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    1. Logan's Dream Journal~ Day I

      by , 12-28-2013 at 09:08 PM
      Hello! I am interested in lucid dreaming, so I will take notes on the dream that I just had on here... now!

      So, the dream was a disturbing one. It involved murder, a murder-causing radio (or 2?), possible time-traveling to find the roots of what happened, vomiting, and survival. The funny thing was, I knew that I was dreaming, but I wanted to solve the dream's problems. That may be why I decided to go back to find the source; terrible things already happened then.

      Oh, and I almost forgot another thing; there was a sociopathic truck. There was no driver in it, and it seemed to seek out people to run over when they are crossing... Sort of like the Doctor Who episode "Father's Day", where a truck (albeit with a driver) constantly goes through a time warp to hit the paradoxical person who was meant to die then so that the time stream becomes normal again. It was like that, except that I didn't die permanently. I had a dream within a dream, I think...

      And now I really wanted to find a way to destroy the radio, in bed, which I took manners to do.I took the radio, teleported into bed, and I tried to wake up by forcing myself to. I screamed as hard as I could, I made up ridiculous twists that would wake me up, and I even vomited in bed. I also tried to destroy the radio, but it didn't seem to break...

      Thankfully, that was only in the dream, and I eventually woke up. I immediately did a reality check on my surroundings; it was not bright, like in the dream. I was quite astounded, and I decided to make this journal to record such dreams. Needless to say, it was a memorable nightmare. I have a feeling the radio is going to come back into my dreams, though I hope not... I will make these posts as much as I can, and I look forward to the results. ^^

      -Day 1 completed-

      - Logan

      Updated 12-30-2013 at 10:53 AM by 67145

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable , side notes
    2. Runescape Falling Stars, Doctor Who, and the Kitchen Maze

      by , 12-24-2013 at 09:37 AM
      11-27-2013 -- [Dreams are weird! Slept all night, many hours, dreamed almost nothing, or at least nothing I could remember. Was sitting in bed this morning, mostly awake and relaxing. Drifted off for a couple minutes, and had the following crazy, all-over-the-place dream that is longer and more detailed than almost anything I have dreamed for a week or two.]

      So I am standing around at the Falador west mine, trying to do some mining when a blue structure that looks much like the TARDIS appears next to me, and several vaguely monkey-like aliens start spilling out of it like some sort of bizarre flash mob, and seem to be ready to attack me, except suddenly I hear this whistling sound getting louder and louder as a shadow appears on the ground, and everything shakes as a falling star crashes to earth right next to me. This thing is quite large, and I think it has to be at least a size 8 or 9. I run over to make the tag and collect the bonus xp when there is a second bang, and a small star (size 1 or 2) slams down right next to it. I am wondering if I am going to be able to collect the bonus xp twice. But as I try to touch the second star, things shift.

      I find myself on a small, sandy hill, kind of sinking into the sand, trying to keep my balance, and as I glance at the mini map, I find I have shifted perhaps a quarter of a screen over, and start trying to make it back to where the two stars just landed, except something seems to be trying to keep me away. It's really weird. I finally manage to force myself back to the right spot, except the stars are gone, the alien flash mob is gone, and the blue TARDIS-like box has turned into a cross between a large robot suit and an astronaut's outfit. I'm kind of walking around it when a government agent who is dressed kind of like a 30s hard-boiled detective, and looks kind of Mel Gibson shows up. He thinks I am the alien who arrived in the suit, and is trying to force me back into it so he can lock me in it and cart me off to experiment on or something.

      I am wrestling with him, trying to get away, while explaining that I am not the alien, when the truck that we are standing behind starts to move. He throws me to the ground, hopefully so that I will be unharmed as the truck passes over me, but since it is very close to the ground, he may just be trying to get me ran over. Sigh. But thankfully the truck only moves a couple of inches, then stops. I stand up and find myself standing next to what almost seems to be the Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo, and as I turn, I see my online friend Maddie, who seems to be pulling a t-shirt over her head. "Hey, I'm almost nude, changing clothes here," she snaps at me, and I turn my back to her, while turning red.

      A few seconds later she taps me on the shoulder and as I start to turn around, I find myself in a sort of maze of dark, narrow passages in what seems to be a food storage area in a sort of large restaurant kitchen. I am winding my way through shelves of food supplies and prep tables and the like, avoiding a slightly glowing yellow goo on the floor that I am trying desperately not to step in. Dangerous, icky stuff. I manage to walk out of the area backward, while still managing to avoid stepping in anything, and find myself in a large, wide open warehouse loading dock area that is still quite dark, but lights are just starting to flash on all over the place as people come running in trying to find out who has broken in and why.
    3. Murder, Mansions and all out Mayhem

      by , 12-04-2013 at 08:22 PM
      Alright ill start out with my first dream that I can remember, I was at this trailer park in the middle of this huge grassland area, and around the grassland area it was engulfed in those weird african trees with the huge base at the bottom. Anyways I was going into this double wide with my best friend from back home and the double wide turned into a restaurant. Well more like a sit down fast food joint, there were no doors and you could see clearly outside of the restaurant. I went up to the front counter to give the owner of the restaurant a ticket for a free burger. When I got the burger and ate it I ended up falling asleep or losing consciousness in my dream and woke up on a mattress on the restaurant floor, my buddy and my brother were standing above me trying to help me regain focus.

      And thats when I went into another dream where I was a person from this TV show called "Weeds". I was now Shane from "Weeds" and I was walking around this mansion looking for something to eat, the whole time thinking there was something ominous watching me. I couldn't find anyone in this complex maze until I found the fridge! I went to the fridge and was distracted because how the mansion was set up, you could see what looked like a huge pool like aquarium in the middle of the kitchen, and there were these two beautiful women in skimpy bathing suits kissing each other so sentually all over. And when I mean all over, I mean ALL OVER. Anyways I ended up getting something to eat, cant remember what and ended up wanting something more. So I decided to go over to the pool and swim to a certain section that had these juicy oranges only to have my dream flash to outside of the mansion. There were these guys in FBI jackets standing outside the entrance to the mansion and they were talking about alien abductions and other top secret stuff I couldnt really hear, but I was never even there nor was shane, I was just air observing them.

      Then I had my body back and I was in the mansion, I was talking to some people that I didnt know and it seemed we were deep in conversation when I decided to go up an elevator, this is one of those elevators you see with the gate and its pretty 3 sided with the fence instead of 4 sided and all boxed up. but as the elevator was coming down you could see this rotted man corpse in a wheel chair descending with the elevator, but then got pulled back by his neck about half way down with a rope and all of his blood and pieces of his flesh just fell off with it.

      And uh yah.....thats about it
    4. The Wanted

      by , 11-28-2013 at 05:43 AM
      First thing i remember is that we were in a classroom and the teacher told us to go out and have sex with as many boys as we could. All of us were in shock. I went out and the school had some sort of carnival going on. There was a cute guy sitting and looking at me. Then his friend sprayed snow spray on me and the snow spray was on fire so i threw my self on the ground so it would get off me and i kind of fell into him. Then he told his friend what the hell man and his friend winked and whispered to him, so i could introduce you guys. The guy smiled and told his friend that he owed him. We sat talking for a while. I decided he was going to be the first guy i slept with for some reason. After that my dad came and we fought and he left. Then me and the guy went to the bedroom and kissed and i don't remember what happened after. Then after that my business teacher was talking to me and he was wearing a The Wanted Jacket. So i told him, wait, you like them too, and he was like i'm their manager so i started freaking out and kept asking him if i could take a picture with him and begged him if he could get them to Egypt. And then i was like i knew he was their manager. He lived right next to them in Sahel. They live near me. It was so weird. Then i don't remember what happened. It was actually confusing.
    5. In a towel? wtf

      by , 11-24-2013 at 04:22 PM
      I only remembered parts of my dream:

      -So the whole time in the dream, i'm in a towel and it barely covers anything and im holding it close to me.
      -I ask one of my best friends to think of a costume for me
      -I'm in a place near the sea
      -I bump into a guy that's having dinner with the same person i told to make me the costume
      -The guy is supposedly famous
      -The teacher tells me that she brought this guy for me and a couple of other people.
      -I'm at the theater
      -I've baked pizza and people were eating it
      -I remember buying a lot of toothbrushes from the supermarket near my house
      -My dad was in the dream but i don't remember what happened
    6. Engaged on New Years?

      by , 11-19-2013 at 05:48 AM
      It starts off me and my mom going to the gym and her canceling my membership at the gym. So i leave pissed off. Then suddenly my surroundings change and i'm engaged to this guy. He tells me "i have made many mistakes in my life but i love you". Then i count down from 10 kiss him and say Happy New Year. I walk over to my parents then i wake up.
    7. 13th Nov 2013 Fragments

      by , 11-13-2013 at 02:40 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was watching some anime and there was swordsman fighting a giant swordsman, giant swordsman had ability to corrode things and swordsman said that he will have to sacrifice a hand and a kitten to have chance to defeat him.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was searching for something and then woke up three times.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was on balcony and i've used some kind of hypnotic power on random bird which flied into room and started flying around like crazy and then turned into a giant butterfly.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was playing some game with action on building rooftops.

      Dream 5(fragments):

      I woke up but it was late, 6 hours later than usual, i got distracted by that and thought i slept too much.
    8. Multiplayer Dream?

      by , 11-04-2013 at 11:50 AM
      I realize that I am dreaming(you can skip this paragraph), I am in my class. I start believing myself to be the god of this realm , though I am not able to become fully lucid. I do somethings like passing my hand through the ceiling fan ( I make a ceiling fan appear above me), gliding through the air , shooting projectiles etc. Then I try to pass through the sealed window , I am unable to do it , even projectiles are unable to pass through that wall , though I can pass through stuff and other walls . The next period begins , I think of changing the plot but then .. due to some reason I don't want to leave my friend. ( It makes me feel lonely, she feels like a real entity the the LD and I am even unable to change the plot) , so I attend the class and attempt few random lucid stuff , then I finally decide to change the plot.

      Now, I am in a carnival of some sort. My friend is there with me , she doesn't feel that real anymore . Even more weirdly , she retires to a tree when I am going in the carnival(she suggests me of a bird somehow). I try to fly , I am able to succeed partially . I have this weird power in which if I constantly pedal upwards , I am able to fly while doing it (I can only jump really high or mostly pedal) , it is a really tiresome thing. I feel weird because of people making comments on me. I decide to retire back to my crush. She is standing beside a tree.
      This is when the Main Thing Starts up.

      Now , we chat for a while (she feels real again) and walk away from the carnival.She tried to speak but couldn't A chat box appears and she types " Hey I can't speak, add this ID- (something I don't recall)@aol.com on the inner world". I ask if the inner world refers to the surface? she says"Yes and btw I am a male player.'' I ask"Male player? Is it a sort of multiplayer dream? He says "Yes". I get astonished. The moment I had got out the carnival , it was feeling a bit different. Somehow I get a sense that this dream is really multiplayer! The incident was totally unexpected. He then says"Now I have to go , lets quit the dream". The Dream Ends...

      So ,now I wonder was it real multiplayer dream or just another dream? I have no clue what that ID was :/ It was an aol email Id though. I even made a conscious note to memorize it ... but then the dream ended when he wanted it to.

      Updated 04-15-2014 at 03:52 PM by 66263

      lucid , dream fragment
    9. The Exponential Data Center and the Digital Kit Kat Bar

      by , 10-09-2013 at 03:25 PM
      10-08-2013 -- On the road working with some sort of radio transmitter equipment, and antennae that fold up and fold out or something. Eventually I find myself approaching the Hickory house. Dad's truck is parked on the grass, near his bedroom window, even though he is probably dead. We have moved out of the house, and yet I think mom has just recently moved back in, so it is sort of coming home after not having lived here for quite a while.

      As I approach the door, I find there is a lot of mail waiting there, though much of it is sitting on the steps, rather than being in the mail box. There is tons of junk mail, which I know I really ought to leave alone, but instead I start picking it all up and sorting through it. There are selection packages from music clubs, and lots of past due bills, greeting card catalogs, mail order catalogs, letters from prisoners, lots of mail with change of address labels on them that have somehow followed me from several other addresses, and possibly even a letter from Gordon.

      I take some of the mail inside, and ignore the rest. I am very tired, and think I really ought to get some sleep, but it is raining really hard outside, and it turns out the roof leaks very badly, so it is dripping inside, as well, including on most of the beds. So I am wandering the house looking for somewhere to sleep.

      I walk into mom's bedroom, and though the roof is leaking in here, too, the bed is big enough that water is only dripping on parts of the bed. Parts seem to be dry. So I climb onto a dry portion of the bed and start to fall asleep. Problem is, though I didn't actually see her, mom was sleeping on her bed, and I ended up curling up on top of her, so when she shifted in the bed, I fell off, and she chased me out of the room. I glance into some of the other rooms, and they have odd beds that are being rained on.

      Somehow I end up in the back yard next to my bedroom window, kind of half looking inside, and half crouching out of sight underneath it. I have something on my face, perhaps a cross between some kind of sauce and peaches, and my marmalade cat (probably Sammy) seems to be licking it off my face. Melody wanders into my room, moving things and eventually closing and locking my window (which has been open) before moving on to her own room. Meanwhile, I have shifted over to hiding under her window, making some slight amount of noise. I am half trying to remain crouched out of sight, and half trying to pop up and startle her. She leans out the window and sees me, and is half trying to lecture me, and half closing and locking her window.

      Things are kind of half shifting to becoming a large data center with computers and data banks all over the place, but still with the layout of the Hickory house. It is very strange.

      Miniaturization and modernization are happening at a very fast pace, and I can kind of see as memory chips are getting smaller and smaller (and yet the amounts of them being stacked together are getting greater and greater) so that even while the individual chips are shrinking, the overall drives are getting physically larger and larger.

      People are wandering through the house, and almost kind of just waving their hands, and more and more memory modules are appearing in place, and getting bigger and bigger, so that the amount of information they can hold are increasing at an exponential rate. And yet the volume of information to be contained is expanding at an even greater rate.

      It's like the amount of storage is increasing from megabytes to gigabytes to terabytes and beyond, and yet the amount of information there is to store is somehow increasing at a rate that is infinitely greater. It is like storage is expanding at a rate of infinity, while information is increasing at a rate of infinity squared.

      I notice this in a concrete manner because the computer that was keeping track of every kind of soda in the world used to take up about a quarter of a room, but it now takes up an entire room, even though the rate of data storage has increased so drastically. And yet it can no longer hold the data on every soda, but only on the three or four most major flavors of Coke products, because we are learning ever greater details of the molecular and even atomic structure of the Coke products, so that even though we can store billions of times more information in much smaller spaces, we've run out of room.

      Meanwhile, I can barely move as they keep waving their hands and creating more and more drives and memory modules to fill up the space, and I am truly frightened that any second they are going to create memory modules in the spot that I am standing, that will materialize inside of me, occupy the same space, and cause me to explode around them.

      So I am fearing for my life, while at the same time complaining because we no longer have the information on Coke's Fanta flavors, while I am being squeezed into smaller and smaller spaces. They have to move some things and make a way for me to reach the door so they can throw me out and fill the space where I was with more memory. Very surreal. Especially since at the same time it isn't problems with Fanta soft drinks, but Fantasoft (the company that created Realmz, a fantasy game I used to play.)

      So I find myself standing back outside the house again, and I have something in my teeth. It is like a bit of food or something, except instead it seems to be tiny bits of incredibly strong wire and wiring and plastic, that I am pulling out of my teeth, and it is incredibly annoying. Except it also seems to be a bit of a Kit Kat Bar which is somehow made of data chips and plastic, rather than candy, while I am looking at a small circular pattern on a computer screen that seems to be in almost psychedelic colors as it spins around. Very bizarre.
    10. 25th Sep 2013 Fragments of a long, and rather random, dream

      by , 09-25-2013 at 11:31 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Pretty long and random dream, even if not counting timeskip, but couldn't recall fully sadly.
      Some events going on. i was with somebody in some foresty place. We have met a dragon and we have teamed up with him to fight some really huge creature, we managed to win. Then we have traveled somewhere and were in the city, there we have found two kids which needed help with something. We went through some dimensions with weird creatures, randomly met Spongebob Squarepants and had to fight some meme dudes and search through a castle/dungeon.
      Later on we were back in the city and now there was some problem with aliens and that certain ones aren't filling required papers, we were going in some buildings and then talking to slime-like aliens.
      Then we were back to building where we met kids and there was now some problem with some murderer or something, then there was some organization with name sounding somewhat similar to google. Then there's some talk about previous timelines and something about those dimensions we were in, then later at one point i get randomly stunned and while i was stunned time skips for a week.
      I was randomly back at home and there were some weird devices, and then i was talking to someone from that organization in a lab and he was showing some device that would make certain person completely non-existent but only for the person it used on.
    11. 14th Sep 2013 Weird chat and talk, and some more flying - Day 35

      by , 09-14-2013 at 03:31 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1:

      I was on skype and i was talking to SilentEternity and PN, i've noticed that their skype avatars were set to dragon pics for some reason and skype group name was changed, and their avatars were changed on some forums as well. We continued talk and them everyone went offline, i went to do some stuff around home then as i get back to PC i see SilentEternity, but he was acting like completely different person now, he changes his nick to "'Dragons In Dragons" and i briefly see something on the roof of one of houses outside(And after recalling i realize that it was a dragon), we continue talk and he mentions that he's indeed someone different, and that i should know him. Then i wake up.

      Dream 2:

      I am at home and suddenly family members walk into my room and say that i am a chimera created by an experiment? I say that they are wrong and they say something about father being a dolphin, i say that they are still wrong and that i am a dragon, then they add that mother is a dragon... And then that i will be able to see her soon, but that firstly i must come with them for something, i refuse to go with them and everything fades.
      I wake up as somebody is throwing some pillows at me and leaves the room, i look at my hand and it is weird, i am dreaming. I get up, shift to quadruped stance and go towards balcony, which is open, then i fly with my wings. It's night and there are lots of small houses and some temples around, i notice a few golden dragon statues. I fly around a bit, looking around, shortly the outside becomes a 'room' again. I fly more and use walls to quickly change direction of flight, i notice a few rare black scales on my hands and my feeling of wings gets very vivid. I fly around some more then i wake up.

      Updated 10-03-2013 at 03:38 PM by 59854

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    12. 8th Sep 2013 Flying around and through and through... - Day 29

      by , 09-08-2013 at 02:46 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1:

      I am at home and i am trying to nap, suddenly dad comes into room and decides to fall sleep here, then a blanket randomly gets thrown onto me and it transforms into some other person, so i realize that i am dreaming. I go to balcony door and shift into quadruped stance and then phase through balcony door. I fly and feel wings, streets are snowy and there are some buildings, i fly around and search for that black dragon. Soon i find him, flying in the distance. I fly towards him, avoiding a dragonfly that randomly gets into the way(Icwutudidthar, dream). But as i about to get close i suddenly get teleported somewhere else onto the ground, i start flight again. Now here everything goes weird and i start phasing through stuff, walls, houses and teleported around randomly. Then i am back at home again, i fly through balcony door again and then sky turns into ceiling and i phase through it into different room? Then there's another sky and another ceiling and it turns into mess. Another i phase 'outside' the area like if i was using noclip in video game. Suddenly i fly into a my room again and then into different room? Then again through window and more random phasing, then i wake up.

      Dream 2:

      I try to nap but suddenly somebody starts trying to put plastic bag onto my head, i take it off and i see 'attacker' DC, he disappears and i go to balcony, this time i decide to avoid phasing through and just open door. Once outside i fly and feel wings, my house and balcony disappears and i am in some foresty place now, or rather, above it. I notice stronger feeling of wings and then there's suddenly strong wind all around, which at first gets me almost to the ground but then i manage to use it for gliding/flight for a bit but shortly i wake up.

      Updated 10-03-2013 at 03:40 PM by 59854

      memorable , lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    13. 24th Aug 2013 Random WILD, false awakenings, Weird story - Day 14

      by , 08-24-2013 at 03:30 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps. Must've had low awareness on that WILD...

      Dream 1:

      I am in my bed and i hear someone in the room and then someone throws covers me with pillows, i think that's 'attacker' DC again and i quickly get up, ready to claw him up, but don't see him. I see different DC moving to balcony though, i go here and on my way i suddenly for some reason have doubts that it's a dream, room is exact and for some reason i don't have dream feeling, i do RC and it fails as well, i continue to balcony and notice that there's same DC on the streets that is on balcony, and it's apparently my mom? Dream fades out shortly.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I wake up, get distracted and then wake up again and there's some big military alarm button on the wall or somesuch.

      Dream 3:

      There's some story about some person that loses his daughter in some event, then years later(time skip), he finds some being that at first looked like a dog, but then started having head hair similar to his daughter and talking to him. Then i was suddenly somewhere near big dining table and that creature was here, morphing between different states, at one point it even transformed into food, i was thinking about doing RC but dream ended before i could.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      False awakening, getting distracted, then another false awakening, and something about weird calling old radio-like device that was used for selling some stuff.
    14. The Lost Island

      by , 08-23-2013 at 12:22 PM (My Humble Collection of Somnigraphies)
      August 24 2013 - Dream Fragment #1 I remember driving in a car with my mother. She was talking about something that had happened on an island, and I didn't know what it was for some reason or other. I remember arriving on the side of this huge lake and seeing many islands in the distance. (I also remembered things from the Karate Kid throughout the dream, but that was really random and non-important) We took a boat out onto the lake and she said she was going to see the island where she grew up. We finally got out to where she said it was, and she looked down into the water and pointed to a dark shape about 10 feet underneath that went on for farther than I could see. I asked her how she could live there and she said that once it was above water, and there were many houses on it and people living there. She said that she was one of the few to make it out alive when the island started collapsing. I had a flashback to when people were trying to get out and I remember seeing my mom go for a boat and drive away with like six other people. We then got back to shore, and got in our car. As we approached the gated exit, another car, a Jeep (I don't know what model) pulled up next to us and a guy started talking to my mom.

      Dream Fragment #2 - I remember being in a grocery/department store and looking at food. I also remember my friends and I standing around talking about something while there were futuristic-looking cops outside.
    15. Weird job interview

      by , 08-20-2013 at 11:02 AM
      I went to this weird job interview. I got the interview because months ago a former coworker had apparently told me they were looking, and then i was not looking, but now i was (in my dream), so i contacted them again. when i arrived there was some confusion and I had to wait for someone to see me, but then a man came. The office was weird: Instead of sitting at desks people sat at tables with small groups of other people doing different stuff. I remember thinking that those chairs would not be as comfortable as desk chairs.

      At one table people were verifying the consecutiveness of page numbers in a bible. My supervisor who was interviewing me noticed that the page number that one of them was on was much lower than his count. The man insisted that it was nonetheless correct. I pointed out that it could be if the preface had 37 pages that were counted with Roman numerals. I was trying to impress that I could subtract like that.

      At another table I don't know what they were doing but part of it involved petting dogs. I asked whether one could pet cats instead.

      I finally asked what they actually did here, and was told that they did whatever their clients requested, and that people just figured out how best to accomplish it. I remember I was very impressed out of some reason. I wanted to know whether this was the company headquarters, and was told that no, that was in Vegas, but they were thinking of relocating to San Francisco or Detroit.

      It seemed they were interested in hiring me. I said that I had had a raise at my current job though since the time I told them how much money I made, would this be an issue. They said no, that they actually would pay me even more.

      Then I somehow lost my supervisor / guide. I wandered the hallways trying to find him. Some company hallways were weird like there were spas and locker rooms etc there. I found someone who recognized me and knew who I was looking for, and he tried to help me. He took me downstairs and there was this fancy Middle eastern restaurant there. But we could not find the supervisor.

      I finally gave up and left. Then I found out that I now would not get the job because I had not staid and waited. I wanted to know how long he had expected me to wait. Was I supposed to stay around and wait even after everyone else left for the end of the day? It was weird that I asked that, since I really had not waited long at all.

      Updated 08-20-2013 at 01:07 PM by 61501

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