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    1. [19-05-2016]

      by , 05-19-2016 at 09:47 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was evening, there was a reddish glow on clouds and the sky, beams of light were falling down towards my house. I was in my backyard and I was some kind of a transformation magician - I could change any object into another one, altering it completely. I was attacked by some evil warlock and used my powers against him. I had a strange feeling all the time, it felt like I was about to wake up or realise something. Gesturing my hands I heard a *kapow* sound and my enemy turned into different kind of animals. We were strafing to the right, I could see buildings on my backyard and my barn as we were moving. Whenever I turned him into a big animal, he smiled and when I turned him to small one, he was sad. In the end I turned him into a mouse and thrown down a well. I turned back, there were two scared people. I toled them "This is just a work of illusion placed upon your mind by evil magician. Please go away."
    2. #240 - Oh so powerful

      by , 05-10-2016 at 10:42 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Surprised how much I managed to write down in the morning.. I typed it out on my phone before I got up, it didn't feel like much to remember though. This will probably be the only way for me to write my dreams up now, since I'm rising at 5:30am and then I'm hustlin' and bustlin' around to get to work.

      I'm outside where there's green grass around, there's supposedly 3 classes (there's 3 of us). 2 of us are running around chasing the one another, they resemble Sterling and Lana from the show 'Archer'. They're just being goofy, I kind of see things in 3rd person next to the other class character. There's something about a hedge wall they're running around, it shifts and moves places which doesn't make much sense to me. I forget how, but 2 of the classes die and I'm the last one remaining. I think how silly it is, I'm not even the strongest. The other guy was super powerful and talented for his class but I ended up being the one to live (I seem to miss them or something).

      I'm in a cave now, there's a huge tombstone sized book latched across my back. I swing it off and plant it upright on the ground, then kneel before it. It has 'game-like' options displayed on it, oddly enough. Is it really a book? I'm quite powerful at this point, having gone a long way since my friends died. I'm trying to get some sort of power from here though.

      Now I'm at a place that resembles my old primary school, I'm brawling with this ginger white guy but he's not really a match for me (I don't think there's anything 'power' or 'magic' related going on either). We fight 2-3 times without really going hard enough to have a 'winner'. The guy is also a real douche, like SUPER douchey.

      I'm now in my house, just randomly sitting on the toilet in the bathroom with the door open (NO I'm not doing anything, the seats were down, I might have been brushing my teeth and too lazy to stand I think?). The mother of white ginger guy comes in, she's super hot and beautiful dark skinned woman, but a bit older than me (in her 30s I think? But still really hot). She gives me a bag of pills, it's supposed to be medicine for helping with my eating. Apparently she thought I had vomited because there was a bit of pumpkin in the sink. I have to explain to her that it was from when I rinsed my bowl, since I made a red curry with pumpkin in it (the bathroom is right next to my room, I don't do this but it's really plausible in RL). It's considerate of her to do that, she's nice. Much nicer than her douchey son. I get up and we walk out into the hallway, we're talking by my room and I kind of head her in there. She's in the doorway in front of me (I'm still in the hallway). I say how it's kind of her to give those to me, then say "But I'd much rather have you". She gets all bashful and blushes, I lead her further into my room intending to tease her. There's people in the house and it's broad daylight and we know we really SHOULDN'T, but it feels naughty . I start kissing her, we're in my room now and the door is wide open. We're still safe since I can't hear anyone down this end of the house. I sit on the bed and pull her onto my lap so she's riding. Kissing her again, she turns away shyly so I can't see her blushing. I make her turn back look at me, she's really pretty. We start having sex *somehow* through our clothes, enough to make us really want it but we have to stop before someone passes by. I then wake up.

      Sooo yeah, from goofy start to adventure, street brawling and sexy time. Twas good.
    3. #142: Dealing / Fragments / Physical / Magic

      by , 05-08-2016 at 08:05 AM
      Bed: 23.30
      Wake up: 08.20
      Now: 08.20

      I'm at some guy's apartment. He's a drugsdealer and apparently a tad dangerous. My girlfriend is there as well. At some point he calls her a bitch. Not for having done anything wrong; that's just how he refers to all women it seems. I don't like the way he disrespects her. I take one of my soup bowls; white with grey and black flowery decal. I hit him over the head with it and he goes down. I keep smashing him, not sure what with at this point, but I make sure he's dead or else he'll kill me for this.

      A bit later someone is at the door. A customer. I open up the door and I try to fake my way through it and start talking more roughly than I normally do. I throw in a 'motherfucker' every other sentence. I also start talking a lot of Surinam [a lot of Dutch slang comes from Surinam]. At some point the guy at the door starts talking about Sergio, an elementary school friend. I've seen him as an adult and he is quite a big guy. He's a few metres away and he's tiny and mentally disabled. I start asking the guy what happened to the motherfucker. He's got an "i know right" kinda attitude. It is something drugs related. I'm not sure what happened next, but shortly after there's another customer. I think at some point we're all in the house. Not sure what happened to the body though. I think I may have made up a horrible excuse. I remember that at the end of the dream the situation has evolved into a gun deal. Ok this is getting way out of hand.

      I watched Drugs Inc. on NatGeo about an hour before I went to bed.

      » I don't remember my surroundings. All I remember is one of my teeth being wobbly. Eventually I break off a piece of it, cause it's annoying the hell out of me. I can already see (don't know how actually) that there's another tooth inside this tooth, like a Russian nesting doll. I consider just removing the whole tooth and be done with it. I'm slightly worried that it might not be a good idea.

      » I've taken a train. I'm supposed to get to my mom's city, but I can't get there directly. Instead, I take a detour. I have 2 options and both of them will bring me 2 stops away from my mom's city. Somehow I feel like things are not going my way.

      » I'm playing football at first. This changes into korfbal and later into basketball.

      » I'm sitting at a round table with my friend's mom and 2 of my friends. We're eating (dinner?).

      » I'm just about exiting a subway station. I'm going down an escalator and I see Milad going up the escalator to my left. I think we say hi. After that I'm distracted, I think by my phone. I've been walking for a bit, but not getting anywhere. This escalator is suddenly going up. Wasn't this one going down. Whatever. I hop down a few times and I'm down.

      I'm at what's supposed to be my physical therapist, but the building is vastly different. There's multiple storeys. I go into the basement to go to the toilet, which is way bigger than in reality. There's a row of at least 6 urinals and then there are stalls as well. There's an older man in one of the stalls. I take a urinal somewhere on the left. There's a glass wall so you can see into the garden it seems. There's an oddly shaped pool there. Makes sense I guess. Some people have injuries that require swimming. For some reason I decide to finish up at another urinal all the way to the right. I then have the issue of not knowing which urinals to flush. I decide to just flush em all and then make a run for it, before the older man comes out and identifies me.

      Still in the same building. There are signs to public transportation on every floor. So convenient that you can just take the public transport from inside this building. At some point my friend Wina goes down some stairs. A white dude about my age is following her, or perhaps she's already blacked out and he's helping her down the stairs. Either way I know exactly what's going on. I go down the stairs, damn near action hero style and beat the guy up for trying to rape my friend.

      Somewhere in this dream my physical therapist tells me I still have an appointment for next week. This confuses me, as I thought this was supposed to be our last session. I already moved out. Now I have to come back specially for this?

      This is a Harry Potter dream it seems. I am Harry, or I am myself and have taken over the importance of Harry. I'm in what seems like the University Library, somewhere near the top floor. I think Dumbledore is also there. He has given me command of a sort of army of students. They are all walking down the stairs. I'm having a bit of fun translocating even for the smallest distances. I'm not aware that I'm dreaming, but I'm aware that I can make anything happen that I want to happen cause I'm a wizard. I make a joke that I should go check out my army, as there are a lot of girls in it. At some point I allow myself to fall flat onto the floor, wanting to translocate at the last second. I fail to do so, but I do manage to float just above the floor so I don't hurt myself.

      Something else pops into my mind. I'm not sure if it's a thought. It seems more like a commercial. It's about Harry Potter or some other wizard and going on vacation. It's about him not having to go to the airport early, nor having to stand in line, as he just translocates there. Man that's stupid. Just translocate to your final destination.

      I'm outside. It's night out, nearly pitch dark with just about no lights. It looks as if I'm standing on a miniature island shaped exactly like Africa. There's a very dark skinned woman swimming west to east the whole time, despite there being land. She's doing so around the longitude of where Cameroon should be. I go to talk to her. She's swimming around a little buoy or something alike on both sides and then goes back. She's supposed to make this trip perhaps once every X minutes or hours, but she is doing it on an endless loop. Eventually she comes out of the water and walks somewhere. Woow. Quite a big woman. She has a bit of a weepy story. At some point I don't really feel like listening anymore and I somehow sort of delegate this task to the dude that's with me. While walking, I spot two girls in the distance. One is a black girl with glasses that I've met at a language cafe in reality. I can't see any defining traits of the other girl, but I assume that to be the friend who was with her. I look the other way. I'm not feeling conversations right now.

      I get a message on my phone. It seems like whatsapp. I'm tasked with babysitting the army right now and someone has gotten themselves into a situation. This person has sent a picture of what seems like 2 barrels near a beer place where they're trapped and there's fire or something like that. I ask the guy that's distracting the 'swimming woman' if he recognises this place. It's just down one of the side streets. That particular street is glowing with green light because there are several beer companies next to each other; at least Grolsch and Heineken. I go over and make a quick entry to the 2 barrels, which I immediately try to extinguish by conjuring up a big amount of water. There's no fire to be extinguished though and no water appears. Still I persist. I try to start with a droplet of water, which appears, and add more and more to it. I've got a little string of water going now.
      Suddenly it dawns onto me that I should try harder, cause things in dreams only happen if you believe in them. I'm now thinking about whether I should just continue the water or solidify the dream. I choose the latter and try to push my fingers through my hand because that will give me a sensation that the water won't. The RC fails. I know that I'm dreaming though. I just shouldn't let go of it. The dream slowly starts fading. I believe that my hearing starts being influenced by the real world, even though this is not true.

      Updated 05-08-2016 at 08:13 AM by 71740

      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    4. #239 - Giant, bird and snake

      by , 05-07-2016 at 11:57 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Been having trouble remembering my dreams now that I've started working, when I'm really overtired (I was extremely fatigued all of yesterday) my dreams become more random. They seem to change scenes more often and have more abstract stuff going on that makes little sense, often with characters changing unnoticeably as well.

      I remember having some random conversation with a bird and a snake, and someone else might have been there too. The bird was a bit like a pelican, and the snake wore a skin that changed its appearance. We were conversing about uhh.. Oral sex. I think someone said the pelican has the perfect mouth shape for maximum range to perform oral on the ladies, this didn't seem to make sense until I looked at its face. Its beak was practically in the shape of a vj so I was like 'hmm ok well I guess that makes sense?' (like I said, lots of random shit in dreams where I'm overtired). Eventually the pelican and snake do a sort of 'fusion' technique, the snake is sitting inside the mouth of the pelican without its skin on making him transparent. When the pelican opens its mouth it can unleash its poison attack (literally just a snake in its mouth that bites people, it's not even attached). I think there's the ocean next to us, we're inside a big room though, with a high ceiling. Something happens and now we're facing this huge giant, he reminds me of Groot but he isn't a tree at all. It keeps on growing bigger and bigger, sucking the energy out of this person who we were apparently with the whole time. It's a girl and she has a huge mana source in her, she seals it off with these bracelets to stop the world around her from absorbing her powers (from a story I was reading before bed). The Groot giant stops growing, it's a little late though since he's already like 15 metres tall -.-... We're running around trying not to die, there's something else about a crocodile that was similar to what Archer said: "Gee, I don't know, Cyril. Maybe deep down I'm afraid of any apex predator that lived through the K-T extinction. Physically unchanged for a hundred million years, because it's the perfect killing machine. A half ton of cold-blooded fury, the bite force of 20,000 Newtons, and stomach acid so strong it can dissolve bones and hoofs." I have to run up a hill (that's inside the room we're in) to get away from either the giant or crocodile. There's a lot of dinosaurs around me now, but they're super tiny. I kick one. It shoots off and hits a door on the other side of the room, I think the girl with the mana is hiding in there otherwise the giant will be able to get her mana or something. I'm at the top of the hill and I jump down back to the floor, my friend is in front of the giant now (my friend is a human that I don't recall being here before but was apparently in the story the whole time.. dream logic?). The giant attacks him, *SLAP* *SLAP* oh no! Two slaps to the face, but my friend is fine. I guess it's because the giant is smaller now? He must be running out of magic, my friend seems unphased. At some point the giant chases me, except now it's a skeleton zombie thing that apparently had both of its arms ripped off during the fight with my friend (I don't think he actually did though). He's shambling around dangerously trying to whack me with his head, mouth agape in his undead stupor.

      Updated 05-08-2016 at 09:54 AM by 71238

    5. #107: Flash / Digits

      by , 03-08-2016 at 08:01 AM
      I'm in a house with some classmates. I think we're in the house of someone who gave us a lecture once, a PhD student. We're in the living room and I think he is upstairs. I'm helping one of my classmates fix an intricate lamp. It's quite a big thing. I mess around with it a bit. Before I attempted to fix it, the brightness would fade in and out slowly. After my attempt this process happened faster. Whoops, the opposite of what I was attempting. I'm not sure if I end up fixing the lamp. Eventually I'm alone with the classmate I tried to fix the lamp for. She kisses me. I'm not sure anymore what happened after.

      Not sure if I'm doing something in this dream or if I'm an observer. There's a woman and a guy. I might be that guy. They're somewhere high in a stone tower. It's dark outside. Down below there are two people trying to spy on them. They've 'thrown' two small magical gadgets through the window (which is just a hole), something akin to dragonflies. The woman is a witch and the guy also has some skills. They dispatch the spying devices.

      I'm sitting at the same cafe I was sitting in yesterday evening with 4 of my classmates. Now I can only specifically recall 2 of them being there. One of them is sitting to my right, the other in front of me. The one in front of me has had 10 beers and is slightly messed up. A girl who is following a course with us approaches him. They start talking about yesterday's exam. Both of them scored 17 points. He scored equally well as this super smart girl. Very well done. At some point there is a blanc piece of A4 paper on our table, though with stuff written on it. She is asking for his number. He's so messed up that he wrote down something that is by no means correct. Dutch numbers have 10 digits. He used maybe 20, plus the code at the beginning is wrong. It's something like 0088888. He tells me there should be four 8s. I start laughing and take a picture of this with my phone, so that I can show it to him later. I notice that my battery is almost dead. I ask my classmate to my right to give me his phone and look up our friend's number, as I don't have it. I want to help him out and write down his number for him.
    6. the universe melds

      by , 02-23-2016 at 09:35 PM
      D1 - fringle the magician is making magic, his old friend mouse-fringle makes magic on the same wavelength causing a overlapping of waves of energy, enveloping all.
      Someone is bending to get through a white doorway.
      D2 - Staying on holiday in italy, trapsing through the streets, as staying away from the centre means the food is lousey.
      Everyone we meet is planning on moving as we head through the busy streets. Nice houses but we are quite lost if we venture further, but we are drawn despite the danger.
      D3 - ?
      Feelings of acceptance and non-resistance on coming out of third dream.
      By the time I came out of the third dream, i had strong feelings of acceptance and non-resistance, to everything.
      The dream and me were one entity, on waking the world and me were one entity.
      I now experienced what it meant to say that lightning and a drop of rain were one. All was the same essence. All me.

      I hope you can understand my feeling, my sensation at the time.
      The feeling you get when you get to slip back and the duvet for some extra sleep but without the exited emotion about the extra sleep and without the worried emotion about having to eventually get up. Just a lovely syrupy feeling like the world is one big glob of golden honey.

      People were talking on the radio, all I heard was words, people talking talking they didn't realise that it didn't matter what they said it was just sounds, They had talked yesterday and everyday of their lives, they're was no resolution to be had through words, they just generated more, like thinking just making more thoughts. Just a noise going on forever, talking was fine but not nonsensical talking.

      Anyway the feeling enveloped me further, and I was in a kind of beautiful daze as I had a shave, my mind was clear.
      In the shower I felt a breeze, as it was a chilly morning, the wind felt like it was a part of me. The water that rained down on me was also part of me.
      It was wonderful, but such a calm warm feeling. Just a constant emotion, if it could be called that, unbroken.
      Then thoughts tried to make ther way into my mind, my ego was returning, as soon as I started to fear this feeling would depart.
      So I experienced first hand that the ego is generated by fear.
      Tags: food, holiday, lost, magic
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Doing some magic!

      by , 02-09-2016 at 09:24 PM
      I thought I had posted this here. Apparently not.

      November 28, 2015
      Had a really awesome lucid dream, with magic.
      Color code: Non-lucid, partially lucid, lucid, notes

      I woke up after about 5 hours of sleep and took 8mg of GalantaMind. I don't use the stuff very often.

      Eventually, as I lay in bed and feel myself going back to sleep, I imagine moving my hands. It becomes more realistic until I sit up out of bed in my dream body.
      I say “I did it!” But I still can't really see. I rub my hands together and move around until my vision improves. I am partially tangled in the blankets still. I say “Go away blanket!” and try to ignore it as I go out into the hallway.
      I stabilize the dream by rubbing my hands together some more and pinching my nose shut and breathing.

      After I do some sexual stuff in the lucid dream, I wake up and enter another dream, still fully conscious.
      I am outside of a building from my childhood, just walking around. Some cars drive by and I say to myself “What am I doing?” I also comment on how it looks just like normal waking life, with nothing unusual around. It's very realistic.

      I find a multi-trunk tree near the building. Like a group of little trees, but it's all one tree. Under the tree is a large old book, with a fuzzy leather cover. The cover has swirly decorative designs in red, blue, and yellow on off-white. I say I wish I would remember what it looks like. It is a magic book. Inside is mostly art, paintings of fantasy scenes and creatures. It is full color, though prominently green because of plants.
      I try to read some of the tiny text, but can't really make it out. I say what I think it says, or make up what it says.
      In the middle of the book I find a short, thick-ish stick, about five or six inches long. It is meant to be used as a wand.

      I point the want at a field and wave it around, saying something like “Make a dinosaur!” Several triceratops-like dinosaurs appear in a group in the field. They're like the kind with no horns. They are many yards away. I am excited but keep my distance.
      At some point I return to the tree and say to it “Thank you tree,” and give it a pat.

      In front of the building is a crowd of people. I want to show them what I can do. I wave the wand and say “Dragons dragons dragons!” A creature appears for a moment and then takes the form of a woman wearing overalls. When she turns around I see that she has a tiny tail.

      I wake again and have another short, sexually charged lucid dream. Then wake again and return to the same place with the crowd of people.
      I have the magic book again. I say “I wish I could bring this back with me to waking life.”
      I don't have the wand anymore, so I just pick up a twig from the ground. I wave the twig around and say “Cows cows cows!” and a stampede of cattle appears. Everyone runs away from it. I wave the twig again and say “Wolves wolves wolves!” Brown wolves appear, or maybe the cows turn into the wolves. They attack the people.

      I say to the wolves “Dissipate,” or maybe “dissolve!” but instead the wolves float into the air over our heads. Am am amused and say “Or float... and then vanish.” I blink and the wolves are gone.
      I then try to use my magic to command all the people to lay or fall down. A few of them do, but most do not. I try again, and also say “Freeze!” but it is not working.
      I say “Hm, it's harder to control people. Interesting.”

      Now the crowd is hostile toward me (possibly because I have been a menace). Some of them have wands of their own. They are all facing me. But I am not afraid of them and say “You can't hurt me.” I try to make a pedestal to stand on so I can seem taller, but that doesn't work either.
      I tell the people they are a part of me so if they kill me they will kill themselves. I tell them that doing what I want is also in their best interest.
      (Thinking back now, that's probably not true).

      I wake up thinking “That was awesome” and that it was the best lucid dream I've had in a long time.

      Updated 02-09-2016 at 09:27 PM by 36900

      Tags: magic
    8. First entry - Magic

      by , 02-05-2016 at 05:04 PM
      Hello, this is my first dream journal entry, i have decided to write it because i feel it will help my dream recall and i want to add to the community. This is my 10th day after starting writing down my dreams.

      Friday 05/02/16 - Fight club(vividness 5/5)

      I am in some sort of extremely posh fight club, their is red lace every where and beautiful pottery, trying to rescue 3 sisters from these evil men. I am with two old women, who are powerful wizards, with long wizened faces. i am walking through the club and can hear the people fighting. the woman to my left stops me and a look of fear passes across her face, she shows me a vision of a sorcerer wearing a well tailored suit, strolling through the fight, people dropping around him, and he has not even drew his sword. She states he is the most powerful sorcerer ever, and not even i could stop him(In my dream i am some sort of super powerful prodigy destined to save the world ) *FLASH TO ANOTHER PLACE IN THE CLUB* in some dark dingy room a door opens and a man walks into the room were the 3 girls are being held, strapped to chairs. he walks up the the nearest one and hits her with with his cane, blood splatters on his suit. the other girls try to stop him by shouting insults, to get him to beat them instead, so they wont hurt their sister. He begins to beat the one on the left, she looks him in the eye and refuses to give cry, she looks to her sister and gives a brave smile.

      Friday 05/02/16 - 100 Year war(vividness 4/5)

      There is a war that has been going on for 100 years, i have been fighting in it for a long time and have been at every key event in it. *I have a specific memory of standing on a ledge dramatically looking down on a giant war between two huge factions of sorcerers (around 10000 people), i sadly look down on the blood bath, unable to do anything, i turn around and walk away **I also have lots of over memory of fighting hundreds of sorcerers and single-handedly, taking them all down without using any magic*. i am sat in a dark room with two old men, one of the men is one of the leaders of the factions, i am reluctant to be hear because i don't like fighting in the war anymore, they are talking to me telling me i have the power to end the war as i am the last pusher(a version of the force, only more powerful), and a prophecy foretold the last pusher would be the most powerful being in existence. the old man is the to the right of the faction leader is the only other pusher left, he offers to train me.(i think i accepted)*flash forward* The old man who is training me is out in the snow and a man walks up to him and hands him a shield, my master smiles, the shield is some sort of great honor awarded to the best, he turns to walk into the bar i am in, but two thieves kill him and steal his shield. i was in the bar and could sense the disturbance and ran out, killed the thieves but it was too late, he was dead. this is what made me become powerful.

      Friday 05/02/16 - Friends (fragment)(vividness 2/5)

      i am walking up the hill to my house with my friends (I will call them John and Mike) Mike wants to go down to his house and meet up with some of our other friends but we know that would take a long time, so i convince them to come to my house, we set off walking and a weird giant steam punk tractor goes by, everything looks normal but lightly off.

      Friday 05/02/16 - Steam punk sister (Fragment)(vividness 3/5)

      I am not their but my sister is, she is fixing up my home(she has super strength and speed), i live in a giant warehouse in a scrap heap in some steam punk alternate reality. she is showing my other sister around and they are jumping around super high. she has made me some sort of space rocket that can only be used to leap in the air really high like a frog, she climbs in and the dream view goes 3rd person, like a vehicle in a game. she jumps on to a broken giant version of it that is in my scrap heap.

      Thank you for reading, if you did. also can anyone let me know if i should split all these dreams up, or keep them in the same entry.
    9. The end is night.

      by , 01-21-2016 at 09:26 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm not physicaly in the dream; I'm just witnessing.

      There's a group of adventurers in a post-apocalyptic world; a girl, a man and a angel. The angel is wielding a strange sword that looks like a rapier but turn into a pillar of light when he use it. The girl seem to be able to use it too. They are on the street, under a ink-black sky and harsh neon light.
    10. #33: Suriname / Appetite / Gear up / Rip off! / Blegh

      by , 11-18-2015 at 08:58 AM
      I'm in Suriname with my family. I'm with my aunt and her oldest daughter / my cousin. I'm not sure if my mom also joined. We are visiting an aunt who lives in Suriname. I'm the last person to walk from inside the house to outside. I stand next to the car, while the rest is already in there. It's a 4x4. I'm not sure of the details anymore, but in the end they drive a bit through the street and I'm standing to the side of the road. I think it was a sunny day, with palm trees and a road next to the beach. The person driving (my aunt) is driving forward and wants to park inside the garage in the house. She hits an edge. The car bounces a bit, but it's no problem.

      My friend Sel, who I haven't spoken to in a few months, has tagged me in a FB post. It's an article from... Buzzfeed? The article is about her. It says something about how people have been photoshopping the pictures she has put on Instagram. The photo that I can see on FB is one where her boobs have been deformed from the photoshopping.

      Think it's part of the same dream. It's a sunny day and we're sitting on a patio. I can't see (or don't bother) to look beyond the borders of the patio. It seems to belong to a restaurant. I think this patio was the background for the photoshopped photo. At one table there are 2 people sitting and at another table a small group. At both tables I know someone. I think I'm with the small group at first and then standing next to the table of the 2 people. It's something about the guy (an Indonesian I believe) having finished an entire cake in just 10 minutes. It doesn't seem so ludicrous... Then I see the platter the cake was in. Wow! In just 10 minutes?

      Gear up
      The details of this dream elude me quite a bit. At first there's something with 2 undercover cops and their dog. They are after someone I guess. They get stopped by a cop with a shotgun and a bulletproof vest, who doesn't know that they're undercover.

      Next thing, they are all by a tent. The wall is lined with weapons. Not only guns, but also axes and other stuff. One of the undercover cops is standing next to it. With ridiculous precision he throws an axe to his partner, who is sitting on a tree log, next to the regular cop. His partner catches it and I think he chops at the head of the cop 1 single time.

      I'm standing on the 2nd floor of an open building. It's night time. The wall of weapons is there. I'm with a girl, though I can't recall who. We gear up, getting ready to defend ourselves or go after someone or something. At one point I'm sure I took one of the 3 axes, but I can't seem to find it on my outfit. I also take a can of graffiti(?), but it's empty, so I leave it behind. When I pressed the button to check I could hear the familiar whizzing sound of just air leaving a canister.

      Rip off!
      I'm in Indonesia. It's a sunny day and I'm driving on a moped. I'm on my way to a sekolah tinggi (high school). My new high school? I have issues remembering the exact direction I took at the start of the dream, but I end up on a parking lot on a roof. I'm lost. I look around me. At first there is a fog, so I can't see that much. I had a map (Google Maps?), but I'm not sure what happened to it. Eventually I see some city landscape, as well as some rural area between mountains. I see some roads. The direction I'm looking at is a dead end. I look at my map, which is carved into a cucumber which I hold in my hand. It's blurry and there is only 1 clear line. There's a teenage Indonesian boy standing on the roof. A cheery fellow, a little bit chubby in the cheeks. In Indonesian I ask him how to get to the school. He isn't sure, but he knows that I'm headed the wrong way. He gives me the directions to the road which I just came from and to then take a right. I can see the road from where I'm standing. The 'take a right' was obvious, as I came from the left. The road looks like it's 1 class below a highway. It's built along the coast and slants to the right. From my perspective, there's a white arrow on the road which tells you that you're supposed to go to the right. I think further ahead is another arrow. I follow the road with my eyes and finger, but eventually stumble into the fog. I ask the boy what next. He tells me he isn't sure, but to take a left. I ask him when. I think to myself that it's at the end of the road. He tells me the same. I get back on my moped. Politely he says something along the lines of 'sorry, you forgot the parking money'. He says something about downstairs, which is odd. He tells me the fee is 5.000 IDR. What a rip-off! I take out my wallet from my back pocket. I don't want to give him 5.000 IDR, but it's the smallest note I have. The note looks strange though. It's red. This feels a bit wrong.* I hand it to him. Now he says the fee is 10.000 IDR. I become mad. I consider switching back to English to show him that I'm a foreigner and show him just exactly how mad I am. I think I start in Indonesian, but end in English. I lay a curse on him. I do it using my Will.^ I'm not sure if it will work. Actually I'm just mad and I don't really want something to happen, I just need to vent. I decide not to use any poison.

      This dream was quite interesting due to the details and the fact that we spoke in Indonesian.
      *5.000 IDR notes aren't red. More like brown, green and yellow.
      ^I'm reading a book where sorcerers use their Will to perform magic.

      I'm in my student home, which looks way different from how it should be. I'm in my room. The ladder to my highrise bed is way longer than in reality. I've positioned it at an angle, allowing me to use it as an exercise bar, hanging from just my hands and moving forwards and backwards. Man, this is pretty easy. I don't know why people are having difficulties with this in Ninja Warrior. Or maybe I'm stronger than I thought. I think about Sel. This makes me feel as if this dream was before the dream with Sel.

      I'm walking in an enormous AH [grocery store]. I want to go home. I think it's dark out already. I'm headed towards an exit. I know my train will depart soon and I'm close to the train station. I keep walking, but I don't seem to make much progress. It's as if I can't move fast, despite my best efforts. Somewhere in the mean time I look at my phone. I have a new email on gmail. It's from Dinne, who is both my colleague and my housemate at this point. I had sent her a one-liner with a joke that she apparently didn't perceive as a joke. She replied back along the lines of that if I fuck with her, she fucks with me. It's about her having mentioned me somewhere in a way that made me seem like a cheap asshole. This has to relate to Bart, our boss. Wauw. A colleague is one thing, but if even the boss is involved. I don't wanna work in a place like this anymore. Then I realise that she is also my housemate. Fuck. I guess I should knock on her door and go talk to her.

      I'm in the kitchen. It's really big and interesting in some ways. It's made mostly out of wood and the seeming lack of a plan while building and decorating it make it appealing.

      This dream really left me feeling blegh. Also not so sure about the order of events.
    11. Intricate Models

      by , 11-10-2015 at 08:56 PM
      Dl1 - In a room there is a vast and incredibly detailed model of a ? hard to say it is so vast and i'm so small or close up...The room is really dark and the model is grey. There seems to be a single source of illumination in the room coming from the side. I look down and there is yet another vast model below it is some kind of start wars space station.

      Dl2 - There is a mage who is fixing stuff. |When he waves his wand pink sparkly bits like magic dust float around in the air. He keeps doing it, can't remember what he was fixing.
      Tags: dark, light, mage, magic, model
    12. Hi, Santa ... Welcome to the Neighborhood

      by , 10-07-2015 at 10:30 AM
      10-06-2015 -- I'm trying to park my car (probably the silver Lexus) next to a house which seems to be the house Uncle Jim used to live in. Like most times in dreams, the driving doesn't go smoothly. I can't work the brakes properly, it doesn't back up right, and no matter how I try, I can't get the car nicely next to the curb, like I'm trying to do.

      Soon I find myself standing next to the car, looking at the house, which I have now bought or in some other manner acquired. I've got lots of my stuff with me, including book cases, and bags of comics, and old Hornet newspapers with my articles in them, and lots of other cool stuff. I'm trying to gather up a couple of arm-fulls of the stuff to take inside, when a fairly young kid comes walking up, and starts to gather some of the stuff. He looks like he's probably somewhere between 9 & 12 years old.

      At first I think he is trying to steal my stuff, and am about to chase him off, but then I realize he just wants to help me move in. And while that's nice, I am afraid it would be too much for him, and he'd probably hurt himself or something, so I thank him for the offer of help, but turn him down. He walks a couple of doors down, and joins his own family, who it seems are also moving it.

      At first it seems like they are moving in to nothing, but as I watch, their house starts to kind of push aside the houses on either side to put itself out there, kind of like the Harry Potter books sometimes describe the Fidelus. I realize these folks are magical, and think I probably should have let the kid help. If he's magical, he could have probably handled it. I decide to go over and say hi, but as I approach the door everybody steps inside, so I (slightly rudely, I'll admit) just follow them inside, waiting for a chance to introduce myself.

      I'm kind of shocked to discover that my new neighbors are Santa Claus (red suit, long white beard, and all) and his kind of large, young, fairly hip family. I introduce myself, and explain that I used to be a muggle, but somehow I could see his house pushing it's way between the other houses. I tell him his son offered to help me move in, since I was all by myself, but I'd turned him down because I figured he wouldn't really be able to help ... but with magic, I'd be appreciative of the help, if the offer still stands.

      Santa asks me what I have to move, and I kind of talk my stuff down, referring to it as a bunch of old books and old newspapers and such, but then I am quick to mention that they are old newspapers that have stuff I wrote in them, so it doesn't sound like I am a complete idiot hoarder or something. Santa says he understands, and points to a stack of newspapers in a cupboard underneath his coffee table, which also has old papers ... though his are papers with articles written about him, instead of by him.

      After that, he admits that he already knew what I had to move ... that they had been watching me. They knew I was a decent fellow, and a nice guy, which is why they allowed me to see the magic. Santa's wife also starts talking, saying hello, but she is soon turning into one of the Adventurers Club performers that I didn't know well, since they came around after I'd quit going to the Club quite so much. Probably Megan M. Or Andrea C. [Both of whom I have seen mentioned in Facebook posts in the last two days.]

      Things are shifting to a sort of Adventurers Club reunion, and Graham is holding a somewhat worn and ratty looking old pillow. Someone is asking him if he is going to throw it away or something, but he says he can't ... he says his wife wants it, and plans to sleep with it between her thighs at times when he is not available or something like that, and all the guys are drooling at the thought.

      But soon things are shifting again, and I find myself talking to one of the above mentioned female Club members, but she isn't Santa's wife, but his real estate agent, and she works for a kind of a cross between a Realtor and the mob. There are a couple of tough thugs around to make sure nobody hurts anyone or anything here, and I'm trying to question the lady on any problems she may have with Santa. Meanwhile, a gangster's moll is sitting at a desk, wearing nice clothes, but with her legs partly spread to give folks a nice bit of an upskirt glimpse of her stockings and underwear.
    13. #198. Waterpark in the Sky

      by , 08-17-2015 at 07:23 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Long dream that started out when Fitz wanted to go base jumping with Simmons, but he hadn't suited up by the time the group was jumping.

      Later, Fitz has to rescue Simmons. Everything has turned into a weird waterpark in the sky. Simmons is briefly some sort of bivalve (like a clam or an oyster) and is glowing, and Fitz has to sneak her in without anyone realizing. Everyone is now looking for the glowing bivalve, because it's some sort of MacGuffin.

      Simmons is turned back into her regular self, and now she has to rescue Fitz. I swim through the waterpark as Simmons, breathing easily underwater.

      There's a gunfight now.


      We're on the ground, now. Autumn colours, and there's some kind of graduation happening. I'm a teenaged girl in a blue dress, only a little bit more practical than Cinderella-style. We're marching against a rival town.

      The two groups of rival townspeople meet on a grassy field. I summon a whirlwind of fire. Or try to—it turns out that I have an ice staff, so I freeze everyone within a five-metre radius. Most of the enemy group is frozen, but so are a few allies, including my mage.

      I switch to a character on the outskirts. Katniss. Ranged. I nock an arrow.

      We shift

      so that I'm watching my brother play a strategy game in the same setting. Rival towns, grassy fields. The game involves playing rival towns' structures against one another, so my brother is using playground equipment against his enemy's farm equipment. Jungle gyms versus tractors and combines.

      The enemy structures approach and my brother bashes his playground equipment against them. The enemy's mass and your mass cancel each other out, so if you can find enough structures to throw against the invaders, you win. Otherwise, they keep coming.

      There's also something about a fairy godmother.

      Adventure: 5/10
      Control: 4/10
      Fear: 2/10
    14. "Indian in the Cupboard"

      by , 08-16-2015 at 03:41 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      I am walking down the street when I see a friend I have not seen in several years. He seems glum. I approach him and ask him what is wrong. He answers noncommittally, so I ask again. He vanishes. I am a little worried because I think I am going crazy. I then realize I am dreaming.

      I am now in my childhood home. I say to myself, "We are not flying, having sex, or eating food. What do we want to do?" I see some action figures up on shelves. I grab one (the Gorilla alien from the ALIENS franchise)

      by the arms using perspective. I then try to expand him but he won't grow. I settle for bringing him to life. With a couple more magical hand movements I bring the rest to life, including a group of tiny Harry Potter wizards with glowing wands. They begin to chase and try to attack me. I run to the master bedroom and shut the door (throw a shirt on top of the wizards?) and then stuff some clothing under the door so the little wizards won't be able to get in with their magic.

      I decide I want to summon someone through the TV. At that point I
      wake up.
    15. The Power of the Masters

      by , 08-07-2015 at 06:03 PM
      Morning of August 7, 2015. Friday.

      This was an atypical extraordinary dream that was quite long and exhausting. I can only relate some scenes as much of it was abstract.

      In one part of my dream, my wife Zsuzsanna (though at a much younger age before we met) seemed to be oddly played by the role of a white female; actress Mary Beth McDonough. After a time, she is more like a composite. As most people have learned over time from my extensive online journal, it is ludicrous that anyone other than the dreamer could associate or “interpret” anything in his or her dream. The idea is so preposterous (not to mention disturbing) that I could fill an entire book with how wrong this concept is. In fact, this tiny little facet of just one dream proves that.

      No one but me could possibly relate why this dream facet manifested. It is because of one minor association between my wife and Mary Beth McDonough that only I could know, that being the deer symbol. This is because both my wife and her had photographs taken of feeding and petting a deer around the same age, and that is obviously the first thing that comes to mind for me.

      No one but me could decode the next scene, either. Over time, I am concerned about this character’s safety. Her “parents” (though they seem completely unfamiliar) talk to me about her future and for a time, it almost seems as if I am the father. The male is dressed as in the painting “My Father Was Big As A Tree” from 1955 and does not remove his hat.

      Something happens to where her fake father seems to be causing her trouble or preventing her spiritual growth by preaching some form of skewed Christianity. She sits on the couch with her arms folded much of the time. I begin to develop a special discernment that I cannot call lucidity, because I am not lucid. I tell the male that it is impossible for him to alter the destiny of a master since the patterns exist in the world itself. I become angry.

      In this way as if noticing me as who I am for the first time (related to any faux back story), he seems to see me in a different light as I feel, for whatever reason, that I need to protect the actress (who is looking more like my wife-to-be). I feel an exhausting level of energy and blow out towards him as he shouts “Manny! Manny!” to his wife, and he transforms into a butterfly under my will as he escapes through the front open doorway of the unfamiliar residence. I expect him to not make it across the front yard.

      “That girl was ta…” (thunder). Police cars take my schoolmate away. I want to live in the sky, away from humanity and those who so effortlessly prey on the innocent without remorse..and all the while playing the victim. I saw the signs and no one ever listened. No one ever does.

      From here, I reach down and feel my left leg and notice it has transformed into a deer’s leg and I can clearly feel the foot. It seems very intriguing and vivid and I brush over the fur on my left leg. My wife is herself again and I am once again thankful that no other path would ever have given me life.

      I then see myself in a painting where I am separated from humanity by a gulf that will always be reflected in “Alien Child” (as the original artist apparently saw himself). The painting “Alien Child” burns and so does “Hostile Butterflies”.

      Only I know…

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