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    1. February 19, 2023 5:?? am

      by , 02-19-2024 at 05:22 PM
      My last work day was today and I had a taxi cab to work booked at 11 am to return my hardware.

      I had several dreams about either missing my taxi cab, showing up to work and getting my hardware wrong, Or having my whole work day done already just to wake up several times.

      Finally, I woke up somewhere at 5 am in the morning as my body's response was to wake me up just to be sure I wouldn't be late.

      It was a relaxing workday, by the way! Glad that it is now over!
    2. February 5, 2024 8:?? am

      by , 02-06-2024 at 12:52 AM
      I had a dream that my workplace decided to make e-learning videos and approached me for it through their chat.

      Boring ahhh work dreams, it'll soon be over.
    3. Night of Wednesday 1/24/24

      by , 01-25-2024 at 04:59 PM (Dreamlog)
      Wanting Flight:
      I'm in a house structured like the standard Alliance floor-plan from World of Warcraft.
      If you know the game, think the two-floor homes in Moonbrook, except well-maintained.
      It is day-time. There is a super-hero dead facedown in the yard. He has feathers and I surmise that he had bird-powers.
      I'm taking the body upstairs, and I'm trying not to be seen.
      At some point while traveling up the stairs, the body transforms, leaving only the outfit.
      I may have been trying to steal the hero's powers.

      I'm at my childhood home. My Dad is on the phone with the water company, working out bills.
      He might have been trying to negotiate a better rate.
      I'm upstairs with my niece, B, and she is smaller than she is in waking life.
      We're in my brother and I's room, rifling through a set of drawers near the front of the room.
      I'm worried that B will find age-inappropriate stuff in the drawer, and she does.
      I quickly hide the stuff, and try to draw her attention elsewhere.
      I'm up by the upstairs bathroom with my Uncle J. He is holding what looks like a document from waking life work.
      He's trying to talk down to me, as if he knows it better than I do (he does not).
      I try to let him down easy, not keen on allowing him to act this way, but also not wanting to hurt him.
      My Grandma and my Mom are in the living room.
      I'm on my way out of the house.
      I've left, but forgotten something.
      I go back and they give me a drinkable yogurt.
    4. January 16, 2024 7:26 am

      by , 01-16-2024 at 07:46 AM
      The Break Room Sessions

      A group of workers meet up at the break room og their office to do spoken word sessions, all behind the company's back. Each employee has a poem representing a different emotion.
      This one employee is the master at it and is the one organising the break room sessions.

      A podcast becomes available with each poem. This one black guy warns the poem master that he's getting on dangerous levels as the company does not approve of the break room sessions and if they ever find out, he's in big trouble to which the master makes fun of his drumsticks that he always beings for lunch, the guy defending his drumsticks saying that they're a very nutritious meal.

      One day they all visit the break room with the master nowhere to be seen, a woman, unsure if an ally or not, calls for the employees through the intercom. In her office, she explains to the colleagues that the company found out and took some measures. Unsure whether the master got fired or transferred to a different floor, the guy takes his drum sticks out of his lunch box and enters the elevator saying that this is all his fault. The colleagues follow him trying to cheer him up as he looks at them while the elevator door closes.

      My alarm then went off.
    5. Winter Competion 2024 - Nights 1 - 4 (06-09.01.2024)

      by , 01-10-2024 at 07:32 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      Night 1:

      Dream fragment: …/I’m standing on my way home from work at a park. I see wagons from my work coming right where I am. I arrange some stuff on them and let them turn to my left and let them move along the street/…

      Night 2&3:

      No recall

      Night 4:

      Dream fragment: …/I’m traveling in a bus that has white tables on some seats disposed in zig-zag. Some people are complaining because of the asymmetrical distribution of the seats with tables. I see nothing wrong with that disposition, it must be that way/…
      Tags: bus, wagons, work
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Afternoon of Saturday 11/11/23

      by , 11-21-2023 at 06:58 PM (Dreamlog)
      Missed Signals:

      I'm outside my house on the sidewalk.
      There is a man that claims he has proof that I shot someone.
      The scene transitions, and I'm now in a restaurant that resembles Bennigan's.
      I'm conflicted about whether I actually hurt someone or not, I may have been drunk or high.
      There is a work-meeting happening at a table nearby. They are together for a 5-year anniversary. My boss is there.
      My dad is defending me against the murder accusations.
      I wonder (while dreaming) what problem my brain is working through, or what inspired this dream.
      But I don't become lucid.


      I'm at a game night in a large home. We might have been playing hide and seek.
      HM from the tots may have been on my team.


      I'm on a grassy hill with someone and it's a bit chilly outside.
      We're inspecting the hill for evidence of a person living in it.
      We find an air-pipe and water-line device nearby.


      There is a battle with a queen-like figure.
      It took place in a 2D-platformer game style.
    7. Wednesday, October 11

      by , 11-19-2023 at 12:16 AM
      At work, the warehouse has been cleared and everything replaced with orderly rows of empty carts (the large white ones). I walk through, happy with the change. Jake and Micheal? are at the CP counter. I start to sort some books, but it doesn’t last long. Now I am in the break room. Ben is about to leave and keeps offering me his weed pen (it is protruding from the center of the backside of a backpack). I say no once or twice, until he holds it right under my face, and then I take a single hit. At first I exhale nothing and think he’s going to think I didn’t really hit it, but then some smoke comes out. I think it’ll be enough to get me high, and I don’t really want to be. I think about me having to drive home, but then I see it’s only 1:51. Matt and Sara now walk in. Matt heads to the back (book fair) and Sara starts talking politics to one of my coworkers. I’ve been listening to the Tedeschi Trucks Band, but I think it’s paused right now.
      Tags: music, weed, work
    8. Tuesday, October 10

      by , 11-19-2023 at 12:14 AM
      I am at work. Nicola is here and showing me how to do something. First, we have to take a picture of ourself, looking up through some contraption that looks like a toilet. The camera we use is like the kind my family had when I was a kid. I play around with it and reminisce, since it’s been a while since I’ve seen one of these. She goes first, arranging her skirt? so as not to reveal herself, even though I somewhat pointedly look away. I go next, sitting on the seat, extending my arm down to hold the camera facing up at the bottom of the tube, and snap the picture. Looking at it on the screen, it’s very unflattering. The background is dim and grainy, yet my face is bright and making an uncomfortable looking expression.
    9. Friday, August 18

      by , 11-03-2023 at 10:15 PM
      I am at work (which looks fairly different than it really does). I have one of the largest carts full of books on one side, and it falls over when I go to move it. It falls on the side with the books, so they get trapped and don’t go anywhere, except for just a few. It feels like an honest mistake, but people get mad at me. I make a joke, but Ben rudely and seriously says not to joke about it. I think about how I can pick it up without the books going anywhere.
      Tags: work
    10. October 31, 2023 7:?? am

      by , 10-31-2023 at 07:52 PM
      I had multiple brief snooze dreams about singing into work from home but constantly clocking in too late or my supervisor messaging me why I'm late or not at the office.

      In all dreams, my room was much bigger and had different variations of offices like a company room. In one of my dreams, I had a door in my room that lead to the room in the neighboring apartment building that was much bigger and built around my room.
    11. Night of Friday 10/27/23

      by , 10-28-2023 at 07:45 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 12:30AM.


      Shitty Future Cars:
      It's night and I'm riding in a van. The streets are very narrow, similar to a previous dream with LM I had a few months ago.
      The car hits a bump, and a futuristic AI voice says "that will be $7 to repair, and $70 for your injury."
      I reflect about how shitty the future of cars is going to be.
      I'm now at work, telling my coworkers about this event, and how shitty the future of cars is going to be.
      They agree with me, and we decide that we should just drive old-ass cars forever.
      But then one of them tells me that their Mom just died from a similar bump on the road.
      It was one of those awkward moments, because we were just joking about such things.
      But looking back, it didn't make sense because that same person was just laughing about it.

      Woke for WBTB at 6:30AM.

      150 words for the night.

      I stayed up for about 20 minutes, went for a walk, and watched a meditation video about a fantasy forest. Then I returned to bed.

      No recall.

      Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:07 PM by 99808

    12. Night of Friday 10/6/23 (WBTB Lucid)

      by , 10-07-2023 at 05:34 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 1AM.


      Brief impression of a Punch-Out-like video game.

      Ratio: 6hr/20m
      Supplements: None.
      Sleep Cycle: Semi-stable.
      I got up and walked outside of for a bit, doing plenty of reality checks. I try to make the entire time outside a reality check.
      I also review my dreamsign list, trying to commit the top 5 to memory.


      The Vanishing Plant
      I'm walking around in my living room and I do a nose RC out of habit.
      To my surprise it fails and I become lucid.
      I remember that narration is supposed to help stabilization so I start talking out loud.
      "I'm rubbing my hands, I'm rubbing my feet, I'm walking."
      I think about what I should do next and consider taking a bite out of the kitchen table, but then decide against.
      It wasn't all that exciting last time I did that.
      I recall that my goal was to try and observe my dreamworld, to gain an understanding and hopefully a feel for the 'dreamlike'.
      I leave through the front door and go outside.
      It looks near identical to reality, sunny summer day, except there is a plant nearby that is missing the bottom.
      Like in a video game where a texture is missing.
      I note that daytime/sunny is one of the top dream signs, and wonder if there are more 'missing textures'.
      I also connect this missing texture idea to my top dreamsign which is 'video-games or inspired by a video game'.
      "I'm walking around, I'm observing the dreamworld, I'm rubbing my hands," I say outloud, attempting to stabilize again.
      I decide that I want to go somewhere more interesting, so I close my eyes and attempt to transform the scene into something else.
      I think vaguely about changing the season into fall or winter.
      I open my eyes with hope, but the scene only changes slightly. Objects have changed position, but no theme change.
      I recall flying through the neighborhood some more, but my lucidity fades.
      Later I'm in somebody else's house, lucid and looking around.
      There is a woman I don't recognize, vaguely Hispanic looking.
      "Is there a portal around here?" I ask.
      She replies in the negative.
      Despite this, I open a closet nearby and try to imagine a green swirly portal inside.
      Nope, just closet.

      I'm at a sleepover at work with my coworker JM.
      Apparently we have to sleep there because there is a test we are running.
      We have sleeping bags setup on the production floor.
      I feel as sense of awkwardness because there are people around us working and I wonder if I should be doing the same.

      Recorded on waking at 9:15AM.

      I'm going to start a series of 4 tests for the 6hr/20m/none configuration with this being #1.
      Initial impression is my control and dream length were lesser compared to 6hr/10m/8mgGal (Galantamine). This could be unrelated to the configs, and due to the currently only semi-stable sleep cycle.
      I want to test whether galantamine is needed for more vivid dreams, and also if my 10m WBTB wake time is limiting my lucid dream experience.
      I know that changing multiple variables at once isn't the best science (but I intend to test more configurations later).
      General guidance for WBTB seems to recommend much longer than 10m, so I perceive a likely improvement by making it longer, hence earlier testing of this configuration.

      Updated 10-08-2023 at 10:58 PM by 99808

    13. September 30, 2023 10:10 am

      by , 09-30-2023 at 10:52 PM
      Basically, I had a dream about my day job. I can't disclose much about it due to data protection laws (even if the data in this context is fictional it would kind of give away the private information regarding my job)

      I have a lot of customers over the phone and this week was a bit more intense than usual. I've been working for over six months straight and not yet taken any vacations. I've been staring at my screen for a bit too long and have to do so much longer as much as I'm very much in the "You should quit your job and do something you love" stage. I have always been. Unfortunately from a realistically perspective, I cannot afford to do so. Since 2021 I have been paying off expensive bills and am nowhere near being debt free.

      Thanks for listening to my rant, sick of this "chapter" of my life and my work infiltrating my dreams.
    14. Night of Tuesday 9/26/23

      by , 09-28-2023 at 06:15 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 11:15PM.

      Moving On At Work
      I'm walking outside at work between buildings, heading away from my main one.
      There is an RV setup on a grassy hill where the stairs leading to the visitor meeting center normally is.
      My mentor B is there. Getting to see the RV is a sort of right of passage, according to the plot of the dream.
      Inside the RV there are a bunch of shoes hanging on the walls on all sides.
      There is a man inside the RV that says there is a chemical engineer van as well.
      J from marching band is there, and there is also a puppy nearby in the street.
      The puppy is smart, and J is playing frisbee with it.
      Later I'm walking back toward my building.
      I'm texting with E who used to work there too.
      She's talking about a 4th of July event with the group I recently missed.
      I send her some pictures of my girlfriend and I on a pirate ship, vacation.
      She's talks about how she is about to have her fourth kid.
      I get a sense of relief/closure.
      The path that normally leads to my building leads to a different building nearby.
      I'm late for a meeting and I've forgotten something. I decide not to go back for it.
      E is there now in person and clarifies that she's only having one kid.
      I tell her about W and how now I'm a twice uncle.
      The meeting room is located in a similar place, but it has two floors instead of one.
      I wake up and think about recording the dream and do so.

      Then I wake up for real and write down the dream.
      Recorded at 4:30AM.

      Something about deception, dwarves, and World of Warcraft.
      Recorded on waking at 7AM.

      Updated 09-28-2023 at 06:26 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Camping Time

      by , 09-10-2023 at 06:03 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm looking at an aerial view of a campsite that I'll be going to. It's right off of a back road next to a winding stream. I'm on a computer for work and I'm distracted by the camping that I forget that it's my turn to present some Power Point slides. I start talking and one guy in the room with me starts to spout out calculations related to the topic. I'm not sure if I should continue presenting or not, but everyone else seems to be staring at him too.
      Tags: camping, work
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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