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    1. A Visit To The Restaurant

      by , 03-01-2011 at 06:13 AM
      A Visit To The Restaurant
      Original Date: 2/25/2010
      Type: Ordinary - Near Lucid
      Before I was about to go to the Restaurant in the city I was getting ready and so was my friend and brother. They decided to bring their tea for some reason... not sure why but I though it was stupid. Then we left off to the store, on about 1min in I looked at my hand where the night before I wrote "Dream" (Last Night which was before I went to sleep) but the "Dream" wrote on my hand seemed to be nearly erased so I thought this might be a dream but my friend and brother were mocking me saying your not dreaming. So I continued thinking that it might be possible that I am dreaming but what if I am not? When we arrived at the restaurant I just ordered some things such as Apple Juice, I was still convinced that I might be dreaming so I done a reality check. (Turning off the light and turning it back on, and punching the wall.) Everything seemed realistic so I continued on with Life or Dream. Afterwards, I woke up inside another dream. (False Awakening) I just was happy when I woke in this dream thinking I was close to Lucid Dreaming, but then I finally woke up in reality and was still happy.

      Age of Dream Ego: 15

      Associations to the Dream Settings:
      Going to the Restaurant, and attempting to see if I was dreaming.
    2. Twas a Dream? Or SP?

      by , 01-27-2011 at 05:14 PM (Glimpse Into a Mad Mind)
      Ok I think I woke up in sleep paralysis again last night, but I'm not sure. I woke up for something, then drifted back to sleep. I believe I woke up again and was staring at the backs of my eyelids. I thought I heard the rustling of a plastic bag along with the voice of my stepbrother call my name. But when I heard it, I immediately thought "Don't look. It isn't real." So I kept my eyes shut and sure enough I started feeling waves of strong vibrations which got more intense, then died down, then got intense again, and so on. I thought I must be in SP and tried to put myself in a dream. It didn't work, and I eventually I got up. Thing is, I was thinking like I normally do when I'm awake and I thought I got up and moved, even though I really didn't. How much do you want to bet that if I looked at my hands when I 'got up' that they would blur or melt away or something and I would be in a lucid dream?

      But when I got up for real, I questioned that maybe I just dreamt the entire thing, but the vibrations felt so real and my thoughts were clear. I told myself "I must be in SP". I'm not sure; what do you all think?
    3. Two Dreams, One Fragment and Lucid in One Night! My First Lucid!

      by , 01-11-2011 at 09:43 PM (The Mailman's Lounge: A Rest Stop for Dreams)

      Normal Dream Lucid Dream Side-Notes
      (I'm not sure if these dreams, are all connected or if they are separate. I'm just guessing.)
      I'm in my house and my cousin is living with us again. (He use to live with us, but then he moved out.) We're actually getting along.
      Dream 1: I'm a superhero fighting a monster. I know it's my responsibility but I keep leaving to watch Avatar. (I don't know why I left because in the dream it was recording on our DVR. Also, I went back and forth lots and lots of times so this part of the dream was pretty long.) Then the scene changed and my mom, sister and I are driving in a car. We go down a one-way road that is blocked and continue through the detour. The workers say the detour isn't finished being built and we have to go back through the one-way road. Going back up is uphill and since I'm the guy I have to push our car up the hill. We make it home and watch a movie.(Not Avatar)
      Dream 2: My mom wants a locker, like the ones in my school. I take her to school and as I'm showing her my locker my Spanish teacher comes up says stuff.(I forget what she says.) Then some other teacher comes up and says more stuff. The scene changes to a play. My family and I are in the back. We start talking about dreams.
      Dream 3: I was a library trying to meet a guy that is a master at lucid dreaming. I decide to reality check and realize I am dreaming. The dream gets blurry. I Lick the bookshelf to stabilize the dream, it gets really clear. The guy told me to make it brighter. I tried using verbal commands but it only worked a little bit. My alarm woke me up.
      *This was my first real lucid, I'm so happy.
      *It probably would of lasted longer if it wasn't for my alarm.
      *Next time hopefully my lucid comes earlier in the night.
    4. 12/29/10 . First LD in a long time and I think it's a WBTB + WILD

      by , 12-29-2010 at 06:38 PM (Marcher22 Dream Journal)
      Well I had gone to bed around 11:30 and last night me and my 4 year old brother were sharing the bed. I don't know what time it was (maybe around 5 or 6) but he kept moving around, making noise and it was pissing me off because I couldn't sleep very well and I was waking up like every 5 minutes ( he would tickle my head, make sounds with his mouth or jump on the bed). I noticed at one point when my eyes were closed and my bro calmed down that I could see almost like a television with green writing approaching me. I realized that it must mean I'm close to a dream because I've seen this before. So I lied down, refocused my intent to realize I am dreaming.

      As the screen came closer to me I could no longer feel my body in bed. It must be noted that everything was pitch black except for the "screen" coming at me , which was green... After it passed by I realized that I was indeed in a dream. This is where things get foggy because I can't remember to well what happened.. I remember at one point I was standing by my bed looking at my hand doing an RC to really see if I was dreaming or not ( it was hard to tell and I almost doubted my self). I looked at my hands BUT I counted 10 fingers. I had to recount 3 times before realizing that the fingers are my hands were moving around ( i know it sounds weird). After that I went off and I remember stepping through some sort of gateway. I purposely forced myself to do it and when I started things turned to 3rd person but then later shifted to First Person.
      I later lost lucidity but continued dreaming. I remember being at Church or something and the bus came and my mom asked the driver to wait for me to come out of the church. I did come out and i wondered how come it did wait for me. Anyways at one point I came off to early at one stop and then re-entered. When I came back my mom was gone. I thought maybe she was on the bus behind us.
      As we drove, the bus fell off the bridge but no one was hurt. In fact I was freaking out and everyone on the bus was staring at me with blank faces, some gigling at me.

      All I remember was waking up sooner or later
    5. Poker Blue Screen

      by , 12-23-2010 at 04:44 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      I'm playing at Pokerstars on my laptop, and losing pretty bad, when my machine suddenly crashes with a blue screen of death. I panic and restart, then try and diagnose the problem. I find that I have a virus from the old music site Kazaa, and Google from another computer to try and find the solution. I realize my trusty flash drive has the antivirus software I need, so I grab it and jack into the laptop.

      When I open up "My Computer," I realize that every machine on the botnet is listed, an endless list with constantly shifting names (failed RC). Finding my flash drive, with the appropriate software, will be impossible... The visuals for this are all very vivid.
    6. First Full Dream!! Plus lame false awakening, and resulting fragment.

      by , 12-17-2010 at 07:30 PM
      I was a senator, or congressman, like Tom Hanks in that movie about the middle east. There was a woman who talked to me. I had a meeting on a plane. Also there were cookies there.

      I woke up from the dream. I remembered to lay in bed and run the dream through my head backwards. I remembered every detail. I was very proud. After I made sure I had it fixed in my head. I wrote it down in my notebook. I peed and then went back to sleep.

      I really woke up. Still had to pee. Said WTF to myself. Looked in my dream journal..... Nothing. F@#K. Although as I was being pissed off about this fact, another dream just sort of floated up into my consciousness:

      I had just finished watching a play with my girlfriend. I don't remember the play, perhaps there wasn't one. We went up on the stage to help clean up. There was a sort of shack built in the middle and we went inside. Inside it was large and very bright, even though it should have been dark. There was a very deep shaft with a ladder and lots of pipes and such. I went down the ladder a ways, but it was a very very tight fit. My girlfriend came to the top of the shaft and said "look what I found!" It was an arm sized bit of handrail made out of a brassy coppery metal. It looked nothing like part of a handrail, but that's what we knew it was. It was shaped vaguely like a J with two tails, and tapered ends. We thought it was the best discovery ever. Since I couldn't fit to get to the bottom of the ladder, she asked if I thought I could throw the junk we were cleaning up down to the bottom, where she would take care of it. I threw a piece down, and it bounced off of a few pipes and the wall, so I was concerned that I would have a hard time being accurate with the throwing, and she wouldn't be able to catch the stuff.
    7. Museum and Poker

      by , 12-16-2010 at 05:59 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      My parents and I are at the Cincinnati Museum Center taking in an exhibit on history. Multiple periods are contrasted, from ancient Assyrian engravings to the civil rights struggles in America. The exhibit proper ends with a model of a very pretty African-American girl in pearls and a cocktail dress getting lynched... then opens into a gift shop. People are sitting on benches in the shop with laptops, playing poker on Pokerstars.net. My mom comments on this as rather silly, then goes to discuss some business about layaway.

      Poker serves as a transition point to an outdoors scene, where I sit down to a large ring game of Holdem. My mom insists on joining me, and initially the other players are fine with it. However, she is slow at playing and screws up her deal of Omaha when it comes around to her. The game goes back to Holdem and I get AK in the hole. My mom goes all-in, and I look at my cards again (which have become AA, so missed reality check) and call. Other players are disgusted with me for some reason...

      I false awaken into my room at home, then go downstairs. My brother and his friend are there and report also dreaming about poker. With some questioning I find that they shared my dream, varying in minor details. I freak out about this and wake up.
    8. huge friends make me lucid

      by , 10-25-2010 at 11:24 PM (Dreaming on my feet)
      Type: Lucid, quick, Nose-plug RC
      Vividness: 5/10
      Lucidity: 5/10

      Big Friends
      I was in a place that looked like a movie theatre, not sure why I was there but I wasn't really thinking about that, I was talking to three of my best friends, S J and M. I ask all of them if they want to go out and do something and they all are acting quite stand-off ish saying "No, we're going to go to Colorado and go snowboarding." I notice that I am having to strain my neck looking upwards to see their faces, and they seem to be about eight or nine feet tall, and my friend M has his arm amputated just above the elbow and it's bandaged in white gauze. This is strange so I do a nose plug RC and breathe in three times successfully, and I'm aware that I'm dreaming.

      I don't bother trying to talk to my friends since they have been stand off-ish anyways, so I walk up a slight incline and enter a semicircular shaped restraunt, with big windows and booths against the wall like any classic diner. I focus on all the different people sitting in the booths, and recognize a girl R that I had dated for a little while two years ago, and approached her at the booth. We both just looked at each other and didn't say anything, which is a very nice encounter. At this point I can't think of anything I want to do in this restaurant so I pick her up in my arms, and jump into the air and spin to try to create a new dream scene. The only problem is that I wasn't focusing on maintaining lucidity while changing the scene, or imagining where I want to end up, so I lost R and found myself only semi-lucid in a new dream scene.

      I'm in a public place, some vague looking American east coast city, I do a nose plug RC several times and it works, but the dream is fading quickly and I get nervous yelling stabilize! since there are so many people around me [waking residue since I have a room mate next door to me, paper thin walls], I think about doing some different things but the dream keeps fading and a lose lucidity .

      MM so that's it! LD 4.
      I spent the night before this going over my DJ from the last month, putting together dreamsigns and thinking about the nature, common trends and dimensions of my dreams. I also slept in from 12:30-7:30, then got up and walked around outside for an hour and focused on my senses, very beautiful brisk morning, all the trees bare and the ground frosted, no sounds at all from birds singing or cars passing, even the dogs weren't barking. Really nice. Then I went back to my room feeling refreshed and spent about an hour sitting quietly reading my DJ and doing visualizations. So yeah, I guess you could call this a WBTB/DILD induced?

      Anyway, short but sweet. I've tried to transition the scene in 2/4 lucids and failed both times. Got to read up on it more and hang a reminder list next to my bed .

      I met my goal of having 2 LDs by Oct 31st, then again met my "extra credit" goal of having 4 !! So I'm happy about that and feeling inspired.

      I hope everybody is having fun lucid dreaming and are meeting their own goals and feeling great about it!
    9. Neighbor's House Lucid

      by , 09-30-2010 at 05:11 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      Shit, it's been weeks since I last posted... I should get back on the train, and nothing better to do so with than a lucid.

      The man in the house neighboring my childhood home has passed away. The dream goes into a sort of news-style overview of his life, complete with interviews from people who had known him in the past. He's apparently been a recluse for the past several years, his only intercourse with the world a mail slot through which he got movies, books, and food. The dream then cuts back to first-person as I start to explore his house. I enter his library, stacked floor to ceiling with books. As I look around, I notice that the titles on the spines are different every time I look at a particular shelf. I pass this reality check!

      I start to walk around the house, leaving the library, and I enter into the hallway from my own house. I think about what I'd like to do, and decide I should try some dream combat. I try to turn-summon an awesome sword from the closet in the hallway, but for all I try nothing appears in my hands. I then decide I should do something before I lose lucidity, so I jump down the stairs and start to fly. I pass like a ghost through the wall, then pull up sharply in a breathless rise. It's nighttime, and the moon is huge and full. It illuminates a towering cloud that looks like the Grim Reaper! I get a couple of swoops and whirls in before I wake up.
    10. Subway Terrorism and Two Fragments

      by , 09-08-2010 at 01:25 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm taking a trip with my college friends into New York City. We ride the subway, then get off and start to negotiate taxi prices to get to our next destination. There are 15 of us, and the lady at the counter just kind of laughs when we ask if we could get a decent rate. At this I snap, and pull out a sniper rifle. I order everyone to the roof, and they obey fearfully.

      Everyone lines up along the ledge of the roof, while I take a fortified position near the back. I start sniping, one after another, and feel great sorrow when I catch one of my friends with a bullet. Soon the police arrive, but without proper backup, and I snipe several of them. I then notice a stunning woman in a white dress swinging her legs out of a nearby window. I put my scope on her, but then notice she too has a rifle. She smiles at me and starts shooting at the crowd. Eventually the police get a machine gun emplacement set up and start to pepper my position, and the concrete blocks that shield me start to give way.

      I awaken into my dorm room at college, where I get up and breathe on a mirror. I start writing the salient points of the dream in my breath as my friends are playing Mario Party in the background on the N64. It's hard to get the words to stay (failed RC), but I feel satisfied at some point. I then real awaken, angry...

      2. I'm playing backgammon and discussing world issues with former president Bill Clinton.

      3. I go to a concert in Columbus Ohio where Avenged Sevenfold is doing an experimental set and recording it directly to Youtube.
    11. Robot Assembly Line

      by , 08-30-2010 at 12:56 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      I'm in some massive factory where robots are being reconditioned after mechanical failure. They shuffle through a row of men and women in white lab coats holding scanners, and above all the bustle is an official-looking man holding a digital watch (time RC). When a robot is identified as needing repairs, it's taken to the side. All the others are stuffed onto a train and sent whistling through the underground complex. The goal is to get each batch of robots done in five minutes, but this rarely happens.
    12. A Talk and First Flight.

      by , 08-24-2010 at 07:09 AM (Dreams I can Only Dream.)
      Date: Aug.23
      Time: 10:40am (when I woke up)

      Description: This was my first lucid dream that I retained lucidity, and second one total. It starts as a false awakening from a really weird dream that is an adventure in it's own right.

      Dream: Immediately after I lost "dream consciousness" in my non lucid dream before this, I see an image of a long doorknob that looks like an I on it's side. It spins really fast as the image appears closer to me, think of the cliche newspaper articles you see spin onto movie screens. The spinning stops and I now look around my room, well it's my childhood room, I immediately become aware of the possibility of another lucid dream. I getup from beneath the blankets I am in, and roll off the bed, landing on my feet I head towards the door and open it. I have the same feeling as my first dream of a different gravity almost. It really feels strange. I walk into my hall and head right towards the living room. I notice Christmas decorations (the ones from when I was a kid.) and look at my living room. I see the T.V. entertainment center with little dolls on top, and decorated lights around it. That is straight ahead of me. Now where I am standing the kitchen is to my left, the door leading outside is to my right about 6 feet. And a couch-side table is 3 to 4 feet in front of me. I see my mother sitting in her usual spot (still hasn't changed lol). A t.v dinner tray in front of her but it is early in the morning she uses it to have items she needs in front of her. The couch-side table is about 1-2 feet high off the ground, the couch is a long green couch. And at the end of the couch to the right is the entertainment center. My mom says "Good you are up, sleeping in will ruin your sleeping schedule." I look at the room and see the clock we have, it looks like a very shorty version of the grandfather clock, it hangs on the wall its brown, has the pendulum swinging thing, the whole thing isn't more than 2 feet tall, but I notice it's position is moved from where it normally is. I look at this already lucid, and see its round face with the numbers is completely pitch black! like its a dark void. I feel the need to do a reality check as this is all to real, my mom hands me the phone to check something, as she normally does in real life, and I use it to do a RC, I can't read the menus or anything. This confirms what I already knew, I was dreaming. I don't get excited and remain calm, to keep the flow of the dream going. I now notice that I am not wearing anything but my shorts (what I usually wear to bed). I tell my mom "Mom, right now I am dreaming, you aren't really there, its just my subconscious representing you!" She didn't believe me (I read dream characters can't be convinced that your dreaming lol) "Your right sweetie!" she says not paying much attention to me, kind of blowing me off. "I still love you though mom." And give her a quick hug. Now the first thing on my mind is to be able to fly, so I head for the door. I open it up, and leave the house. Outside everything is covered in snow, the cement side walk though is all shoveled and the ground seems dry (the cement parts) but the grass is completely covered in snow. I notice an ice patch on the side walk. I run on to the grass and jump up. I fall normally back to earth, disappointed I wonder why, then it dawned on me,I must believe I can fly. So I close my eyes and really think that I can, I start levitating above the ground. Slowly rising. I start noticing other houses covered in snow, i feel the wind blow, but don't feel any cold. As I climb higher and higher I can finally see the neighborhood block. Everything is so real and I start getting butterflies because of the height, but quickly dispel any negative thoughts about my confidence of flight. Now I am way past the tops of the trees around my house and looking around at all the two story houses covered in snow around me. I suddenly stop rising to enjoy the view, I turn around and wonder where to go.......when suddenly I lose "dream consciousness" and I wake up for real, in my bed. I lay there for a minute or two just thinking of what I accomplished. It was a remarkable experience. Actually being there, not just remember it like any other dream, but actually being there, like waiting in line for the dragster at Cedar Point, I was really there, and it was the same for this dream, I was really there, but not at the same time. I can't wait for greater and longer adventures within the realm of my mind.
    13. Animal Rescue Stories and a Fragment

      by , 08-23-2010 at 02:51 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. It's a boring night at the research station, so to pass the time I lean my face against the window of my room and watch people come and go through the courtyard below. CA goes to do laundry, then John L and Joe C go out to find stray animals. They return to the kitchen, where my dad is present to tell tales from the hometown animal rescue. The rescue clinic was apparently so successful that it was able to "hire" concerned volunteers at a dime a pop. After this I false awaken into my bed at home. I get up to brush my teeth, but I don't spit right and swallow the disgusting toothpaste. When I look at the mirror, I see Chinese characters with subtitle translations that say "That toothpaste was disgusting." (A failed text and mirror RC if I ever saw one)

      2. I'm walking through Cincinnati with P at night. We have been shooting at an Astro van with our guns to try and get it to explode, but nothing's been happening. We decide to head into a foreigner-owned restaurant for greasy fast food.
    14. Dreams and Fragments from August 18 2010

      by , 08-20-2010 at 04:50 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I arrive at my college for a new year, but as I'm unsure where to go I end up meandering through random hallways. In one of them I find my friend Mary T, who directs me up to her room. She's very happy to see me, and we hang out by playing a music theory game using a piano controller against another friend via Skype. Soon we start to cuddle, but as we do we're rudely intruded by an orientation activity. The RAs are leading a "Parade of Geeks," dressed in suspenders and huge glasses. They take my friend CW from the room after asking "Is anyone weird?" and Mary and I join him in support. I get lost on the way and stumble into a succession of other rooms on the floor. One contains freshmen girls from my old high school, another is an office space, and another is an apartment housing my roommate from the research station and his father.

      2. CA and I are the only survivors of a pandemic that is changing all of my college into gibbering lunatics. I commend her as she singlehandedly diagnoses the disease and develops a cure.

      3. I'm present in the final level of a Paper Mario game that takes place in the bar level from Guitar Hero. I am playing bass in the background, but when the final boss shows up I start to interact in the Paper Mario world. My dialogue is extremely cocky as I fight rather poorly, but as people criticize me I say I'm roleplaying. Another band leaves in fear and I insult them, leading to one of their members and I exchanging insults. He ends up kicking me in the face, which loosens the glasses I'm wearing.

      4. I am watching a dinner show at the Dollywood theme park. Each guest is given a light gun to interact with the show as it goes on. As the show starts, the main character boasts how presidents (Bush father and son) and other dignitaries love it. The seats then move backwards to proper viewing distance for a massive screen, where a trippy music video appears. In the video, a redneck pharmacist has placed the world in a stupor by distributing colorful pills in colored Solo cups. The audience seems to enter the music video, and there's a crowd marching single-file through a large mansion.

      At this point, I remember the main character declaring that the whole thing is a dream, and I feel a mild awareness for the rest of the scene. However, I don't feel any control and the faintest of physical sensations, so I'm not counting it as a true lucid. For some reason, I know my name is Vincent in the dream, and my body has split into several selves. One looks like the waking me, but several are burly black men and one is a golden robot. I feel pulled away from the march through the mansion, and my other selves go exploring with me. The robot leads the way to a golden cabinet, where I see a camera and a cell phone. Out of the corner of my eye I develop an X-ray vision and see the two objects go down a shelf in the cabinet. I know that to go further into the mansion, I have to move the objects myself, as the vision was an illusion.
    15. Bookstore Fight

      by , 08-19-2010 at 04:35 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      A large crowd of kids from my high school have planned to go to a mall, then the Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame and a ballgame. I am with them, but am rather low on cash and already have the giveaway bobblehead from the Hall of Fame. When they leave for the Reds, I stay to bum around in the mall. I head to a Barnes and Nobel to buy a copy of the Tao te Ching. When I get to the shelf where it's kept, I'm accosted by a clerk who says I tried to shoplift it earlier and thus am not allowed to buy it. I get angry and start to make a scene. I notice that mixed with the books on the shelf is a poorly written journal (text RC failed); its owner, a cute black girl, returns to claim it and takes the Tao te Ching along with it. Now I'm really pissed, and I go to pick a fight with a random customer. I soon realize he outclasses me in every way, but I refuse to back down and lose pretty badly.
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