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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Lucid Theme park

      by , 03-05-2013 at 03:25 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      So this was the first time where I experienced the transition from waking to NREM to REM. I'm assuming I was aware the whole time, but as always it's possible that I wasn't.

      I'm laying in bed, in the darkness and certain things would wake me up up. Like all of a sudden I would be able to fee my body in bed, and hear sounds. This happened a couple of times, and finally I was asleep (I guess).

      Everything was black, and I wasn't sure if I should open my eyes or just think of something to do. So I pretended to light a cigar and smoke it. The dream cigar materialized in my hand, and I lit it with my thumb. All it took was a lighter like motion. I put it up to my lips, and inhaled, and my vision got bright red. I ashed in my hands, and could feel them, but they weren't hot. Then the regular dream started forming.

      I feel a flying sensation, and I see bars moving everywhere. Everything is still black and gray at the moment, so I open my dream eyes. Things started forming more and more, and I find myself climbing the side of a roller coaster at a high speed. I climbed to the top, and waited for the coaster to come by.

      When it arrived I jumped up into it, and went on a wild ride. This thing was doing 90 degree drops over and over like it was nothing, and it would follow them up with super fast vertical climbs. As I spiraled down the tracks I couldn't help but think how awesome this was.

      The coaster came to a stop (the dream had obviously fully formed by now) and I found myself in a jungle themed park. I had to find out who worked here because that was the most intense ride I've ever been on. I walked around a bit, and found myself in a big open waiting area. The walls were brown, and it looked like it was composed of diagonal 2x4s. There was a blonde woman wearing safari gear behind the counter.

      She had the biggest smile on her face as she greeted me. I told her about how awesome this place was, and that I wanted to know a few things. She said that she would be happy to assist me.

      Me: Who created this place?
      Her: Mr. W.
      (I was so shocked when she said this)
      Me: Who's Mr. W?
      Her: Why he's the wonderful person who convenes us all. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.

      (I wanted to tell her that she was talking about me. I was still pretty shocked that she actually knew who was pulling the strings.)

      I thanked her for her time, and headed out. There was a Marriott hotel joined to the theme park. I entered, and there was two people at the desk. One Indian guy, and I'm not even sure who the other DC was, but there was a line for people waiting to check in.

      I walked past them down the hallway, and the Indian guy yelled "hey". I turned around, and he told me I had to wait in line like everyone else. I walked over to the counter, and jumped over it into his little space and said "do you know who I am?" He didn't have an answer, so I filled him in. "I'm Wade", I said. He spoke back to me with this thick Indian accent. He's always doing whatever he wants in these places and it's getting on my nerves. I told him that he could shoot me if he wanted it. Then the guy pulled out his pistol and pulled the trigger.

      Him: "It's just that you seem to mess up things all the time"
      Me: "Look I love this place, so I really don't have any problems"
      Him: "You're always trying to do whatever you want *click* (yes he's still trying to shoot me at this point) and I'm getting sick of it.

      Me while making an ottoman float: "I can do whatever I want, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy this place. I

      I told him that I was waking up and we'd have to continue this conversation at a later date.
    2. City of the future 2500

      by , 03-05-2013 at 03:11 AM
      I was realized I was dreaming when I huge car that took up all three lanes was on the road. I thought this is a dream! I looked around this amazing huge in future city. I thought this must be what it will be like 500 years from now and was almost amazing about how original this city looks. I didn't copy something from a movie but was very unique. I noticed a building a wanted to go into. I walked in this empty factory with gaint toys displayed on all ends of the wall. There a very loud noise coming from inside this warehouse. The sounds was so loud I thought I must be hearing this from the physical world. I lost lucidity at this point.

      I became lucid while attempting a wild. I got out of bed in the dream world and walked to my shrine in my room. This is one of the most interesting places to go in my lucid dreams. A red dakini appeared clearly and then other forms of dakinis. Then ganapati appeared at the same time all of the large groups of people in the world that were distress. Ganapati watched over all the people with compassion.
    3. 03/04/13 On the Road

      by , 03-05-2013 at 12:53 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      On the Road: Campfire
      I am sitting on the side of a road with some other people. I recognize them all. I see MoSh, Roland, Jake, Eddie, Susanna, and Oy all gathered around a campfire. Everyone is watching Roland very closely. Roland is finishing his story about what happened in Hambre with Susan Delgado. He says he didn't meet her where he had said they would meet. He said he knew if he was to meet her he wouldn't have the strength to do what needed to be done. He said he would have liked nothing more than to make a life with Susan, but the tower… He talks for a bit more about why he has to find the tower and fix what is wrong within it. He finally stops and looks around. He looks like something just occurred to him. He says there were parts of the story he himself hadn't remembered until he told it… like the fact MoSh and I were both there. But while he has aged, we were both the same then as we are now. We were part of his ka-tet back then and we are again… ka is a wheel… but how is it that we aren't changed? I tell him MoSh and I travel through both time and space to arrive where and when we need to be, those events in Majis are like yesterday to MoSh and me… I literally rescued Susan yesterday. So what happened to Susan anyway? Roland said he saw in the glass when she was almost burned alive… had been sure she would be… he had already accepted that they would not be together, but wasn't ready to accept that. He says part of him would swear he saw here actually burn…

      On the Road: The Emerald City
      I am on the road traveling with MoSh, Roland, Jake, Eddie, Susanna, and Oy. There is a palace ahead spanning across the road. The palace is a green crystalline color. There are shoes in the street. It looks like someone left out a pair of bright red shoes for each person in the group. We all pick up the pair of shoes that is intended for us, mine looks like the ruby slippers Dorothy wore in the Wizard of Oz.

      We continue to the entrance to what I can only think of as the Emerald City. There is a large gate in the front of the palace, it looks more like a palace than a city. The road leads through the gate and I can see the road extending into the palace. After figuring things out for a short while it is determined that we all have to tape the red shoes together at the same time, three times, to open the door. So everyone puts on the shoes and taps them together. There is a reverberating sound that makes everything vibrate, but nothing happens. Oops… everyone forgot about Oy. The billy-bumbler hadn't clicked his shoes together. So we do the test again, this time with Jake and Roland taking care of clicking Oy's shoes together… and the sound is even louder. The entire structure of the emerald palace seems to vibrate.

      The gate doesn't open… it shatters into a billion tiny shards. Fortunately none of them seem to be sharp enough to cut anyone. We go into the palace, following a long hallway to a door at the end. The whole thing looks like the Wizard of Oz. The door at the end has a sign that states the bell is out of order… please knock. The door is unlocked, however, so we go through. There is a loud voice coming from everywhere, asking how dare we enter the presence of the great and powerful Oz. Eddie says not to worry… it's just a bumhug… I think he means a humbug. I think the voice considers itself to sound threatening and scary, but it really just sounds a bit ridiculous to me. Oy is also unaffected by this, he is over near a curtain pulling at it. He pulls it aside to reveal a man there. The man doesn't look good, it looks like a piece of his skull is missing… ouch! He is throwing threats around until Eddie puts bullets in his head. There is another man there, however. He is standing in the middle of the main room where there had been a blazing fire special effect, he is holding the wizard's glass orb. He says he will give us one final chance to cry off and forget about the tower. Everyone says no, they will not do that, including MoSh and me… I tell him, "You wish… not gonna happen." Roland tries to shoot him with his gun, but it doesn't fire. The man laughs at that and says Roland will get only misfires with him. Maybe the bullets are all bad. Roland responds by drawing a gun from Eddie, Susan, and Jake's home world… He draws it lightning fast and fires at the man, who disappears in an explosion of smoke. He does not get away unscathed, however, I hear a cry of surprise and pain before he manages to dematerialize. Now we are alone in the huge room, Roland says he thinks he will have to tell the rest of his tale before we can continue… no… he will have to show us. He points to where the man dropped the wizard's glass as he disappeared. We go over to the orb and Roland indicates we should look into the orb. I don't see anything in it, I wonder why that is. Roland and the others seem to see something in there… and I notice Roland has a shocked look on his face. He says that's not how it happened… but now he remembers differently… which one is true? The first thing I think to say is nothing is true… and everything is permitted, even changing events that have already happened… I look back into the orb and this time I can see an image. Roland is walking down a hallway and into a room. There are shoes underneath the curtains but he doesn't see them. He is looking for his mother. The others are all gathered around as well, all except for Roland. The younger version of Roland turns around when someone is behind him. At first it looks like the witch Rhea, come back for revenge, holding out a dead snake towards Roland. She looks like a corpse. But then that image looks transparent, and it is really Roland's mother.

      She is holding out a belt that looks handmade. Roland is drawing his guns, apparently he still sees Rhea. Everyone is yelling at Roland not to do it, it is a trick. I say nothing out loud, but I focus on sending a telepathic signal through time and space… I send a message to MoSh to do the same… maybe it can get through, even just enough to make him hesitate… a second is all it would take… and he does hesitate. Due to my telepathic message? He hesitates just long enough to see the illusion waver… and then he sees her for who she really is. I hear Rhea's voice of rage, yelling curses, saying she will still have her revenge… I am thinking I should have killed the witch in Hambre. Roland's mother interprets Roland having his guns out to mean he knows she had planned on betraying his father. She quickly tries to explain that she didn't know what she was doing, Marten had gotten into her head somehow... he'd been using her the whole time. Roland has no interest in just shooting his mother, he looks around to see if the witch is still present in the room. He looks straight at me for what seems like a long time before turning back to his mother, who says she wants a chance to make up for what she has done. The images around us fade to pink. I feel a bit disoriented and then find I am sitting on the road, it looks like we are far past the Emerald Palace. The others are all there, too, they also look disoriented. From the look of our shoes we have been walking the whole time. I notice the road isn't what it used to be… not really a road at all. And the path of the beam can be easily seen in the clouds in the sky. We are back on track. Roland is looking at me strangely. He says he doesn't know how it can be. He still remembers shooting his mother, but it is like it was a dream… and what we just saw is much clearer. It is here that I wake up.
    4. DILD or WILD and DEILD

      , 03-04-2013 at 09:55 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Sunday 3/3/13 - bed at 12:30am - 8:50am B-complex at bedtime

      some dreams

      I'm at some meeting, signing attendance book

      Get yelled at by someone and I stand up to her.

      Monday 3/4/13 Nap 11ish - 12:30am

      Got either DILD or WILD. And added 1 DEILD to it.

      Not remembering much, because continued sleeping thinking I hook another DEILD to it.

      FIRS TIME EVER - vibrations in face and not the usuall torso.

      I'm sitting on a chair, rocking backwards, until I overdo it and back of the chair leans all the way to the ground in a slow and gentle motion. I realize I could do this to induce and keep doing it.

      I'm sitting on a train, my dad is standing and talking to me. I'm half asleep, when I realize i can see him with eyes closed. I figure it would be fun to follow him so I get up and follow him. We come to a building I know my friend lives in so I decide to go check out her bedroom and next time I'm there to see if what I saw was correct.

      *IWL, they are cutting trees nearby and using the shreader so it's very loud in my apartment. But I had a LD before in lots of noise, so i tried today as well. Iw was ok, but couln't get a long chain going. It's ok, I'm happy. Thank you, come again

      Updated 03-05-2013 at 06:10 AM by 50242

    5. 5th Lucid

      by , 03-04-2013 at 07:48 PM
      I fell asleep last night at around 1am and had a regular dream or two. Woke up at 5am and stayed up for about 10-15 minutes and went back to bed. My final waking time was 8:30am. Basically last night I had kind of an unintentional wbtb. In the time during my second sleep I had a couple, long non-lucid dreams. Just a side note: I have not been doing any rc's lately or anything besides having a thought or two of LD'ing in the back of my head daily. The night before last I was having a dream when I just randomly said to myself, "I am dreaming" and that triggered quick lucidity but as soon as I realized it, the dream had faded to black. I am not counting that as an official lucid although I am impressed with myself for getting to that point. That night I also had an unintentional wbtb, as I had fallen asleep on the couch and went to my bed later in the night.

      So here I am, in my non-lucid dream. I am standing on some bedrock looking at all the waterfalls that stretch down the horizon. It is dusk outside. The dream is vivid and clear. I see a billboard at the top of one waterfall closest to me, thinking "why the hell would someone put an ad here?"

      Anyway, I looked around for a few more seconds and randomly just say to myself "I am dreaming". I get that awesome rush you get when you find out that you're dreaming and run and jump off the bedrock into the water below. Below the surface it gets darker and darker the deeper I go until I'm falling into black space. All of a sudden I'm completely still. I open my eyes and I'm back in my bed. The room is completely dark and for a moment I'm thinking I really did just wake up. I lean up and see an industrial white light on the wall by my bed, which is not there in WL. Without question, or doing any rc's, I know this is still a dream. I get up slowly, pulling the cover off. I sit on the edge of my bed for a few seconds thinking about how my goal in this dream is to anchor myself in and engage all five senses as much as possible. Idk why but I put it off and got up and dug through my drawer for something but I dont recall what it was that I was looking for. After that I pace around my black room for a minute or two. For some reason I felt very tired and my eyelids were heavy. I was fighting the urge to close my dream eyes for the fear I'd lose the dream and wake up. I decided to do a rc just to see what my hands looked like in the dream. They looked normal, but my focus was zooming in and out, clarifying then blurring, like a camera trying to focus. Through the dream I never let myself forget I was dreaming, and that seemed to keep me in longer. I then Looked at my phone to see what funky characteristics it had. I turned on the screen and a red samsung came up with weird quotation marks, like "SAMSUNG" and then something appeared below it. I figured, fair enough. I walked around my room a bit more feeling sluggish and half asleep. I finally had closed my eyes.

      A couple seconds passed and I opened them slowly, hoping to be in the dream still. But what I see is daylight instead of solid darkness, and I can see everything in my room. I lean up to do a rc. My hands look normal, none of that zoomy shit. I plug my nose and can't breath. Great, I'm awake! I decided to get up and write everything down in my dream journal. This LD lasted about 5 minutes. My record before this was 20 seconds. Talk about improvement!! This time though I didn't just take off and fly and wake myself up out of the excitement, keeping my cool worked.

      I'm kinda impressed with myself for have lucid instances in the last two nights. I'm sure they had to do with my wbtb's. It seems all I gotta do is say "I'm dreaming" and voila. I will do wbtb's the next couple nights and see how it works out.
    6. The Drugs and The Glass In My Hand

      by , 03-04-2013 at 05:58 PM
      California highways are really beautiful, but not when you feel like you're being followed while trying to get back to your home.

      I pulled off the main highway to resolve some issue, perhaps read my map...I'm not certain, but the men in the white pickup that pulled up behind me seemed very threatening. He glared at me over the steering wheel as if he was daring me to make a strange move.

      The passenger was the more malevelent-looking of the two. A long bald head appeared around the corner of the windshield and smiled a toothy grin, yellowed teeth filling his face like a diseased jack-o-lantern.

      "All we want is the pills! Give us the drugs and we'll let you live!"

      I was reluctant to give up the pills as I knew they were expensive and important. I reached into my pocket and pulled out several foil blister-packs, each containing four pills of the medicine the evel man wanted. I suspected they were for pain but I never saw their name.

      "All of them!" He seemed very impatient as he said this.

      I walked over to him and handed the pills over, all but two.

      "Let me keep just these two! They're important, at least let me keep these!" I implored him.

      He nodded in an allowing way and I pocketed the pills, relief flooding over me, and I turned back towards my car for the walk back.

      I found the gravelly road I was on appeared to be covered with broken glass, large pieces littering the entire area. I can't imagine how I didn't notice that before. One step told me I could never walk back safely so I decided to float/swim back to the car pushing myself with my hands.

      The shard of glass sticking out of my finger and the painful sensation brought me to lucidity and I examined the orangish-brown glass in my finger before pulling it out. I stared at the mark and it sealed immediately.

      Knowing I couldn't propel myself with my hands or feet because of the glass I instead chose to float my way back, a hovering figure sitting cross-legged in the car. The feeling was pretty cool knowing I could float so easily, and I made it back to the car safely.

      Something happened after that but I don't recall it well enough to describe.
    7. The Wish

      by , 03-04-2013 at 04:45 PM
      This was an interesting little LD where I pulled off Basic Task of the Month. The woman in the restaurant was a very intriguing dream character. Much sharper than the typical DC. Who was she?

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #72: The Wish

      I'm in an elevator talking to some guy from Brazil. I suddenly realize that I'm going somewhere with Wife but she's not in the elevator. The doors are open, so I step outside the elevator, thinking that she must have fallen behind. Instead of Wife, I see my friend SA heading toward the elevator and become lucid when I remember that SA moved to Seattle a few years ago. I also remember the fact that I intended to have a lucid dream.

      "Hey!" I say to SA as she hurries by and steps into the elevator. "Oh hey!" she responds, giving me a quick wave just before the elevator doors close.

      I'm in a long marble hallway. I rub my hands together and say, "I am having a really stable lucid dream." I feel confident and I remember the Tasks of the Month that I wanted to try. At the end of the hallway is a restaurant and when I enter it, I'm greeted by a tall Indonesian-looking man who's about 20. "Can I help you, sir?" He seems friendly enough, but somehow he strikes me as dull-witted.

      I'm about to perform the "wish" Task of the Month
      ("Tell a dream character that he/she may have 1 wish granted.") But I have this sense that the DC I'm speaking to is just an "extra" in the dream and that I'll get a more meaningful answer from someone else. I tell him to "Take me to the most amazing woman in the restaurant." (This sounds shallow, and in large part it was -- I thought it'd be more fun to grant an attractive woman a wish than some dude. But the important subtext of my request was that I wanted to speak with an interesting, highly intelligent DC.)

      "Right this way," he says, without missing a beat. I follow him to a table with a window overlooking the city. The woman seated at the table is a short, very attractive Asian woman who looks like she's about 25. She's seated at the table with four men in suits, also Asian, who looks more like bodyguards than boyfriends. Even though she's easily the smallest person at the table, her presence is by far the most commanding. As I approach, the men inch subtly but protectively toward her.

      The woman casually waves her left hand and says, "It's fine." The men settle back into their seats, the aggressive tension subsiding. She looks at me, cocks her head to the left and simply says, "Hello."

      Through the window behind them, I see a downtown skyline backlit by the sunset. I somehow feel like this is her city. I'm not intimidated by her, but I am impressed by her. I may be the king in this world, but she's somebody important too. A crime boss? The city's mayor?

      "I can grant you one wish," I say. "You tell me what you want and I'll do it."

      Without hesitating, she says, "Can you grant me a kiss from any DC that I want?"
      (Yes, she said "DC"!)

      "Definitely. I can do that."

      "Okay," she says. "I want a kiss from Brad Pitt." She says it like a challenge.

      The straightforwardness of the request amuses me. I nod, extending my hand to the right to try the "handshake" summoning trick that I used to summon Xanous a few dreams back. I imagine that Brad Pitt is standing just a bit off to the side and is now reaching forward to shake my hand. There's just a slight pause and then something slithers into my hand that feels like a cold, wriggling fish. It feels disgusting and I hope that Brad Pitt just has a really weak handshake.

      I turn to look at what I've got and see that I've somehow latched onto the elbow of a woman that was walking by. I let go of her elbow and she walks away, seemingly oblivious to what just happened. I wonder why her elbow was so gross.

      When I look back at the table, I see a couple of black spots forming in my vision. I laugh off my failure, saying, "Don't worry, I've still got this!"

      The black spots are growing now, partially obscuring my view of the attractive young Brad Pitt fan / mayoress.. "Careful," she says. I think that I ought to be prepping for DEILD but I also feel like I'm close to success and want to try to sneak this one in. As the black spots grow, I have this overwhelming sensation that the reason the room is darkening is that my eyes are closed. The urge to open my eyes gets the best of me and
      my real eyes open.

      Updated 03-04-2013 at 04:57 PM by 57387

      lucid , task of the month
    8. Disturbing Sleep Paralysis

      by , 03-04-2013 at 05:23 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      It's getting worse...

      Disturbing Sleep Paralyis (DILD)


      I become lucid as I'm driving down the road, though it's a pretty low level. I feel as though it is important to drive to my mom's house, as that's where I was headed before becomming lucid.

      I get distracted, and slide into sleep paralysis. At first, it is normal SP. I lie there, not really caring about anything. It feels nice and somewhat relaxing. But as I slide deeper into it, the vibrations become disturbingly intense, to the point that I feel like I am convulsing on the bed. Not for the first time, I question whether or not I'm having a seizure.

      I focus on my breathing, trying to make it as fast and abnormal as possible to jar myself awake. I seem to have good control over this, but it is not helping matters any. My eyes are open; I am lying on my back with my head tilted just enough to the right to see my clock. 7:59. I remember Alex, my roommate, saying that she is going to get up at 8:00 to do some homework (We are both taking naps at this time). I hope she will get up soon so it will wake me up.

      Desperately, I try to call out to her. It seems as if I'm actually able to do this (though I later find out it is all a hallucination.) "Alex!" I call out in a dry, raspy voice. "Alex!" I see her sit up in bed. She looks at me in confusion.

      "Wake me up," I plead. It is a struggle to get the words out.

      "What?" she asks. I think that it probably sounds weird of me to ask her to wake me up.

      "I can't move," I moan.

      She gets out of bed and makes her way towards me, but she stops in the middle of the room. I am worrying that I'll scare her by jolting awake when she touches me. I then worry that I might not wake up at all, and I'll be stuck like this forever. I notice she's not coming any closer, and I wish she'd hurry up.

      After a moment, I jolt awake for real. I think that I'm still looking at Alex, but I soon realize that I've been seeing her poster across the room the whole time. She is still in bed asleep.
    9. Zombie Cataclypse

      by , 03-04-2013 at 05:06 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      Not sure what's with all these perverse dreams I've been having. I never used to have any at all. But oh well, can't complain.

      Zombie Cataclypse (Lucid)


      I accidentally set off Wal-Mart's alarm system as I'm examining some RuneScape merchandice. All of my friends run away, leaving me as security shows up. "No big deal," I think. "Not like I stole anything." They search me and obviously don't find any stolen merchandice. However, they say they're going to have to hold me overnight. "You can't do that!" I exclaim. They tell me that they can.

      When they're distracted, I take off running and leave the store. They follow after me and actually start shooting at me! Alarmed, I make my way to the back of the property where their delivery trucks are. As I'm running, I notice that my mom is tied up in the back of one of the trucks. She tells me that she got busted for shoplifting.

      I free her and we run away.

      *time lapse*

      Some strange things have happened that I don't remember. I am now trapped in a creepy mansion with two people I've been travelling with. I'm sitting at a table with one of them, a girl who is crying to me that the guy we're with has cheated on her. She says she still wants to be with him, but she can't just let him get away with cheating. "Well, why don't you cheat on him? Then it'll be even," I tell her.

      "I can't just sleep with some random person to get back at him," she cries.

      "It doesn't have to be a random person," I say with a smirk. "I mean, I'm always available." She looks as though she's considering it, so I slide closer and kiss her. We then stand up and I lead her into a back room. Sadly, some people in the mansion burst in and interrupt us, so we're once again on the run.

      I spontaneously become lucid and decide that I am bored with the dream. I don't want to be in this mansion anymore. So I phase through the nearest window and somehow end up in my grandma's neighborhood.

      After rubbing my hands together to stabilize the dream, I begin to walk happily down the street, singing to myself and just goofing off, enjoying being lucid under normal circumstances after so long. As I continue down the road, I notice that the doors to each house are open, and I can see the families inside. One little girl notices me singing and dancing. She laughs and walks out of her house towards me.

      The whole neighborhood soon follows suit. Families flock out of their houses and follow me down the road. They are all smiling, laughing, and sharing in my happiness. I am in excellent spirits.... until I turn around and find out that all of the people have suddenly become zombies!

      I stop for a moment, stunned at the abrupt change in mood. Of course, this would happen. When do I ever have non-threatening DC's in my lucids?

      Since I had not been suspicious of the initial crowd of people, they are already too close for me to simply run away. Three of them are already trying to grab a hold of me, and I've fallen to the ground! I kick them as hard as I can in the head; they fall, but are still coming after me. I manage to get to my feet and start to run.

      The zombies are still really close to me. One zombie girl reaches out to me... I suddenly realize that she is a normal human, pretending to be a zombie so that they won't get her. She grabs my arm and pulls me away from the hoarde.

      We run together into the woods, quickly putting distance between us and the undead. "I have a gun if things get really bad," she tells me.

      "What's your name?" I ask her.

      "I'm Torrie," she says. "Or Annie."

      "Wait, is it Torrie or Annie?" I ask, confused.


      I pause. "Um, okay. I'm Lola."

      We end up on a very narrow path in the woods that has a fence on either side. We stop running. Everything has gone completely silent. "I don't like the looks of this," I whisper. "Maybe you should get out your gun."

      Suddenly, a creepy voice rings through the air. "You have enroached too far into the hunting ground."

      Torrie or Annie looks at me, clearly scared. Suddenly all manner of undead animals are quickly coming down the path toward us. "We have to go over the fence!" she cries out.

      "Alright, you first." I help her over the fence. In the few seconds it takes to get her over, the animals are already at my feet. "Help me! Shoot them or something!" But Torrie or Annie is in shock or something and isn't moving. I stomp the animals' heads into the ground and quickly climb over. "Why didn't you help me?" I demand.

      Then I see the state she is in. She's curled into a little ball, crying uncontrollably. Alarmed, I pull her into a hug. "Hey, don't cry. It's gonna be okay. Don't worry, I'll get us out of here." Since she is completely unresponsive, I pick her up and carry her. We end up in a small abandoned building, where I sit down and try to calm her.

      I have a false awakening and am no longer lucid. Now I am outside of my old house with my dad and brother. The ground is frozen, and I am barefoot.

      We walk to the back road; it is still apparent that we are under threat of zombies. On the road, there are weird tree and stick sculptures in the shape of people scattered about. Suddenly, we hear a weird sound. I realize it's coming from a huge metal tower in the middle of the briar patch to the right. In a booming voice from the tower, someone begins reciting the Lord's Prayer.

      All of the sculptures come to life and begin reciting the prayer as well. The stick sculptures are carrying some kind of pamphlet and start jabbing me with them. I tell my dad and brother to run.

      I manage to evade the creepy sculptures, but we have become separated. It is hard to walk properly, because I keep sliding on patches of ice. Eventually, I come to a place that looks like where I'd been before my false awakening. "Torrie!" I shout, hoping to find her again. "Annie?"

      I walk into a nearby building and find her standing there. "L-Lola. It's you," she cries in relief. I run up to her and hug her close to me.

      "Thank god I found you," I whisper, holding her against me. "I was worried that something might have happened." All I want to do is to sit there and hold her, but I hear some suspicious noises outside.

      When I look out, two men are holding my dad and brother at gun point. One of them, who has a huge rifle. Walks up to us. "Well, well, well," he says creepily. "I think I'm gonna take you two young ladies as my wives." I give him an evil look, but he puts the gun to my back and marches us forward.

      "I'll never let you take us," I growl at him.

      "Oh really? And what are you going to do about it?" He turns and shoots my dad in the head. He falls to the ground, dead.

      Enraged, I manage to get Torrie's gun from her bag and I shoot both men. One goes down instantly, but the man with the rifle laughs at me, even though he has clearly been shot in the head. "Well, you clearly have good gun skills, but can you---" I shoot him again. He is still alive, and laughing. I give the gun to Torrie, thinking she might have better luck. He just won't die!

      I wake up shortly afterwards.

      Updated 03-07-2013 at 03:56 PM by 47876

      lucid , memorable
    10. More Sleep Paralysis - Succubus "Attack"

      by , 03-04-2013 at 04:57 AM (Death's Other Kingdom)
      More Sleep Paralysis- Succubus Attack (DEILD)


      I am lying in bed awake, with my eyes closed. Alex has just left the room, and I'm contemplating getting up early since I only have about 15 minutes left before my alarm goes off anyway.

      I suddenly get pulled into SP, however, and no longer have a choice in the matter. I momentarily think about fighting it, but I am tired and know that it won't be long before my alarm will snap me out of it.

      Alex is talking to me, and I have to keep reminding myself that she is not really in the room. I really want to turn this into a dream so I won't just be stuck in SP for 15 minutes suffering through these annoying vibrations. They are more powerful than ever, to the point that an intense pain is pulsating through my ribs. This is definitely not normal...

      The pain is getting to be pretty overwhelming, but I am still not in the mood to struggle to get out of SP. If I could just pull myself into a dream, things would be better. I try to focus on dreaming, but am distracted when a succubus shows up and a long scene ensues that I am not going to describe here. ._.
    11. Day lucid

      by , 03-04-2013 at 04:15 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Transition was weird. Vision was jacked up. Like part of what I was my room and the other part was a dream. I started stabilizing by rubbing my hands. When things became normal, I headed outside. There was this party going on right out there and I had no idea who it was, but everyone was getting wasted. I headed over there and got a few brews and they said that the beer ran out I told them "don't worry a keg is on the way". Two people came up carrying it and obviously it was awesome. I downed an entire pitcher and actually got a little dream drunk. The scene was tilting back and forth, and then the DCs were like "we're gonna hit another spot". We left and like things got weird. It was like playing a JRPG. We got random encounters and everything. I told them that were not gonna make it, and said maybe we'll go next time because I feel myself waking up.
      Tags: beer, wild
    12. WILD+bunch of DEILDs

      , 03-04-2013 at 01:09 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Sunday 3/3/13 Bed on 3/2/13 sat 12:20am - 9am

      Nap - 11:50 - woke up at 3:20pm

      I started feeling body relaxing almost immediatelly and I wondered if it's because it knows I want to WILD. Waves of vibrations start washing over me, I count at least 4 or 5. At the second one, I wonder if I should just get up already, but I know it's too soon.

      I get my first head-buzz when I think I have had enough. My leg is crooked begause cat is sleeping at my feet. So I turn to my left side and try again.

      I got a WILD and at least 7 DEILDs, but I don't remember them all. Whole thing lasted for at least 30 min. Was not rushed through them as last time. I remember thinking in one LD wow, this is so long, I know I'm not gonna wake up. I hade this strange calmness and confidence.

      Each transition was extremely mild. All I did each time was I realized that I'm still sleeping so I rocked my head (dream head) back and forth to start some dizzy motion thing and that usually get's me lucid.

      Only at one transition I saw a large insect on my wall and as I was rocking back and forth, more and more spider webs appeared on the wall. I thought about just getting up then, since I knew I'm dreaming. But I got some nice falling down sensation and went with that.

      Dont' recall all DEILDs.

      1. WILD - I'm flying towards some futuristic city with skyscrapers on background of stormy clouds and sunny skies. On the way there I stop to investigate a beautifull sport arena. I say "take me there" while looking at the wall and I get zoomed in fast. I figure I better remember this new mode of transportation.

      Can't tell if its football or baseball, so I'm making my way to the top to see the field. I'm desperate to see the sign on top to know what city I'm in. I thing it says Brewers.

      2. DEILD. I'm walking in the back yard of RD10. I feel awareness slipping so I keep yelling something, but it keeps slipping. I realize, it slips anyway, and as i do, I get snapped back to it. This happens a few times.

      In the very back, by the fence, there is a small patch of tropical sea of size of maybe 2 bathtubs. Incredible beautiful blue see-through water and white sand. I pick it up and let it run through my fingers.

      3. DEILD Same backyard as in #2, only the whole backyard is tropical sea. Lots of white sand, sun, warm, shallow, blue water.

      4. DEILD I'm standing on a shore line. Small waves are splashing over concrete shore. I look almost straight up and tovering over me are huge waves. I smile and say "take me there". After my first mouthfull of water I realize I should have said "take me over the wave". I'm bobbing on top of the tsunami waves, while collecting some kids taken out to sea by these huge waves. I pick a girl and a boy and maybe their mom.

      I'm walking through the hotel and I get nasty looks from some people. I learn that I am in bikiny and I'm a young girl that she is obviously hated in this hotel. I think to myself damn, why did I have to transform into this girl for?

      I make my way through corridors, looking out the small windows, trying to see which way I should get out. I come to a balcony. Beneath me is a tropical sea with beach. Incredible georgeous blue water, not see through, more milky, like some places in Hawaii. Only blue.

      I jup in next to something I think is a school of fish. But it's a lobster and sea turtle. I say "turtle details" a few times. Turtle turns to me and asks "what do you mean turtle details?". I say I would like to see more details on him. It looks like whoever built him, didn't finish him, because skin and shell was missing in some places. But the green color was spot on. I feel the warmth of the ocean and atmosphere of a resort.

      I lift myself out of the water to look beyond the sea wall. There is the angry ocean with tsunami waves. Ok, I decide to stay in my small peacefull sea and go explore the sandbars of blindingly white sand.

      5. DEILD I'm with somone and someone says "invite her to?"

      6. DEILD Here I"m at the house I was invited to in #5. A girl I used to know as a child now has children of her own. The little girl running around is not my friend, but her granddaughter. A doctor comes to give here a shot and while I watch, I start rocking to induce LD. I wonder if he notices if I fall asleep while standing up.

      When he is done, I ask him if he wants to "do it". Sure thing, but I guess we both fall asleep. We wake up and he says we slept for half an hour.

      *I feel like I could be doing this forever. But my big toe hurts like hell. My whole foot is crooked because of a cat sleeping at my feet. So i wake up and cat is not there.

      *I watched "The Contact" again and was really obsessing about that alien beach with tropical blue seas. I guess that reflected in this batch of LDs. Thank you, come again.

      Updated 03-04-2013 at 02:04 AM by 50242

    13. 3/3/2013 rainbow

      by , 03-03-2013 at 09:55 PM (Dreamscapes)
      Was in a previous dream and decided to deild into another. It went slowly as a felt my room around me materialize. I opened my eyes and say my desk was against my bed. I instantly knew it was a dream. It was a bright sunny day and I was at my moms house. The sun was almost blinding. I made my way outside and was amazed at how beautifully bright everything was. It was so vivid that everything had a shroom touch to it. There were little rainbows in the whisps of air around everything. It was as if everything was made of prisms. The dream was very unstable because some of the times I would get so blinded by the sun it would just start to fade away. I rubbed my hands on the grass trying to stabalize. it was happening very slowly. I started to roll in the grass laughing. I sat back up and looked around. This was by far one of the most beautiful lucids I have ever experienced. There were rainbows EVERYWHERE. I told myself this was a dream, but was careful not to think about it or else I could wake. It was super stable now. I noticed trees were shedding leaves and cotton puffs. They were thousands of them flying in the air all around me. I started to run super speed and hopped in the air. I was flying just the right amount. I wanted to take my usual route around mothers neighborhood and just apprechiate the beauty of this landscape. Everything was breathing around me and colors that were too beautiful and bright to see in waking life was coming to life around me. After flying for a bit I sat down and had to restabalize. I started to run the grass. This grass had catapillars running around. At a closer look it looked like they were dancing around the grass. It had a spiky feel to it so I got up and ran super speed again and took off flying on my second try. The sun was so blindingly bright that my whole vision became sun and I woke in a false awakening. I was back in bed and grabbed my dream journal to write it down. I woke kara up to tell her the dream and woke for real.
    14. #51

      by , 03-03-2013 at 08:32 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)

      I was on the hood of a car. Another car drove up about to hit me. It had a For Sale sign in the window. It cost $2600.00. I also saw a price of $2400 and $700. I was first relieved the price had come down, then I was afraid the price was $2600. Why else would that sign still be displayed?

      This car was about to hit me, but it ran up the side of my car. I was on the hood of my car and rolling down the street only because of this car that was dragging me along. Now I'm between the car for sale and a city bus.

      My car spins around and then I end up on the ground. I'm sliding down the street on my butt. I wish I'd gotten my camera so I could take a picture of the street moving under me so I could prove that this guy had made me slide down the street. I gave up on the camera idea, but then started thinking this was just strange.

      I realized I was dreaming. I decided to go look for woman. I jumped up and started to fly, but I was pretty heavy. Darn! I decided to fly straight up and I got more speed up. Then I found a building and decided to fly to a window. I tried phasing through it but had some trouble. That's weird. I know the window can't stop me, so I phase through the wall and make my way through.

      I'm in some kind of college. I start running on a curved wall for some reason. I go through some nonsense with a guy and some chick--unimportant. I look for someone pretty. I end up in a mall at Christmas. I leave and find my way back to the college. The women aren't college age. They are about 30 I guess. I think I ended up in a college because I'm trying to go back to school.

      So I find a girl. She's older than a typical college girl. She goes into a shower. I go to the shower and see another girl who looks nice, but I want the first one. I take off my pants and underwear carefully so they don't get hung up on my feet. I open the shower curtain to the first one. She says something to deter me, and I tell her not to worry about that. I pick her up and we both drop straight down on her back. I land on top of her and start to make it with her.

      I eventually started waking up. I tried to relax and stay asleep but I woke up.

      I drank a few glasses of wine and went to a friends house the night before. These are atypical stimuli that I attribute to helping become lucid. I used no technique. I do believe that lucidity can be induced by a combination of atypical stimulus and meditation on whatever you want to dream about.

      I don't have enough success with women to pursue them so much, so I plan to try to accomplish other dream goals from now on.
      Tags: bus, car, for sale, sex, sliding
    15. Dream Army Base ★★★★★

      by , 03-03-2013 at 06:54 PM (Zödra)
      Date: 3/3/2013
      Total sleep: 9 hours
      Daytime Techniques: ADA (my version), meditation (visual, 20 minutes)
      Lucid Techniques: MILD
      Fell Asleep: 11:30
      Dream Title: Crazy fun
      It is a pretty normal dream, but then I decide to go to sleep and try to WILD. I lay down and instantly teleport to the Dream Army Base (at the time I thought that I had WILDed, but then I realized that I had not. This is actually just a variation of how I teleport and how I WILD, which are similar enough for this to happen in my dreams)I go outside to the forest and travel through to a town. The sky is red, and I am pretty sure that it is night, and the sky is that way so I can see and so that I know that it is dangerous around there. I travel and a cat-girl meets me. Extremely cute. I think for a second that she is an extra, but she doesn't have that vibe. She tells me that she is going to show me a safe place and takes me upstairs. I ask her how the town got ruined and she says that a different girl like her has ruined it. I know that the girl must be an extra.

      Dreaming: Right vs. Left Brain-anime-girl.gif
      Awake: Not really sure
      Vividness: 12
      Awareness: lucid
      Length: 20 minutes
      Emotions: Holy awesome crap!

      Fell Asleep: Not really sure
      Dream Title: Extremely dangerous
      I wake up and lay still and DEILD. I am not sure if I actually woke up or if it was just going back to the other layer of my dream (I know that dreams don't actually work in layers, but if you fall asleep in a FA, and then wake up later you have a higher chance of another FA IMO). I appear away from the cat-gal. I am in the streets. There are not many people. I go into a grocery store and hide there. There is a lot of people in a room up the stairs in the back and they are hiding. The catgirl comes in. This is a different one than before. I create a barrier to save all the people I am with out of a red ribbon about an inch off the ground (2.54 centimeters). I step in it, but only have the barrier part, not the teleportation part activate. I ask her what she wants and she says that chaos is the only fun she can have. I step out of the barrier and teleport the people back to the base (sorry, they were all clean. I take them away later). I attack the girl and she dodges. She runs away from me and I chase after her. I force shove her as she is running and she almost gets knocked over. I can't seem to throw a fireball, so I think of another thing that will work. "Incendio!" I cry. It shoots fire and she dodges and get burned a little. She disappears behind some houses. Drat. Almost had her. Awake.
      Awake: Dunno
      Vividness: 12
      Awareness: lucid
      Length: 15 minutes
      Emotions: excitement

      Fell Asleep: impossible to tell
      Dream Title: Make sure everyone is ok
      I do the same as last and I still don't know if I woke up. I will count it though. Back at the Dream army base. I notice all the people are gone I must have teleported them away. I thought. I jumped into the red ribbon and appeared at the grocery store. The good Cat-girl was there.
      "You shouldn't leave the ribbon because it is too dangerous." She says. Her smile never falling from her face.
      "I am not afraid of anyone out there." I say. I know that I have to treat dreams as real as possible to keep them realistic, so I don't say why.
      "It is much more powerful," she says "they are not happy with you."
      "Are the people alright?" I ask.
      "I led them home." She replies.
      I watch the city through a window. It has somehow gotten darker and more evil looking. I want to save the city from this darkness, but I also want to take the advice of the local. She doesn't know what I am capable of, but I know that I should limit myself before I demolish the other catgirl.

      Awake: Not sure
      Vividness: 13
      Awareness: lucid
      Length: 15 minutes
      Emotions: A little creepy (these aren't really emotions, but it is the general feeling of the dream.

      I think about writing down my dreams, but decide that it was too fun to forget. I RC and go back to sleep.

      Fell Asleep: Forgot to check
      Dream Title: Crazy neighborhood
      I feel the same way I did the last few times like I WILD into it, but I do not realize it is a dream. I do not know how, but my dream got me to think that I was in a video game instead. I am in a different place. It reminds me of my parents neighborhood. I run around and the idea of the previous dream lingers a little. I am fighting an army and I need to win. I do not know why though. I run into a leader and he lets me know that wolfmen (opposite of cute catgirls) are running around and we need to defeat them. I spend a long time going over lame strategies with him that make no sense. I wake up. I am in a room with some friends of mine and telling them about the "game" I was just playing. They said that they are in it too. I jump in and out of the dream multiple times and talk to my friends. Nothing big happens till the end when I get out of the dream and am talking to someone when all of the sudden I feel something behind me. I turn around and I automatically know that it is one of the strongest wolfmen (They look more like wolves, but walk upright). It has a bat and swings it at me. I dodge and it hits a door frame I was standing in. I kick at him and grab the bat. Spin around and while peeling it from his claws I swing it and hit him in the head. A little confused about how he got out of the game I wake up for real.

      Dreaming: Right vs. Left Brain-werewolf.jpg
      Awake: 8:00 AM
      Vividness: 10
      Awareness: 9 (I was really really close)
      Length: an hour or more
      Emotions: a bit scared, mostly having fun

      Notes: Google search that image for a full size image of that cat-girl. It is uncanny how similar she looks to the dream girl except the dream girl wasn't animated.

      Updated 10-22-2016 at 12:10 PM by 58222

      memorable , lucid , non-lucid