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    1. Dream - VCE Takes A Toll

      by , 08-23-2017 at 09:11 AM
      Date of Dream: SUN 20 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 182 - VCE Takes A Toll

      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was in this weird, unknown, game-like place that was subject to flooding. There was bound to be an invasion of fake Marios that my family and I were preparing for. I was now in my bedroom and I saw the clothes that I was wearing. I was looking to put some runners on so I could easily run away when the invasion happens. I was back at the flooding place and the water was rising fast, so I had to place myself onto a small island.

      The dream scene transitioned to me visiting Killester with my mum. My mum wanted to ask Ms. L of she had a photo of her mum. I then said to myself that it was Wednesday and then I saw the girls pouring out of the year 12 classrooms, carrying musical instruments. One of the girls I remember well was EL, carrying some sort of giant, golden trumpet. I then walked back around the corner to Ms. L's office. She was standing at the front of the door, listing all the families who were struggling, kind of like prayers of intercession. There were a whole list of year 12 families, addressed by surnames, but one was address as “WB's family”. I then sussed out that WB was suffering from huge bouts of major depression. Year 12 was becoming too much for her. I then asked Ms L about the progress of that photo. I have forgotten the rest of the scene.

      In the next scene, I was browsing on Instagram and had a look at WB's page. There was absolutely nothing on it, including no “following” or “followers” numbers. I was than in a deserted mall and saw WB on the other side of a barrier, indeed looking depressed and somewhat angry. I thought that maybe I could break through the barrier and reach her if I could correctly play the “Mario Party DS – Party Mode” theme. A synth keyboard randomly appeared and I started playing it. Before I could finish the song, I woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None

      Updated 10-27-2017 at 10:50 PM by 93119

    2. Dream - From Bad To Worse & Circular Chainsaw Luigi

      by , 08-23-2017 at 09:05 AM
      Date of Dream: FRI 18 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 181 - Separated Sections

      Dream 181 A – From Bad To Worse

      The dream started with me being on the grounds of Camelot Rise Primary School. I remember I was late for my year 12 maths SAC and so I was in a rush to get to the multi-purpose room. Along the way, I saying excuse me while I gently push this kid out of the the way. She starts crying really loudly and exclaiming “she touched me!”. I end up turning up to the SAC 10 minutes late. Before I can sit down, Miss C turns up and she doesn't look happy. I am in trouble for what I apparently “did” to the girl. She said “to make it even better, your mum and dad are here”. I don't remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 181 B – Circular Chainsaw Luigi
      I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. I was at my house and I was looking down the stairs. This huge terrifying state of some circular chainsaw was coming up towards me. I rushed into the sitting room and came back with a blue can of fly spray. I was constantly spraying at the chainsaw until it had transformed to some innocent looking, life-sized Luigi. He comes up the stairs, picks me up and holds me really tightly. As dream time progresses, his energy becomes warmer and I end up sinking into him. There was some reference made to Winnie The Pooh, then I woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
    3. Dream - A Chaotic Exercise

      by , 08-23-2017 at 08:53 AM
      Date of Dream: TUE 15 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 178 - A Chaotic Exercise

      I forgot exactly how the dream started. I remember that I was the same age but was rather back in a primary school class. The teacher was Mrs Brooks, who was my grade 4 teacher in real life. She was quite strict in the dream and the structure of the class felt very tight and controlled. The dream eventually graduated to the current TAFE classes. I forgot what specifically happened in the TAFE scenes. I do remember that TAFE was completely relaxed.

      The dream scene then changed to me walking up the hill towards the Glen Waverley Police Academy. As I was nearing the top of the hill, I was saying to myself “lucid, lucid, lucid”... Like a broken record. I don't end up becoming lucid but strange things do happen. I envision all the things this metal lid can possibly fit on. One of the things I imagine it fitting on it a pig's head, like a helmet. The thought of the lid slowly changed to me having the thought to call for Dreamy WB. She did physically appear in her cute, innocent form of braided hair. I forgot what we did though, I know it was only a very small interaction though.

      Then there was an entire dream segment on the real WB, who had her hair frizzed out in the default afro form. Apparently once a week, she'd fly all the way on a plane, to see her tutor called Doreen. I have forgotten the exact events of that scene. Next, the dream had it so all the year 12 students in 2017 were set to do an oral with every subject. That meant that there were even possibilities for oral presentations occurring in maths or fashion. WB was assigned to do an oral for english, so the dream didn't mess her up.

      The last dream scene took place in my brother's bedroom. The music teacher Mr. H was conducting a band in there, which I was a part of. Apparently I wasn't holding my instrument the correct way. He told me to hold it in some weird position which would only hurt my hand even more. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
    4. Two Worlds

      by , 08-15-2017 at 03:22 AM (Dream)
      Side Notes (Side Notes)
      Two Worlds

      In the Car my Dad was going to drop me off, I said "Drop me off here." closer to the school doors.
      I get out my dad starts playing really loud dubstep-esque music.
      I walk into the school, it looks like middle school but it's high school.
      I see Celina talking to some people, I walk upstairs and someone is next to me.
      We walk for a bit and then our Teacher shows up out of nowhere and pulls a lever which a monitor shows up and 50 lights appear, the monitor looks like one
      you'd see on a highway that's black with orange lights.
      It was a 50th Anniversary for something.
      We walk into the class (looks like Mrs.S's classroom). The teacher is a woman all of the sudden, "I'll give you a hint: Candy."
      Everyone is excited to get some candy, a girl thinks "I bet its cookies!"
      And on a desk there is Chip Ahoy cookies so it wouldn't be out of the book.
      I'm sitting next to Kevin, he tells me "I wasn't here Monday."
      I told him not to worry because he was on a field trip (?).
      I look at his shoes and it reminds me of Dark Matter/Black Sky Camo from COD, I was going to say "Takes a 5 kills without dying to get that."
      The scene changes (still in the classroom) and there is Abraham, there wasn't much time left.
      There was one last ingredient.
      They found it, a small Black Cat.
      Abraham kills it and let's it blood run into a vial.
      Outside there are rabid humans.
      Abraham lets the Blonde Chick drink it.

      That was a weird dream, I know today is the day I'll get a Lucid Dream. I'll report to you guys tomorrow. A few weeks until school starts, my Senior Year.
      August 14th, 2017
    5. Rupert

      by , 08-12-2017 at 03:38 AM (Dream)
      Side Notes (Side Notes)
      I was at School, the day was almost over.
      I saw Rupert sitting on a ledge, I shrugged it off.
      Walking up the hallway which was hard because it was like climbing a hill, three kids in front of me had no problem at
      this. It was really slippery.
      They were talking about something, I moved to the right side of the hallway it had a railing which I grabbed.
      A kid asked something to his friends but they didn't respond so I said "Yeah."
      The kid looked at me weirdly.
      I move to the left side of the hallway, they turned the corner.
      After getting outside the School I was looking for my Bus #45, I saw it but the bus in front of it on the bus window
      was Rupert sitting there.
      That bus starts to move so I run after it, it went to the front of the lane.
      I caught up and went in front of the bus, there's a few kids and no bus driver.
      I touch the button on the steering wheel gently but it honked the horn.
      I look back and a few people look annoyed and the bus driver who's in the back looks cranky.
      I say "I think that's my cat."
      The bus driver replies "It could be a cat that looks like yours."
      I turn back and I see a Blonde-Teen Girl driving the Bus, the Bus driver seems not to care so this is supposed to happen.
      The bus pulls up and gets real close to the other buses and then does a U-Turn.

      Kingdom Hearts 3

      I was Playing Kingdom Hearts 3 in the Living Room, I don't know what world I was on but when I opened a door there
      was a character from Atlantis the Lost Empire and I was surprised, they're going to mix two worlds in one!
      I got off the game and was sad that I can't play it now but, I could play it later I remembered.


      I was at a College and it really looked like a hospital but had some educational posters on the walls.
      After awhile I went home (old house) , I believe that Adnan called and had to be picked up from the college I was just at.
      I went there and tried to find the college area, there was a cooking area but then I found the college area and went
      to find Adnan.
      Back home, Adnan tells my Dad that he's getting a ride to go home from his Father.

      My Cat, School and my Friend Adnan are definitely dream signs.
      August 11th, 2017
    6. Dream - Budgeting For Graffiti & One Pair Only & Back To Canberra & Filming Time

      by , 08-05-2017 at 11:11 AM
      Date of Dream: WED 2 AUG - 2017

      Dream No. 167 - Separated Sections

      Dream 167 A - Budgeting For Graffiti
      I found myself in this random shopping centre, looking through the window of some jewelry store. I then realised that I had this “budgeting test” to revise for. So I went over to the side without a window, facing out to the mall, and started writing on there with white chalk. The maths in the dream was actually logical as well. I remember writing “$2 x 6 kg = 12” and “$4 x 4 kg = 16”. It was a few times of writing it and then rubbing it off and then writing it that I realised I was doing a crime.

      I was graffiting on the shop wall! I thought the shop owner was going to come after me sooner or later and so I had to get out of there and seek help. I paced through the mall, looking in every direction, while calling for Dreamy WB. The two times I called, there was no response. The third time I called, looking up the escalators, I used her alternate name, shouting “Miss T!”. Then while walking back from the escalators, I whisper to myself, “Dreamy WB...” to affirm the fact that I need her help.

      Then my friend LA appears as a hologram and she says to me, “she's back that way”, as she points towards the direction of the jewelry store. I walk over into the hairdressers and there's where I see Dreamy WB, casually standing at the back of the salon. We end up hugging each other really hard for a long amount of time and then as she takes me out of the salon and back towards the jewelry store, the dream ends.

      Dream 167 B - One Pair Only
      I was having my 19th birthday party a month before my actual birthday in real life. It was a huge gathering of family and friends and lots of things to make a good party. One of the mums brought me pairs of shoes as a gift, two of them to be exact. One pair were flat red shoes and the other pair were high and pointy red shoes. My mum came up to me and said that I could only keep the flat pair. I don't remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 167 C - Back To Canberra

      The class of 2017 were back in year 11 and were due for their Canberra camp. I decided that I wanted to go and visit them. I forgot what happened in the first few scenes of the dream. I then remember that I was skipping and gliding along this footpath beside a main road and the area I entered into looked like the front of Chisholm Institute in Dandenong. When I was on the premises though, the place looked nothing like Chisholm.

      I was led to some long, outdoor subway which was like a hub to get to all these other places. The places were crowded and there were lots of fast food restaurants on this platform. Somehow, I got tangled up and disorientated in this crowd of boys but soon got out of it. I assess my surroundings and figured that one of the platform exits led to the Canberra camp site. I ended up having second thoughts on going because I just remembered that WB's cabin was right next to Ms L's. The dream then ended.

      Dream 167 D - Filming Time
      I don't remember what video the SML crew were making. I can remembered though that the only ones who claimed to be doing any work were Logan and JJ. They had accused Chilly, Tito and Pablo of doing nothing and just standing around. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - Recuperating (Receive 3 hugs from Dreamy WB)
      >> 1. Tight hug at swimming carnival resembled quality of Dreamy WB (136 A).
      >> 2. She hugged me while taking me away from the hissing kitten (164 A).
      >> 3.
      Gave me a big hug when I found her in the hairdressers (167 A).
      - The T-Ol-Essa (Call Dreamy WB by her alternate name)
      >> The third time I called her for help. I said "Miss T" instead of "Dreamy WB".
    7. Dream - Fear Of The Furry & Elements Vs Economics (Addition: Trophy Adjustment)

      by , 08-05-2017 at 10:41 AM
      Date of Dream: SUN 30 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 164 - Separated Sections

      Dream 164 A - Fear Of The Furry
      I was back at Killester for school and there was a mixture of Killester girls and Chisholm girls in the class. I had one of the TAFE teachers for English. I then had Mrs TB for financial maths but the dream was always making me come 10 minutes late to class, no matter what I did. At one point, I never came back to class. I was then at my house, having piano lessons with my high school tutor PH. There was some weird homework that he had set for me but I forgot what it was.

      I had left home to go to this random milk bar and when I came back out, I saw FT on the streets. She told me she had some meeting to attend with the members of the St. Kilda Football Club. I followed FT up the hill and discovered that the members were in my driveway. I got so excited and told FT that this was my house. Then I left her in the driveway and proceeded into the garage myself.

      In the garage, I saw a grey kitten walking around and it would occasionally hiss at me, which would make me scared. I kept calling for Dreamy WB but there was no answer. The kitten would keep hissing and I got more and more scared. I eventually centred myself and came up with the new technique for summoning Dreamy WB. I spoke to myself, saying that she was going to be behind grandma's car. I then walked to the far side of grandma's car and indeed she was there, leaning on the driver's window. I remember she was wearing a white t-shirt with a black cardi and black trackies, with her glasses on.

      So I went up to her and showed her how much I was freaked out. She then got up and put an arm around me, slowly walking towards the other side of the garage while holding me in a full on hugging position. The grey kitten was still menacingly hissing but then there was a black kitten and a brown kitten who were minding their own business and being all cute. Every time Dreamy WB would loosen and then tighten her grip on me, there was this “counter” that would increase. Once I was in the house and on the stairs, the counter was at 9 and then went to 10. Before we got to the top of the stairs, I woke up.

      Dream 164 B - Elements Vs Economics
      One of the TAFE teachers had given us an assignment for our economics class, except he's not our economics teacher in real life but rather the real life teacher for company accounting. For this case study, I wrote down and drew the symbol for what element suited each scenario. Some I remember were ice to freeze the money in place and then for another scenario, fire to stop the thief from getting away with the money. The dream then skipped to me getting the assignment back and there were crosses everywhere. I was really embarrassed with the result but then discovered that the teacher made corrections with red erasable pen, so I rubbed all his corrections out. I don't remember what else happened in this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      EXTRA NOTE - Trophy Adjustment/s
      After reassessing some of the dream trophies, I don't think I'd be able to simulate the dream environment required with my current abilities, so I'm making some changes to the dream trophies so they are somewhat achievable, starting from future dreams.

      Snowed In - Use your Ice abilities in 1 dream
      A Sprig Of Time - Have Mrs O'N use her Earth abilities in 1 dream
      Sparkie - Have EG use her Electric abilities in 1 dream
      Burnt To A Crisp - Have LB use her Fire abilities in 1 dream
      The Ice Age - Use your ice abilities in 3 dreams
      The Hills Are Alive! - Have Mrs O'N use her Earth abilities in 3 dreams
      Power Surge - Have EG use her Electric abilities in 3 dreams
      Black Friday - Have LB use her Fire abilities in 3 dreams

      Snowed In - Use your Ice abilities in 1 dream
      A Sprig Of Time - Use your Earth abilities in 1 dream
      Sparkie - Use your Electric abilities in 1 dream
      Burnt To A Crisp - Use your Fire abilities in 1 dream
      The Ice Age - Use your ice abilities in 3 dreams
      The Hills Are Alive! - Use your Earth abilities in 3 dreams
      Power Surge - Use your Electric abilities in 3 dreams
      Black Friday - Use your Fire abilities in 3 dreams

      Updated 09-17-2017 at 07:24 AM by 93119 (Heading for 164 A was not bold.)

    8. Soul Stealer; Me-Mow-Rue where are you?

      by , 07-29-2017 at 03:27 AM (Dream)
      Side Notes (Side Notes)
      Soul Stealer

      Maggie fell ill at Alexandria mysteriously, me and some other people went on a trip.
      I remember there was something about dark clouds, red sky and lightning.
      When we got back someone asked "How's Maggie?"
      A tall guy looked at Glenn and told him "You did it your self?" out of curiousity. Glenn was looking down at the ground.
      A black woman who looks like Mammy Two Shoes from Tom and Jerry comes out and stabs herself.
      People looked on in confusion, why would she do that?
      She became a ghost and went down to where Maggie was and stole Maggie's soul, Maggie did try to go back to her body
      but it was difficult.
      Her body was declared dead.

      Me-Mow-Rue where are you?

      I was at School at some kind of party, I don't remember much about the party.
      Later, my Website Design Teacher (He shows up alot in my dreams, weird) told us we have to move to a computer lab.
      We're at a computer lab and apparently we were taking the 'MCAs', the MCA had weird questions like:
      what is your favorite FFXV games?
      We had to watch a video that would help us answer these questions.
      Timeskip: I was talking to Adnan, I asked him "Did you go to the party?"
      Adnan replied "In the afternoon."
      I said "I went in the morning and oh dude, did you take the MCAs today yet?"
      He started to complain about the MCAs
      Timeskip: Somehow my cat was at the school, I looked everywhere and couldn't find him.
      I went to Paulson's room because I know Adnan has a class there (in the dream Paulson's class was where my American History
      B class was) but there was only three people, Adnan's not there.
      Class is about to start but I can skip it, it's the final hour and I have to find my cat.
      I goto the Help Center and I get a brown haired lady to help me, I tell her to call all the security and say
      "If you see an Orange and White Maine Coon Cat, make sure to put him in a secure area where he can't go outside."
      She said "Oh with the T thing."
      I noticed a map of the school and push one of the buttons, I am teleported to G_____ Club.
      Meanwhile, the brown haired lady added me to the G_____ Club since I was there.
      Back to me, there were these girls and this one girl told me that the buses are here and we're going somewhere.
      I told them "I can't do this right now, sorry, maybe next time."
      I goto the main office and am worried about Rupert, I look at the ground and there he is laying down.
      Timeskip: I am in a car, Me-Mow-Rue is in the back seat.
      The windows are down and I try to make sure the windows are at a certain height so he can't jump out of the car.

      I have to worry about my cat getting outside so much it's starting to get into my dreams, more school dreams, more walking dead dreams, I will figure something out eventually.
      July 28th, 2017
    9. "Welcome to Hell"

      by , 07-25-2017 at 03:48 AM (Dream)
      Side Notes (Side Notes)
      "Welcome to Hell"
      I was at school on the sidewalk, there was a bus in front of us.
      I believe I went on it for a short while but got off. It looks like a death trap, Lexi got on, I could've warned her.
      A guy gets on and he has a stereotypical surfer voice and says "Wow! Cool!"
      The Bus Driver then closes the door, the bus starts to float in midair and he says "Welcome to hell." (?)
      The Bus starts to squish itself and it's inhabitants. There's nothing left, it went into nothingness.
      I think 'Father...' (I guess in my dream the bus driver was my father.)
      Later in the dream, i'm standing at the end of the side walk. I can catch my bus, it is okay.
      'Not my bus, Not my bus' I think. I wave to a bus.
      All of the buses passed, a blonde haired lady appears (looks like Mrs.R) tells me "Your bus was in the back with
      the handicapped buses."
      She helps me find my bus, we end up by stairs by a place that looks like the Lower Gymnasium at my school.
      There is this Black Kid who is exactly my height, he's naked.
      I ask "How old are you?"
      He tells me he is 9 and a half.


      The Fire Nation is in the dream and there was a Giant Dude. (?)
      Those were the only dreams I could remember from last night, it's crazy how 90% of my dreams are about School yet I can't recognize that as a dream sign. I think I had a False Awakening last night so i'll put that down in the Global Category.
      July 24th, 2017
    10. 2nd Unintentional DILD!

      by , 07-19-2017 at 09:34 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      The dream leading up to this was about how one of the science teachers would stick their students or even their assistants inside of a glass box I would like to dub a the "Death Chamber" to, obviously, suffocate to death. BTW if anybody gets that reference you deserve a cyber cookie. I was thrown into the Death Chamber when suddenly it malfunctioned. I open the door they threw my in from and exit into this totally unassuming room.

      I think it was an orange room with an elevator, mini sofas, and long windows. It was also on the second floor (Even though my school only has one floor). Then I start to get a strange feeling in my stomach, when I try to shrug it off, the DCs in the room say something akin to "You know nothing." I say "Don't play coy." in response and they respond like "Aw man, I thought we had em'."

      I didn't know it was a dream until I jump out from the window (Attempting to jump onto a tree). But instead of falling, I float. Upwards. Then and there do I realize I'm dreaming. And I try to fly intentionally.

      I flew by swimming in the air, even though I never swam in real life. So I was just flailing my arms and legs below me and hoping for the best. I also tried to fly by pointing at a specific destination and letting my body just float over there. No I cold see why everybody enjoys flying so much. I flew above a crowd of kids just to show off.

      I was floating on my way to this park area with a big towering...thing in the middle of it. I try to weird out this one guy on the way over there by grabbing his attention and flying about. He was an overweight policeman/mail carrier with a blue uniform and khakis.

      Anyway, I make it to this park-type area. Everybody's wearing white, the tables are white, I'm not sure but I think I even saw white flowers, and all my teachers where there. I also try fly-swimming my way around them. A few of them pay attention, a few of them don't, and some even try to talk to me. I didn't care what any of them had to say so I didn't remember much.

      Here's where it gets fuzzy.

      I go into my parents house randomly (My lucidity well intact) and try to convince them it's a dream. Yep. I try flying around them and my dad is like "Welp. Looks like we're dreaming.", but he isn't fully convinced. I remember to do an RC (Because I remembered if I interacted with DCs too long I'd eventually lose my lucidity) and plug my nose to breathe through it. A gust of wind blows through them and I feel extra giddy. I tell my dad to do the same, then the dream ended.


      1. I remembered all the things to do to not lose lucidity. It actually surprised me how much information I remembered, maybe since I spent several years in and out on the whole thing.

      2. I seemed to have a poor sense of vision or spatial awareness in the dream. Everything looked so "dreamlike" with colors swirling about, things that shouldn't even be there, and bloom effects. I didn't even try to explore any of the senses like touch, taste, or smell.

      3. I also remembered that I had a sort of tine limit in the dream, so I was trying to make everything as snappy as possible.
    11. Car stuck on the roof

      by , 07-13-2017 at 05:59 PM
      I'm at school and my teacher instructs us to play charades with chalk at a blackboard. I'm with two other guys, Jannik and Mikkel. After class we go out and get into a car. I'm sitting at the driver seat and Jannik is at the passenger seat. I ask Mikkel which classes we're skipping and he tells me that it's math. I think about how disappointed my teacher will be, but I can't just leave now, when my friends expect me to drive. Later we're in the car on the roof of a really tall, white building. We try to find a way down, by driving the car around, but can't get the car down.
      Tags: driving, school
    12. To Catch a Frieza

      by , 07-09-2017 at 02:48 PM (Dream)
      Side Notes (Side Notes)
      To Catch a Frieza
      My friend was driving a car, we were playing a 'Telltale' game in real life.
      At first as we are driving the game said to find these certain trucks and cars, buildings, etc. with certain names
      and logos on them. It will lead us to Frieza and we can fight him.
      We continued driving but...There were cones blocking the straight path, a LED screen pointed Left or Right.
      My friend turned left, there was another LED screen ahead he was going to turn Left but I said "Right!"
      It's fair to take turns. So we turned right, I realized we were going on the Highway.
      I said "Can't we just turn back?"
      We got out of the car, we were now either Racoons or Foxes.
      We waited for cars to pass and we ran across the street, there was a garbage bag.
      We tore the bag open, I was disgusted but there could be some here we could use.
      I found 'The Rock' toy, I clicked the button on his stomach and a girly voice came out of the microphone.
      I looked a little down the small hill and saw a person, didn't bother even calling for help from him/her.
      I threw the Rock toy at him and I looked in the bag again. I found this Red flaming toy with yellow hair,
      I remember
      that I had this toy as a kid-

      BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. My alarm went off, bummer. I just got lucid, I even thought I had the toy in real life, in the dream and knew I was dreaming at that second.
      Zombies and School
      I watched some Shaun of the Dead before bed also this dream was before the Frieza one.
      I was at school in a room with my Sister Cassie and a few other people.
      The school was full of Zombies, (lots of conversations I cannot remember).
      "Damage/Shoot them in the head." I said, my Sister nodded in confirmation.


      I was in my Old room at my Old house, it was dark out the Television was on.
      I remembered being startled by something.

      Just typing earlier today because I have to do stuff later and won't be able to upload this today. I'm getting really close to Lucid Dreaming, I can feel it.
      July 9th, 2017
    13. Hacker

      by , 07-09-2017 at 03:49 AM (Dream)
      Side Notes (Side Notes)
      I was in the car with my Father, I was in the seat behind him. There was this spooky school bus that we heard about.
      We passed by it, I took a picture of it and my Dad drove off.
      I accidentally took a picture of the building: "_ Police Department"
      I try to turn off my tablet but a black screen pops up and says "Hello_"
      Another screen popped up and said:
      "I am a shotgun master" with a lot of other words I forgot. I exited the screen quickly as I was scared.
      The screen popped back up with words I couldn't read, there was selected responses I can pick for questions he asked.
      I responded with "Don't Know"
      The 'hacker' asks more questions which I responded to.

      Another School Dream

      I am at school in a classroom, people are mad at me because I made this schedule that they do not like.
      This girl with her hijab was the most mad at me.
      Teacher comes in and I think 'The class can always work together to make their own schedule...'
      -Time Skip-
      We just came back from another room, I look at my desk and see my water bottle isn't there!
      I head back towards the door and see, Stephen with my water bottle in hand.
      I thank him and I noticed there was another Stephen sitting down already and the one who handed me the water bottle was still standing.
      I didn't think it was a big deal.
      -Time Skip-
      In some big room that looks kinda like a boiler room, there was a girl in a wheelchair that had to use the bathroom. (I know the girl in real life but I know two girl's in a wheelchair and don't know which one it was.)
      She gets put into a bathroom by getting picked up by a teacher. I talk to two other kids one dude and a girl with black hair (?). We all have to pee so we use the urinals.

      Another Zombie Dream

      It was the zombie apocalypse, I was walking and there was two paths I could choose.
      I picked the left one. I was by a highway.
      I believe I met some girl who asked me questions and there was a few-not many zombies in the dream.

      More school dreams and zombie dreams...great. I am going to set my alarm clock at 8 AM because I always wake up at 10 AM. Also having Acid Reflux right now, so I am trying to write this fast as possible.
      July 8th, 2017
    14. School Dreams Again

      by , 07-09-2017 at 01:37 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 8:00 AM

      Woke up at: 5:00 PM

      I was in a place that resembled the Early College I have in my town (I THOUGHT is was the early college but it looked completely different). The sky was overcast, and everything looked like it was tinted a very light shade of blue. There were outside hallways and hallways that connected to each other outside. There was a grassy area below those elevated pathways and I was there.

      There was an event going on and I was headed to the gymnasium. I ran through hallways both outside and inside heading towards the gym. Apparently the band was about to preform at the early college, so all the band members from both schools were brought to play at the event.

      I found one of my friends from the early college. But the thing is he looked like he was below the platform I was standing on. Like, imagine bleachers, but downwards. So (According to dream logic) I jumped down. The floor was littered with junk and papers, the band members sat on DESKS, and only a small portion of the band was there. I tried talking to my friend but the dream faded out before I could.
      Tags: band, friend, school
    15. Dream - Twisted School

      by , 07-07-2017 at 02:00 PM
      Date of Dream: SUN 2 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 145 - Twisted School

      The dream started off normally with Ms. Gal. taking choir in the music rooms. It was soon that I noticed things were becoming slightly off and I was wondering why WB wasn't showing up to choir. I excused myself and asked to go outside, promising that I would be back before the end of lunch. I quickly and quietly headed over to the year 9 bathrooms, hoping that Mr. B wouldn't catch me. When I was in the bathrooms, I saw that all the toilets were flooded and stuffed full of toilet paper. I eventually found one that I could use.

      When I was back outside, there were these two angry teachers waiting for me and one of them was Ms. L. Both the teachers were yelling at me about something in regards to WB, the fact that I'm always looking for her. Once the teachers were done and they went, I looked at my watch and saw that the time was 1:20 PM, so I decided to head back to choir before lunch would end in approximately 10 minutes. When I came into the choir room, I saw all these girls with red faces, like they had just been crying and some of them were actually crying at the scene. I decided I couldn't stay there, I had to leave straight away.

      On addition to fleeing the choir rooms, I was calling for WB in extreme panic but there was absolutely no response from the dream environment. JM comes up and approaches me, looking really bad and threatening to kill me with a pair of red scissors she's holding. Even after the scissors are threatened at me, there is no response from the dream for WB to come and assist me, so I turn my attention to calling for my “guards”. I say something like “get the truck over here and handle these bullies!”... There was no response from the teddy bears either. JM was still after me and so I'm looking through this barrier, over to the oval. She comes behind me and tells me there's no escape. Then I approach this weirdly placed wire door and from it suddenly drops an absolutely creepy Super Mario Logan puppet which causes me to wake up in a sweat.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - Mini Heart Attack (Wake up from a nightmare 1 time)

      Updated 07-11-2017 at 11:40 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , nightmare
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