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    1. hole in ceiling; boss' pregnant wife; holes in socks

      by , 05-04-2011 at 11:36 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in, and then left, and then came back to, some room. The room was kind of small and cluttered with stuff like blankets. The room had a bunk bed, the top bunk of which now seems to have been 2.5 meters high.

      The ceiling of the room had some kind of hole in the corner over the bunk bed. It was causing some kind of gross problem, possibly bugs, all through the room. It had been this way when I'd left. Now that I was back, it didn't look like it had changed.

      But I needed to stay here for the time being, so I just figured I'd deal with it. I sat my stuff down on or looked down on something like a beanbag chair, which may have been dark green.

      Dream #2

      I was standing out on or near an open road between two fields or farms. I may have stood just under or just away from a concrete shelter for a bus depot. It was a grey day.

      There was a bus near me. It kind of looked like an old-style bus, with corrugated metal siding. A bunch of people were getting out of the bus. Some of them looked old, but they wore clothes that old people might have worn in the 1970s.

      I was thinking some complaining kind of thought about my boss. I may have said it out loud. Some of the people may have heard me. A couple of women asked me, "Don't you know your boss is distracted? Today his wife is going to have a baby."

      I tried to figure out how this could be possible. As far as I could remember, my boss hadn't even told me his wife was pregnant.

      I could see my boss nearby, walking in front of a tall, chain-link fence that stretched all the way down one side of the farm or field near the bus depot. My boss was wearing his normal suit and tie. He had his hands in his pocket, and his jacket seemed to be blowing in the wind a bit.

      Dream #3

      I was trying to go somewhere. I was in "my bedroom," although it looked more like a preschool classroom. One window was all fogged up, and a bunch of potted plants stood on the shelf top before it.

      (Now that I think of it, I may only have been as tall as the shelf top, which was maybe 750cm tall.)

      I was trying to get socks, which, I could see in my mind's eye, I would wear with white tennis shoes that had red trim. But I was only looking for the tan dress socks that I usually wear with my tan dress slacks.

      I pulled out a pair. But they had holes in the toes. But I knew that at the event I was going to, I'd have to take off my shoes. I couldn't reveal holey socks. So I looked for a pair of tan dress socks without holes.

      I pulled out another pair of socks with holes. Then I pulled out a pair of socks without holes. I was kind of worried, though, that I'd missed the holes. So I very carefully searched the toe-seam of at least one of the socks to make sure there were no holes.
    2. Lucid Dream Within a Dream, and Some Others

      by , 04-17-2011 at 06:43 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at some weird amusement park. I’m not sure what was going on, it was kind of videogame-esque. I remember seeing characters climbing these ladders to get to the top of something. Some of them kept falling, but would catch a ladder before they hit the ground.

      I also remember some type of indoor roller coaster. We were trying to get to a part of the coaster that they were going to use, but decided not to. I knew it was probably a dead end, but we tried anyway. We opened up this passageway that looked like a mouth, and we were going into a throat. We rode the coaster to the end. Sure enough, at the end there was another mouth, but not more tracks. We had reached a dead end. I was wondering how we would get back. I remember the whole time a female voice was guiding the process and making suggestions.

      The last thing I remember is watching the roller coaster car exit through the water through a tunnel topped with a flock of cartoon vultures. Their talons formed the tunnel.


      I remember a dream about band camp. I remember being outside. Then something about Ryan and I talking about getting married.


      I was watching myself in 3rd person, but it didn’t look like me. I, however, knew it was me. It was almost like a movie. I was taller with long, black hair. Some of it was pulled back. I was wearing a green dress that reminded me of the 50’s. I was pregnant with Ryan’s baby. Someone was measuring my stomach. I seemed happy. I thought that I had quit smoking by now since I was so far along. The belly looked almost like there was a pillow under my dress.
      I then remember going to a gym to work out. I was self-conscious about myself, since I was pregnant. I saw my exposed belly, because I was wearing a sports bra (all of this is still in 3rd person) as I got on a treadmill. Then, I noticed the lady next to me was pregnant too. She had a lot of zig-zagged scars on her belly though. I then knew that she had had a lot of abortions, and the scars were from that.

      Then, I was back in 1st person and myself again. I was with Ryan, overlooking what was supposed to be my grandparents’ house. It was overlooking a lake. There was also a walkway from the house that went out into the lake; it looked like it was made out of random floating objects. I recalled a story to Ryan about how my grandparents liked to go out and sit at the end of the walkway, but my grandma had gotten so old, that she couldn’t walk out there anymore, and my grandpa had to carry her. I was very sad as I recalled this, and I cried.


      I was lying in Ryan’s bed. It was morning. I knew I was dreaming, and started to feel myself leave my body, as if I was having an OBE almost. I opened my eyes, and my vision was super distorted; one of my eyes was seeing one perspective and the other eye was seeing something else. It was like…one of my eyes was seeing out of my real eye, and the other out of a dream eye. Holy crap it was weird. That kept happening over and over again. I kept going back “in” my body, and feeling sleep paralysis overcome me, and I would “re-enter” the dream (even though I was already dreaming). I’d get up, and my vision was always distorted. I kept trying to fix it by saying to myself “Detach to your dream body, detach to your dream body…”, but I couldn’t fix my vision.

      Then, I remember getting up again in this strange state, with my vision all distorted. I could see my nose at the end of my face, but when I lifted my hands into my field of effed-up vision, I couldn’t see them at all. I did this again at some point soon after this, and tried to poke my finger through my hand. This is where things get real trippy. I saw two sets of my hands; one that looked solid that my finger wouldn’t go through, and then another almost out to the side that was transparent, that my finger would go through. Then, I saw that second set of hands again in a black space. They were merely outlines of hands filled with tiny blue dots. I thought that this was something astral, but I wasn’t sure. The whole thing was very strange.

      Then, I remember getting up again, and worrying that I was acting out everything that I was dreaming. Ryan would think I was absolutely crazy. I worried about that for awhile. Then, I remember getting up and Ryan being awake. He pointed to a spot on the bed that looked like poo. He told me I did that. I said really? I did? And he said no, he was just kidding. O_O

      Then, I remember being in my strange lucid/whatever the fuck kind of state I was in again. I was trying to leave my “real” body to enter my dream body again. I remember Dr. D, my data analysis teacher being there. I was trying to show her and some other people that I was lucid, that it was a dream, and I could do some really crazy things. I started to phase myself through tons of different surfaces; I remember one being chain-link fence. It felt weird to phase through that. The surfaces appeared one after the other after the other.

      I then remember getting a grade sheet back from Dr. D about what I did. There were two grades on there: An A and a B. Next to the A she wrote something about how great of a teacher I was. The B didn’t say anything next to it, but I think it was my grade on how I was phasing through all that stuff.

      The weird thing is, I knew I was dreaming in the dream, but I didn't know I was dreaming that I was dreaming...does that make sense? I have no idea what to make of that; I was lucid, but it was a weird state of lucidity. o_O

      Updated 04-17-2011 at 07:22 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Beer pregnancy?

      , 04-05-2011 at 02:18 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      Usually I don't post these short non-lucid ones on DV, but this one was so hilarious.

      I'm at an outdoor party, during the middle of a sunny day.
      There's a few people I know (not in waking life), and we're having beers.
      Some girl points at my belly and asks me if I'm pregnant.
      I look down at my belly and it's indeed swollen, as if I was pregnant.

      "Holy shit? How did that happen?"

      A friend approaches.

      "Dude, you've just been drinking too much beer, that's all."
      "What? The beer got me pregnant?"
      "Bro, didn't you know? You get a big belly from drinking too much beer."

      Oh yeah, that's true, you get a potbelly from drinking too much beer.

      "Let me help you out."

      He takes a big beer glass and holds it in front of my bellybutton.
      He then presses against my belly with his index finger and beer pours out form my bellybutton into his glass.
      Everyone approaches me and looks intrigued at what is happening.

      Some dude walks past:

      "Sweeeet, belly beer!"

      And gets in line to pour one next.

      I mean, seriously, what the fuck?
      When I woke up I had to laugh uncontrollably for a few seconds.
    4. Pregnant Roommate

      by , 03-31-2011 at 05:12 AM (Trial and Error)
      I had at least 5 fragments, but only remember one

      My roommate L was pregnant. Me and another one of my roommates S were trying to get her to take a sexy picture of herself naked with a blanket when she got further along, for the sole purpose of making her uncomfortable. She says "noooooooooOOooOooo" in her whiny voice, and we keep messing with her and laughing.
    5. No Abortion

      by , 03-16-2011 at 02:50 PM (Trial and Error)
      I was pregnant when the dream started, no explanation, and was making many trips to the abortion clinic.
      They were telling me all sorts of things I wasn't listening to. I wanted to be sure of what I was going to do before I did it. I decided that this was my choice to make and no one would sway me in my pursuit of finding what was best for me.

      I didn't want to just abort the baby with out the consideration of outside adoption and those sorts of things, but I also did not want to add another baby to a foster home or something. And I would not be able to take care of it while going to college.

      So I kept it for awhile.

      I did normal things, like watching netflix with my friends (the house looked like one from a friend in CO) but I was unable to focus, I all could think about was what I wanted to do with it.

      I made more trips to the clinic. I went into a room with a large group of people sitting most of them watching a TV suspended from the ceiling. It looked like a large scale doctors waiting room. I looked a the TV to see some sort of cheerleading routine. I watched for awhile and thought that it would be a much harder decision if i was pursuing some sort of physical career or engaged in some sort of sport. I felt my stomach and realized that I could feel the child inside me.

      My dad took me to the next appointment. (I do not have a good relationship with him irl). As we were walking to the door, I felt the baby inside me and officially decided to abort it. I realized that I did not have time to be the mother I would want to be to it, and that there is a lot more I wanted to do first.

      Suddenly the baby's arms and legs started ferociously kicking and shoving the inside of my stomach, all four limbs thrashing. I could suddenly hear him screaming and gasping. He began kicking my pelvis and then turned around to scratch my organs, still screaming somehow. Finally he pushed his whole form against my stomach until almost his entire form could be seen, him still inside me. He was having a meltdown, freaking out that I had decided to kill him. My dad stops walking but does nothing. He continues to scream.

      I touch were the side of his head was and told him to calm down, I wouldn't do it. He continued thrashing, screaming and gasping. I began crying and pleaded with him to stop, it hurt. I told him sorry and begged him to calm down. Slowly but surely his breathing returned to normal and he returned to where he had been.

      I grabbed my stomach freaking out, and woke up.

      Had a phantom baby for awhile. So strange.
    6. Pregnant, Lenghty Vacation Dream, and My Wedding Day

      by , 03-02-2011 at 05:33 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid - AP

      I was in some sort of cabin, I remember the lighting being warm and dim. I thought I might be pregnant, but I wasn't sure. My cat was pregnant, and for some reason this correlated with me in some way. I looked at an ultrasound picture of my uterus, and saw a small flicker on it. Then, I knew I was pregnant. I knew I needed to quit smoking. I was kind of anxious about being pregnant.


      I woke up from this dream, rolled over to go back to sleep, and had a brief, vivid hypnagogic hallucination that I was Ryan, and I was working in an auto factory. There were some older men around me. Then I really felt the need to pee, so I snapped out of the hallucination.


      I was going on vacation with my old friend, Bret. We were going to fly to a different country. When we got there, we were trying to find a hotel. We found one, but it didn't have free Wi-fi, though that wasn't a huge deal. I also remember thinking about having sex with Bret, but the thought was brief, as I'm with Ryan, I'm not attracted to Bret that way, and he's gay.

      Then, I remember waking up on a blow-up mattress on the floor of the hotel room. Bret had slept in one of the beds, which he told me was not a very comfortable bed. We went down to the beach. It was a beautiful, sunny day. The ocean was very calm, and the shore was covered in small seashells. I waded in the ocean. The water felt warm and comfortable.

      I remember being on a mountain, and seeing two huge dragons. One was a male, and the other a female. They were friendly and meant no harm. The male accidentally exposed himself enough to where the town below could see him, and everyone started to panic.

      Then, we were going to try to find another hotel. Bret ended up going back to the airport to go home kind of on a whim. Then, Jeff, a man I don't associate with anymore in waking life, was there instead. I was annoyed at this. Again, the thought of sex came up, but, again, I'm with Ryan, and Jeff is kind of a dick.

      Jeff wanted to find a hotel with Wi-fi, so we drove around at night, looking for a hotel. We found one and stopped at it. They had free Wi-fi, but not a continental breakfast, which was a big deal, because I didn't have a lot of money, so I needed as much free food as I could get. I remember being in the hotel, in the lobby. The front desk has a display case of foods and stuff to buy. Jeff was chatting it up with the person tending the desk.

      Then, we were back at my house. Jeff was still there. I remember talking to my mom about the trip briefly. I was then in my room, and Jeff had dissappeared, and I couldn't figure out where he went. I looked into my mom's office, and he was there, going through files on her computer. He was looking at patient files for my dad's patients (my dad's a psychiatrist in waking life). I said
      "Jeff, get out of here. Get out. What you're doing is rude."
      He got up and replied,
      "This is my ex, I need to warn people about this.", or something like that. He was referring to the fact that she had been seeing a psychiatrist.
      I told him to get out again. He finally left the room.

      Then, I went back into my room, and looked out the window. Two tornadoes could be seen in the distance. I said "Oh shit...", and went downstairs, leaving all my stuff up there. I got everyone in the hall closet. Jeff was in the cubby under the stairs, and there was no room for anyone else in there because it was so cluttered. I briefly thought about going upstairs to get my purse and stuff, but quickly dismissed the thought.

      After that, I left the closet, and looked outside. The tornadoes had cut a huge path through our back yard. There was a lot of water flowing through one of them, kind of like a creek. I went to get my mom to show her. She stared with wide eyes.

      We then went outside to assess the damage. I told my mom I hoped that Mary Katherine's family was ok. We were looking to see if any homes were damaged, but none appeared to be. It was just the huge path that the tornado cut through the yard.

      Then, by the ditch behind my house, I saw a tornado forming. I ran back inside, and we were all in the closet again. Jeff and my mom were in the cubby under the stairs this time.

      After that, I left the closet again, and the windows of the porch had been blown out, and the porch had been ruined. I saw some sparks flying around part of the porch. I wondered if one of our cats who lives out on the porch was alright.

      Then, I went upstairs to my room to get my iPod. I picked up an iPod that was sitting on my bed and scrolled through it. It went to Facebook, and some Facebook pages. It also had an attachment on it that would buckle it to your belt. I then knew it was Jeff's iPod and not mine. I brought it downstairs, but dropped it on the way down. I picked it up, and the screen was cracked. It was very broken. I approached Jeff and told him what had happened, and he looked irritated. I was going to tell him I'd replace it, but I decided not to. I figured that he had enough money to do it himself, since he's such a big business man.


      I was playing something on the piano in my family's piano room. It was my wedding day, and I was wearing a strapless wedding gown. I was reading music, and two of the notes kept on clashing. I kept playing them, thinking something must be wrong. Then, my brother said "It's Bethel, just go with it." In the dream, Bethel was the composer of the music.

      Then, we ran upstairs, and for some reason, my brother and I were fighting. I grabbed the back of his shirt (like I used to do when we were younger and we'd race to get to the computer), and he was thrown into the wall. I told him if he broke any of my bones before my wedding, I'd be really pissed off.

      Updated 03-02-2011 at 10:01 PM by 32059

    7. Baby or Bacon

      by , 02-02-2011 at 09:00 AM (Trial and Error)
      (A dream from a few years back...The dialogue is not exact, but it is just about right.)

      I walk into the kitchen, holding my pregnant belly, to where my mom is making bacon. (note: I have never been pregnant.) It is the exact kitchen I had at the time of the dream.
      I feel my water break and stop dead in my tracks.
      Me: "Mom, my water just broke."
      Mom: "That's nice dear." I walk closer to her.
      Me: "You don't understand, the baby is coming!" She does not even look up at me.
      Mom: "How much bacon do you want honey?" I begin to feel the baby crowning.
      Me: "Mom! It is coming!!"
      Mom: "Not now sweetie. I am cooking." I am so confused as to why she is not helping. I feel the baby's shoulders begin to descend. As soon as the shoulders are out the entire baby follows. It is contained in a sac which I rip open immediately leaking water on to the kitchen floor. I grab my child and place it carefully on the kitchen counter. I put my hands on my legs to catch my breath and after a few breaths I turn to my mom again.
      Me: "Mom, I just had a child...here in the kitchen..."
      Mom: "That's nice." He turns to me holding the pan toward me. "You want some bacon?"
    8. Preggo :o, Psychics, and a Mini-Dream

      by , 01-29-2011 at 12:40 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was pregnant. I had a belly and everything. I had already had another child, a daughter. She was at my parents' house. I'm pretty sure the children were Ryan's. I was eating at Cracker Barrel with a friend and smoking a cigarette, even though I was pregnant. I felt a sharp pang in my lower stomach, similar to menstrual cramps. I got up to go to the bathroom, thinking I only had to go #2. I sat down on the toilet and had a miscarriage. I saw lots of chunks in the toilet (gross). I was really upset, because I had wanted my daughter to have a brother. Throughout the rest of the dream, I noticed my belly getting smaller.


      I was waiting in line in some gymnasium to go see a psychic. I was waiting behind a lot of teenage girls. The gym looked similar to my elementary school's gym. The psychic was in a room in the back. I waited my turn, and when I got close enough, I saw the psychic sitting at a table in a well-lit room. Behind her was a sign with her services listed and the prices next to them. I had enough money for the second thing on the list, which was "Astral Reading and Aura - $8". There were two other girls in front of me, one was already finished, and the other was filling out some sort of form or questionaire. They were both kind of overweight.

      It was finally my turn, and I gave my money to the psychic. She made small talk with me for awhile, and then I went into the next room, which looked like a McDonald's or something. I was getting a little antsy, because I really wanted to get this reading done. I went back in and sat with the psychic, and before she could start the reading, I woke up.


      I went to classes, and came back and took a nap and had a mini dream this afternoon.

      I was at the beach with Ryan. We were sitting on the shore. He found a tiny clamshell. I commented on it. I watched the water lap in and out on the shore. Every time it went out, I saw crabs burrowing into the sand where the water had just been. I was afraid they'd pinch me, so I avoided them by backing away from the water every time it came in towards me. I watched the crabs burrow in and out of the sand.

      Updated 01-29-2011 at 12:48 AM by 32059

      Tags: pregnant
    9. Creepy firework man with bowling balls

      by , 01-15-2011 at 06:42 AM
      I was at, once again, my old farm where I grew up called Talla Bena. The dream was very hazy, as I don't have very great dream recalling skills. Me and my grandma were inside and heard sirens, so we went out into the fornt yard to investigate. All i remembered from that part were some giant police cars roaming around the yard. Later, we went out the back door and saw more enourmous police cars. They had no driver, and one veered off to come over towards us. We asked the car what was going on, but it ignored us and turned away.

      The scene changed, I was in an area similar to the place where the National Quidditch tournaments are held in harry Potter. It was a slightly cleared area of woods, and there were some tents around us with people coming in and out, holding drinks. My big sister was with me, and so was my mom, although I didn't see either of them until later, I just knew they were there, maybe heard their voice. Somehow i know my sister is pregnant. (She already has a baby and is not currently pregnant again) A shifty looking man in his early 60s slithers over. he is thin and wiry and has lots of facial hair. He asks if we want to buy some fireworks. We decline and he moves on.

      The scene shifts to where I am walking through a similar place with just my sister. i feel very calm and warm because even though we used to despise each other, now we love each other loads. We are talking about something pleasant and then a red bowling ball with a trailing ribbon rolls out of the trail ahead. It stops, leaving a long strand of ribbon behind it. More roll out, crisscrossing all over the ground. The shady man comes out again and yanks on a ribbon, and the whole network erects itself into a canopy. All of a sudden there are pounds and pounds of fireworks inside of the open thing, laying all over the ground. I walk forward, stepping on them, to examine them. They are all different shapes and colors, a bronze fleur de lis sticks out in my head. The man gets all up in my grill and I decline again.

      I am now in the car again with my sister, riding shotgun, going over the Causeway bridge. Once again, I felt welcome and cozy with her. Then I have a sudden image of a silhouette of myself jumping in the air and clicking my heels in front of a window. The window doesnt have scenery outside, it has graduated red to blue, with white dots in between.

      Now I am in a huge commercial building with my father. There are about 438474099 escalators in every direction, and as many people. I suddenly

      am lucid. I don't feel the dream is too stable, though, so I make the best of my surroundings and start jumping off of the escalators and floating down. unfortunatly I feel myself waking up because my eyesight is suddenly blinded by light, I can see the dream fading. Then it quits, and with quickly fading lucidity, I realize I must get back to my dad. I look around and find him a few escalators away.

      There is a line of escalator people blocking my way, but kindly, this rather large young boy steps aside so I can jump down and see my dad.

      Then I am on my grandmas bed....Sketching pictures of my vagina. Not in a weird, sexual way, but it was actually because I had wanted to draw the human body more often earlier that day. (im not very good at drawing people) I guess that some how worked its way into my dreams. Surprisingly, the pictures were very good. O_O

      Then I was in class, and my science partner claimed she was pregnant.
    10. 22 Sep: Shrink to atom size, reverse gravity and meeting my guru

      by , 09-24-2010 at 11:25 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:20 GMT – Sleep

      I’m on some meeting and I am extracting energy from both my surroundings and the instructor who is talking.

      2:20 GMT

      Business fair
      I’m on Mercado da Ribeira (a market in Lisbon). There’s some kind of fair going on and I see my friend Alfredo there, talking to other people. I also need to talk to him. I wave at him and he makes some sign that we’ll talk later. I’m behind a desk and showing some samples of some aromatic butter-like substance, in different colours and odours. Two foreign visitors are enjoying the smell of a lavender-butter when by my left side appears my most recent ex-boss. She tells them something in a very rude way. I don’t remember what, but included the word “shit”. They are shocked at her manners. She admits she is a bit stressed but doesn’t think she said anything inappropriate. While she waits for their reaction or answer, she goes away meet this other group of people where my friend is included and the two guys open up with me. I tell them she used to be my boss and that they have no idea... They showed solidarity with me but I tell them they should still close the deal with her, despite everything.

      Crazy kid and vacation at resort
      I’m on some tall building. As I entered and climbed the stairs I noticed it is practically empty, with just a few neighbours on the lower floors. I go to some top floor, looking for something or someone and enter an apartment, which I sense like mine or a place where I’m temporarily staying. It is totally empty, but my cat is there. Some windows are open and I rush to close it (because of the cat). Then some friends arrive and with them is an evil kid. He keeps playing with a knife and saying he is going downstairs and kill the neighbours. I tell him to behave and he also threatens me with the knife. Now I’m pissed and I confess I fear for cat, who is vulnerable around a deranged kid like this. I use all my best psychology skills to change his attitude but he improves just a little bit.
      Then I talk to my friends and we’re exchanging stories about tourists in trouble – like these guys who stayed at this sleezy hotel with a code to enter the room instead of key (which in itself is ok) but then the owner of the hotel would sell the codes to some mafia guys who would kidnapped people in the middle of the night, for human trafficking. Not nice. I remember I will be travelling again soon and hope I don’t happen to stay in such places.
      Then we all go outside and I realise we’re on some type of touristic area. One of the friends needs to go to her apart-hotel to get something and I see we’re in some kind of beach resort.

      5:15 GMT

      Marrying a cousin
      I’m on some room similar to my older room at mom’s house and lots of family members are there, including my mom and my cousin R. I don’t recall the entire conversation but my family is convinced we should marry – me and my cousin. They say it’s not a consensual decision, that they are not happy about it, but considering the circumstances it is the only solution. I wonder what the hell justifies that? I’m not pregnant of him or anything. When I was a kid I had a crush on him, but that was it. My cousin is looking at me, anxious for my answer and I find this all very odd.
      I walk around the room and find my Tanto (a Japanese dagger) broken on the floor – the grip separated from the blade. I fix it, upset that someone had broken it and I turn to my family and tell them no. I don’t want to marry my cousin, I don’t have any reasons to do so. Why are they even considering such a stupid thing?

      My mom pregnant
      Later I talk to my mom alone and she tells me she is worried. She recovered 3 of the 4kgs she had lost with her new diet. She says its not because of overeating, she thinks she is pregnant. I’m totally surprised, but the “worst” is yet to come. I ask who would be the father of the child and she tells me it’s my father. Then I’m totally shocked – they are separated for more than 10 years now and there’s no way they can get along ever again. How the hell this happened? She says she does not plan to get back with him, that it was just an accident and that’s why she is freaking out.

      Shrink to atom size
      I’m on a bathtub and decide to do RC. I realise I’m dreaming and get lucid. I decide to shrink to atom size. I close my eyes, because I decided to try it this way when I was awake. It is kind of working, I feel myself shrinking. When I open my eyes I’m about the size of a human finger. I see two huge people approaching and we're on this enormous room (bathroom) with an endless table by my right side, that looks like a tall platform on top of really high columns. I close my eyes again and continue shrinking but this time I almost wake up and have to make an effort to stay “on”. When I try to open my eyes I feel my “real” eyes opening and have to stop not to wake up. Then, when I feel I’m more stable on the dream, I open my eyes slowly, but all I see is darkness. I no longer have body or shape, I’m just consciousness in a dark void. All I see is very faint clusters of white dots, like distant stars or galaxies. It actually looks like outerspace, but I try not to judge the result. Probably the atomic world looks like outerspace.

      My guru’s mandala fortress and reversed gravity
      Then I close my eyes again and think of next task (this one set by me). When I open my eyes I am on some house. I decide to summon a portal, like the blue water-like portal I saw some days ago in a dream. But I fail to do so. Not even a ripple in the time-space continuum. So I stick to the mirror approach. I find a wardrobe with a mirror on the door and I think I want to go meet my guru. Then I cross the mirror and find myself on this green area facing a huge wall, like a fortress, in front of me. I see some guy at the top of the wall and decide to fly to there. For some reason it is not easy and something is keeping me from flying to the top. I am blocked like 1 meter away from the top but this guy gives me a hand and pulls me inside.
      Once inside I see this plateau, with lush gardens and some pretty houses. There’s a group of people around some table I presume are his students and I ask them where can I find our guru. A hippie like blond bearded guy tells me he will be at the casern at 7 o’clock. I wonder where is that and what 7 o’clock is he referring: mine or this place’s? I think tht maybe my guru is not asleep at this moment and therefore I cannot meet him, but I’m not sure if it works that way – Buddhist teachers are said to be always available to the students, always!

      [On awaking I looked for the meaning of casern and found this: In fortification, caserns are little rooms, lodgments, or apartments, erected between the ramparts and the houses of fortified towns, or even on the ramparts themselves; to serve as lodgings for the soldiers of the garrison. This confirms I was indeed in a fortress.]
      Then these guys just leave to go somewhere and leave me alone. I decide I can’t wait until 7:00, if it’s mine 7:00 because by then I will be waking up. I look around and find a second wall in the centre of this fortified town – a fortress within a fortress - and decide to go there. This time I manage to fly directly to the top of it.
      I find a second group of people – more of his students – also around a table on some lovely terrace. They are eating and I decide to join them. Once again I ask for our guru, but this time, from my right side a head leans forward and I see my teacher’s face looking at me, surprised. Hi say hi and ask if it’s ok that I looked for him. He says “Sure, why not!” But then it’s hard to chat with him, with all these people around and someone between us. Anyway I had prepared something to say but I feel maybe I should wait for him to talk to me. Then he starts joking around – his face transforms. First I think – could he be just a DC I’m projecting, but his signature was so real. Then when the transformation ends, he has the face of Mao-Tse Tung. I laugh, because that’s something he would definitely do to jerk around with us. I ask why he changed his look to Mao and then he changes again and he’s now an old lady with white hair, glasses and granny’s clothes. He is just being himself.
      Then everybody gets up and my guru flies away. He actually went down to the lower level fortress. From up there, where we are, it looks like a giant green lush valley. Others start following him, although a bit clumsily. I fly to join them and my guru is telling his students how they need to improve their flying skills. Some of them are really at basic level. Managed to jump down here, but lit off, no way. So I show off by flying graciously around, as a dolphin swimming in the ocean. I flip, I swirl, I go up and down, pass by them high speed. Oh, ego.... then I realise above us is not the sky but very high ceiling, kilometres high ceiling. I go there and put my feet on it, trying to walk on it like a fly.
      Then I remember the reversed gravity trick, which I never tried and decide to put it t test. I think about the guys down there who might get hurt, but at least my guru will for sure be just fine. Still I make a wish that nobody gets hurt and I say “reversed gravity” and all of the people and objects that were down below start to fall to the ceiling and I laugh, as it is quite amusing. Then I reverse it again.
      I go back to the ground and everybody is dispersing, to practice on their own, I guess. I find my guru sitting under a tree and go meet him. He asks me why I am so persistent in following him? What do I want from him? Do I want to marry him? I laugh and say no. I tell him with this exact words “No, I don’t want to marry you, I’m simply hungry and thirsty (of knowledge)” and I feel it in my heart with 100% conviction. He smiles, like I just gave the right answer and he tells me not be so impatient. He tells me things will happen on due time and that I had to understand that I am already having privileged access to him and that I should think about that. Then he gets up and goes away and I wake up.

      6:55 GMT – Wake up

      (I guess at 7 a.m. he needed to be at the casern )

      Updated 09-24-2010 at 11:29 PM by 34880

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , task of the month
    11. 25 Aug: museum city, countryside pension and a bunch of random stuff

      by , 08-25-2010 at 01:54 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      I have been having the possibility to sleep longer, which compensates the constant awakenings during the night to write down my dreams. Still, I feel a bit tired as sometimes I wake every hour or so. My wish to recall dreams is programming my mind to wake up frequently to record them.

      23:00 GMT - Sleep

      Work meeting
      I’m at a meeting. Tables form a hollow square and I just sit in the first available place as I’m late and it already started. It’s an NGO meeting arranged by one of my former bosses. There’s some important reason why I was invited, but I can’t recall. He sees me arriving and feels a bit disturbed. Then a gap.

      Feeling sick
      All of a sudden I am sitting in a small table with food. There was someone else sitting with me but not anymore. I am on a hurry and I eat fast. Then I feel extremely sick and feel like puking. I run to the toilet, it is disgustingly filthy, but I want to puke, so who cares. When about to do it, I get better and don’t arrive to do it. Two ladies that were on the toilet ask me if I’m pregnant. I say I don’t think so and that I’m just sick. Then it looks like everything is balancing back and forth and I wonder if I’m on a boat. Then a girl appears (maybe she was with me before?) supposedly to help me but just says some mockery about me being sick.

      3:06 GMT

      Thoughts about having a baby
      Maybe following the previous dream in which someone asked me if I was pregnant, I remember some dream in which I was thinking/considering or imagining myself having a baby. It was more a thought than a dream.

      Priest and a talent show
      Very sketchy dream that I feel it was going on for some time but I only recall that a lady was being invited by a priest to come to Rome for a show. First I felt that this lady was my mother, but the content of the dream doesn’t match her in anything. He was looking for someone with a special talent to star on some fairground show and this lady was very colourful and musically talented. Then he reinforced the invitation saying he wanted her to be there not for just one show, but indefinitely. Weird that a priest would also be a talent hunter...

      4:08 GMT

      Just recall that I was trying to reach some politician and someone helps me getting inside the parliament or congress and I’m on the corridors looking for the right office.

      Mom ironing
      My mother is ironing some clothes and the cat wants to play with her.

      Award ceremony
      Some award ceremony scene, like the Oscars.

      Visit to aunt and my mom’s cat
      I park my car under a bridge close to my aunt’s I. home (where I don’t go since a teenager). It’s night and it’s a creepy place, so I keep my eyes very open to eventual robbers behind the pillars. A lady seems distressed about some cat she thinks is in trouble, not able to descend from a roof. I go to the place to check but after a while the cat jumps down, so all’s fine. Then I keep going and see my mother close to my aunt’s garage door, our meeting point. She also brought her cat with her, which I don’t think it’s such a good idea. It’s a crazy unpredictable cat that gets scared at anything. But she says she’s taken him for a walk before and I trust her. The problem is that the cat decides to hit the middle of the road and I see cars coming. I freak out and run to shoo him away from the road. He does and hides under something on the other side. After the cars pass I go get him and he is so scared that he is totally peaceful and sweet – usually he is like a Tasmanian devil ) It was nice to cuddle him, even if it is only possible in dreams, LOL.

      6:00 GMT

      City of museums
      I’m going down a street with my mother in some foreign country and unknown city. This particular street is amazing, with dozens of museums of art, antiques, archaeology. Impressive buildings. We decide we can’t visit them all but at least the last one on the street catches our attention. It’s modern art and inside I remember see this big mosaic pictures representing the elements of the periodic table. I remember clearly the Pb one (a clear derivation from a conversation I had the day before, about an ass as heavy as lead, LOL). At the museum shop there were for sale cute wind up toys and I try one out, breaking the coil spring inside. I try to fix it but it only gets a little better. I behave badly and try to get away with it, but a friend of mine comes out of nowhere and picks the same toy to try it out. I fear she is going to figure out I broke it, but she doesn’t say anything. I still feel guilty and when leaving a security guy blocks me and my mom’s exit. But of course it wasn’t because of the toy – he had seen her taking pictures with flash and also we were carrying backpacks, which is not allowed in the museum (somehow at the entrance they had failed to check that). But that’s all and we leave.

      7:19 GMT

      Freaky countryside pension with a secret
      I’m staying at a countryside pension, a very old looking and typical construction but I don’t know of which country. Small wooden doors and windows and very low roof which I realise it’s because the house goes below ground level, so we need to descend some stairs to get inside. When we enter we go directly to the kitchen which is also like common/living room, large and spacious. To go to the rooms section we need to climb 2 or 3 steps at the right side close to the back of the room.
      I feel I am here as part of a group of tourists/excursionists and everybody left already. The owners are also leaving and closing everything behind them. But for some reason (I don’t remember what had happened before) I am suspicious of something going on and I want to go inside the house when they’re not there.
      So they leave and I go back and get to enter the place. But all of a sudden the lady owner appears, with very menacing look on her face. She wants to know what I am doing there. I say my backpack is too heavy and that I came back to leave a few things behind or I won’t be able to hike around all day as expected. She weighs my backpack just to check if I’m not lying with all my teeth, but luckily the thing is really heavy and I take a few things out and leave them on the kitchen table. I leave.
      Some other day I was in the room with my boyfriend and we start kissing passionately. I throw him on the floor and want to make love to him, but behind the door there are lots of voices and I know someone might enter the place at any moment, so I refrain myself.
      On even some other day I am finally alone in the place, waiting for some fellow guests to arrive and I open the door for them. I guess I finally found what I was looking for because I am drawing a scheme of this symbol that I guess I found somewhere and means something important. It’s like a 3-leafed clover and the top leaf has a heart inside it and there are things written inside every leaf. That’s all I can remember, because it was too detailed.

      8:00 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-06-2010 at 01:15 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
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