I'm travelling through the Underground with my boyfriend (?). We cross a metallic grey, wide passage, leading from a tunnel to the escalators. White lights beam down from the ceiling and reflect off the walls. I walk behind him as we step onto the escalator. His broad back in front of me makes me feel safe. Later, I am with some friends, still in the same Underground station. We step off and escalator and walk through a short tunnel towards the platform entrance. I get a shock as we enter - almost the whole platform has crumbled away, leaving narrow irregular ledges that cling to the wall, bricks sticking out here and there below. We hold close to the wall as we inch along the platform, finding our footing with difficulty. I'm terrified of falling onto the tracks. Then I am in class, but not in a classroom. There's another, similarly dilapidated platform that we are inching along, murky water lapping almost up to the edge. I reach an unstable part with nowhere to place my feet - the next ledge is too far of a leap, and I know that the nearest foothold won't hold me. It's too small. I can't bear the thought of touching that water, so I crouch down against the wall in despair and refuse to move.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With mom at a beach. We hear spaceships launching nearby. We've been trying to sneak into the space launches. People who got tickets are being evacuated from the planet. But they move the launching site around, so every day we make a run to try to catch it. One day we manage to get there and we sneak into a line of passengers. Unfortunately they are asking them to show the tickets at the entrnace of the ship. We don't have any. But they don't kick us out, they assume we already had to show them at the maim door, so they send us to a ticket booth to get a reprint of the tickets. But if we go there, they'll find out. I claim that if we go there, we will miss the flight. They reply we can always get on the next one the next day. But as we are about to leave, someone calls us and says we're ok to go if we want. First we're excited, but as I walk to the ship I burst into tears and tell mom I don't wanna go. I remember I somehow left my pets behind on the farm with dad and that I"d rather stay and die with them. She agrees. Then everything starts falling apart, the building collapses like under enormous pressure, but in an orderly fashion, geometrically breaking up and being swallowed up into itself. I tell mom we need to jump through a slit to outside, but we fall into a void. The landscape outside is falling into itself too and disappearing rapidly under our feet. So we fall as if from high above in the sky. Mom is panicking, but I hold her hands and manage to stop us from falling. We are just levitating in the air and we see the earth disappearing, as if into a blackhole. But I decide to stop it by prpjecting a new reality. I tell mom we will land safely on land again and slowly I make us descend onto a new Earth, onto a street of cobbled stones and colorful houses. Not sure if this new reality is a pure illusory one or some paralell universe that we jumped to, but it looks like the one we came from. So I created a new earth and all the spaceships that had been evacuating come back and join us. I learn that a friend of mine, who also has superpowers, had been cooperating in a secret project to create a giant antenna in space to guide all spaceships to their new destination, a space station somewhere. It was based on his telepathic powers somehow. Once he realized I had created a new Earth, he guided them all back home. They all meet to work on some new plan to repopulate the Earth. I want to be part of it, so I join the meeting. Turns out there is a team who fears we might need to evacuate again and they want to establish a colony on Mars. My friend is part of this group and he is debating some advanced physics. They ask what I do or know and I say I am a biologist and they say I might come in handy if they find life there or when we bring life into it. Then definitely a biologist will be useful. But my friend Zilla is also in the group and when she hears this, she comes to tell about her skills and I feel afraid they might chose her instead. She knows a lot about Martian geology for some reason.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I am visiting some planet colonized by humans. All is well, until some shit happens on the other side of the planet and humans explode the most powerful atomic bomb ever. The planet is not so big and the strength of the bomb is enough to alter its rotation and orbit. Where I am, we're not affected by the explosion itself, but soon after the planet starts spinning uncontrolably and we feel the most horrible sensation ever. We consider suicide, because we can't do anything at all for ourselves, we just experience this huge nausea and inability to walk or do anything at all. But luckily the spinning starts decreasing to a more manageable level. But then we have to consider the nuclear fallout. I hide in some sort of mine with facilities attached, where I meet a couple of people who live and work there. We lock ourselves in, isolating all the entries, but then we wonder what we will do, as we will need water and food. They have a stock that lasts some time, but then we have to start foraging outside. But the atmosphere no longer offers as much protection against space radiation and it is worse during the day, with the local sun's radiation at its peak. We learn this the hard way, after watching a lady die with severe burns, almost turning to ash, so we only go out at night with lots of protection. Some night we manage to find a communication device that works and we learn that people on Earth know what happen and are sending rescue for survivors. Meanwhile, some kind of space pirates flying nearby, also know about the situation and come down to the planet, to scavenge and loot. We have a close encounter with a couple of them, we don't really have anything for them but they threaten us with weapons. We manage to escape and right when we're on top of a hill and spot a rescue ship, a volcano erupts nearby, signaling the start of the planet's collapse. The rescuers takes us in and from space we can this planet wobbling in a strange infinite symbol shaped orbit and blowing up from the inside in multiple volcano eruptions.
Long and fairly detailed recall today, somewhat epic even by the end. Dream 1(fragment): I was playing some kind of videogame, there was some cliffy landscape. Dream 2: There was something going on about multiple worlds and levels. I was going through some places and eventually had to make a choice. I decided to go into one of the worlds. It resembled waking world and i was near the school that looked like one from my past. I didn't cared much about the school, but i went into it, then to the 4th floor and then after some search i visited one of the classrooms. There were some people, i was sure that we contacted alot before and we were friends over internet. They were talking about a movie theater they were going to visit, some of them weren't going though. We had some talk and i asked if i can join, they responded "Sure!". I decided to try and convince the ones who didn't wanted to join, but they were responding that they do not like cartoons and especially Tom and Jerry. I was disappointed, but surely there are always people who won't like something. Then after some events in the class i exited it. On my way to the exit of the school, i didn't wanted to be noticed by teachers, because for some reason they were sure that i was still learner, except i was not. When going down the stairs i noticed that gravity was low, so i decided to slightly slide to get to the first floor quicker, i did almost fell down between stairs at one point though, but i quickly low gravity jumped back to stairs. People didn't really liked it though and somebody was shouting that 'i am the princess' or something like that. At the end of the stairs one of teachers seen me, but i pretended to be someone else and just said greetings and walked away, it worked. Soon i was outside, it was sunny day. But i noticed that people are getting barked upon and sometimes attacked by someone's small dogs near the both pathways through the fence, and that someone was talking right near them and was not caring. I was not sure if i can go through without getting attacked, but whatever, i went through the right way, but not by pathway itself, but by the grass slightly to the right. Dogs were shortly here, and they did nothing other than giving me weird looks, then they ran to bark on someone else. After that i had to go through a couple of places that worked like video game of sorts, i had to do some platforming through various obstacles and i had 'houses' for the amount of lives. At one point i was running on the top of the fence and there was a tower with the life on top, i couldn't decide whether i want to get it or continue with the level because getting it meant using some kind of different path through the level, which was a shortcut with no way to return and i didn't liked using those, but i still wanted to get it. Eventually i decided to just continue the level. I reached the movie theater, i was the first one to get there though, so i just sit on one of the seats and waited. The movie theater itself was just the room though, with a bunch of seats lined up and some projectors. Soon people started entering and friends arrived as well, i was apparently sitting on someone's place, i didn't cared enough about that, also they don't really expected anyone to join and they couldn't buy any additional seats. I had to use free place, but that meant i had to stay instead of sitting, whatever. Soon the cartoon started, it was about wilderness and various animals that could talk(like usual in cartoons), there were some fights and they had to escape and team up, they had to reach floating island in the middle of the sea. While watching i noticed that there were three projectors working at the same time for some reason, one was near me. Then something went horribly wrong with that projector, it malfunctioned and then it flashed through the room. Somehow, that infected me with something that had potential to turn me into some insectoid thing, according to someone from the room. Indeed i did read about it earlier, at least i remembered it(false memory?). I started thinking about it, while continuing watching, some people were getting worried but that's it. Soon the cartoon was almost over, it was final scene. At this point projectors malfunction again, but this time it goes even more seriously wrong. After the flash, the place started collapsing and the whole world started destroying itself somehow. The screen turned into a portal though, so i quickly jumped in. I was now one of the characters, i was a dinosaur of some kind, i was on the floating island with animals from earlier. This world got affected by the other one collapsing as well, there was a storm, also there was a portal that projector was projecting through the other portal. The lion was asking me if i really want to go, i recalled the memories, which were memories of the character i inherited when i got into this world, i was part of it now. He was saying that i don't need to go if i don't want to, considering i liked the fights that we went though, so i don't need to escape that much and i could just swim back. I recalled the fights with dinosaurs, it was fun, but i was not sure about state of the world due to the whole portal thing. So i decided to go with them. Everyone enters the portal. Everything fades. For a few seconds, i was reading the book of what just happened. Then everything fades out completely. I wake up.
[Had this dream at around 6:30AM yet again, just like yesterday's lucid Seems like i follow some kind of pattern here ^^] [For some reason the dream collapsed on me around 15 times, so i won't mention it every single time, since i can't tell all the exact places where it collapsed] I was at the end of our garden, near the raspberry bushes, with lots of random people i don't know and some scorpions and lethal critters were attacking those people. It got me lucid, since that was just stupid The first thing i did was fly up into the air, just to get away from the scorpions, just in case. Then as i was about to go and explore, i woke up. [I went back with DEILD]. As i was back in, i realized how fast the dream collapsed... i hoped it won't happen anymore, but even unwantedly i kept thinking about it's possibility. Then i wanted to stabilize a little, since the dream was almost black and white, which is actually not that usual for me. So i thought that i'll try out something new. I remembered the talk about ASMR on DV from some days ago. Basically as i was floating in the air, i induced the ASMR feeling. The waves went all over my body and it felt good, but a little weak. As i did this, i kept thinking about how awesome it's to be in a lucid dream. These two things combined caused the world around me to gain lots of color. It was amazing to watch how the colors suddenly returned to the environment I didn't really have much idea what to do, so i kept stumbling around our outbuilding and the garden, when i noticed a squirrel eating from our cats' bowl. I went up to it and started petting it. It seemed peaceful enough, but i felt like it didn't like being petted. [Too bad, since it was really cute ^^] As i was petting the squirrel, i woke up again. [Back with DEILD of course]. Up to this point the dream collapsed multiple times, but i didn't worry. I just stabilized by ASMR everytime when i got back in. The colors coming back into the world was just too good to see to pass this kind of stabilization Then i realized that the squirrel ran away, it wasn't at the bowl already. Well, i guessed it didn't like being petted for sure now. I flew up into the air and while doing so, i had some black backgrounded forum's picture popping in before me. All i could see was that people on that forum were talking about Dream Guides. As this was over, i got an idea. I'll get on the roof and shout out for a Dream Guide, since Lucy doesn't seem to be happy to help me out. [Of course with it in mind that i wouldn't accept the approaching DG if it would look/act stupid, i still plan about Lucy]. So i kept flying towards the roof, but i got trapped in a loop. As i was flying upwards, through the plastic roof we have over the ledge, anytime i passed the roof, there was another same looking plastic roof above me. I gave up on it because i woke up multiple times during trying this. Instead i flew towards the street. At this moment something passed my mind: Someone on DV was complaining about how i always just fly everywhere in my dreams. I thought that i'll change that now just for the sake of it I got to the closest crossroads and thought about a place in the city where i could easily call out for a DG. [Sadly i don't remember what place i planned to go to]. So to get there, i didn't want to fly, so i descended to the ground. I thought i'll go by car, since i don't remember driving a car at all in lucids before... and since i go by car like 1-2 times a year max [we don't have a car] it might be even fun to drive it. So i walked up to the closest market's "parking lot" and checked out the available cars. There was a huge black jeep there and it seemed like an obvious choice I walked up to the car and as i passed it i grabbed the left side's mirror and broke it off just for fun. Then i looked inside the car. There was a random guy sitting on the backseat, holding some bag of clothes in his hands and staring at me with half-open eyes. He seemed to be injured or just basically sick. I grabbed the guy and just teared him out of the car along with the door, then thrown him away. [I know i was mean, but he is just a DC]. It felt kinda good that i just teared that door out with the guy so easily... This is a sight i rarely see. So i hopped onto the front seat, not caring about the missing door. I didn't even use the keys, the car just started as soon as i wanted it to. At first i even forgot to use the gas pedal [haha]. The car went surprisingly fast and took the corners so easily... totally not like how i remembered it... probably the dream altered it a little. Even the feeling of sitting in the car felt differently. I passed some pedestrians, carefully to not hit them, then i started using the gas pedal to speed up. I drove in the direction of the city, taking corners at extra speed. I was wondering that maybe i should use the brake, so i stepped on it at the next corner... But it seemed useless, after all i was just dreaming... why would i use the brake? So as i was on my way, i woke up yet again, but accidently moved a little bit and couldn't get back anymore. [Well, i guess it wasn't that bad of a dream, even while i didn't do much... driving a car was interesting, yet it didn't feel so realistic... Maybe another time ] [Is that right that the brake is on the left side and the gas pedal is on the right? Because it was like that in the dream.. i'm not sure if it's like that in real too ]
Updated 06-27-2012 at 02:04 PM by 54420
It started out with me in my Effective Thinking class, the teacher asked who the only ones that needed to present still were. My partner got up and went in front of the class so I followed him. I looked down at my note cards and I was think "fuck, I don't want to give a presentation right now, this fucking sucks, but I have to for my grade.... wait a second, didn't I already give this presentation?" I tell the teacher, "we already presented, I distinctly remember doing it, and the grade we got on it, why are we going again?" She told me we hadn't presented yet, and thats when it hit me pretty hard, I said out loud "OHHHHHHHHHHH this is a dream!" I laughed about it and then said, "Well fuck this class, I'm gonna go explore." Now again I have the option of what should I do? I decide I want my fucking gladiator battle already! So I decide I'm going to try searching for a gladiator arena. I walk out of the classroom into a hallway and began walking around thinking in my mind "I have to find the gladiator arena" trying to get myself to believe as much as possible that I'll find one. I walk outside the building and I don't see one anywhere, so I enter the building across from me with the hopes that when I exit it again on the other side, I might find the arena I'm looking for. While walking through the hallway I get a little bored and decide to fight someone while I continue on my search. I punch this random asian guy and he just run away. Then I see Brandon Street. I walk up to him and push him and say, "Let's fight!" I start throwing punches at him, but my blows land extremely soft. I do barely any damage and am a little confused by it. His blows are also coming at me in a sort of slow motion, and I easily dodge them, he doesn't even follow all the way through with his punches. So I put all my weight on my back foot and try to throw it all forward for the most powerful punch I can deliver. It still lands soft and not much happens, he throws one a bit faster this time and it makes me flinch, causing me to close my eyes. Fuck! I open them and everything is really hazy and within a second my dream fades and I wake up.
I saw Symphony standing in front of me. I blinked, and then there were two. I blinked again, and then there were endless clones of Symphony as far as I could see in the incomparably large room. My heart started racing. I blinked again, and it was just one Symphony again. I started to calm down. “Complete me,” she said in her flat, high-pitched voice. “I will as soon as I can,” I answered. She reached forward. I blinked, and she was in front of me, gripping my shirt. “I am already complete,” she responded. I didn’t understand. “I have waited forever, and I will wait forever. Time is not a hindrance.” “What do you mean, you’ve waited forever?” “Forever.” She stepped forward, fusing with my body. I felt a rush of energy, and then it all vanished. I looked behind me, but Symphony wasn’t there. Chunks of metal started falling from the impossibly high ceiling above me.