it, the circle started to shrink. I'm guessing this is where I must make an entrance. At first I was just going to go in without any disguise but soon found out I can get in to a disguise. I knew this because before I walked in to the danger zone, I killed an enemy wearing a funny devil-like costume. There was even a cut scene that shows me, or Ezio, killing the human with the hidden blade. When I soon made my way in, it now turned in to a Hitman Absolution/Assassin's Creed game play. I had to hide in crowds to make sure no one would notice me. There was a crowd of 4 people I moved in to and while I was in it, one of the guards found the body of the person I recently killed and searched it. As that happened, I quickly walked in to a dark corner right across the dead body and crowds. There was a set of stairs I walked up to. When I did, I found a room of a friend I recently met in the dream. In this room, there was a video recording setup. To my left, I found a window which viewed enemies outside. I decided to sit down for a moment and try to see how to get the video on a camera to show up on the television. I was struggling. But eventually, something happened. I heard a door opening behind me. When it opened, it was only my two sisters. They scared me for a second there. When my two sisters walked in to the room, I was talking to them. I didn't tell them what I was doing here but there was one person who made it in to the dream to try and make me feel guilty some more. It was her again, Quynh. Quynh walked past the room we were in and as she past it, I only stared at her and thought, "What the hell is she doing here?!" Even when I stop my conversations with her in reality, I still see her in dreams. I hear her speak a few words but they only made me angry. If I remember correctly, I think she said, no wait, I forgot. :/ But she did say things like not having anyone to love, how good of a life she has, and how happy her life is without me. All of which made me mad. My two sisters tried to cheer me up(knowing there was something wrong with me) by telling me Quynh has a big chin and lives on the corner of 19th street. I think I only remember this stuff because my niece tells me this all the time in real life when she sees me sad. Then the dream ended.
Came from an adventure. A dream in a dream. Retrieved a ball of dirt. Compressed mercury. Stuff. FOrest. An enemy. Cage of Eden.
Sentient Jaguar Suddenly I spot a mouse running along the side of the room. This mouse has been hiding in our house for a while now, so I'm really excited that we'll finally get a chance to catch it. I send Mom to get a plastic cup or something that we can use to scoop up the rodent. While she's gone, I try to grab the mouse with my bare hands, and I'm surprised to find that I succeed. I guess mice aren't really as fast as I've always thought they were. But then suddenly I realize that it will be able to bite me, so I rewind and try to catch the mouse again, this time in a slightly safer way that keeps its teeth away from my hand. Then Mom comes back with a square Tupperware container, I drop the mouse inside, and we snap on the lid. Excitedly, I run upstairs, showing the mouse to all of my family members on the way, mostly just to see their scared/grossed-out reactions when they realize what it is. Then I go out onto the back porch. In one motion, I take off the lid and flick sharply the container, so the mouse goes flying out into the yard. I watch the grass sway as it runs through the lawn, and suddenly another larger animal comes out of the night to start chasing the mouse! It's a squirrel! Wait, aren't squirrels herbivores? Oh, oops, trick of the light, it's actually a jaguar. They're native to North America, you know. I realize this jaguar could be dangerous to me as well, so I hurry back inside the house. Then I realize our pet dog is still leashed outside, so I slide open the door and start calling her back. She seems interested by the jaguar, but with my sister's help, we manage to get her back inside. A few moments later, I notice that the dog is back outside, and I wonder what happened until my sister says she didn't realize we weren't supposed to let the dog back out again. Later, I'm hiding in a side room, watching through a window as something walks around in the kitchen. It's walking on two legs, and it's wearing a hat. I think it might be the jaguar. Admittedly, its behavior is rather human-like (at one point, it starts dancing around the kitchen, moving its hips and waving its arms), but this only makes me more nervous. A sentient predator is just that much more dangerous. I decide to go outside and hide somewhere. Once outside, I decide the roof would be a good place to hide. But once I get up there, I see another shape moving around in the driveway on the other side of the house. It starts coming onto the roof as well. Maybe it's just a person, but I'm not about to wait around and see. I jump back down and go back inside. Soon after, my parents introduce me to the man in the kitchen. Turns out it was just a neighbor. And the person outside is his son. Oops. I hope they don't think I was rude. Clock Bomb There's a bomb that looks like a clock. The second hand ticks from number to number, and the numbers go dark once the hand reaches them. Each tick is accompanied by a kind of high-pitched squeak. Halfway through the countdown, I wake up to realize that the squeak is coming from an insect or a bird (or something) outside my window. Frags: looking up terms in the glossary of the fantasy book series I'm currently reading (namely, The Wheel of Time)
1:03 a.m. Candle, reverse day, subliminal audio 1.0 by ninja. Incubation: How to lucid dream? Around 7:30 a.m. Dream: Bathroom. Me. A towel. A woman. A guy with a mask. He asks her where his parents/fiance are/is. She said something. She only has one parent? An enemy falls. A futuristic place. I'm standing on a platform of sorts. Did I push him? Gods wagering. A demon god with a sword. My subordinate (female) attacked the demon god and stole the sword. She then passed it to me. The demon god attacked me. I blocked with the sword, holding it with two hands. The demon god used a spear, and with only one hand. He's strong/I'm weak.
Okay, so I had many dreams this night. Glad I didn't forget 'em... Two where fighting for my life, and two fragments of other stuff.. 1: The dark wolf I was in a desert, with a dog, a labrador retriever I think. There was some grass there, and a tower. I went up in that tower. And I think this is where fragment One belongs, but I'm not sure. I might aswell had started outside the tower and the desert, and then went in. Cause remembering now, I went downwards. There were kinds of birds there, that wanted to attack me. I think they were supposedly Zelda inspired, though I hadn't played it in a long time. They couldn't reach me as I went downward, as my dream-logic said that since they were birds they could not fly down. When I got to the bottom of the tower, I stepped out in a patch of grass. The dream kinda led me forwards. (memory;There had been somekind of time-lapse effect in the tower, so I had been in that exact time and place, and I knew that we had been attacked.) We= a labrador, me, and possibly a werewolf (if that also weren't me) A black wolf was attacking us. The lab and something important. But all in all I think it was after me. The labrador came to my rescue as I struggled with the monstrous dark wolf. It had point fur, yellow, shiny round eyes, and long, white claws. The labrador came into the scene in a glorious, hero scene. It jumped on the back part of the wolf and bit. It left red, sore marks in a circle on the wolf's waistline. The wolf quickly shook the loyal dog of. And then it came back on me. I remember seeing a brown male were-wolf with ripped pants and a four or six pack on it's stomach. It was human like, with hockey-hair in a darker more complete shade of brown. I don't know if the were-wolf was me, some part of me say yes, some part says prob. not. I saw the wolf in a third person view, so maybe I had already lost the fight. I am very certain, at least, that in some point in the fight, the wolf won. 2: The hall I was in the hall. Maybe this was on the top of the tower. Maybe the tower was like a collection of dreams I was scheduled to enter this night The hall was kind off set up like a mirror hall, just with no mirrors. The walls had golden list-work on the top and bottom. The floor were tiled, I think, but not white. The walls were beautiful, I think, the light and the setting But that's not important. My parents were kinda outside of the scene, but they were there, back a fence, as miniature figures in my vision. A shadow figure is fighting me. I never get to see his face, once I see a glimpse of his hair, as if his shadow slipped for a moment. It is dark oak brown. I am spawned behind a fence in the hall once, so that the fence was between me and him. I tried to get back to enter the intense fight again. For some reason I really felt like I HAD to fight him, that I must. I couldn't get past the little fence, as in a video game. Midna (from Zelda; Twilight Princess) appeared by my shoulder and teleported me back to him. Midna was like half the size of myself, and a little rounder. And the fight went on. In dreams, I usually go on unfrightened. But this one really scared me. Especially when the knifes was brought up, from a wase on a little table or something. He threw them at me, but I managed to duck, and I threw them at him. I think I might got hit by something once or twice during the dream, but didn't really recognize. At all times I was afraid that he would hit me, instead of me hitting him. I was afraid it would hurt, afraid he would win. I shouted for help, and my mom and dad came after being confused for a bit. They seemed very distant, and un-understanding. They took some spoons and carried them outside of the scene again. I ran and reached for some sharp knifes on the floor, and picked them up. Shadowman was after me, but I got up and spun a 180 before he could touch me. His final brick was laid when I threw them in his shoulder. They hung on in his flesh. I think there might have been four or five, even seven, sharp steel knifes in his left shoulder. . He didn't bleed. He didn't moan in agony, or scream as if in intense pain. He stood there, and lifted his right arm to reach them and drag them out. This was about the time I won, he died. Short Dream 1: Party My brother was going to a party in a trunk. I didn't know why. Also, outside my bedroom window, I could see a corner of a pool. Thats where the party was held. I was held outside, as in, I weren't allowed to join. Short Dream 2:Chocolate and Actor ranking. Me and a friend (N.) was going down to a cafeteria at my school. N. was going to buy something, and I was going to buy another friend of mine (A.) chocolate. Me and N. went down. They sold converse shoes there, and I was determent to try some on. We tried blue ones (the ones everyone have..) and it turned out I had bigger feet than him. I felt like I was really, chunky footed, .. And then we bought the food ad went outside the store. After a while I discovered I was still wearing the blue converse. I was starting to panic. Didn't I buy them? I had no memory of buying those, almost not even being in the store. I checked my pocked to see if my 100dollar bill was still there, or if I'd used them on buying the shoes. They were still there. I checked if I was carrying a check-out note or something, but I couldn't find something. I was too embarassed to go back to the store (yep, u heard me) so I went home, confessing to family. ... At another scene with my friends we were walking down a road outside. A. said said that the teachers were ranking the actors for our school-play from 1-3. (as in 1 best, 3 worst) "And what am I?" I asked, feeling like pushing it. There was a short, but noticeable awkward hesitation among the gang. "You, you're 4." said G. ah.
This dream was HYPER-vivid. I'm standing at a bus stop. It's dark outside. It's cold. And it's raining. "That asshole stood me up," a girl remarks, pissed off. "Can't you just teleport to him?" Her friend replies. "Fuck, I can teleport here and there, but not TO him." She demonstrates to her friend how she can teleport around the area. "I don't know how to teleport to where he is," she whispers, shamefully. "Then we'll just have to leave without him. Screw him!" Her friend calls out. Around this time, another girl enters the scene. The two girls start walking away and I feel inclined to follow them. I feel stuck to their presence. The fourth girl tags along with me. It's raining really hard outside and I can feel the rain seeping through my shoes. My socks are getting really wet. I can hear the squishing of water, and it really bothers me. All four of us girls walk into an entirely new scene. It's daytime outside and it's snowing now. One of the first girls smirks as she looks out past the sidewalk and into an abandoned lot. The lot has piles of snow buildup. She turns around at us, smirking, and says, "I hear a girl committed suicide here. They say she left hundreds of suicide notes and buried them in the snow. Everyday she would make a new note, hoping that someone would find it and respond to her cry for help." We start walking over the hilly, snow covered terrain. Before my eyes, I can almost see the sad hills bursting out with her suicide notes, unable to hold back their paper tears any longer. "I think they removed most of them," the other girl remarks and sits down in the snow. We sit down with her. She casually brushes off the snow from the ground and reveals a letter that must have been left behind. She opens it and grins, looking to her friend who seems to acknowledge her. "I should have known before," she says, grinning, "that all of this really doesn't exist." "Yeah? And?" Her friend encourages her to go on. "And that really, none of you exist apart from my own mind," she continues, "that I am the main character of this narration, and all three of you are just the supporting roles here." Her friend smiles at her discovery and adds, "Except me." "Right," she replies, though I sensed uncertainty. A character in the dream determined that I was a dream character in her dream, and it DIDN'T EVEN REGISTER WITH ME. WHAT THE FUCK. I am now one hundred percent convinced that we could actively be senseless dream characters in other people's dreams. Because her telling me that didn't even phase me in the slightest. That's messed up. "I think we have some things that we need to attend to," her friend adds after a moment of silence. "Right! If he doesn't come to us, then we should find him instead," The Lucid Girl replies. I eventually gather that The Lucid Girl and her friend are searching for her exboyfriend because he wronged her in some way. The fourth girl, who will be named later, and I are so far just tagging along. We leave the snowy remains of the realm of the hills who are bursting with paper tears and come upon a castle almost hidden in the snowfall. We walk through the garden and into the front door. It seemed easy enough. Until everything went HORIZONTAL. "WOAH!" All of us suddenly scream. Instead of walking on the floor, we are walking on the walls! "I think it's a trap to deter wanderers," her friend announces, "if we keep walking it should go back to normal." We walk through the next door. Gravity returns to normal, however the surroundings of this room look worse than the first. "He's been here. I sense it," the fourth girl, who has been relatively quiet up until now, whispers. The room is dim. It has a checkerboard style floor, but the only things in the room are a broken TV and a ransacked armoire. The television is buzzing with static. One of the girls turns it off. The room is dim and dark. The vibes here are not only strange, but disturbed. "He's definitely somewhere in this castle," the fourth girl adds. I can feel that she seems to be bursting with psychic energy. "This place is a maze." We walk out the front door and summon a ladder to access the second floor through the window, as we can't find any staircases which lead up to it. The second floor is darker than the first. "I feel as if he's not the only one in this castle," The Psychic One whispers. Indeed, I feel it too. There is a dark energy here. And it's lurking all around us. Following us. I hear a strange noise coming from a nearby room. I split from the group to investigate it. The noise leads me to a bathroom and towards a drain. I watch as the drain regurgitates water and green muck. The other girls wonder where I am and find me standing here in the bathroom, puzzled. "What's wrong with that drain?" The Lucid Girl asks. "Don't go near it," the Psychic One whispers darkly. "Why not?" "That drain reeks with dark energy. Whatever entity is living in that drain will pull you down with it," the Psychic One replies. The two other girls listen to her warning, but not closely. The dark energy coming from the drain lures them closer. The drain gurgles as it spits up water and green muck. I can't take what I'm about to see. I try to pull them away from the drain at first, but their curiosity is peaked. The Psychic One tells me not to bother. I run from the room, knowing also what is about to occur. And I don't want to see it. I run out of the bathroom and past one of the mainrooms where the Psychic One is standing. "Wait!" She calls out, but I run past her. I run out to the garden where we came in. I am perplexed to find that it is night time. And before me are hundreds, if not thousands, of twinkling fireflies. They buzz before me in the garden where the morning glories bloom on a white trellis. The fireflies surround me. They unite as one and become a beautiful blooming flower, which takes me on its petals and floats into the air. I fly on the petals of the flower higher and higher into the sky and they lead me to the highest point on the castle - a single tower. I see as the Psychic One becomes alarmed at my disappearance. She runs out to the garden and another army of fireflies takes her away. They fly her across an ocean of lava and gently set her down on a single island amongst a sea of lava. On the horizon she can see a castle. It is a different castle. It is the enemy castle. Both of us are concerned as to whether the fireflies were trying to help us on our journey, or if they are just another curse in the castle. Got awoken right then.
I was in a neighborhood that I had some portraits shot of me when I was three. I was hiding in a girl's car for whatever reason, I do not know. I think I was hiding from my grandparents... Anyway, this girl found me in her car and I was running away because she was trying to run me over. Her mom got into her car and was cheering her on to kill me. I finally got to a place on the side of the road where she could not get to me and I flipped her off in my victory to out run and out smart her. But just as I flipped her off, an old childhood friend rode by ahead of the car on a bike and the friend thought I was flipping her off versus the chick in in the car. I felt terrible and immediately ran over to her house to apologize.
-Uppercut- The Dream Begins And I'm In A Futuristic Locker Room. I Put On Some Sweat Pants And Walk Out.I'm Walking In A Straight Line With Other People From My School.I Hear Somebody Behind Me Saying How Crappy I Suck,And How I'm A Dousche Bag.In Anger I Turn Around Uppercut Him In The Jaw.It Felt So Good To Give Him What He Deserves. He Falls To The Floor And I'm Beating The Living Day Lights Out Of Him.After A Solid Beating That Lasted Awhile,I Get Up And Walk Off . Some Lady At A Table Says To Me,"You Done?" I Say ,"Yeah."She Then Says "Go Ahead And Go To The Principal's Office." -End Of Dream-
Updated 11-18-2011 at 03:04 AM by 51031