non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In the US, possibly in Washington, but later it feels more like NY. Anyway, I am at some important rally and the speaker's poll is in the middle of some staircase. The crowd is clearly mostly democrats but lots of republican trumpers are in the mix. The speakers are calling for peace and unit and trumpers are yelling "Trump for president". Then Jon Stewart comes to speak and everyone is listening and I wonder why people haven't started chanting "Stewart for president" so I try to start it. But the environment turns chaotic suddenly, with people running away down the stairs and I even see a couple pigs running among the people. People start disbanding. I take some route which leads me to bump into Jon Stewart in some back alley. He is all by himself, so I must speak to him. It's a quick encounter in which I express my admiration for him, but then he has to leave. Since I don' t wanna let him go, I stalk him and clearly tell him I wanna stalk him for a while, hoping he finds it funny and not creepy. I ask if I can walk with him wherever he is going or work for him and help in whatever he needs help. I am basically desperate. Maybe I look harmless because he agrees to give me a chance. When we reach some place with an elevator he tells me to take it and wait by the door of the 7th and I'll be able to meet his family and stay with them for a while. I am blown away and totally trust him, so I go inside the elevator. The elevator is really just a shaft full of spiders and other bugs through which a very shady wood platform descends. When it stops, I am covered in spiders and other unidentified bugs and creeped out, trying to get them off of me. I am in a hallway with lots of other people and some guys are mocking me but then a couple others decides to help em and they shake off some of the bugs. I am confused if Jon pranked me or was seroous, so I look at the doors with numbers looking for a number 7. There is an apartment number 7, but it doesn't even have a door and each room is occupied by extremely poor people sleeping in matresses on the floor. I don't think I am in the right place but I wait a little, to see how it goes. Everyone is staring at me, wondering what I am doing there, so I leave. I exit the building and realize I had entered it through a top floor that was street level and now this floor also exits to another street level. I go outside and look at the building number and it is 7, so I wait at this door instead. It is getting dark and I feel a bit uncomfortable, but soon after some nice lady with long hair looks at me and tells me to follow her. I wonder how she knows it's me or how I know she's the one I am supposed to follow, but I go. She walks me into a place that at first seems like a posh apartment building, but soon I realize it is some kind of company. There is a large lobby area with some people sitting on a sofa and a kid playing videogames. She points to them and says something about who they are, but I only focus on the fact their kid is autistic. I tell her I am too, allthough a "light" case. I wave and say high to them. The kid briefly looks but immediately breaks eye contact. Then we enter what looks like an open space office, but it leads almost directly to a very unusual toy shop. Not like toys'r'us, not childish, more like a modern space with designer toys, educational and creative toys and arts and crafts materials. I immediately get hooked to it but then realize I am supposed to be nice to my hosts, so I look around for the lady. She introduces me to a lot of family members, a girl I assume it's her daughter, some playboy dude that doesn't take his eyes away from me and others. But I still don't know how they relate to Jon. I feel like the lady is his sister, she doesn't look like his wife. At some point I sit on some couch in a quiet corner thinking and wonder about my goal here: do I just wanna be friends with the family? Am I trying to win them over? Do I wanna hit on Jon, despite knowing he is happily married? I do consider that and how I'd be okay if he fell for me. I justify to myself that maybe he'd be happier with me. Then I think how silly I am and I could not make him happy, he would just be someone really interesting and entertaining to have in my life, but I could not be up to his expectations, so I abandon that silly thought. I do like the family though and decide to become friends with them. A couple black kids visiting the store or friends of the family sit by my side and tell me their names. They are really cute and very alike, which I mention to them. They say they aren't brothers, just friends but recognize the similarities. Only difference is one has really dark eyes and complexion and the other has lighter eyes and complexion and is slightly smaller, but they look like twins otherwise. Then some younger kid comes deliver me a condom and says some gentleman sent it. He points to that idiot playboy I 've met before. He is waving at me and making supposedly seductive looks and gestures, but to me he just looks ridiculous. I tell the kid to take it back. He goes and comes back and throws the condom at me. I can't with the dude and give him the finger. Then I notice another guy by his side with some sort of mental development delay or cerebral palsy. He is incredibly tall and built up and clearly shares physionomical characteristics with the playboy, so maybe they're brothers. I see the playboy treating his supposed brother like shit, dismissing and ignoring him, and I don't like his attitude. Later on I see this guy alone and become his friend. When later the family gathers to have dinner or something, in private quarters, I walk him in, hand in his arm and he is smiling like the family has never seen him do. The lady that brought me in and her supposed daughter are looking at me smiling in approval and the playboy dude is absolutely ego crushed and not believing this. Later even, some gentleman of the famiky takes me on a tour to the company and shows me a large area that is not in use and I immediately design a sketch of how it could be decorated and used in extension to the existing shop. He later presents my idea to the family and they all agree they like it and ask me if I wanna work for them and implement it.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In a large room with groups of people talking, making lots of noise, confusion. I can't handle it, so I leave. It's in some kind of hotel where I am staying. I know that NightHawk is also staying here. It is late night, but he has insomnia and is hanging around in the lobby. He sits over some bench and doesn't notice when I approach. I sit by his side and grab his hand. He is surprised and happy to see me. Asks why I am here, I tell him about whatever I was doing in the big room (some networking event or whatever) and I would, in the past, be able to enjoy the chaos and take notes about the dramas between the people and write stories about, but now I am just tired and overwhelmed and have to leave. We talk and we get cozy and we're both giggly and then we kiss. I am so hungry for him, I kiss him like a maniac. He complains I am not even taking a breath and therefore I am suffocating him too. I laugh. He says he needs to go the toilet. While I wait for him to come back, I am approached by my aunt's personal assistant and helpers. Apparently my aunt Ludovina is filthy rich. They ask me why I am here and say that my aunt is crazy worried looking for me and sent them to get me. She was throwing a party for me somewhere else, but when she found out I was at this hotel, she moved the party here. They tell me the party will be at a hotel floor they booked entirely for us. Then I watch an absurd parade of workers carrying lots of food and gifts into the hotel. Like, one person is pulling a cart full of exotic fruits, then three black men carry three canoes on their heads full of what seems to be fish and seafoood, plus a whole army of caterers with other yummi things. When NightHawk comes back, the parade is over, but I tell him what happened and that my aunt demands my presence, so I invite him to the party. On the party's floor, the first room actually looks sad and gloomy, with some family members and nothing much happening. I say I hope it gets better and they tell me to go explore the rest of the rooms. The next room is a prank/game and is full of fake cobwebs and an upside down piano. I don't know exactly what I should do, but seems like I need to get through the maze of cobwebs. Then I notice there is a real spider on top of the piano, not very big, but there are mirrors positioned in a way that makes it look gigantic. I still don't understand the game, but my family teases me by saying there will be a few more surprises and then there is the banquet awaiting us. I am at a university, like studying there and a young Colin Farrel is visiting friends or whatever. I see him through the corner of my eye that he is talking to people sitting to my side on a long concrete structure that serves as a bench. Eventually he sits down right next to me and he accidentaly bumps into me. I look to the side and he says sorry and smiles. I smile back and he introduces himself as some unintelligible african name. I excuse him but I say I know he is Colin. He asks my name and I say it but he is having trouble understanding or he is playing with me and makes me say it many times and finally spell it out. We make a bit of small talk but eventually he turns to his friends demanding his attention. I drop some papers on the ground, a bit by accident, a bit on purpose and get on my knees to get to see if he helps. He does offer help but I already finished gathering the papers, so no luck. Then his freinds get up and invite him to go to a canteen for lunch. Not the normal one where I usually eat but a fancier one. We look at each other and smile again and he asks if I wanna join. I say sure. I pick my stuff up in a hurry and go after them, but then meet some of my friends on the way who distract me and I lose them. I still go there, because I know the place, but they are already sitting and eating and I need to get the food first. There are no more plates and I can't find anyone to help me with that. Some girl helps me out with the drink dispenser and somehow I get some alcoholic beverage spilled in my head accidentally. When I am grabbing some cutlery I get closer to them and I hear Colin tell his friend that he likes me and can't take his eyes of me, but that I am a bit too plain and he can do so much better. His friend tells him he is being an idiot and overestimating himself because besides being famous he is not that special either. I find it funny that is friend is so brutal. I keep having trouble joining them because there are no more seats available near them, but I hear their conversation a bit longer and his friend is encouraging him to ask me out on a date. And mentions some advice from their friend Lisa Gerrard about relationships. My mind then goes on a rush thinking I don't really wanna be Mrs. Farrel, I just would like to date him for fun as it would increase my "market value" but in my heart I am thinking of NightHawk.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP There is some stormy weather and can't close my living room window. I keep grabbing my cats to keep them inside while I try to fix it and they seem intent on getting out. Then my house is taken over by some bad people. They want something and I keep pretending I don't know anything about it. Eventually I grab the thing they want from my office and while they are distracted elsewhere and the lights go off because of the storm, I sneak out to the kitchen and leave through the back door. Luckily my dog Hachi is quietly asleep and doesn't make a sound. I hope to get back for my animals soon, but so far I must leave. The bad guys eventually notice I escaped and turn on some floodlights outside trying to spot me. But there is someone else just arriving and getting in the way of the ligths and I take advantage and run through the fields. Much much later I encounter a group of friends and I think I am safe. Except don't seem happy to see me and proceed to hide under some tarps in some construction site. I join them there to find out what's up. Something about an expedition and a UFO. Shopping with my familty for some crazy but beautiful clothes. I literally get lost in it as my family leaves me there. I decide to check the second floor of the shop, which I never visited. First part is lingerie but then all sorts of antiques for decor. I am amazed with what I find there. Then some crazy obsessed guy is melting down because he collects something and they no longer have new items for him to buy. My first reaction is to think bad of this guy, but then I realiz he has a serious mental condition and he is not guilty of it, so I feel compassion instead. Then decide to take some pics of some items and of the shop itself. Some cute guy seems happy that I find and expose a wooden piece that was hidden under other pieces and he calls his mom to come and see it and asks my help to set it up straight. I do, but the wood starts breaking apart since it's so old. We decide to put it back. He still considers buying it to restore it, it but every time we touch it, it breaks more. Then he flirts with me and I think he wants to go on a date, but I don't. Then I encounter Sevi and she is glad to see me. Actually too glad to see me, considering she's been mad at me for years. We hug and we talk and the other dude disappears. Then she gets a bit too warm and she whispers in my ear she'd like to invite me to go with her to an hotel nearby and I immediately say no and that she got me all wrong.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Visiting an asylum in a castle during the victorian era. I accidentally step into the dungeons and encounter some weird looking bald grey skin people who surround me and say mysterious things like I am the chosen one. I just run away to daylight, feeling very uncomfortable. I am a rich young attractive man, looking very much like Gary Oldman in Bram Stoker's Dracula. The ladies all look at me drooling, but I am very chaste and not actually interested. I am also very weirded out by what just happened. Then some tall bulky bald man, also with a weird pale skin and a tall hat stares at me as he walks past me. I hear him in my head whispering something like "soon" and "you have been chosen" and I see visions of myself in a near future as a vampire. I actually feel seducted with the idea. I still try not to be followed by this guy as the night falls. There is some nocturnal parade and many policemen on the streets and I am kinda forced to enter a park and end up by a lake that is restricted access. Some policemen see me and tell me to get out. So I see myself again in the parade area and stuck in the middle of a group of noisy teenagers. I try to get away by entering a perpendicular street leading to a parallell road and walking it in the opposite direction. On the other road, the sidewalk is too narrow and the road is too busy, so I spot an old fashion mall that I know can be crossed into another street so I go in. I am myself again and I meet some familiar faces at the food court sharing a table. Namely there's Evangelion, whom I don't see for ages and he tells me to sit down at his side. We are packed really tight, but that was his intention all along. He flirts with me and I enjoy it. He says he missed me and would like to be with me somewhere alone right now. The others hear it and laugh, but he is serious. He suggests I follow him and I ask if he is taking me for a quickie in the public restroom but he doesn't get the sarcasm in my voice, Instead he answers that he has a better idea. There is some sort of rental rooms over the mall and despite all being taken he has some friends staying there and he hopes to get a room for free. He kinda does. Some friend is packing to check out soon and says we can enjoy the room for a while while she goes do something outside. I feel embarassed with all this, but I am also horny and want to be with him so I play along. As I get in bed he disappears for a while and when he comes back he has turned into a horny pimpled chubby pre-teenager and I wonder what the hell happened. He says he can't control it when he feels horny, he just becomes his younger self. He gets in bed and I say no way. Not only I'd be in trouble if I am found in bed with a minor, he also looks terribly unnatractive. He also can't contain himself and he is already literally covered in cum. I point it out and he is like "so what"? I am disgusted. Then my mom and a bunch other people just barge into the bedroom and they are shocked. My mom asks what am I doing and why. I try to lie and say it's nothing of what they think it is. I am actually still dressed under the sheets so I get up and say I was just taking a nap and this kid snuck in and got too excited. But they actually know it's Evangelion and know he is actually an adult and that that is not the problem. So I tell him to get back to his current self and he goes to the toilet and says he'll be back soon. When he does he is back into his tall adult self. I introduce him to mom and the others and they are all very nice and cordial and say we don't need to be embarassed. But I feel a bit puzzled and want to know what the problem is after all that they all barged in on us. Turns out that my mom thought I have been too libertine and worries that I go to bed with every guy.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In a crowd gathered for some teachings. I see my teacher at a distance. He gets up with a book on his hand and calls my name, says it is for me. I get up and raise my hand. We walk towards each other and I feel awkward because I wanna hug him and I just can't. He says something like congratulations for winning that prize and everyone wonders what was the contest and when. I bow down with my hands folded and I receive the book while trying desperately to touch his hands briefly. We look at each other cumplicitly. After that he goes back to his seat and proceeds talking and I try to get a place closer to him better. Strangely a lot of people just get up and leave so I have lots of free space now in the front.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At home, but it looks like my paternal grandma's house. I hear suspicious noises, I go check the backdoor, see if it is locked. It is not even closing properly, but I manage to shut it. Then my mom says she hears the elevator stopping at every floor, so that means we are actually at her house, not grandma's. Someone knocks, they say it's delivery of a package, but sounds suspicious. My mom says "Ah, ok" and goes open the door. I yell "no!", but it is too late. Some dude hands over a package and she thanks him. But then he steps in and I know he ain't no good, so I tell him to leave immediately and push him over. Outside are more guys. At first I manage push the first guy back, but the door ain't closing well and they barge in. I panic, but they don't actually resort to violence or seem intent to rob or rape. It's a gang of 3 dudes and a couple girls. They are basically tricksters and just want to fool around, for now. They go around checking our things and I think about what could be valuable and important to me and I try to hide those things. But they spread around to cover more area and I can't keep up. The house is magically very big and has half a dozen halls, each one dedicated to a specific thing, almost like a supermarket with aisles. First area is a library, then there is one for sports, one for entertainment, with a dj and vj set (which attracts the gang leader in particular), then there is an armory, which I try to reach first. But they get there ahead of me and grab some riffles. Fortunately the bullets are all elsewhere and they want to know where. I keep quiet and the leader guy gives up and goes for a different strategy. Goes to the entertainment area and grabs some equipment and starts singing. Then he becomes Pedro A., a musician I loved as a teen. He goes all charming and tries to seduce me. I say his charm won't work on me. So then they decide to go violent and I kick one of them, tell them I am a purple belt in Kenpo and can defend myself. They seem mildly scared but that quickly fades. They know I am very outnumbered. I am also not confident at all in my skills, I don't practice for years. But I find a stick and I attack them with it, knocking them all unconscious, except for a girl. I ask my mom - which I didn't see until now - to help me tie them up. When they regain consciousness, I tell them I am calling the cops and I ask for their names so I can tell the cops. They get very pissed. I meet Kylo Ren. He drives a small car. I start flirting with him. He misunderstands and thinks I am harassing him. He gets upset and chases me. I fly away to escape. I fly along the path of the road until I spot some people taking a shortcut through some field and I decide to folllow them and maybe lose Kylo who is after me. The shortcut takes me to a football field where kids are playing. Then just to the side is a neighborhood, which has a familiar vibe to it. I recognize my mom's building among other buildings inthis neighnorhood. I lift off to the 4th floor, to enter the house through the window. But then I spot there is a wood storage at ground floor and I go back to get some as I recall we need wood for the fireplace (which doesn't really exist at my mom's, but anyway...). When collecting some wood, I get caught in the middle of some actors filming a novela. They don't stop because of my presence and so I become accidentally part of it. I leave the wood for later, now I suddenly feel like baking a cake in the novela's kitchen. I grab some eggs and flour and I temporarily put them down on top of the washing machine because they are blocking my passage to the counter. The actors are playing a very rich family who is fighting over properties and possesions and I guess I am their cook. The flour bag is leaking and the machine dirty with flour. The family also sees it and scolds me for it. The head of the family says that shit might damage the machine which is expensive and it will be on me any repairs or replacement needed. And I am like "Damn, they can afford all the machines they want and are seriously making me pay for it. How petty."
Updated 04-08-2022 at 09:17 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some beach house with Riverstone and a couple of my cats and some friends, like Tânia. I hear that Jonh Blacksmith is also around and for some reason I am asked to accompany some kid to the place he s staying, to deliver a message. After doing so, I stay there to chat a little bit. But John is so very busy, going back and forth and in out of the room. Then he says he needs to go shower, but will come back, so I interpret that he wants me to wait. I stay but I fall asleep on his bed. I notice him coming in later on and getting dressed. He knows I am there but doesn't want to wake me up. He lookdearingly to me. I play with it and pretend to be on a light sleep and reposition myself to a cute sleeping pose. Then he goes out again and I think maybe he left because I was alseeep, so I get up to clear that up. I see myself in a mirror. I have a cute yellow ruffled dress and short hair, which all messy. So I tidy up a little bit and then he comes back again. He sees me picking up my stuff to leave, so he calls me on to stand in front of him and he says something nervously. I don't understand half of what he says but I feel the emotion in his words. He is saying that he loves me and wants to be with me and apparently he is free to do it. He starts crying like a baby, with snot in his nose and I also start crying and we embrace each other warmly. He points to inside the wardrobe and says something that I again have trouble understanding. I ask him to repeat and he says there is a portal in the wardrobe and we can jump through it and get out at some other place where someone he knows can marry us on the spot. I am like "Wait, no!" But some people we know start coming into the room to speak to him and they see him hugging me, so before they see my face and go spread the word about it, I agree to jump. So we jump. On the other side is a large room like an attic and there is some lady there. He explains that she can marry us right away and we can leave everything behind. That's when I get away from him and say "I am sorru but I can't, for better or for worse, I need to go back to my life." And all his plans shatter and I see all hope abandoning him. I loved our cathartic moment together, love the idea that we could have had it differently in a different life, but in this life it is not meant to happen. I am friend or sister of Ana, who dates Christian Grey. One day she is helping me and Riverstone put stuff into our van and one of her exes passes by on the sidewalk with his snobbish new girlfriend. Ana says "Oh no!" when she sees them, but puts on a smile and says hello to them. The other woman mocks her, by saying she looks good but in a condescendent way. Ana plays it cool and says she is doing good. But the bitch laughs and replies "We can see you really moved up in life". We are really irritated, but we try not to bring up she is dating Christian because that would lowering to her level. In any case, I walk up to her and get my face near hers and say "Bitch, you have no idea. You'd be crying if you knew." She scoffs me off and they walk away. I know she'll eventually find out what I am talking about. Ana is about to get married to him and she'll be on every papparazzi magazine. Then it's her wedding day and it is very bizarre. First we gather with some of his family in the UK, because his family is full of British nobility. They dress and behave funny, but all of them seem to be nice people. Christian finds Ana hiding in a corner, crying upset and wants to know what's going on. We tell him what happened some days before and how she is still struggling with it. He immediately wants to go confront the woman, but we talk him out of it. Instead we explain how it is to grow up poor, and no matter how much you work, you still never getting enough money to get out of poverty, and the anger that comes with it. And how it isn't remotely ok to shame others just because now you're rich, not due to any accomplishment, but just through marriage. First, because it ain't your money and second, because money should not define your worth in the eyes of anyone else. Therefore Ana is crying out of frustration because she wants to feel self worth for herself. Christian and a friend are listening to this attentively. Then I leave them and join some other family members wbo are playing silly games. They say they are traditional and I mention they seem totally absurd. All the ladies, one by one, have to try to catch something that will be thrown, but it is not a bouquet, it can be anything else. I get hit by a cloud of sewing pins. I spend like an hour removing them from my chest and face. And even from some poor cat who got in the way when that happened. Then some other girl gets covered in darts, but she is ecstatic. I just think "What in the hell?" Then there is a feast, but in the end there is so much wasted food, so I stay behind separating what is good to eat and compacting and separating packages for recycling, because I don't know if the servants will do so. I distribute wet bread outside in the garden for pigeons and other birds to eat, and I start putting packages of chips and other snacks in carton boxes and plastic bags and wondering how am I going to take this all on my plane trip back home.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Hanging out with Riverstone and Nighthawk. We are sitting on the floor or something like a big mattress, we are talking and playing some game. I am closer to Nighthawk, who is to my right and Riverstone is across the floor/mattress, opposite of us and a bit more distant. I am sharing something with Nighthawk and naturally there are hands touching, then I lean over his leg. With innocence, I stay close to him and we kinda cuddle up. I caress his leg, he caresses my hair and it is the most natural thing in the world. But Riverstone gets all jealous and threatens him. Says if he chooses to go down that road, their friendship is over and to think it through. I say it doesn't have to be like that, but he insists I have to chose. And I say "don't make me chose because you won't be the winner." But for the moment we all break apart to clear the mood. I go outside and I get to some platform from which emergency stairs go down. I see I am really high up. There is a river below and I see some people floating on some platforms that I understand are pieces being placed at a construction project on the river, maybe a bridge is gonna be built. On the shore I see a grizzly bear approaching a person, doesn't seem aggressive though, so I keep quiet. But then someone comes and warns of another bear climbing up the stairs and we climb down this structure through the sides, avoiding the stairs. When we reach ground floor, unfortunately we encounter two black panthers someone keeps on a chain, leaving only a few centimeters of space between them, through where we can pass and is damn scary. We have to go inside the building to go out through the front door, but the panthers break the chains and we have to run up the emergency stairs again, keeping in mind the bear and the panthers. A lot of parkour and climbing and dangling dangerously dozens of meters above the ground, but we kinda escape. Then I spot my cat Yéti on the ground and the panthers going after him. Luckily they don't harm him, he escapes, but I now want to rescue him at all cost. I go down again and devise a plan to lock the panthers in some room. Doesn't go well and I lock myself with Yéti in a room, while one panther escapes to the street and the other tries to break our door down. I go out through the window but the one outside catches my foot and I wake up from the pain of the bite.
Updated 08-07-2021 at 07:20 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Surreal family encounter, my cousin is still alive and so happy to see me, our energy is pretty good. We flirt, but we have to hide it from the family, so he starts reading poetry out loud from a book and sending me his messages that way. I understand what he is doing, He mentions he'd like to kiss me. Then chaos ensues with an electrical storm. There is a circus passing by and strong winds push everything and everyone in different directions. I end up in a Merry-go-round with Captain Jack Sparrow. I wonder about my cousin left behind, but tell myself I wouldn't mind making out with Johnny Depp either. But he is drunk and misbehaving and things go from bad to worse. Then it's like I am seeing myself through a 3rd person or in a movie and the movie dissects how he was actually sober and a really nice guy and it was me, a mentally ill person who messed up. I feel depressed and go for a walk. Then I am near Nighthawks house and decide to go to a place nearby take care of some business. I hope he doesn't see me passing by his door and thinks I am there looking for him. I am walking fast but think I spotted him in the crowd on the street through the corner of my eye. I reach a nearby mall and move through the corridors, reaching an art gallery or museum with several exhibits. I feel this is not what what I came for, so I plan to go back and figure out my way, when Nighthawk surprises me. He is looking dandy, in a light brown corduroy blazer. Asks me what I am doing here, that he saw me passing by and followed me. I say hi and I feel an awkward desire to hug and kiss him. Seems like he does to, but we both hold back. We sit on a bench and I explain what I am doing here and where I am meaning to go, He first offers to come along but suddenly holds my hand and says "We're not going there, we're going to my home" and my heart races. We just get up and walk fast through the crowd holding hands. I kiss his hand. When the crowd gets thicker and we get stuck in the middle of people, I hug him and feel his body hot and sweaty. I am also hot and sweaty. But it isn't off putting, much the contrary. I wonder if I am properly shaved (lol) but in the end I am not really feeling hung up by my insecurities, I am genuinely ready to let go of everything and just spend all day with him making out, making love. I feel beyond thrilled that he is not holding back anything either. But before we go, he stops by some tables where a group of ladies dressed in vintage clothing (like 18th or 19th century) are chatting and drinking tea. He says he was coming to meet them to discuss some film they are collaborating on and he just needs 5 min with them. I also sit and he introduces me. They are so interested in me because of something he says about me. Food is served to the table and they offer me some kind of crunchy bread. Again with my family, I think in my paternal grandma's village. It's late evening, it is getting dark. We see a fire in the distance and seems to be in the area of grandma's house. We worry and head there but as we approach, we see it is some other house. It is an historical building, of a large wealthy family and the fire is on the 1st floor. The family is moving in and out and I wonder what they are doing. They are taking the elderly out but the youngest keep going inside trying to put out the fire. Seems confined to that floor for now and they say it is also in one particular room. I manage to go inside to help. they don't allow me to enter the room on fire, but I make it to the next room and spot fire coming through the walls and starting to set an old dresser on fire, so I put it out. Then the owner of the house comes in, seems like this is his bedroom, and asks what am I doing here and to get out. He his a big man, dark skin, hairy, big belly, looks middle eastern. He acts like nothing is going on and he plans to go rest on his bed. Seems they managed to control the fire and the whole family is back to normal. Nobody seems to care about my presence, so I take the longer way out, so I can see the rest of the house, which is amazing. I head down to the basement, they have a wine cellar and 3 guys are there talking. I spot a cat carrying a kitty on her back and comment how cute that is. Then the guys notice me and while one who loves cats smiles and engages with me, the others invite me out, so I finally reach for the door. Outside is daylight already. The guy who fancied me came along and I also join some friends that stood outside waiting for me. We walk through this beautiful romantic city that looks from the 18th century, with incredible parks and iron bridges. The guy that came along is about to go his own way, as he feels he doesn't belong in our group, but I let it slip that I find him cute, so now he looks really distressed and keeps walking with us. He is making me nervous so I ask what is he thinking and he confesses he doesn't want to leave me because he is also attracted to me and doesn't want to blow a chance of something happening between us. But I am not that interested and now I kinda fear him a bit, because he seems like he might just snap and drag me behind some bushes and rape me. Then we come across a weird place with colorful tiled hallways forming some kind of maze in a park. In some places the tiles form geometric designs like rectangles within rectangles and they don't feel like just decorative. I feel they are portals, so I decide to try and plunge into one. I get inside a large place that feels very much like "the backrooms". Besides this large room, I see openings to other rooms and corridors all covered in these yellow and red tiles. I fear it a little bit but decide to trust my powers that I can just decide to cross any wall to get out. So I risk exploring a bit and find one large room whose floor is inclined and becomes ever more inclined as I go further. At some point I decide to just have a bit of fun falling down that rabbit hole and I take my feet of the ground and base jump. But it seems to go on forever, so when it is getting stressful, I spot a square opening on the diagonal floor/wall to another tiled room a level below. It seems horizontal, a place where I can walk right up again, so I fly in, to go there. Once back to a stable horizontal room, I again cross the wall and get out, exiting to the hallway at the park. I find my friends there, but also a bunch of other people around some lady. She can also open the portals on the walls and she uses the rooms like personal vaults. And she cons people. She claims nobody can go inside or risks getting trapped there forever (except her servants who are stacking boxes in there under her command and control). She claims the boxes are full of some cryptocurrency that these people gave her money for. I say that's not how it works and she is pissed. She tries to send me away but I enter one of the rooms that has the portal open. I crash into the pile of boxes, not sure what I am doing, but I expose they are full of buttons and other small plastic pieces. Her goons come to attack me, but I move faster and I get out of there. Problem is one of my friends that came to the rescue, is in a choke hold by one of the goons and I have to go back to rescue her. We all escape and start running down those tiled hallways. Then a pink tornado forms at the end of the hallway forcing us to go back. The tornado is growing and we decide to jump out of the maze to the park, then we parkour through the cityscape getting closer to the river where we find a retro shopping center encroached on a hill, which confers great protection. There is a bunch of old ladies sitting in park benches outside and we yell that a tornado is coming and they don't get it. They recognize it is a little windy and accept maybe a storm is forming but don't have a clue what a tornado is. We almost have to push them. Once inside, everybody is seeking cover in the innermost areas of the mall and we hunk down against a wall waiting for the tornado to hit.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some place sitting at a big table with different people. My cousin Duarte is there at some distance and Bad Wolf is nearer. Someone is at the door and some girl opens it. Someone ordered sandwiches, but Bad Wolf gets disturbed with that, says no one should have opened the door, because he is being chased by some debt collectors from the IRS or something and they can't see him inside. We want to protect him, so we are more careful and try to spot anyone suspicious outside. All is fine, so we turn to the table to eat. I am also turning the pages of an old agenda with notes that attracts Bad Wolf's attention. He asks me about it, I mention some stuff there that was written by my mom and that I used it later as a notebook. We become very friendly and shoulder to shoulder and it feels right. My cousin spots it and doesn't know our background so he finds it odd and then asks me about levels of appropriate touching between strangers and I clarify him that I am no stranger to Bad Wolf. At a college in a palace, just as a visitor or a prospective student. I attend a class and I am supposed to join another class at the -1 floor, so I take the main staircase down to ground level, where I see that outside is under a blizzard like we've never seen around. Also, it's July and I am sleeveless and wearing sandals. I make a loud comment on how am I supposed to walk on that snow like this. Some female teacher in sandals agrees emphatically: "exactly, how are we gonna do it?" and points to her own feet. As I keep going down the stairs I make a snarky remark like "So you don"t believe global warming? Here is your global warming!" and some idiot girl replies loudly "Yeah, exactly! It's snowing in the summer." And I shake my damn head realizing she didn't pick the sarcasm. So I get to -1 and find a class I think is the one I am looking for, but after sitting I realize they are debating Star Wars. Fascinating stuff and they are putting on a video of an episode to clarify something, which seems great, but this is not my intended class. I go down a corridor and enter an area of teachers and assistants offices. One door is open and some students there who look at me. I signal that I am just lost and will leave but one of the guys fancies me and comes to the door smiling and offering to help me on whatever I need. I fancy him too, but I am focused and keep going after smiling back to him. I stumble across another corridor which seems more like a private residence area and then I reach a big open ballroom, 2 story high. It's full of older folks, all very posh and dandy, dancing classical ballroom dances, while some dandy younger people are watching them, I suppose learning. I want to go across and keep going, but everyone spots me and won't let me go. They force me to attend the lesson as some kind of punishment or for their entertainment. They gather a group of younger all female dancer, put a more jazzy music and I have to join them. At first I fail miserably, but then I pick it up reasonably well and decide to add my own style as if I know what I am doing. In the end, most men applaud and cheer me, but the ladies dancing are pissed as their intent was to shame me. Some of the older guys are madly falling for me and one is holding on to a shawl that I used in my dance, as if his life depended on it. I am working and studying abroad, looks like in Belgium. I am with a friend in similar situation. Today we leave for good and we go back home, so we do our last shift in the bar we work at. A pretty industrial looking bar at the city center, right in front of the university we've been attending. My friend is heartbroken because she had been dating a guy and they had a fight and she doesn't see him for weeks but doesn't want to leave for good without seeing him again. But she lost contact with him and doesn't know how to find him. As we leave the bar and go around the block, we spot him entering a shop nearby and buying some gift. I feel like he is going to the bar next, looking for her, so I push her to go back and wait for him and she is over the top happy. Meanwhile I go back home to pack the bags. First I pass by the bus terminal to get tickets to the airport and there is a huge line, because they are having a promotion in which everyone gets free tickets and pays at the destination point on arrival. I really don't see the advantage, but it makes me wait in a line for too long. As I wait near the desk where they issue the tickets, I start taking things from under a chair next to me, curious about all the boxes of different sizes, jammed under it. It is boxes with sewing material and then I have trouble putting them all back in the same order. Back home I start packing, surrounded by our other roommates, all excited and not allowing me to focus on my task. I recall the stress of being always late packing my stuff and missing my flights (in dreams), so I try to really throw everything on the bags without losing myself on details. But I still am a bit too tight on the schedule and nervous. Actually don't even know for sure at what time is the plane. Also my friend isn't coming and I have to depart alone. The bus trip is super stressful as the bus has to go down a mountain in a very narrow road and every one is nervously making jokes at how we risk going over the cliff. At my farm, my dogs are very agitated. I hear machines working not too far, but what catches my attention is a strong meow nearby and my dogs rushing to the gate as if they are seeing some animal outside. I go running and spot a yellow baby kitten alone in the ground and pick him up. He looks thankful to be rescued and I go around looking for more or possibly his mother. Find another yellow kitty a few steps away, but this one is motionless and lying on the ground. I pick him up too and he is still breathing, just very cold. As soon as I warm them up they both look much better, but I want to give them water and some food asap. I still go around looking for where they come from and on a slope I spot some cave and thing maybe their mom is there with other kittens. Instead I spot two dogs with two litters of puppies. They seem all ok and safe and even growl at me, so I leave them. No sight of cats or kittens. Then my mom arrives when I am near my gate again and she tells me to look in another direction first. We go the other way and immediately we're right in the middle of Vila Franca, close to the train station. There I see lots of stray cats, most adults and they seem well fed and healthy. Finally spot a female white and yellow cat who can be their mom, she has a bed in a sheltered corner at the station, but no signs of other kittens or that she is nursing. There is another yellow one, bigger, a few months old, and he starts playing with some of the other cats that followed me around and ends up on the train tracks. I freak out and go scare them away from there. Then decide to just leave because I am adding more chaos and putting them in danger and I should be taking care of the kitties. I have been keeping them in my bosom, stuck between my skin and my shirt and the warmth seems to have done some good as they are both responsive and active now.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some sunny city somewhere in southern Europe, I think, which has canals. There is some international event going on and I am actually walking away from it. Then I spot Trump in a very bad disguise on a motor boat, going in the direction of the crowded area. His kids Baron and some of the girls are going in other boats in different directions. I know immediately they are going to commit some terrorist attack and try to stop it, but can't. In the end, I end up with the ashes of the victims, for some reason. In France, at a natural history museum, I stalk a guided tour with high school kids, so I can listen to the guide. The guide notices me, but pretends not to care to avoid causing a fuss. There is a display of ancient dentures with semi precious stones as teeth. The guide tries to make me feel self-conscious by asking me a question about it. I feel embarrassed and I separate from the group and head to the museum shop. I am delighted with a Star Wars encyclopedia and there are books that resemble some of my childhood Russian books and I get very excited, but turns out they are just similar and not the real deal. A couple kids that were in the guided tour before, also come to the shop and start flirting with me. I feel flattered, but they are just kids. I go get my coat from the cloakroom and the guy there is really gorgeous and age appropriate for me so I also flirt with him a bit. I can tell we both feel like we don't want to depart so soon, but I am the one taking the step. I touch his hand and say I loved meeting him, but I have to say goodbye and that I am going away from this country soon and will probably never see him again. He looks heartbroken. At the exit we are thoroughly checked to see if we stole something from the museum, but instead they confiscate some pills I have on my pocket. I explain my need for it and make a bit of a scene, so they end up letting me go with it. Outside is already night and I have no clue how to get "home". I just have a vague idea I need to go to a bus stop near of after some place named L'Envers. I go to the closest bus stop and wait for a bus to come. My french is a bit rusty, but when a bus comes, I beg the bus driver for help and he ignores me and starts moving away. I keep begging for some indications and some Asian dude steps up and offers to help me. So the bus driver stops and and I come on the bus. The dude says he can help me to get closer to my destination and teach me what buses I need to get on and off to get there, so I sit a couple seats away from him.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Next door is a guy, which I believe to be a demon. He has a crush on me and has been trying to be my friend but I feel creeped out and have been avoiding him. Me and mom we go to his house on his absence, looking for some evidence, but we have to leave on a hurry and we forget a light on. I imagine him arriving and realizing what we did, and coming full force at us, so I decide going back and take a different approach in case he finds me there, which he does. I pretend to actually wanting to bond with him and say sorry for having entered his home uninvited. He is obviously pleased and invites me to stay. Not sure how well he bought it, but I end up spending some time with him, we watch something on tv and he gets uncomfortably close to me. I look at him and realize he is actually very good looking, with black hair and piercing blue eyes. I decide to focus on that and the fact he's been so friendly, but I can see his true nature just below his skin. I try to be compassionate, but at some point I argue that I really must go. I fear his reaction and for some time later at home I fear he will somehow come after me, like an obsessed psycho, but nothing happens. Watching the first episode of a new Gilmore Girls season, but so totally different from the original. Luke and Lorelai are divorced and she became a nun. Rory is blond. And the whole story is sad and boring. At my mom's and there is a lot of people with us. My dad is sick in her bed, my friend's daugther Leonor is eating lunch that I provided, but I leave her for a moment and when I come back she is eating a can of cat food. I am shocked at first but then ask her if it is any good. She says it's ok, but not very thrilled. I remove it from the table and scold her. Then some stupid guy is burning things with a lighter, since he heard many household products have flame retardants and wants to test it. He burns the tip of a bed duvet and then the mattress itself. I scold him hard and he just feels disapointed that things really don't go up in flames. But the fact is that they slowly burn anyway and the combustion of the mattress is spreading. I ask my mom for a fire extinguisher. She says the only one she has is being fixed. I then ask for buckets and ask everybody to help. By now, the entire mattress is burning inside and generating heat that is starting flames in the surroundings. We remove all covers and drench it in water and cover the outside flames to extinguish them. I just want to punch the stupid guy who did this.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Kind of working for some time travel agency, but we make lots of mistakes. Traveled to time of first long distance train travels with sleep cabins. At the second class carriages I cross path with some very dirty kids, one is by the window peeing himself apparently. A colleague of mine pops up from a portal but doesn't fully cross, just crosses his torso to deliver me a message but his seen by other people, who freak out, faint, well, mayhem. Later I go to the time of the first cars. But they are still experimental and no one drives them yet. We forgot that detail and I appear driving one. A woman! Everybody is shocked and wants to stop me and ask me who I am. Uh oh, gotta go! But the car is so slow, some people could run after me. After a long chase I manage to hide from them and jump forward in time. In the 60s I find some lady getting rid of stuff on the sidewalk and I stop by and see books I grew up with and no longer have, some vintage toys and other real treasures hard to find nowadays in mint condition. I ask her if I can collect for charity but it is for me to take to the future. She agrees but she ain't so happy, says she doesn't want it to end up in the hands of the wrong people. That's her problem, anyway she was trashing it all. Then some cute boy, like a young Joseph Gordon-Levitt stops by to see what I am doing. We talk, he starts helping me sort things out, always playing with me and being very funny. Then we find some sexy clothes in the stuff and he teases me about it. We start flirting with each other and we have a really good time.
09.11.2014Chess, Vegas and Role-playing (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was in a park and I was playing a very odd game of chess. It was like checkers, but the checkers had different shapes and drawings, but it was played different than chess. I was with two friends, chatting with one of them while the other one was finishing playing a game of what I believe it was Magic the Gathering: The other friend was going to play a game of chess with someone else. I did felt like playing chess and I wish I knew he liked chess. A young made up friend came up, who was going to play a role playing game with me. He was going to be the GameMaster and I was filling up the stats of an elf that I was going to use as my character. I was rolling dice to add my stats, etc. I was now at a hotel in Vegas and waiting for him. There was a lady who was fliting with me and we kind of connected, but then, after a while she was interested in someone else, apparently an old boyfriend. I was walking around because it was sunny and warm. I saw several hotels around me with some pools. Some of the hotels had portable pools. I was going with this guy now, who I was going to play the roleplaying game. He told me that (while he pointed at a pool) that was portable. But it did not look portable to me. We went to a room and I was waiting for someone else, so more people could play. The box said that a solo player coudl help, but I personally found that to be boring. Suddenly, the room's phone rang and a recorded message started to play, saying the name of my wife and talking about pressing 6 if she accepted the loan. I wondered what was going on. I saw again the lady that flirted with me. There were some portuguese guys and they were laughing because this lady was complaining about the bread.
02.09.2014Weird job interview (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID For some reason, I had the opportunity to meet at a job interview for an Electronic store. I wondered why, if I already had my own successful business, but I figured I could combine both maybe. It seems that my wife was going to get interviewed as well, after me. As my name was called, I met with a female interviewer, but I felt she was attracted to me and tried to flirt with me. She told me that it was a full-time job paying $4 and hour and that I had to work 170 hours a month. She said that I would get paid $540 a month. I told her that it was less than $4 and hour but she told me that I had to work some free hours, but if I satisfied her sexually I would get paid more. She hired me, even though I was not sure if to sign or not. We went together to the parking lot, apparently, I was in a shopping mall and upon finding her car, I noticed that her husband was there as well as her mother in law and a baby chair. I had to seat next to the baby chair, even though I did not fit. I just wanted to leave.