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    1. 4,226 Words - selected parts in bold

      by , 05-28-2018 at 04:49 PM
      7:44 pm closing computer for bed.
      4226 words


      12:45 AM: So this has been my usual sleep, about 4 hours so far. And I had some dreams. Earlier dreams involved N H and M R. I forgot what. then there was something about G F and K F and how it was after school. And how we could go to a pool. I wanted to go swim but was worried I hadn't eaten enough. We talked about going for a swim then eating after.

      There was more stuff I forgot. But one was about being in this water slide thing. And there were apples or slices of pizza or some food. Some of it belonged to each individual. I think I was passing some peoples apples or whatever food it was to them.

      Then I remember it being something about a gym. There were a list of pod casts, one being about something, sleep, and something else, and many other podcasts. There may have been some weight lifting component. I remember some toys J G was trying to sell. He was very push and didn't let the other sales person talk. One was a Tigger robot kind of toy. I forgot the other. But I remember the big shelf of toys.

      There might have been a Pokemon game earlier now that I think of it. Not sure.

      Anyway after that, I remember a monopoly card hanging on the wall. Like the poster board ones that indicate each property a person could own. These had red in their color on the top and I think they said "CIRCUMCISION HURTS". However they might have said something else about circumcision. Anyway, I felt triggered, and said to the sales people about how circumcision (MGM) was bad.

      One of the sales people (not J G) said something mean to me. And some other mean things to me. Both him and J G tried to minimize the harms of MGM and I was initially angry. But then I realized that their insults to me were not hurting my feelings one bit. It was really amazing. I told them, "You, know it's amazing. Its like your insults are not even touching me." I didn't know it was a dream either, so it was really phenomenal. "It's like I'm doing such important work here (intactivism) that your mean words can't touch me."

      After that the insults ended, and it kind of shifted. B D was there coloring. I had a piece of paper and wanted to color with silver and gold colored pencils. My seat was at the head of the table. B D was to my left. Someone else was to my right. There wasn't a lot of room in front of my seat.

      Eventually, P S and maybe another woman came by, and wanted to sit down. There were two chairs and we wondered which to put at the head of the table, for the woman to sit down. (I seemed to be giving up my seat.) So P S told us that the one chair was more comfortable and we should use that. But I realized he was saying that so that we could use the less comfortable chair! And leave the comfortable one for him. Ha! One chair had cushioned arm rest things. They both had some padding. I was also thinking of folding my paper so that it fit in a tiny spot of table between B D and the other person's binder.

      I remember something about a spiritual teacher. A woman like M or R (thin, middle-aged, greyish blonde hair, short in stature) was saying how she listened to a spiritual teacher (someone like Eckhart Tolle) and he said she would have to go to work and actually work all day. Not have any side conversations. Not be distracted on the computer, social media, etc. Just work. This idea seemed preposterous and she laughed with everyone else.

      (I just remembered a cat. Maybe there was a cat at some point in the dreams.)

      Then I was putting contacts into my phone. I was going to write "Good Guy 1", "Good Guy 2", etc. Because it was for a team. One was R K. I might have been thinking of just putting a number as their name, like, "1", "2", "3", etc. But what if someone checked how I input them? It would seem too impersonal. I remember the back space key being in a random spot on the 3rd page of characters and I had to scroll to that.

      Then there was something with me in front of a box. And something about how a formal was coming up soon. I was looking through this box. Maybe there was a mirror, and other stuff. C P and G W seemed to be hovering around me. It occurred to me that they must be hoping I ask them out as a date to the formal. I didn't really want to go with either of them, since I wasn't that attracted to them, and I was just going to go alone. But I tried to be nice. And had to get changed.

      I went home, which was instant, I don't remember traveling. There were all these shelves of old books. I realized that everyone there would have smart phones with internet, so there was no need for me to bring a little hand held dictionary. It said something with the word "toe" on the cover which I would have felt embarrassed about if I'd brought it. The cover was kind of tattered.

      I was wearing gym shorts and a regular T-shirt. Not sure what I'd wear for the formal. Dad came in and I got an uncomfortable vibe. He had on a white button down shirt and khaki pants. He told me about how he asked a college counselor to give him the good schools to go to. And how he wouldn't settle for certain schools, listing them off with disregard. He eventually named the school he did go to and his accomplishments very pridefully. I sat in an armchair, sinking into it as I thought of what to wear. Maybe a button down shirt like Dad's. I was slowly realizing I couldn't go to a formal in gym shorts and a T shirt.

      Dad's speech reached a peak. "I worked and worked and worked and gave money to you, your mom, your sister, your mom, your mom, your sister, your sister, you, your mom, you, you, and now, you have no time for me!" And he was adjusting his pants which had become puffy camoflauge-designed canvas material kind of pants. "Now I'd like you to get your fist out of my face!" He said, breaking into tears. He had one hand in the air, open, but clenched in a way, like he was rock climbing, with no rock there. Right after he said that, I found myself in my physical bed (woke up) surprised that I wouldn't make it to the formal.

      It was such an intense ending that I woke right up and recalled it so vividly. Now that I've written it all, I will go back to bed. I have some R L S so I will do some exercises for that and hopefully get back to sleep shortly.


      4:54 A M: I definitely slept a couple hours there and had a lot of RBFA. But I have a lot of the dream memories in mind, so I'll write them.

      First, I remember walking around the neighborhood. I had in mind one of those blocks to drive the car up on to for changing the oil. The triangular ramp things. A grey one. I couldn't find it, but there was a spoiler thing built into this Scion kind of car that came off and might look like one. I went to remove it and noticed a bunch of dark colored pick-up trucks. 'Okay, maybe I'll leave it,' I thought. (I think)

      Then I was on a school bus. I don't remember everything that happened but I am pretty sure that I had the grey ramp thing, a back pack, and some other stuff. The bus driver got mad at me because when my stop came, I couldn't get off the bus. I was still looking for my stuff. but the bus driver was mad and they just drove away from my stop without giving me the time.

      I had fallen asleep by trying to use the counting method but I don't remember getting past 70 or so. Oh, I think I had a chance to stay still at one point but it was too uncomfortable (urge surge) and I moved and broke it. I'm sure it would have passed if I had stayed still though, and I'd have dropped in deeper. I made it through some other intense rollover signals, but that one, I just must have been out of mental energy.

      So I found myself driving up the road by the campus of the college I went to. In my Mustang. I was pulled over. For some reason my eyes wouldn't open much. The police officer reminded me of Officer S. I had on my orange glasses. Then Officer S left and another officer (I'll call him Officer B but I don't know his name) came to my car.

      They had been telling me that my steering wheel was too far ahead. And that my steering wheel should be closer to my chest. So I did a joke where I pressed the steering wheel button to push it towards me, and then ended up having the whole thing push me all the way to the back seat. Officer B was mad. I told him it was just a joke, but he said it wasn't funny. I always get triggered by people with no sense of humor. They're so unreasonable.

      Then, I was in my back seat, and all these young kids came in the car. They bumped into me and stuff. I wanted to move but I thought the kids would have to leave my car, since I didn't know them.

      All the kids were wearing a similar outfit. Eventually, they must have left. Now I have some mental blank spots. I remember really needing a bathroom though, and none were available. I was getting mad. All the stalls were taken but I only needed to go #1 anyway. I found a stall with a toilet and a urinal and went to the urinal. The urinal was like one of those garbage cans thats built into the wall, except lower. It was already full of pee though. I tried to urinate anyway because I didn't care, and wound up urinating on my shoes.

      There hadn't been a door on this stall. But I figured it didn't matter. Also, everything was really gross. I had my hand up against the stall at one point, holding it. Then I felt some sharp claws dig into both my wrists and grab me from behind. This caused me some panic. It felt very physical.

      Whatever it was, it brought me out of the dream, and into my bed. It continued to hold me from behind, but now I only felt the sharp grip on my right wrist, and the grip on my left wrist wasn't sharp. I was in some sleep paralysis but was able to say, "Stop!" and then there was some silence while it continued holding me. It was very interesting when it replied to me, "Stop!" a bit louder.

      I said, "Why are you doing this to me? Please don't do this." But I also alternated between panic and then remembering to relax because it was just sleep paralysis.

      It brought me into a dream in which I was lucid at the onset. I turned around and looked at it. It was kind of shaped like a bowling pin, with blue, black and yellow. Maybe I will draw it. It had one eye at the top of the bowling pin.

      Another character who was also a similar shape told me I can't look behind me. That character will be behind me but I can't look behind me. I'm not allowed to look at it. If I do see it, I have to only look at its necklace which had a golden thing on it.

      I'm going to call the bowling pin guy "Pin" for now. So after that, we all sat on a couch. This felt like a very profound dream. I was a thin couch at first. There was someone, i think an old woman, to my left. We held hands. Then someone sat to her left. More people came, and they all squeezed in to the furthest seat on the left. The couch continued to stretch. I was surprised at one point to see that C S, E S, and I S.

      So, then more people joined. I asked the person next to me, "Are they all lucid, too?" And they said yes. I decided to cast a spell to extend the couch to my right. There were some wooden latch things that had to come apart but it worked. I felt cool about using a spell. I think more people sat down after that.

      "Pin" was up front now, going to teach us something. I think it was "Pin" or maybe it was the other bowling pin character, but not "Pin". (I'll have to try to break the rules and look for "Pin" in future dreams.) Anyway, I guess I woke up. This one was very lucid. But it wasn't a clear point to me where I woke up. At some point, I was awake, and had to go through some effort to think of the dream again.

      Eventually, as I thought through it, I fell asleep. (RBFA) There were some various parts to this. I'll try to put them in order.

      I remember something of trying to dream journal everything. And being in a class run by B D. Apparently he had gained a school position and everyone who graduated 10 years ago had to come take a test. His test was designed to kind of make people feel their life hadn't worked out. One of the questions was "Which of your expectations were not fulfilled" or something like that.

      So I saw through his plan. I was able to try to write the answers I felt good about.

      I remember some kind of thing in a cafeteria. Some kind of graphic design thing that is on the TOTT (OTTOTT?) but then I remember dream journaling, and seeing B W. I had a very complex idea of a dream journal in my mind, complete with a lot of drawings. But that was overwhelming me so I decided it was okay just to type it out in a simpler fashion.

      there was a part where I was on a roof. And I remember going up and down some stairs. Its kinda vague to me. I remember seeing this house with siding all around it. Then G M came out of there and sneezed. I said bless you. He rubbed his sneeze on me. I was not mean to him about it but kind of wondered why he thought that was okay. It got on my beard. Then I was driving around and I remember seeing this big orange house with brown doors at the T in the road I had got to. Thinking to myself about forgiveness. Forgiving others, forgiving myself, being forgiven, it was annoying me because they always emphasized forgiving others or being forgiven by others. Where as I thought that being able to forgive one's self should come first.

      I also remember finding myself in a cafeteria. Mom, dad and my sister were there. Eventually I went over and joined them. And had some french fries or something. This part is kinda vague.

      I remember another part of walking around the house at my parents old place. There were kids playing next door and they talked to me from over the fence. I forgot what they said, or I said.

      There was something about a frog and a rabbit running around. I had put each one in its own box for a day for some reason. This seemed cruel to me and I let it out. They pooped everywhere once they got out. It was human-size poops too.

      Then there was a girl who was trying to clean up after them. The rabbit's poop must have been tan because she had a bunch of that that she was cleaning. I remember in cleaning it, she had also left a mess, which I then tried to clean up after her.

      We got transported to a restaurant job kind of thing. I was at the front, setting this window that had fallen off. I had to reset all the metal rods and stuff. I remember just trying to open it, and the window panels just fell out of the wall. There was an electronic device that plugged into some metal rods. That was all the way in front of the restaurant.

      I felt connected to the girl, like I had a crush on her. There was a presentation starting. I was on staff there. I ran to the back of the room where I could see the presentations. I almost took the seat next to the girl but hesitated and ran and even slid on the floor to stand against the wall. I was like half-way in the chair near her when i changed my mind. Maybe I thought it was too bold of a move to sit near someone I liked. So I found myself standing between two table or counter top things. Standing made sense to me because I was a bus boy there anyway.

      So I looked ahead and there was some kind of presentation going on. It seemed to be a carry over of characters from previous scenes.

      So I've woken up from those and recalled what I could. I still feel sleepy and will try to sleep one more time.


      7:18 A M: I had more dreams. Glad that I slept some more. I was in some sort of cafeteria thing.

      There was some stuff I forgot. But there was also some stuff about being signed on to a computer program. And the guy didn't want me to log out. I was saying some stuff, something angry, and he told the guy next to him to just breathe. So he did unilateral nostril breathing. I logged out of that program.

      I noticed I was still logged in to another program, too. I had to scroll around the screen a lot to log out of that one. But when I got out, I saw this really cool graphic of a Scizor. It was like the transition from being in that program to another. It spun and there was a ripple affect, with a lot of red and silver.

      I forgot all of what was going on. But, I got on this elevator thing. The first time, I think I was in a robot suit. I got in and it said help was needed on the fifth floor, so I went to the fifth floor. When I got out there were all these coolers full of mussels (black shell fish) and canned beverages. I pushed them out and found that they had to be pushed around a ramp that twisted around the outside of the building. Some of them fell over the edge but I was able to get most of them around. By the time I got to the bottom, it was a whole truck load. I figured if I'd brought it to the wrong place we could always bring it back up on the elevator.

      Then I walked around some more, and we had to go back in the building. Back in the elevator. This time with a few people. A woman was examining all these beads on the ground. She said we'd be better off leaving them for when the owners come to get them.

      The elevator door was about to close. Suddenly the woman said that if it turned red, we better all get out. Sure enough, it turned all read. Like night mode on a computer but with red tint and the black would be red.

      She ran out of there and I managed to just make it, too. I looked back and the elevator was lit up white. The other guys had been stuck in there. Not sure if they would be okay. It seemed to be because of their robot suits.

      I followed the woman around the building and saw her getting into this car with no windows. It turned out to be cushioned. I don't think there was a roof but the doors went up a few feet over out heads. it was a gold colored car with a beige interior and very soft. There was one more person in the back seat. We were safe there.

      Then I woke up.
      I'll try to sleep some more because I feel sleepy enough.


      Well, I ended up realizing W A was at 7:30, so I went to that meeting. I thought I'd let myself sleep while I listened but it didn't work. Oh well, I think I got 8-9 hours of sleep anyway.
    2. 5/28/2018

      by , 05-28-2018 at 04:26 PM
      Dream 1:
      I was swimming in murky, deep green water at the beach. It was overcast and cold, with grey clouds and no sun. Morgan, Isabella, Sam, and the twins were there. They were laughing about something and discussing some object I’ve since forgotten, but I was more concerned by the fact that I could see hundreds of bodies on the ocean floor when I dipped my head beneath the waves.

      Dream 2:
      On a lawn, there was a canopy tent put up and with a blanket under it, like on Founder’s Day. We were having a picnic. Sam sat on the ground next to me, and Isabella sat in a chair next to the twins. I had brought lemonade, but I forgot the fruit I was supposed to bring. Sam asked how I could remember the lemonade but forget the fruit. The conversation somehow got to my hair, and Sam told Isabella to dye it blue. She did, but halfway through she said “oh no”and threw the dye away. I asked why and she said she’d accidentally made it purple, but my hair was blue.
      I then realized I had a flight that I had to be at at 11:33. I quickly tried to finish a plate of pasta and some salad that hadn’t been there before, and then I went to go find my boyfriend and say goodbye before I left. I found him at a school playing soccer with Jan and Lauren. I ran over to him and gave him a hug and said goodbye, and he kissed me on the cheek.
      Then I realized my flight was a virtual flight of some sort, and I had missed it, but there would be another one soon.

      I was in a very weird high tech shower, which I was trying to figure out. There were lots of curtains and smaller subunits with jets and pools of water. Before I could figure it out, I had to go.

      Dream 3:
      Franci and Helen were telling me I had to go to the hospital for my own good. I was reluctant to go. I said I wanted to take a shower before I left. They told me to pack clean clothes and to make sure I got a good roommate. I said I’d ask for a single room.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. A 111-Year-Old Relative I Never Had

      by , 05-28-2018 at 08:57 AM
      Morning of May 28, 2018. Monday.

      I am in a setting that seems partly modeled after the Cubitis living room (last seen in real life in 1978). There is a computer set up in the southwest corner. It seems to be late morning. I am looking at pages in a newspaper. There is a short article (on the upper right of a page) of about three paragraphs written by someone with my surname. Their first name is Aueda (which is unfamiliar, though which is actually a distortion of my last name, with an extra “A” and no “L”, though my dream self does not realize this). I notice the name Tecumseh written a few times throughout the article. The person lives in New York. I tell Zsuzsanna that I am surprised Aueda is still alive, though this is by way of false memory, as I have no relative by this name as far as I know. In fact, I am uncertain of whether the person is male or female. Zsuzsanna seems to know it is a female even though she had not known of her previously.

      “I did not know they were still alive,” I say, followed by, “They were born in the 1800s”. (This turns out to actually be 1907, but only assuming my dream self is aware it is 2018, though that is unlikely, as my non-lucid dream self typically has no idea what year it is or any viable temporality.) I use the computer for an Internet search. It turns out there is a very large and detailed photograph of her at her rural home in New York. I read that she is 111 years old. In the photograph, presumably recent, she is standing and facing the foreground. I report her age several times to a few different people who show up. I am amazed by her age. The photograph seems like it might be of Grace McDaniels (the “Mule-Faced Woman”), though my dream self does not consider this. Additionally, the surreal nature of her face is far more extreme than Grace’s. She appears to have a large pointed chin covered with small bumps as well as an additional section below her mouth of a different rough texture. She also seems to have large elk antlers growing from her head. (This was likely influenced by a strange movie called “Marker” that Zsuzsanna and I saw the other night, though also seems influenced by the character of Hela from “Thor: Ragnarok”, which we also saw recently, though again, the horns were like elk antlers.)

      I look to the left and see a man, who I first think is her husband, lying on a couch inside their house. (This is illogical, as the main image of Aueda was taken outside, but the photograph implies the walls closest the camera are not present in the image, but are in “reality”.) Looking around, I see more detail, including a barn and a woodpile to the right.

      An unknown male is suddenly standing behind me on my left asking me if he can use my computer to look up a different name, which is Helen Crowley. I do not feel comfortable with him using my computer, as the keyboard is difficult to use. (It is smaller than a real one, but my dream self does not consider this.) I consider that some of the keys can easily fall out or get jammed. I try to tell him about the difficulty of use (though I also tell him how I am familiar with how it us used as such) and that I do not want him using it, but he gets annoyed and walks away for a short time. Finally, I let him use it, though after typing in the name myself, while I get up and walk away from the area. (Helen is Zsuzsanna’s mother’s name as on at least one official document, though she uses Helene but pronounces it as Helena. Additionally, Crowley was a “King of Hell” character from “Supernatural”, so my dream is illogically mixing a lot of random details together, which is what dreams often do.) Before I get up, I notice all the people in the photograph are now walking toward a storm cellar while looking back at the viewer now and then (Aueda being the last one in the line). The image is now actually moving like a film.

      Looking at the floor a little later, I see otherwise clear water with pink areas, much of it flowing out from under a table, and I wonder if someone had been ill, possibly bleeding, or had just spilled something. Marilyn (older deceased half-sister on my mother’s side) is present, though seems as she was in the 1960s. She says she had contacted someone about fixing the leak. She is standing against a table with her arms folded, firstly facing me, though I walk about looking at the pink water. As I look at her in profile as she faces left, I notice how her body and posture is impossibly distorted but I do not catch on that I am dreaming.

      I go into other rooms (which are unfamiliar). I see and clearly hear water flowing everywhere, most of it clear and no longer with pink areas. I see a large laundry basket full of clothes somehow filling up with water nearly to the top (which is impossible as it would just flow out through the large square holes in reality). I also see that the otherwise shallow flooding is going into a room where I supposedly have a number of my books and journals. I walk back where Marilyn is and loudly say, “Everything I have is being destroyed. Why didn’t you tell me about this earlier?” Soon however, I realize I am dreaming and that I was liminally trying to return to deeper sleep (as water is my most common autosymbolism of dream state induction and reinduction, partly based, biologically, on the first months of life spent in the waters of the womb - in fact, I had been reading a comic book yesterday where a woman is pregnant and her waters break). I feel relief in waking up (though in reality, we did have a flood and rain inside the house when the roof was torn off last November and a lot of books were ruined, though not any of our journals).

    4. Log 1124 - Wanderings and Undercooked Chicken Scraps

      by , 05-28-2018 at 02:09 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      More scraps...

      Scrap Group 1
      Wandering round streets at night. For whatever reason, I climbed up some two-story high rock formations (very similar to those found in the Bronx), despite having footwear unsuited for the task. At the top, I noticed a toddler dangerously close to the edge, whom I guided away. Later visited a party in an apartment suite, where that kid and his family were guests.

      Eating potroast chicken. It wasn't done.

      Walking around a highly altered version of my town at night. I cut through an occupied park. I trying to avoid those there by keeping near a nearby lake, but found it was impossible to get through that way. A pre-teen and his dad blurted insults at me. Tried ignoring it, but was too frustrated. So, I went back to try to pick a fight with the dad, though a security guard passed by, and drove me off. Later, I find the shorter route home has been flooded. I feared going through the detour, as I "knew" a psychotic pimp roamed around there.
      dream fragment
    5. 4,276 words - Selected part in bold

      by , 05-27-2018 at 07:51 PM
      I went to bed around 7:30, asleep by 8. Now, its 12:25AM, so I got 3-4 hours of sleep.

      I laid back down and almost let these be an RBFA, just because I felt so tird. But as I laid there, I was able to recall more and more, and they were very profound. I ended up recalling them and stillbeing awake, so I came to write after all.

      The earliest part I remember (and there were more than this) was being at the local food store. I think I worked there but might have just been a customer. The manager, or some other guy, was throwing out a bunch of chicken in the dumpster. I wanted to take some of that chicken instead of buying next chicken to save money and stuff like that. I think I felt guilty or had to ask someone.

      There might have been some parts with waiting on line at the grocery check-out there.

      Then, I remember vaguely, some stuff with some people from school. We were driving down B Avenue and then around the bend. As I went under the lights, I was thinking of, or seeing, a Pokemon game. It was showing how there were 3 to 6 different versions, and each one had different Pokemon. The version I was looking at seemed perfect. It seemed to have all my favorite Pokemon.

      So I drove down that main road and towards the school. Talking about directions with someone else in the car. To the right there was a road that led to B V. I explained to the passenger how I always ignore the signs to B V, and don't go there. (Was I the passenger or the driver?)

      Then I drove by the school and up to that T in the road. Going right would take me to B V (I think) and going diagonal right would take me into this golf course or resort area with a big gate. (It was like the arrangement at the T in the road from waking life, but with some reversals.)

      First I drove to the right, but got nowhere, and looped back around to the T in the road again. This time I went to the diagonal right. People were running chain saws to cut down trees. We got our car to one of the trees. maybe it was our job to cut it before we could pass. My normal waking life thoughts against cutting trees didn't seem to kick in.

      When the people ahead of us were done cutting, they left. We were left with this tree and a little Scion type of car in front of it. Maybe to haul the tree away.

      We got into the little Scion type of car, and tried to turn it on. The key wouldn't start. There was some fear or apprehension building about needing to get out of there. Maybe bad spirits. When we tried to turn the ignition on, it didn't work. Someone held the key all the way turned, and kept turning the engine, and I was afraid it would blow up. The radio began to show some different words on the LCD display, which had to do with the car not turning on, and being jammed.

      Then, we started to hear a voice, or feel a prescence. Something about "Kuralin Goku" (I think Kuralin is Japanese for Krillin but in this case, it didn't mean that, it was more like another version of Goku) appearing. He was saying how he was blocking the energy of the bad spirits, but it took him so much energy to do so, that it was almost ironic. There was something like me feeling a packet of Retainer Brite tablets and ripping off a little corner. Something with a little Gohan character being really eager to talk to this "Kuralin Goku" character. Vegeta was also there, and was astounded. Regular Goku was there too.

      Then the dream unfolded a piece of paper and showed "Kuralin Goku". He had a big neck and maybe golden ear rings. Also his face looked kind of like Vegeta. It was saying how he would become Green Goku, and I imagined Regular Goku fighting and winning against Green Goku, and gaining the power.

      After a while of that, there was this motorcycle guy who was like, "Stop all this! Stop all this!" He just couldn't take it any more and thought it was all nonsense. His face showed on two panels, exclaiming that this had to end and we had to go, basically. So it ended and I think we left.

      Then the dream played some music. There was one song I don't remember. There was another song that was kind of like Bon Iver. The guys were playing a gentle keyboard, and then one vocalist was singing gently. I forgot the exact words but the music video showed a religious text opening up. So it was religious music. It showed various verses of the religious text.

      One caption said something like, "2325 helps". 2325 was a verse in there. So it showed a bunch of verses side by side. Also the song seemed to be about his mom's passing.

      Kind of simultaneously, I was in my room, watching something on T V. (In my parents old house) It was becoming kind of violent or scary and I wanted to turn it off. No problem all I had to do was turn it off. Except my sister's T V was playing something violent and loud in her room. I wanted to ask her to turn it down or off, too. And went to the bathroom.

      In there I was thinking of what I saw in one of the verses of the religious text. It was mentioning different forms of anger. Like "Anger: ______" (fill in the blank). There were lots of other varieties of anger listed but the one I remember happens to be "Anger: Demonic". Anyway as I was in the bathroom there, I thought of the possibility of making my own movie or anime using all the variations of all the emotions listed.

      There was some kind of scary wiry or sinewy creature on one of the movies that played.

      Okay, that's nice to have that all written. I feel like I won't fall back asleep easily. But anyway I guess I'll do some LD reading until I get sleepy.


      cool! Just did a bunch of reading on r/luciddreaming. That's a very active forum. Now I feel sleepy enough to sleep again. (Its 1:45 AM... Wow I do 2 hr WBTBs!)


      Now it's 3:06 AM so I only slept 45 minutes or so, putting me at 4-5 hours.

      After reading r/luciddreaming I was inspired by some threads to try the counting method. I laid down and at first was annoyed by my fidgeting. But started to count, "1, I am breathing in, I am dreaming... 1, I am breathing out, I am dreaming... 2, I am breathing in, I am dreaming..." (and on and on, I actually got to the 70s and maybe even the 100s) Focusing on that mantra seemed to get me towards a state where I was dropping out of consciousness but would re-gain it. I remember beginning to get dream flashes of a red fence going into a bush. Something white... That I forgot. (TOTT) And also some gold text on a black back ground with words I was trying really hard to keep a hold of in my head, but don't remember now.

      I had some non-lucids in the beginning, then I would wake back up and recall the dream and resume counting. One involved being at my current house. There was a giant squirrel in the drive way. I was like "Wow, giant squirrel!" And then it scurried away. It kinda scared me and through dream logic I made sense of why squirrels can be that big. My sister was out there with me. There was a bush in the front of the driveway. I remember something about there being a blanket in the bush that I could sleep in, but there was a mole in it. And something about it being wet.

      There was also a part in my Nana's room where I had to hide by Nana's fire place, behind a chair. Then, I was out of hiding, but the dog was drawing attention over to the fire place. I had to admit to my sister I had hid by the fire place. (Although I'm not sure why I hid.)

      Then I think I had my first lucidity where I found myself in my room, and stood up in bed. (Might have been separation.) I looked around, and saw it dimly lit in my room. I wasn't sure if I had really stood up. I dove back into bed and landed right on my neck. Luckily, it was a dream, and I just returned to the void. I must have pretty much known it was a dream.

      I also remember being in my room at another point, lucid.

      In my room I managed to pull off my eye cover and then get it to be brighter. It is very often I dream I'm wearing an eye mask, and have to take it off in order to see more clearly. I remember on the wall by my desk, where my grid of photos is, I had a poster of some actor with multi-colored pixelation. Blue, neon green and neon red/pinkish color. It was groovy. I was trying to put that up.

      There might have been some more words I was reading. One of the words was so interesting, starting with the letter 'a', but I lost it.

      There might have been another scene. It feels like something is there but I can't get to it. Maybe it wasn't, though.

      This next scene was really fun. I found myself walking towards a brick building. I had just come back from a walk in the woods. The sky was bright blue. It was sunny. I saw some kids wearing black up ahead.

      Realizing that I was in public now, not just the woods, I went to put my shirt on. Then I realized it was a dream just by the fact that I had been falling asleep consciously enough. To test it, I jumped up, and found myself flying. (That's how I tested most of my dreams in this sequence, and when I succeeded in flying, it was a great feeling!)

      I figured I would land on the roof of the building. The sky was bright blue. I heard 2 groups of kids on the ground going, "Wow! How did you learn to do that?" The clouds were a mix of puffy white ones, and then these square outlines. "Lucid dreaming!" I yelled out in return and it sounded through the whole sky.

      Having made it above the roof, I let myself fall. I was going to land on the roof on my back. I felt the fear of the pain of colliding with the roof but realized it was just a dream. I even heard of someone feeling ecstatic from hitting the ground after a long fall. So I just spread my arms out and relaxed, and when I collided with the roof, I woke up. It felt really cool and not painful at all.

      There was another part in being lucid in my room, and trying to manifest something. When I awoke in my bed, I realized I could have probably manifested it if I'd tried to manifest it behind my room door. But that was after I'd woken up.

      The last dream I had was interesting. Got up from bed again, pretty sure it was a dream. It was close, though. My chair was right where it would be in waking life. I thought of tipping it over but I was like, "Wait, if its waking life I don't want to make a mess." I walked accross the room and saw a red square on the wall, dimly lit. Other than that there wasn't much light in the room. I felt it, and it felt like I had hung up a Charizard card on the wall. 'Yep, this is just like waking life,' I thought. (It really isn't there in waking life.)

      I started to feel the wall and think that I had gotten up physically. Before I could do a finger palm test, I saw that the door to my room (I was in the corner by the door) began to be sucked into the corner of the room. 'Oh! It IS a dream!' I thought.

      Feeling some fear, I turned around. Maybe someone was coming to battle me! There was an air conditioner in the middle of the room, running. I could feel the cool air coming out. I think I tried again to manifest something I wanted, but it didn't work. I jumped 5 or 6 feet up on top of the air conditioner (it was on a table) and then jumped from there up through my ceiling. I passed through it fairly well. (Didn't remember to practice walking through walls much though as I was too pre-occupied with manifesting something else, which I really didn't need to, and wouldn't have been as constructive.)

      At first I got stuck in the ceiling. But then I thought, 'No. this dream isn't ending.' and pulled myself through. I found myself in a computer lab with lots of computers. I flew to see what was on them.

      This dream made me think of how I want to use my lucid dream time more constructively. Anyway I woke up from that last part and thought it through. My memory was pretty thorough. Some details continued to trickle into my mind as I wrote. I'm really happy with the counting technique and will try again next time, if I can muster the concentration skills.

      Oh! I just remembered. I actually did try charging my hands to form a super-saiyan-style aura, but didn't get it.


      Ok, wasn't sleepy yet, so read more r/luciddreaming. Now its 4:34 and I feel tired again. Back to bed!


      Now it's 8:03 AM. I probably got another 2-3 hours of sleep putting me at 6-7 total. Lot of RBFA but intentionally.

      The earliest thing I remember is a dream of a guy who ate chocolate. Then he was concerned about having eaten the chocolate, and worried about his health.

      I remember a part where I was on a lucid dreaming sub-reddit. Only, it was much slower. It was called r/deepluciddreaming but seemed connected to World of Lucid Dreaming Forum so I thought of Dr. Clare Johnson. There was some kind of wild hologram thing that appeared at the bottom. Maybe I was lucid in these early ones.

      I think the next dream was of riding on this raft thing. But a Jamaican guy was making fun of me. He was with his family. Something about riding the raft, he made fun of me for. Also, I was going over a word document, and inserting a colorful picture. But someone was making fun of me for that. Meanwhile they were saying all this stuff about conspiracy theories and I never once mocked them (not that I would) but I explained to them how I hoped for the same courtesy.

      The picture I was using got too big for the word document and I couldn't get rid of it. It broke into parts when I tried to highlight it. My Dad came by and commented on the picture of several Pokemon standing in a pyramid. The colors were inverted on my monitor.

      Then I guess next was the part of me parking my Mustang in the parking space somewhere foreign. I remember it was almost out of gas, and I watched the gas meter go all up and down after I started it up until it settled on a little less than a quarter full. I was going to leave it there to fly home or something because it was a foreign place. I think an Eastern European place.

      Next I was walking by some docks with boats. My fore-head was all crusty and I had to rub it off. This was one of those moments when it was more clear I thought I was in waking life, not a dream. Anyway I walked by some women loading a boat. Then into this auditorium place. it was very luxurious, for wealthy people, but I had no need to be there.

      Suddenly G A walked by me. I was pretty surprised to see him even though he would be one of the wealthy people at a place like this. I think we talked for a moment. Then I got to a room where several family members were distributed into different corners of the room. One was the beer corner with Uncle M and Dad, i think. One was the liquor corner with some relatives who drank liquor. And some others. I remember actually sipping a tiny bit of liquor through a tiny straw. 'What am I doing? I'm losing my sobriety count!' I thought, as I flipped a bottle cap in one hand.

      Then I walked around and got to this building. There was something going on with several textbooks and my sister was there. I read the books in a funny voice.

      So there was a part after reading the books where I thought I was in waking life at that point, but the other dream about drinking had been a dream. (What's that called? When you're still dreaming, and not lucid, but you realize the previous dream was a dream?) Anyway I was sharing on a meeting about how I could become lucid during those dreams. After me I was surprised to hear a woman named Marietta (no waking life correspondence) begin to proclaim how it was possible to get lucid in a dream using this beverage. It was a colored beverage, like kool-aid in a baby bottle. It's color was off, but could be restored by shaking it up. Because the color was stored or absorbed into the bottle cap thing. So she shook them all up and then they were perfect.

      After that, I remember walking through the Arboretum, on another phone meeting. Or thinking about how on a previous meeting, someone had said that no one could talk about suicide any more. This didn't bother me. But someone else objected, saying that it was important for someone to get support if they needed to talk about that. What bothered me was that someone suggested lucid dreaming not be allowed to be discussed. Since I had brought it up, more people brought it up, too. And it was taking over the meeting focus while not being as directly related. I could understand that but wasn't happy with it.

      At the arboretum, instead of green leaves, all the trees had white flowers. And all the ground had white flowers and white flower petals. It was kinda cool.

      I vaguely remembered something from being at the shower at my parents old house. Not a very clear memory, though.

      So, that was it! It was a good move to just stay on r/luciddreaming until I felt sleepy again.
    6. Day 106: (Clever Title)

      by , 05-27-2018 at 03:40 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Dream 89: Not So Lethal Lava Land

      The whole dream was in this faux 2D perspective. Sometimes I could see the environment in first person, and others I saw from third person. The entire dream looked like a video game. Everything was a sprite, from the foreground to the background. At the end of the dream I remember getting cornered by a bunch of purple dragon things and being eaten alive, so that's fun.

      Dream 90: You Said Room Temperature, Right?

      Daytime, grass covered yard in between my house and a neighbor's. I'm talking with a friend about the pink gecko I have outside my house (True story, geckos often like to clime on my windows). I told him/her that I managed to keep one as a pet, and made it a little dirt home.

      When I got to its little home, I saw that it had died inside of the water. My reasoning within the dream was that it was too cold for the lizard and it died of hypothermia. Its eyes were glowing a light green.

      Dream 91: Fragment

      Another school fragment. Nothing much to talk about here.

      Updated 05-29-2018 at 03:59 PM by 93490

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Going to School

      by , 05-27-2018 at 02:01 PM
      I had a dream that started with me looking at a poster with the moon on it. I think it was a historical thing about the moon landing. I was talking to my parents about it. We needed to get to a destination from the school we were at and someone gave us a map. My mom took the map and showed it to my dad and myself. As we were looking at it we saw that there were several paths leading to our destination, and while most were marked with a little flag picture with the letter B, some were marked with A. A lady told us that if we went through the areas marked with A and avoided the ones with B we would get extra points. So that is what we did. I talked to my dad about some TV show as we went.

      When we arrived we were in front of a big hospital. My dad was saying that this pile of dirt in front of the hospital was a great place for what we were planning (I can't remember what we were planning). A fire started in front of the hospital and we were tasked with finding someone in the hospital that can help. I remember asking my mom why we didn't just call the fire department.

      After searching for a bit we couldn't find the person we were looking for and so my dad made an announcement to everyone in the room about the fire and who we were looking for. This caused everyone to panic and run around in circles. I walked outside and an old friend was telling me to jump in his car. I walked toward the car about I guess I was too slow because my friend got out and three girls got in the car with the driver and drove off. Two other boys I knew from a long time ago, one from high school and one from when I was very little, found us and we all started walking to the school together.

      I saw the boy I knew from when I was very young pull out a plastic bag with Nintendo DS cartridges in it. "You still play Nintendo DS?" I asked him.

      "Yeah, these are just the games that I like." He told me.

      "I never really got into those," I replied, looking that the games he was sifting through, "but that is awesome for you. You should do whatever you want."

      At this point the boy I knew from high school started talking about how much fun he had had playing pokemon. This started up a conversation wherein we all discussed our experiences with the game. They were both astonished when I told them I never really played a pokemon game until high school.

      When we arrived at the school I had trouble getting through the front door because I was apparently wearing a really big, overstuffed backpack that I hadn't noticed until this point. I crawled into an open window for some reason.
    8. Dream - Ridiculously Flamin' Lift

      by , 05-27-2018 at 10:41 AM
      Date of Dream: SUN 27 MAY - 2018

      Dream No. 344 - Ridiculously Flamin' Lift

      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at a distorted version of Chisholm Institute and there were both Killester students and Chisholm students there. I was working on a group assignment and one of my classmates PL sent me off to do something. I walk down a corridor and down some stairs where I met up with a group of Killester girls but I forgot what we were doing; it was a part of the assignment.

      I found soon though that I had lost them and I was now by myself, wondering where to go. I then eventually discovered that they were all in the classrooms upstairs and so I had to find a way to get to them; the dream didn't think about rationality and so I didn't end up using the stairs. Instead, Dreamy WB appeared in her holographic form, this time wearing the Killester summer uniform, and was giving me some facial cues. I automatically knew what this was, she was giving me another chance to face my fear of lifts with her.

      Standing in the middle of the main foyer on the ground floor, I was yelling out to the dream to create a reasonable looking lift so that Dreamy WB could take me into it and return to the classrooms that way. Nothing was happening and so I yelled out again, this time with Dreamy WB listening in, she went into the floating sitting position and whipped me up onto her lap to try and get the dream to do something.

      Even after Dreamy WB's contribution, the dream wouldn't budge. I called out a third time, feeling as if though I almost wanted to throw curse words out at this dream. Finally, the dream seemed to have listened as some lift shaft appeared in the middle of the area but it didn't look too great and I was absolutely terrified of it. It was made of all this green, rotten-like, broken wood and there was a fire all the way up the shaft. It literally just looked like some broken down skinny house that was three or four floors high and was on fire.

      I screamed and in a concern, Dreamy WB flew me up vertically herself; I was looking forward but could see one of her arms around my stomach, the blue but see-through sleeve of her VCE jumper and her brown but see-through hand. As she and I neared the top of the the burning shaft, I saw the the passenger area of the lift was at the top and the flames in there were spewing with bright orange embers flying off them.

      I then look to the top balcony, Dreamy WB looking up as well, and catch sight of man there in chequered shirt and jeans. He seemed to be a distorted, slightly younger version of Jure and somehow, I figured that he was the one behind the appearance of the lift. Once I knew, I gave him the harshest telling off ever and told him that I was looking for a real, reasonable looking lift that Dreamy WB could help me face my fears in. I then woke up.

      Dream Tasks
      - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? No)
      - Investigate where my SML postage has gone (Achieved? No)
      - Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? Partially)
      - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No)
      - In accordance to the "shared dreaming experiment" proceed on locating the moon (Achieved? No)

      Dream 344: Results (Competition #3)
      Competition Night: 26
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Dream Guide: Dreamy WB
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      Points For This Entry:
      Calculation Details:
      - 5-Day Recall Chain (5.0)
      - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)

      + Previous Total: 136.0
      Total Accumulated Points: 142.0

      Updated 05-28-2018 at 11:46 AM by 93119

      non-lucid , memorable
    9. 2018-05-27 several night's worth of dreams

      by , 05-27-2018 at 10:18 AM
      Last night:
      + "that is a very dream-like sky..." (continues non-lucid, doh!), observing closely the streamers (kind of like nori/seeweed) floating towards the house in the wind (childhood home living room)

      + observing that in the main hall of the LH science museum, there is a banquet table set up in the center. I point this out to my friend, but the entire level is rotating around the center and the view keeps getting blocked.

      + [vague] in some entry hall, speak to a woman, looking for her later

      + [vague] in a group gathering preparing to fight a conflict?

      Two nights ago:

      + throwing a frisbee with someone across a field, several throws/catches

      + closely observing row of sinks filled with colorful sand, think about washing it down (will it clog?), see water/sludge/sewage flow through open pipes down below


      + drive-through ATM (am I blocking other cars?), traffic (waiting for a free spot then entering the flow), strange card reader attached to window of car (do I need to use this reader?)

      + kids & inner tube fall out of water slide tube onto ground, "hey look at that!" I say. They don't seem to mind. In the pool, under water, take tentative breath before "remembering" that I can't breathe underwater.

      + [vivid] driving in B hills, miss street, decide to head down to left, walking down "hanging stairway" outside house below, woman there, stairs are clogged with toys, "I understand" I say (about so many toys). The stairway is steep so I decide to fly/float down, and use "control" to cause a soft landing. Then I'm on the deck of childhood home and go in through the sliding glass door.

      + in parking garage parking car, lots of other cars

      + trying to walk but a crowd on young people (foreign tourists) are blocking my way. "Go! ... Go!" I tell them and the crowd starts moving forwards. Moving through crowd, see a partially naked girl and try to see more as I walk by.

      + at a pool

      + in the pool, there is a crowd of young people inside (after their lunch break?), getting out of the pool I notice a girl in a one-piece.

      Three nights ago?

      + someone talking about / complaining about "BCPL programming" and I say it's actually quite a decent language. In the computer center and I'm thinking (saying?) about the choice between laser and line printing (the code to the BCPL compiler?).

      + in a room with lots of bedding on the floor, there are two rooms with wall separating them, I'm trying to decide on which side I should place my bedding, trying to make sure I have enough space, there is a petite girl at the front of the room I'm checking out in black leggings.
    10. From a Boat Trip to an Unsolved Kidnapping

      by , 05-27-2018 at 09:47 AM
      Morning of May 27, 2018. Sunday.

      Typical RAS modulation autosymbolism was going strong in this non-lucid dream but still did not activate the waking process, so I slept a couple hours longer than I usually do (even though Zsuzsanna and our children were up and in the lounge room with the television on at one point). If I cannot rely on RAS to wake me at a certain time with unique dream content (which is what a dream’s autosymbolism is inherently for) at the top of an ultradian rhythm, then I consider that very unusual.

      In the first part of my dream, the setting is a unique new variation of the King Street mansion, the second-floor apartment in the middle of the east side of the house. My non-lucid dream self does not care that it is an impossible setting. I happily sit around on the floor for awhile listening to bizarre fictitious music (on a record player yet) where the lyrics make no sense at all. The “music” seems to have rock elements, but the male vocals are mostly randomly spoken phrases. I hear the audience cheering, so it must be a live recording. At one point, he chants slowly but loudly and clearly, “Yellow bathroom”. (This is a biological hint to my dream self, but I do not feel the need to use the bathroom in my dream.)

      I notice my curtains are open, and I see an unfamiliar male lying on his left side on a ledge, in his underwear, enjoying the wind and smiling. It seems to be late morning. Apparently, he is enjoying the music I am playing. (Of course, this is a liminal projection of how my real physical body is as I sleep.) I am annoyed that neighbors can see in, so I attempt to close the curtain. (In reality, this scene could not be possible either, as the windows had only a view of the front of the house across the street, so there was no side of a house right near the King Street house, though what does my non-lucid dream self care, from a lack of any viable connection with either the unconscious mind or my conscious self.)

      I hear an unfamiliar girl’s voice yelling about my music, and their music is turned on more loudly, even though the male was enjoying my music. (I did not think my music was loud at all.) A different male argues with her and there is yelling for a short time. I go into a different room and I am now in the lounge room of the Stadcor Street house (which only has the first floor) with Zsuzsanna. Now, the events are shifted to the first floor in the house next door as well (and as usual my dream self does not notice the impossible change). I mention something to Zsuzsanna about the music and an unfamiliar male, who can see into our house through our window from his window, loudly says, “You think you can beat me?” I reply by yelling, “Why don’t you leave us alone?” I then yell at no one in particular, “I’m tired of crazy people always living next door to us!”

      I go out to the front yard and bash several unfamiliar males on the head with my Olympic barbel (no weights) and swing it around like a baseball bat until no one else is standing or moving. My dream shifts into reinduction rather than the waking process during the RAS modulation event and I now find myself riding in a skiff tied to the back of a small motor yacht. Curiously, I do not recognize this scene for what it is and no lucidity is triggered, only an elevated vividness. I am now a female (of about twenty-five), though not a female I have any conscious knowledge of. A man tells me to tie an additional length of rope from my boat to the back of his motor yacht (as the previous one had apparently came off and I am now drifting over the ocean). I somehow do this even though the distance would not logically allow it. I throw the rope and pull it lightly, but a large knot seems to make itself with no effort on my part (to my left; reinduction orientation and stabilizing). “That’s a good knot,” says the unfamiliar captain from the other boat. A few other unfamiliar people look on.

      After a time, I am “myself” (though only about twenty-five) and another (unfamiliar) male is sitting to my right. We are still on a skiff on the ocean, but there is no other boat now. We go through an ambiguous area where it seems I am inside a house for a short distance even though we are also on the ocean. I notice many large sharks swimming below us. The water is unrealistically clear. I am wondering if there is any danger, though I do not feel concerned. The other male denies there is any danger and tells me how sharks only eat things that are at its own level in the water. I do not feel any fear, more like cheerfulness (almost comedic) even though there seem to be hundreds of sharks below us.

      Soon, the scene shifts and I am walking with the same male and an unfamiliar female. We are in an unfamiliar town near mostly commercial buildings. After we walk a short distance, the male vanishes. We look back to see someone running in the distance. Suddenly, I am aware that we will be blamed for the kidnapping of the male that vanished. We are carrying small plastic bags. We stop to look inside them. The girl’s bag has the ID of the male that vanished. I know that the police will be here soon and that we are being framed by an unknown person. I take the ID and throw it behind a soda vending machine thinking it will not be found and that I am being careful and intelligent in my action.

      The police arrive and I am still holding one of the small plastic bags. The scene somehow shifts to where I am in a police station (though of more of a restaurant appearance). The police officer is looking at the supposedly kidnapped man’s credit card (made of cardboard), a large sparse clump of hair, and some other items. The officers do not seem to think I had anything to do with anything, but I still tell them we were framed. (The girl is soon no longer present.) “Can you take fingerprints from plastic bags?” I ask. I say, “I know my fingerprints are on them, but they will probably also have the fingerprints of the kidnapper.”

      “Can you take fingerprints from hair,” I ask. “Can you take prints from paper?” A police officer at a counter looks at me as if he is wondering why I am still here. Two other officers look at me annoyingly as well. They are not interested in me at all. I decide to finally leave my dream (in a liminal state, as I am not viably lucid until the last moments) and finally wake as I step through the door. (This last part is quite odd. I am liminally trying to force RAS modulation by way of my conscious self, but nothing happens, probably because the process is often transpersonal in origin in its natural form. On one level, something similar occurred recently, where I learned I was not in trouble for “killing” an unknown male, though my dream self had the opposite focus as to this one and I did not seem to be as fully modulating it myself.)

    11. I am in control here *wakes up*

      by , 05-27-2018 at 04:16 AM
      Went to bed around 2 AM, ended up smoking a little weed and watching one piece at my buddy's place, I recall being very very tired.


      I wake up in one room and seem to be resting, I then shift to another dream scene, and I end up in my coworker's room (whom I have a bit of a crush on, but quite moderately), I remember her seeming really chill (even though she usually isn't )

      I then seem to lose sense of time AGAIN, I appear in a room giving an entirely different coworker (whom I have a bigger crush on) a massage... but she kept kicking me in this weird way... it's hard to describe at this point, but I seemed to then shift to a bed aside her, when I then saw my sister who expressed concern about something I can't remember..

      At that point I grabbed my phone on the bed .. to ya know .. do the phone reality check (At this point things felt very vivid, as in I can remember it feeling extremely real), then I looked at my phone, it said 6:00 AM- looked away willing the number to change, look back- phone said just 6, no 00s , and then the formatting was a bit off as well and that's when I cracked the case, I'm lucid as fuck bro I remember being so excited and I tried using the voice commands to try and stabilize the dream, shouting to everyone in the room, "I AM IN CONTROL HERE, OF THIS DREAM" and then I immediately woke up.


      It seems that the phone text reality check is really effective, 3 lucids this week and I usually get one every now and then? That and I think that the quality of the focus I've put into critical thinking while reality checking (where am I, why am I here, how did x appear, etc ). But my Dream stability is still shit, my dreams keep ending rapidly, the longest I have this week was like 2 minutes in perceived time. Perhaps I should focus on my hands? I've heard this works well.

      Dream Incubation -

      I want appear with my coworker in the hotel we were at on work trip, I want to make love to her endlessly

      Sorry I'm pretty high while writing this might be worded harshly.
    12. Dull inducement

      by , 05-26-2018 at 09:03 PM
      so these dreams is I'm always staring at girls then I get the nerve wrecking pinch that makes me want to do something else then about a hour a later I want to stare at girls again then when I recall it only last 8 to eleven minutes every time I have this dream
    13. Day 105: Time Skips Are Fun

      by , 05-26-2018 at 04:12 PM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Whoa, did not expect to be gone for 26 days (Around that anyway, I don't care). And I missed my 100th day anniversary, so that's a shame. But enough of that, let's get started.

      Dream 87: Bus

      Just a fragment. I remember sitting on the window seat of a bus while looking out through the window. It was sunset, and there were two girls in the parking lot, a couple. I stared at them for a couple seconds until the taller one with the shorter hair looked at me and I looked away.

      Dream 88: Educational Hijinks

      Except there are no hijinks to be found. I was just getting from one class to the other--not very interesting. This was also a pretty dull fragment.
    14. Dream 1 - Gakko

      by , 05-26-2018 at 03:13 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      There were a lot of things to note, but somehow, I lost memory of most of them. Still, I did recall the only lucid portions I had.

      Scrap Group 1
      At my old job at the gas station. A blond guy in his late teens early twenties tries to buy booze and a gallon of milk. His ID, though seemingly legit, claimed he was born in 1977. I'd no choice but to refuse the sale, much to his dismay.

      Dream 1 - Gakko

      Various unknown transitions. The visuals were erratic, starting blurred, then spontaneously phasing from clarity and back. Already lucid. I couldn't tell where I was (had tunnel vision initially), but could note a stoop in front of me. Seated there was a light skinned brown haired kid in his late teens, dressed in a white shirt and black pants, and a distinct wide gap in his front teeth. He looked morose.

      "Hey", I muttered "Everything ok?"

      The guy glanced up. "Help!", he yelled. "I've been trying to get a lucid. But every time I try, monsters come out and attack me!" He starts pleading more more urgently. "I was told I need to yell out 'Gakko!' when I see them. If I don't, mom shows up and says it, but in a very annoying way!"


      Just then, the guy's ma, a plain, middle aged woman dressed in a jean ensemble and with similarly splayed teeth, pops out of nowhere. She blurted out "Gakko", clicking obnoxiously loud during the hard consonants, and vanished promptly.

      "See what I mean!" The kid looks down, frustrated. "If I could get at least two minutes..."

      I found this all humorous at his expense, but didn't express as much. Besides, helping a fellow "dreamer" out was something I've never done yet, and looked more fun too. "Well", I said, "let's get started."

      The surroundings roll out of view, as if props on a stage (which coincidentally did away with my tunnel vision). Both of us were now on a small island bare of anything but sand, the ambient waters still, and a clear blue sky above. Through will, I flew us both far up high. Music, specifically, Dim Jungle from Golden Axe III, then sounded in the background. The kid yammered on nervously, afraid he was gonna mess up his chance at a dream.

      "Look", I murmured, "just breath slowly. Concentrate on your breaths. Forget about everything else."

      He looked perplexed. "But... what about the dream?"

      "You'll dream longer with a tempered mind. Don't worry about your emotions, or any of this. Breathe." Heh. Look at me, acting like some wise man. Still, the advice was as much for myself as for the guy, and so I followed as much.

      Soon enough, several of the aforementioned monsters descended upon us. Comically, these appeared as colorful Muppet-like creatures. I shot ki-blasts at each, wiping the lot of them with ease. I only remembered seconds later to say the kid's mantra, 'Gakko'. Quite some time passed before subsequent waves arrived, each with fewer numbers and increasing duration between them. My vision got too blurred at times, during which I asked the guy's help in pointing out targets. Either way, all of these hostiles were dispelled just as effortlessly.

      As the song was closing its second loop, I sensed I wasn't long for the dream. To cap things off, I charged an aura, fiercer and larger than I've ever managed, reaching up to 12 yards in radius. I then released it all as a hail of energy orbs. The dream collapsed soon afterwards.
      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    15. Logs 1120, 1121, and 1123

      by , 05-26-2018 at 03:02 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Just a bunch of scraps, besides log 1122, which has its own entry.

      Log 1120 - Tapped Out at The Moment
      Created Wednesday 23 May 2018

      Preparing a meal at the kitchen. There's a black paper bag of whole wheat flour labeled "emergency food", or something like that.

      Log 1121 - Factory Criminal Enterprise, Pie Party, Urban Apartment, and Bedbug Obsession Scraps
      Created Thursday 24 May 2018

      Watching Batman - The Animated Series. The owner of a factory (whom looked like Bing Crosby) sneaks into his workplace at midnight. Inside, troupe of a criminals were busy smuggling merchandise, all part of a prior agreement. But now, the owner wanted out, thinking the conspiracy was no longer profitable. When hearing this, the thugs glanced at each other, then roared in laughter. Enter the gang's leader, a man who looked suspiciously similar to Mr. Burns from the Simpsons. He supposedly allows the owner to leave, and with a substantial bonus for "insurance". He then fired warning shots at the man. After that, the owner's cat appeared, of which the gang leader coyly threatened to kill.

      At home. The family and I are eating a variety of desserts. My niece, Erica, didn't seem to like the baked apple tarts, but loved the fried peach pies.

      Living in an urban apartment suite.

      King of the Hill dream, save that the Hills' home was my own. Luanne had a bizarre obsession with bedbugs, unwilling to be rid of them, despite their threats to the health of herself, those around her, and her baby.

      Log 1123 - Awakening Score Counter, Imp Ride Attack, and More Gas Station Scraps
      Created Saturday 26 May 2018

      Recurring dream about falsely waking up in an unknown apartment room. Each time a video game-esque point counter would appear, scoring me based on how I woke up.

      Something about a group and I taking an unwilling roller coaster ride straight to hell. My brother, Joao, was a fellow passenger. It was quite a drop to get there. This hell didn't appear terrible, mostly just ancient ruins. Similarly, its denizens were merely whimsical little imps. Even so, these creatures weren't completely innocuous, shooting us with blow darts at every turn. Somehow, I fell off, and was instantly transformed into such a demon. Quite a bitter pity, as I learned the ride was almost at an end.

      At my old job at the gas station. This moody, lazy goth girl was a supposed co-worker. Some of her friends arrived, causing trouble. Between that, I noticed a kid trying to steal various things. In a flagrant breach of protocol, I caught him, took the stuff back, then threw him out of the store.

      Updated 05-27-2018 at 03:07 AM by 89930
