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    1. ci.

      by , 03-21-2020 at 02:13 PM
      Really bad headache last night, but had some semi-lucid dream as I fell asleep. Haven't been making note of dreams very much in the last few days on account of going through a phase of being too tired on waking and too many mornings having their routines disrupted.

      Edit: Somehow nearly forgot an important detail here; While I was in bed trying to fall asleep I did try to incubate dreams about working on my paintings again, my thoughts on this passed fairly early on and I got distracted with other thoughts, getting somewhat vivid music and other sleep cues instead but I suppose the lucid dream did relate directly to the incubation intent. I thought I'd try working on the incubation anyway because of my headache, and it did help to distract me from it.

      Lucid fragment (on falling asleep):

      I didn't notice the transition from wakefulness to dream imagery but I was in a bigger version of our front room. It was day time, my paints and the table I keep them on were there and I remember the big window. I don't think the canvas I've been working on was there. I half realised I was dreaming and walked or ran forward into the room, towards the opposite wall, which is a corner where I keep a bunch of my stuff for painting, but in the dream context it's like there would be a door there or something, even though I couldn't see it yet; I carried out some hand checks as I moved even though I was already in a type of lucidity but the stability started to go pretty quickly and I lost my half-lucid state. Sort of faded away in terms of recall after that.

      The only thing I remember after that is a gap of nothingness and then some dreams from the morning, that again I didn't turn into notes.

      Updated 03-21-2020 at 02:15 PM by 95293

      lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    2. Insurrection, sneaking in

      by , 08-01-2015 at 01:02 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was dark, cold night. I was wearing a gray hoodie and jeans trousers. I was moving through many dark alleys, avoiding street lamps or any spotlights. It was an anniversary of an important insurrection, I moved from an alley to a street with a strange can in my hand. I opened it, and made a signal. More people moved out of alleys, and opened their cans. It had some kind of paint inside. We threwn our cans at a government building and ran away.

      Another dude joined me on the way through the alleys. He told me that there is a house with stuff from the time of insurrection, and that we have to sneak inside to take them back. I agreed, and we moved far away from the city. There was an old house in damaged state, surrounded by forest. We thought that we won't meet anyone here, and proceeded to break in.

      The dude found keys to the house in a broken flower pot. We tried to open the doors, but keys just phased through them to the floor on the other side, with a loud noise. Suddenly, lights in the building turned on and we had to seek a hiding spots. The dude hidden behind a hedge, and I had no good spots, so I scrambled to a free space under the building.

      I felt heavy weight lying on me, and had troubles with breathing. I could see the dude hiding, and heard the door open. An old man wandered outside for a while, then went back inside. We went out of hiding spots. The lights were still on, and we tried to break inside again. The old man must have heard us, and called for security.

      The dude hidden behind the hedges again, and I looked for a new, more comfortable hiding spot. The men were coming closer, but I managed to find a good hiding spot behind some bushes. All of them just sat down and waited, knowing that someone is hiding there, without chances to escape.
    3. Alley of Dreams

      by , 04-05-2015 at 08:30 AM
      Morning of April 5, 2015. Sunday.

      Most of my dreams of today had various levels of lucidity, but some are too abstract to relate correctly. Being “inside” abstract forms is sometimes very comfortable, other times bland and uncomfortable (almost strenuous, in fact).

      I am in a typical unconscious state of being aware of needing to have my body on one side or the other, a certain number of minutes on each side, and a certain position, as some sort of important faux system of continuity, mostly abstract (almost like “drawing invisibly” or “painting” internally - even maze-like at times), seeing myself doing this even though I have not moved my physical body as such in reality - checking my sleeping form while disembodied and hovering above myself to see if I am in the “right” position at the “right” time, almost like an attempt to interpret myself as a letter of the alphabet that must change in precise rhythms over time, although with the sense of repeating the “same steps” after a time, which my body seems to do. This seems to last for a very long time (several hours), though likely an illusion and perhaps only lasting a half hour or so. This type of “pre-dreaming” or whatever it is seems more common for me over the last few years.

      In my main dream, I am walking about in an unknown city with “friends” I do not know in reality. It seems to be late at night. There is some sort of idea related to gang activity, but nothing dramatic happens. I do have a revolver but do not shoot anyone. The setting is ambiguous. I am walking through alleys but at one point, one becomes an internal hallway and then an alley again.

      Next, the most vivid (even beautiful) part of my dream occurs. I walk out through the end of a hallway into a sort of distorted alleyway and become aware of a thin young male sitting at what resembles a comic-strip lemonade stand. It is set back a bit from a large storefront and parking lot. He is apparently a drug dealer and in fact is sniffing a lot from his own creations, though seems very cheerful and passive.

      These in-dream “drugs” are small containers of various mixed colors of paint (which a person apparently drinks to get the effects, each color being slightly different), or at least that is what it looks like and what I instinctively believe. There is a very strong smell of paint in the night air as well as an odd organic scent, or rather, likely a chemical fabrication of fruit scents and such; blueberry, orange, lemon, grape, strawberry, and so on. I feel slightly out of place in accidentally arriving at this location (almost like accidentally going into a bar) and somewhat wary, but the unknown male seems very sincere in his service and asks me what he can get for me (inferring a particular mix of particular colors in precise proportions). I cheerfully say “no” (with respect) and continue walking. I really do not feel like drinking paint even while within a dream. At this point, when I look down, I see rivulets of paint flowing out into the parking lot from his area, which I end up walking on (the entire area is covered), all different colors and glistening brightly in the moonlight, swirling and forming multicolored abstract pattens. These completely random and incidental swirls of color flowing out over the parking lot and into the street seem hundreds of times more pleasant to look at than typical graffiti. There are gallons and gallons of paint seemingly being wasted in his business, but it also seems like the remains or “waste water” of whatever process he is working with. There is an intriguing calmness during this scene. (It also seems somewhat odd that so much paint has recently been flowing out from one small area - though not necessarily in a negative context.)

      Although I become more lucid, I mostly end up walking around without doing much other than enjoying the night air and sense of peace. (I am still not quite sure what city I am in.)

      Updated 06-19-2015 at 08:37 AM by 1390

      Tags: paint
      lucid , memorable
    4. (march 10, 2015) Orange paint (fragments) Bed set-up(notes)

      by , 03-10-2015 at 04:28 PM
      Im not sure if this place was pulled from memory or created. I was in what looked like it may have been a gymnasium, or some sort of recreational room. only half the floor was there and it was the waxed wooden flooring you see in thos kind of rooms. there was a wall in the center dividing it into two rooms with a small doorway in the wall connecting the two rooms. in one room two people were talking, including someone who was doing a project with orange paint. me and two others were in the opposite room taling about layout or something. anyway, one guy in the room i was in wanted to show us his idea for flooring so he walked over to the wall and flipped a switch. the part of the floor that was not built, had a sheet of orange paint canvas/plastic start sliding out to cover the open floor space. the other DC that was in he room exclaimed that it was the painter in the other room who owned that paint/paintings. The painter heard and was going to come over but the dream changed course a bit. the lighting changed to a dull yellowish light, like from an old light bulb, and all of us decided to paint the floor orange, and put some purple stripes. (orange and purple, i observed these colors while studying olivine under a microscope in cross polarized light earlier that day, outside of the dream). i wanted to paint orange, and walked over to the wall of the room where paint was kept. they were not in paint cans though, they were in big weird chapped buckets. i grabbed a brush from the purple paint and washed it off to get orange but my roommate's alarm woke me from the dream.

      In another fragment i was hearing how i had to get an "okay" from our house manager before i could keep the towels i hung around my bed to block out light from the bright exit sign. (I set this up for the first time right before i went to sleep and had a dream about it already being there).
      Tags: bed, gym, paint
      non-lucid , side notes
    5. Fairy tales, words and music, cards

      by , 01-05-2014 at 11:51 PM
      There's a woman having a sort of Cinderella transformation - rags to ballgown - but she doesn't seem in the least bit impressed by it. I'm vaguely annoyed at her lack of reaction, but on with the show. She enters a throne room and asks something of the king, who says "But first answer me this. When did you become the Evil Queen?" She doesn't know what to make of this. She says, "I'm not a queen." "Your father is dead," says the king - her father was also a ruler, she became queen the moment he died. The king here holds out a collection of brown papers. He says it's something her father had been putting together the night he died - last night - something urgent, something for her, since she'd been away on this mission.

      I'm looking at a book containing a moving image representing En - a small boat on a river, stylized lotus flowers, a lot of gold paint. The color's faded and chipped in places, but still beautiful.

      A musician's writing a letter to a friend of his, trying to comfort his friend, and he's thinking about how limited words are, how it can't replicate the sort of things he'd do if he was there in person, even the simple act of putting on a familiar tune. He goes to the gramophone and puts on the tune he was thinking of, and sits to listen to it before he continues writing, thinking that perhaps the feeling he gets from this song will come across in his words.

      A couple. A blonde woman is laying out cards on the floor in five columns, representing the guy's past relationships; he's lying on his back next to her, not looking. She observes that his two longest relationships followed the exact same pattern: lasted the same amount of time, ended the same way, with the same warning signs beforehand. She says based on that pattern, if (event) happens at (time into relationship), he might as well bail immediately.

      One of the shorter columns is unique in that every card represents things going well, and she wonders why he'd split up with that guy. Privately, she's realizing that he ended things shortly after he'd had some non-romantic encounter with her, and she's wondering if she was the reason for the split. But out loud she just points out how odd it looks that they broke it off considering it seemed to be going so well. He teases her, saying "yeah, I'm starting to miss a bit of swordplay" - part of the joke here is that the guy in question also did something involving literal swords - and she hits him, lightly, on the arm; then she puts the cards down and straddles him, and says something along the lines of "Not like that. I mean, you had a different dynamic than you did with anyone else. Not in a good way. I mean, I liked him, when he was alive - oh, god." He's laughing at her. What she'd been trying to say by 'not in a good way' was that although the two of them clearly got along, they hadn't seemed really emotionally attached, but she's stumbling over this conversation. He assures her, yes, the guy in question had indeed been great when he was alive - teasing her about her reluctance to sound disrespectful of the dead - he was lovely and wonderful and all that, and she's also lovely and wonderful and all that. There's a lot of laughing from both of them over how ridiculous this conversation is.
    6. A corrupted town and a glowing book

      by , 11-23-2013 at 11:15 PM
      I've just arrived on the edge of a cliff, out of sight, and now I'm following a path through the trees into town. I'm shocked by the state of the place. Although visually, I-the-dreamer didn't actually see anything that looked unusual - it was night, the streets were empty, there wasn't much to see but it seemed like an ordinary small town - I had the impression that I-the-character was looking at foulness or decay, something along those lines. I hear a conversation like a voiceover, it's not part of this scene - I have the impression it's something said later, as if what I'm seeing is a flashback related to that conversation. In the conversation, I'm saying, "I saw-" and someone else cuts me off, saying "No. You didn't 'see.' You corrupted." They sound angry. That is to say, whatever's wrong with this town is due to my presence, or at least the person speaking believed so. Visually, I'm still walking through that town, and a woman appears in the street, shining or glowing, wearing white robes, and after a moment I recognize Erana. I'm very relieved and run to her; she's not looking at me, she's looking around at the town, looking like she's mourning.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      That same town, relatively early in the evening, when there are still people in the streets. I'm walking together with a married couple. I'm looking at two shops next to each other, and I'm remembering when the man I'm walking with praised this town to me, telling me I should come and visit him and his wife here, talking about the brightly colored buildings and the many-colored tiles on the roofs. I'm looking at the faded paint on these buildings and trying to convince myself that maybe it looks better in sunlight, but I don't think so. I mention this to him, and he brushes it off, vaguely implying that I'm misremembering what he'd said, or that he'd exaggerated, and that it's not important. I start to press the subject, asking his wife about the state of the town.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      I'm walking on a dirt road just before dawn, sky's bright. The ground to my right drops off sharply into a valley which at the moment is filled with rising mist, and I'm stopping to enjoy the sight. It's very beautiful.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      A mother and daughter in their library, the mother is standing over a book lying open on a stand, and the daughter is behind the stand, trying to get a look at the book. She holds up a candle to try to read, but her mother tells her you can't read it like this. The mother puts out her candle, and all the other lights, and when it's pitch black the book starts glowing. As a 3rd person observer, I'm thinking something about how this makes perfect sense for a book about darkness. The mother is focusing on the book and saying "I shan't flee from you around here, mortal." The light from the book flares up so brightly I can't see anything else.
    7. 9th June 2013 Video game dream and fragments

      by , 06-09-2013 at 08:46 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was playing some FPS Video game.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was exploring forest and was searching for something.

      Dream 3:

      I was playing some 2D Top Down shooter games, graphics of which looked like they were made quickly in paint, was playing through like five of them, some levels were pretty mazey but other than that it was easy, also one of the levels was in the city of some kind. Then i went to chat with KK and we decided to try multiplayer mode of one of the games, i started on the left side of the map, he started on the right side, i was using wall as a cover and was shooting projectiles at him, he was doing so as well. Then i discovered altfire of my character's weapon, which was firing water projectiles that were traveling down after hitting something. I used them and i noticed that KK's character looked like a cat, shortly i won. We were going to play second game, but dream faded out.
    8. Coke can shuriken and a fight for paint

      by , 03-01-2013 at 06:34 PM
      I tried something new last night when as I fell asleep I constantly repeated: "I will remember every detail of my dreams!" while it did not give me total recollection, I do believe it helped. I also started using my dsi as a dream journal, on an app called flipnote studios where you can write. The benefit of this is that I don't need to turn on a light. I remember at least two non-lucid dreams but with much more detail than usual.

      I was in a movie theatre with my cousin/best friend, Davis. I was showing off a curved knife* (that I have IWL) to nearby moviegoers who were surprisingly impressed for some reason. Instead of a movie, random trailers for low budget indie films were being projected. One of these was for a movie called "Warrior" about ninja and samouri working together, and it actually looked pretty cool. This inspired me to use the knife to cut a shuriken out of my coke can. Once I had it I was throwing it at the screen, but it would come back like a boomerang and stick into the (empty) chair next to me every time. Soon an announcer said, "Intermission time! Feel free to utilize the 'napping holes' provided for your convenience." (What.. 0-0)

      At this time my cousin and I went for snacks I guess, because We were in a room with a vending machine. it was like those coke machines with the touch screen, but instead it had the choices red, green, and blue. I think it dispensed paint, because the walls were painted with random streaks of paint, and there were a few paintbrushes lying around. Davis pushed one of the buttons and suddenly there was a very large man who was getting angry at us. he was yelling and pointed at the machine. Davis walked out the door and I said, "Fine! I'll deal with this."

      The man tried to punch me out with his large round fists, but I kept ducking under his blows. eventually I actually started laughing and (even though he was the one attacking me) told him, "Look, I am not bullying you. if you stop, I will leave you alone." He stopped, and I unselected the color that Davis had pushed and apologized. (at least I think I apologized) This made him happy and the dream faded.

      *note: I had been looking at that knife before I went to bed. I actually wondered if I would dream about it

      I was in my room playing my Xbox360 with a Wii remote. Aparrently this was a bad thing to do because when my mom opened my door, I threw it on the floor and grabbed my Xbox controller. Mom came in and sat on my bed and asked me some stuff about video games (very unlike her) and then watched with interest as I played Halo 4. (Again, something she would never do) I also remember something about downloading a "cute" version of a cheap indie game I have.

      Fragment or maybe part of first dream: I am sitting on a fence, looking at a generic back yard. I have my dsi and I am drawing yard decorations on the dsi that are becoming real in the yard.
    9. Mall, Paint, Secret Room

      by , 12-29-2012 at 07:07 PM

      The dream picks up and I'm in a mall, I know the stores are about to close. There are three across from me, one on the far left has strange bright colored dresses on display high in the window, the store in the middle looks empty and is already dark, the one on the right has mannequins on the floor in vibrant blue and green shirts. I can't imagine myself wearing anything they have there, but I know time is short and I need to look anyway.
      I go into the store on the right, the floor, ceiling and walls are all blinding white. I can't find anything I want to wear, everything looks strangely shaped. I don't recall going into the other store, but somehow I know that both stores have the same clothing just in different colors.

      In the next dream I'm buying Olympic Maximum Solid Deck Stain ((I don't know, I work for Lowe's in the paint department but I haven't mixed that in a long time....and I don't have a deck.)), I've shared a blue flat cart with another customer and for a minute I'm afraid that I'll get charged for what they have on the cart. It seems my worry is needless, the cashier at the next register takes the other customer's stuff from my cart. For some reason they mix the stain at the register, there's a paint dispenser and everything right underneath the monitor. Unfortunately the cashier can't figure out how to mix it even though I have a 5 gallon lid with the formula on it. I show him the lid, it also has a sheet of paper with my boyfriend's name written on it in sharpie. I have no trouble reading it. The guy dispenses the formula but as he's about to charge me for it he 'accidentally' dispenses 96 shots of white, somehow turning the red I wanted into a grey.
      "Why did you do that?"
      "The machine made me." He says, but I saw how he had just hit keys and instead of it taking him to checkout it took him to the dispense screen. While I'm standing there waiting I look doubtfully down at the 5gal containers, I wonder if I should be lifting them. Maybe I can get someone to do it for me....?
      A guy I used to work with comes up to talk to me. He looks sad, behind him the daylight coming in through the exit doors is bright and warm. The store itself is dark, like it's about to close...but it's the middle of the day.
      "I guess you've heard the news?"
      "Yes," I lie because I feel like I should have heard it. "I was going to call you..."
      "It's alright, I didn't expect you to."
      I'm reminded of an event that happened just after I left that job, how his girlfriend died along with the baby she was carrying because of pneumonia.
      "Things will get better." I say, patting him on the back.
      "They already have."
      I look at the cashier, he's frowning at the bucket of stain. I'm really annoyed, the trip shouldn't have taken this long. I decide I'll go and get another of the base I need. I think I'll only need one, but then he somehow screws up the second 5gal. I leave, cutting back through the store.

      The store is bigger than it should be and when I turn the corner on one of the aisles I realize I'm not just in Lowe's, I'm in a mall. I forget what I'm looking for, I know I've come to this place before in other mall dreams. I stare down one of the vast halls, past all the stores, trying to remember what I was doing. I realize if I just keep going the hallways will circle around to where I started, maybe I'll just explore until I remember why I was here. I see a bookstore, I pass it. I keep walking until I find a wide stone tunnel ending in a domed circular room. The walls are all rough black stone with electric blue sigils carved deeply into them. The only light is a fire next to a muscular dark-skinned man stripped to the waist, wearing black leather bracers, sharpening a sword.
      Straight across from doorway is a stone wall that bows toward me, on either side of it are deep alcoves. Neither of them have doorways. I examine the alcove to the left of the bowed wall. I'm extremely annoyed.
      "Come all this way and there's a dead end?"
      I say this and realize I'm directing it at the man.
      "It's not a dead end, look closely at that wall and you'll see the truth of it."

      I go back to the wall and I notice a hairline crack running from top to bottom. I lightly push on one side and it swings open. It wasn't a wall, it was a door. I step into the room, I decide I want to take off my shoes. I try to do this without looking but even though I complete the motion the shoe won't leave my foot.
      I look down at my feet and see I'm wearing a white dress with tiny bouquets of rainbow colored flowers all over it along with pink beaded slippers. Once I look at them, the action is easy. I peel the slippers from my feet leaving behind hot pink lint, on one of my feet this has also removed a coat of nail polish from the middle toe on my left foot. I know this should concern me, but I decide not to follow the dream. I toss the slippers aside.
      There's a small button shaped like an egg cut in half and sticking out of the wall. It's made of pieces of plastic. I twist the pieces into place so it forms a whole egg top and I push it. A section of wall slides away and disappears, revealing a curving staircase. I can't see what's at the bottom. I know that this is the way to the Room.

      Then I wake up.

      Updated 12-30-2012 at 07:41 AM by 54746

    10. Not the Favorite Child; I Didn't Do It!

      by , 07-13-2012 at 02:35 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Not the Favorite Child

      Alarm Infiltrated Dream

      I dreamed that I was hearing someone talk about how they were not the favorite child, and I thought to myself how I was not either. I used a very specific phrase which was a little odd for me, but it was spoken a bit to formally. I thought it was well said, and interested that I would think of those words. I also thought I would remember that I said it that way, but I don't remember the phrase.

      I woke up hearing a woman's voice on NPR. I can't be certain, but I know for myself that the alarm had infiltrated my dream. I seemed to be responding to something. I know it was the alarm.

      I Didn't Do It

      I was at some kind of camp. I was watching a martial arts tournament. The scoring was kept by finger paints.

      At one point, I got my pinky, ring finger, and index finger in the green paint. I made dots on the concrete.

      My friend Mike S. got his fingers full of paint, then marked the board to change the score in the tournament. The score keeper saw it, but they were friends, so the score keeper, a heavy sat guy named Raginal or Raginald left his post so he could claim he didn't notice.

      Then someone came running out claiming that someone cheated. A lady came out to see if this was true. It came to light that someone had been washing a sink. Then Reginal was back in his chair. The lady then came to me and saw my fingers still had some green paint on them.

      I started to explain to this women who was in a pond trying to catch little fish with her hand, that I had gotten paint on my fingers, but then I maid these marks on the cement as if I'd typed Ctrl+ P (even though the marks showed a design of Ctrl + Shift + P. The lady said, "Control P?" I said, "Yea, for "Print." If I just made a mark, that would have been unimaginative!"

      I tried to explain that the sink had been cleaned because someone else had painted the board and they had to clean their hands, and I was hoping that--what's his name?"

      The lady said "Reginal." I went into this thing about Oh yea, and how I really liked him even before I joined the camp. We really connected as friends, and I was hoping the (here I spoke up so Reginal would hear me) ..."Reginal would speak up and tell the truth because he saw what happened!"

      I never got it all out, but I was working on it. I woke up.

      Updated 07-13-2012 at 02:46 PM by 41873 (I remembered a dream fragment)

    11. 5/10/12 Night Before Finals...

      by , 05-11-2012 at 03:20 AM (Scrawlings of a Mad Man)
      Slept 5 hours because of a 9 AM final the next day.

      1) I'm in a small room, and become LUCID. Change the room to have a pane of glass over the door and I paint it a solid brown.

      2) I paint over an Ipad's screen.
      Tags: paint
    12. Ride the train!

      by , 03-25-2012 at 01:10 AM
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I am traveling to my high school…by train. For some reasontrain seemed like the best way to get there. It’s not complicated, and I’veapparently done it before. The problem is switching the train from the secondaryline to the track that actually leads to the school. It means making a sharpright turn, and though I have done it before, I need to figure out if I shouldstop and then switch it or if I can do it while moving, as I have done before.I resolve this problem by doing nothing and merely coming to the end of theline. I look over at another track and there is a rusted out heap of scrapmetal and a train bumper and I think, “Barbecue.”[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I get off the train with my cans of paint and come to thefront of the school where the principal is waiting for me. He takes me insideand I seem preoccupied with my light green paint. I decide it would be a goodcolor for the office walls.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Dream fades out of memory.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Dream continues.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I am in my house, though it is not my current house. Therehas been a storm, and the wind has been strong. I have guests over, a gaycouple, and we have been enjoying breakfast items like coffee and bagels. I goupstairs, which go left and right from the first landing, and I head to theright. Both stairs end up in the same place, but for some reason the view outthe top windows is different. When I come around to the other side and look outthe window I can see that a tree has fallen in the front yard, and it haslanded right on top of the car belonging to the couple, which was unfortunatelyparked at the end of the driveway. Their black Volkswagen is half-crushed, asis another car on the street. My SUV, which I pulled all the way in the drivewayclose to the house, is untouched, and I am thankful. I inform the couple abouttheir car and they seem hurt but take it a lot better than I expected.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
    13. Jail cell

      by , 01-12-2012 at 09:46 PM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      Nonna was showing me something in her bathroom. There were 3 jars filled with ashes. She told me they were her relatives, and that they all had a lot of problems when they were alive. She showed me a video. One guy had to wear a black mask because he had something wrong with his face. She gave it to me and for some reason I put it on. I took it off and we were in some kind of jail cell. There was a huge bed in the center, but the cell was small. Nonna told me she had to go out and she'd be back later. At first I was ok alone, but then I started to panic. I called out to her, but someone a few cells down told me to shut it. She came back and was really mad at me for yelling. I decided to make it up to her by painting the place. I met up with my brother nick and began painting the stairs outside the cell. We painted it with every color we had, from red to green to blue. It looked really bad. Then the stairs transformed back to the original white color.
      Tags: ashes, jail, nonna, paint
    14. Work or Class? Class or Work?

      by , 06-30-2011 at 10:45 AM (Trial and Error)
      (from a few nights ago. My mind can not handle the idea of not having work, or homework....)

      I wake up and realize that I forgot I was a tutor for 3 weeks and have not been going to work. (new job stress?) No one has tried to contact me, no one has notified me, it must be a test of my dedication...
      After a bunch of panicking I decide to go anyway and face whatever consequences their might be. I go and end up sitting in the back of the class and suffering through a horrible class. The kids are obnoxious, and someone I knew in high school Kevin C. is there making as much noise as he did in high school - _ - ug!

      I control my emotions and as the class is leaving I say good bye and grab my stuff to go. The teacher who is a teacher I had last quarter Marc S. stops me and says "wait, we still need to paint!" I realize the room is unpainted wood, drywall and other materials. I run to get paint and a roller and find one in what looks like a large storage facility within the same building. I grab the roller and roll it throughly through the white paint in the paint tray. I lift it out and hold my hand under neath to keep it from dripping on the floor and quickly make my way back to the class room. I pick a wall to start on, and begin painting it. But the painter in the roller does not even have enough paint to make one go from the roof to the floor. I am astounded. I know full well how much of the wall it should have covered (too much time as a maintenance worker irl). I also realized that I should have brought the paint with me. (stress dream or no, these things are a given XD lol)

      I go back to get it and run into someone I know Angela A. There are suddenly people making chocolate on a conveyer belt of some kind in the storage facility. She says "uh, chocolate! It is so bad for you." I turn to her and say "Except for you know, the bitter, actually healthy chocolate with not added sugars and stuff." She takes a moment to ponder the thought and then says in an extremely snobby way "mmmm...no! Chocolate is bad for you, if you read the nutrition info on the back you would know that." I go awol on her saying that she can be a douche all she wants but there is chocolate that IS healthy for you. She says "whatever" and walks away. I get the paint and bring it to the class.

      I work until "class" is over, and decide to get further into the project during my maintenance shift. I go (dressed in cliche painting clothes) and get much further. It was like painting during a painting shift was somehow more effective. The teacher sees me and asks what I am doing. I tell him that I am continuing painting since I work here and all. He takes the roller from me and says that he now needs to re-do it. I am confused why painting at a different time makes the paint job somehow inadequate. He starts painting when I wake up.
    15. Hangin' out wif Koreyyyy, home makeover

      by , 03-24-2011 at 11:21 PM
      okayyyy great recall last night! nonlucids
      any color except black=dream Lucid

      dream 1: I find myself at an outdoor Skillet concert. John, Korey, and Jen were onstage. It is midday and it is very hot. I am on the right side of the crowd, near the front. John stands in the middle, Korey on the left, and Jen in back. Ben is no where to be seen. The concert is over very soon and I appear in their tour bus.
      It is very large on the inside, almost like a condo, and I talk to Korey. I don't remeber what we said. Jen comes in wearing a short-sleeved gray shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. She sits next to Korey and me on the peach colored couch and we talk.
      (Time skip)
      John is standing next to a mirror and he is fixing his hair. I tell him,"You should do that mohawk thing." he looks at me and shrugs.
      I finally find Ben and I go over to him. I find that I am almost as tall as him. He has bangs that sweep down the right side of his face. I rub the top of his head to mess up his hair and he asks me why. I shrug and walk away. I find John and Korey's kids, Alex and Xavier. We play a little bit in a tiny playhouse like thing. They look older then they really are.
      I look around for Ben and Jen and I find them sitting on the couch. I think to myself It'd be cute if they'd kiss. or something similar. Ben and Jen are talking, too low for me to hear. Jen leans on Ben's shoulder and sighs. Ben puts an arm around her and sighs also. He is wearing a vest, tie, normal jeans, and some sort of shoes. His hair is still kinda boring looking. Jen looks up and they lean with their lips VERY close to each other: like this [---------------] far apart. Jen gets this *woah* look in her eyes and they kiss each other, a little passionate.
      (time skip)
      I am talking to Jen. Korey walks up and smiles at her. Ben is staring out the window like he can't believe what happened, and John is drinking Dr. Pepper like always. By the way, John took my advice and did the little mohawk thing.


      DREAM2: I arrive at home to find the carpet and walls covered in orange paint. I know that I can't touch the paint so I leap really far and barely miss the paint. I go to my room and find my grandma sitting at my computer desk. I find that I feel really tired and can hardly move or focus on anything. My grandmother hands me a headset and I think it is cool.
      I watch my mom try to hook te headset up to the internet so I can video chat and voice chat with people online. She looks confused and I now find that I cannot open my left eye. I don't freak out. I feel tired again and it feels like everything is "carnival mirror" like. I look around in confusion and shrug.
      (more fuzzy)
      I am in the dining room and my mom has a bunch of stuff on the table. It is just a bunch of old toys that my grandma used to use. I grumble and walk away in boredom. My sister and brother are in their room and I say hi then walk away. I feel sooo tired and everything is fuzzy and unclear. I still cannot open my left eye. I am irritated.


      Yup, my major dream sign is hanging out with Skillet
      I think another one is feeling tired and/or not being able to open my left eye
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