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    1. (nonlucid) Apocalypse , elite fighters with lots of stuff

      by , 12-24-2014 at 11:00 AM (GDreamer's spaghetti)
      I don't remember much of the dream.
      All I know is it began in a city in a highland, all covered in snow.
      The city is partially destroyed , smoke is coming up from buildings in the center of the city.
      I have a tablet , I watch the news. It was true: A evil organization leads the world and
      now decided to destroy the majority of humanity, police brutality etc.
      On a video I see protesters and policeman fighting in a supermarket .
      One of the policemen grabs a guy , he falls , then kicks him in the face ,
      Blood comes up from his face , A LOT of blood, his face is destroyed.
      I can't believe what I see.
      Now they grab his leg and spin this guy in the air , everything is covered in blood.
      They throw the guy , the people started to run for their lives as they witness the horror.
      I stopped the video. I'm near a big tree like thing, it has many and big leaves. Its my cover.
      I climb up with my AK47 to look around.
      I see the a few police man coming . They seen me .
      Now they try to climb up on the tree, I know if they get me , I'm dead.
      I remember that I have a weapon , so I grab my AK47 and shoot em' down.
      I shoot down a few other people, they became cannibals or zombies, I don't know.
      All I know is that they want blood.
      Somebody comes, he seem to be normal. We become allies.
      He tells me that he's from the elite forces , what belongs to an organisation which purpose is to stop this illuminati crap, they're equipped with high tech stuff.
      He asks if I want to join I say " hell yeah , of course".
      Soonly , these vehicles arrive, there is some flying balls which similar to the death star
      from star wars , but these are its miniature versions , a bit different.
      So I get into one of theese balls that can fly ,and then we fly down the mountain\highland.
      To a green plain. There's trees and villages.
      I have a hud, we get the locations of the targets , and theyre marked.
      We go there and kill them all.
      In the rest of the dream we do this till I woke up.
    2. Meteor strike

      by , 11-25-2014 at 11:42 PM
      I was at the beach with a friend, it was on the shore of a large river and it looked like we were in san Francisco because we could see the golden gate from there. We were casually talking about stuff, I remember him talking about going camping with a bunch of friends which I didn't know, but I said yeah why not, suddenly while I was looking In the distance I saw this HUGE meteor fall from the sky and hit the water pretty near us, there was an incredibly big explosion after, I could see the ground crack up and coming quickly at us, everyone panicked and started running, and so did I. Ditching my friend I ran for my life while everything was falling apart, after some time running I remember ending up in a forest or some kind of post apocalyptic forest, the landscape absolutely gorgeous, it was very green and we could still see some old building under the green carpet that the nature did over time, it felt like I was in a completely new timeline, but I knew I had to build a shelter or something. There was a waterfall with crystal clear water so I decided to build a camp near it. At this point one of my friend found me and decided to strand with me, I debated with whether or not we should fill our water bottle with the water, I insisted and he gave in.

      We decided to go back to ground zero for some inspection and to assess the situation. While we were on our way we stumble on an old internet friend, when he saw me he was pretty happy and he showed me his real name Benoit Garneau, which is my grand dad name, that was weird but I was pretty excited about it for some reason, he joined us on our way to ground zero.

      When we were at Ground Zero I remember that beautiful sight of the HUGE meteor which created a perfectly round mountain with some rigdes around and surrounded by water and with the devasted Golden gate jsut like in movies. There was now a retierement home being built with a water park across the street, I recall asking myself how much time was I in the forest.

      That's pretty much what I remember.
    3. Another End of the world11.11.14

      , 11-11-2014 at 06:55 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      This was few days ago.

      I'm climbing up a latter. It's standing on the bottom floor and top of it ends in a small circular opening in the ceiling few stories high. It's not near the wall, more like standing in the middle of the room.

      I got to the top and here getting off is a bit tricky, because some old wood rigging that doesn't look too stable and there is a gap between the latter and the floor you need to get on to.

      As I reach the top, I stay there and help others behind me to get to the floor safely. They are all children, maybe just a few adults. Like a class or something.

      I have a feeling we are leading them to a safe place, because end of the world is coming in form of some explosion. So after we tuck everybody safely in some room, me and another person stay out there in the room with the latter. We sit down and we ahve a view through a window on a nearby wall. We are discussing if it's a safe place to be for us two, if the blast wave from explosion wont blow us off from that room. Maybe we should hold on to some metal railing, but I don't see any there. I don't feel very safe, but I think we are going to be ok.
      Tags: apocalypse
    4. Quelling the Storm

      by , 11-05-2014 at 02:39 AM
      In the beginning we were in a house that seemed familiar but didn't happen to be a place I had ever visited. On the wall behind me, stretched a large picture window, almost taking up an entire wall, except for the door to its left. Someone is telling a story, and quickly the telling becomes reality. The house became ill-lit and cold. A dark brown curtain still covers the window but the window itself is broken. I took a peek outside, and see that the landscape is devoid of life, all dark grey dotted with the crumbling black husks of plants and debris. Though it is midday, the sky remains heavy and overcast, with the horizion a barely distinguishable line in the distance. I drop the curtain, reminding myself that it this is how it was before, just after the storm. Now the landscape is alive and green and the clouds blown away. I settle onto the floor next to two other women, one of them the storyteller, the other a dream relative. The three of us are wearing drab colors, all browns and grays, all of us in long skirts and sweaters and thick scarves. Of course. It's cold now. I lean back on a mound of dirt underneath the broken window, then realize there is dirt on my sweater sleeves, sit up, and brush away the rust-brown particles.

      She tells us a story about a girl that I knew when I was young named Des. She was my next-door neighbor all the way through middle school. Here it becomes a little...convoluted. It's very difficult to separate the details because, as you know, events can seem to happen before, after, and also at the same time as other things.
      As the storyteller speaks, I find myself once more transported to the time she speaks about, so now I am at a wide island across from the unbroken picture window. The door is cracked open.
      "Des, now moved to madness by her time in the storm, darts past the open doorway, and ducks in for just a second, gasping a curse. She sounds breathless with terror. Her eyes are wide and they sweep the room, "Fuck." she says again.
      I turn to find her fleeing from the doorway, I call out after her. I hope that I can bring her back to herself, that I can change the story, which dictates that though she ducked in and cursed, no one was quick enough to catch her and that some time later she was found dead at the top of a hill. I think that I have missed my opportunity...but then she comes back. I almost wish she hadn't. Her unseeing eyes dart restlessly around the room. Des does not respond to anything I say.
      I get a sense of how she came to be this way. The storm bore down on the world, an endless and violent torrent, but it did this slowly. It descended from the atmosphere in great sweeping movements, taking its time to reach us, its presence moving people to madness and previously unwanted notions. "And in the end, Des fled to the hilltop to meet the storm, hand in hand with her older brother. They kissed each other goodbye and consigned themselves to the storm. I see it then, a great sphere of dark grey swirling clouds, shooting lightning at random, descending onto the hill. That was how she died, not how she became insane. I have a moment of clarity, and try to put together the prophecy into poetic verse but I can't seem to make it worth. "The end will come when these truths subside, when brother and sister together lay..." And then "The parent will be taught by the child."
      I see her in the week before the sphere ravaged the landscape. She stands by the kitchen island, a steak knife in front of her. Afraid that maybe she means to take her own life, I wait until she is distracted by the front door opening to take it from the counter. Des screams in a terrifying way, eyes stretched so wide that they are mostly whites, pupils shrunk to pinpoints, her hands out in front of her in disbelief.
      "I'm sorry." I say, startled by her reaction. "I'll give it back. Just tell me what you need it for."
      "KNIFE." Des responds in a low, fervent voice.
      "Yes, why do you need it?"
      Well, that didn't work. I hand the utensil back to her, she holds it in both hands and sits back on her heels, staring at the thing intensely. We don't really have time to deal with her. Now there is a moment where she is both alive, and she has already died. i think that I don't have time to deal with her craziness, and become aware of all the people in the room. They are, at first, saddened by her state of mind, and then that she has died.
      There will be a procession soon. I feel out of place here. I spot a pretty woman in a wedding dress, she has pale skin, black-brown eyes and curly black hair. She has fallen down and I go to help her stand, but by the time I get there, someone is already picking her up and heading for the door, she throws her head back and laughs. I then notice how many brides there are in here, and that we are all preparing for a mass wedding procession down the main street of town. The numerous bridal parties and their guests will walk together and then the brides and grooms will be joined under a clear patch of sky. There is suddenly a weight in my chest, a vast well of sadness and bitterness and unwillingness. I am standing by the door, waiting for people to clear away from it so I can step outside. There is a man in a black pea coat, wearing thick grey mitts.
      "Hey, you okay?" He asks me. We don't know each other, I appreciate his concern though...
      "It's...I just noticed how many brides there are." I scan the room and find five other women. My own situation is so complicated. He presses a mitted hand to the center of my chest, just below my collar bone but above my breasts. Like with most Liam-echo encounters, I can feel the fabric of the glove, the slightly scratchy wool and the cool bite of the snow dampness on my skin. With this casual comfort he has quelled the storm in my chest, replaced with a pulsating feeling of well-being and lightness. It's beautiful. I sigh with blessed relief and raise my eyes to his face. He gives me a kind smile...there's something familiar about him. Because of his coloring I immediately want to compare him to Liam, though this man's eyes are ice green instead of blue and though he also has red hair and fair skin, his face is not nearly as angular as Liam's.
      "I would be happy to walk with you." He says, assuming that I am part of the bridal party (he isn't wrong) but have no one to walk with in the procession. I can't tell him that isn't why I'm sad. It's that I'm getting married tonight, but I don't want to be, and seeing all these women so happy to be on their way to joining with their fiances is like a spike in my chest. I can feel the weight coming back...but his hand is still on my chest and it disperses the depression like mist in sunlight. I rest my hand on his chest and he smiles, turning his eyes back to the room. I worry that this has gone on too long and will become awkward, but I'm loathe to give up this new peace. So our hands remain. I notice that we are preparing for a picture. I move my hand, gripping the side of his coat and move to, maybe, rest my head against his thick coat-arm. Instead I fall through the gap between his coat and the goddamn door which is still cracked open. I nearly go head over heels, one leg kicking high as I grab his coat and the door frame, I notice that I'm wearing a long dark purple dress. I lift myself to my feet. They snap another picture.
      I worry that my fiance (my WL boyfriend) will hear that I told someone I had no one to walk with. I go over what I just said in my head, trying to figure out how many people heard me, and what it could do to our impending...wedding. I decide what will be, will be.

      Oh, I forgot something but I can't remember where it fits in. One point, after Des had gone mad, but before she died, we were all standing in the house and one of her brothers (in real life she only had one) who was a martial artist was posing in the middle of the room. I was impressed by his manliness....hahaha
      I also want to add that today at work, when I started to feel overwhelmed, I recalled that release of pressure and my mood would temporarily stabilize. It's rare that my subconscious gives me gifts like this.

      Updated 11-07-2014 at 07:57 AM by 54746

    5. Another Night With Multiple LD's! (LD's #14 and 15)

      by , 10-29-2014 at 04:16 AM (Sharpshoey's Lucid Journey)
      I have fallen behind with my DJ entries, and I'm about 4 days of dream's worth behind. I will just be posting these LD's instead of all the dreams that I'm behind on. These were both from the morning of 10-26-14

      Dream 1
      I woke up in bed and looked to my left. My room seemed exactly like it was IWL. I notice a bee hovering by my dresser, and I think that's odd but I quickly get up and walk outside. I look in my parent's room but they are not there. I go back into my room and a letter is on my bed. I pick it up and it says something about how a disease has spread through the world and my parent's quickly left to survive. They left a bunch of insurance papers with me and they scheduled a meeting time to meet with me. I realized that the bees had been spreading the disease, and the bee in my room made since. (The dream before this was about a virus spread by bugs too and I think this was an FA from that dream) I started panicking because I had no clue how to use the insurance papers, or even what I was supposed to do with them. I also wondered why my parent's would just abandon me. I then suddenly became lucid. I count my fingers to make sure and I have more than 5 fingers. I go outside and again try my goal of flying. I try it a few times, being unsuccesful. Then I remember to do the gravity RC, so I walked over to an area that is right next to this giant tree in my front yard. I notice my weight and I think I was a little heavier than IWL. I then wonder if any DC is going to come and attack me, since that has happened quite a few times, but none come. I continue to try and fly, closing my eyes and imagine myself floating, but nothing works. I even stick my hands out like superman and jump but I get about an inch into the air and fall back down. I then go into another FA. (Next FA is in dream 2...It was an FA but in separate dreams, if that makes since.)

      Dream 2
      I am in my kitchen and realize I'm dreaming. I crawl through a tiny hole in the wall and I'm outside. I see a bunch of weapons in the yard, except it looks nothing like my yard to the right, but on my left it looks fine. I go to pick up a bow but it says I need to achieve a certain level or task before I can take it, or else something bad will attack me. I don't take that but I spot a giant sword sitting vertically on a rack type thing. I go over and lift it out and then I notice words that say close to the same thing about the sword. I quickly put it back. I then didn't know what else to do so I started imagining a hot girl appearing. (I'm pretty sure that lost me lucidity, but I'm not certain) I am watching a scene where a girl is undressing or something I think it is really hot. More happens but I can't really remember it. The dream ends shortly after this.
    6. Apocalyptic danger zone

      by , 09-18-2014 at 02:51 PM (Adventures in Dreamland)
      I'm posting this from my phone bc I didn't have time to post it from my laptop before I left home.

      I had one decently sized dream, i was too lazy to write it down at first but I remember some of it. It was some abandoned city and everyone was killing/stabbing each other and it was almost like a video game. The houses were large and mostly made out of wood. I remember one part of the dream some guy was trying to buy a house from me that I was occupying. That's about all from the dream that I can remember right now
    7. The Fake Apocalypse (with Josh Holloway)

      by , 08-17-2014 at 02:17 PM
      Morning of August 17, 2014. Sunday.

      I am in a seemingly unknown in-dream city that does not look like any region I have ever actually been in in my life, though it may have subtle aspects of Brisbane (Australia) and La Crosse (America). The mood is rather clear and the dream is quite long and seemingly purposeful in that tasks must be accomplished over time under my guidance and participation in a larger group. I am actually partly responsible for the survival of many people in the area. This is apparently because of the supposed apocalyptic events, including no more electricity and the infrastructure somehow vanishing or rendered no longer feasible (this being rather illogical from my perspective, as my family lived without electricity for some time when I was a young child, in the middle of a dense swamp).

      There does not seem to be any evidence of natural disaster - or disease or even conflict; just some sort of total lack of business activity and government presence, including police, and all known personages of any level of any previous authority - though their absence is not addressed or questioned. I and about five or six others are the ones to seek and bring back supplies to where the people that are still around have gathered. Curiously, Josh Holloway (the actor from “Lost” and “Intelligence”) is one of the in-dream team. (This is probably because “Intelligence” is one of the only newer television shows I have watched in recent years.) We are getting together food supplies (from various abandoned grocery stores and such) to bring back in a large semitrailer, even though there is not much fuel left (probably just enough for one longer trip back to where we had journeyed from).

      There is a longer period of time spent talking with Josh, who works under my command. He has an extraordinarily pessimistic attitude towards life in general and cannot seem to understand my positive focus on my survival skills and general ways of thinking. He does not even understand my happy outlook or the joy I have often experienced in life. Oddly, he even questions me on ideas about how to talk to people as if he had never communicated with anyone in his life before. This attitude may be partly based on our present and ongoing situation, but it seems as if that has always been his nature. We are packing cardboard boxes with mostly canned goods and boxed food items.

      For some reason, at one point, we are moving a refrigerator full of food down from what seems like an upper walkway from a dam control room (again, unsure of the region or location). There does not seem to be much logic to this act, as the pulley gets jammed for a short time and I think it would make more sense to put the food in different containers than to move the entire clumsy heavy refrigerator, but it is one of our last tasks before we return to feed the people and sustain them for a time.

      We are then ready to return to the group of people to have the food stored in their chosen locations. I am driving the semi for a time, but things start to change before I begin. I notice loud music being played from a house (in the direction behind us) that was presumed to be empty, just as we are leaving. This seems unusual in that there is not supposed to be any electricity (though it does not come to mind that it could be a battery-operated portable stereo - though it does seem a bit too loud for that possibility anyway). Mostly, other members of the team look back only briefly and we just ignore it and focus on the job of getting back to the others. We do not actually see anyone else around at first.

      Eventually though, and surprisingly, there are suddenly police all around (even though police supposedly no longer existed), and a lot of other people just appearing in the streets “out of nowhere”, some of them politicians. It turns out that this was some kind of “experiment” or government project (similar to fake prostitute setups and other fake setups created by the authorities as if there was not enough real crime to act against) to see what people would do in a survival situation (or after the disappearance of government) - and apparently it was “wrong” for us to get food and other supplies from abandoned stores to help other people survive - a few people are being marched to a prison, apparently, just for taking discarded food items from the back of a store, from a dumpster. Instead of driving a semi at this point, I then seem to be on a large adult tricycle made of cheap plastic, but still determined to get the trailer of supplies back to the people, as many of them have not eaten for a time. A siren is going the whole time from here (this was actually caused by my youngest son playing a computer game in the kitchen - though the siren sound is somewhat different in-dream).

      A police officer in some sort of odd-looking helmet and pastel fake-looking “riot gear” keeps telling me to pull over but I ignore him and much of what he is saying sounds like gibberish, so I very loudly keep saying that I do not understand him and just keep driving, or rather peddling. The other people are still with me (in the semitrailer) and it is my intent to get back to my group - because really, it still seems like a survival situation - in some ways, even more now. Even though he stands in front of the vehicle a few times, I just keep going and he eventually moves to safety each time, but continuing to shout gibberish, some of the phrases fairly long.

      There is a very clear and focused awareness that this is really the end of society (or at least the present system of authority) because of what the government has done, so thus the public will eventually act upon this fiasco. I inform a few people during our trip back that, because of this trick that the government has played, there really will be an apocalypse now within a few days, where it will be much the same as when they were pretending with their “experiment”. Realistically though, I doubt this would ever happen no matter what is done to the public by any source.

      Updated 03-09-2017 at 04:33 PM by 1390

    8. The (much too short) apocalyptic view and some uninteresting stuff

      by , 07-13-2014 at 07:58 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Another lucid dream, once more proving to me at least some parts of me seem to be regenerating. Or not decaying further. Either way...

      ...the first part of the dream I can recall begins with me being in some kind of 'mall'. While it felt and was treated like a shopping mall, it much more looked like a home, that was maybe a little bigger than an average house. The interior was largely gray with some white, relatively normal I'd say, it didn't look fancy but acceptable by my standards. I remember the living room, there was someone I didn't know, a Playstation (1) and a staircase when walking through the room, which felt very spacious as it was connected to the other rooms, no doors or stuff that made you feel you changed the room.
      I eventually walked up the stairs, and remember a more white kitchen like room, with an silver oven placed at an convenient height to work with. Somehow I felt and noticed that the dream played during a different time than reality, I was somewhat in the past, and first upon realizing that planned to make use of it to change things for the better.
      I'm not quite sure what happened, or how, but then I'm standing on a small ledge, outside of a building, 20 m above the ground or something. The view I saw was... absolutely amazing, apocalyptic and dark. A feeling emerges I couldn't describe, a more valuable experience than I could ever get from watching even the most emotional movies in real life for hours. I'm falling down and I
      realize I'm dreaming, I feel relaxed and fine.
      I'm in a big zone, I don't even know what it was, a train station, a building, maybe just an open place with some constructions. I was testing around with gravity, and again I also was flying a little. My girlfriend was there as well, she asked me if I was still dreaming, I did an reality check and replied that I was of course still dreaming. After some more time of being lucid but somehow doing nothing fancy I felt my focus fading for a moment, then I woke up.

      Man, if just for once I would actually start doing something relevant upon becoming lucid...
    9. Multilayered Cheerful Apocalypse

      by , 06-16-2014 at 12:16 PM
      Morning of June 16, 2014. Monday.

      This is one of those dreams that seems somewhat lucid in a tentative experimental sense; vivid and with an energy that seems close to “purifying”, and yet not fully lucid where total conscious control is utilized - thus I remain mostly a witness.

      It starts out at a level where I feel energetic and very well, almost with a sense of ongoing “completion” and "perfection” regarding my life’s path. I am not sure of the location. It is probably a more integrated composite of several houses including our present home, sister Marilyn’s older house, and Cubitis, as is sometimes the case, yet such composites always vary from dream to dream including in directional orientation. The overall layout is most similar to Cubitis, yet the essence is more like our last home on Barolin Street. My wife Zsuzsanna and I are involved in some sort of educational work, but my sister Marilyn appears and so does brother Jim. Even though both relatives (from my mother’s side) have passed away, Marilyn makes an unusual comment about Jim being there and points it out in a way that she “knows” something is not quite right. It does not even seem unusual to me that someone who had died is now at the house pointing out how somehow else had died. It seems to be about midday.

      Jim seems very cheerful but soon starts talking about a tidal wave approaching, excitedly pointing in its direction and talking about its force and size. I am able to see the large wave coming from about two blocks away but it does not seem to be a major destructive force. This one is only slightly above rooftop level as it approaches. I am somewhat annoyed by the idea of having some of our belongings damaged by water, but it is not a dominant thought. I get a clear feeling that I will just have to deal with it and am I neutral in the implications after a short time. The wave hits and water rushes through the house in a somewhat exhilarating sense (as if it was almost an enriching event). I notice other people outside yelling about it, but not in terror; more like mild surprise.

      A little later, I go outside to the direction where the wave had approached from and the scene and landscape changes dramatically and it is also now late in the evening. I am in a state of lucidity but witness-only awe relative to the various types of ways the world can end, all occurring at the same time (which seems very amusing to me for some reason, almost like some sort of unlikely gag). I have no fear or worry at all and feel a positive energy; almost enthralled to near physical pleasure. Jim is now very happily swimming in the ocean to my left (apparently much of the world has been flooded). Zsuzsanna and I are standing on a balcony-like area or more like an elevated area of a Medieval castle.

      As in many past dreams of semi-lucidity relative to ocean scenes, I imagine the creation of a plesiosaurus-like sea serpent which materializes in a fairly short time and rises from the water. Above us, but towards the horizon - at about a seventy-degree inclination (common for viewing in-dream events in the sky) there are odd events occurring near and on the visible but dim sun even though it is fully nighttime. The sun, though, seems to be behind some sort of odd "filter” or unusual static (unmoving) squarish gray cloud. Slightly to its right are several small meteors moving horizontally to my right in sparse clusters, all different colors (red, green, purple, blue, etc.), seemingly fizzing across the sky almost like the appearance of sparklers (perhaps to also aid in the end of the world along with other events I seem to be aware of, such as earthquakes, Earth going out of orbit, volcanoes, etc.), but I am not sure if they are close or farther out in space.

      I call happily out to Jim about the sea serpent behind him. He cheerfully turns and swims in the opposite direction, directly towards it, and deliberately swims into its open mouth as if that were the best thing he could do with his life. He even makes an extra attempt to make sure he is aligned properly to the jawline to get eaten as quickly as possible. This strange behavior seemed expected in the back of my mind. Meanwhile, meteors are hitting in the distance.

      Later, my dream seems to shift and I am with some unknown people (or composite variations of male classmates from high school) in a casual street scene. One asks me if I had been “damaged”, referring to my childhood and relationship with my brother Earl (died November 29, 2007 at only 67), and my response is a cheerful confirmation that I had not been. He was not mean-spirited or abusive in any way, even though he did steal from family members at times.

      Updated 06-14-2017 at 04:47 AM by 1390

    10. Invasion, thunder- and meteorstorm

      by , 06-15-2014 at 11:15 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Most impressively I had yet another lucid, barely a week later than my previous one! This seems to bode well for me, as I expected my next lucid may very well be another full month ahead.

      I was close to some kind of mildly futuristic building which spannd one half of my vision. Behind my was a huge plane, surrounded by trees in the distance. There was some kind of invasion and a huge amount of lifefrms trying to kill me, and I had an somewhat awkward fight, where I eventually crawled over those that were standing on a ramp, outside the building, that ramp was right outside the building, the first part going towards the building before making a 90 degree turn and connecting to a protruding platform of the building. There eventually I came to some kind of truce with the attackers.
      [Small gap where I'm not sure what happened]
      I'm still at the same place, the invaders now gone, and I think someone else was close by. I was looking into the plane, the sky was clouded and an eerie light was emitting from above. Thunders started to appear, with a strong red color and I enjoyed the view, then a cluster of meteors came through the clouds, somewhat startling me, but also making me realize
      I was dreaming. I tried to call forth such a meteorstorm again, but instead saw some phosphenia like stuff, though I felt I was close. I was walking away from the plane, probably through the building into some kind of empty city, trying to recall what exactly I wanted to do in my lucidity, but failing in doing so.
      Eventually I had a false awakening after which I was talking with my girlfriend about something.

      But hey, at least I tried to remember, now I have to work on being able to do so next time.
    11. Zombie Apocalypse

      by , 05-29-2014 at 06:14 PM
      I just woke up and need to copy everything I did down before it escapes my mind. So the structuring might be a tad off from how you should normally write but bear with me and read it if you want, it was definitely an experience

      5 of us found a complex, almost like a school. It was night out, it was dark inside with just a few red hazard lights going off. I was trying to be quiet but some were arguing and being loud along the way. At one point we were in some kind of lobby, discussing our plan. I was looking around the hallways at this point because this place looked safe, I thought we should stay so I was peeking through the glass on some of the doors and could’ve sworn I saw someone looking back at me but would hide as soon as I looked. How strange it was. I told the group but they said I was hallucinating. We ended up hearing zombies ahead of us and coming through hallways, tons of them. We somehow made our way out the back, after we had killed many on the way (I was wielding 2 sharpened crowbars, they worked nicely) , and into the streets where barbed-wire fencing was placed like a maze. We all split up here, in the street. 3 of them went over the fence on their way, the other 2, me and my brother, made our way back into the complex. We were running and panting trying to find a secure room because we heard something coming, almost like some electrical buzzing. We were running down the same hallway that led us out of there before and we looked right and saw a room with a couple lights on. We enter it and lock the door behind. The lights were actually LEDs from camera monitoring systems, like someone had been watching us the entire time we were in there. We also found food, a working sink with soap, and I found Gatorade under the sink. My brother decides to take a nap, he needed it. I notice a woman in a yellow shirt on some kind of scooter coming down the hallway and I see her blurry figure through the glass. I tried nudging my brother to wake up but he’s a deep sleeper. She opens the door and we just stare at each other for a second. “Who are you?” she asked me. I replied, “I’m Kyle, who are you?” She then said, “I’m Kyle.” I then told her Kyle is a good name and began telling my story to her until she led me out of the room back into the hallway where she told me what was really going on. All of a sudden, a couple people run into the room and said they needed to go on a run. With my brother still inside, the room is actually an ambulance, the hallway actually a loading area, and it takes off into the zombie-infested streets, but the woman, Kyle, told me everything should be okay. So I walked by myself down the hall and ran across a barricade of zombies blocking my path. I literally had to jump/run across it because it was just a messy pile of bloodied zombie parts with the hands still trying to grab at you. When I made my way over the pile, I saw a huge amount of water flooding into the hallway from a room with blood mixed in it. I continued that way and watched and listened as some kind of pump was sucking it all back inside the room. I turn the corner and my jaw dropped. It was a makeshift laundry mat where people living in this complex were taking off their clothes and giving it to the people who were working the laundry. I stumbled in and watched as men and women were stripping down and waiting for their clothes to be washed. It was definitely an interesting sight. I was actually kind of nervous and had my mind taken off the zombie apocalypse for a minute because of all the women. I left the room and ran into an old friend where we then made our way into some cafeteria and they fed me. I met the guy behind the earlier, electrical buzzing noise and he showed me it was actually a tiny helicopter with a camera attached, and he flew it around the room. He said they had to be careful and watch what our group did to make sure we were good people. We told our stories, laughed, for the first time in a long time, and the dream ended.
    12. A Strange Apocalypse

      by , 03-09-2014 at 03:43 PM
      My dream starts off with myself and two guys running around in what appears to be a whole set of underground mazes. We each have a bunch of things that we're carrying, though most of it seems to be contained in the knapsacks we're each wearing. On top of this, however, we each have a knife strapped to the outer part of our thighs, as well as a gun in our hands. I carry what simply appears to be a pistol, while my companions have what seem to be much more military grade weapons. The tunnels we're in seem to be very dark, though we appear to know what route we're taking, but we're constantly looking behind us due to low moans and grunts that echo through the stone walls.

      We eventually come to an area of tunnel where there is actually an opening in the ceiling above us and for some reason this room is lit up. This is the place we're looking for and I drop my things and get sent up first. Once I'm up my first male friend starts passing me his equipment before I haul him up, and we start doing the same for the second guy. However, the second dude is taking what seems forever to send his stuff up to so I remember remarking how 'You need to stop sending your shit up to me one at a time.' Just as I'm telling him this a loud noise echoes almost right beside us and the third of our group pales, looks down the path we came from, and looks briefly at us before running down the tunnel saying, "Guys, I'm sorry." He starts making a lot of noise as he goes, looking to draw the zombies away from where we are. It doesn't take long before it seems they catch up to him when he starts screaming and wet noises fill the tunnel. It's past time being able to save him.

      We scoop up all of our belongings and exit the room into what seems to be just a normal (albeit larger) home. We walk through the kitchen and living room before exiting the house and it turns out that it's built on a beach. Walking out from the home has us standing almost at water's edge and there is an entire community of people living here: there are people sun tanning by the water, kids swimming in it, and it's just an entirely laid-back atmosphere. A couple of older men approach us to welcome us to their home and take most of our inventory besides our knives to a communal armory. Some other people encourage us to go enjoy ourselves, so we shrug and decide to go find stuff to do. I decide to go swimming so run up to the water in my clothes and go right in.

      I'm swimming only until I get to water depth about twice my height when I notice a small body just sitting at the bottom of the section of ocean. I can somehow tell it's not a zombie, but instead a small boy of maybe 8 years, and I swim down to pull him up and out of the ocean. Once I get him out I run to take him over to a building side and start trying to do anything I can to get water out of his system, yelling "Are you ok?" He swats away my hand and simply replies, "I'm fine." It gets awkward and silent for what seems like an eternity and I ask what he was doing at the bottom of the ocean. This look that gives me chills passes his face, and replies, "You'll find the answers you seek on the dark face of the moon." The kid then looks like he's about to try to eat my face and I scream, but instead his body becomes translucent and he absorbs into me. As he does a million different images of the future pass through my head, though I do not know if they're different moments down the same timeline, or a million different possibilities for the future that our timeline could progress down.

      Thoroughly freaked out, I go inside to try to find something to eat. My friend is there in the kitchen with a female just a bit older than me and she's cooking for the group. She hands us both another, much sharper knife and explains exactly how to strike a zombie to minimize damage so that we can filet it better and cook it up (not only do zombies apparently come through the tunnel every now and then, but they are available to eat). Just as she says this, a couple actually appear from the catacombs and we follow her instructions to kill them clean. Just as we're dragging the bodies towards her, a few more come up and we do the same thing. She remarks how odd it is, as only a couple at the most tend to come up a day. Another body appears from the tunnel, but the results are much different this time. While the person looks like another zombie and is even partially decayed, it behaved like a human. It ducked around our strikes and grabbed the knife from my friend before lancing it through his throat. As my friend is collapsing to the ground, the creature runs back to the tunnel and somehow destroys the narrow opening, so now it's a large, sloping gap for a horde of zombies to come up. Most are normal, but there are quite a few who look like chargers from Left 4 Dead, as well as a couple that look like tanks from this game.

      The female and I both try to run back out, but I'm the only one who actually leaves. I start screaming for everyone to get out and to run just before the horde comes out behind me. Many people aren't fast enough and become lunch for the group of zombies. A large creature of our own appears, seeming to me like an almost mini-Godzilla but with wings. It scoops up a couple of people and prepares to take flight. I just about get grabbed by a zombie, but a woman pushes me out of the way and screams when the zombie bites her in the throat. When the Godzilla creature grabs me to take with it, the woman gurgles out, "You've seen the future and you'll be the one to save us all." As the creature takes flight and takes us with it, my dream ends.
    13. Ecstasy Upon The End Of The World DILD

      by , 02-10-2014 at 09:17 PM
      2/10/14 Excited and carefree witnessing the end of the world. Exhilirating non-lucid turned lucid (dild)..."overjoyed!!?" is what I wrote in my bedside journal.- It might have been influenced by day residue of seeing a listing for the movie Melancholia in my on screen guide over the weekend and recalling the movie of which I had seen parts of (featuring a glowingly beautiful and bare Kirsten Dunst in one scene). I guess I need to go back and watch the whole movie. Very unusual awakenings tonight either due to an unusual (for me) and more extensive pre-sleep/in bed/closed eye review of recent dream signs, day recall, and some mantras and visualization of diving off a cliff softly onto a beach and floating back up, repeat. Unusual awakening #1 was after only 1 hour of sleep and directly from a non lucid dream. I don't remember waking up that quickly after going to bed anytime at least in the last year. Unusual awakening #2 was 40 minutes later (perhaps end of normal 90 minute cycle with some interruption time in between making it approximately 100 minutes from going to bed.)

      Earliest possible part of dream was in a version of my office where I always seem to be coming back from training sessions and SC (who I haven't seen in a long time) was in a cubicle nearby and I could hear her leaving me a voicemail (could hear by way of the sound travelling from her mouth a short distance across the room). Possible transition or new dream to a group setting perhaps in a conference room with families present and someone hands me a camera asking me to take pictures of everyone. I see two cute babies across on the far side of the room and zoom in on them and snap a shot but the baby on the left's head disappears. I think "what?" but my mind fills in an explanation "ah, the baby tilted her head behind the other baby's head...there it is now" (or very similar thought). Moments later, while looking at the front of the camera it accidentally takes a picture and I look at the screen and it features a woman in the room looking provocatively towards the camera and her dress is purposely revealing in more ways than one. This scene somehow transitions to a large group walking outside at night time. The provocateur is there with her boyfriend and my wife just in front of me. The provocateur walks close to me and then in front of me as if she wants me to check her out and I grab her from behind in a flirty way but then move to my wife and grab her from behind in a loving way. I can hear someone talking about how some planet (or other celestial object) is crashing into Earth and I am looking into the sky. Everyone starts running but my wife and I seem to have no fear more like a joyful running through this field and there are flashes in the sky, beautiful flashes and I realize that I am definitely dreaming. My wife says something like "lets make love one last time" and we are now running in a different direction from the group deep into the field for privacy I assume. I remember the TOTM (true love) but I think I said it wrong or she heard me wrong and she answered "It is to give others what you can not." I remember thinking that perhaps she meant "give what you think you are not able to give." I woke up shortly after and just had to write it down before trying to re-enter that dream or any dreams. The most memorable part for me was running through that field and looking up at the sky lighting up...breath-taking! Afterwards I managed to get various dreamlets of 2 to 10 seconds in length, some of which I found fascinating at the time but eventually had to get up. 105

      Got lucid at the very end of a dream 2/8/14 but decided not to count it. It involved my computer acting strange (dild) but my awareness was low as it had been recently until this morning.
    14. Surviving a zombie apocalypse with Emma Watson

      by , 01-03-2014 at 04:09 PM (In the real life)
      It all started in an underground bar. I think it was called Adams or something. I was with a few friends there and it was really dark, wasn't even opened. After a while we decided to play a game, the rules of the game were that if a girl catches you in the dark she can do whatever she wants to interrogate whoever she cought. About what i don't really know, it was some big secret that us boys apparently knew. So the game began and everybody started running, i didn't get why they just didn't stay in the light but whatever. At one point i started moving too and girls started chasing me. i jumped over some couches and ran to the bathroom, but unfortunately it was a dead end, so one of the girls caught me and started pinching me and asking about the secret. I didn't know anything so i was just telling her random things, but she knew i was bullshiting her. I stopped talking and suddenly the wall in the bathroom moved to the right side as if someone said "Open Sesame!". There was a tunel and we decided to go in. There wasn't much there but upon getting to the otherside everything changed. I was with different clothes and that girl was no longer with me, instead i was with two friends- Pepi and Bobby and Emma Watson. We were at what appeared to be a huge plaza with average tall buildings all around it. On the right side there was a fallen electricity tower (you know?) and a huge one at that! I had a gun and so did they, so we decided to go up the electricity tower (it had fallen diagonally) I knew there were zombies around and we could all see them charge at us, so i took out my gun and shot them. The others helped too i think, but they didn't shoot as much as me. On the side of my gun i could see how much ammo i had left. We finally reached the top and on it was a big basketball court and nothing on it. (and it was also dark as fuck) I saw a man on the other side of the court running like crazy. It wasn't a normal man it was a zombie, too far away to shoot it i ran after, it went through a door out of the court. We cought up with it and i shot it with a couple of bullets. Now we were on a normal street, we went along to the corner of a building and saw an old lady. I was staying there watching out while the others were asking questions about what the fuck is going on. I didn't get anything, but at one point i saw a red dot on the old lady's head so i pulled Pepi and Emma Watson behind the corner of the building, but for some reason didn't do so with Bobby. Luckily the shot that fired afterwards only hit the lady and my friend got of unharmed. Meanwhile though i had the extreme pleasure of slightly touching Emma as if i were guirding her from harm. She's way hot... But when we all started walking back i couldn't do that anymore. We went thorough the court and electricity tower again, this time killing only a couple of zombies. We were down at the plaza and we saw two shops next to the tunnel we came from. There were a lot of people there buying supplies and whatnot, so we ran too. I needed some bullets and the others went to buy food and water. There was a really long line and we couldn't buy anything. Apparently they closed because there was curfue(?) and a big ass creature was coming. I didn't care, i thought i'd defeat it once and for all! I went to the side of the stores and into a parking lot where i saw it... It was HUGE! I tried shooting it with whatever ammo i had left, but that did nothing, it hit me and i flew into a mailbox. I didn't feel a thing, then i got a big metal pipe and upon turning around i saw that the bigass creature had turned into an average size person stuck on the back of a truck. I quicly ran to it and hit it with brutal force and it died. Victory was ours! I saw Emma Watson running towards me to hug me, but before all that i woke up...

      Updated 01-03-2014 at 04:14 PM by 66779

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. I lit a man on Fire

      by , 12-29-2013 at 06:59 PM
      fragment 1:

      I was outside and I spontaneously became lucid. Looking up at the sky, I saw a huge planet and I had the split second thought of it crashing into Earth. Oh no, not another one of those dreams. I decided to teleport to Denn, away from this place. Closed my eyes and imagined it, didn't work. So I tried to teleport to the other planet at least, that did work. I'm not sure why that made me feel any safer but it stopped the planet crashing from happening. I started flying around and I noticed the skies were getting dark. Tornadoes formed, but I wasn't afraid of them. I took control of them and made them move out of my way. Then I thought it might be fun to go inside one, so I flew really fast into a big one. Wind was rushing past me at extreme speeds and I kept spinning round and round, was fun! But it woke me up.

      dream 1:

      I was sleeping in my room when I noticed someone opened the door a crack, I got up and went to look and there was nobody there. I went out into the kitchen and I saw a man that looked really unhappy. I ran back to my room and tried to barricade the door, but it didn't work. He opened the door and sprayed me with lighter fluid then threw a match on me and ran away. I thought about chasing him but decided it would be better to turn on the shower and stop the fire. After the fire was out, I ran after him to stop more havoc but he already tried to light a cat on fire and then the kitchen on fire. I got my own lighter fluid and then I came up behind him as he was about to throw a match and sprayed him with the lighter fluid so that he was set on fire. His brother was outside and he kept saying to me that I had betrayed him and it was my fault, I ruined his life. In the dream world, I had apparently made a deal with him and made some kind of merchandise but it had the wrong name on it and nothing would sell. Some of the things I think up are really weird. The police came and handcuffed the guy's brother and me as well. Then someone also put handcuffs on the lead detectives ankles and I thought, ohhh so this is a dream. I rewound time a little bit until the police were no longer there and that guy was no longer burnt to death. I went outside with him and got the full story of why he was so pissed. Then the cops came but only a beautiful lady detective, wearing a short skirt got out of the police cars. After she walked past me, I rewound time a little bit more and then froze it. But I woke up before anything more exciting could happen .

      Updated 12-29-2013 at 07:10 PM by 66732

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment
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