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    1. 28/01/2016

      by , 01-28-2016 at 11:44 PM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      Another scary dream last night... but it's almost 9PM, so I forgot most of it.

      Basically, I had a creepy stalker. He'd follow me around and act like I belonged to him. He was super tall and strong, while I'm a hobbit, so I kept trying to run away. He'd always find me, though.

      Simply awful.
    2. Globes from Goodwill

      by , 01-28-2016 at 10:54 PM (My Dream Journal)
      I am trying to take a picture of one of my bettas flaring. He is staring directly at the camera. For some reason when I take the picture, the clicking sound isn't there, although the picture takes. Because of that, my mom rudely tries to take the camera from me.
      I am in school with one of my friends who says that she was the illustrator of a book. At first I don't understand what she means.
      I am in the basement of my church, running around doing cartwheels and stuff. I then run at the wall and jump, hitting specific places on the wall with my hands. All of a sudden I am in the car with my family. My mom tells me to return some things to Goodwill, so I run in and put them randomly on the shelves. I start to walk towards the exit when I see two globes. One is $41, so I ignore it. But, the other is $8 so I think I can get it. I take it off the shelf and start looking at it to see if it is worth the buy. I decide it isn't because it looks like the continents/countries have been painted on. I walk back to the car and tell my family sorry for taking so long in the store. (They don't really care.)
      I don't have very good memory of this dream. In it, I along with several others are taken to a special room. No one else is allowed there. I can't remember what made it so unique.
      I am driving home with my dad, and I wake up right after this. Right away I wonder how I got from the car to my bed, and then I realize that I had just woken up. (I do a RC just in case.)
    3. Lord of the rings

      by , 01-28-2016 at 10:42 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      I had teleporting powers and I teleported out of the "map" and I seen my little sister running and I told her what I did, I went back in and she went on the swings and she fell off, I teleported to her and then gollum or smeagol teleports and I hear the teleporting noise. He lands and hits me
    4. [28-01-2016]

      by , 01-28-2016 at 09:21 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First fragment

      I was in school with some of my classmates. We were taking about something rather important, they were looking at me and I could feel that they were scared.

      Second fragment

      I was going out of school, trying to get into the bus stop in time. I walked up an enormous hill and saw that a bus was coming and tried to find a way down. I just jumped down to the road and run after the bus. I joined up with group of people waiting for the same bus, and we wandered streets for a while until we stopped at a bus stop.
    5. Lucid

      by , 01-28-2016 at 09:05 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      Something weird happened and I became lucid. I was barely dreaming at this point but I did a reality check in my not full dream and it worked, my dream became a dream when I went outside, I started running down my road and I seen a basketball hoop high when I turned to another road and I bet myself I could jump to it, I got ready and bent down and I jumped, I went wicked high like 3x the size of the house and I started falling, I landed on a roof but lost control and grabbed and branch to keep my balance, I was like yay I'm on a riff and I asked a kid who was laying on a roof some questions and I remember just walking around on it. I was kind of losing lucidity sadly and yeah, more regular stuff happened but too lazy to say, oh yeah this is pretty interesting. I had a classmate who was over at my house and she was a "Dream Guide Level 1" and the word level was fancy
    6. DJ#67: Party Plans & Airport

      by , 01-28-2016 at 06:46 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: Fragment about helping mum with something. We were at this place with weird exercise equipment.

      Dream 2: I was with all of the gang coming to the party, meeting up in a cafe. Everyone there was initially planning to come to the party, but one by one they started dropping out and wanting to do something else instead. I got worried and said my dad would be really pissed if noone showed up, having spent a lot of time working on it.

      Dream 3: Fragment about being at the airport.
      Tags: non - lucid
    7. Focusing on Problems

      by , 01-28-2016 at 06:00 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a room, in a house/apartment I was renting along with a couple of people. I was talking with someone, a classmate from high school. I tried to give him suggestions and solutions but he seems intent on just focusing on the problem. I got annoyed at him. I was moving about fixing or arranging things in the apartment while we were talking. There was a (birthday?) party. There were balloons and some food on the table.

      I was at home in our hometown with sis and mom. It was night. When the scene transitioned, the classmate "moved" to the outside of our fence. We went to our small store. Mom mixed Emperador rum, Coke, and Mentos. I told her that seems dangerous.

      I was on a train. Keyword: racist.
    8. Pick up

      by , 01-28-2016 at 05:55 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      We were at school juts hanging out like usual and regular stuff happens and my friend says "hi" and passed me and we got downstairs and she was there again and said "hi" and me and Darius went to a table and there was lots of girls there and I said "hey guys" and me and Darius talked talked to them and we had to leave so we got upstairs to our lockers and we're going back down the atrium using the main stairs and before we got to the main stairs we aren't he said girls meet us at the top of the stairs, and they asked f we wanted to hangout so we said sure. So suddenly we were walking in town and they ask "hey should we get a cab" and it was a cool act and we said yeah. So they told my friend harius the Darius to wait here and I didn't know so I asked if we should wait and he said yeah, so it started to rain hard and we got to one of two tress and I got there first because my friend liked the rain anyways we went to the fence to check it out and rode some lambos and and motorcycles and we see the girls with the cab and we went to them.
    9. Night of 1/27/16

      by , 01-28-2016 at 04:39 PM
      I had 2 dreams as I woke up and fell back asleep, my dreams are very vivid (yet not lucid) and are usually very random. I had been keeping a dream journal but kinda just not wrote in it but I decided I wanted to start up again last night. I have been having many many dreams about school almost one every night. If anything in my dreams offends you, I am sorry but that is just what I was dreaming about.

      1st dream: took place sometime in the summer, it was beautiful and warm outside and I was with friends. This friend of mine who is good at getting stuff took me with him and was showing off how he could get alcohol before he was 21. My friends and I walked around the Carnival that was in town and then we were in this office building that had a bunch of computers and there was a news team there talking with someone about ISIS when they started to attack the building and the computers in the middle all blew up. I had a false awakening in my current apartment, almost everything was the same except for a few details. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat and I heard gunfire so I hid in the bathroom and peaked around the corner and found my step father playing call of duty

      2nd dream: This one took place in school, I was a half human half turtle going on an adventure with classmates, solving puzzles, skipping class, barging in on other classes and disrupting them, including one that was watching a movie. I went to the very dirty bathroom and, well I went to the bathroom but someone came up behind me and was trying to take my shell away from me and I pissed all over the floor and fell in it. I got up and it just completely dried off my pants and I went to go get my shell back. This kid took it to a different bathroom and booby trapped it because he was waiting for some girl to come and he was going to make it land on her head and kidnap her. I got it back and that was the end of that. I caught up with my classmates and we started playing this game with a cooking pot of stew in the middle, there were 3 on their side and just me on mine and we all had big wooden spoons and they were trying to keep a giant onion at the bottom while I was trying to throw it out. the Onion fell apart but I managed to throw it all out and win the game and it turns out the losers had to pay for the meal so I started messing with their cards trying to pick one and I said "here put them on the table and shuffle them around while I turn my back since there are only three of them" they did it, I picked one and then I woke up for good.
    10. [Dream #11 - 1/28/2016] Goat Kissing & Friendly Xenomorph

      by , 01-28-2016 at 03:49 PM (The Book of the Multiverse)


      A picture of Xenomorphs

      The following has some bit of zoosexual activity. If you do not like that sort of stuff then do not read The Goat section. This dream is broken down to two parts. The Goat | The Xenomorph

      • The Goat

      I cannot really tell exactly where I ended up in the beginning but I was at some sort of giant parking lot and there was a small section housing some soil plots with a mechanic that came out from the middle that anchored a towing device.

      There was also woman running around the lot chasing after a donkey as she would try to stroke his phallic. Once she grabbed it, another human male came behind her and stated having sex with her anally. She, the man and the donkey left my view as I was then somehow brought into one of those soil plots. I immediately began pushing the plowing tool which began to pull up and mix the soil underneath. I couldn't figure out why I was doing it but I just did unintentionally. Then someone came up to me and tried to take the job over. A large human male who had rolled his eyes at me, busting out a sort of advanced tool for plowing as he ripped me from my post.

      I didn't know why he did that at first but then I began seeing other people over at the other soil areas and my mind went to suggest that there was a contest. I wanted to get my spot back and for some reason I felt that I could entrust myself in having a goat help tow. I remember turning around and looking down a sloped street that led to some sort of large building where I saw a white furred goat. I was ecstatic and began to head down the street. I approached the goat as he climbed onto me forcefully. He swung his hooves around my shoulders as he began to kiss me, tongue and all. It was a very wet and sloppy kiss where my mouth felt like it was bucketing the creatures saliva.

      I remember telling him that I was amazed that he could kiss like a human and after that is when him and I went back to the little soil patch where that guy was. The man was still looking at me coldly as if my existence was futile. That's when it cut into the Xenomorph sequence.

      • The Xenomorph

      This took place in some style of a corridor. There were windows with bright shinning sunlight that reflected off the white metallic flooring. Kind of like a video game environment that I'm getting with this as I was with a small group of people. We all headed into the elongated hallway as from behind us there was a xenomorph. Slick and black, very contrasting to the light filled room. I remember it coming at us on two feet like a biped as it proceeded on attack the party with projectiles.

      I could remember me and the others spreading out. A few of us ended up in a sort of larger room leading into another hallway. This room had a few grey colored lockers that were reflecting the sunlight that shinned from the window to the right of us. That's when we saw the xenomorph. I remember looking to see him on all fours sitting in front. I was scared, then I told him that I had relation to their species but even after that I couldn't tell what he would do. I also stated that all I wanted to do was travel to different dimensions and to see Shadow the Hedgehog.

      The creature then got on two feet and began to walk towards me, being around over 6 feet in height. I continually began to back up telling him I didn't want to get hurt. I was backing up to the window as the light reflected off his shiny black exterior. I assume my fear was beginning to annoy him as I could of swore for a minute I heard a sigh emit from him telepathically. The xenomorph then grabbed me as I tried to push away. I then believed that's when I heard him say "Stop." (again telepathically).

      He took me under a ceiling vent as we both looked up. He wrapped himself around me as he jumped up through it, bolting to the surface. This is when he pushed me onto his back as I grabbed a hold. We then arrived on top of the building to the openness of the outside air as he went skidding down the slopped ceiling. I felt a sense of acceleration and rush, similar to riding on a rollarcoster and I thought it was fun.

      We then arrived down to the surface of some sort of floating platform over viewing a city. We landed by a small, black bumper car shape of a spacecraft (assuming that it was the xenomorph's). I got down from him and I could here him faintly telling me in my mind, "I will take you to where you desire to be. I just need to take care of something first. Do no worry about me, I will be back." That's when he fled. I was then left alone in this isolated floating city area overlooking another. So I began to walk around. I soon encountered these sort of green faced, amphibian-like humanoids in space suits. I was afraid but they didn't attack me. One female voiced individual stated that they were looking for a xenomorph and told me to stay away from the area I was at because it's dangerous due to that.

      I began to worry for the creature, as for some reason I felt very passionate and connected with him. The green faced beings then disappeared as they went to scout the perimeter and I sneaked back to the black pod. I wanted to contact him to know if he was all right. I found what looked to be a smart phone on the top. I figured it was the xenomorph's. It made me giggle to think such a creature would have something like that but I wanted to use it to my advantage and use it to communicate with him, if it was even possible.. I looked at the phone and I remember seeing a screen full of apps, one of which was Google Chrome. Before I could do anything more is when I woke up.

      Notes: This is bit of a hefty dream indeed. For the goat one, I will say it deals with more of my sexuality and the eagerness to tow a field could symbolize the fact that I was doing chores yesterday and the intent on getting it done in an allotted time. The guy with the more advanced technology rolling his eyes could symbolize the negative feeling I get of people always having an advantage over me in everything.

      The xenomorph sequence would symbolize my lust for adventure and my desire to escape this world, hence being the corridor and then taken outside by the xeno. The xenomorph could represent Shadow the Hedgehog in some sort of way due to his straight forwardness in words, the fact that he would grant my deepest desires and the odd feeling of a strong connection I had with him. The green amphibians could resemble the sort of limitation that Earth has onto me and also represent the human society and their majority's fear of anything considered "dangerous" and unknown. And to extinguish any kind of spark that happens to gear me towards a fruitful existence.

      Now, with me stating that I had relations to the xenomorph species could be because for a moment in my life I would think about my soul being related to an actual xenomorph (meaning I'm a xenomorph living inside the body of a human at this day of age and once I die I will revert back to me original self). I will admit I don't really focus on my origin quite as much anymore but that dream made me recall that piece of my life again. Call it otherkin/fictionkin/starseed and what not. I still consider myself non-human but I rarely use those terms anymore.

      I honestly miss the xenomorph from my dream. And I kind of have a bit of a crush on him... But of course that doesn't stop me from having a conversation with him right now through telepathy. Hehehe~

      Date — 1/28/2016

      Went to bed — Around 12 - something AM.

      Woke up — 7:20AM

      *Time logged — 9:21AM

      Total sleep — +7 Hours

      Stress level throughout the day — A bit overwhelmed with stress, too much was going on and it began to make me feel uneasy. My lover calmed me down though before I went to bed.


      *Daytime — Did RCs

      *Recall — N/A

      *Inducing Method — N/A

      Dream Signs — The Obvious

      Perceived Length — Over 1 Hour

      Emotions — Worried, Adventurous

      Awareness — None

      Updated 01-29-2016 at 01:58 PM by 89722

      non-lucid , memorable
    11. 1/27/16

      by , 01-28-2016 at 03:35 PM
      At the beginning I immediately knew I was dreaming. Though I was aware, I didn't really acknowledged it all that much. I wanted to prove that (or something like that) to some people. SO i took a pencil and tried to stab myself, I felt some pain from it. I determined that was because i needed to use a knife, so i used that instead a couple times. Around this time, it turned into me having killed someone and I had to keep that hidden. A narration type part stated that someone waited near a locker or where I went everyday to meetup with me.
      Tags: semi-lucid.
    12. Waterbending practice

      by , 01-28-2016 at 12:48 PM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninő Casinő)
      for those who came just to read about the bending, i put the other parts of the dream in spoilers.

      [SPOILER=no bending here]i am flying and suddenly i realize that i am dreaming. i try to land but it doesnt work (as always) i can go left right and up with ease but going down is harder, there is a big tree and i grab the tree and pull myself downwards. the tree changes subtly and it gets a bit bigger and richer (more branches, more leaves, thicker trunk, further from the ground) and i pull myself down by grabbing branches and then i reach the floor. there is family there (but not from waking life, i think, just random dcs i think of as family) and it is like a picnic site. grass, trees, in a greeny place.

      the dream here is a bit more colorful than waking life and it is vivid, i think my lucid dreams (at least lately) have been very often more colorful than waking life. later on the colors become slightly less rich but nowhere near dull, it is similar to waking life.

      i dont know where i went from this open foresty/greeny place but im in a more mundane place now. but im not sure about the details. there were streets but no cars, not like a western street with big buildings and a nice asphalt road and a sidewalk and stuff, but closer to this. [URL="http://i.imgur.com/NrFbp.jpg"]click for picture[/URL] i dont remember the environment clearly but this is the general idea[/SPOILER]

      then i suddenly decide to waterbend. i dont know the sequence in which i did things but ill just describe what i did. i could form a tennisball-sized ball of water and control it through the air, moving it left, right, up, down, pretty fast and meters away from me, it was pretty cool. i got excited and remembered spellbee's competition but then realized that its already ended. i could also hold to 2 water droplets above my palms and i could twirl 2 fingers in opposite directions and the balls would follow. but its hard to rotate 2 fingers in opposite directions but it kind of/almost worked and the balls did make orbits above my palm.

      [SPOILER=no bending here]i was quite excited and joyful about this. at some point i tried to waveboard while running away from something (explaining that is boring so i wont). i talked partly to myself and partly to the kid who was with me and i tried to do some movement with my feet to pretend i had a waveboard but it didnt work, i also tried it with a bit of rock sticking out diagonally from the ground but it didnt work.[/SPOILER]

      sometimes i pulled water off the ground by waterbending, sometimes there were multiple droplets in the air. once, when we had pursuers, i used the snow and water on the ground to throw water at them. it was powerful enough, like in avatar the last airbender.

      [SPOILER=no bending here]this is really fun, this has a lot of potential. i want to practice bending skills and be a master mage. i want to drop lightning, make walls of fire, conjure huge amounts of water, or do mass telekenesis and stuff like that. also simpler stuff, like creating small lightshows or maybe conjuring animations that appear in front of me. also earthbending, thats fun too. stomping on the ground, making rock rise from the ground and then punching it away seems really cool. i could create elementals to accompany me. probably if im this good at summoning stuff and controlling elements, i can do pretty much anything in my direct environment.

      at the end im in a building and there is a girl who looks like mary jane from spiderman (kirsten dunst) and we dance, but i cant dance so i just hold her and franticly move left and right :P then i think something like "a lucid dream and you finally spend time with a girl, you couldnt resist huh." i ask her to teach me how to dance and i dont remember that she did, i held her a bit and i think this is either the end or very close to it.

      i think this dream lasted for 10-20 minutes, ill add 15 minutes to the counter in my signature.[/SPOILER]

      Updated 01-28-2016 at 06:08 PM by 61041

      lucid , memorable
    13. Lucid Blocked by Paul McCartney

      by , 01-28-2016 at 09:52 AM
      I was an IT guy or something in a firm. I had to pee so i went to the toilet, had an interesting and disturbing conversation about urinals with an old guy. Washed my hands, as i was about to dry my hands with a cloth, i decided to shake the cloth. A wild spider appeared! Attacked my neck but it felt like a cold hand on my neck.

      This is the interesting part...
      I realized a spider can't feel like a hand and said out loud "Wtf is wrong with you brain, are you trying to sell me this? How can you not know how a spider feels like on your skin?" and became lucid. The dream immediately stopped. As i was waking up, i saw a picture of Paul McCartney and a loud and very crisp voice said;

      "Some people brings balance to the Earth. If they are gone, there will be nothing other than chaos!"

      I woke up...damn

      Note to myself; Don't ever challenge your brain again, young padavan. That was some M. Night Shyamalan stuff i just witnessed
    14. 2016-01-28 job weighing, anime/kid/shower, I'm caught and game, elevator, druggies

      by , 01-28-2016 at 09:25 AM
      + (f) I'm looking at the skin of my lower back which is itchy [true], I see some small raised red bumps

      + (impression) camping? wet/muddy roads?

      + I'm new on the job in some (factory?) where they weigh things precisely. One of the things weighed is some food, but I inexplicably take a bite of a tray of food with some hot dogs on it, knowing that this change in weight will mess up our readings. I manage to find the willpower to put the hot dog back on the dish.

      There's some celebration. The old guys and some new guys are going out. I'm jealous, and wish they'd include me in the festivities. Someone who is not going to eat the party food offers to give me (her?) plate.

      I'm watching some anime, still pictures, that I notice when you play in a loop look like the characters are having sex. I'm lying down holding a blanket over the screen so no one will see. A kid from the cubical next to me raises up the blanket forcefully in order to see what I'm watching and I try to hide it but he sees. He crawls under the blanket with me and says that he has some stuff even better, he'll give it to me on a flash drive. I think this stuff is illegal. Then there is some plot to give the flash drive to a secretary who will then give it to me and when I accept it I will be arrested. I'm trying to figure out some way out of this.

      DO view of young people talking, one is a young woman who is trying to warn me of the danger of my situation.

      Some kind of game-show like situation I'm playing, involving getting the timing right on getting flashing lights to align properly, then the shapes emerge from the emitter, travel along a path on the ceiling, make a 90-degree right turn and merge with other patterns on another track, and go forwards a short distance, takes another 90 degree right turn and moves along another track, back to the scoring gate which is on the same board as the emitter. At that point a score is displayed.
      Because of the trouble I'm in with the flash drive, my score of 45,000 is reduced: an animated (moose? deer?) character shaking it's head in disappointment emerges on the screen, takes the 45,000 points away off-screen, and comes back with 4,500 point display, which is all I get.

      I'm in the shower with a girl, I'm washing her and drying her off, she leaves to go to meet someone else?

      + elevator

      I'm taking the elevator, I'm in an office building and I'm leaving work for the day, a few others are taking the elevator as well. I'm looking at the choice of floors to go to, initially I press "1" since I plan to leave, but then my attention is caught by the descriptions of the other floors. There are bars and restaurants, and one is something like "Cabaret -- dancing girls!" I choose that one, but since I earlier pressed "1" the elevator skips is and goes down.

      Then the elevator seems to be just a platform moving between floors with no walls or ceiling. The levels are large open rooms, with differently colored sumptuous materials like marble. A few people are drinking beers at a long bar. I feel how I'm moving up and down, and I think this is great practice for learning to levitate in dreams . I get off on one floor that has a buffet of large fruits and vegetables.

      + druggies

      Outdoor urban street scene. I'm crossing the street, and step down from the curb. In the road is lying on her back a (naked? topless at least, flat-chested) young woman with brown skin, a man is hovering over her, trying to get her up but she just flops around unconscious. I "remember" [false] that she is a local druggie/alcoholic and think there's not much we can do.

      I then notice a very erratically behaving man in his late 20's or early 30's, dark hair and eyebrows. He is ecstatic and obviously on some drugs. He declares, "I've been trippin' since yesterday!"

      A young man (late teens) sees this and voices his approval: "Yeah! Yeah!"
      I want to discourage this approval of the drug lifestyle and say "Yeah, until you start barfing blood!"

      Young druggy: "Nah, man, I never let myself get out of control. How old was your old man when he was 18?"

      Me: "My old man was 18 when he was 18 and never did any drugs!"

      young druggy: "Ah, he was old school!"
    15. #195 - Oh god I waited too long to write this..

      by , 01-28-2016 at 08:53 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - Elf + giant?
      Elf + giant, transform during drought. They're farmers, the giant is a blonde girl. Moving out, building dream lake house (future). Some kind of dark evil re-awakens..
      Okay so this directly what I wrote down during the night. I think it was night time in the dream with a grassy landscape dotted with some trees. I moved out towards a lake area and began constructing a 'dream house' in my mind, thinking about how I'd like it. But this occurs more than once hence the 'future' remark, indicating that the scene occurred twice. Once was when I visited and saw the house, the other happened after when I returned to the present tense to imagine the dream house that would be there in the future. I can't recall anything about the elf and giant though...

      Dream 2 - Rocky Balboa
      Rocky training, wine?
      Okay so this was pretty vague... I watched the first Rocky movie and the dream was influenced by it, I had a 'training montage' where I was seeing Rocky Balboa training or something. Then I think I was drinking wine?

      I think this was 3 days ago?
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