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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Cursed Chess

      by , 07-22-2010 at 07:57 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Cursed Chess (Non-lucid)


      A somehow crazy night, I did not sleep very well. I think I went very tired to bed because I felt tired the times I woke up to write the dreams down. I also used for the first time a flashlight instead of going to my regular table, but it does not help, it vanished half of a dream so I will keep traveling to my kitchen to write the dreams down (no table in the bedroom, only my journal next to me) I recalled eight dreams, but mostly fragments. 5th day without lucids. Tonight it will be a MUST lucid night


      I was in a dark place. It was kind of Gothic. I heard a DC saying to another one, "I am going to stop joint ambiguous with mantras for all these people!"

      I got to a room. It was a giant chess. The chess was cursed and your soul would be trapped for ever in there if you dared to enter. From this point, the dream turned into a movie that I was not in it. I saw several of the pieces that were random DCs and some random Simpson's characters.
      Bart was playing and fooling around this chess. There were two pieces that had no soul, as no one was on them. Bart said that the horse sucked. A DC approached the chess and said he wanted to be a horse. An entity appeared and grabbed the horse that was next to Bart, brought it to the other guy and placed a Tower next to Bart.
      The entity told Bart that the Tower was a very powerful piece on the board. Bart started to laugh and play around the Tower. Marge Simpson was cursed by a Queen. She was the Black Queen. She had a trumpet and the chess piece instead of feet. She shouted, "Fly Bart!!!!! Fly away from here!!! Flyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"
      Bart stepped on the Tower and started to laugh and said, "Cursed!" He stepped down, "Not cursed" He repeated this process a few times in a row until he was on the Tower laughing.
      His feet started to melt inside the base of the Tower. I could see there was like a brown stuff that was melting his feet. He tried to step out but he was not able. The dream vanished.

      Missed dream signs:
      - The nonsense of the very beginning (what was said to the DC).
      - The cursed chess.
      - The Simpson's characters.
      - The entity.

      What I would have done if lucid:
      - Explore this Gothic world.
    2. Giving a bath to my cat.

      by , 07-22-2010 at 07:44 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Giving a bath to my cat. (Non-lucid)


      A somehow crazy night, I did not sleep very well. I think I went very tired to bed because I felt tired the times I woke up to write the dreams down. I also used for the first time a flashlight instead of going to my regular table, but it does not help, it vanished half of a dream so I will keep traveling to my kitchen to write the dreams down (no table in the bedroom, only my journal next to me) I recalled eight dreams, but mostly fragments. 5th day without lucids. Tonight it will be a MUST lucid night


      My cat was laying in the sink comfortably. I was in a different home than my regular home, however, the bathroom was the same. My cat was a little wet and I decided to try to give her a bath. I opened the faucet gently and my cat did not freak out. I start bathing her and she appeared to be fine. I was able to give her a whole bath without getting freaked out. She kinda liked it.
      I was excited in telling my wife that we were finally able to give a bath to the cat without issues.

      Missed dream signs:
      - My cat liking the bath.

      What I would have done if lucid:
      - Leave for a ToTY.
    3. Really Random???

      by , 07-22-2010 at 07:31 PM (Lunar Chronicles)
      It was in my house and the whole school was lined up for assembly in my back garden. The teachers were kicking balls up and we had to cathc them. Somehow some friends and I 'landed up' in my parents bedroom. We kicked and threw heavy objects around. A bowling ball was thrown and broke in half (at this point i knew it was a dream, although i absolutely forgot i could try exercise some control, as it was my second recall. I always noticed a green car outside teh window. I was not scared about anything. And that Shakira song 'waka waka' or whatever was playing?? I don't like that type though =) .
      lucid , non-lucid
    4. First Dream Recall

      by , 07-22-2010 at 07:25 PM (Lunar Chronicles)
      19 July 2010
      I kept seeing wolves (possible DreamSign). The colour 'red' was very potent and kept coming up. And Meatloaf's "Wolf at your door was playing".
    5. Binaural Beats + Delayed Dream Recall

      by , 07-22-2010 at 07:23 PM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      Last night I tried using binaural beats, at least for half of the night.
      When I woke up I couldn't remember my dream at all and I was pretty upset. I didn't want to leave any holes in my dream diary.
      But as I was getting ready for work it suddenly all flashed back to me and I remembered and more importantly I KNEW I remembered.

      I dreamt, last night, that my co worker and I (Mike, second time I've dreamed of him AND of work) were at work alone. We were handling the store.
      It must have been night time because it was dark out. For some reason I decide I have to leave. So I walk out of the store and take a walk down the street. In my dream the layout
      of the area outside of the place I work in real life is completely different. But I walk down a sidewalk and around a building that sort of looks like my old post office when I lived with my family in Mt. Morris (second mention of that town, as well).
      I walk past that and up to this place that looks like a plain brick building. I go up and inside and I'm in a dentists office. Once inside I sit down to have my check up, for some reason. And I learn that I need to have my wisdom teeth taken out as well as some other work (which I need to do in real life). So I tell the dentist
      to get on with it and do it but I ask him if I can go right back to work when he's done. He says no. So I ask him to wait a minute and get up and leave. I go outside and call my sister to ask her to watch the store for me. She says she will (I somehow forget Mike was at the store). And then I go back into the dentist office. And now when I walk in
      there is this little dog on a chair by the door. It does something and we all laugh at it. Anyways I go to sit down in the chair and then suddenly freak out: I left the store un attended (though I really didn't) and I go sprinting out again. I call my sister and she says she never went to watch the store. So I run all the way back to the store
      and run inside, afraid that things will be stolen, just to realize that Mike is still there watching the place. Relieved I decide to call the general manager of the company and ask him to send someone down to watch the store. After this it gets sorta hazy. I explain that I need to go to the dentist and then, after that, I really can't remember anything.

      Trippy. I woke up completely blank and then suddenly remembered it all.
    6. July 22, 2010

      by , 07-22-2010 at 07:11 PM (Requiem's DJ)
      Uncharacteristicly insane dreams from me today. Recall and lucid thinking were pretty bad though. Mostly just sort of semi-lucid but red was the most vivid. I remeber the first dreams as a mish-mash of scenes.

      Action At My Aunt's House (dild + deild)

      First, I became lucid somehow and I was at my aunt's house. I took off all my clothes which might sound odd but was quite liberating. Maybe even helped with dream control because it reaffirmed I was dreaming. I effortlessly fly into the air but see a TV with a beach on it. Now is my chance to try teleporting and maybe even go surfing. I dive into the TV. I lose all vision but play dead. I re-enter the same dream.

      I fly into the air again to confirm I am dreaming and I see a friend. We talk about lucid dreaming and he said we are sharing a dream or someothing. He can see me from the real world and I'm naked. I fall to one knee and yell "What am I doing? Can you see me?" He knows the answer. I contest. You are probably a computer. YOu know the location of my knee on the axies in space.

      Another scene forms, my friend turns into a naked women and we just sort of run around eurphoricly like we are in the Garden Da Vida (that is in the bible, right?). Well, I fell on top of this women and things take a turn....but nothing happens because I lose vision but again play dead and re-enter the same dream.

      Another scene emerges. I walk down past the house and 4 cop cars come blaring up the drive way. "Finally! Some action!" I yell and my friend is back. WIthout hesitation I throw I huge arching fireball and blow the first car to smithereens. Monsters, not cops, get out of the cars and run at us. I use a vocal yell to use the Insect Swarm from Bioshock (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OE4jjNA89g). I throw bees from my arm at them. At first only a few bees but the second time is a swarm and I even hit my friend by mistake. I drive all the monsters away but the leader. He just slwoly walks towards me with a serious look on his face and I can't stop him. I don't know how. I fly up and over the house into the yard where another scene happens.

      There is a guitarist there with a weird wireframe grid on his guitar. He said it is to micro his guitar better. Something happens and I get into a fight with my friend. He charges. "Real world rules only!" The guitarist yells. I uppercut my friend and he gets knocked into outer space. Quite literally.

      I wake up into an FA. Final scene, I walk downstairs and see DogW and a dead version of her. I continue into the kitchen where M and my aunt are cooking. There was nother FA where I was talking to my friend about taking notes.

      Juggernaut (non-lucid)

      I'll make this vivid dream quick. I am in some sort of warehouse with old high school friends. I was running from a guy that tried to kill me. Poison me or something. This guy tries to sell a big bag of lettuce as weed. When my friends look away, he places some poison weed inside. I tell them about it. "Don't smoke that!". They try to turn it into a cop but he shoots and kills them. This dealer guy pursues me. I sneak around the warehouse and hope over stone walls.

      I see this huge 8 foot 500 pound guy running through the stone walls. I cower int he corner hoping he doesn't see me. He is being pursued as well. "Turn yourself into these guys." he tells me. "Yeah. Ok. Anything. You just keep going." Vomit-like pours from his mouth. He turns and runs. Turns to me one last time and the vomit is gone. He smiles.

      I like to think I recruited this man as my dream team ally. He is the tank, obviously.
    7. 01/10/09

      by , 07-22-2010 at 07:05 PM
      Night of 1/09/09


      Let's just say... it was some good sex... that turned into strange sex.


      I was in a car driving away from a demolition wrecking ball or something coming after me. I could see it coming in the rear window when I turned around. Next thing I know, there is a building crashing down on me, but when the wall of this building comes down, a window falls over me so I'm not hurt at all. Then, I'm in a room of this busted building with a group of people telling them the story of how I escaped injury.
    8. July 22 2010 - The Past

      by , 07-22-2010 at 06:40 PM (Mah Journal)
      In the first dream I was apparently at school with the band, but it was last year's band. I was sitting with V and A. We were all talking and getting out instruments ready.

      Then I had a LD. I don't remember how it started, but I was at the ranch at first. I was strolling around, not really thinking about what to do. I saw a girl with a chubby and sturdy white horse that had a pink jacket. I asked her what the horse's name was, and she said it was "Rascal."

      I then saw K. I decided to try to tell her that we were dreaming; I wondered what would happen. I told her that we were, and to my surprise, she scoffed at me. She got mad and told me to do something else. I shrugged and wandered off to do other things. I can't remember what else I did, but the dream lasted fairly long.

      Then I was at school. We were preparing for a dance in the gym. Everyone was getting changed. I only had this ugly black dress that was really shiny but made with cheap material. It was short and had one of those stupid bands on bottom, which made it totally shapeless. I was annoyed that I couldn't have brought anything nicer.

      The school suddenly turned into a rec center. I wanted to quickly take a shower before I dressed, but among the many washrooms and changeroosm I couldn't find one with a shower. Every room had a label that said "changeroom" and then beside it a class from D2. I found some asian guy who seemed to be the janitor and asked him for a changeroom with a washroom. He said they were closed as he showed me a schedule for the changeroom cleaning. I thanked him and took the map. Then I realized that I had asked for the washroom, not the shower. I shook my head in frustration. How could I be so stupid?

      As I looked back at this schedule map thing, I saw that "changeroom - assassin" had a shower in it, as so did "changeroom - druid" (but I assumed that that one was the male changeroom). I quickly rushed over. I saw a few of my friends along the way.

      Then, in the next dream, I was watching this glowing bug thing. It left a trail in the night sky. I can't even really remember what happened, but I was watching this bug-flower thing leave colorful trails everywhere, and I was following it. I also remember looking at the sky (it was night time) and thinking how I would like to jump up and see the stars closer. I briefly remember seeing SA somewhere.
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. 01/09/09

      by , 07-22-2010 at 06:26 PM
      Tripping in High School

      I'm at my apartment. Aaron and Matt are over and they're making acid in my kitchen. It involves orange juice. But oddly, no chemistry set or anything. I'm sitting on my couch watching them do this. They both drink the orange juice and start tripping. So I walk over to the sink and pour the rest of the orange juice into the palm of my left hand. I think I licked it off my hand.

      Next thing I know, I'm at my old high school. I'm walking down the corridor between the classes and the cafeterias. It's a campus style school built in the 60's or 70's. Outside of Cafeteria 2, there is a group of students assembled. I get in line with them and a teacher comes up to me and asks for me to initial something. She points to a box in an otherwise empty grid and I write "OMG" in it. And smile. The teacher looks at me and asks, "Do you think this is funny??" And I'm starting to trip and I just smile really big and shrug my shoulders and walk into the cafeteria.

      I walk to the lunch line and grab a tray and see strawberries in a white plastic container that's shaped like a jar and take one. They all look really fresh and good to eat. Then I look behind the glass at what the lunch ladies have going on for lunch today, and it's all different kinds of pies. I HATE PIE. I look at one of the lunch ladies and ask, "Are you kidding me? Are you serious? Just pie???" I don't think she responded. I go to the cashier and now I suddenly have a soda on my tray as well, and I have to give her $2.35 for my lunch. Which is pretty steep for a strawberry and a soda.

      I leave the lunch line and see that some people are calling me to sit with them. Then I see Danielle and smile and walk over to her. She's sitting at one of those tables with the little round dots for seats. As I'm walking over to her I blink and when my eyes are closed it looks like someone's notebook with drawings all in it, just line drawings, and they're all filled in with diagonal lines. Everything is in different colors. I sit by Danielle and ask her how her trip is going. She says somewhat loudly so the other table that I was supposed to sit at can hear, "Sure I'll show you the pictures from my beach trip!"

      Ice Hockey with Danielle

      Next thing I know, I'm a goalie at an ice hockey rink!! Danielle is trying to score goals on me! But I don't have a big goalie hockey stick, I just have this little regular one. We get tired of playing and I want to go to the pro shop. We go put down our hockey sticks in a pile with some others and they're all like plastic little kid hockey sticks, even the ones we were playing with.

      Lucky Zipper at the Pro Shop

      We go into the pro shop and I lost Danielle. I'm walking around and I see that it's not a hockey pro shop, it's a roller skating pro shop. There are pictures on all the walls of all sorts of shoe brands that have started making their own line of roller skates. I walk up to the counter and the guy behind it looks familiar. He's the dj from my old skating rink that my sister used to date. I asked him the best time to come skating and he said when he's working, of course. So I asked him for his number and he gave me a business card that said his name is Lucky Zipper.

      He also mentioned that he was working the Headbanger's Ball and that I should call him for details. I asked him to price a pair of black and white Adio skates for me with the best plates and speed wheels and he said they'd only be about fifty dollars!! Then Danielle walked back in and asked where I'd been because she'd been looking all over for me.

      Going to Maryland

      I'm in a car with Sara Flexon and she's in the front seat driving and I'm in the back seat and I asked where we're going and she says to Maryland. We stop at a Taco Bell for food.

      The Indian War

      I'm in a big open field. There's dead bodies of Indians everywhere. All of a sudden, arrows start flying at me!
    10. 01/08/09

      by , 07-22-2010 at 06:21 PM
      Sex in Cracker Barrel

      I'm in Cracker Barrel. In the entrance part where all the junk that they sell is. I'm on a bed. Doing Andrea. Like it's no big deal and we do it there all the time.

      Running Around the School

      I was in a classroom at a school and someone was packing some clothes or something. I see a black DC hat and a pair of black DC shoes. I steal them!! I ran out of the building and show them off to some people outside. I decide to go in and get some more shoes.

      I'm looking for the classroom I was in and this school is like four stories high and crazy confusing with hallways all over like a maze. I go to an elevator and this guy follows me in. He's got a speech impediment. He asks me where the student housing office is. We stop at a floor that is all dorm rooms. I ask him is he sure he wants to live in a dorm? He should get an apartment. We stop at another floor and I follow him out of the elevator still talking. He goes into this theater and I follow him in and sit down next to him. What's playing looks like Rules of Attraction, even though I've never seen it IRL. I tell the guy that I didn't know we were going to a movie and that I had stuff to do and I had to leave, but could he give me his number so I could call him and check up on how his apartment search was going. On the paper that he gave me his number he had written down three apartments he wanted to look at and asked if I could go look at them with him tomorrow. I have no idea how he found this apartment information in the time from when we got off the elevator to now. So I say sure and see that on the paper his name is David.

      I sit for a while in my seat and there's a commercial on about this powder foundation like Bare Minerals stuff and all of a sudden I have it in my lap. It's in a compact and I open it up and try some on. It looks horrible on me, all chalky and just bad, like you can tell I just put makeup on. Not natural at all. ew.

      So I look around, and even though this is bad makeup, I decide to steal it. I walk out of the theater and an alarm went off, but there are students walking in and out and no one cares that it's me that set off the alarm. I look around for security cameras. I think, awesome, I got away with it. I'm walking around now looking for that classroom again. It's a chemistry classroom that I'm trying to find.

      I have this makeup compact in my hands and I decide I better put it in my back pocket. So now, all of a sudden, they're onto me that I've stolen this makeup! I start running. everywhere. And take breaks between running and just briskly walking. Tons of hallways, a suspended catwalk, and nowhere I need to go to find this classroom. Students everywhere but no one but the people chasing me are paying attention to what's going on.

      I find a bathroom to hide in. This bathroom is more like a fitting room in a department store. There's a bench seat and no toilet. I sit on the bench and pull my feet up so no one can see under the stall that I'm there. Then, it's like my stall is a breezeway and there's like a classroom behind me that I can't see and people are coming into and out of my stall!!! But the people chasing me don't find me. I find a door behind me and go in and there's the toilet. But it's a fucked up toilet with two toilet bowls one above the other and I have no idea how to go to the bathroom there. So I look in the mirror at how bad this makeup is on me and try to rub my hands on my face to take it off. Then the janitors come in and I have no idea what happened after that. I was stressed out.

      Chaos at Work

      I'm at work. I'm usually a cashier, but now I'm running around helping people get their textbooks. I have a list from someone and I'm standing in line a the textbook counter waiting to give them my list and get this person's books when there are two guys playing with a tennis ball like throwing it back and forth to each other. I get out of line to yell at them and lose my place in line and freak out because I've been standing there for so long. Then two people walk up to me and hand me this guy's books. There are way too many books for me to carry, so I make them do it.
    11. Bad Karma

      by , 07-22-2010 at 06:11 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)

      I finally had a fun dream!

      1- Bad Karma

      My family and I are witches. I seem to be an odd combination between Phoebe from Charmed, Hermione, and myself. And I'm in a world of trouble. The previous night, I had snuck into a graveyard and eaten the heart of a demon who was imprisoned there. This act would give me unimaginable power, but only if I am able to vanquish the demon on the following night.

      All day long, I'm a nervous wreck. My father is the first to notice my strange behavior, but I refuse to tell him what's wrong. That evening, my mom is driving us all to the movies. My dad tells her how odd I've been acting, and she asks if there's anything I need to tell her. "Nope, nothing." She definitely doesn't need to know what I've been up to.

      "She's lying!" my brother pipes up from the back seat. "She's activated my lie detector! Only... it says that she's just used a rehearsed apology."

      When we get out of the car, I take my wand out of my mom's purse without anyone noticing and slip it into my back pocket. (There had been something earlier in the dream about how we were all grounded from our wands for misuse of our magic.)

      *lapse in time*

      We are now back from the movies; the sun has set. I am not surprised to see the demon waiting for me as I enter my room. It is tall, with the body of a human, the face of an ogre, and the wings of a dragon. It's skin is literally on fire, burning with bright orange flames. All useful spells suddenly flee from my mind as the creature begins its attack. "Alohamora!" I screech, before remembering that that's an unlocking spell.

      None of my family members will help me. My brother is sleeping and does not wish to be disturbed. My parents have found out why the demon is after me, and say that it's my punishment to fight it alone. But none of my spells are working! In the end, I set a trap and crush the demon to death under a ton of heavy items.
    12. First Entry

      by , 07-22-2010 at 04:54 PM
      Dream Fragments, some Lucid, some not

      Several times I would realize these weren't real, but I decided to not mess with it because it was entertaining.

      Small Animal

      I was some sort of small animal, but could still talk. There was something about a lake at night, and then I was in a room with bright lights.
      I was putting on boots slowly
      I was in some animal court, sentenced to death for stealing, but apparently, the method was a roller coaster (kind of).
      At the roller coaster, you ride on a skateboard with very strange wheels. There was a metal plate on each side, and on one side the plate had 3 holes, and on the other they had 4 Apparently they can come off easily, because they did and I spent some time putting it back together.
      Once the ride begun, it was like a normal roller coaster, and I didn't die.
      Afterward, the other animals were all dumbfounded, and let me go.
      I was driving a car (still a weird small animal) and a bear began chasing me. However, when he caught up, every time he tried to scare me, I would show it some crazy picture of what it was trying to do on my cell phone, and it would burst into laughing.

      New School?

      I was in some sort of secret underground rebel base (anti government?) and I was there to transfer my driver's licenses. My dad gave me these things that I had to sign, but he taped them to my hand. This made it rather difficult, but then I realized "Hey, I'm left handed" (I'm not actually). So then I signed them. Then somehow I got to a school, that was a mix of my old school and my new school. The people were the same, but the building was different. There were weird orange plastic mesh barricades set up in the hallways for some reason, and then I realized I had no idea where I was going. So then I decided to go to the office. There I found my old middle school secretary lady working there, and I asked for a schedule. The things I signed earlier had now turned into a full hand cast on both hands. Then my friend Mark said "What did you do to your hands this time?". I told him that sometimes things happen. There was also some weird teacher lady I had never seen before.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. July 19, 2010

      by , 07-22-2010 at 04:52 PM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      Mad Driving:
      I was on the highway driving a car with a passenger. I turned right and was able to with no problem. I tried to turn right again but I almost hit a car.

      Work Punctuality:
      I was asleep on the sofa. It was almost five in the afternoon and I had work at that time. I was relaxed though, my sister promised to take my shift. I woke up after five only find that she didn't and was pissed off. I ran around the house trying to prepare myself for work. Time approached 5:40, at which point I was wondering how come I wasn't called yet.

      Thoughts: Second dream seems to be a mixture of real life and work thoughts, happened during a nap.

      Updated 07-26-2010 at 03:17 AM by 24565

      Tags: car, driving, late, work
    14. Night 4: Forgotten bee swarms and snowy forks

      by , 07-22-2010 at 04:48 PM
      Most of last night is a blur, though I vaguely remember elements of several dreams.

      The most recent dream I can remember involves me and two other people. It was me, another guy that I don't recognize, and another girl that I sort of recognize. We were by my old middle school in the wintertime, and for whatever reason the girl had a box of metal forks on her back. It was as though she took the silverware holder from a dishwasher, made it bigger, and put backpack straps on it. Either way, it was full of dirty forks that we had worked hard to collect. We had originally planned on completing whatever plan we had for the forks back at the high school (which I don't remember the purpose of), but a snowstorm came in and for whatever reason the girl wanted to go pick up my brothers and sisters from the middle school and the elementary. The problem was that there were so many cars there with parents to pick up their children that it was impossible. Me and the other guy kept insisting to the girl that we just forget about it so we could wash the forks and get on with our plan, but she wouldn't listen. At one point some administrators passed (including the principal of the middle school, one of the counselors, and the former superintendent of the school district), and we looked uneasily at them for fear of getting caught before we could execute our plan (whatever it was). They smiled and waved and we did so back as we dipped the forks into the snow to try and see if that would wash them. They made the snow sizzle as they entered it, and that's about all I remember of that.

      At some point before dream that I think I was attacking my sister. She'd done something that really made me mad so I started punching her, but my mother intervened because she wanted to play Wii in peace (which she never plays, haha).

      There was another dream early on where I was walking on the side of the road with some people, except I feel like I was wheeling myself along the ground in some sort of cart-like apparatus. Eventually I abandoned that once we started moving uphill and just started running, but I still don't remember who I was with. I want to say Will Ferrell for some stupid reason, but I never got a good look at his face. I don't even know what we were doing or where we were going.

      Really REALLY early on in my dreaming there was a swarm of bees, and I remember telling myself I was gonna remember that dream, but I don't anymore.

      Last night was sort of a bad night for dreams, I guess. The other problem is that I don't know what happened to my REM alarm. It must have gone off, but now I just can't find my phone, which is what I set as the alarm. Must've fallen off my bedpost. Oh well. I also need to get better at identifying dreamsigns while I'm actually IN the dream.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Assorted fragments

      by , 07-22-2010 at 04:40 PM
      Something about...

      1. A woman using a spell that petrifies people and binds their spirit guides.

      2. A sheet music book with a lot of unusual selections (like "The Hounds" by The Protomen)

      3. Working out on some really weird weight equipment, and then being unable to choose a drink afterward.

      4. A room full of pinball tables that functioned a bit more like skeeball machines with ball bearings. A stuck-up lady was protesting a table that depicted some sort of mountain because said mountain got covered in trash.

      5. Looking for interesting things at a thrift store. There was a neat black hair-bow with a cute-ified skull bead on it that I liked, but it was attached to a not-so-neat baseball cap.

      6. Being stuck outside in a tornado and trying to get to the shelter, which was a combination of a hospital and a huge preschool. And then it turns out that anyone who seeks shelter there has to stay until they graduate, sometimes even after.