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    1. Several Intruders

      by , 05-14-2015 at 11:14 AM
      Morning of May 14, 2015. Thursday.

      My family and I are presently living where we are in real life, on W Street. I seem to be the only one home at first, though I eventually notice my two youngest sons playing with toy cars on the living room floor in the last segment of my dream. The house in-dream is larger than it is in reality. It seems to be nighttime throughout most of my dream.

      I eventually hear someone talking to me very loudly and clearly through the fully closed and locked back door. Thus, as there is obviously a trespasser in our backyard I become very annoyed. At first he seems to be demanding some small change but then seems to be requesting a wine bottle or two (we have no alcohol in reality). I decide to go and tell him off and possibly knock him unconscious with one of my long steel barbells. When I open the back door (while holding a barbell), I see that he is apparently a homeless person with a long beard and perhaps around forty years old. There is also a younger man (of about thirty) farther out and on the east side of the yard to my left. He is seemingly my (unfamiliar) next-door neighbor who seems annoyed by the drunk but also annoyed with me even though he is also trespassing in my yard - as there is a tall wooden fence between the properties that cannot easily be climbed over. I have a brief dream within a dream (though not very clear) of throwing them both over the fence. I close the door and go back into my house, but there are eventually somehow a few other unknown males roaming around in the rooms. I become angrier at this additional set of impositions.

      At one point, two unknown females (about eighteen or possibly younger) enter the house through the front door. As with a few other dreams, the window area on the north wall relative to the porch and beyond is almost skeletal or unfinished, allowing passersby to get into the house easier if they choose, by coming in through the “window” or between two vertical planks. The girls seem very dominant and unimpressed by my ordering them to leave and they act as if my house is just a convenient shortcut (though they eventually leave the same way they came in, but return briefly). After a time, I start to walk around, asking aloud “Where’s my pistol?” I notice a couple toy plastic squirt guns on the table and make a note of it. I talk about calling the police, but do not (not even being sure of where the telephone is in this case).

      At one point, another unknown male bumps into me when coming through the living room (as I am standing near the front door) to leave via the front door - another intruder who had somehow just gotten in through the back door and wandered through the house until deciding to leave. This elevates my anger and makes me feel displaced in my own home. It feels despicable and ridiculous to have to put up with this.

      I eventually see another male near the porch’s (fictional) outer screen door as if trying to get in (it is locked at this point at least). The porch is rendered differently than in real life at this point. It seems more elongated eastward and has a wider and far more logical footpath-facing entrance rather than being very narrow and illogically perpendicularly offset to the left as in reality (thus extremely inconvenient, if not impossible, to use the front entrance for carrying out furniture or larger items, including baby prams - an extraordinarily stupid architectural design for a residence, in fact, requiring furniture to be lifted up and over the higher porch wall by up to three people).

      The last male attempting to get into our house (for no particular reason) has a very strange appearance and is also muscular though with odd skin. He has black veins in his forehead that are somewhat reminiscent of plant roots and extend down a bit on the sides of his face (and for a moment I ponder on whether it is some sort of eerie tattoo I am seeing - or perhaps he is somehow not fully human). I open the door and push him back and vividly feel his weight and presence. Out on the street, to my right, are more annoying people who are just mindlessly staring at our house. The level of vividness is quite pronounced to near-lucidity, though I do not become directly lucid at any point. There is no feeling of being actually threatened at any time, just pointlessly imposed upon.

      Updated 03-14-2017 at 06:47 PM by 1390

    2. Not Yet The End

      by , 05-14-2015 at 09:44 AM
      Morning of May 14, 2015. Thursday.

      In the first part of my dream, we seem to be living in our present home on W Street, though it seems isolated and near a beach at one point. There seems to be an implication of beach land both south and north of us. For a time, I get an unusual sense of the end of the world approaching, though it resolves into lesser thoughts of mild uneasiness at the thought of all that is of mankind ceasing to exist one day (but probably not in my lifetime). This is seemingly caused by my wariness of how the moon appears above the horizon to the north in the nighttime sky and being of an unusual yellowish orange color. When I look out, I see, other than the eerie moon, mostly only a featureless beach to the north, the shoreline running somewhat north to south, west of our house.

      In another scene, I am admiring my (fictional) black leather jacket and black leather pants that had been draped over the back of a chair in the dining room (which we presently use as a bedroom). (I do not presently own any such apparel in reality and only wore such clothes over twenty years ago.) I think of the jacket (though which is more like a shirt design) and pants as the “only” clothes that are ever worth wearing. They look very new and “perfect” in every way. I decide not to presently wear them, though, as I get the impression that elderly ladies, as well as some elements of local authority, would frown upon such a thing and have an entirely different idea about who I am than anything related to truth, which would prove to be problematic since people are often incorrectly judged solely by what they wear.

      At another point, I see my oldest son, who comes into the other room and sits on a couch briefly, as I watch through an indoor window (similar to the real one in the inner wall in the front room) and have a short-term concern about his well-being (in real life he just had a wisdom tooth and another one pulled the day after this dream) though he does not see or regard me at any point. The layout and distance orientation seems different; a strange sort of shifting southward so that my son’s room is seemingly where the kitchen is in reality, yet I also get a vague feeling of looking into the living room in Cubitis through the indoor window though it also seems to be some sort of one-way mirror at one point.

      At another point, I open the door that in real life is to my oldest son’s room (from off the living room) though instead of a larger bedroom it is a somewhat spacious closet (about one-fifth the size of the real room) with at least three wooden built-in shelves going all the way around each wall. Most of the shelves are filled with larger plastic toys and action figures, it seems. From the middle shelf to my left, I pick up some sort of odd large robot-looking contraption (also made solely of plastic), which is mostly blue and white, and the legs are loose and hang down as if partly detached (and though it vaguely reminds me of Lego blocks in some sections, I do not think it is Lego). I think about fixing it though I am not sure what it is or how it works, though take it to the living room to check it and wake soon after.
    3. Ice cold raptor flight

      by , 05-14-2015 at 09:39 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      This was a rather short but nevertheless nice lucid dream. The thing started with me being some kind or raptor in a forest and people were hunting me. I had the ability to turn invisible and used it to confuse them, creating several different tracks before fully turning invisible and flying away. The landscape was very detailed, it seemed to be a very odd mix of winter with snow and yet it also resembled spring with some greenery.
      I became lucid, and tried to stabilize, with mediocre success. I tried to feel the temperature, and indeed it felt really ice cold, like it would feel with my real body, with the exception that it wasn't unpleasant in any way whatsoever. A feeling I commonly thought about in real life, as I actually love the feeling of cold, and only my body making a fuss about not freezing is what makes cold unpleasant, not the feeling itself. The absolutely awesome panorama that hit me after I passed a mountain caused such a strong feeling of positive excitement that I woke up.

      I should've put more effort into feeling my surroundings and stabilizing, but the panorama was worth it I guess.

      Updated 12-15-2015 at 03:53 AM by 48127

    4. May 5th and May 10th 2015 LD's Brief Notes: TOTM's, Starry Sky, Ancient Canyon

      by , 05-13-2015 at 11:53 PM
      May 10th
      (already noted in TOTM thread if you read this there)

      Brief notes…

      -DILD: in an office waiting for Ken. Is he even coming to work today? I remove my earplugs twice. I decide to look around office while I am waiting maybe there is someone who can tell me if he is expected to come in today. Cute women...hmmm…wait! I am dreaming! Go around the office a bit checking out the women and then into the void.

      -visuals come back with women around, have sex, some fading in and out of the visuals

      -I think of the smell TOTM, memory peg#5 and settle on smelling the perfume of a woman I am embracing - it is very nice and familiar floral note from somewhere in the distant past, possibly reminiscent of lily of the valley (void)

      -waiting for the fade to fade - I eventually find myself at a long table like in a school cafeteria. I look around excited that the I have managed to get another dream scene after another trip to the void. With me turning around from the table to look around at the rest of the room I loose some visuals and think TOTM. I think of the wind carrying me task and the wind generates with no effort and lifts me up easily and pulls up towards those typical white ceiling panels, up and through and to another level of them above and then I get swept sideways up and sideways into an outdoor red sandstone canyon with village structures and tents below.

      It feels like I am in some ancient place and just enjoy as I get swept down the canyon and up a bit for nice views in spots. (void)

      -Later I think of the fun wind task again and get swept up towards the night sky. I can see some stars but the more I look, the more stars that come into view. So many beautiful stars in a beautiful night sky that I almost want to cry.

      -during one of the trips to the void I did some dancing in the void - some concern about moving my waking body and decide to just float in the void and stay patient. Getting some nice lucid time on my G-nights (usually Saturday night/Sunday morning). 8mg G + 500mg C. Chemical enhancement experiments started after LD#300.
      #321 & 322

      May 5th

      College freshman girl "if dreaming" thoughts cue me in. I'm walking down the school hallway and it's the beginning of the school year, there are new freshman students arriving. I see one girl who is very attractive and I try to make eye contact before we pass and I also have a glance looking back towards her. I think if only she looked at me with a strong stare it would be like one of those moments in dreams. Wait a minute! I am dreaming! I go to the nearest girl and immediately start making out with her and getting fairly frisky. I have been given freedom, dream freedom! After a bit of that I wake directly to my alarm. My alarm ended this one but likely also near end of REM. #320
    5. "Lucid fun"

      by , 05-13-2015 at 09:46 PM
      Problem?-image.jpgClick image for larger version. 

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ID:	9349Thank you Gab - I have been reading through lots of stuff over the last weeks and finaly think I am going to settle down with your steps under How 1-9 etc above. Every day :happyme

      I REALY liked what you said about talking out loud too as in one LD I spoke to a dream character and managed to say I Am dreaming a cupple of times and I sounded like I was far away under water! So working on it in day time seems an excellent idea
      Happy dreaming and oh yes the thread on dream guides you mentioned is amazing and very inspiring for all I think

      Updated 07-05-2016 at 02:14 PM by 87274

    6. Jealousy.

      by , 05-13-2015 at 07:29 PM
      I haven't been remembering my dreams at all recently, so I'm rather happy I remembered some of this one..Non-lucid
      12:30-2:00PM NAP
      I'm at Grannie Annie's house, but it's not her actual house. She has a tall brick oven, in the kitchen, which opens up and you can walk into the garage, where she's storing a collection of vintage school desks. To get into the garage the other way, you have to walk outside. Her house is very tall, has many rooms and has a nursery for plants.
      I found a lizard in the nursery, and I need to get him outside. I pick him up, and walk to the kitchen. "Grannie Annie, did you just bake?" She nods at me. I sigh in annoyance, and go outside and into the garage. I decide I need to set him up a tank.
      I hot glue a book to one of the desks, believing I needed a flat space to make his tank. I build his tank on top of it, then immediately panic. I hot glued one of her prized vintage desks!
      I go back into the kitchen. More people are here.
      "Are you Alex?!" A tall, tan, freckly, older lady with black hair asks me excitedly.
      "Uh... yes? Yes. I am." I say.
      "Ah, you're so funny! I love reading your posts online!" She smiles broadly. "SO nice to meet you!"
      I shake hands with her, saying "thank you."
      I go back into the garage, where a little platinum-blonde haired boy is. He goes over to the desk, and pulls up the book, with some effort. I thank him profusely. He asks me, "Will you play with me? Nobody wants to play today." I agree.
      The scene changes. I'm at the pool, with Mackenzie and AJ. Julia is at the other end of the pool, looking very angry. AJ looks equally angry. AJ is ranting to Mackenzie quietly about Julia's 'attitude, especially today!'
      I ask her, "what's today?"
      "Mother Suicide Awareness Day." she replies.
      I look around. Lots of mothers are here with their children, which does mean that Mrs. T is here. The black-haired woman is here too!
      Then, I wake up.
    7. Stop Wasting Dream Time

      by , 05-13-2015 at 05:23 PM
      Well, my recent dream was lucid and pretty interesting. I was with Eye and while i was with Eye he reminded me of my desire in the lucid dream. What he told me was to stop wasting my time doing unimportant stuff and to do something else with him before the dream ended. When Eye said that Dawn came in and kicked him away from me. It sort of reminds me of the fun times I use to have in the dream with them a long time ago. But it also reminds me of how I hate to use them just as guardians. Dawn apparently wants to be in the picture now with the other dream characters bashing him for not appearing in my dream for a while now. Hmm....Not sure what I really want to do with them though. Perhaps I'll just do some dream setting exploring with them and let them show me interesting places. : /
      side notes
    8. [13-05-2015]

      by , 05-13-2015 at 05:14 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in school at the German language lesson. Tables and chairs were scattered all around. I sat near somebody and after a while the teacher gave us some newspapers. In each of them there were descriptions of ourselves and a crosswords to fill.

      I looked at the newspaper and readen it. The lesson was German, but we received texts in our native languages. I took a pen and tried to fill empty places. I filled only one of them, and the word I put in was "MITSI" or "MISTI"
    9. Red and Blue Stars

      by , 05-13-2015 at 10:02 AM
      Morning of May 13, 2015. Wednesday.

      My wife and I are looking through a large window. The setting is seemingly my old bedroom in Cubitis though the window (not as it was in real life) is seemingly just an open area to look through a wall to the south (without any window features to block or distort any of the sky scene). I study the nighttime sky and notice a series of red and blue stars in no particular pattern. Some of them do imply a vertical line, though not straight. They also seem to be planets at some points and all the round shapes are all the same size. I have a slight concern as to whether or not this is a possible threat (and concern about how close these supposed stars or planets are to Earth), but it is not that clear an emotion. There are about a dozen in all, not that close together, though somewhat constellation-like.

      The imagery is not quite right, though. I sometimes get the impression at times that some of the cloud cover is behind a few of the stars which is of course impossible. Also, I seem to be aware that the stars are casting shadows against the backdrop of space, which is also ridiculous. Still, the imagery is beautiful. It reminds me of my prenatal memories and what seemed to be prenatal dreams, the main one featuring red and blue stars - or mostly the change of such, and their coming into existence or fading depending on my level of attention and focusing upon them or their potential to exist, almost as if they represented how conscious I was in the womb (relative to their brightness).
      Tags: blue, red, sky, stars, window
    10. Lucid 4

      by , 05-13-2015 at 02:09 AM
      It was a surreal sight and experience. I was up high on a building and at the time was not aware it was a dream. I was with other people who I did not know. We slipped and then fell. The fall was so long, i knew that normally a high fall from a building took a few seconds but this was a vast distance and that when i started to ponder the situation.

      I was wondering by then if i was dreaming, i was terrified that it would hurt like crazy if i wasn't dreaming, but that i would soon discover if there is an afterlife. After that i saw the ground come rushing towards me, i braced myself for pain and i smashed into the ground like a watermelon. My companions and i made sickening sounds and splattered into pieces.

      I realized that i was dreaming after i hit the ground and felt no pain and even saw my body from a 3rd person view on the ground in several pieces. You might expect it to be bloody but no, instead my companions and I looked like minecraft characters neatly broken into pieces. I realized that i was dreaming and found it to be an awesome experience.
    11. Alien Eyes / Smell TOTM

      by , 05-13-2015 at 12:35 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #435 - WILD - 4:15AM

      I did a WBTB coffee (2tbsp coffee grounds + 1tbsp sugar) at 4AM. Chug and and crash focusing on WILD.

      I quickly recognize the usual sensations but it hard to get out. I realize I need some stimuli and the first thing I think of is sex. During the enjoyment, I notice a very young girls is sleeping next to me in the same bed while some woman is riding me. I begin to feel awkward and want to get away. I notice that I am deep enough in the dream now, so I push the woman off and mutter, "That's enough."

      I easily stand up and wonder into the bathroom. I have an embarrassing situation that I try to ignore so I look into the mirror to distract me. My face distorts and I now have large aliens eyes. Instead of the deep black associated with gray's, I have white glowing light like my eye are made of some sort of reflective material. I marvel at the glowing light from within for a second and then decide to try playing with the mirror a bit. It looks really dirty witch is distracting but it seems like there is a different room past my reflection. I press my face into the glass and it stretches like soft rubber. I pull back and try to focus on something in the background, hoping to fall in, but I suddenly wake up.

      #436 - DEILD -5:08AM

      Having realize that only 15 minutes passed since I drank coffee, I decide it can't have kicked in much though I feel mildly stimulated. I relax focusing on my face as I body awareness meditation and quickly pass out.

      There is something about my brother visiting my house. Me setting at table telling myself that I am dreaming, but not caring much. Maybe I thought I had it under control, but lucidity slips away. After talking with my brother, I decide it's time to lay down for WILD.

      I am in a room eating white grapes with a small boy. Then try to eat something like a grape, but rock hard. The dream fades to darkness, but I hear a voice telling me to hold me focus and wait (meaning DEILD).

      I have WILD sensations, but I am able to blindly get up. I jump around to stimulate my dream body. It feels super odd. I begin to float so I open my eyes. I am now standing in the room again. There is trash everywhere and the little boy is just looking at me. He gives me a grape and I taste it. Bland. I recall the smell TOTM and quickly search the floor. I spot a banana peel, pick it up, and give it a good sniff. Nothing. I try again breathing deeper, but now I am too aware of my physical body. I remember breath is the only connection to waking world. I stop and try an orange peel that's near the spot where I found the banana. It has a mild, undefinable scent. I now recall my monster TOTM and tap the boy's elbow. "Common!", I say as I start to look for a bed. I wake up.

      Updated 05-13-2015 at 12:42 AM by 5967

      lucid , task of the month
    12. Goddess of Wine

      by , 05-13-2015 at 12:24 AM
      Backlog: 28 April Part II

      I do a quick mental review, briefly think about tasks, toss around and then fall back to sleep.

      About 60-75 mins (timed) worth of sleep, with about 3/4 of it lucid. Yet, I remember only fragments here and there mostly of some of my actions.

      Earliest point. It seems I became lucid in the first couple of mins after a brief nrem period. No distinct bodily sensations upon falling asleep. I immediately recall a number of the tasks. The speck of dust totm comes to mind again and I allow myself to be lifted up in the air. I briefly think about the bird glide dream flying mode and that it actually doesn't involve active flying but using the wind as well (in the case of no flapping). The wind carries me over the streets of this unknown town. I then get down to street level and try to recall other tasks. The only thing that comes to mind is Earth bending where you have to create a mountain. I look ahead thinking about a mountain appearing and as I stare in the distance I begin to distinguish the features of a mountain and the view is quite clear too! Feeling very excited about this!

      Near the same location as the mountain totm, on the streets, I wonder what to do and think that I should try the totys. At the moment, I don't remember almost any of them apart from the (God of Wine) drinking contest task. I spot a nearby bar just to the side so I enter ready to get drunk. I'm trying to pick what to drink, not remembering if the task required a particular alcohol or not. There is a large beer glass waiting invitingly on the counter. Yet, the DCs around look terrible, and this whole place smells like spirits in a rather unpleasant way. I don't like the atmosphere so I leave and walk around allowing the place to change. In the end, I opt for entering another place altogether like a bar again, but looking much better. At this point I am aware that am supposed to have drinking buddies or rather the other competitors Hercules and Dionysus.

      A number of DCs join me and I think they are appropriate, wearing antique clothes, though Hercules isn't as muscular as I would like him to be. And the other DC (God of Wine) turns out to be Leonardo DiCaprio! I find this particularly amuzing and think that he fits the role of Dionysus. I then finally correctly decide that we will be drinking wine and grab a bottle from the rack near the wall. Slightly confused as to whether we are supposed to be sharing the same bottle or each should have his own, I pause for a minute. Then a couple more bottles materialize in the hands of the DCs. There is also a third DC. We raise bottles for a cheers and then the other DCs drink some of their wine. I start pouring the contents of the bottle in my mouth. This takes longer than expected for a dream, but other than that is extremely realistic in terms of sensation. It really feels as if I am drinking, and pouring the contents of an entire bottle, hence the length in drinking time. This even worries me that the dream might end from too much focus on only one thing, but the bottle is finally empty. The other DCs have no more desire to drink and I emerge as victor in the contest!

      End of memory. Dream transition.

      In the next part of the dream I do not do almost anything actively, but rather try to spend as much time in the dream simply walking and looking around. The strategy is successful, but overwhelmed with the amount of information, I don't recall amost anything in particular detail. As I go from one place to the next I am convinced to have discovered the key to spending max time in the dream without interruption, that you can have an entire REM intact without the fade outs.

      Actually, I do remember now that I feel the need not to look for too long at particular objects. My clarity was much better when I was moving and only paying minimal attention to specific objects, as compared to when I was paying more attention to them. I felt like I had no interest in them whatsoever either, I saw no point?

      Fragment: I read a female name somewhere and I repeat it many times out loud because I want to remember it upon waking. I even make some DCs shout it. No idea what the name was.

      At some point I find myself inside this place and recall another of the element bending tasks - to set something on fire. Me and another DC are in a building so I try to set one of the corridors on fire by summoning flames on the walls. I also get the other DC to do the same, but neither of us is fully successful - though we manage to get the corridor to be covered in orange colored fire like decorations.

      I continue walking around, trying to maintain my attention, but notice this is becoming quite tiring. As I enter the next room, it is a dark room and everything is very blurry. I immediately begin to feel that this has an effect on my attention (especially after so much exercising it) and that am starting to lose the dream. I try to flip a light switch, but of course it does not work. At this point I try to will the lights to turn on, which lights up the room, but by increasing light coming from the outside. Nevertheless it has the effect of restoring the balance in the dream. I am rather mentally exhausted at this point to keep focusing on the dream and thinking what else to do. There are a few DCs in bed and after some contemplations, decide to enjoy some side activities, which are unsuccessful as the male DC is not very interested

      I lose lucidity and then this becomes a non-ld scenario with me and the male DC with confusing explanations from his side. We continue exploring the building.
    13. The Evil Queen

      by , 05-12-2015 at 11:27 PM
      Backlog: 28 April Part I

      The earliest moment I recall from this dream is that my PC gets broken and me and mom are calling service overseas, trying to fix it. As part of the procedure we need to participate in a court hearing.

      The scene changes to outdoors, where I see Emma Swan give a presentation as part of the hearing. I go ahead, talk to her and have a false memory about another cool movie where she was playing. I make more compliments as we go along.

      At some point I experience being myself and also being part of the story, fully participating as the main character. I am the evil queen, who (I'm told or remembering) wants to become rumplestiltskin. There is a super cool magic object that belongs to the dark one, a golden hooded cape, where I can see his image live as a spirit talking to me. She (the evil queen) is supposed to put the cape on, thus becoming one with rumple. I also have rumple's dagger, which is the same color as the cape. I put it on and look in the mirror. The cape later transforms into a long nice red leather jacket and I look really good. I consider taking a photo, though know that there's no point in doing that.

      Little John's people are outside of the castle now. I can see them by looking through the windows. The castle is structured somewhat like a normal building (from what I can determine while being inside), but appropriately decorated with velvet carpets and wooden stairs. I move from the current room to another, apparently causing noise that alerts them and they are about to storm the place. My brain switches to chase mode and I flee up the stairs, reaching the last floor.

      At this point my awareness /neurotransmitters begin to reach threshold levels. I cut through the mosquito net on the window and jump on the nearest tree. I contemplate that I can get down in any possible way because I have powers.

      Yes, not only do I have powers, but it is a dream! Memories of past tree climbing scenarios and flying flash through my mind. I recall the speck of dust task and try to see if I will be able to hold still in the air. I create strong wind to support me from below, and once I feel it bodily, I move forwards from the tree top and onto the air where I stay a bit in upright position. The wind then carries me forward over a short distance. Finally, I decide to make a few cautious steps in the air, continuing forward until reaching an elevated section of land and trees. There is a peculiar sensation on the soles of my feet while air walking.

      I take a moment to orient myself, thinking again how this is a dream and that I wanted to do the smell basic task. I realize that I'm standing near a pine tree, see those lovely green needles near my face, but take a moment to decide what I would like to smell. I opt for smelling the bark as for my dream logic, it should smell even stronger than the needle branches. As I come closer to the bark, I feel a fresh breeze on my face as well as many tiny moisture droplets in the air in between. And then I inhale - it's a distinct smell of pine tree. It's really nice and as I am about to have a second go - the wbtb alarm wakes me up.

      Updated 05-13-2015 at 12:43 AM by 61764

      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month
    14. Night of May 11 2015

      by , 05-12-2015 at 10:32 PM (My paranoid adventure into the mind.)
      I didn't write about last night because there was really nothing special that happened there, just the horrible recall I've had earlier. But tonight was definitely incredible. I recall 2 long dreams (both combined took two pages from my notebook .-.), finally actually did a WBTB, and a DILD (though it only lasted a couple of seconds), along with an FA. So I'll start from the beginning..

      The Night Watchers

      I was in this sort of university dorm. The location around me was this town with not much tall buildings, all were the same house roofs and you could jump from one to the other. I was sleeping at night when a guy came and woke me up. I can't recognize who he was IWL but in the dream I knew who he was, as he was an old friend. I remember him wanting me to do a task with him and me, being annoyed that he woke me up in the night, reluctantly accepted and left with him. I went through this walkway through a park and went up to one of the house roofs. We hopped from one to the other to get to a very large church-like building which clearly stands out from the rest of the buildings. I forget what we had to do there but the next night he woke me up again and we left. Leaving through the same walkway, I could recognize some people I know in real life. We reached these hills in the park and he was setting up some device I saw as a telescope. He told me that it could shoot lasers and we pointed somewhere. I looked over and saw this large white cube, about the size of a fountain. He said that we have to blow it up using the lasers, but it wouldn't be enough and we have to access this same scenery in a dream and use powers in there to make it explode. The scene changed into a bedroom and the guy was getting ready to use the lasers on the white cube. I was about to go in bed when I woke up.

      I felt really awake when I did wake up. I was debating whether to do a FILD, with a fairly high chance of success but I may not remember my last dream, or to WBTB + MILD. I eventually picked the latter and wrote down my last dream quickly as I already felt wide awake and didn't want to stay awake longer to the point where I wouldn't fall back asleep. I urinated in the dark and went back to bed. I had a really runny nose and I felt too awake, as I feared. Luckily, I was able to fall back asleep.

      Bus ride and family union

      I was on the bus. I was heading home when I passed by my older brother IWL who was at a stop. I looked at which bus this is and saw that it wasn't the right one. I got off at the next stop and met up with my friend on this wall in this area that seemed to be a picnic table. The friend said he needed help picking up garbage that he dropped and I was helping him. By the wall, there was a girl and she said to me, "Il y a quelque chose derriere toi." (Translates to: There's something behind you.) I looked behind me but there was nothing there. She pointed somewhere else and I found the last piece of garbage the my friend dropped. The scene changed and I'm in a bathroom. I'm apparently with my family of four, me being the eldest child and two younger children, one boy and one girl, around the age of 6 playing in the sink like it was a pool. And there was my widowed mother in the shower. She opened the curtains and got out, asking me if I wanted to go in. I replied with yes and went in and started taking off my clothes. Strangely enough I never closed the curtains. My little brother IWL was outside a window watching me, and I didn't want him to see me naked but he eventually did, along with the rest of the family. For some reason the younger two children had aged to around 12 and the girl said "He's so cool." I closed the curtains and started taking a shower. The curtains opened by themselves and my mother, now finally clothed, with my two younger siblings were just standing there smiling at me, not in a creepy way. Yup, because when you have 3 people stare at you smiling while you're taking a shower is definitely not creepy. I was thinking that it was strange that I had people looking at me like that, so then I got excited by the thought that this could be a dream. I excitedly looked at my hands only to find that they were completely normal. They even had drips of water on them. But I wasn't convinced that it was reality. I tried another RC, which I'm pretty sure was the nose plug RC, but that failed as well. I then tried flying up, and that's what worked. I flew out the window of the bathroom and decided what to do next. The thing is, though, when I reached the window and was about to go through it, my vision completely blacked out. Then, I had twitching at the bottom of the darkness only to find myself awake in my room. Excited from my LD, I went down to write it. In the hallway, I saw this mirror which didn't reflect me but in fact gave me vision of a classmate who was in my washroom in front of the mirror. Like, I saw her reflection instead of mine. I didn't question it though and went down to find my sister watching a kids show (Not the one from the last dream, my sister IWL). I went back upstairs to my room and was trying to write "Performed MILD" for my dream journal but kept accidentally writing something else instead, which I can't remember. And that's when I woke up.

      Anyway, I'm really happy with myself from this night. Even though I was going for MILD, I got a DILD, and I could recognize something odd in a dream and suspect my reality from that. I think I've just reached a large milestone! Better add a milestones custom block, and I'll add dream goals along with it.

      Updated 05-12-2015 at 10:37 PM by 86072

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    15. Repeating a journey

      by , 05-12-2015 at 08:49 PM
      I'm walking out of a large red tent in the woods. In the previous scene I'd been having some kind of argument with two guards who work for me, but we were interrupted by a man who's now following me out of the tent, someone who I have some kind of deal with. He'd mentioned my son. I want to continue the conversation more privately.

      Deeper in the woods, there's no underbrush, and the ground's covered in old fallen leaves. I drop the illusion I'd been using. I've been borrowing the identity of the man those guards used to work for, some kind of ruler, dead now. Without that illusion, there's a sort of shadow over my skin, like a photo overlaid by an image of something else - I (correctly) remember that I've used that specific comparison before in another dream; though I don't remember the details until after I wake up, I'm aware the parallel's intentional.

      I'm dismissing whatever the other man has just said, angry. I tell him, "I swore to make this journey a thousand times, but you - you didn't uphold your part, did you?"

      Updated 05-12-2015 at 09:04 PM by 64691

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