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    1. TOTM: Pumpkinhead (Lucid #84)

      by , 10-06-2012 at 07:21 AM (Magic Box)
      I am in my room with my sister. I'm not sure what we're talking about, but suddenly I notice a huge hole in the wall that leads to the street outside my house. My sister stands up, goes there, and jumps out into the street. I think this is strange and get lucid. I get up and go after my sister. I see her in the distance, with a neighbor grilling some barbeque. My sister looks at me and says, "This is so weird. Is this a dream?" I tell her yes. I told her that in this dream, we can control everything. I put my hand on the grill, and it feels warm, but doesn't hurt. I then proceed to remove the grill and grab the coals with my bare hands, all the while convincing myself it won't hurt. It doesn't. "See?", I tell my sister.

      I suddenly remember the task of the month, which is to replace my head with a pumpkin. I also remember trying it the previous night, and failing. I part ways with my sister, who seems to be delighted after finding out it's a dream. I walk along the street, imagining pumpkins popping up everywhere. They do. But most of them are already carved, so I grab one, close my eyes briefly, and imagine it turning into an uncarved pumpkin. Success! I grab a small cutter (which I conveniently find on the ground) and proceed to carve the pumpkin. I cut out big eyes, and an even bigger smile. Now comes the exciting part: removing my head. I had some ideas on how to do it, but never really tried yet.

      I reach around the back of my neck and grab a small, metallic protrusion. I pull it, dragging it across my neck until it circles and goes all the way around. I can hear the ZZZZZZZZZZP.

      Yep, I just unzipped my head.

      I close my eyes push my head off. It goes off easily. I feel around me and grab the pumpkin. I then put it on, push it down (I hear a squish), and I open my eyes. My vision is really....huge. Like everything is in panoramic view. My facial muscles feel strange too. I figure it must be because of the huge smile I carved. My face is stuck that way, and I can't even blink. I feel my head and it feels weird, because I have no hair. Lol. just a slight protrusion at the top of my head, which must be the pumpkin stem. I poke the eyeholes, and it feels legit, like I really poked my eyes. I put my hand in my huge mouth, and there's nothing inside. Feels weird too.

      I turn around, planning to walk and explore, but I see my head on the ground. It looks really strange. It has its eyes closed tightly, as if it is anticipating something. I kick it. And it rolls away.

      I start walking down the street, and eventually fly a few meters up until I lose lucidity and wake up.
    2. mad parents

      by , 10-06-2012 at 05:58 AM
      I was about to go to sleep and I heard a loud bang. I went into my parents room and they made me lay on the end of there bed.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. "Salt" (password) 1

      by , 10-06-2012 at 05:58 AM
      Password: "salt"


      Squarish chunks of colour moving towards me with spaces inbetween like in an invisible soft tube. Out in space not inside fluid or underground. 12:44pm Sat 6-Oct-12.

      As I happily became aware that I was having a hipnapop (waking image) I got the word "Salt".

      Wow- just got up and started puting a sock on my right foot and there is a indigo bruise under my big toe nail. That immediately made me remember a dream snipet from last night:

      I was picking at my big toe nail because in the dream it was way-too-long and dry. Then the whole big toe nail peeled-off painlessly (oops). No pain or discomfort and as I poked, cuiously at the my big toe where the nail should be, it was only soft for a second. It was hardening up quickly.

      Wow my dreaming brain informed me last night that I was loosing a big toe nail but not to worry because there would be no pain and it would harden-up again in no time.

      (I have diabetic neuropathy in feet. Thats why I don't remember bumping my toe hard enough to bruise under the nail.) I am thrilled that my brain informed me before I saw it, wow.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. trick or treating

      by , 10-06-2012 at 05:57 AM
      Going trick or treating with austin tricia tori and some other kids I knew. We were waiting in a long line for a house that gave 2 pieces of candy. I was the only one who waited I guess and had to sing along this weird song to get them. We then were driving back and were making plans for all of us to sleep over trent's house, but we knew he woulnd't let austin stay.
    5. helicopter

      by , 10-06-2012 at 05:55 AM
      Riding in a helicopter in korys (kid ive known since I was 30 neighborhood with people from his school. The guy supposed to be in charge of us with the helicopter wasn't there so we could do whatever we wanted to. As we were flying the heli turned into a jet and we flew low and cut some farmers valued trees. (don't know what happened after) I rode a bike over the guy in charges car and he showed up. All the people flew off in the helicopter and left me jack and this 14 year old. I guess we forgot about running and were trying to go get this kid to go talk to some of his aged girls. i woke up
    6. Hitman (Oct 3 - Oct 4, 2012)

      by , 10-06-2012 at 02:38 AM (Realm of Insanity)
      I am in a black suit and I am walking down a street. As I am walking four cars pass by, I recognize them. They turn a corner and go around the block then head back my way. The last car stops by me while the other three go on.
      We soon arrive in a neighborhood, it looks to be midday. I get out of the car and start heading towards the door. My partner gets my attention. "Make it quick," he says. I walk in front of the door. And knock on it a few times. After a bit of a wait noises of unlocking the door are heard from the other side. I grasp the cool steel of my silenced .45, my hand waiting on the trigger.
      " Hello" was all the man got out before I shot him dead. I run back to the car and we take off.
      The dream skips to later and school has just ended. Apparently I had detailed the killing in a notebook and now I was worried that I would get busted so I decided to sell it to a pawnshop. I enter the pawnshop and a woman greets me. I tell her that I need to sale my book and we begin negotiations. I then happen to look over to a wall and a sign was posted up and it said "Shhhhhh it will be our secret." or something to the similar effect. I then sell the book and leave the shop glad to know that I would be safe.
      Tags: dream, kill, man, non lucid
    7. Lake monsters? (Oct 3 - Oct 4, 2012)

      by , 10-06-2012 at 02:25 AM (Realm of Insanity)
      I am riding down a peaceful road in a school bus full of people. A narrator is telling us about lake monsters that they saw during a recent trip down here and they were taking us to see them. As the man is talking, the farther we go the darker it gets. We arrive at the lake and the buses pull to a stop. The drivers shine their lights at the lank and slowly pan them to the right. Their lights hit a group of trees and as soon as they do, visible was four tree-like creatures with eyes and mouths, arms, and feet jumping and flailing around slowly inching towards the bus. Everyone on the bus erupts in a panic and the buses take right before the four monsters take off the costumes. We are speeding down the road and then we roar down a hill, I got that funny feeling in my stomach that happens during roller coasters. We keep going down the road, heading downhill once more.
    8. [Shoplifting My Outfit (A Tragic End?)]

      by , 10-06-2012 at 02:18 AM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Thursday, October 4th, 2012]
      (I had dreams before this, but this is the latest that I remember.)

      I'm at school. It's a school in downtown city. Me, Alex, Alex's Mum and a few other people stayed after school had
      ended to accomplish some goal. There's an emergency and we stayed despite it. We needed some kind of information
      maybe? We park in one spot in a parking garage-like area and trace our steps to the front door. We get inside.
      <memory fades>

      We're headed back out- apparently someone (the second in comand of the school) stayed all night too and is nearby.
      Somehow people might know we're here. We panic and try to get out without getting caught. On the way out,
      everyone seems to have forgotten where we parked. I point in the right direction to the right.
      Alex's Mom: "Oh yeah, I know."
      She doesn't sound as hateful to me. But she still sounds slightly unhappy. I'm thankful for this nonetheless.
      We trot through the parking lot road the leads to an alleyway. Me and Alex's Mom have a small but relatively friendly
      conversation on the way there. We're just about to enter an alleyway when I notice... I'm missing shoes! The alleyway
      is dirt mostly. Halfway through- We walk through some deep wet mud and I get my pants dirty.
      "Ugh." Everyone sympathizes with me. "Don't worry, there's some water up ahead I can wash myself off with."
      I'm going to have to wash my feet since we're getting in Alex's Mom's car. I roll up my pants and walk through
      semi-deep water. I shake my feet a few times to get as much of the mud off as possible. We get to the car and my
      memory skips. I just remember feeling my ears, and they were pierced again. (They aren't in waking life anymore.)

      We're heading to the mall now. We stop at a store before this to let everyone use the bathroom.
      It's a small ripoff ToysRUs store. I walk around and look at the clothes first. I have no money and I want to steal
      something so bad, but I have no big pockets. I'd have to wear it out. I plan a robbery in the back of my mind. Then at
      least I wouldn't look like shit for the mall.

      Kids surround me while I look. They're extremely loud for me. A few approach me and ask me questions. I ignore
      them for the most part and keep browsing. On the center circle rack, there's lots of "plaid overshirts" in really neat
      colors. Some are soft... some are thick like giant thick coats. Almost like my red coat! I keep looking and find a few
      tanktops. One tanktop I find isn't really my cup of tea... it looks almost like an ugly orange+green mud color. It doesn't
      fit me either, so I take it back off. It was an "M", I noticed.

      The kids repeatedly question me. I don't mind them too much and I answer them and talk to them. After awhile
      though, I start to play with them. One plays hide-and-seek tag with me or something. I hide in the clothes rack that I've
      been browsing and note that you'd have to bend down to even see my feet! Now hidden, I notice a kid running in
      circles around the rack. I reach out and try to grab him or something, but he ends up knocking the entire rack over on
      me. "SHIT, KID!" I suddenly become aware of all the security guards and managers in the area. They're walking
      towards this area. Fuck.

      I head away. I go to the Toddler section where Kid's are playing on a little slide and laughing. I feel extremely out of
      place, and some parents are watching anyways... I head away and see kids everywhere, but gravitate towards the
      arcade machines. There's one big game... and a few beyond it... well that's disappointing. I turn to my left and see a
      whole line of machines. I think, "WHOA, that's better. But these machines probably don't have the same system as
      Castles and Coasters... I wouldn't be able to win anything very high in tickets then anyways."

      I head back to the area where I was going to shoplift. I'm now cautious of the one security guard that's standing by the
      door. I also observe that there probably isn't any shoplifting detectors near the door. My attention returns to the
      clothes. The circle rack is now missing. Go figure. I notice some racks on the wall with folded clothes. These look like
      they're more expensive. They must be, because they all look amazing. A couple kids show up again and start talking to
      me. I think they know now what I'm up to- but they want to help me. They run off somewhere, while I keep looking.
      I see a new item that I didn't see before!

      A Black and Red tanktop- it's a black tanktop with trippy red designs of fire on acid. The armpit doesn't even go down
      that low. I love it! I make sure it's my size. I find a few "M"s and "XL"s... then finally a "L".
      I find some boxers that match the tanktop.
      I find some nice soft white socks... and some shorter black ones too! I stuff the white ones in my pocket.
      I find quite a few REALLY nice plaid overshirts... I check the sizes first. These would be easier to steal... but maybe I
      could wear some of these over the tanktop!
      I find some a couple plaid overshirts of really neat colors that stand out. One has Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, and
      maybe Blue. One has something similar, but with less colors, and blackish or whiteish sleeves. The sleeves have fancy,
      silver, flower-like curves and garnish. I might rip those off. But they do look interesting. I see some really nice pants
      too that look really comfortable. I take my muddy pants off and begin the process. They won't notice pants being
      different, I hope. After my pants are already off and I'm in some gym-shorts or something, I glance over at the door
      security guard. He looks distracted by many other things besides me. But I'm still in his line of sight. At that moment,
      he walks away towards some kids crying. The two kids must have done the job!

      I try to slip back into my muddy pants for a moment when I see other people walking towards me. The manager is
      coming. Oh fuck! I get my pants half-on when he arrives and he's with a security guard. They joke around as if they
      were kids and start shooting imaginary guns at me. I play along and pretend to get shot up like I used to when I was a
      kid. I hit the ground and they continue. Then the manager walks up to me and shoots me in the mouth.

      "Haha, I guess I have a tongue piercing now." I joke. We all laugh.
      If anyone responds to this verbally, I don't remember it. I think to myself... if I were shot like that or stabbed like that
      for real, I'd be bleeding out pretty bad.

      <I wake up.>
    9. [Troll Mom]

      by , 10-06-2012 at 02:14 AM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012]
      (Recall is poor, but I DID dream quite a bit.)

      I'm at a gigantic park and home complex- I get in an arguement with
      Brent and my Mom just happens to agree with him. My Mum chimes in and follows me about telling me I'm wrong. I
      keep saying, "PLEASE Mom, just LISTEN to me." Her face starts become troll-like as she begins to argue like a child.
      I become extremely upset. [I don't remember much else.]
    10. Stage Band (Sep 30, Oct 1, 2012)

      by , 10-06-2012 at 02:12 AM (Realm of Insanity)
      I am at marching band practice and we are practicing our drill but instead of doing it on a field we are marching to our spots on a stage. There is a page of drill We are stuck on because our bass line keeps running into the snare line. Our instructor than tells us that on the step off we move up one then move backwards to our spot. We try this and it works perfectly. We then march our whole show on stage.

      The dream skips it is nighttime and the drumline is heading outside the school in front of a cafe section where people are. Some of the wind and brass section join us. Before we even perform for the people at the cafe the dream ends.
    11. 10/5/12- Its Been A While, But Found Out Who The Mysterious Woman Was.

      by , 10-06-2012 at 01:29 AM
      The woman appears to be my guardian angel.(Believe it or NOT).I have reviewed my dreams and noticed everytime I see Po- No, lets call her "The Giver", I was either committing a sin or something inappropriate. I did a little research and found that she could be an angel. But why did she make me think that the 'Math Class' dream wasn't a dream? Could it have been because I wanted that 112 grade in real life or was it another woman?OR was it the REAL "The Killer"?Let me do a little more research. Be Back in five minutes. Ok, I found some things out. According to Wikipedia,(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/112th_U...tates_Congress) 112 is the number of the current congress. BUT many killings and religious views are associated with the 112th Congress. 112 is also a band and a 911-like phone number. Interesting, right?

      Updated 10-06-2012 at 01:37 AM by 54918

    12. 10/5/12

      by , 10-06-2012 at 01:14 AM
      Well guys, I didn't have any success last night with remembering any dreams/fragments. I have a couple ideas that I tried to jog my memory without avail. It's alright though, there's always tonight! Practicing my semi-ADA and doing RC's randomly throughout the day, before long I will be having LD's!
    13. Wasn't what I expected

      by , 10-06-2012 at 01:02 AM
      I was hanging out with friends eating a corn dog but I was outside, then inside, then outside again. The last time I was outside I realized it was impossible for the scene to be changing like that and became Lucid. The only problem is that the excitement woke me up and I was paralyzed from being in REM. Finally I gained control of my body and got up to write in my dream journal....then something odd happened. I woke up, again! I became lucid, dreamt I woke up, and then I woke up. Why did that happen? Why did I become lucid and then get put into a different dream instead of just waking up?
    14. goin toward the light

      by , 10-06-2012 at 12:08 AM
      i think i know the formula well my formula for lucids. i listen to deadmau5s "alone with you" and i have a lucid draem. granted i believe i can have a lucid. and this one was really cool. i was in some other world and realized i was lucid so got a lil excited but started rubbing my hands together and grounding myself in the dream . then my body started flowing towards this light of sorts i couldn't see but i new i was naked with my arms stretched out towards the light. it was like a dark light that had these deep glowing colorsa nd i remember i said somthing to myself like "i am lucid" annd it was really just trippey and cdhill.
    15. Poor Recall

      by , 10-06-2012 at 12:03 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      With Megan and Angel visiting Tasha. She is living out of town. We all decided to leave. Megan and Angel talk about eating out. My is getting Riley dressed. She puts him in pink and purple outfit. He looks like a girl. I try to talk to my wife about it but there is loud music and we had to yell.