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    1. Halloooo!

      by , 06-14-2016 at 03:46 PM
      Wellp, I'm back. Again. Yeah, I feel really bad that I've been gone for so long! I've finally decided to try to get back into LDing. It's funny, because, the other night, I was looking at HowToLucid because I just randomly wanted to get back into the subject. The next day, one of my really good friends asked me if I'd hears of Lucid dreaming and then we talked about it for the rest of the day ^^

      Aaaaannnyways, I actually recorded my dream!
      Here it is!

      My dad and I went to a school. For some reason we felt like attacking random people, and I ended up doing it. With a.... marker...? Yeah, I thought that was strange, too. But, anyways, I 'attacked' about a dozen people with an Expo Dry Erase marker. I remember attacking an older girl who I recognize from WL, and have always wanted to befriend. I felt really sorry. I also remember that, in that dream, I explored town and traveled on a public bus. Later, the dream shifted into an almost post-apocalyptic setting. I remember having to hide from my math teacher so I could steal resources/weapons from her. I collected quite a few weapons, and I stored them in a Resident Evil 4 style inventory, where I 'tetrised' things around (although I only remember storing a random sniper rifle). Then I think I woke up and attempted a WILD, but drifted into a nonlucid dream. In this dream, I remember running a shop. Well, it wasn't much of a shop, but I was in one of those barber shop-type buildings. A whole bunch of kids from my school (more specifically, boys) came in and out of the building but literally all they did was sit down. I remember recognizing a guy I share all my classes with IWL. The only thing I really did was wipe off the doorknob, but for some reason it had the same feeling as my previous dreams.
    2. UFOs; Snow; Gypsies

      , 02-05-2016 at 07:52 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last nigt work 5pm-11pm.

      Bed 2am - 9:55am


      I'm walking outside in the ankle deep snow. It's at night and strong wind is blowing falling snow in all dirrections. I'm holding something small in my arms. Maybe it's a creature or a small child that is not really a child by age. I want to provide comfort so I hide him under my long coat. It's happy.

      I look back and I can't see anything. The lights of a large farm house have disappeared in the distance. It's a blizzard and we are joking about getting lost. Joking-because I know the way. I look under my feet and there is a barely visible but very clear path back to the house.

      I turn again away from the house and come to picket fence. I see some lights in the distance, growing biger. I hear 2 people from neighbors farm yelling at me something, warning me about approaching lights. I can recognize it as a fast approaching car. I know they have no chance of seeing me so I walk towards it and step left so I'm behind the fence. I let the car pass by me.

      (The snowfall was beautiful and providing comfort was comforting to me as well)


      I'm in my mom's kitchen. Somebody is talking loud just under the first story window in foreign language. I aonly recognize the word "Romania". 3 males are walking away and as they look back, I see they are typical Gypsies.

      I look outside to see what the noise is and there is a bunch of them standing outside the fence to our uncle's and our garden. Some of them are climbing on it and trying to break in.

      Here the story splits into 2 scenarios.

      1 - I walk outside and confront them. Their leader is threatening me and says I better keep the doors locked because he is coming back after my family.

      2 - Now that I know that ^^, at first sign of commotion outside, I grab my big handgun, walk outside and shoot the leader in the head. He drops dead and I ask "anybody else?"

      I know I should keep shooting and I either do or just imagine that scenario, as the cleanest and safest way to protect me and my family.

      There was a also a small handbag left by the leader on my table. It's moving just a tiny bit and I wonder what "mafia" message he left me in it. As I'm taking it outside, I'm thinking somebody's finger. But I see through the zipper, it's a nonvenomous snake.

      Next thing I know I see my dad outside and I'm asking him if he seen the snake. He says which one, and that he was rather big and he is joking, because he has him around his neck like a pet.

      My mom walks up and she pets the snake which is weird because she doesn't like them.

      They are coming closer, I pull out my gun and I tell them to stay back, because I'm gonna drop somebody. I'm thinking if the snake dies fast if I shoot him in the spine.


      I'm sitting by large windows in a rather large room. I look up at the skies (was practicing for TOTM in WL) and I see some flat clouds. They look like UFO clouds and I'm jokingly saying to someone about UFOs in the skies.

      I look to the left and there are some huge alien spaceships. They are all different, colors are muted by distance and slight fog. But they are very pretty grey and blue gray.

      There was some kind of aerial fight and some very tall structure looking like a street ligt, but reaching all the way to the clouds took a hit and started toppling over. The wery tip of it hit the window near me and fell on the pillow I had my head on just seconds later. My phone got damaged and it's screen got cracked. It still worked but all images were shrunk to the middle of the screen.

      A utility truck comes by fast. It's all burned up and metal is all twisted. I't going fast, dodging the holes on the street caused my explosions and falling debree.

      Now I'm standing on the corner of the street and another utility wehicle comes by fast and it's leaving brand new asphalt pavement. We are amazed how fast the city fixes itself after distruction.

      Updated 02-05-2016 at 07:58 PM by 50242

    3. Enemy?

      , 01-30-2016 at 12:57 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed at 11:30pm - 3:30am. Had a day off but working my second job.

      I am with another person in a long room on the second story. I'm looking down at a structure to my left.

      It's a structure with 3 buildings that is built into the side of a mountain. Mountain on the top is flat and it's an airport and these 3 buildings are hotels. They are build very crudely, just bare huge building blocks. They each have a name on the top.

      I am thinking if the airport is secure from attacs and if it is, if these hotels are vulnerable. If someone would attack the airport, they would probably start at these hotels.

      Across the place where I am at, I'm looking at a column of people coming from left. They are all man, dressed in drab, with some kind of a military type of a rain poncho on them. They all have weapons and a mask on their face. I'm looking at this huge muscular black dude and his facemask is makeshift piece of military green cardboard covering his mouth and nose, leaving his eyes free.

      They are walking slowly and nonthreteningly, but they seem manacing to me. They just don't want to panick us.

      Two of them come up to the room. Me and my friends are laying down away from the window, our automatic weapons next to us. I'm thinking we made a mistake and shoud have hid them. They are not saying anything, but I know we are in danger. I mouth to my friend to look at the banner they put up. It has swastika on it and some writing. Now I know for sure they are not on our side.

      We find a box with some old weapon and my friend wants to toss it. I look at it and the sniper rifle in it is kinda of warped for being old, but I say we keep it. Caliber is etched in the weapon. It reads .38.
      Tags: fighter, weapons
    4. Understation, devils.

      by , 12-14-2015 at 08:16 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was with my parents, waiting for a train at a bus station. We asked from which track the train would move, and they said that it would go from "Understation" - a slums complex connected with local train station, built over 50 years ago. I told my parents to wait for the train, and then I went to dormitories to take packages left for me by my associate - this place was a coal mine in the past, and except many beds and hammocks added, it remained mostly the same. There were two packages - beige medicine bags with labels "Head" and "Hat". I took them and tried to give no suspicion, and avoided guard officers wandering the station. I met with my father and gave him the bags, then the train arrived.

      We entered the closest wagon, while my mother entered the right one, on the front of the train. There were guard officers inside, looking for bags we had. My father opened window and climbed up the train roof. I went on as if nothing happened, and looked for my mother. I found her soon - we had places assigned to stairs, and had to sit on stair steps all the way. She told me to go and look for father, as he haven't appeared yet.

      I went to another wagon... and found myself in Hawaii, in the middle of a crowd. I tried to find my father, and when I thought that I met him, I said "Let's go." It wasn't him, but one of the guard officers. Looking back, I saw that somehow I can still enter the train, as if I was in different dimension, and wagon entrance was gate back. The officer chased me, but I escaped. When I got closer to the wagon, it just disappeared. I went downstairs to a beach, where I met a chinese martial arts master. He trained me for a while, but I had more important things to do. Instead of saying that I must go, I splashed him with sea water. He did the same, and after a while of splashing, he took an enormous mussel out of the water, and thrown at me.

      I dodged, and found a boat. In the same moment I hear screams. There were devils running on the beach. They were small but muscular and whole red with mischevious smile. They spawned a huge beast, and teleported back to hell. I shouted "Onward!" and crashed my boat with the beast. It died. I knew there was a building where I can find persons responsible for that.

      There was a two storey wooden house nearby. It's backyard was cluttered with dismembered limbs and bodies, there were also weapons and strange carnivorous monsters. I took weapons and entered the house. There were cultists inside. I tried to shoot them down, but they were immune to my bullets.
    5. Dark, the emperor, and the queen

      by , 12-13-2015 at 09:33 PM
      I gave an old woman a recipe which includes a poisonous flower. She later turns up dead by the effects of that poison - but I suspect her son took advantage of that situation to kill her himself, knowing that it would be dismissed as an error in dosage. There's an inheritance involved.

      Disembodied, I'm 'standing' at the edge of the ring of a gladiatorial circus, observing a man who's now lying on the ground looking half-dead, but he's nonetheless victorious and a crowd-pleaser. I'm bored. These games have been going on for days now and it's gotten repetitive, I'm impatient for him to move on.

      I shift my perspective, finding the emperor in a large private room attached to the circus. A man in armor is talking to him about the man who's won the games, and the emperor is incredulous - why should the emperor fear or make concessions? That man fears him, the emperor - the proof of that is in the way he travels from place to place and uses the name he does. (His name is a word literally meaning "dark," but associated with low, dirty things.) The man in armor raises the issue of Dark's rumored connection to the queen.

      The queen's present in the room, tall and dark and with green-tinted hair, hair mostly covered by a black veil. She's legendary for her beauty and suggested to be not entirely human; there's a rumor that Dark is one of her kind, and looking for her. It's close to the truth, but not quite it - in actuality, he's a survivor of the court of her previous husband. She's unaware of this. She only survived that massacre because the emperor refused to give her up, treated her as a prize.

      She joins in the conversation, teases the emperor, saying that if she ever sees this Dark, she might recognize one of her own kin and turn on the emperor. Her voice is nasally. She then speculates more seriously about what would happen if she ever really did meet one of her sisters - "Lure her to her death."

      The emperor is irritated with this line of conversation, and tells the two of them that this is enough talk, focus on the tribute instead.

      Later. Dark is standing in front of an open shrine, holding an antique sword in poor physical condition but with great symbolic meaning. He's telling the spirits that if he enters the dream with this weapon, with all that meaning attached, it will become something miraculous. He's lying. But in actuality, it will lead him to a cross buried in the ground - I see the cross glowing dull red - and then to a bow which will infect him with hatred for a time.

      I have a body now. I'm standing in a temple somewhere bright, talking to a woman who's explaining to me that she won't leave this building. She took a demon into herself, made herself its prison. She describes how she'd been fighting someone, and when it was over, a part of herself that should have been restoring was draining instead, and she hasn't been able to stop it - she can feel herself flaking away, and if this continues, there'll be nothing left of her in a mere few thousands of years.
    6. Movie set; Ophelia; Dude from work

      , 09-20-2015 at 07:51 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      This was last night:

      1. I'm on a set of a TV show. It seems like I won it as a prize. The show is not being taped anymore, but actors got together to give me that experience.

      Lots of thing are happening. One thing is - we are all sitting on something like a log ride and we are going down the stairs. The actors are singing the theme song "I'll be there for you" and when we reach certain point, D Messing shows up as a surprise.

      2. I'm listening to radio and singing to the songs, but when country song comes on, Ophelia changes it, saying nope.

      I'm showing some guy how to kiss by kissing him. I keep opening my mouth and Ophelia laughs saying that's not how you do it. Then I say ok, you could also add tongue and again I show it to the guy eactly how.

      3. I'm running away from doing my duties at work. I hide in an abandoned building, sit down, read a book and pet 2 cats. I look out through hole in the wall and the guy from work is peeking his head out, spying on me.

      This today:

      1. I'm suppose to be working somewhere outside. I'll ask someone where did the others went and he tells me. I start walking there but I forgot my shoes and other things. So this guys gives me a ride in his beatup old red sportscar. It stars to snow and at the crossroad, we crash by going straight, not turning.

      I turn around and see a huge explosion. I tell everybody to look. Now there are airplains in the air, helicopters. I see that it was a missile that detonated. I see bombs being dropped at that town in distance. Another missile starts to fall down, but then it's engins engage and it flies over us to the distance. Troop helicopters are dropping troops.

      We go to higher ground and see that enemy troops took up positions everywhere. We try to hide and get away, but they are stationed everywhere now, with field tents, trucks, armor...
    7. Iliona

      by , 08-19-2015 at 05:16 PM
      I'm in an in-between place - shallow pools of water, tall dark cliffs with broken statues and bronze mirrors, and a single whole statue: a hooded figure in a position that reminds me of Mary in the Pieta. One of the bronze mirrors I think of as still working after all - it shows an image of a woman from the turn of the century, and her image moves and looks at me. There's an association with 'a mother' here, though I'm not thinking of her as my mother. I can use her functioning mirror to escape. But first, there's a small vial here of brilliantly white light that I associate with 'love' in some way, which is needed for later, for something after I've escaped; it's the reason I came here.

      There's a house at the top of a cliff overlooking the sea, very pleasant, and with a forge attached. A friend of mine is working in the forge right now, helping out the man who lives here, a man who is brilliant at designing certain things but who can't work in the forge himself. Because of him, there's a sword of sorts that's been reforged - there's an association here with a legend about light, and the sword itself is yellow and semi-transparent - and I'm about to take it to a woman named Iliona. But I'm concerned about my friend working in the forge. The designer has just told me that the spirits have already released my friend from his vows to the hold - there's no need for him to help the designer with the forge anymore. But my friend says to me, "I took his brother from him. I can do this much."

      Iliona lives in a small town, and as I'm walking down the hill into town, I'm openly carrying her sword in my hand. I'm met by a man who knows me well and his wife, Iliona's daughter, and they block my path, not trusting that I really am who I appear to be. I break the weapon that he's raised to me, and speak to him so that he sees I'm still myself. They let me through; they don't like it, but they defer to Iliona.
    8. Out of armor, out of weapons

      by , 06-06-2015 at 05:49 PM
      A man flies into a church in a hurry, and runs across an old friend he hasn't seen for a long time. He's excited to see his friend's still alive, but concerned to see he's not wearing his armor - he's in jeans and a t-shirt, and there's a sense that this means he's rejected a role, walked away from something. And there's a small scar by the corner of his mouth, that's new.

      Unfortunately, there's no time to talk, he's running from something - he asks his friend for help, and his friend agrees, opening a portal for him. As he's about to pass through it, however, a group of people fly into the room, wearing armor like the kind his old friend used to have, shouting for him to stop - they're acting like both the portal and his old friend are a threat. From my 3rd person perspective's location, I can't see where that portal would lead.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      I'm fighting someone, but I've stolen his weapons and made them my own - his cloud of mist, his glowing light. I feel a snap. I'm surprised to find he dies as easily as anyone else without his toys. Three of us who'd been fighting him together drive off, leaving someone behind to clean up.

      I apologize to the man driving the car, someone I've been with for years now. That whole situation had been my fault - I'm saying I couldn't just follow instructions when I should have, and "Let it get too loud." He says, "And then it didn't anymore."
    9. Shapeshifters

      by , 02-21-2015 at 11:52 PM
      My brother is lying in fetal position on the ground, out in the woods, blood on his hands up to his elbows, just now returned to human form and very out of it. There's a girl with him. In the previous scene they'd been on a date in a restaurant, and she'd already known he wasn't human, and that he was violent - she'd gotten some kind of thrill out of it. But now that she's actually seeing the reality of it for herself, she's yelling at him, and being horrified by the blood on her own hands where she'd touched him. I'm watching from a distance, and I'd intended to give them privacy, but now that I've seen her reaction I'm disgusted by her - and disgusted by his behavior too, but that's not unusual. I allow her to see me and I go to get my brother on his feet.

      Another time. I'm standing next to that same girl, making sure she doesn't do anything to interfere. We're watching a friend of hers go through a sort of rite of passage. She's standing in the woods, holding a sickle. Some variety of large wild cat walks out of the woods. The girl is supposed to kill that cat, but she doesn't move - she can't do it. The cat kills her instead. The cat then returns to her human form; her animal form was supposed to be passed down through her death.

      Another time. A mistake's been made and we're going to need to allow one of our people to go to prison. An older man is offering to take the fall for her - he's been in prison before and he thinks it would be better this way. The youngest of us says there has to be some way to avoid this - none of us can leave this territory anyway, so a prison seems pointless to her.
    10. A black door

      by , 11-04-2014 at 08:18 PM
      I'm listening to a man die while I remain in hiding. I'm thinking that maybe I should have moved sooner and saved him, even though I'd have risked being seen - but I don't have any particular emotion about this, except maybe a little irritation at myself. I've been sent into this old stone ruin of a fortress, and I'd intended for only five particular men to be spared. Now I'm down to four. It's not ideal, but I'll have to live with it.

      I couldn't hear her very clearly from my hiding place under their bed, but the woman who stabbed him said something to the effect that he should have recognized her. Some personal revenge thing - none of my business. Now I'm seeing the sort of smoke haze of colors passing before my eyes that I associate with life leaving a body. I watch it dissipate in the air, and I'm irritated at the waste. Waiting around is pointless now - and the woman should be directly above me. I stab up through the mattress.

      When she dies, my perspective shifts. I'm floating in the void, with this massive black slab of a door in front of me, as wide as it is tall, some kind of geometric symbol across it. It's standing on this sort of grid far below, like a chess board where all the squares are black, with the door as a line across the center of the board. There's a few gravestones occupying some of the squares of the grid - that's new. I realize immediately they represent the previous targets the door sent me after - one of them must represent that woman whose death brought me back here. The door's saying something in my head about bringing it wisdom for the dead.
    11. Another Night With Multiple LD's! (LD's #14 and 15)

      by , 10-29-2014 at 04:16 AM (Sharpshoey's Lucid Journey)
      I have fallen behind with my DJ entries, and I'm about 4 days of dream's worth behind. I will just be posting these LD's instead of all the dreams that I'm behind on. These were both from the morning of 10-26-14

      Dream 1
      I woke up in bed and looked to my left. My room seemed exactly like it was IWL. I notice a bee hovering by my dresser, and I think that's odd but I quickly get up and walk outside. I look in my parent's room but they are not there. I go back into my room and a letter is on my bed. I pick it up and it says something about how a disease has spread through the world and my parent's quickly left to survive. They left a bunch of insurance papers with me and they scheduled a meeting time to meet with me. I realized that the bees had been spreading the disease, and the bee in my room made since. (The dream before this was about a virus spread by bugs too and I think this was an FA from that dream) I started panicking because I had no clue how to use the insurance papers, or even what I was supposed to do with them. I also wondered why my parent's would just abandon me. I then suddenly became lucid. I count my fingers to make sure and I have more than 5 fingers. I go outside and again try my goal of flying. I try it a few times, being unsuccesful. Then I remember to do the gravity RC, so I walked over to an area that is right next to this giant tree in my front yard. I notice my weight and I think I was a little heavier than IWL. I then wonder if any DC is going to come and attack me, since that has happened quite a few times, but none come. I continue to try and fly, closing my eyes and imagine myself floating, but nothing works. I even stick my hands out like superman and jump but I get about an inch into the air and fall back down. I then go into another FA. (Next FA is in dream 2...It was an FA but in separate dreams, if that makes since.)

      Dream 2
      I am in my kitchen and realize I'm dreaming. I crawl through a tiny hole in the wall and I'm outside. I see a bunch of weapons in the yard, except it looks nothing like my yard to the right, but on my left it looks fine. I go to pick up a bow but it says I need to achieve a certain level or task before I can take it, or else something bad will attack me. I don't take that but I spot a giant sword sitting vertically on a rack type thing. I go over and lift it out and then I notice words that say close to the same thing about the sword. I quickly put it back. I then didn't know what else to do so I started imagining a hot girl appearing. (I'm pretty sure that lost me lucidity, but I'm not certain) I am watching a scene where a girl is undressing or something I think it is really hot. More happens but I can't really remember it. The dream ends shortly after this.
    12. Florida beaches

      , 10-22-2014 at 01:08 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed around 8:30pm - 1 am

      Night shift 3am - 8:30am

      nap 9:45am - 4:15pm

      Last night lots of dreams, mostly work related.

      Nap DR:

      I'm riding a bus. We are approaching Florida. Coming down a very long hill. To the left, nice vista opens. There is a valley with some jagged mountains running through the middle of the valley, parallel to the road. They are getting smaller as we travel. They are just dry rocks, like california or nevada desert.

      As we go on, I start to see some lakes. Some water is tropical blue, and I'm thinking it's actually ocean already, not a lake. Like a bay, or something. Then I see a shorline behind the mountain range.

      I scramble for my camera, and I think I have the exact same one as IWL. The waters are so blue and drop dead gorgeous. I'm getting all emotional, so happy to see it. (I was looking at pictures of cancun and Isla Mujeres yesterday IWL.)

      We get out of the bus and bus drives away. Looks like we have some time to explore, even if this is not our destination. So we start walking. Now it's dark, no street lights, just a dirt road to the beach. There are some houses, it looks like an abandoned village. I remember I wanted some icecream. We walk into the shop. They are closing. The icecram is already out of the bins and it looks bad. As when you have old icecream in the freezer. It's covered with plastic. Every kind has strawberries in it, they are just cut up differently. I say I'll pass, but a friend of mine tells me I could just get a chocolate one. At first I don't wannu, but then the desire for icecream comes back and I get one.

      We continue to walk towards the shore in pitch dark. I hear some guys ahead, and also on the sides of the road. I shine a huge flashlight at them and the 4 guys standing on top of a rusty car with AK47s suddenly act all shy, as if caught doing something. I tell them to relax, they don't have to be scared of me, lol.
    13. Nicotine Dreams (DILD + FA)

      by , 09-14-2014 at 08:34 PM
      Ritual: I got fed up with the dry spell I've been having for the past couple weeks and took drastic measures. Back in 2010 I experimented a couple times with nicotine (in patch form) as a lucidity trigger, but quickly gave it up because I found it impossible to fall asleep with even a very low dose (half a 7mg patch, so 3.5mg). These days my problem—and the main thing hampering my lucid attempts—is that I've been falling asleep way too easily, so I thought there would be a good chance I'd be able to fall sleep wearing the patch and see if it had any effects on dreaming after all.

      Went to bed at midnight, woke naturally at 3:30am and stayed awake until 5am, mostly reading, but finishing the WBTB with a brief seated meditation. I googled to make sure using nicotine patches well past their expiration date was advisable, but was reassured by what I found. So I took 200mg L-Theanine to make it easier to fall asleep, and applied a 7mg patch with half its surface covered, so 3.5mg total (though the dose might have weakened with age). I also worked on my mental motivation, not just intending but vowing to get lucid tonight.

      When I returned to bed I felt my heart beating faster than normal, though I wasn't sure if it was the nicotine (if so the patches must be exceptionally fast acting, because this was only minutes later) or just a consequence of the excitement and anxiety of trying something new. The feeling reminded me trying to fall asleep on galantamine, which also has a very powerful stimulant effect. However, I started counting and was reassured (and somewhat surprised) when I began to lose my place already by the time I hit "ten." I reset and kept counting, rarely making it as far as "ten," and often not past "one," until I felt my mind had reached a place where I could easily fall asleep, then turned on my side to do so.

      I fell asleep very quickly, although my intention to remain aware of the transition went nowhere—I just zonked out. I woke up almost two hours later with the memory of a DILD and least one FA. The dreams were definitely atypical in tone: the plot was epic and confrontational, which I attribute to the nicotine. The dream awareness was spontaneous rather than triggered, but the lucidity was at very low level. Worse, my dream recall was unusually vague and fragmentary.

      DILD: The dream had a complex narrative that I can't satisfactorily recall. The most notable aspect was that my husband was in it and my dream logic concluded that it was a shared dream and that he was actually there and trying to learn the ropes of lucidity from me. We were trying to summon spirit allies, and he wanted a gryphon. The first version looked cartoonish, reminiscent of the monsters from Where the Wild Things Are, but it wasn't a proper gryphon. Neither were the next two, though they were massive, monstrous creatures that reminded me of the kinds of avatars you would summon in the later Final Fantasy games. When I summoned my own spirit ally, I was surprised to find that it was just a somewhat transparent virtual version of me.

      (Source: I think this was day residue, as last night in ME3 my Shepard came across the holograph AI of herself on the Citadel. The notion of iconographically incorrect gryphons might have been inspired by the poor versions I saw in the astonishingly bad—so bad it was almost good, I couldn't stop laughing—film version of Hercules I caught the last fifteen minutes of on cable yesterday evening.)

      I wish I remembered the plot of the dream more clearly. There was a group of entities that we were in conflict with, and they were insisting that I was breaking the rules of dream in some way. I disagreed, as I felt justified to do as I liked in my own dream, so I countered by exerting a massive field of control over the environment that made the ground shudder and shattered buildings. It wasn't quite an earthquake, more a gravity-reversing vibration: I have a mental image of dust and dirt rising and hovering in the air accompanied by an almost subsonic drone. It felt good to do this, powerful, though something of a guilty pleasure.

      (Source: I was sure there was a waking life source for this image of dust rising from the earth in the wrong direction but couldn't remember; now it occurs to me that it might have been from the movie Transcendence, which I saw last month.)

      At one point I had the presence of mind to wonder, or maybe someone asked me: was I actually hurting anyone by doing this? But I pointed out that you can't hurt DCs merely by disrupting their physical bodies, because the dream state does not have that kind of continuity. I demonstrated this by plucking my own spirit ally from deep in the rubble where she had been buried and reviving her.

      I might actually have remembered somewhere in all of this to try the Patronus TOTM, which had been my intention before falling asleep, but if so I don't recall the outcome, unless that was somehow connected with the idea of spirit allies. Too vague to be sure, unfortunately.

      FA: I woke up next to my husband and wondered if it had really been a shared dream, so I watched his reaction carefully. He gave me a look which led me to conclude that it had been. But before long it began to dawn on me that this might be a false awakening, and soon I was sure of it. I decided to review the events of the previous dream in my mind before I forgot, but as I was doing so, I became aware that my mind was interpolating new ideas, and whole new scenes were even taking place, spinning off from my memories of the previous plotline—this is the risk of reviewing dream memories while you're still dreaming!

      For instance, when I thought about our spirit allies, a girl showed up at the foot of the bed who I took to be a transformation of the gryphon in the previous dream, only now she looked human and very familiar. I tried to place her face and decided she resembled the character "Marnie" from Girls. Not sure where that came from, as I haven't watched an episode of that since the last season ended.

      Then when I was trying to remember the main plot, it became confused with a new plotline in which I was worried that war was imminent and that if it took place, the spirits of mythological creatures would fuse with nuclear bombs to create a weapon that was as devastating to dream as to the waking world.

      I was out trying to investigate and prevent this outcome, and found myself in the house of people who had melee weapons shaped like real or imaginary animals. One was a rod with a sculpted head shaped like the head of an animal that mingled the qualities of a lizard and a single-horned rhinocerous. Another was a club shaped like a narrow stylized boar, and while my husband was handling it, I noticed that it could also be fired like a crossbow. Again, very random imagery.

      Conclusion: I would call this a partial success at best, as the low-level awareness and limited recall made the overall experience less than satisfactory, and I didn't actually succeed in doing the TOTM that was my original goal. Still, breaking my dry spell by any means is reassuring. It definitely felt like nicotine had an effect on dream content, and I attribute the unusually "epic and confrontational" quality to its influence. However, after waking up I felt almost as uncomfortable and unrested as I do after using galantamine, so while I might experiment a little more along these lines, I will not be making this a frequent induction method—which is probably for the best, nicotine bad and all that.

      Updated 09-14-2014 at 08:37 PM by 34973

      false awakening , side notes , lucid
    14. Zombies and Phone Weapons

      by , 07-29-2014 at 05:54 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      We were in a place that looks like a school field, with buildings around. It could very well be Legazpi Active Park. We were fighting zombies, or something like them.

      We were using weapons that require a touch phone to activate. I verbally gave the visual positions of enemies to allies, i.e. one at 8 o'clock and one at 10 o'clock. They were moving around. The others used their weapons but mine is taking time to activate. One enemy sneered at me (imagine a zombie sneering). I tried one last time but nothing.

      I found out (later?) that we can actually "change" our weapon. Mine was a scythe of some sort. I decided to change it (via the touch phone) to something else. I found, as we were escaping, that a passive shield would be more useful. Somehow though, I had someone else use it and just include me in the shield. It was a young girl. We all ran to escape.

      Talking to allies about the "abominations". Turned out they can think (residue of watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2?). One ally strongly defended one (looks like the Bernardo Carpio giant in Skyworld) when another questioned its motives. Something about the color (blue and white?) of its exterior showing its true nature (heroic?). It seems that these creatures were once humans.

      I saw a scene where some women asked human-like creatures (male to androgynous) for something like a drug that transforms them into powerful creatures. There were three women (I think). Two of them enjoyed the drug. The last one, long wavy hair, was grateful and kept the leaves (huge laurel leaves) in a sealed plastic and put it in her pocket, saying something like she's saving two for her two children. Something about surviving or escaping. The creatures/aliens didn't seem to care what they were used for.


      Slept 7 a.m. to 12 nn
      Meditated (didn't finish) before sleeping
      Was watching A Beautiful Mind, Gravity and Cloudy 2 earlier
    15. Diamondback, Al, false walls

      by , 06-10-2014 at 06:43 PM
      Near Dark-based, I'm enjoying watching Diamondback as this motel desk clerk tries to fight her off. She's just come around behind the counter, and she takes out her knife and stabs the desk clerk straight through the back of the hand, pinning his hand to the desk.

      FMA-based, Ed's automail arm's bothering him while he's staying in a sort of underground village, and he's talking to Al. I'm briefly wondering why Al has a human body at this point in time, but then I remember that he retrieved his body very early in their journey, and then spent the rest of the time trying to retrieve something along the lines of his mind or memories or soul.

      I've just entered into some wealthy household, and the lady of the house is greeting me. She uses formal greetings that trick me into responding in a way that formally declares us to be on friendly terms. By doing this, she's effectively prevented me from being able to bring up past grievances. This is very irritating. I'm thinking about how this way of manipulating words is something that she taught her husband, and it's the main thing that allowed him to make his fortune - that and the skill of building false walls that she also taught him, both things that she learned in her time working for a kind of illusionist or something similar, before she married. As I'm thinking about this I'm seeing an image of a false wall in their house which they use to spy on visitors, and then a scene of her visiting the court of a nobleman. She's raising a glass and saying "To the ruler of the land, Sho Haoon!" Calling him the ruler of the land is sort of overstating things - it's a position that's in question. She's been flattering him a great deal in order to get what she wants.
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