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    1. 12/06/2010 - "Invasion Evasion"

      by , 12-06-2010 at 09:57 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Invasion Evasion"

      (I watched Skyline, for the first time, last night. It was an 'ok' movie, but the visual effects were tight as hell.)
      The earliest thing I remember was being in a camp-like atmosphere, with a few friends, in a trailer. Someone had a dog; like a lab mix or something, and I was playing with her, rubbing her belly. After a short while, the dog began to get really agitated and started glaring at the door. Some creepy shit happened, where a person came to the door and then turned into an alien, and we had to escape the trailer. I believe we pushed the creature into the bonfire and burned it, but this part is all really hazy. Soon after, I was alone, and running through the streets. The major attack had already begun, and there were larger aliens - dozens of stories tall - walking amongst the buildings and roadways. The city was completely destroyed and, no matter where I went or tried to hide, these things would always find me. The creatures that were too big to fit inside the buildings, would send out these long tentacles (like the ones in the movie), and snake them through the buildings to find me. I ended up dying, over and over, in this dream. Every time the tentacles would find me, they would either pull me back into the main body of the alien, or just splatter me all over the place, wherever I had been hiding.

      After respawning a couple of times, I knew I had to get out of the city, so I began to make a bee-line toward the edge of town, sprinting as long and hard as my body would allow me - and I remember being able to run for miles, without losing steam. But these tentacles were relentless. An alien could shoot the tentacles from its "hand", and the rope-like appendages would literally travel for miles - seemingly to endless distances - through the air, to chase their target. Again, I died quite a few times, while trying to escape the city; simply respawning again at the beginning and continuing to run, taking another route. There were times that I would try to steal cars, and some of them would have this "gunk" on them. Whenever I drive those cars, the "gunk" would begin to spread around the outside of the vehicle, trying to 'cocoon' itself in this alien sludge. I would see this happening and have to bail out of the car, before it completely encased me. What's more, is that some of these droplets of "gunk" would actually spring to life, and form whole aliens - each maybe 10 feet tall and built like bipedal elephants - which would then join the chase. Running from these things kind of felt like maneuvering through the game Prototype.

      It was like I was the only person in the city, and this entire alien force was centered on me, the whole time. There were just so many of them, and I was beginning to feel hopeless. After having to repeat this scenario, over and over, upon each death, I just wasn't feeling very confident that I would ever get out of this Hell. Suddenly, thankfully, just as despair was kicking in, I realized that this all had to be a dream. I was still on the run, though, as these things just weren't letting up, and anytime they would catch me, they would just annihilate me before I could do anything about it. Still respawning after each death, I took to flying, instead of running. It took me a little while to get up to speed, in my flying, as this dream was very vivid, and I was having a hard time manipulating it. I tried some telekinesis on the pursuing tentacles, but wasn't able to affect them.

      Once I got the hang of flying, though, the flight/chase sequences were absolutely sick. The easiest way I knew to keep my speed up, was to imagine myself as a missile. The thing was, though, that these tentacles were just as fast, so just because I could fly, didn't mean that I was getting out of the city an easier. I was empowered by my lucidity, though, and was more having fun with it, than frantically fleeing for my life. I weaved through the city at breakneck speed, an expanding trail of tentacles, following closely behind me. It was one of those zigging, zagging, dizzying, high-tech chases that you would see in any major, sci-fi blockbuster - just screaming through the sky, with impossible agility. Sometimes I would land on the street, to gain my bearings - pivoting and then launching off in another direction, just as the tentacles whipped passed me and then arced around to follow once again. I remember being chased at just the same height of some of the tallest rooftops, and then dropping toward the ground, head first, to try to throw off the oncoming appendages. I was going so fast that there was a single moment, there, where I worried about 'what happens if I'm not able to pull up, in time?' Even though I knew that I was dreaming, I wasn't really looking to slamming headfirst, into the street, so I pulled up on my own trajectory, as I could, nearly skimming the ground and then continuing to rocket down the street, the tentacles still keeping pace at every twist and turn. I also recall that the aliens could talk, and they all spoke with the same voice - as if it were a collective consciousness - which reminded me something of the Joker, from The Dark Knight.

      I don't really remember whether or not I ever made it out of the city. I don't think so, though.

    2. I'm no hero

      by , 12-03-2010 at 08:40 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)

      I find myself at this brothel thats like a strip club, casino, and arcade all rolled into one. I see Red playing some dice game, and theres money laid out everywhere. I started thinking about this place and realize this is only my second time I've been to this place. The first time I was here, it was also a dream. All of a sudden everyone started leaving outside, and I headed with them. Some guy in a football jersey was asking me if I wanted to leave with one group or stay with his....I told him his.

      It was night time outside, and I noticed S was in the group. She was wearing some vinyl shirt that was mostly see through. She lifted up her shirt and showed her tits to all of us. She was bragging about how she just had them done. When I looked again, there were scar marks and the stitches were still visible. Her right breast was pointing in the wrong direction and she said it'll look better once everything heals up. Just when she said that, one of her nipples fell off.

      I knew I was dreaming after that and someone started talking about this storm. We all rounded the corner and there was these black clouds moving in. It started getting really windy, and there was thunder, and the clouds were emitting a prism of colours near it that were in sync with the thunder. I looked down the road and saw several people fly up in the air from the wind. I couldn't help but marvel at it all for a second, and just then S jumped into my arms and wanted me to save her.

      The crowd of people had mostly all but scattered by now, and I decided to just go to the second story of this building to get a better view. I moon jumped up, and almost made it on the balcony, and caught the ledge with one arm. I told her to climb up before I fall, and she was still wrapped up on me, so I threw her up there and climbed up. There were lawn chairs set up with tacky green carpeting. I turned back around and waited for the storm to approach but I woke up.
      Tags: brothel, dild
    3. Short dreams for the day

      by , 12-03-2010 at 08:35 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Worst wild Ever
      I wake up in my room, I started stabilizing, and I headed to the door, and woke up.

      Worst DILD ever
      I'm sitting at my computer, and I look around and just know that I'm dreaming. I head to the other part of the living room and it feels like I have to pee. All of a sudden theres a toilet there. I wake up.

      I remember being outside and some girl was rubbing on me, and I remember trying to kick some electronic device after tossing it in the air. I kept missing and some guy was laughing at me. He said "by the looks of it, I think this is Spoons old ______". I couldn't figure out who the hell was Spoon

      I had some vivid HI about these faces I could see...they were looking at me like I was lying down. I also had something else where I saw some old man and there was all of this yellow surrounding him, like he got engulfed by it. And then I saw the profile of some womans face from just below her eyes down to her chin. She was wearing pink lipstick and suddenly started drinking something from a straw.

      Updated 12-03-2010 at 08:45 PM by 10773

      Tags: dild, wild
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Dry spell ended.

      by , 11-23-2010 at 09:28 PM
      Jeeze a loo. Quite the LD dry spell.

      Anyway, it was a straight up DILD. Falling asleep while dreaming is becoming a fairly common way for me to become lucid.

      Getting down to brass tacks. I was basically trying to fall asleep in an alternate version of my current living room. The TV is on (It wasn't in real life.) and I'm trying all sorts of positions to fall asleep. Eventually I put on some kind of potato sack over my head. I fall asleep then. Things fade in and I'm looking at some kinda crystal ball, things are tinted blue. I grab at it, but it's too far away. I try again and use it as an anchor, feeling it and using it to calm me down. I briefly think about how soon i might wake up since I became lucid, but I let that thought drift away. I move over to a stove (Again, things are still pretty blue.) and feel it. It's quite cold. The whole area looks quite familiar, and i comment aloud to myself that it does. Despite the fact that it looks only vaguely like some place I've been. So I walk over to a table with a bottle of soda and try a sip, it's remarkably realistic and tastes like root beer. (Even though it looked like Pepsi Blue.)

      This parts a little hazy. I'm in an area that looks a lot like the living room of my previous house. I see a few creatures in a fenced area, they're quite small. One of them is a skeleton riding a spider from minecraft (Despite the fact I've never even SEEN one in minecraft...). I walk by an end table with a lamp. There are minecraftian pack-llamas near it, I comment how cool they look. I start to walk outside, passing my dad sleeping in his room in my previous home.

      I head out the door, which is exactly like the front door of my current home, and close the door behind me. I'm on the deck of my old house, with a nearby landmark kind of making an amalgam of the two. I think about trying to fly now that I'm outside. So I jump, and naturally, gravity is low. I don't pursue it beyond that. As I look around, everything goes really foggy and a tornado bolts past me on the right. It doesn't destroy anything though and things clear up. Soon after, a gust of wind picks me up and carries me around a bit, I'm pretty surprised by it and begin thinking about my subconscious. The wind sets me down near a dry looking bush and it seems I'm in a park, despite not having gone anywhere.

      I look out in the distance and see a girl walking through the grass towards me. I know it's my subconscious, and I call out to it. We meet up and I thank it.

      She looks at me and says "Sometimes when I sleepwalk, it fallows me home. Did that happen to you?"

      I reply "I don't know yet..." and I wake up.

      Bah, Elly wakes me up EVERYTIME we meet. But I'm pretty sure it was responsible for making me lucid this time. *Grumble grumble* I sure hope i figure this out eventually. But despite the fact it wakes me up every time I summon it, I'm not gonna stop doing it! >:C
    5. (11/22/10) - It's Working!!

      by , 11-23-2010 at 04:12 AM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Yay! The RC's and totem and all that are working! Unfortunately, I had to get up early this morning, so I didn't get to write down all the dreams I had originally recalled, and it's late in the day now, so I only have tiny fragments left, but you can be sure I wrote down the most important one in full!

      When the dream began, I was at home, in my living room. The realism of the dream was high, so I didn't notice anything strange and never went lucid from observation. However, I did do a reality check out of habit, and the moment I pinched my nose and still felt the air go through, I came into the full realization that I was dreaming. I don't think I've ever been so incredibly aware before! For the first time in a lucid dream, I truly felt unlimited. Speed was not a factor; I could just as easily run around the world as I could across my backyard. My reactions were unbeatable...I could have won in a fight against Neo. Physics were also not a problem. I could bend or break the rules my mind would typically apply to the world without side effects.

      Now, in the past, I've struggled to use telekinesis on more than one object at a time. It just required focusing on too many things for it to work. But this time I felt confident I could do literally anything, so I stepped into the middle of the room, clenched my fists, and then imagined every object in the room lifting off the ground the more I drew my fists in closer towards me. As I looked around, I had succeeded. Regardless of weight or size, everything was lifted up. The 54-inch TV, couches, the dining table, chairs...even the oven! And it was no more work to suspend it all in the air than it was to breath. I could have held it there forever or cast it all out the window with a thought, or who knows what. Instead I just set it down gently, satisfied that I was truly unlimited, and it. Felt. Great.

      Sadly, though, I had breathed in through my nose for the RC just a bit too hard, and the dream began to collapse, then. Everything started to fade, and so I tried desperately to rub my hands and spin, but nothing I did could stop me from waking up.

      I tried to DEILD, then. I rolled over, silenced every thought that attempted to come into my mind, and passed out again.

      I found myself back in the previous dream, getting up off the living room floor, as if I had simply gone unconscious and now was waking back up...even though the exact opposite had truly happened. For a moment I had a grasp on the fact that I was dreaming, but very quickly this knowledge fled from me, and I walked off, thinking what an amazing lucid dream I'd just had...and then I woke up again, this time unable to go back to sleep so quickly.

      It may have been short, but it shows promise. I'm headed in the right direction again, and that was just after a few days of putting real effort into lucid dreaming again. Who knows where I'll be able to go after a few more days? If I can manage to be that unlimited in all my lucid dreams...heck, I could perform Inception for real

      Updated 11-23-2010 at 04:14 AM by 29433

      lucid , memorable
    6. Back to bed

      by , 11-08-2010 at 11:05 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Was lost in some town. Tried to find my way to the theater. The guy gave me some random directions. I walked off to where I wanted to...ended up going to some old antique shop...wondering why they were selling random stuff that shouldn't have had any value (like pictures of family members). Expected porn to be in the back as a RC, and it was, became lucid, but didn't get to do anything.

      Had another frag about talking to MSN with Limitless...but I don't know where the hell I was. I was on this long awful looking dark green couch and the computer was on the coffee table I think, or maybe I had a laptop.
      Tags: dild, dv member
      lucid , dream fragment
    7. Inception Elevator Dream

      by , 11-08-2010 at 02:55 PM
      This LD was pretty short, but worthy of mentioning nonetheless.

      The first thing I remember is standing in an elevator. I started to feel a weird presence, followed by a floating sensation. As I looked around, I noticed that I was floating up and down in the elevator. At this point I realised that I must be dreaming. I took a moment to take in the vividness of the dream. It's the first time I have actually realised how real LDs can feel.

      Pumped to get out into the dream world and explore, I exited the elevator.. but all I saw was blackness. Amongst this nothingness - in front of me, however, was an old market stand occupied by an elderly African-American woman. Strangely, I asked her where the beach was (why didn't I ask about the moon instead?!). She said nothing; just simply pointed back towards the elevator I had just exited.

      A little confused, I decided to follow her directions and headed back to the elevator. It went up a few levels, and as the sliding doors opened, I saw a park right next to a beach. Excited, I ran onto the sand like a lunatic, randomly talking to groups of people on the beach. Unfortunately, I don't remember any details after this, as I must have lost lucidity.
    8. My Very First Official DILD

      by , 11-07-2010 at 10:48 PM
      Okay, so after a night of partying and some Joose I fell asleep and the first thing I remember in my dream was being in school.
      I was in my fourth period class and all of my classmates were present. I was standing by the front of the door, and everyone was obnoxiously loud and the teacher was not doing anything about it. My friend Erik was saying to me repeatedly, "You crashed your car? Nah uh, for real?" Literally over and over again. I put my head in my hands, and looked up for a second. That's when I said to myself, out loud,
      "Wait a second, this isn't real. This is a dream, I can tell." then one of my classmates, Trevon contradicted me with,
      "Nah uh, how do you figure this is a dream?"
      "Because, I can do this." I replied with as I made an air conditioner that was about 3ft by 2ft fall from the ceiling and crush him and only him. Afterwards, everyone applauded me because he was, "The most annoying kid in the class." I could not agree more with that. Then I woke up.
    9. Flying, False Awakenings, Shared Dreams _ DILD #3

      by , 10-30-2010 at 05:18 PM
      Here is how this happened.
      I had two alarms set up to attempt a WBTB WILD this morning, one at 4:30AM, and the other at 6:00AM. I woke up at 4:30 and fell back asleep, same with the 6:00 alarm. I woke up again around 7:00, went back to bed, woke up around 8:00, fell back asleep, and had this LD. I think I have strong REM rebounds from 7:00-9:00AM. So failing a WILD isn't always a bad thing.

      Low Lucid awareness/vividness
      Higher Lucid vividness/awareness
      Normal dream

      This whole thing starts off with my friend Rich and I. We were in a large field at this Marine Corps base where Marines and other soldiers were training. I was sort of in the mindset that we were dreaming, because I remember having dialogue with Rich about how we would go mess around and steal weapons in the dream. So I'll say this is lucid. So we crossed this field and were inside the base, we ran into this courtyard past Marines running in formation and everything. We run along a walkway and see all these plastic, fake looking M4's and other rifles lying around that looked like the blank firing training rifles they use. Then we found this large plastic bin full of old tactical vests, and after digging through I found a cool tan vest that had an inflated top part for water operations I guess? As we're digging through everything, this drill sergeant comes up to us and asks who we are. I mumble something as we still look through everything, and he says something like "Oh, keep doing inventory." He must of thought we were personnel checking equipment. Then he looked at my friend Rich and asked, "How old are you guys?". He then realized we broke in and got pissed off. I remember him saying something like, grab your stuff, and meet in the stalls, like he wanted to give us swirlies in the toilet..? He grabbed a clipboard and asked Rich what his name was, Rich hesitated and then gave him a fake name. He wrote the name down and told Rich to get out of here and have a nice weekend. (I had this dream on Saturday morning too, hehe) I realized Rich gave him a fake name because this sergeant was trying to enlist us in the Marines. Rich then hopped over the wall back into the field and darted away. He then asked me what my name was, and I said Brett Harris. (Can't believe I can remember that!) Suddenly another drill sergeant came in and mumbled something to him. I remember this other guy wearing a lot of colorful wrist bands you get at concerts and stuff. The sergeant went back to me and asked what we were doing here. "Well, we're dreaming right now and none of this even matters, there are no consequences!" Or maybe I said something along those lines... I then started to run out of there, with the sergeant chasing me. I jumped over the wall, flipping, and flipped the sergeant off as I landed. I saw Rich 50 feet in front of me still walking. I ran over to him, screaming at him to wait up. I caught up to him, grabbed his hand and we both started flying. (Lucid vividness went up a lot here) The Marine base below us turned into a school of some sort filled with all my fellow High School classmates. They were all cheering, waving, and yelling at us. I kept flying with Rich, circling the school. It was such an awesome feeling. I remember seeing small hills surrounding the area, and there was a lot of dead grass covering the field. I remember passing friends in the school as I flew low, they were all cheering me on for the fact that I was lucid, and was flying. I then flew over a hill, and told Rich I was gonna let him fly on his own, I let go of his hand and he took off too. I was then on my own. I wanted to be able to fly better, so I told myself and believed I could fly faster and without falling, and it worked. I then looked at my hands and yelled, clarity, as I rubbed them together. It's an amazing feeling. The dream started to fade, and I remember spinning and rubbing my hands, trying to get the dream going again. It then faded to black.

      False Awakening...
      Next thing I remember, I'm sitting shotgun in my red 1994 F-150 with my friend Forrest. For some reason, I thought Forrest was the one who I just had that awesome LD with, not Rich. I was trying to type on this weird keyboard in the car, thinking about how I have to post this on Facebook and let everyone know that I had this LD. I thought everyone would have dreamt they saw me flying in their dreams too. I asked Forrest if he had the same dream I had, and then we looked at our hands. We both had the same markings on our hand, (it looked like indentations from where a tight rubber band would have been) and I realized that we had a shared dream. I was thinking about how awesome it was to share dreams. Anyways, we were both in my driveway, and my dad was there waving at us as we backed out. Forrest put in the clutch, went into first, gassed it and released the clutch and we were off.

      Then I wake up instantly. And now here I am.
    10. First DJ/Possible DILD?

      by , 10-28-2010 at 12:11 AM
      Okay, so as I was falling asleep yesterday, I was doing this technique a friend told me before I fully fell asleep and started to say to myself to have a lucid dream. I was saying to myself, "have a lucid dream." over and over again until I fell asleep and the next thing I remembered was talking to my History teacher. This is the only thing that my dream was about and the only thing I can remember. I can't remember what we said to each other, if we said anything logical at all. Also, he had an unproportioned body as his head was bigger than his body. I'm pretty sure I was aware the whole time that this was a dream, but I only decided to go with the flow. It didn't even cross my mind to do anything remotely "exciting." I also noticed that my alarm clock didn't go off, so I said to myself, "I better wake up now so I can see what time it is." While I was still dreaming mind you. I don't know, it sounds like a DILD, and that's what I've been calling it...
    11. huge friends make me lucid

      by , 10-25-2010 at 11:24 PM (Dreaming on my feet)
      Type: Lucid, quick, Nose-plug RC
      Vividness: 5/10
      Lucidity: 5/10

      Big Friends
      I was in a place that looked like a movie theatre, not sure why I was there but I wasn't really thinking about that, I was talking to three of my best friends, S J and M. I ask all of them if they want to go out and do something and they all are acting quite stand-off ish saying "No, we're going to go to Colorado and go snowboarding." I notice that I am having to strain my neck looking upwards to see their faces, and they seem to be about eight or nine feet tall, and my friend M has his arm amputated just above the elbow and it's bandaged in white gauze. This is strange so I do a nose plug RC and breathe in three times successfully, and I'm aware that I'm dreaming.

      I don't bother trying to talk to my friends since they have been stand off-ish anyways, so I walk up a slight incline and enter a semicircular shaped restraunt, with big windows and booths against the wall like any classic diner. I focus on all the different people sitting in the booths, and recognize a girl R that I had dated for a little while two years ago, and approached her at the booth. We both just looked at each other and didn't say anything, which is a very nice encounter. At this point I can't think of anything I want to do in this restaurant so I pick her up in my arms, and jump into the air and spin to try to create a new dream scene. The only problem is that I wasn't focusing on maintaining lucidity while changing the scene, or imagining where I want to end up, so I lost R and found myself only semi-lucid in a new dream scene.

      I'm in a public place, some vague looking American east coast city, I do a nose plug RC several times and it works, but the dream is fading quickly and I get nervous yelling stabilize! since there are so many people around me [waking residue since I have a room mate next door to me, paper thin walls], I think about doing some different things but the dream keeps fading and a lose lucidity .

      MM so that's it! LD 4.
      I spent the night before this going over my DJ from the last month, putting together dreamsigns and thinking about the nature, common trends and dimensions of my dreams. I also slept in from 12:30-7:30, then got up and walked around outside for an hour and focused on my senses, very beautiful brisk morning, all the trees bare and the ground frosted, no sounds at all from birds singing or cars passing, even the dogs weren't barking. Really nice. Then I went back to my room feeling refreshed and spent about an hour sitting quietly reading my DJ and doing visualizations. So yeah, I guess you could call this a WBTB/DILD induced?

      Anyway, short but sweet. I've tried to transition the scene in 2/4 lucids and failed both times. Got to read up on it more and hang a reminder list next to my bed .

      I met my goal of having 2 LDs by Oct 31st, then again met my "extra credit" goal of having 4 !! So I'm happy about that and feeling inspired.

      I hope everybody is having fun lucid dreaming and are meeting their own goals and feeling great about it!
    12. First Induced Lucid Dream!

      by , 10-25-2010 at 07:39 PM

      Well, it's been a long ride, but I had my first intentional lucid dream. Per the usual, I'm going to put in red what was lucid, and blue what was non-lucid. Black will be non-dream stuff.

      Going to bed, I repeated the mantra "I lucid dream." When my thoughts wandered, I would chant it louder in my head. During my trying to fall asleep, I could imagine daily things being effected by it (I see a scene from earlier play out, but instead of normal words, it added things like "I loudly dropped..." which followed the same first letter of my mantra. Somewhere in there, I fell asleep.
      I am in an extremely dark house. People are all around, and for some reason, I feel a sense of urgency. I try to turn on lights, but they fail. My first thought is the lights are broken. Somewhere in the dream, I get the notion that it's a dream and try to RC. I try poking my finger through my hands, counting my fingers, but both worked flawlessly. Undaunted, I do the nose test, and it failed. This forces me to realize I am dreaming. Since it's dark, I conjure up a potion, for some reason, and drink it. Within seconds, the room brightens up. I drink another, and the room gets brighter. Eventually, the entire room is dark, but bright enough to make out details. I know the LD is extremely unstable, so I began to think of tasks to do. Yes, this was my first thought because I am goal-oriented. I ask a woman wondering around what are my tasks again, and I remember it's to talk to someone, so I ask her to tell me about lucid dreaming when I try to conjure a fireball for Nomad's class before the most recent one. She explains I need to wait to develop dream control and duration, but it'll come. I start to create the fireball in my hand, but while I feel the heat and hear the sparkling, I lose the visual. Begrudgingly, I wake up. I quickly jot down my dream, then I try to return to the dream, but instead, I have a non-lucid where I see a radio host willing to have his kidney removed for the sake of radio. Later, I am planning a trip to local colleges (day residue) to watch their graduations.

      All in all, good night!
    13. Lucid Dream #19

      by , 10-22-2010 at 09:48 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 8/10
      Length: 10 Min.

      I was in class and I was writing something down. Then I got up and tried to push up on the corner of the desk making it tip over. Instead, another top part of a table came out. So I looked at it for a minute and thought "wow, that's weird. I wonder if I could do it again." So I did it again. Then a little chime that was on a violin came on. I started screwing with the desks while I was saying "this is a dream, you can do anything!" So I did that for a while, turned around and saw Alisha. I thought "let's try sex again." So I did. I got into a conversation with her. I imagined her naked (in a tight body) and tried not to look. I told her to sit on my lap. So she did. I could feel her vagina. So we talked for a couple more minutes and then she got up, walked about 5 feet away, and stood there. I asked her to come here but she wouldn't. So I said "never mind" while running in the opposite direction. I was in a small grassy field with a wall of vines next to it. I ran through while dogs ran past me. They quickly turned around and tried to get me. I was on a beach and saw a bunch of buildings. So I jumped in the air and flew. The camera showed the dogs all pissed off, hitting the water. So back to me and flying. I was flying trying to make the dream more stable by being more aware. I concentrated on everything. Making it more detailed. Through out the land it was mostly trees. The buildings that I saw were grey with a bunch of bushes on them. So I was in the center of this city still flying and almost fell. I said to my self "you gotta make it more interesting" and I flew faster. So fast that when I flew near the ground I almost hit it. But instead of hitting the ground, I went past all the 2D towers next to me. So I flew up and to the right, back to the city. I got the hang of flying then. I saw a bunch of ladders and a corner of the deserted building. There were little black-red things on it. So I landed next to one and squished it with my hand. Feeling powerful, I walked down this narrow walkway until I found this one part of the building that had like 6 or 7 batteries for the little black-red things and some how I destroyed them with my mind. Then I heard someone say "mission accomplished" and I slowly woke up. I obviously tried to DEILD but failed.
    14. Plan B

      by , 10-19-2010 at 11:09 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Method: DILD
      Recall: below average
      Lucid Ability:not tested
      Vividness: Average
      Dream Length:Average

      I'm on IRC and I have a couple of tabs of porn on, and I keep tabbing back and fourth. I sense to people behind me, and I'm right. Don't remember who they were, but I felt weird about it. They didn't notice, so I guess I was quick enough. I right clicked them and closed them down while IRC was still up. I remember talking to Lostsoul, but I don't remember was it was about.

      (scene change)

      I'm driving my car down a familiar road near my house, and there are three girls in the car. All of them are yapping about something, and I don't remember how I got here. Now here's the tricky part. Maintaining the wheel, RCing and staying totally clam as I realize that i'm dreaming.

      Nose pinch was successful, and I decided to drive right off the road. We went through some tree and other impossible stuff, and stopped a an area that had all this sand and small lakes around it (because the controls of the car started getting stupid). I immediately headed to the back seat. There was a black girl, a blonde, and a brunette, and I decided to ask them some questions. I don't remember most of the questions I asked them, but I do recall asking the blonde girl her favorite band. "Fink 182", she replied. "Thats not even their name, and they suck, get out of the car" I told her. She got out, but she headed to the front seat.

      The brunette girl immediately unzipped my pants and started stroking me. The black girl turned around and watched us. She was practically drooling. I asked her, "what's up"? She said she was getting off to watching her play with me. I told her I told her I was getting off to her watching us while the other girl played with my cock. I pulled her in and started kissing while rubbing on the other girls tits. The brunette had already taken everything off by the time I turned back around. She told me she wanted me inside her.

      I rotated around, and pulled her waist towards the edge of the seat and parted her lips and slid in. I got about half way in, and it was a dead end. I slid out and back in, and the same thing happened. "I guess I wont get to show her my long stroke" I thought to myself. I continued fucking her until everything faded.
      Tags: dild, irc, sex
      lucid , memorable
    15. (10/14/10) - Catching Criminals...the fun way!

      by , 10-14-2010 at 03:38 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Yay! Two lucid dreams in one week thus far...looks like my VERY long dry spell might actually be ending? I hope so.

      Anyway, I'm not exactly sure what I was doing when the dream began, but eventually I noticed that as I walked through the dreamworld, the faster I went, the higher I'd lift off the ground. Well, that was a dead giveaway and I instantly recognized myself to be in a dream.

      First thing I did was just see how high I could go with this weird walking/levitating thing. It was very different than flying, because my forward motion was the same speed and orientation as walking...I just vertically would move up or down based on how fast I moved my feet.

      And of course, in my delight over succeeding to lucid dream again, it was extremely enjoyable to go super high, let myself fall, and shout: "I'm lucid dreaming!" on my way down, just because I was doing something impossible that proved such a statement to be true. I do that a lot in my LDs

      After a couple such landings, however, I found myself to have teleported to the middle of some sort of gathering. It was rather dark inside, but not so much that it was hard to see details. I found a couple familiar faces who greeted me and I would reply with something that hid the truth (i.e. that it was all just a dream) from my friends (who may or may not have really been present there).

      But then I got stopped by someone different. I didn't recognize this man, but he certainly recognized me.

      "Care for a drink?" He asked, handing me one of two glasses filled with glowing green liquid, which he had carried with him.

      "Sure." I replied, taking the glass as if I weren't suspicious.

      Of course, in reality, I was highly suspicious. This was a DC, after all...a creation of my mind. I could know him better than he knew himself. And I knew something was up with him.

      At first he talked nice, telling me how impressed he had been with my work in the film and gaming industries, but eventually he got around to his real purpose for being there, and it was not just to compliment me on my achievements.

      "What I have here," he said, pulling out a small stack of papers from a shoulder bag, "is some material my boys picked up from various sources."

      "Materials?" I asked. "Like what?"

      "Scripts, mostly. We have the chance to produce the most popular media before the authors ever get the chance. Oh, but fame is not all that there is to it. There's always money involved, eh? Let's say...two million in earnest now for your help producing these films and games, and more by the hour you work with us. How does that sound?"

      "Sounds to me like you're crazy!" I shouted.

      All heads turned to look at this man and me. The attention scared him, since he was still holding the stolen scripts, so he turned and ran for the nearest exit. I ran after him, but lost track of where he was for a short while, giving him just enough of an advantage to jump in one of his gang's two cars and drive off, the other criminal car shortly behind him.

      Me, I just kept running, staying close behind the two criminal cars, and slowly gaining on them. I didn't think about the speed at the time; it was as easy for me to run at 100mph as 10. Unfortunately, it was only a two-lane road (and reversed from real life), so while the criminals advanced on the left side, I had to run against oncoming traffic on the right, jumping over each car that drove towards me.

      Eventually the oncoming traffic grew more heavy, and I slowly began to fall back from the criminals. That was NOT going to happen. All in one moment, I completely stopped running, stepped to the side, and grabbed hold of the next car that drove towards me. I spun around from the momentum of the car and then released it into the air. It flew right into the criminal cars and caused all three to explode. Of course the force of the explosion threw other cars into the air, even in my direction, but they bounced off of me like toys, leaving me completely unharmed.

      Mission accomplished, I flew off as I had before, descended, and when I landed
      ...woke up.

      If that car scene hasn't been done in a movie...it should be
      Tags: car chase, dild, epic
      lucid , memorable
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