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    Lucid Dreams

    1. My first lucid... I think

      by , 01-03-2011 at 07:09 PM (a teahouse inside my head.)
      I had this dream that I was talking to my friend Anna. There had been a whole dream before this but I do not remember it, but we were discussing something that had to do with the previous events. I thought to myself, "this doesn't make sense, I'm dreaming!"
      I tried really hard to not get emotional or excited, but I guess I failed because seconds later I saw the inside of my eyelids.

      The only thing is, there is a chance that this wasn't a real dream but rather a drowsy morning... thing. I kept being waken up and so it was finally time to get up so I was trying to remember my dreams from before and I kind of fell asleep again... I'm just afraid that this wasn't really a lucid dream but instead me imagining myself having a lucid if that makes any sense.

      Anyways, I'm happy. I've been trying to have a lucid for a year (I'm a slow poke) and I'm finally getting closer to a lucid dream that actually lasts. Plus I remembered 5 non-lucid dreams last night!

      Another +1 for apple juice!
      lucid , memorable
    2. First lucid of 2011

      by , 01-03-2011 at 01:50 PM (My world, my rules)
      non-dream / dream / lucid

      Sonhei que iria me encontrar com minha namorada às 9:00 AM. Estava distraído assistindo CQC (um programa de TV bem popular no Brasil), quando me dei conta que já eram 9:35 AM. Fiquei assustado pois, além da meia hora de atraso, demoraria mais uma hora para chegar no local combinado. Corri para o segundo andar (onde estavam meus pais) para avisá-los, e então voltei correndo para o meu quarto para me trocar. Percebi que minha avó estava no meu quarto, sentada em um pequeno sofá no canto. Abri o guarda-roupa para escolher a roupa que eu iria usar. Quando me sentei na cama ao lado do guarda-roupa, senti que havia sentado em cima do controle da TV. Rolei para o outro lado da cama e joguei o controle pela porta, e minha avó disse: "Agora quebrou tudo!".
      Acordei e, sem me mexer, tentei aplicar um DEILD, me lembrando do sonho anterior e tentando voltar para ele.
      Consegui voltar ao sonho, e agora eu estava no banheiro do segundo andar de casa. Estava me olhando no espelho (e, incrivelmente, estava me vendo com clareza). Meu cabelo estava todo para baixo, então eu o penteei para cima (fazendo um topete). Na tentativa de testar o sonho, olhei para baixo e tentei imaginar meu cabelo como estava antes, sem penteá-lo. Olhei de volta para o espelho, mas não funcionou. Então tentei o RC de trancar o nariz mesmo. Nas duas primeiras tentativas não deu certo, mas na terceira eu consegui provar que era um sonho. Logo que percebi que eu estava lúcido, o sonho já começou a apagar. Me lembrei de um tópico que eu havia lido aqui no DreamViews que dizia que segurar alguns objetos poderia me manter no sonho por algum tempo. E foi o que fiz, primeiro eu segurei o vão da porta e fiz o possível para não acordar. O sonho foi voltando aos poucos. Então, peguei uma panela que estava ali perto (pois o banheiro fica ao lado da cozinha). Como o objeto metálico era gelado, me ajudou a voltar ao sonho (descoberta interessante, pelo menos para mim). Com a panela na mão (tateando-a constantemente para não perder a lucidez), comecei a andar pelo segundo andar da minha casa. Vi uma lata de cerveja em uma mesa, e peguei-a também, pois deduzi que estaria gelara e me ajudaria a me manter lúcido. Fiquei pressionando ela contra meu rosto, pois estava bem gelada e me ajudou a não acordar. Fui para a sacada e adimirei toda uma paisagem onírica. Percebi que onde hoje haviam prédios e mais prédios, haviam apenas montanhas (como era há alguns anos). Fui para a parte de trás de casa, mas então no meio do caminho acordei.

      It was interesting the fact that a cold object helped me to keep lucid. I already knew that holding objects would keep you in the dream world, but I had no idea that different objects with different textures would bring different results.

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 04:17 PM by 32539

      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Wave 75: New year LD :) What a treat!

      by , 01-03-2011 at 03:08 AM (The Meerkat's Lair)
      I got an LD in the night between 2010 and 2011 Not very long but still. Im seeing its the third time I get lucid this way. I stopped doin RCs a while ago but now I think il start again. These last times I didnt RC at all when I got lucid. When I get out of a car or a bus instantly, it gives me such a punch I get lucid almost instantly. Then Im in a park and decide it would be fun to celebrate the New Year with a firework. I look up to the sky and a firework sets off and spells out Bonne Année (I just noticed Ctrl+Z fucks up my comp) For my new resolution, Im RCing again starting from now!
    4. Random dreams

      by , 01-03-2011 at 02:13 AM
      Dinner at an Asian Restaurant (My first real lucid dream) On the night of 23rd December 2010 Lucid Non-lucid

      I entered the dream lucid and i don't remember how, so i appeared in a modern restaurant and i was sitting at a table with my family and a group of friends on another table. So the first thing i did was obviously realized was the fact that i was lucid, so I went over to my sister that i was in a dream, she said "I know your in a dream". And i started swimming in the air just to try it out, and she started swimming as well strangely. After doing that i tried to use telekinesis on a random green apple that was on the table, Then suddenly my friend came up to me and asked, "Can you come with me to pick up Darren(Which was one of my friends) ?" So i went with the flow and followed him across the street to a burger king that looked like some sort of caravan. When we went there we saw him sitting down then he walked out, I walk out as well and when we saw these old couples, my friend told me to meet these guys and that they're awesome, so i shook their hands and i introduced myself but they said nothing and walked pass staring at me, then i woke up...

      Weird horror game On the night of January 1st 2011

      I start of entering a simulation game which spawned me into this creepy looking house with stained walls, i turned the corner into a room and saw a couple of people, one of the was shouting, "We have to call EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!" For some reason i declined and tried to escape the house myself, but i failed miserably dieing from a fat monster with big teeth that entered the room(I died in the game). So i restarted the game and this time obeying what that random guy told me. So I was holding a mobile phone in the room and water was filling it up quickly, the person on the other end of the line said that he is sending a boat to pick me up.

      So i waited a bit and the man appeared which was a young Indian guy and the dream scene changed, and i was sitting at the end of a fancy dinner with the man that saved me, we started talking and eventually he asked me if i like cricket and as soon as i said yes the dream scene changed again and i was playing cricket with that dude, i hit a boundary and then i woke up.

      Updated 01-03-2011 at 02:31 AM by 40297

      lucid , non-lucid
    5. 2/5 Sat: Two Decent LDs

      by , 01-03-2011 at 01:51 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Chess, Leaf Blower
      0647: Cleaning up after a chess tournament. In a backyard, me and another guy are folding up patio tables and umbrellas and picking up chess pieces off the ground. I use leaf blower to collect the stray pieces (but in the dream, I call it a wood chipper). Need to drive the tables to a new venue. A group of four girls is leaving and the other guy wants to follow them and try to pick them up. I have trouble starting the leaf blower. I say my father game it to me, like an heirloom. There is a swimming pool and a pickup truck.

      I recalled this at the very end of the night. I think it fits in here. Sara holding the front door open for me at work.

      Baseball Stands
      0911: At a baseball game with my father. It's a huge stadium. I think it's the Dodgers vs the Tigers in Detroit. We sit way up in the nosebleed section. Then two guys I knew in high school sit near us. My father points them out: "Hey look who it is." I ignore them and don't want to talk to them: "They aren't my friends anymore." Then the scene is a much smaller baseball field like at a high school. One of the high school classmates is at bat. He bats left-handed. He hits a foul ball that bounces around our seats and I grab it. Father suggests I give it to the other guy. But I refuse and keep it.

      Another foul ball comes to me and I catch it. Then a guy in the stands who is dressed like an umpire step out to the edge of the field. He looks at me as says "Hey, we need that ball back." I think about it and then throw one of the balls to him. Then the chuckles and walks back to the stands. He tricked me! I want to say "Nice lesson in honestly for your kid" but I don't have the chance.

      Short WBTB in which I use the bathroom and recall my goals and intention

      Method WILD
      Lucidity C
      Vividness B
      Control C
      Begin lucid in an unfamiliar house. My plan and visualization was a Christmas party from a few weeks ago. But this house is totally different. I walk through the house, opening doors, trying to teleport to the party. One set of doors is three sets of doors, like connected hotel rooms, but three doors instead of two. I open one set of doors and see a man who looks like Wolverine from X-Men, but shorter and less threatening.

      I open another door and see a woman who looks like the girl from Boy Meets World. I kiss her and then walk past. Now I am outside. It seems like a remote mountain road and the house I was in was a luxurious winter cabin. I walk out to the road. It's daylight. I'm in the middle of an evergreen forest. Dream fades.

      Shutter Island and Nice Car
      Method DILD
      Lucidity C
      Vividness B
      Control C
      1114: Not sure how, but I become lucid. I am in the Daisetta house. Once again I recall my goal to relive the Christmas party. I imagine a girl there whose name is Rachel. Instead I am with a woman in the family room. She leads me into the bathroom. I kiss her (I tend to do that a lot) and look at our reflection as we kill. Then she tells me that Rachel was missing but they found her (this is from the plot of Shutter Island). She pulls back the bathtub curtain. There is another woman in wet clothes who seems frightened. The bathtub is divided into two sections, like a food lunch tray.

      I lose interest in that and move on. I walk back to the family room and phase through the sliding glass door (with some difficulty). Now I am outside and walk to the front yard. It's night and the streets is lined with cars. Across the street, I see a nice car with the door empty and lights on. It's white sports car, looks like a Tesla Roaster. I walk up to it and climb into the driver seat. On the passenger seat, there is a lit candle. I blow it out. Then I shift the car into drive and peel out. I drive up the residential street as fast as I can. It's fun to drive so recklessly. I turn out on to one of the main streets of town and weave through traffic. Other cars honk and swerve. I try to go even faster but I can't seem to.

      Updated 01-03-2011 at 01:51 AM by 35793 (categories)

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Accessing old dream memories and creating a portal.

      , 01-02-2011 at 07:25 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I'm at university. The classes have just ended and I'm leaving the classroom, planning on going home.
      I ponder about what to make for dinner as I walk down the hallway.
      The hallway ends at some point and you have to go right into the next hallway in order to keep going.
      As I look up I see the end of the hallway, the red wall which I see every time I leave the university, but this time, it is very different.
      There is a message written on the red wall. It's written in white paint, as if someone had painted it with their fingers onto the wall.
      It looks a bit sloppy yet elegant in some way:

      "You are one of the chosen"

      I immediately become fully lucid.
      Someone wrote me this message a few days ago in waking life. I found it mysterious at the time,
      but it appearing in my dreams must mean it had a stronger impact on me than I initially thought.
      I don't bother to RC or perform any stabilization techniques.
      I feel like there is absolutely no need to, but more importantly, I'm rather preoccupied with something else:

      I suddenly "remember" how to open a portal to other places.
      The memory came very sudden and without context. It's a memory from childhood dreams.
      I can clearly remember how to open the portal, like if I had done it 100 times, but I cannot remember one single situation where I actually did open one.
      I feel that there is an immense amount of other memories where that one came from, but I'm unable to access them.

      I consider the possibility that it could be a false memory. I've started reading WakingNomad's DJ: http://www.dreamviews.com/f107/nomad-chronicles-82576/
      Maybe that's where the idea comes from?
      No. I'm entirely convinced this is my own memory, and it is real.

      I'll create a portal!
      I start drawing a circle with my right index and middle finger in front of the red wall.
      I begin at the 6 o' clock position and move clockwise.
      I know I could do this a whole lot faster, but I want to feel and experience every single detail of it.
      I also remember that this is not the way I used to travel, I had a more effective way.
      Where do these memories come from? Are they really from childhood dreams? The memories are so real...

      As I reach the starting position again the image in front of me distorts slightly, like touching the surface of still water.
      Right now the portal is useless, I haven't created the exit point yet.
      Before I do that, I decide to verify how well I'm doing. (This is why)
      I'm nearly fully healed, my aura is quite smooth again, though I still feel like I'm lacking a lot of energy.

      I choose the first thing that comes to my mind as an exit point for the portal. It's a place in Italy, on top of a mountain, it has an amazing view.
      I give the portal a slight nudge with my right middle finger. It opens.
      It looks like it leads straight into a void. But I remember that's what portals look like.
      I feel excited to go through the portal. It feels like there are dangers associated with it, but I also feel that it is safe for me.
      I step through...

      ... I fall out of the portal and it closes behind me. Something just happened but I can't recall it.
      I look around. The portal worked, I'm exactly where I wanted to be. The view is amazing, and I really enjoy the fresh breeze of air on top of the mountain.
      I feel very good, I just achieved something big, though I don't know what it is.
      I make a mental note to investigate my childhood dream memories in the future, though I don't know how. Something is hidden in there, something important.
      I remember that I need to look for "her" as well.

      Well of course! I can just open a portal to her.
      I remember that finding her aura requires a lot of energy, I may not have enough and it feels dangerous toying with it in my current situation.
      I should wait until my energy is fully recovered.
      But... I don't actually need to find her. I suddenly realize I know where she is!
      She's on the planet where she taught me how to walk on water.
      I want to open a portal but I suddenly realize the place is too far away, I don't have enough energy, at least not right now.
      The planet is in the Andromeda galaxy... it is very far away.

      Somehow I feel like all of this is supposed to happen.
      Maybe she hasn't shown up recently because she knows I'd remember how to open a portal and find her?
      The dream slowly fades away, I make no attempt to stabilize it.
      lucid , memorable
    7. 1/02/2011

      by , 01-02-2011 at 05:56 PM
      Apple from Fridge
      I get an apple from the fridge, walk over, and sit down on the dining room chair. My sister comes out of the back of the house and says to me
      "So yah, your gonna have to drive me to the funeral very soon, like now actually"
      For some reason I do a nose pinch RC....which doesnt work. This was the third time I did it in the dream, and for some reason, nose was plugged in it.
      I said, "Do I have to?"
      Michelle said, "Get your butt off that chair and take her"
      Tina then show me a note, showing me a note from her ex, to tina, after I saw him one day. He said something along the lines of he never wanted me to meet him ever again, and he hated my ass. I thought, how rude. She said he was just mad that she dumped him. I shrugged my shoulders
      End of dream
      Dream Guide LD
      So, I am walking along a street, and do a nose pinch RC, it works, I'm a little surprised, because everything is a bit realistic. The dream starts to do that weird rotation on me, when its about to fade, so I rub my hands, and do a little spin, and then shout STABILITY PLZ. I get mediocre stability, something Id prolly expect from being sick for so long and forcing a lucid. I go up to the nearest person, whos this aztec old lady. I ask her where my dream guide is, and she pauses for a moment, and then says, on 21st. I say, That far away? Come On man" She pauses again and says, its right up on the left. lol. So I go up to this house, and ask the lady of this hostel type place where my dream guide is. She says right through the door in the back. I open it, and its this young white dude with metallic blonde hair. He's just putting up his sheets on his bed like he just woke up. I ask him how to recall my dreams better. He gives me a quirk and says, "(He also said not to tell anyone, only to tell them to meet their own dream guides)" I laugh a little, and say, are you for real?" He chuckles, and leads me outside. I get kicked out of the dream, and I say HELL NO in my head, and I concentrate, relax, and reenter in the same spot. He seems a bit happy that I could do this. I look around at the scenery to get a grip on the dream, and prevent it from fading. Then we start talking. He starts morphing into an old friend of mine, and starts making crazy faces at me. I laugh, and he says," Get a girlfriend, its best to lose the-" Dream fades, I reenter, and he's up on the building, he waves me up there , and I try and climb, and he laughs, kicks me off, and says, "Jump" I jump, and he smashes me to the ground. I faintly here him say as the dream fades "Better luck next time."

      Overall a great dream, and very funny. He seems like a cool dude, one that likes to morph a lot, as I suspected in the beginning. Even his energy sig morphs a little. But he taught me what I wanted to know at the time, so all's well.

      Disneyland Arabian nights
      I was in some sort of pool, and an event where people slid into the pool. We were under a gazebo. My Dad was there,so was Michelle my stepmom, and a couple of my brothers. Then one of my friends Jeff came to meet my Dad, and he held out his hand to shake, and my Dad refused to shake it. This surprised me, and he said that my friend looked like a hillbilly bum. As he said this, my friends stomach got really large for a second(RC) absurdly so, but I waved it off as a trick of the eye. My friend scooped my Dads limp hand up, and shook it anyways. I told my friend, lets go, cause I was pissed, and we went to meet up everyone else. As we were walking along the disney resort, there were these purple tents that looked like Arabian disney/magical purple tents that everyone was sleeping in. We either jumped, or ran to the tent where everyone was at. This dream was really realistic btw, I thought this was actually happening IWL, even though I was aware of my surroundings, I was surprised to wake up in my bed And once we got to the tent, everyone was there in the group that I met over in California, and then this other dude showed up. They started discussing money to pay for the tent, as it was rather expensive, and I said I'd stay with my parents. They were like, "Ahh thats too bad". We continued to have a great time, and thenI woke up in my bed and was like WTF, where am I.
      Astral projection attempt
      I was in the vibration stage, and it was hurting like a motherf-er. I continued to try and project, and then I began to see everything around me without my eyes open, which made me open my eyes, and that shut off the projection. I closed them again, and was vibrating, opened them, wasnt. I chuckled to myself. I did my best, but I felt that I didnt have enough energy in my weakened state. So I decided just to go to sleep.

      Pretty much, Ive been really sick, to the point of developing a rash, but I figure if I really do my best to recall my dreams, and do WILDs and shit, then when I cease to being sick, Ill be phenomenal at it. Sort of like training with internal weights. ITs really difficult too lol.

      BTW, I came across an old task for WakingNomads meet your Dream guide for his Shared Dreaming class yesterday, and I was like WTH, and decided to do it. So, belated success my friend. belated success.
    8. Jan 2 2010

      by , 01-02-2011 at 05:31 PM (Mah Journal)
      I was at some sort of camp thing. We had to set up tents on this lake. The lake had a rocky bottom and lots of water fowl. We were walking along the edge of it, trying to get to the end to set up the tents.

      Something happened, and we ended up having to cross the lake yet again. But this time, there were a bunch of dead birds. I was in the lead, and I shouted to the back that the water fowl was dead and was causing the water level to rise. There was barely and rock, and we were walking in the water, clinging to the posts and trees by the shore so that we wouldn't fall in. I kept trying to tell everyone how high the shore was, but no one seemed to listen.


      I was at home. I had to quickly make dinner since we had to leave soon. My mom was there too. She had made spaghetti the night before. I quickly piled some into my bowl along with some cheese. Then I spread out some apples and a few other dishes. I watched the spaghetti explode in the microwave, and was worried that the bowl would shatter too. Luckily it didn't; it just came out bubbling and steaming like mad. I quickly ate the spaghetti and then realized that there was fruit to be eaten too.


      I had the most wasteful LD ever. I was in a room, seemingly a changeroom, with a booth that seemed like a restaurant booth. I decided to go to sleep on it. Then I felt myself separating from my body. I floated up and let myself rise as much as I could, until my head bumped against the ceiling (that hurts a hell of a lot more than you would think O.o). But, my throat was parched to the point it hurt, so I swallowed, and that sent me spiraling back to reality (!@$%#!*&@%^#!%^%# &!^# ^!#$^ &#!$ ).


      Had some other dream, can't remember it at the moment... will edit if it comes back to me.
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Lucid and such

      by , 01-02-2011 at 03:39 PM (Images In The Night)
      Took 1 100mg b6 pill last night. Tried a new technique out which did work. The technique is simply repeating in your head "I am lucid dreaming" while thinking of those words in your head. Worked for me last night. Anyways here's what i remember from last night.


      I'm in my house. All i can remember is that i think i'm dreaming. I plug my nose and understand that i am dreaming. I still have doubts so i shove my finger through my hand and move it around. It hurts some when it comes out but it verifies that yes i am dreaming.

      I walk outside. My mom's boyfriend tim doesn't want me driving the car.(in my dreams when powers don't work for me i just drive around) He takes it out back so i can't use it while he claims he needs to work on it. I pretend to care. I say, " oh darn now i can't drive it" while i sit down in it with the keys. I close the door, lock it, turn on the car. My mom and her boyfriend are banging on the windows trying to get me to stop. I press the gas and i'm off.

      This part is hazy, but i think i went to school after that. I'm not sure, but i just remember that women were around.

      Dream 2


      I only remember half of this dream, the second half. I'm running around a yard throwing molotovs and axes at other people. I'm pretty damn good at it too. Eventually i run out of Molotov's and come down to a be-be gun pistol with no ammo. Someone starts chasing me down. I'm faster than him and once i pass a corner i jump into a car. I load up the pistol with a shot and head into the house. I was apparently trying to find something, but i don't remember what or who.

      Dream skip to my school where me and my friend are hanging out in the cafeteria. I pick up a laptop from a fridge and start playing it. A girl walks up to me that i know and asks about classes. I say i don't need to be here and i'm only here for fun.
      lucid , non-lucid
    10. Nightmares and fake awakenings

      by , 01-02-2011 at 09:32 AM
      Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Im not sure in which order I saw these, but I think they went something like this:

      1. I had a FA. I walked out of my room, but then it turned into a nightmare (like my FAs allways do). And like allways it was about my parent/s trying to kill me. This time I was given two ways to die, other one was cooking me (how pleasant). Fortunatly I allways get lucid in FAs, but unfortunatly my dream control is pretty near 0. Im not sure what happened next, but I remember hiding in darkness/smoke that suddenly filled the room.

      2. I think this was the part where I had about 5-7 FAs in a row (frustrating) before i woke up.

      3. I were in my school, but the teachers were unfamiliar (someone explained that it was another school that looked like ours). We watched a film that was about some sailors going on an island (at least I think it was an island) where some men had been murdered in the forest, but the people living in a village didnt know about it because the governant didnt want anyone to know about it. But the sailors heard about it from the kids in the village and thats all I can recall (movie plot worth an Oscar). I felt really tired, so I tried to sleep all the time.

      4. I was going to store with a scooter, but for some reason I started going back home before I reach the store. I come to a street where i think my home is (it isnt) and at the end of the road there is an replica of my grandparents house and yard. I accidently fall on top of my grandparents dog and two (dead)cats and they start chasing me (that "dead" means that the cats are dead in real life).I close myself into a closet and realise im dreaming. I try to teleport somewhere else and kinda succeed, but instead of getting somewhere else my dream changes and I lose lucidity.

      5.I saw an sloth chasing a grasshopper in somekind of white box (like universe would be nothing but flat, white floor as far as eye can see) then they both fell out of the box and then it changed to some kind of game where you had to activate "soul totems". Soon after that I woke up.
    11. Two Me's at Once

      by , 01-02-2011 at 06:59 AM
      Dream while siting in front of the TV (max 3 min).

      I am talking to this guy that seems like a manager or something, he has this clipboard and is saying something. My hair is very wet like I just came in from the pouring rain and the water in my hair is dripping down between my eyes with hair washed down with it. I push the hair back up to get the water away from my eyes but then realize like "What? How can my hand be here? I am napping in front of the TV I can feel my hand at my side. " Standing there feeling the dream self I also felt my body and my feet up on the ottoman. "I am standing dripping wet here in a known dream and yet I am napping in front of the TV which I can still hear!" It was very weird being fully in 2 places at the same time. The guy that was talking to me looked at me like "whats happening to you?" The sheer weirdness of it all woke me up.
      lucid , memorable
    12. A sandy car park? My First LD.

      by , 01-02-2011 at 12:58 AM
      It started out and I was having problems getting to sleep, but when I did I woke up thinking that I had no chance of sleeping. I finally did go back to sleep, I think it was cold, which caused me to want to change where I was. This is where I told myself I'm in a dream... I must have closed my eyes but I certainly do not remember.

      Looking around I saw fences and any feeling of being too hot or too cold just went. I felt sand between my toes but sharp areas on my big toes. I started to walk around, when I started to walk I don't remember any feeling of sand or sharpness, I don't remember anything but excitement, closing my eyes and still remembering I was dreaming I tried going somewhere else. I felt my body lock up, and I remember reading about Sleep Paralysis so I believed it was that, I tried to move my body, which I could do, then causing my dream to fade away.

      I remember a feeling of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in there, and I believe that's where I got the Car park from.
      This was certainly a great experience, and I truly hope, it isn't my last.
    13. Mystery man and the white bird

      by , 01-02-2011 at 12:48 AM
      I was sitting in my backyard with my brother. I saw behind him a fat oval shaped chicken glide down from a tree. It started to flap its wings and run to the front. I chased after it to kill it. When i got to the front it was gone. I went back to the backyard and went inside the house with my brother. Something was telling me this was a dream. I just had a feeling it was. So i did a reality check. i plugged my nose and i could still breathe. I had to do this a couple times because everything felt so real that i thought i was just doing it wrong. I decided to believe it really was a dream. I went to my brother who was on the stairs and told him "Justin, im dreaming!" he said "what? Really!?" I walked back into the kithen and my friend was there, i followed him into the bathroom and said "hey dude, this is a dream. im dreaming!" He replied "i don't believe you!" so i said ill prove it watch this. i plugged my nose and breathed. i said im gonna go outside and try to do some tricks. I walked outside to the front. I looked at my hands. Everything was so vivid and real like. I tried to light a flame with my hand like the guy from fantastic four. I snapped my fingers repeatedly but nothing happened. i then started to act as if i was creating a ball of fire in both my hands and i tried throwing it to see if fire would actually appear. still nothing. As i kept throwing my hands around trying this my friend walked out and saw me looking like a fool. I realized this and laughed. I stopped and walked towards the driveway. A man appeared. He had an athletic build, middle eastern looking with short black curly hair. He was in athletic gear. A yellow soccer shirt, and shorts. His eyes were bright white with bright brown. He just stood their looking at me (possibly my dream guide?). i ignored him and continued walking to the end of my driveway. At the end of the driveway was this short fat indian man with long grey hair and a big pointy nose. He was saying something but i can't remember what. He had some white bird or owl wrapped in a cloth like a ball. He set it down and i grabbed it and started runnning down the street. I stopped in my neighbors yard and looked back. the indian had chased me but he stopped infront of me and yelled "the white bird!" i set it down and continued running. there was a car in my neighbrs yard so i climbed over it and on the other side was a long bottomless pit. i tried jumpnig across but i fell. I woke up.
    14. Being punched, flying a stick and the blunt dismissal.

      by , 01-01-2011 at 08:54 PM
      I am standing in a field. Several houses surround the field, each made with dull orange bricks. It's quite a nice sunny day (a common theme in my dreams) but I feel sad. Apparently I had to go back to school. I saw my two friends, O and O walking past me quite happily. I walk towards where I know the school is, and turn into another field, this time with a football pitch. While walking accross, I join more people walking to school. Suddenly, a small blonde boy stands in front of me, smirking. I try and fail to get past him, and then I get hit from behind. A group of 12 year olds start beating me up, spinning me round, throwing me e.t.c. I'll teach the little f****** I think, but every time I try to throw a punch, I meet heavy resistance until I either stop short of them, or it hits with barely any force. They aren't actually hurting me, but its infuriating to not be able to do anything. I used to get bullied a lot (though never physically, thank god) and this used to be a common theme in my dreams . One of my friends, B, calls "I thought you said fighting Year 7's was easy!" They find my struggle hilarious, and eventually throw me at the ground and go off to play football. I walk away to take an alternate route: a small path running down the side of the field, seperated by a small hedge. I find a stick, hop on and zoom along about a meter off the ground. Suddenly, I see a floating stick in front of me, blocking my path. I think to myself, "If I were lucid right now, that stick would..." and BLAM! POW! THOCK! THWUMP! HEDGEMONY! I become lucid. The stick seems to be some kind of evil force, trying to manifest in the stick and morph to a form more dangerous to me. As it dramatically gathers itself, I just bluntly grab it out of the air. No evil in my dreams...well, other than my evil. I smile wikedly to myself. I wonder how those Year 7's will cope with a lucid warrior? Righteous fury welling inside me, I fly dramatically over the hedge and make a beeline for the football pitch where I can see the perpetuators. The dastardly curs! And then, the dream changes and I loose the little lucidity I had. The rest of the dream involves me placing presents in giant christmas stockings. Still, at least I had a new years lucid!
      lucid , non-lucid
    15. Snowy , random nightmare

      by , 01-01-2011 at 08:53 PM
      I was walking with my family down a snowy road with a video game disk in my hand ( idk why..) . Then I dropped it and it somehow floated and hit a train. It didn't break so I picked it up. Then we walked to a random concession stand and I got a burrito. After that I walked to a hotel where I saw myself in window, that was when I gained control of the dream. I stabilized it, then Looked back in the mirror and saw a weird looking guy in a mask behind me. Sadly then I woke up...
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare