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    1. 3rd person wizards and warriors

      by , 06-04-2011 at 06:31 PM
      Walking along a craggy cliff path with a small group of middle earth style wizards and warriors. White sand with gray rocks and big mountains overlooking the sea. I can go see a big scary wizard who kidnapped ron swanson. Walking with me is a very young rashida jones. She tells me that I am only allowed to use certain powers in this situation. I am vaguely aware of my situation as a sleeping person. When a collection of small trolls and goblins come for us, I shoot crazy lightning bolts out of my hands. They tell me that I can't use electricity powers, that I can only use fire powers. I think hard, and I know that I'm in my bed at home. I hold out my hands and thick metal cables fire from my fingers and shoot into the rock cliffs. The people I am with are very impressed with my powers. I want to do more powers, but I know that I am dreaming, I am in my body at home and start to fade away. I begin to wake up and lose awareness of my physical dream form. I can still control my dream body but it's like I can control it using a remote from a distance. I am no longer inside my body, but rather acutely aware of myself in bed and able to see my dream self in the third person. I fire off a few more electricity bolts and wake up.
    2. 6/4/11

      by , 06-04-2011 at 05:50 PM

      Lately I've been trying to have a dream where I notice my new dream sign, water, this was not what caused me to become lucid though, I just suddenly realized. My dream started with me drifting in this car around turns on a highway through a forest until I crashed and suddenly realized I'm dreaming. I realized I was right by a place that I had previously dreamt about earlier in the night which I found interesting. I noticed I still had these two types of medicine-a painkiller and something else- in my pocket from previous dreams as well, so I took all of them. Instated to feel horrible as I thought about my dream goals. I remembered and started calling out "dream guide" as I looked for my little brother. I knew that he would probably be in his room so I used passive control to find him in it. He was making his bed and I quickly announced that I had found my dream guide. He nonchalantly said that everyone is my dream guide as he continued to make his bed. This was disappointing but makes me want to talk to more DCs to get a real feel for their personalities. I felt loopy te whole time from the drugs and don't have that much fun.
    3. D:

      by , 06-04-2011 at 05:22 PM (Aeolar's Lucid Reveries and other Hoopla)
      I had a dream where I was trying to keep these people 'things' at bay, while I searched something on the computer,
      And then I was walking down my street, and I knew I was dreaming, so as I saw a truck pass the street I willed myself to travel towards it, but the dream faded. I then was sitting in darkness, so I attempted to visualize a dream scene around me. It was extremely dark, and I saw a boy riding a bicycle. It was one of the really really old ones, the ones that have the HUGE wheel in the front, and a tiny wheel on the back. I was going to teleport to him but, yet again, the dream faded. Again... I visualized a scene around me, but it was so foggy, that I just flew around in darkness until I woke up. (I probably should have tried to anchor myself into the dream, but I didn't. My family was stomping around in the living room, and I had vaguely heard it in the background of my dream. I guess that is what woke me up.)
    4. Random dreams.

      by , 06-04-2011 at 05:20 PM
      I've had some interesting dreams. The one I had last night was a story portal type of thing. I was looking at A bunch of cellphones and I picked up the one that had the Inception movie pre installed. I was playing with it whebn i got sucked on a boat in the middle of water. everyone was wearing poofy dresses or breeches and long sleeved shirts. I was trying to hold onto my hat and when one of the people turned to me he said that he was going to take me to the leader. I shouldn't be there. I was confused but didn't say anything and the ship docled on a large fishing town. I saw someone pull someone off of a another boat and there were ropes around their wrists. One of the me on the ship pulled me onto the dock and said something I didn't understand. We went through this alley way that lead to the door of a big brown building. He opened it up and took me to another room. As he went to a closed door I sat quietly and looked around my surroundings. Before the man came back I was transported somewhere else where I saw a man with glasses and a white beard. He didn't say anything to me, but he did say something to someone in a black shirt and black pants. I didn't understand, and as i was looking through a stack of papers I had, I noticed that each appeared o be scenes of the world I was in . Curious I tried to put them together, and after looking after scene after scene of the world I was wind. I saw what lloked like a skecth of me looking at some paperwork. Curious, I picked it up and saw my scene change to a blank one with a picture od phones. Smiling. I picked it up and got sent back home. I woke up.

      I was in this house where people were moving furniture. I moved it around and after walking through the different rooms of the house saw an area that looked unfamiliar. I walked in it and pressed something that opened a door to a dark corridor downstairs. At the end of the corriodr I saw a plane of white. I started down, but as I did a strange feeling overcame me and I ran away. I told myself to wake-up and ran through three different stages. The first was people moving funriture around. The second was a bustling snowy city with people running all over the place, and the third was a rosy hued place resembling my room, but different. Then I was up.

      I was walking along this empty pasture when I saw what looked like a crystal pole. As I got near it a light flashed and I saw a silhouette of a woman with a french ponytail and a long dress in front of me. I heard some type of soft murmuring far away and looked at her curiously before walking away. I woke up.
      memorable , dream fragment
    5. Hippie Love Bus / Changing Terrain

      by , 06-04-2011 at 05:19 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: June 4, 2011 – 8:30AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am driving up a mountain on a narrow dirt road with Chris, a friend of mine. We pull into a dirt pull-off along the road to get out to stretch our legs for a bit. The area is heavily wooded and there are birds flying around through the trees. There are a couple of other cars parked on the upper side of the area. An abandoned bus is parked on the lower side of the area. Some of the windows have been broken out and one of the windows has a metal panel over it which has been shot full of holes. There are boards tacked to a tree in front of the bus which are also full of bullet holes.

      I decide to walk over and check out bus a bit closer. It looks like most of the seats have been removed and the interior is full of random junk. The bus is covered in all kinds of paintings and has “Hippie Love Bus” painted across the front. As I walk around to the other side of the bus, I find the door. I push on the door to open it, then step inside. After taking a couple of steps inside, I can see that there are two people sleeping in the back. I don't want to disturb them, so I turn around and quietly walk out. I tell Chris about it, and he says, “Really?” He walks up and knocks on the window. A couple of hippies that were sleeping in there wake up and say, “WTF”. They are quite alarmed at first, but after waking up a bit, we all hang out and talk for a while.

      After talking for a while, I look around and notice how much the surroundings have changed. The dirt pull-off is now a regular paved parking lot. The wooded area is now a field with a large farm house in the distance. There are only a few trees scattered around the fence lines of the field. There is a restaurant to the left that looks like a Denny's. I look at Chris and say, “How convenient. There is a restaurant at the end of the universe.” He says, “What can I say? Do you expect perfect continuity in this?” I look at him, puzzled for a moment, then start walking toward the restaurant.

      Once inside, we sit down and order something from the menu. The waitress brings out a plate with a cold can of pork-n-beans sitting on it. I stare at it for a moment, then look to see that Chris has a can of corned beef hash sitting on his plate. I say, “Let's go and find something better than this to eat.” We leave the restaurant and walk back over by the bus. The hippies have started the bus and are preparing to leave. I notice that for some reason I am still carrying my plate from the restaurant, so I walk back toward the restaurant to get rid of the plate.

      As I walk, I see a lady standing behind a small pickup truck, talking on the phone. Another truck is backing up in front of it and runs into it with the trailer hitch. While talking on the phone, she grabs the truck by the tailgate and pulls it away from the other truck. She says, “I don't want anyone hitting the Memory Mobile.” The guy in the other truck gets out and apologizes to her for bumping into her truck.

      I turn around and look back to see that the bus driving away and Chris is standing there, looking at me with a confused look. I wake up and cuss myself for not becoming lucid.

      Updated 05-30-2016 at 04:17 AM by 36447 (spelling)

    6. School

      by , 06-04-2011 at 04:32 PM (Lunar Chronicles)
      Why do I have such boring dreams?

      I was in a building with a few people from my school. We were getting prepared for some competition. The house we were in was made out of dark wood and the sun shone through it nicely. I was sitting at a computer on DV typing something. I was also talking to Jeff777. Two girls were sitting behind me watching what I was doing, I was making a word's colour go from light blue to dark blue. I was amazed that I could do this. Eventually I started programming something for the competition. The girls told me that it was wrong so I told them to shut up, they started staring at me and then stepped back a bit. We walked outside where we put on some suits for the competition. I was on the same team with these 2 girls, they followed me everywhere and really pissed me off. We then just carried on with the games.

      Realism: 7/10
      Vividness: 9/10
      Lucid Aids: None
    7. Fragment

      by , 06-04-2011 at 03:45 PM
      The only thing I can remember is that I was on some website, and I looked up at the top, and it said "Private Messages - 1" or something like that, notifying me that I had an unread message.


      I just remembered, and this may have been from another fragment, but I was talking to my friend Laura, who doesn't like twentieth century music, and I was telling her that she should listen to Poulenc's flute sonata.

      Updated 06-04-2011 at 04:46 PM by 47510

      dream fragment
    8. Escape The Fortress.

      by , 06-04-2011 at 03:21 PM
      I was in a big prison camp like place, run by two evil ladys. One was the boss, the other the suck up that clung to the boss for power over others. I was semi lucid and knew I could do things like fly, but didn't know I could unravel reality and do all sorts of crazy crap to those two. I phased through a wall by turning into a bird and the second in command turned into a hawk and grabbed me and drug me back. I was in a stone room, that I had to try to get out of. I phased through the wass in normal form and flew away as fast as I could. This time the second in command and the bodd both went after me in the shape of big human like birds. I looked at a WoW like map and went south, only to alter course later and fool them. I flew over the mountains to the south. I then flew in a circle around the area and went north, but I was intercepted on the way. The boss and the second in command put me in a metal room, that took me alot of work to phase out of. I was in a black suit with bones drawn on it to look like a skeleton. That meant if I didnt escape I would starve to death in there. I told myself that if I ever got out I would be kinder to the ones around me. After a bit of work I phased out of the metal prison and flew over the southern mountains, then I went west. I spotted a house and went in, I found Anthony from my school in there. He asked me how i was and stuff like that. I then told him about the situation I was in and he agreed to acompany me. I told him to follow me and stick fast. I then asked myself am I shared dreaming with Anthony? I also thought that wait in lucid dreams if I am not lucid enough I could mistake DCs for real people. I then came to the conclusion that I just didn't know either. We then phased through the wall and started flying into the sky. The dream ended.
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Failed 300 TOTY...6/4/11(Early Morning)

      by , 06-04-2011 at 02:51 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      NOTE: Yesterday was my last day of school! I'm finally out! This means my LD rate will probably double like it did last year! This means I'll be at about 12-14 a month! Also, this dream features me doing three new skills! The Final Flash and the Angry Kamehameha from Dragon Ball Z, and making portals! Enjoy!

      300 TOTY

      Here I am. The loneliness of a modern day prison. It's no ordinary prison though. It's run by someone evil. An evil organization. People are captured and taken here by force. We work day in and day out. People are brain washed. It's fucking insanity. No way to escape. No way. It'd be a mere mistake to even think of it. I wouldn't be surprised if they could read our thoughts. So here I am, working in the outdoor smog and gloom with a few fellow classmates. We're sweating like pigs, some crying. I see Snow nearby. I go over to work by him. As we work, we talk about lucid dreaming. I tell him I had one a couple days ago(true fact). He's interested to hear so. After we are done discussing, I go back towards my original workspace. I don't wanna piss off the guards. That won't end well. I'm still thinking about what Snow and I talked about. I pass by a female classmate. Then, I pop. How the hell and when the hell did I get here?! I now become lucid without my dream signs(but now school is a DS cause it's summer)! Sweet! Time to get out of this hellhole! Ah, I now remember I have to do the 300 TOTY. Now, I see it's time to go in for lunch. Well, I rather not be interfered, so I go in. Inside, I go into a closet. I decide to turn-around into Thermopylae. It doesn't work. Shit! Come on!!! Intent! Intent! I fail again! Damn! Well, I need no interference. The guards are gonna be pissed if I'm missing. So, I go and sit down with some friends. I sit for a few minutes. Then, I finally loose it. REBELLION BITCHES!!!!! I get up. This room is half guards, half us. I run over to the guard side. I start punching down guards one by one. Good thing I'm training my self to do Martial Arts. I block some punch backs, then continue the beatings. Damn! Too many! I now start to fly. The guards don't seem the slightest bit amazed. Hm...here's some amazement. Hehehe...I get in my sideways Horse Stance. Let's see them take on the Kamehameha...hehehehehehe...
      "KA...ME..." Now, some guards try to perform the Kamehameha! They all epically fail.
      "HA...ME..." The guards begin to flee. Only to realize the door is locked.
      "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" Now, the giant blue blast comes out and blows up a shitload of guards. Impressive, a lot of them are still alive. Let's change that. I now put my arms out straight to my sides and my legs are in a V. I power up, and a yellow ki ball appears in both hands. Now I connect my arms and cup my hands to combine the two ki balls into one giant yellow ki ball. The guards look as if they're about to shit themselves.
      "FINAAAAAAAL!!!!!!!! FLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" And now a fucking huge golden-yellow blast fires from my hands and vaporizes almost all the guards. Holy shit! The Final Flash really worked its wonders! Time to finish off these bastards. I get back in the sideways Horse Stance. I take my right arm to my side. I then cup my hand. The remaining guards have probably soiled themselves by now. They all have no choice but to sit back and it let hit them. "ANGRY KAMEHAMEHA!!!!!" I put my hand out and a yellow-golden blast fires out. It then kills the the remaining guards. Phew! That was intense. I now realize I have little time left. Shit! Well, no interefernces now! JAILBREAK! We are all freed now! We run out the door, which I blew up with the Final Flash. We're outside now. Okay, time to go to the Battle of Thermopylae! I hold my arm out and form my hand as if I'm going to do a shitty Karate Chop. I slowly move my arm down. I hope this will work! Now, I see a purplish line follow my hand. Yes! I made my first portal! I take my hands and open it. I loom in, to see no battle. Shit! Intent! Gotta think of the battle! I perform another portal opening. I see a battle going on! I walk in and the portal closes behind me. Well, time to kick ass and take...well...shit. I'm at the right place, but what the fuck?! These aren't the Spartans and the Persians!!!!! Shit!!!!! Then, one team readies its archers. Oh fuck!!!!! The archers open fire and the other team readies its shields. Luckily, the arrows all fly right over me. The other team lies down, shields over them. Damn, pretty big shields. The arrows hit the shields and all bounce off. Okay, I gotta go make another portal. Let's do this the right way this time. So, I start to step on the shielded people. I don't need anymore interference. As I walk on the shields, I
      awake. NO!!!!! SON OF A BITCH!!!!!
      Tags: 300, failed, toty
      lucid , task of the year
    10. Possible lucid

      by , 06-04-2011 at 02:34 PM
      I just noticed i wrote down another dream sometime ago. Possibly lucid, i don't remember.

      Just organizing some of my notes.

      "DVD/ game"
      "I was on a mission to get information"
      "Doesn't look like my own dream"
      "Tentacles man/female"
      "Charlie sheen was in it... :S" don't even like the ego-tripping mothefucka
      "kwas lan is led zo/~ze" <=== i don't know what the hell i wrote down, gotta figure this out.
      "Someone or something might have tried to prove a point to me"
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    11. Calculating my miles

      by , 06-04-2011 at 02:14 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was playing Tetris last night in waking life.

      I dreamed I was calculating miles driven on a trucking run by the
      shape of each leg of the run.
    12. Back to school.

      by , 06-04-2011 at 01:47 PM
      I am in the town where I grew up (bramcote, nottingham) I remember rounding a corner that was on my school route and seeing my old school, people were flocking to it, soooo many people, it was mental. I watched a car drive up and struggle through the masses, i think to myself "how does someone drive through THAT!?"

      I look down and realise i am in my car, i instantly wish i wasn't. i didnt want to try and drive through all those people.

      All of a sudden i am on school grounds i enter through two red double doors and walk through another set of doors to the foyer. Im looking around as i walk, i can see the hall and i can see people sitting in reception, they are talking about me. i make my way over to the college students common room, nobody is there. i walk to the art block and there is a class filing in as i arrive, i wander if it is mine?
      I find the teacher and to my surprise she is smokin' hot, Bright red, long hair, glasses, pale skin... Petite body. I look her up and down and smile, and start asking her who is in her class. I realise that this is not my class and make an excuse to get away, she follows me outside smiling and asks me to do a favour for her, to get get something. I tell her "if i have a free period, and it turns out i have no lesson i definitely will" She smile and winks at me, I think to myself "omg!", smile and walk away.

      I decide to head over to the other side of school. i walk past the science block and over to the tennis courts, im walking really slowly... i dont think i care how late i am. I bump into somebody that i do not know, he tells me im in his class and we are late for english, we'd better hurry. I tell him to "chill out". At this point i suddenly remembered a game that would be played at our school. Where an entire year (grade, or whatever) picked one person and chased them, when they caught up. they usually just piled on them (it was horrible and mean, i always hated it.) just as i was thinking about the game, a fight broke out up on the hill, just pasts the tennis courts im in now. I could see it clearly. One of the girls broke off from the group and within seconds was being chased by a huge crowd of people. I giggle and follow this guy to our class.

      To get there we must walk up soooo many stairs, it was just like my school. although, our english class was taking place on the maths floor, which i thought was strange at the time.

      As we entered the classroom the teacher was distracted, we slip into the room undetected and find seats. I see a really nice looking girl who smiles at me, shes really pretty but nobody seems to notice her. I smile back, she blushes.
      The teacher introduces himself (this wasnt my old english teacher, somebody else, a man, around 45ish)
      I zone out and do no work for the entire lesson and all of a sudden its over, hes coming round to check everyones work. I panick. He comes to me and i flinch as he picks up my workbook. "You've done nothing all lesson!!!" he shouts. I quickly reply "i know, but i was planning on doing this at home".
      He lets me off and i look up and see the girl again, this time i smile first, i say goodbye. She just smiles at me.

      i left school and it was suddenly night, i was at a house party and i was trying to score some weed. All that was available were harder drugs and i didnt want to take them.
      I walk inside a house, the room is small, with a little railing, i notice that there are stairs going....down? this whole house it turns out, was a HUGE underground complex, though the floor was sometimes un-level like a funhouse or something, there were many sections to this house and the deepest one was the size of a shopping centre. It was crammed with people. i manage to score some weed, im really happy about that and just want to leave this weird place now.

      I walk out of the door, its dark and raining... On the way out i see a girl, she introduces herself and is quite friendly at first. She begins preaching about god and christianity... I didnt like this. ( i believe a person believes what he or she believes and you shouldnt try to change their minds). After a while of me arguing against her random rants she seemed to be convinced that i was evil. We were walking on the pavement, i see the bricks of the houses we are walking past. ive finally had enough of this girl, and she seems to be getting more and more frightened of me. I decide to scare her a little so she will go away.
      I say calmly and quietly so only she can hear, "Evil am i?..." i grin savagely and take a step towards her. She is startled by my sudden movement and backs out onto the road and looks terrified. at this point i cannot see myself but wander what i look like to make her look this scared. i think to myself that should be enough to make her leave me alone, but in the distance i see a huge SUV speeding up the road towards her. I take a step forward to try and pull her back to the pavement, back to safety. But she screams and jumps backwards. Right into the SUV's path... It hits her and there is blood everywhere. I didnt mean for this to happen and i was upset. I think to myself "OH SHIT!!!..." .... Then suddenly i don't care any more, i decide im taking too long. I want to get back to smoke my prize, and i need to meet someone.

      - Suddenly its the next day, im at school again. This time i see an old school friend, lets call him S.F. i am so shocked to see him here that i instantly walk over and sit next to him. He is having an argument with another old school friend, B.F. (no relation) about some girl at that party i was at. I sit down and say hello.
      I turn around and see the girl who always smiles at me, is sitting right behind me. She smiles, seductively at me this time, i smile back and wink but she blushes instantly. I smile again and turn around, not wanting to cause her embarrassment.

      The lesson starts and we get into a debate (like we used to in my classes.) I notice that the teacher is getting really preachy again and it annoys me. I notice the similarity between him and the girl from after the party. The debate continues and i try to stay out of it (often my opinions are not the same as everyone elses in the class, which is true in the waking world, i tend to keep my opinions to myself)

      The teacher starts pressing me about my beliefs and i tell him i do not want to discuss them, also that i shouldn't be forced to. The teacher angry and presses me further, i tell him "i dont believe in god!" - this is not entirely true, i believe in some higher entity but i dont think of it like the bible would describe - i see how angry he is at my statement, i smile and decide to take it further. "thats right, i dont believe in god and i think that religion is the main excuse when someone powerful decides that people are in his/her way and needs them dead! i admire religions like Buddhism and Hinduism as they are inherently peaceful.
      Another kid in the class asks me "surely though, you dont think Christians are evil" i reply with "of course not, thats just the kind of generalisation i am dead against" i explain that im against the religion or its followers, i am against how the text can be perceived and used to slaughter thousands, just like in the crusades. Then i finish it off with "Besides, none of this matters, this is a dream anyway!" I look back at my teacher and give him a smug grin.
      He screams with rage and lunges towards me. I have no clue what to do so i just LEG IT!
      I smash through the classroom door, the teacher hot on my heals. I can hear him behind me. I shoulder-barge my way through the double doors that lead to the stairs. i think to myself " i need to get down the stairs quickly" i note that each flight of steps is quite high up. I reach the first step and leap, grabbing the railing for stability in the air. I land and turn, ready for the next set of steps. This time i decide to use the wall and run down that, so grabbing the railing again, i throw my legs from under me and use the wall to run down. I get down the stairs SO quickly, i can hear the teacher screaming in the distance. I get to the bottom of the stairs turn, and head for the red double doors i came through. i push my arms forward and the doors swing wide open, a bright white light blinds me and i wake up.

      Even though in this dream i Said it was a dream, i wasn't actually lucid but was slightly aware the whole time.
    13. Lucid: Ok, I guess I'm driving

      by , 06-04-2011 at 01:16 PM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I was in my basement. There were about 4 people with me. We just got back from some kind of fair. There was a bunch of stuff on the table, and a little girl was playing around with it. She mixed some blue liquid with some white powder, and went upstairs. I went upstairs as well, but I looked back to find blue goo flooding the basement and coming upstairs. I warned my brother who was in the living room, but he wouldn't listen. I ran into my room and grabbed the money from the little jar on the shelf above my bed, but as I was doing that I realized...

      "what the heck... BLUE GOO? I'm totally dreaming!"
      A smile spread across my face as I leaped through the window and began to fly. I got to this huge flat square of dirt with a street connected to it. I thought I would try to call my friend. I just kind of thought if him and next thing I know he was there.
      I said "hey, can you teach my some awesome lucid powers?"
      He said "sure, what do you want to know"
      "teach me shapeshifting"
      "No. I'm teaching you how to drive."
      "But I want to learn sh-"
      "I swear I will kill you"
      "... Driving sounds fun."

      The dream was getting unstable, so I figured I'd just Gi along with it. So off we went. I found this white car and got in. I floored it and was going at top speed. The feeling was awesome, until I got to a turn and completely wiped out. My car just appeared back on the track, though. I could hear my friend's voice saying "you should try turning."

      ... So I did. I drifted around the first turn, then another, then ran off the track into a muddy lake. But there was track under it so I drove right out. As I was driving along a straight road I decided I should wake up so I don't forget my dream.
    14. newspaper lyrics

      by , 06-04-2011 at 01:14 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a big room like a school gym. But there were bookshelves on some of the walls. The floors were covered with something like different-colored exercise mats. The exercise mats were maybe 1 meter long, 500cm wide, and 3cm thick. They seemed to fit with each other like floor tiles. I stood right inside this room, on the right wall, right near a door.

      I walked out of the room. I was now in a smaller room. There were a good amount of people in the room, all engaged in a number of tasks with each other. The room was lit only by greyish natural light from windows somewhere.

      I sat down in a school-type chair in front of two girls who also sat in school chairs. The girls looked very serious, as though they were giving me a job interview. But they were really cute and couldn't have been more than 13 years old.

      As part of whatever interview-like process this was, I began showing the girls how I could sing a song. The song sounded like "Drops of Jupiter," by Train. But it was an older song than that one. I'm pretty sure it was a real song, but I don't remember the song. As I sang the song, I heard/felt it pretty vividly.

      I sang lyrics that I'm pretty sure didn't match the actual lyrics of the song (if it was real and it wasn't just "Drops of Jupiter"). I pretty much had the lyrics memorized. But I wasn't sure I was getting them right.

      So I pulled a newspaper page out. The page had the song lyrics printed on it. Some of the lyrics were printed in bold, possibly to highlight really important parts or really smart words in the song.

      I think there was a point when I realized I didn't have the song fully memorized. But if I looked just a little bit at the paper, I could sing a long string of words. So I felt pretty sure I'd have the song memorized soon.

      When I woke up, I actually remembered the tune and a couple small phrases. But they all melted away.

      (Side notes: I actually spent part of yesterday evening walking through town and memorizing the song "Kurumi," by Mr. Children. I've listened to and sung along with the song enough times that I almost had it memorized, anyway. I actually thought I did have it memorized. So I was a little frustrated to see how many times I actually had to look at the lyrics.

      Although, whenever I get frustrated, I also wonder why I'm my age and still getting frustrated over a rock song. Ugh... immature?)
    15. Concert

      by , 06-04-2011 at 12:42 PM
      Tonight I dreamt that I was in a small concert hall with supposedly the rest of my school. The rest of my class was playing music, and I was swetting heavily. Kids in the back of the hall were yelling annoying comments.

      Updated 06-09-2011 at 09:30 AM by 47605
