My roommate and I went clubbing last night, dope venue but the DJs sucked ass playing the most slow, random, and rhythm lacking music and there was no door policy so everyone was allowed into the club leaving the place crowded with some occasional indoor smokers and zero vibes. I dreamed about working as a Junior Software Engineer at this company in Luxembourg with my friend there. In our spare time, we would pull out 3D software similar to Bryce 3D and create some 3D environments for future animations. I tried to design the indoor of a church-like mansion with statues of a man and woman that took the role of special church bells clocks as a hammer would hit them on the head and they would chase each other before going back into their "stereotypical gender pose" (I can't remember what it was, they just stood like a "typical woman and man") The whole "scene felt like a Point and Click game cutscene. This company reportedly in Luxembourg was in the middle of a tropical forest on a hill, covered in fences and reminded me of a hospital for some reason. I sat in a regular city bus home with this girl I met at an art gig a few weeks ago. She apparently had a boyfriend for some reason who had blonde hair and a mustache, resembling an actor I've seen in a theatre play a few years ago. I fell asleep on the girl's lap. The guy woke us up a while later saying we were getting kicked out of the bus because the bus was covered in what looked like feces you'd find at the farm meadows. We left the bus through the back and even though we were still at that forest during daytime, I suddenly was at Rotterdam at nighttime while protests were taking place there. Male and female television reporters covered in pink and white Frutiger Metro like shirts and sparkly face paint were being harassed by protesters who asked them for glitter in a mocking way before trying to assault them. I punch this one punk guy in his face and accidentally break one of his teeth. He tries to kick me but I dodged it and woke up. Dream was in English up until Rotterdam when it turned to Dutch.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening There is a new Bond movie, within the Daniel Craig 007 universe, but only with secondary characters. Judi Dench is M again which I love but I am so disappointed that Daniel Craig is not in the movie that I curse it. With Zilla in some deserted place that looks like under a bridge with hideouts. We are supposedly passing by quickly and discreetly, trying to stay safe in an unsafe area, but we spot a couple of bad looking fellas taking an interest in us. She decides we go around them instead of heading straight, to confuse them. But in the meantime we lose sight of them and she says in panic that they are after us. She locks herself in one of a couple little rooms or compartments that exist under this bridge. She didn't say a word but I think she expects me to hide in the next one. But the other one's door is stuck and I just entrap myself there. The two men just appear behind me and they make dirty comments and look at me with bad intentions. I tell them they have to fight me first. Only one fights me, as they think he alone can take me down, but soon I am kicking him hard on the ground. I have steel reinforced boots so he is in deep pain. Then the other guy threatens me with death and he calls out for a whole bunch of guys as back ups. They manage to restrain me and make me their prisoner to torture me a bit psychologically before killing me. One of them is actually a nice guy but kinda stupid and the others take advantage of them. I am trying to bond with him to see if he helps me. One day there is a big kerfuffle between them and I have one chance to run away, but a Chinese dude spots me reaching for the door and tries to kill me with darts. I defend myself with something I use as shield, but I still get hit by a few and feel the pain. I jump a window and realize I was on a train. I find myself at a railroad passage where lots of cops and locals are gathered because people are protesting a construction company destroying some riverbed nearby. They are wrecking a natural protected ecosystem with the support of the municipality and people are outraged. I mingle with them but anyway, the train with the bad guys is long gone.
Updated 10-09-2019 at 10:21 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Student protests in Coimbra. They invade shops. I am at one of those shops with a friend. They want to lock us in with the owner. I protest and they say I have to join them if I wanna stay free. At vacation, on some hotel by the sea. it has balconies literally over the water. A shark jumps out of the water and lands on a balcony and tries to attack me. But I get out of the way and someone else picks the animal by the tail and throws it back into the water. I go to the souvenir shop, feel like buying something but wonder "why waste money"? Anyway I find nothing that I might want. Driving through a scenic road by the side of a river. See some car crashed against a wall. Then I see a dog getting in front of my car and I also almost crash. I turn quickly but encounter another dog ahead. This time I lose control of the car, which flies over the river and lands on other side. The dogs, kindly jump on the water and swim to go save me. People I know come looking for me and organize a rescue. I say I am fine and that the dogs saved me and they are the ones who should be rescued not me, hoping someone will adopt them.
Dream I'm at a UFC event, watching Uriah Faber fighting an unknown person. Both fighters are grappling and Uriah gets the better of the exchange and wins the fight. There's a bit of a story behind the two. They're both in the marine corp and they both wanted to see who was the tougher marine. I think they had fought before and had a bit of mutual respect for one another, but still didn't like one another. Uriah is getting interviewed in the cage after the fight. He tells the reporter that his opponent has grown on him. I think he even started liking the guy. They now interview the opponent and he doesn't hold back with his words. He tries to bring down Uriah by mentioning that he used to fight in fixed fights. Uriah responds and tells him that it was a common thing back in the day. The crowd find it disrespectful of the opponent to say such a thing after a fight, and majority of the people (myself included) on the floor area closest to the cage, leave the arena to show support to Uriah. I don't leave the arena but take a seat near the back. I see my brother and he's talking to a female that's got a sleeve tattoo on her arm. I think he knows this girl. She has a unique style of tattoos on her. Brother gets a marker and begins placing dots on her arms. I start to intentionally annoy the man behind me. He talks back to me in another language and I ask him what that even means. His buddy sticks up for him starts having a to at me, talking in another language also. I could figure out a few words, which were stop it. I listen to him and agree to stop what I was doing. I look to my left and notice that there's a cafeteria with fruits and vegetables. I make my way back towards the front of the arena where the seats are still empty. I take advantage of this and choose any seat I like. I try a seat but find it's a little too close to the action. I notice my brother and Daryl are with me and they are pretty happy with the seats. I ask some people around me if these seats are reserved and they say yes. A female likes me, and says she will call me. At first I was f sure if she was meaning that I was going to call her or she call me. Dream fragment Josh says he's taking a girl out on a date.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I go to theatre with friends. Right at its beggining, it's interrupted by some young people with banners, urging us all to join them on the streets on a massive revolutionary protest. I look through the window, see thousands of people outside and feel inspired, but I really want to see the play and I insist to stay and join them later. Most people leaves and joins them but then the play start and I even gt to sit on the front row. The curtain rises and a weird spectacle unfolds. Two guys stabbing a girl, all very realistic and the audience is feeling upset and uncomfortable. We look at each other like saying "c'mon, it's fake, right?". While she is still bleeding out and crying for help, they pour wine over her and set her on fire. Then I realize it's probably real and we should stop it, so I jump to the stage and other people follow me. Someone calls 911, some guys manage to overthrow one of the murderers, but the other one is really monstrous and his fingers transform into long knifes and he starts chopping everybody around. It's a massacre and I run away. I found the exit doors locked. I don't know what to do. A young girl appears out of nowhere and tells me to follow her into the attic. There's a kind of dorm up there and we hide under a bed, but when I hear footsteps on the stairs I realize staying there won't save us. So I guide her through the window and we escape through the roofs. As we wander through the streets, I look up to the sky and realize I can see stuff I didn't see before, like augmented reality, I can see constelations poppoing out and an unknown celestial body passing through them and following a spiral orbit around some other body. I realize this is important but I don't understand its meaning. The little girl tells me to think about it later, but now we must go hide in her home. She lives, apparently alone, in a tiny, tiny anex of a small fishermen village. We have a calm night, but the next day there's a huge mess outside, like someone is going through all the houses doing searches and people are angry and afraid, running around and shouting. There's only a front door and we don't know how to get away without being noticed. Then we are saved by a mistery man who takes us to my mom's house. I dont think it's very safe either, but at least it's a 4th floor and now we have a guardian watching over us. I feel safe for a while, the door is locked, the windows are safe... or so I thought, but in the morning I see a guy flying to my bedroom window and crossing it like it's nothing. He stops in front of me, he wears a really strange suit made of golen and silvered mesh. He has a sword. I run to get my sabre and then we fight. But every time I stab him, the sabre does not pierce his suit. He laughs and explains his suit is made of adamantium. I'm fucked. Then I have this faint vision of my guru floating in the air outside my window and kind of scolding me with his eyes, for not remembering something I should have so clear in my mind. "I know! I must trust the guru!" I am invaded by a sense of absolute peace and thrusthfulness when taking mental refuge in the guru and all of a second I'm no longer in my mom's house, I'm somewhere else. Evangelion comes to me from somewhere and welcomes me. I look puzzled and he says he's been spending some time with my guru, who has been teaching him personally some secret spiritual language. I feel even more puzzled and a bit envious - why is he learning that secret language in this peaceful place and I've been running around from mad attackers? And as I ask the question, I know the answer. I chose it that way.
An unusual spattering of dreams from this morning. Somebody was stepping on my crotch. It hurt. Later, there was an Occupy protest in my town. Somewhere in the world, 4 more people were killed, and Wikipedia was going to mention the fact. This brought the worldwide toll from 96 to 100, quite remarkable considering this was supposed to be a revolution - but mostly, of the mind. I'm suffering from sleep paralysis, unable to turn my head more than 10 degrees, or was it 25? I'm apparently facing up, grabbing my laptop and going on Twitter, tweeting about the fact I have "testicular" sleep paralysis. Well, my fingers still can move, but when I try to turn my head, I start shaking like a wildman. Shaking. Just shaking. Facade - a giant room, chandelier on the top, wooden with big gates at the sides. Some kind of medieval fortres or university. I go on my computer again, this time on the website Weather Underground. I see that there are two tropical systems: one near Australia, and another over western Lake Michigan. How unusual for this time of year. The Great Lakes storm's name is Isabel, retired in 2003. Here it is a tropical storm, about to do an outside loop, and track into my area in four days. By then, it will have weakened. That's odd - it actually is expected to rain Sunday. Later, or possibly earlier. I'm reading some source material about Asperger's, and hypermasculine disorders. Where have I encountered this before? I awake to the sound of my alarm.
Dream Lucid Sleep Paralysis Non-Dream/Side notes This dream was scary and yet fun. I don't remember what took place when. I dreamt that I was joining a different school, Oakmead (this school does exist in real life, however I have no idea what it looks like). I was being shown around by some old guy and I remember two buildings kind of like the ones in the level of THPS2 called school II, and I remember at some point being in a classroom/office on a second, higher floor with huge crowds of people protesting against something. The place that reminded me of school II from THPS2 The road to the school and the second floor. The road to the school I also remember. The crowd stopped halfway down it. I remember being in a crowd of students entering the school too but it felt like I had been there for ages. I was reminded of this dream by stumbling across the name of the school on facebook. It really irritated me that I didn't reality check during this dream because what happened in it definitely isn't normal. Update, 2016: I went in to their sixth form. It was nothing like the dream. Hilarious though, reading back on what my 13-year-old self dreamed about.
Updated 03-09-2016 at 03:45 PM by 32501