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    1. #91 - Surrounded by friends

      by , 06-17-2015 at 07:40 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: non-dream
      Blue: non-lucid
      Red: lucid

      Dream - Surrounded by Friends
      This was a pretty nice dream... I lived next door to a friend and he was having a party or something, he seemed to have them all the time and I didn't always go I think. They order pizza a lot too, I was surprised how the pizza man had never accidentally come to my door because of the way our houses were, they were pretty much conjoined with a single shared gate and no driveway. The gate was part of a brown picket fence and the pathway leading from it split in two towards our doors. I went out to join the party, it was like I was finally rejoining them though, as if I had isolated myself for a long time and wasn't used to the atmosphere. Someone yelled that he was taking a picture and everyone got together, I recognized a lot of friends and among them was an old friend called Aaron. Aaron and I had been friends since we were 2, but he moved away and we fell out of touch after a couple years, but it was a really nice dream, like we had done a full circle.
    2. New Apartment/Bullies

      by , 06-08-2015 at 03:19 PM
      No lucid dreams for me last night. Also no epic adventure dreams. Back to regular dreams.

      In one of my dreams my friend Sherri and I were moving into this apartment together in Hollywood. The apartment not only had a loft but had three levels. I was telling Sherri that I had never seen an apartment this big (dream sign: big or unusual houses). I told her my plans on fixing up the loft area really cool with these little lights.

      Later, we were walking around the huge pool that was part of the apartment complex. We were looking for some clean towels, like they have at hotels. As we walked we started singing Scarborough Fair. We got some good harmony going and sounded good, so I wasn't embarrassed singing in front of all the people at the pool.

      Then we saw a group of guys surrounding a younger guy. The younger guy was skinny and looked about 16. The older guys were all picking on him and being really mean.

      I couldn't stand it. I needed to do something. I wasn't lucid, so I didn't know I had super powers. So I did the first thing that I could think of. I pushed my way past the bullies to where the younger guys was, and I put my arm around him and glared at the other guys. "What do you think you're doing to my boyfriend??" I demanded.

      They all stopped and looked at me...then at the younger guy...then at me. They had a look of disbelief on their faces.

      I wasn't sure if they were surprised because they thought I was too pretty or too old to be with this guy. Or maybe it was because I was glaring at them like I would kill them if they did anything else to him. Slowly they all walked away. The skinny guy smiled at me. He looked quite surprised himself, but also grateful. I felt glad to have been able to help.

      I can't remember where the dream went from there.
    3. Frag

      by , 06-04-2015 at 11:03 AM
      I was inside the car with F and we were looking at my cousin house, but in RL looks totally different. I was telling him they had 6 kitchens in that house.
    4. Lucid Dreams

      by , 05-28-2015 at 06:01 AM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      I got home early, before everyone else got up, and rather than go up to my room, I decide to nap downstairs on the couch. The stairs are loud, and I don't want to wake the dog and have the dog wake everyone. It's just an hour and a half before everyone normally gets up, so I'll just nap on the couch until I hear someone, then I'll go to my room and go back to bed. That's my plan.

      I find myself walking down a hallway, and come to an opening where I stand with a big group of people around a fountain or some other centerpiece. It occurs to me that I was just asleep on my couch, so I am definitely dreaming right now. Everyone looks at me. I look at everyone. The DCs look oddly familiar, but all just wait for me to do something. Rather than do anything, I just generate a loving feeling toward all of them. Then I make it stronger. I look at each DC again and feel a blissful tingling all through my body. It's like the more I love them, the stronger it gets. I enjoy this feeling for a while, then wake up.

      Well that was nice, but I'm still tired, and it's still early, I think I'll close my eyes and rest until I hear someone again.

      Now I'm standing up in my living room, and my sister (who is out of state) comes in, but 10 years younger than she is now. She's really upset at me for some reason. I'm not sure why. But I am sure that I was just laying down, and that she's older now, so I am definitely dreaming. I let her yell at me as I enjoy the relaxing peace of being in a dream where there is no reason to be offended, upset, or defensive about anything. I generate some love in my mind for my sister, and make it stronger and stronger until everything feels just amazing. She calms down, stops yelling, and I wake up again.

      I hear someone in waking life this time, and get up to move to my hammock in my room. I wonder if my plan to get up and move when I heard someone was the main reason I had these lucid dreams, or if it was just due to the easy circumstances within the dreams themselves such as remembering I was just laying on the couch and now I'm not, or that my sister is in fact older than a toddler now. Maybe the plan to wake up at the first sign of noise put me in a lighter state of sleep that is more conducive for lucid dreams. I don't know.
    5. Food in the House

      by , 05-03-2015 at 03:20 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a house. Not sure whose. There were a lot of people. There were also a lot of food. I think I cooked some of the food. There was pancake with eggs on top packed inside a wrap. A woman showed it to me, while the other one beside her was eating. I think they were asking for more of the food.



      - 1:00 a.m. - 7 a.m., alarm
      - Slept listening to Sam Harris' 26-minute meditation audio
    6. Invisible Houses

      by , 05-01-2015 at 03:26 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was inside a dorm. The color theme is yellow and black. I think it's supposed to represent the previous place I was staying in in Sampaloc. I was with L. We were eating. I saw him crush a cockroach, throw it into a pan to fry it, then throw away either the shell or innards and eat the one that wasn't thrown away. I thought that was a little strange, and then I realized I was also eating cockroach. Then I thought, "There's no way I'm eating a cockroach. I must have been mistaken," all the while trying to hold back puking in the dream (not sure in real life, but I woke up a bit sick to my stomach).

      I was looking for homes/places to stay in. Or rather, there was a review of hidden/invisible homes. I was told that the one (tower) I was staying in high up in a cliff is among the top 5 because it's hard to reach. The next ones were simply impossible. One was hidden in some sort of mist, another is a flying pink house that moves from place to place all the time, and another was something that was never found. There seems to be no top 1 yet.

      I was in a dorm. Not sure if the same or different from the one earlier. I was outside this time. I was looking at the facade of the thing. Somehow, I felt like my aunts on my dad's side are inside. I walked just outside the window. I saw a frying pan. I walked up a short set of stairs. The mood was night but with bright moonlight.

      I was at work in an office. I think I was new, and I was sitting in front of a computer. There was a lady who talked to me about work. I think they were saying I seem so serious about work, even seems like I'm going overtime. I thought to myself that I just enjoy it.

      Night. It was already after work. I'm still in the office. I walked around. I moved a sloth to a wall.



      - Slept at around 6 p.m., woke up around 8 p.m. Set alarm 01:46 HH:MM.
      - I decided to incubate a dream, thinking about my plan of moving.
      - Drank coffee with lotsa milk less than an hour prior sleeping
      - Was listening to Dreamgate.
    7. No Stop Sign DA + RAM + OST + (2)DILDS

      by , 05-01-2015 at 06:29 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I found myself in third person point of view, witnessing a woman quickly cut oranges while preparing a meal in the oven. After a minute of seeing her do this, I zoom in to 1st person point of view and realize that she could be aware of my presence now. I hid under one of the kitchen counter because I didn't want her to know that a stranger had been here. I pop my head up and notice she was still cooking.

      This was a good time to bail, I look around and found her front door a couple of feet away from me. I silently but quickly rush to the door in till I hear her foot steps hit the carpet. I glance at her to see she had just step in to the living room with a plate of food in one of her hands. I must've rush through the door as I went outside realizing that I had forgotten to lock her door. Now that I am outside I took the time to observe my surroundings. The clouds were greatly clouded and dark, appearing to be a thunder storm.

      I decided the first thing I should do is look for my family. I ran pass a couple of out of place houses. It was odd, all of these houses seem to be place randomly in the grassy field. There no streets or lights just houses spread apart in the middle of no where. I finally came across a house that look similar to my parents but not identical. It look different enough to turn me away from the idea of entering.

      After wandering around the grass more it came to me that I was lost. I decided I should knock on the door and ask anyone if they could help me find some directions. At first this seem like a good idea but I change my mind once I realize I didn't really knew the people around here. There's no telling what may happen and decided my best bet was to go back to the previous woman that had been cooking house to explain my situation.

      I continue running pass the houses in a attempt to retrace my steps back to her house. I noted to myself that these houses sure seem old on the outside. Not appearing 21st century at all. After several more attempts at finding her house again, I end up back in back in the large open field. I could feel myself becoming desperate in till I saw a man run pass me in a hurry. That's when I heard a lot of screams below the grassy field. This made me realize that I was on a large hill.

      I drop to the ground and began wondering what must be going on down there and why did I hear this just now. I then became lucid once I made the connection with the timing of my emotions. I got up from the ground and pursue the man that went down the hill. I found a bunch of the town folks on the bottom of a rocky shore yelling angry at a man who was holding a woman hostage by the neck at the top of a cliff.

      I was then spotted by the mob to where soon one of them order me to be captured. I tried to make my way to the man holding the hostage, but running on pointy rocks was no easy task. It took me awhile in till I could reach him. One of the angry people from the mob grab my arm and not too long I broke free from his grip. I then reach the man and quickly push him down the cliff in till he made contact with the rocks below. I continue to then push the woman all the way down in till she to landed all the down to the rocks.

      The mob now close enough to launch a direct attack on me proceeded to do so. One of the members in the angry mob said I was going to get screwed now. I didn't waste any time taking most of them out. I soon reach all the way to the bottom of the hill and they seem to be having trouble keeping up with me. Just as it look like I would have no problems escaping. There was one child standing in my way. He had white hair and was completely in white clothing.

      He appear to be dressed like me, the type clothes we wore was very different from the people living here. In his hands was a rather large dice with the one number being mark in red instead of black like the rest label in the dice. Was that his weapon of choice I wonder? Regardless I was not going to let a child stop me right now. I rush at him and threw a couple of punches toward his direction, he made no attempts to dodge and took all the blows.

      After that he made several attempts to hit me with his large dice. I dodge and dodge in till the next dodge I slip up and got hit by it on my head. The impact was much more than I imagine it would be. I was knock to the ground and could feel myself sliding in to unconsciousness. The last thing I could hear was the mob cheering loudly. I soon found myself inside father room, the lights were off. I then become lucid and stated I'm not ready to leave just yet.

      I open my father door to see the living room lights were also off. I began thinking back about the recent events that just happen. I told myself that yea I should have no problems waking up and remembering all of it. That's when I notice the front door to the house open by itself. I step outside to confirm that it was night and that the sensations I was feeling outside were incorrect. It did not feel cold at all slightly warm. I continue walking up the road passing a few cars park around in till I actually woke up. Lucidity Time: 6 minutes
    8. False Impressions (brief DILD + FA)

      by , 04-18-2015 at 07:54 PM
      Ritual: I don't know if it was the jackfruit seeds or a bad scallop, but something I ate last night was brutal to my stomach. It got so unpleasant I that for a few hours I couldn't do anything but pace in discomfort, hoping something would come out in any direction. Finally I threw up, which usually leaves me feeling 100% better, but this was only a minor improvement. I managed to read for a bit, drinking herbal tea and self-medicating with tinctures of myrrh and wormwood. Around midnight I threw up again and finally felt stable enough to sleep. Although my stomach still hurt for a few hours and I couldn't drink much water at first, by the time I woke up at 8am, I was feeling basically fine again. My dream recall was terrible, though: I knew I had dreamed but couldn't pin down a single detail. At 9am I decided to go back to bed for a bit, performed half-assed WILD technique but started dreaming non-lucidly. On waking up my recall was 1/10 at first, but once I managed to recover the location of the dream I was able to follow the thread and reconstruct much of the narrative, resulting in 4/10 recall overall.

      I was in my grandmother's house, a common setting for many of my dreams. The events going on were all very mundane... too dull to go into much detail. Briefly, I was looking for some powder that you could mix with milk to make a shake, similar to the Carnation Instant Breakfast packets my grandmother always used to have on hand, but couldn't find any.

      I went into the bathroom and finally realized that my location was a dream sign, so I started to look around and wonder if this was a dream. Everything seemed so concrete and convincing that I had my doubts, but then something bizarre happened: I suddenly felt like I was being grabbed from behind by someone putting their arm around my right shoulder, but there was no one in the room with me! I whirled around to make sure and was staring at empty air. A moment later I felt it again even more strongly: the pressure of the arm squeezing my shoulder and chest, and the pressure of a warm body very close behind me.

      Ohhh, I thought. I think I know what's going on. I really am dreaming, and my husband has come back to bed and put his arms around me. Upon that realization, I felt the dream fading, and sure enough, woke up in bed next to my husband.

      "Are you going to get up? It's 1:50 in the afternoon," he said. I pointed out that I had returned to bed to for extra rest because I hadn't been feeling well last night. I was telling him about the strange thing that had just happened, how I had felt his presence while I was dreaming. I went on to explain how I should have recognized that it was a dream earlier, because my cousins were all much younger than they should be, and my grandmother's house was in the possession of an aunt (long-since divorced) rather than the uncle who currently lives there. My husband apologized for disrupting my dream, but I said it was okay, it hadn't been that interesting.

      As we talked, I was looking out the screen door onto our patio. Where I should have seen the pool and cement deck, instead I was mildly surprised to observe a grassy hillside. I attributed this to some lingering after-effects of the dream state, instead of correctly realizing that I had never stopped dreaming all along. In retrospect this is more obvious, because the way I felt my husband put his arm around my right shoulder was impossible given that I sleep on the right side of the bed, so if I'm on my left side there is no room for someone to lay down behind me. I was also relieved when I woke up for real and discovered that it was only a little after 10:30am!
    9. From Good to Bad

      by , 04-10-2015 at 10:37 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Haven't remembered anything since Monday, in which I had a lucid. It seems like my recall tends to take a nosedive the days following my lucid dreams. In any case, I finally remembered a dream this morning after having an absolutely terrible day on Thursday. Nothing was going right, and I was in a terrible mood for the entire day up till I went to bed. Seems to have given me a sad dream.

      I was at my house, except it was very warped and different from my normal house. Part of it was modified so that an entire wall looked like it was the night sky, and it opened outward into an expanse of sea, where many people (whom my dreamself considered friends) were swimming and having a good time.
      I decided to join in, and went for a relaxing swim for a while. The water was nice and warm.
      After finishing up my swim, it was time for me to go to work (in the dream). I headed to work with my girlfriend, with me behind the wheel and her sticking her head out the passenger side window enjoying the breeze. Things took a sudden turn for the worse when, out of no where, a huge chunk of metal came flying off of a nearby vehicle, slamming into my girlfriend and knocking her out of the car. She was killed.
      Afterwards, a medical team recovered her body, and I made funeral arrangements with one of my coworkers, who just so happened to be nearby. Once things were squared off, I headed back home, uncertain of my future now that my girlfriend was gone.

      -takes a deep breath- A not so great day and a not so great dream (aside from the swimming part). I am glad I remembered one though, so
    10. 4/10/15 - house in hill

      by , 04-10-2015 at 09:31 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm walking towards a hill, and the sun is shining bright as hell on it I almost can't see what in front of me. I walk closer to it because i see something. As I get closer I see a window, and the dirt is sorta bricked in parts and some parts dirt. I decide to go inside and it's empty and really chilly. The entrance hallway thing leads far, and I know there's no lights in this structure and it feels like somethings off about it so i run back outside and let the sun warm me up a bit because the inside of the building made me so cold.
    11. Crazy Men and a house

      by , 04-05-2015 at 09:37 PM
      All NLs: I'm watching a tractor start to pull a house (a high school friend's house) and a guy from the paper I used to work with is there. There are men sitting in rockers on the 2nd story of this house and I ask what in the world they are doing. George says they're watching the animals (opossums sp? and raccoons) come out from under the house and then try to hit them with the house and when they do, the men hoot and holler. (Good gracious, where do I come up with this stuff?) I see several swinging chairs on the 2nd floor balcony which I think I'd like to have before they demolish this house. I go running towards the house to stop them from hurting the animals that are starting to come out from under the house. That's all I remember from that one.
      Tags: house, men, swings, tractor
    12. Looking for Xanous

      by , 04-05-2015 at 01:19 AM
      Looking for my dream buddy:

      Just coming out of my meditative state...it was beautiful. Don't know if I got anything right, but this is what I saw.
      1. flowers blooming outside in the dirt (red) coming up from the ground
      2. Then the red flowers either died or went away and dirt (the earth) was uncovered to reveal a face of a buddha or Egyptian mask or just a plain mask or face???
      3. I kept hearing music playing, like there was a band. Do you play in a band?
      4. Light beam was around me
      5. a light colored house. This all happened in the front yard of a light colored house.

      I can't remember anything, but I called out for Xanous and I heard a voice, but the music was so loud. All of this happened during my meditative WILD. I did not see our target, but this is what happened when I asked to see the target...in that order.

    13. House Stories

      by , 03-29-2015 at 04:34 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Night. I was in a hut. I think it's a pre-lightbulb era. Everything's so dark, and the color theme is the kind of yellow that candles put out at night. I was talking to my sister outside. There's someone inside the hut/house, cooking. Not sure if male or female.

      We went inside the house.

      (There's another story here, but I forgot it coz I wasn't able to write the keywords.)

      Night. I was in our house in our hometown. The gate is locked but can be opened by other keys. We had to guard it carefully and change the lock.


      - Slept around 5 p.m.
      - VERY tired after parkour training
      - WOke up around 9:36 p.m.
      Tags: dark, gate, house, key, lock, night
    14. Whoopy Cough

      by , 03-28-2015 at 09:57 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #266: Whoopy Cough

      I’m gazing out the window of my kitchen at my back yard. The fence is oddly low, and I see a young girl walking by with her dog. I’m astonished to see that the girl has the head of a blue hippo stuffed animal. When I mentally reality check in response to this, I realize that I must be dreaming.

      I turn away from the window and the scene gets a little unstable, breaking into three rectangular pieces that seem to move independently and slide past one another. I relax and take it slow, rubbing my hands together, walking calmly around, talking out loud, and finally licking each hand.

      The scene feels reasonably stable, but my vision is almost entirely faded out now. I imagine that I have a big pair of glasses covering my vision and take them off. (The glasses look just like a set of Oculus Rift virtual reality goggles.) Immediately, my vision is crystal clear and I have a completely realistic view of my kitchen!

      Wife is standing in the den near my desk. “Hey!” I say to her. “I was having trouble for a second, but we’re in my lucid dream right now!”

      She looks around a bit, saying something like, “Is that what this is?”

      “I was thinking I’d either take you for a fly or…” I say.

      “Yoooouuuuuuuuu…” Wife interrupts, pointing her finger at me dramatically, “want sex!”

      “Or, right, that was my other idea.”

      Spoiler for Somewhat strange, rather racy part:

      ...the dream ends.

      Updated 03-29-2015 at 03:24 AM by 57387

      Tags: cough, dog, house, kitchen, sex, wife
    15. Squatters

      by , 03-14-2015 at 12:53 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #421 - DILD - 5:20AM

      I wake at some point to use the toilet then fall back to sleep with mantra.

      Something about being at a church. Someone gets shitty with my and pisses me off so I leave.

      I am traveling with my kids and wife and we end up staying in an empty trailer house. I assume we have permission, but I worry about getting caught. I'm not really sure if we have permission afterall. I see headlights and watch a car drive up a hill to a huge mansion. I get a snapchat of my son with my younger sister and her family. I 'remember' she is babysitting him for a while. I decide to play Gameboy a little before bed. Someone yells at my older daughter. I think it was my mom. I look at my phone and see it's 11:45pm. She's crying so, I tell daughter that she has 15 minutes and then we have to get some sleep. I notice the sun coming up through a window and I say to daughter, "You know it gets light at midnight now?"
      She looks surprised, but says nothing
      "Yeah, that's right." I feel this is true statement, but I am not totally convinced so, just to be sure, I do a quick nose plug. I blow through, but I think I must have not plugged my nose enough. I squeeze harder, but still blow clean. I'm totally shocked so I do it a third and fourth time until I totally believe.

      I leave the bedroom at the end of the house and move back to the living room we were just in. It's dark outside again so I decide to play with punching at walls. When I connect, it feels like thick, soft rubber and makes no damage. I think it's kind of funny so I take several punches at the wall until I feel like my hand break through. However, when I remove my hand there is still no damage to the wall. I try the front door all to the same effect. I notice now that day light has return through the large bay window. I can see leaves on the brown grass outside and decide to use that as a visual focal point as I phase through the glass.

      I keep thinking that I had some goals I wanted to try, but I just can't recall. I decide to run up the hill to the huge mansion and it takes some time getting there. I feel strange in my eyes like I have them open too wide and I'm trying too hard to focus. I try to ignore this and purposefully don't think about waking up. As I am walking up the hill, I feel my eyes rolling up too far to see so I tilt my head back to adjust. At the top, The large mansion is now several super small houses. I wonder if anyone is around so I shout, "HEY!... HEEEEEYYYY!" No one shows. I start to enter one of the houses, but it's at this point that I suddenly wake up.
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