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    1. A little bit too drunk

      by , 03-02-2011 at 02:13 PM
      Was too drunk to bother/be able to dream recall last night. It's interesting that alcohol helps my recall, but only to an extent. Perhaps it was the dizziness that ruined it all!

      Still, I feel I'm making quite a lot of progress, lucid dreaming has been on my mind a lot lately. I feel an oncoming WILD in the near future.

      Dream fragment: I wake up feeling hungover so head to the bathroom for a drink of water which I drink out of my starbucks mug.

      Dream fragment (may be linked): I leave my room and see T_ and K_. I am putting on my shirt and K_ mentions that I've been lying about not working out.

      Yesterday evening I tried a WILD nap. It only lasted 15 minutes but I felt subtle WILD effects and semi dipped into a dream. I used the visualisation technique which certainly helped lull me to sleep. The visualisation that worked started off as two grey squares which slowly gained detail which I don't feel I consciously added. It turned into the set of Family Guy and we all started dancing, singing a song called "I'm going to reality check at the end of this song". I think I did this as I was aware I was dreaming but wanted to establish it as a proper dream first. Unfortunately I woke up.
    2. Lazy

      by , 02-25-2011 at 11:39 PM (Living the Dream)
      Lazy (Non-lucid)


      I was in a Gamestop-like store. There were random games that don't exist IRL, and some real ones too. I remember that my sister was there too, and I soon found a corner that had a HUGE tv that was playing Marvel vs Capcom 3. So I got exited because I've been wanting to play it and my sister and I were always playing Marvel vs Capcom 2. My vision suddenly became distorted and I felt like I was so tired that I could barely open my eyes. So I still tried to play the game. I set us up and we started playing. I was doing way better then I normally would, and so my sister left. As I was browsing the menus suddenly became more distorted and could barely keep my eyes open.
    3. Soup and the Plumber

      by , 02-24-2011 at 06:16 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Sleeping In

      I sleep in late. It is about 9:30 when I get up, and I go down to have breakfast in my pajamas. For breakfast, I have a bowl of soup that my mother keeps saying is too thin, and that she needs to add more water. While I am eating (I think the soup is pretty good, and hope that she doesn't add more water) a guy walks in to the kitchen. He is a plumber, and is working in the basement. I am a little annoyed, as it makes me look like a slob to be sitting around in my pajamas while people are working. Another guy comes into the room, who is the assistant. We talk about something plumbing related.

      Mirror (fragment)

      I am looking into a mirror. I am unable to get a clear image in the mirror, as I seem to keep going cross eyed (sort of).
    4. Cake Dream - Fragment

      by , 02-22-2011 at 10:20 PM (The Dude)
      I dont remember how this dream started but I remember the cake for sure. The dream took place in a non descript suburb.

      The only catch was that ever yard in the suburb was made of cake, it was white cake with white frosting and rainbow sprinkles.

      I remember flying around the neighborhood, more specifically doing flying cartwheels between each yard, and everytime I would come close to the ground I would take a bite of the cake. It was soooo good, tasted just how I thought it would. I remember later flying up to the top of a church and looking down on the city, it was like the whole town was covered in snow but really it was frosting. I dove off the top of the building into the frosting and just like fluffed into it. I was 'underwater' in this frosting and had to eat my way out. Suddenly the dream switched to more aggressive, the cake was still there but i was being chased by men with guns. I remember I was hiding in the frosting and then came out and killed one. Then I woke up.

    5. 2011-02-15f | nonlucid

      by , 02-17-2011 at 02:58 PM (Short Stories with Tragic Endings)
      I am in a classroom and the teacher is collecting work. Most of the students are either, not
      there or don't have the work she is collecting so she gets very angry.

      That's all I remember

      Updated 02-17-2011 at 03:05 PM by 41067

      Tags: fragment, teacher
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Switching bodies on the desert

      by , 02-05-2011 at 11:41 PM (Fernanvicīs dream journal)

      There was a woman walking in the desert with a man. They were attacked by another man and she should have been able to fight but she couldn't because she had switched bodies with another woman. The man had also switched bodies, you could tell by his shadow and his reflection.
    7. My dreams over the last week (fragments though for about 1 hour afterward iremember entire dreams)

      by , 02-03-2011 at 03:18 AM
      Dream Fragment one:
      I am standing beside a throne. The pope is on the throne and i bend down and whisper something to him. He gets mad at me and puts me in a gladiatorial arena in some one's back yard. My weapon is a Chinese hook sword which I never use. Somehow I escape to a dorm with five rooms in a circle around a kitchen.

      Dream Fragment two:
      All I remember from this dream is a woman's face she has reddish black hair and and an manga type face.

      Dream Fragment three:
      I remember space, possibly viewed from the command bridge of a battle-cruiser. I also may have seen Mechs.

      (comments welcome)
    8. old frag (my most recent semi-lucid)

      by , 02-02-2011 at 02:52 AM (A Penrose Mind)
      This is a fragment of a dream I had a while back where I became semi lucid.

      I'm in the principal's office. She looks very mad at me. I know I've done done something wrong (I can't remember what it was I did). She spoke to me as if I did something serious. I'm scared at how this will affect me in the future, I feel like the wrong I have done cannot at all be fixed. As the principal lectures me I notice something. The room I'm in, it's not a part of my school, and principal I'm talking to, she isn't my principal.

      "Am I dreaming?" I think to myself.

      I decide that I am.

      "Are you listening to me?" She asks.

      "It doesn't matter what I've done or how much trouble I'm in, this is a dream isn't it?" I say this with a smile on my face.

      The principal with out saying a single word gives me a dirty look and walks out the office door, probably pissed at my outright ignorance to her very existence.

      I'm pretty sure after this fragment I just lived out the dream as normal, forgetting that I even knew I was dreaming, but then again I wasn't glad I was dreaming because I knew I could do cool stuff, I was just glad that I wasn't really in trouble with the principal at all. That sigh of relief was enough for me to just not care. Oh well, hopefully next time I actually take control of the dream.

      Updated 02-02-2011 at 02:55 AM by 41835

      lucid , dream fragment
    9. 01/29/2011 & 01/30/2011 - "Reptiloid", Fragment

      by , 02-01-2011 at 03:10 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      I remember that there was a lot that went on, early in this dream, but the first thing I actually recall is being at a park with some friends. There was a small pond nearby, and a friend and I were playing some kind of ball game near it. We had some awareness that there were gators in the water but, before then, we hadn't really paid any heed to it. Then, we noticed some small animal - a duck or something - making is way toward the shore. Before it could make it, though, a couple of gators splashed into view and violently attacked the animal, tearing it to shreds. Then, they turned toward us...exposed snouts slowly floating in our direction. Not quite sure what to do, we waited for a moment, seeing the gators crawl up onto the embankment, stalking our way. We then took off, running back toward our group. Knowing full well that alligators aren't the fastest creatures on land, we never could have been prepared for what happened next. The gators actually extended their - once short and stubby - legs, sprinting after us like greyhounds, on thick, muscular, canine-esque legs.

      There was no way we were going to out-run them, and things looked even worse, when another two gators shot out from behind a jungle gym, far off to one side of us. They were closing in just as fast, and we were running out of places to go. We'd made it to the picnic table where the rest of our friends were sitting. Seeing us approach, with these mutated reptiles on our heels, the group immediately stood up. I took running leap and jumped up on top of the table, everyone else doing the same. We were now surrounded, these beasts trying ferociously to climb up onto the table, snapping their razor-sharp jaws at us, only to be kicked or beaten back with anything we could use as weapons. What's even more strange about these creatures were that they were coated with what, at first, looked like slime. But, after the gators were out of the water for a certain length of time, they actually began to melt, sizzling down to steaming piles of this sort of seaweed green goo. The creature were coated in some sort of organic corrosive liquid, like acid. I screamed out to everyone not to touch them, and that all we had to do with hold them off until they all either retreated or melted under their own secretions.

      I don't remember whether or not we all got away, though.

      (I completely forgot a lucid, last night. I hate when that happens. )
      The only thing I remember is something about having to run through a deadly network of traps, like in the new Predators movie. Later, I had become lucid. I remember showing off a couple of lucid tricks, such as walking across a pool of water, and sinking my arm into a wall. When I walked across the water, I found it kind of hard to keep myself levitating, and one of my feet actually dunked completely under, leaving my shoe feeling soggy and wet.

      Updated 02-01-2011 at 03:19 PM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Fragment - Hallucinogens

      by , 01-26-2011 at 04:28 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      It was late at night. The street lights on the road were dim, not bright like they should have been. My father was driving his car, a black 2009 Infiniti with cherry accents inside the interior, at around forty miles an hour down this two-lane road. I was in the passenger seat.

      After a few moments of silence, I began to talk about hallucinogens.

      "I can enter a state of sleep paralysis using them," I told him. "It's pretty cool. You should try them sometime."

      I've never used hallucinogens before and don't plan to. But this dream fragment still shocked me a little bit!

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 08:25 PM by 28408

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    11. Window Insults (fragments)

      by , 01-19-2011 at 09:48 PM
      1/19/11 - Window Insults

      Dream Non-dream Lucid

      I remember being in a room with someone named either Alex or Sebastian, and hearing people yelling insults at them through a window.

      There was also a long bit where I was just reading a thread on DV.

      I really hope I can remember more tomorrow; my alarm clock has messed me up the past two days. Darn school.
    12. Erm..

      by , 01-16-2011 at 06:51 PM (Brainy Vapours)
      I have only a fragment memory of my dream last night.
      It is a very explicit fragment... but very short.

      Ya. S'all I'm saying.
    13. Law and Order: Orca Killer

      by , 01-09-2011 at 05:17 PM (The Mailman's Lounge: A Rest Stop for Dreams)
      Fragment: I am in English class and the teacher says we can watch a movie ONLY if we did our homework. I'm because I did my homework last week.

      Law and Order Dream: I'm watching an episode of Law and Order. (I've been watching Law and Order non-stop on Netflix lately.) In the episode Olivia Benson is on the case of a man who is supposedly brainwashed into killing orcas. She believes him and as she is in his car she finds a book about how orcas stink and whales rule. She realizes that he has been pretending to be mind controlled so he could kill innocent orcas. I wake up.
    14. Water Slide (fragment)

      by , 01-09-2011 at 03:29 AM
      1/8/10 - Water Slide (fragment)
      Dream Non-dream Lucid

      Something about a water park, I remember that some of my younger girl cousins were with me on an epic water ride, with a few drops so steep they were straight down. Apparently because I had no bathing suit, I went topless, which was super awkward.

      That's all I remember.
    15. 12/21/2010 thru 12/29/2010 - Fragments

      by , 12-30-2010 at 07:48 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      (My recall has been shit, lately. Really nothing but a few fragments, here and there.)



      All I remember is some kid drinking from the bottle of vodka that was on my desk.


      I was on a ship that was being rocked by massive waves. Standing on the deck, holding on for dear life, I was being relentlessly tossed back and forth, while someone looked on, from the shore (or a rock formation or something).


      I was discussing the Saw series, with my mom. She didn't understand the plot of the movie(s), and I was telling her about Jigsaw, and his twisted sense of "justice," as his reason for doing the things that he did.


      I was hanging out with J and her ex boyfriend. J and I were really close, and were sitting on the floor, hugging on each other. They were together in the dream, though, and her boyfriend (also a good friend of mine) wasn't to happy about it. He made it a point to get between us and space us out a bit.


      Something about being on a boat/dock at night with friends...and gun-play. I dunno.


      I remember being lucid, and looking at my hands to stabilize the dream. The topography of my hands had dark patches on them that were kind of swirling around, slowly, like the blots on Rorshach's mask, in Watchmen. At one point, I sunk my arm into a wall, up to about my elbow, and pulled it back out. I vaguely remember walking across a short body of water, my feet just barely sinking, about an inch or so, beneath the surface. I also vaguely remember having sex, and then standing on a structure, over top of the chick, and trying to recall the events of the dream so that I don't forget when I wake up.

      (But, unfortunately, I forgot. )

      Fragment One

      All I remember is having a bo staff spar with someone. I believe we were under a set of bleachers, and some kind of event.

      Fragment Two
      Todd and I had passes to actually be down on the launch pad, watching the shuttle being readied for launch. There was a set of chairs, for a small audience, set up in the pit, right beneath the boosters, and we were just looking on as the crew made the final preparations.

      There was a TV set up, off to our left, which was showing some show about the safety of the workers, showing footage of exactly what these guys do, and how meticulous they are about procedures. It also, however, showed what happens to the shuttle crew while they are in space, and the guidelines they have to follow, up there, as well. I remember a section on oxygen supply, and it showed an astronaut's suit pressurizing, and his head exploding, inside of his helmet. It was pretty graphic; a quick splash of red just popping outward and coating the glass bubble.

      After preps were made, we went out to a safe distance, to watch the actual launch. I pulled out my phone, and was video recording the entire walk - from directly beneath the boosters, all the way out to where the rest of the crowd was - not wanting to miss a bit of it.

      I vaguely remember watching the launch, but don't really remember any details of it. Later in the dream, though, we had taken a four-wheeler and were riding around areas of the space center that we weren't supposed to be in, being chased by personnel.


      All I really remember is being with a chick and the two of us having to run away from a pair of UPS(like) trucks, which had chain-guns in the back, and were firing at us. We then went to some house and had sex on the floor.

      Updated 01-29-2011 at 01:50 AM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
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