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    1. Some Vivid Nonlucids - September 5

      , 09-05-2018 at 06:23 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 5 2018

      I'm in the front yard of my childhood home. It's dark out, a long while before dawn. My parents are there (we're all sitting on ice chests or plastic/yard chairs, I can't remember seeing them) and we're preparing for a party or get-together of some kind. The song "Sweet Child of Mine" is playing, and for some reason I have to learn the solo (I know it vaguely from playing it IWL in high school). This could be from the fact that my parents always wanted me to play guitar at family gatherings and I always hated it. I wrote down something like "just...play it" in my DJ but don't remember the significance. For some reason my high school girlfriend who I dated for like 3 weeks was going to be there, and I remember her name in loopy script. Can't remember if I wrote it or someone else did.

      Very vague dream fragment in a restaurant. After that, a vivid dream where I'm on the patio/balcony of my current apartment. I had a "profound sense of acceptance" to quote my DJ.

      I woke up around 5am into pretty good paralysis and decided to try a quick WILD attempt (my fiance gets up at 5:30am). Unfortunately my dog got up, flapped his ears loudly, and sat right on my arms/chest, which pulled me out if it. I lay awake for the remaining time and let my fiance sleep, but I heard some weird soft sighing. At first I thought it was her, but as she was leaving I brought it up and she said she heard it too. The only rational explanation is that it was our dog, but it sounded like a human female...

      I walked the dog and looked at the stars, pushing my alarm back a little and resolving to get lucid.

      In my next dream, I'm on a computer and for some reason I have to download a set of 128 bit pixel smileys. They're coming from a website called Jered/Jerek's World, or Site. The smileys are crude in an "early internet" kind of way. One of them was a picture of exaggerated red lips, another is more orange and is laughing, and my fiance laughs at them. I open up the windows search bar and paste what I had, into the search. It pastes the words "Jerek's World", and as I read the words in my head, the desktop background starts alternating between some tiled images, one tan one saying Jerek/Jered's Site and another grey one saying "Jerek's Billion Dollar Software Company". They transitioned in horizontal and vertical screen wipes.

      Next, I'm in a long kitchen stretching out maybe 10 feet to the left and 20 to the right. I'm not aware of anything behind me, but I understand that in front of me past an archway is the living room. I'm standing at the sink, looking for something or someone. Possibly my fiance is there. I was just walking around with a Brita pitcher, and now I see that there's a second, rounder one on the counter. I try to find the lid for it and I see it's in the sink, but the inside of it is covered with a greasy layer of spaghetti sauce.

      In my next dream, my boss's boss is giving advice on business lunches, i.e. where to take clients. She suggests some other restaurant, but her favorite is the hotel restaurant. She hands it over to a younger guy who looks annoyed and seems to be a drier, more monotone version of a WL coworker. The room is tinged with blue lighting. He hands out a textbook. We're going to go on a business lunch with him, which he's not pleased about. I pull my phone out and subtly try to voice-record him, but no such luck. I end up taking notes on paper and draw a vivid picture of lips (was one of the smileys). I think at this point I was trying to record my dreams in-dream! Should capitalize on this. I woke with slight headache.

      *Note: Analyzing my dreamsigns from the entries I've posted on DV, I think I can safely say my strongest ones are a) childhood home b) fiance c) family members. Hopefully I can add trying to dream journal as a new one, we'll see if it keeps manifesting.
    2. Messed up night

      by , 11-22-2017 at 03:15 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      This night was pretty weird, all my dreams were nightmares or were really weird. Mom also told me she had weird dreams.

      In a dream, I was in a house full of violent hobos who beat eachother and screamed, it was madness, and for some reason they made pizza.
      In another dream I was saving a cat from the ruins of a three leveled house, from the crumbles of the rooftop , I came back to this place , morphed into a puma or some kind of wildcat and jumped up to the highest level with ease.
      Tags: weird
      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    3. The Dare (music)

      by , 11-07-2017 at 11:26 PM
      I don't remember much about this dream. I just remember that I was outside of building along a coastline. It was the hour of Twilight and music began to play in the background. This girl sang along with it. She sang "Do you have what it takes to kill me?" over and over again. She was daring me to kill her or at the very least, daring me to try. I never figured out who this girl was or what her deal was.

      Here's the music I heard. It's not the greatest, I just kinda threw it together: https://soundcloud.com/ghostchild191/untitled
      Tags: weird
    4. Unknown Pt 3

      by , 08-25-2017 at 04:34 PM
      This is a weird dream. This was one that's stuck with me a while and still makes me wonder about my mind at times.

      I am taking calls on an airplane. On one of my calls, no one is talking. On the screen different messages start scrolling and threatening me. I'm freaking out. Our managers are trying to figure it out. In the meantime, I've decided I'm getting outta there. For a moment we're on the ground and I'm with Estrella.

      She's good, just upset because she's having a hard time getting out of the ditch were apparently stuck in. I offer to give her a ride out and she insists she's fine. I remember the thing that was threatening me starts it again and I remember I'm in danger. He tells me I can't escape him.

      I have this feeling of being trapped by him well past this moment. I remember the screen telling me my name over and over again. I'm scared. I remember going to find my grandma (the fuck is she gonna do?!) and she's laying on a couch and I remember coming up behind her and leaning down to hug and play with her hair.

      I lost some part in the middle I think. I get these little flashes of being scared. This guy is like stalking me and threatening my life and I can't get away. I can't remember what happened though. All through the rest of the dream I'm remembering that this man is stalking me and closing in.

      Except I've gotta put being stalked on hold because I have a wedding to go to . Rachel is getting married to Cody. On an airplane. The same airplane that is still being hijacked by this weird computer man thing. Romantic? I dunno, maybe. This is why I'm not a wedding planner. Apparently it's taking over and replacing the planes router... I have no idea because I'm just trying to get to Rachel's wedding. I remember being in a hall, and Rachel is married sitting with her husband watching a reception. It's like a school presentation. I'm about to give my presentation for them and I'm not even dressed.

      Becca and I sneak into the room; we get to the chairs and I grab my dress and I like run to the changing room. I'm freaking out because I can feel the plane rolling and tipping with whoever is hijackijg the plane. I remember sitting on the floor looking at a 3D map and the plane is circling Florida. The pilot, a woman (for some reason this is very relevant during the dream), is trying to counter the attack. I almost feel like I was attacked away from the plane, pre-dream, and now the attacker has followed me. Lots of flashes back to him but can't think of why. Like he's got me and he's slowly closing in.

      The Miz is up to give his speech (don't ask) and his music plays. I turn to leave the bathroom of the plane; the door opens and Rachel is there. She's in a like sapphire blue dress, having changed out of her wedding dress. I remember being really sad I missed seeing her ceremony.

      But we both grin as I see her and I engulf her in a huge hug. I remember we both get teary eyed and start crying. I remember saying I'm so happy for her and she pulls back and tells me "He's a good fit for me. He fits me so well. I look in the mirror and I love that it's Mrs Alexander looking back".

      Who the fuck this Mr Alexander guy is and where he came from is a mystery, because her boyfriend/husband's last name is certainly not Alexander. But I remember people are watching us from afar, and I'm really proud the bride is this happy to see me, and I tell her that I set up the hijacking of the plane so she'd get refunds on her tickets, which is my wedding gift to her.

      I wake up wondering the fuck is wrong with me.
    5. Unknown Pt 2

      by , 08-25-2017 at 04:26 PM
      This is another dream I saved. Unknown date, but another memorable one for me. I write fanfiction and this was one where I was my actual FF character, not myself.

      My friend was the daughter of my favorite wrestler, Jon Moxley. Jon was taking us out to see Las Vegas, and he was being really nice to me because apparently I was homesick. My friend 'Gabby' was mad because she thought he liked me more than her. He explained "No, she just doesn't have anyone to love her like i love you."

      So he had to go to the stadium for his match, and we had to get a ride with Brock Lesnar. He had a pickup truck and he had all these other wrestlers in the cab and so he let us sit in the bed of the truck. We turned on 'Me Too' by Meghan Trainor and he started singing and dancing with us (which, if you know Brock Lesnar, looked pretty ridiculous). He took us to Subway (which doubled as a tattoo studio) and Gabby wanted a violin tattoo. The kid didn't know what a violin was so he offered to make her a sandwich instead. I was trying to get my new tattoo and i forgot the word 'dog' and was trying to explain to him i wanted my dogs paw print and I never got it because I couldn't explain what I wanted.
    6. 8/24/2017

      by , 08-25-2017 at 01:38 PM
      I actually had two dreams, one from my nap, and then one overnight. Both of them were extremely strange to me, and I've been dying to write them down. From my nap, my dreams were completely built around the TV show in the background. That's never happened to me before. Usually I dream of things I watched before, but I guess I wasn't in a deep enough sleep and the narrative from the show came through. My mind placed things around it and it turned out super odd. My overnight dream was just weird in general.


      My boyfriend and I were getting together with some of his friends to watch some documentaries. I don't remember this one exactly, but I get the feeling it was about Alaska, glaciers, polar bears... things like that. We were in a hotel room with a huge dining table, with your choice of either fish or chicken to eat. The platters of food were odd: oval plates with the slices of meat stacked directly up, held together with a single stake. On the tops of the stakes were the heads of the animals the food came from.

      I was super grossed out (as I feel I should have been), so one of his friends came up and took the heads for himself to eat (ew). I circled the table and piled some pieces onto my plate, and then sat down across from my boyfriend. I don't recall much else from this scene except eating the food and taking another piece from the plate before decided abruptly we had to leave.

      We gather our things - including our basket of laundry - and head down the hall to the laundromat, which turns out to be our old apartment. The left of the living room is lined with washers and dryers, and a check out area to buy detergent and things. The right still has my couch and TV. There's a bunch of people gathered doing loads, and I find one. My mom, dad, and mother in law are there, and my boyfriend disappears for the rest of the dream.

      I'm piling clothes into the washer when I realize I didn't bring detergent, and I didn't bring my wallet to buy any. My mom, in line, hears me complaining, and offers to just do my laundry for me. I accept immediately and then head to the couch to drop down and watch TV.

      This is where the TV show I was watching really kicks in. I pull up youtube on my TV, and start watching videos. The audio of them comes from the show I fell asleep to (mysteries at the museum on the travel channel), and the videos I'm watching in my dream are of my friends.

      There were a few, some having to do with bees (I think), but the one I remember most is one about tornadoes. It stars one of my friends I don't talk to anymore, and the dream is taken up by the picture my mind comes up with for the audio. My friend is running around with his camera and taking videos of tornadoes. After a good chunk of my dream following this, the narrative voice comes over and says, "this was the first time all stages of a tornado were caught on camera".

      I remember thinking to myself how uncanny it was that it was MY friend that had done something so historic, and that stuck with me for the rest of my dream. I watched more videos like this, but don't really remember them as I woke up suddenly, cutting off the end of my dream. The last thing I remember is sitting on the couch with my mom, trying to coax my cat in from the balcony.


      I'm driving to work, and I'm running super late. I'm coming from a different direction for some reason and I note how weird it is that there are hardly any cars on the road. I remember seeing a VW bus tow truck type thing (like, the front was a bus, the back was a flatbed tow truck thing), and for some reason it struck me as really, really odd. Couldn't figure out why, but I pulled out after it and followed it up towards my work. As I got closer, though, things got bad pretty fast.

      ***Graphic warning, may upset some readers. Proceed with caution***
      There were dozens upon dozens of dead wolves littering the street. I'm talking the bodies were so great in number I couldn't maneuver around them on a 3 lane street. They were all decapitated, their heads scattered around them farther. Apparently it had been a massacre and the city police was trying to get a handle on it, but failing miserably. I had to try and drive around them, and get to work.
      ***End Graphic Warning***

      When I pulled into my work parking lot, I got a really bad feeling. Like, if I got out of the car, I was going to die. I had this feeling that the person that had attacked the animals was on the loose, and was still on the hunt for more. Obviously I had to still go to work, so I waited until someone else was going too, and I ran in the door after them so my chances of being killed in the parking lot was slightly lessened.

      Once inside, it was the old mall that I always dream of. I was trying to find my work, and I was having a really hard time finding the store. I was trying to remember the layout from previous dreams (which, in my mind, were just the days before) and I couldn't find the building.

      I wandered around a lot; I followed an indoor mine that's part of my dream world. I came out on the other side, and still hadn't found my job. It should have been right beside it, but it wasn't. I was thoroughly confused, and decided to leave and figure it out the next day.

      As I left, I ended up at my friend Leta's house. I don't remember why, as she's not someone I would regularly hang out with, but I remember I was excited I got to see her dog. Her house was my house; I was sitting in my living room, scratching her dogs tummy, when we saw fire on the hills outside.

      In my head, I knew it was the same man from earlier, out for murder. I told Leta we had to leave, and we gathered a few other people with us in the neighborhood and tried to leave fast. The police thought we looked suspicious, however, and we were taken into custody. We were forced to sit in the back of a truck and wait to be interrogated. They didn't care we had alibis, we were guilty in their eyes.

      I remember my hands were bound with a ziptie behind my back, and I was led into a principal's office-type interrogation room. The officer stood behind his desk, and while he was interrogating me, my attention went out the window. It was like a room that was half underground, and the window looked both above ground and underneath it. by the window was a set of stairs, and underneath them it was a hollow hiding space. [

      A little boy came running around the corner and dove into the hiding spot. He motioned for me not to say anything, but I was worried about his safety. When the officer chasing him looked in my window, I pointed under the stairs. The officer interviewing me rushed outside to help; the little boy was furious with me.

      As I watched the altercation, one of the women I'd run from the neighborhood with showed up and cut me free, telling me to run. I didn't second guess her, and we took off.

      I woke up from my alarm at this point and then fell asleep again. This dream is really choppy.

      I came into my dream running up a main road, looking for my car. My boyfriend was with me; we were late for an event and really had to go. As we ran up into a parking lot of the apartments we'd been looking at moving to, I remember thinking how glad I was we didn't go there. I was noting the lack of windows when my boyfriend spotted my car.

      It was parked between a floor-level apartment and a woman's SUV. Apparently, it turned out the apartment was mine. It was minuscule and only had a single window well for light, which the woman parked next to us remarked, "oh, you're lucky! You get sunlight!".

      We got into my car and drove off. The dream breaks up, and when I come back, I'm in my old dorm room. Becca's there with me having a panic attack. The helicopter she was in had spun out and crashed and she was panicking.

      I was trying to soothe her; we were in the same room, but texting. She told me, "I just kept going around, and around... and I crashed..." she mimed the action with a toy helicopter she'd bought. She was talking like she was far away, and I was trying to bring her back.

      I told her, "you're alright though. You survived and now you're better than ever!". As I was waking up, the text she sent back was, "I don't need to be patronized. I just had a really traumatic experience and I don't need you criticizing me. I'll talk to you later, I need some space". I was super confused and I was aware I was waking up, so I was trying to type fast and explain I hadn't mean to do that to her, but I woke up before I could let her know.
    7. weird crap

      by , 08-15-2017 at 11:20 PM
      1st dream - Starts as a flash back, It shows me in a abandoned cellar. There are two Other people the only person I do remember Is a girl from my school, lets call her M. Next scene M is at my house and my whole family welcomes her and the first person to do that is my sister than dad and mom. Now we are inside my parents master bedroom we start watching TV while eating cereal, she says "Why did you invite me her for?" I wanted to ask her if she LDs but I was to scared So I just make up an excuse and we start talking over TV. Later that day she leaves so I decided to watch YouTube somehow I come across a certain channel with 60,000 subscribers. I go to a video called "dreams" and M pops up on the screen talks about her many dreams and why she loves them. Next video is nightmares. (now at school we say many perverted jokes together so this the fourth video makes since) the 3rd video I don't remember and the fourth video was titled "boobs" . Also it was a ft. of someone else. After a while I get off YouTube, And get on google, and search how to be become lucid, but woke up. Which completely sucks.
      (can someone tell me if searching something like that is a good sign to being close to LDing)
      2nd dream - first of all I am a different person, I am in a war. One day I find a red hole that I can't look inside of. Then I have another flash back to another cellar which in there I murder someone. Now out of the flashback, I look at the red hole and jump in. The hole is a living thing I see its organs and blood and the only part I can be is this long stretch. I start walking I find someone else walking inside. It's the person I murdered. HE notices me and says hi like me trying to kill him didn't happen I'm extremely weirded out and say "I'm leaving" (could have become lucid right then and there but I'm not an experienced LDer so I didn't reality check) he says "don't" but Ignore him, Once I am climbing I look down, him "don't go" me "why" and I hear a sound and look up a white sand storm is heading my way "cause of that" me "ok... I'll stay" later we exit "man that was a fast storm", and head to my house.
      3rd dream - fragment - I am in shadow of mordor again for the 3rd time (dream sign?) I go to this captain to kill him since he wouldn't be useful to brand, and he says "branding so many uruks has caused a glitch" I saw the glitch In the dream, but I don't remember what it was, but it was cool and I say "heh than I might as well brand more" end of dream fragment.
    8. Security at OPC and HOI, back gate, almost squished, strange cat

      by , 06-13-2017 at 07:09 PM
      08-11-2016 -- Didn't feel like writing this down, so am typing directly, at the end of the night, so bits may have been forgotten. Dream started with me working a security post that felt pretty much like an OPC site, but the dream started right when I was about finished with my shift. Unfortunately, or perhaps otherwise, I was then supposed to move right on to a shift at HOI, except that instead of being in the showroom, I am working a security shift at the employee gate, out back.

      I am walked in to meet the person I am relieving, and somehow have to explain why I haven't written out a security report for the evening, instead of the person I am relieving having one for me. The guy seems to very quickly change from a guard to one of the mechanics, and is kind of walking me around the property, while I explain that I've actually worked here before, just not concentrating on this area. I explain about having to go out at about six in the morning and unlocking the gate so it is ready for the employees, at least a few times in the past.

      I should have jotted notes down right when I woke up, because most of the dream has faded now. I know after a bit of walking around, a female employee gives me some kind of drink. Something that may be somewhat alcoholic, and I find it also has some pills in it. I don't know what they are, but am not interested in taking any sort of pills, so I am avoiding drinking it. There is also a place where somebody is backing up a truck, and I am trying to get out of the way, but I can't move fast enough, and the truck is getting closer and closer, and I look like I am about to get squished, until someone else gets the driver's attention and gets him to stop.

      At another point, I am looking out the gate, at the fence next to the I-5, where there is a cat chasing balls or something, and it's kind of cute and kind of fun, but nothing too terribly special. There's also a bit where I am thinking to myself that I ought to put in another application to work directly with them again, and use Ray Beshoff as a reference, and maybe this time not bring in my computer until the staff has left for the evening again, to avoid any problems. There were more bits, but I can no longer remember them, so this will have to do. Idiot!
    9. Dentist much?

      by , 03-22-2017 at 08:25 PM
      I had this dream that I was racing to the dentist office to get there on time. 9 or 10 am.
      When I got there, there was a whole bunch of people waiting as well. I was shocked at how many.

      My mom and son were in the dream somewhere doing something- like maybe my mom was watching him? I can't remember.

      I sat down and when the dentist came in he called a lot of people to the back. I was curious as to why so many were called back all at once. Like maybe 10 mins later I was called back and there was all the people he called sitting in dentist chairs in 2 rows facing each other.

      I sat in the first chair on the left.
      The dentist was working on the lady next to me.
      When he was done he asked everyone "who's next?"
      Then He turned to me and said that I was right next to him so he's going to work on me, I said the other ladies were sitting before me and he said something like it doesn't matter. So I assumed we all had the same appoinment time.

      He was going to clean my teeth but I told him I was only there for cavities. Then I thought it was weird I'd have him work on uncleaned teeth but I only had a cavity appointment. Everyone else was there for a cleaning, I don't know how I knew that but I did.
      I told him I havent been to the dentist in a long time, I said that I bet I had like 10 cavities since I didn't go to the dentist regularly.

      He looked at my teeth, counted my cavities . There was 7 or 8 on bottom and 3 or 4 on top. He laughed and he said I was right there was 10.

      He then went to fill them. There was a blue light he used to have the cavities dry, he pointed it in my mouth. He then used a brush and got the white cavity fillers ( like if you were putting on acrylic nails ).
      He placed the fillers on the cavities and a lot of them were in the middle of my teeth, in front, behind my teeth.

      It was a quick thing- filling 10 cavities and I remember thinking that.

      I was done, he told me to go to the front.
      I paid and then left.

      Then I woke up.
    10. "Dark Souls", Psycho Pac-Man Game

      by , 03-17-2017 at 05:33 PM (My Attempts to Lucid)
      I dreamt that I was in a fake version of Dark Souls, (It was called that in the dream, I had never played the game before) and I was a game character. Then we were suddenly in the Pac-Man game trying to stop psycho spinning Pac-Mans. It was very weird.

      This dream in emojis:
    11. My first lucid dream I remember

      by , 03-13-2017 at 09:52 AM
      My first lucid dream I remember was weird.
      I was 4-7 years old.While I was walking with my mother, she met a friend of her and stopped to talk with her.
      There was a tiger near us but nobody was frightened. I realized that I was dreamming and asked the tiger to eat me to prove my mum that I am dreamming . My mum didn't pay attention and it seemed like nobody cares about that the tiger is eating me . As the tiger was eating me I woke up .
    12. Splendid Comp. Night 10 - 2 Lucids not too long but fun/interesting experience

      by , 01-23-2017 at 12:12 PM
      Monday again and again i could sleep in after K. has to go to work. this time i tried lying on my back to increase chances because lets be honest my performance is pretty much a shame this comp. so yea here the lucid parts:

      -i seem to be in a mix of climbing room and class room. one or two people climb on this very small, maybe 3 meters high, climbing wall. there is one dude that seem to be crazy. he climbs and jumps around like a lizard. i watch him and it seems odd but fair enough people are strange.
      there is an instructor that starts talking something but stops in the middle and just leaves the room. all students or what stand there with no clue. i run after the instructor and feel angry. he is fast and we move thru several rooms. i tell him how stupid he is and that he just cant leave like this. he can instruct us fully and then leave because then we can practice but like this everybody is just standing around. i start noticing that i am at my old school in the aula and i pass a girl that i didnt see for years but i seem to know her. she smiles and i smile back. we only have eye contact for a second.
      this makes me lucid. i confirm it with a nosepinch and move on. the fact that i saw someone that i didnt saw for years in waking life sparkles my interest. i say out loud that i want to see Daniel from way earlier when i lived in a different city and went to kindergarten or elementary school. i cant even remember how he looked in waking life but i look into a specific corner and there are two guys. they turn and look at me and we both start smiling like you are really happy to see someone from your old past. i approach them and he seems familiar even tho i already in dream know that i cant confirm his look. he looks older than i remember him. maybe 15-20? we dont talk and i urge myself to not get lost in senseless semilucid stuff.
      so i turn around and continue. i remember the weekly task but that seems to much now. i remember totms to make points. the first one i remember is basic I: find a present under a christmastree.
      i turn around and i am pretty sure that a little down the hall there will be such a tree. i look thru some glass doors and already spot something that might be the tree. i start running to it and start running way faster than in waking possible but i feel like still not fast enough so i stop and try to zoom in like gab described. i try to focus the tree and see a detail more detailed i feel like the picture gets bigger and i get closer without moving. the tree is near now and i phase thru the last glass door without any effort at all or too much noticing it. it is a christmastree but i think a fake one made out of plastic. there is a table next to it and now i look for the present. there are two transparent boxes on the table that might be presents but one can see the content and it looks like something for the tree or something not interesting atleast. so i search the ground and look under the table. after some moments i notice one present and second later several more. they are flat and made out of folded napkins or something similar. i try to open one but i find more layers of napkins. after two or three i put it down and open another one. there i find money. i pick up the first again and try some more layers until i feel like i am in the middle. dont know if it is completely empty or there was a piece of plastic in it but nothing one could call a present. the picture gets black and i start rubbing my hands after noticing that i am not awake yet. a voice is talking to me and i try to think about a next good goal to continue the lucid. all i know i wake up
      shortly after i think because K. woke me to say bye (i had earplugs and a sleeping mask so i just turned on my side and had one nld)

      after a short wakening i turn back on my back and fall asleep pretty fast.
      -i wake up in the back of a car. i feel disoriented. the car parks on a traffic island. i feel that my head or my upper body lies pretty wide outside near the street so i crawl back inside. i feel that i have earplugs in and my sleeping mask on my head but not on my eyes. this seem to be the car of a friend F. i turn on some music or music is already playing but i turn it a little louder? there is a lot of stuff flying around in this car. because i feel so disoriented i think i took drugs the night before.
      i get a little nervous and i see in the backmirror that a cop is approaching the car. damnit. i remove the earplugs as good as i can but i have not only earplugs but some more small stuff in my hands. i feel thirsty. i look around and the cop is right at the drivers window. he knocks against the window and i open it and try to smile. he tells me to turn off the music and get out of the car. now that i removed the earplugs i feel like the music is pretty loud and i had the trunk open. maybe that brought the attention of the cop on me?
      i turn the music down and notice that it is hardmetal... stuff i dont even hear. damn it seem that i have taken drugs, this car might be full of them because its F.´s and i am parking on a traffic island... bad start for something like this. i get out of the car and really would love to drink something but i follow the cop away from my car. he tells me to stand on a line infront of him. i pass him and go to the point. i stop and ask him "here?" "no further right" i do a big step to the right "no not so far back to the left" i move back to the left. i turn around and face him and try to not move insecure and smile as sweet as i can. he shows me how i should walk the line. at the beginning it looks simple but he gets more and more strange and funny and in the end it has similarities to a robotdance. i need to smile because my optics change and his body looks a little distorted.
      suddenly the picture zooms out into the sky and back in and now i seem to be in the desert on a cliff. there is no cop anymore but i feel like i still have to do the line walk. i walk it and dance it and get lucid by it. the visuals change back and i am in a street again. the cop is still gone. i want to go back to my car and the that it is towed away right into an underground parking. i follow the car and i see a small checkpoint with something smiliar to a policeman inside. there is a line of cars waiting to get inside. i jump up, float over a car and dive into the next. in the millisecond i cant decide where exactly i want to be and i phase into the back or the trunk of the car and the perspective changes to 3rd person.
      wow nice i wanted to to this anyway. at the beginning i float over the car but i relax and manage to move into the parking lot/building without getting noticed. i pass a room where on the left side there are at least 5 cops that seem to be a little bit more hardcore than a meter made. i turn right and pass directly two more of them. i decide to want a body again and feel that i start walking again. i pass a woman that seem to restrict the entrance of the area. she looks at me but dont do anything. i think about how good it would be to be invisible but no can do... now it feels more like in prison. i stand infront of a thick door with no window. i try to phase or squeeze thru it but i seem to have a logjam. there are some guys around and one opens simply the door for me so i pass thru.
      now there is a dome out of glass and metal and here i can phase easily thru. the guy that opens the door follows me and is impressed "ah you are one of those guys" we walk over a thin metal pole over a river. there are a lot of cacti around. he says something like "look what a finish i can do" and he jumps into the water looking lame but without even one single droplet of water splash up. i get a little more awareness and remember my 3 step task. i want to unsummon something. i look around and see a hill full of cacti and rocks. behind there is blue sky with some clouds and sun. i wipe around at the top of the hill and want to make those cacti go so i can have a better look on the sky. it works like a charm and all thats left is the blank hill. even tho i dont move actively, just standing on the pole i notice that we move upstream. my next 3 step is mass tk. i point at some other cacti left of me and want to lift all at once. they start shaking and a lot of pollen seem to fly up but the cacti dont disroot. thats a shame. i feel like i cant concentrate appropriately because i am moving the whole time. i decide to go to the river and try again. i do a mixture of jumping, floating and shorty tying to leave my body/get 3rd person witch results in nothing but a fall into the water. i swim shortly
      but wake up after.
    13. My first and only lucid dream so far

      by , 12-14-2016 at 02:59 AM
      10 seconds long

      I was walking out of my grandmas house, and as I said goodbye I was like "wasn't I in bed?"
      I shrugged it off and continued walking
      Until I saw a child cat person thing riding down the road upside down on a tricycle 20 feet off the ground coming towards me.
      Ok that's when I was like "this doesn't just happen..."
      realizing it was a dream, I tried to take control but just ended up waking up. Sad.

      Updated 12-22-2016 at 05:57 AM by 92301

      Tags: weird
    14. Stopping this girl from marrying the wrong person?

      by , 12-03-2016 at 04:35 PM
      It started out at my local church, (which i thought was quite normal since I was there the night before) my friends were wearing suits and dresses confused I asked my friend what was going on, she told me it was Amy's wedding, however for some reason I felt bad or jealous, still I proceeded to meet her and congratulate her, as I was walking to the church and her parents (which I haven't met in real life) saw me, her father told me to go away as he said he has found a suitable guy for her and ordered the mother not to let me in the wedding, he went away after saying that then the mother looking concerned told me that the guy is really old and an abusive person and I am the only one that can save her, this really confused like why me? Why was the father annoyed with me? I entered the church like I normally did, however my church wasn't the same it had many floors (my church has a ground floor) and the setting looked like corridors from a school. I walked around getting weird stares from the people inside, then an older man saw me (I assumed it was Amy's fiance), he said something and chased me around the building angrily. The dream finally ended with me finding Amy's room where she was getting ready with my other friends helping her, she was in her wedding dress and she came really close to me, like as if she was about to kiss me and gazed at me, the dream ended when the fiance entered the room.

      (The girl (Amy) who is in my dream is a classmate, more of a friend sometimes we walk home together but I have never thought about her from crush point of view nor I had any sexual feelings for her, however I've always thought she quite beautiful and kinda cute also she is really introverted. I feel sometimes she has a thing for me because I catch her looking at me and she looks away embarrassed or smiles really awkwardly.)
    15. 4/08/16

      by , 10-05-2016 at 05:05 AM
      Another riveting dream from my crazy mind. This one went from intriguing to weird. Like my dream just gave up making sense halfway through and went here, enjoy the crazy...

      My friends, inexplicably, are trapped in the basement. I made the mistake of going downstairs to see what the cries are for, and they trapped me too. We're scared, cowering in the hall, lined by jail cells on either side of us. We're held by gunpoint and forced into the cells. I'm with two other people, a guy and a girl. I don't know them. I have a gun stashed in my waist, and I realize I could be our only hope.

      I shoot the leader in the shoulder and the neck, but of course it's not fatal. Thought I killed him, and I let my guard drop. He shoots me and I get hit in the side. He goes upstairs, and one of his goons comes down to tell us to stay put. I sit down and the guy sits in my lap. He's younger than me, about 12-13, and scared. The other girl and I are trying to comfort him.

      The goon shoots into our cell with a shotgun, and it hits the guy in my lap in the shoulder. He doesn't cry out in pain - he sighs and moves off my lap, more annoyed than anything. As we sit, they bring more kids down and lock them into the cells around us, chaining them in. We decide we have to escape.

      A girl comes downstairs - apparently she's a witch. She heals the guy with me and then unlocks the cells and the chains so we could free the kids. The bad guys come down and we scatter; the witch stays behind to hold them off and let us escape.

      I run upstairs and realize it's was my old apartment. My boyfriend's there, and we run out and get in his truck to drive away. We get lucky and escape, moving out in the process. They didn't see us. I realize how lucky we are because apparently I realize no one else managed it. We go to my current apartment and as we were unpacking, we realized we haven't grabbed everything and we have to go back.

      I'm freaking out, but I tell myself it's okay because if I get scared I can just wake up. This oddly doesn't send me into lucidity completely. I'm vaguely aware that I'm dreaming, but not enough to let me take control, just enough to keep me from being afraid.

      We run across the front of my apartments through the grass to get to his truck. We run down some stairs past a pond, and there were two boulders rolling around in the water (???). Floating on top like beach balls. I joked they were cannon balls and this cracked me up in the dream (I have no idea don't ask). The boulders were splashing and rolling, and water kept splashing us. We were both soaked and since I had flip flops they kept slipping off so I had to keep going back to get them. There was a party going and tons of people were on the lawn. After the third time of running back to get flip-flops the dream sort of shifts.

      I was Stewie from family guy. As I turn on the grass I'm in a suburban neighborhood, no longer at my apartment. I was sitting in a driveway and Brian (also from family guy) was standing behind me.

      He and some other people were standing around drinking, making fun of me. I got up and asked Brian for a favor. I don't remember what I asked or what he said, but he laughed me off. I was upset. I took a drink from one of his friends and downed it. I remember writing in a journal that 'I wanted to drive away and never come back. But I'm drunk so I can't. So I walked away instead'. Which I did.

      And when I wandered away I became myself again. I was back at the apartments, by the pond. I found someone's phone, with the name Tara on the screen. I stumbled around the pond and got to this bridge walkway thing. A bunch of people were rushing by. I casually said 'Tara?' to a girl running by. She didn't respond so I asked if she knew Tara, and she said no. I asked where she was going, she said 'there was a fire on___ street! My. Family's there!' and I realized that's where I'd left Brian and the others (my family still, apparently) and I rushed to go see them.

      I'm apparently on a hill because now I have to run down giant stairs to get to the houses. I mean there's like a huge foot wide gap between each stair, and they're actually mini tvs playing ESPN Sportscenter, instead of real steps.

      I distract myself trying to walk and watch at the same time and remember thinking this is why these aren't mass produced. They're doing an interview. The man interviewing is in a dinosaur costume, talking to a little girl that just got rescued from the house fire I'm rushing to. I wake up when I reach the bottom of the steps more confused than I have been in a while.
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