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    1. Witches from my Past

      by , 04-27-2011 at 09:11 PM
      Okay, can't remember my dreams. When I was little though, I used to have lots and lots of dreams of witches. Here are three I remember ranging from the ages of 5-10.

      Castle Witch

      I was laying in a double bed with my older sister. She was fast asleep, but I was staring at this huge poster of a castle that covered the entire wall. The door opened to the castle and out came this witch-like lady. I kept my eyes partially closed, in the dream, so she wouldn't know I was awake. She walked around the bed looking at me and my sister, I guess to make sure we were asleep. Then she touched this cat figurine laying on the bedside tabe. She left the bedroom and went to the kitchen. I got up and snuck after her. When I came out to the kitchen, she was sitting at a boothlike table with my two sisters. They were laughing with her and having fun, but I knew she had cast a spell. So I ran and got my parents and they seemed to think the lady was crazy too. That's it.

      Dorito Witch

      I was at my grandparents trailer house. I was running around with a bunch of cousins (like we did on the holidays) and we were all lining up to jump on my grandma's bed. The bathroom was at the very end of the hallway next to the bedroom. I was walking to go jump on the bed when I heard voices in the bathroom. I crept inside the bathroom and found a witch (hat and everything) and my dad. The witch was feeding my dad nacho cheese doritos, but not through his mouth. She had a little part of his back cut open and was stuffing them in. >.>

      Male Witch

      I was at my cousins house and we were running around playing outside. We started to run down to the cellar, the door flew open before we reached it. And inside I could see a lab with lots of green glowing test tubes. There was a man witch and the color of his skin was also green.

      Just felt like sharing since I couldn't remember my dreams from last night. < 4hours of sleep =(
    2. 26 May 2011 Dream 5

      by , 04-27-2011 at 08:17 PM (Lunar Chronicles)
      I was swimming in some sort of pool, eventually I wound up by J's mom's house and I was excited to be there.
    3. 26 May 2011 Dream 4

      by , 04-27-2011 at 08:15 PM (Lunar Chronicles)
      I was at the tuckshop at my junior school and I was being chased by some people from the lower grade. They were really pissing me off, and they chased me for ages.
    4. 26 May 2011 Dream 3

      by , 04-27-2011 at 08:12 PM (Lunar Chronicles)
      We all needed the toilet, but when We ran there, it was full. We had to share the toilets with each other (??), some girls were also in the toilet watching us and telling us some random things. They were very flirty and forward.
    5. 26 May 2011 Dream 2

      by , 04-27-2011 at 08:09 PM (Lunar Chronicles)
      I was flying all around the place with the captains. We had no particular destination but We kept on flying.
    6. 26 May 2011 Dream 1

      by , 04-27-2011 at 08:05 PM (Lunar Chronicles)
      Mayuri's bankai pressurized me into hiding in a corner. He started to release his poison, as a dragon flew past. I jumped onto the dragon and We flew over this vast landscape. We landed in a dam, and the current was very strong. When I looked up I saw a house that I was looking for. It was a females house.
    7. April 27, 2011

      by , 04-27-2011 at 07:07 PM (Requiem's DJ)
      catch the ghost

      mon: i didn't sleep this day
      tue: angry at myself. dreams were real vivid. a sign of recovery but i was too groggy to write 'em down and they vanished within ten minutes
      wed: 2 lucids but no ghost
      Spoiler for lucid dreams:
    8. what were YOU doing wit those pies.

      by , 04-27-2011 at 05:25 PM
      I was in a different town with a few friends. I'd been friends with this girl "CS" since high school, we jus never hung out like that. Anyways, her and I got to be cool, and she invited me over to her veryyyy large house. This house had like 3 stories, each one with a differnet set up. It was like she had 3 houses stacked on top of each other. She was giving me, and a couple others a tour or this house. And weird things began to happen. First of all, my phone went up missing, and when there's 3 houses stacked on top of each other, it would almost seem impossible to find the phone. So mid-tour, we all started lookin for it. Finally, I found it underneath her bed.. I was a lil freaked, but i figured maybe one of the others were tryna play a joke. Then CS offered us some pie, i had worked up a bit of an appatite, as did the others i'm sure. So some pie sounded pretty good.. She pulled it out of this cupboard thing that went from the floor to the ceiling, when she took the pie out of the box, there was a little garden snake that crawled out of it, when she checked the date it was dated back to 1912, we were all like WTF. so she pulled out another one, which was dated around the same time. it was weird... when asked what she was doing wit pies that were dated that far bac in time, she said "they were given to me".. like maybe they had some significance of doin somethin to the body or something. I didn't take it, i jus simply said "I'll wait til i leave to eat".. continuing on with the tour of her house, we reached another floor, opened a door and there was a couple partaking in a form of sexual acts, scratching my head... i asked CS "so you jus let people mess around in your house" (kind of laughing). I felt like it was kind of an illusion because she shrugged it off, as if it to say "it's no big deal.." or "it happens all the time".. or maybe even "i didn't see it". anyways. all i could remember after seeing that was thinking that i couldn't wait to be out of there.

      that was all i could remember.. for some reason, i wanted to stay asleep longer than i did.... weird.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Musclebound Crack Head Set your House on Fire

      by , 04-27-2011 at 04:43 PM
      I'm living in a guest bedroom at Mrs. E's house. She has taken up with a new boyfriend. This is a hyper, anxious black guy with a mullet and all he wears is black spandex biking shorts. I'm lying on a bed still made quietly when he comes in the room to clean, he's talking to him self and running all over the place with a feather duster, less as if he's dusting and more as if he's searching for something. Later that day I tell R that I think his mom's new BF is probably a drug addict and I think he was looking for his meth in my room. (dream me is a little racist this morning.)

      R laughs and says "that's crazy". We are hanging out in the kitchen. 70's style with round table in the middle of the room with a plastic floral print green tablecloth.

      Suddenly there's a fire. People aren't noticing it a first because it's happening between the walls and I can only see it as if behind a sheet of white paper. I can however smell the smoke and hear the crackling embers. "guys look, THE HOUSE IS BURNING DOWN!"

      Now everybody is standing on the front lawn and we are watching the house burn down. The crazy BF is nowhere to be seen anymore. Mrs E says "but, he was here just a second ago." I can feel the cool grass beneath my feet and between my toes. It is a very bright green.

      Then a fireman comes out of the house holding a glass stem burnt black. "It looks like this started the fire" Mrs E wants to know what it is; the fireman replies "it looks like a crack pipe, not that I've ever smoked crack." we all look at him funny.
    10. 27/04/11 - Teleporting and being evil

      by , 04-27-2011 at 04:38 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! That was a cool night. I had been working alot on my awareness and RC's during the day, and did some mantras just before bed. It resulted in two lucids and the last one was the longest I've ever had. Too bad my recall wasn't that great, also I wasn't thinking clearly all the time. Might have been why the dream was so long.

      23.00: Sleep

      05.10: Teleportation MILD
      I'm walking uphill toward my appartment. I'm with my friend Felix and Monica. We stop outside of a building and I spot a cherry tree. I pick a few. "I wonder if I can use these for payment in those gumball machines" I say and hold up the hard seeds. We enter the building, a great lobby appears but there's no one around. We continue walking further into the what seems like a mall and arrive at the bottom of an escalator and infront of a few rows of clothes.

      I get lucid and look around. There's people running around but I don't pay them any attention. I have my task firmly set in mind, teleportation. (I have been trying to teleport using portals, since that hasn't worked really, I decided to try spinning) I start spinning with my arms out from my body. It's not going as fast as I thought it would, but soon everything's a blur. I start imagining touching jungle leaves. I spin around for a few seconds and everything goes black, but my feeling is still there.

      Suddenly I can feel something, it's like wood. My vision returns to me and I'm touching the walls inside of a small room. The walls are made of bamboo. "Well, I guess this will do" I say to myself. I look out of the window and there's a pool of water outside. A wall is on the other side and going along right next to it is a narrow pathway. People starts showing up, in a long line.

      They start running and if I don't stop them, they will get me! I pick up a gun lying on the floor, some kind of automatic weapon and shoot away. There's no sound, no recoil, nothing. But people start falling down. I do this for a while, alternating weapons, shooting invisible shots. Some weapons are very effective, some not very so. Weapons in dreams never works properly...

      05.10: Being a douche DEILD/MILD
      I'm with my coworker Björn and some other guy in the middle of the street in some dusty town. (I can't remember what we've just done, but I've got a feeling the dream has already been going on for quite a while) Björn is about to wake up to re-join the dream, being lucid. "Do it during a nap, and you'll end up in REM right away. But hurry up, I'll probably wake up in a while" I tell him. He stands still for a while, nothing happens.

      "I killed myself once with a sword to the chest to wake up. Only how can you be really sure you won't die for real? You might not be dreaming" I say. "Ok, getting out of a dream is hard" he says. "Dude, if you know you're in a dream, you're already lucid!" I say. Duh.

      I slap his face to prove my point. "See?" I try to slap him again and again, he deflects my blows grinning like a fool. "Now slap me, it won't hurt". "Are you sure?" he asks uncertainly. "Yeah man, trust me, just slap me" I say. His hand is about to hit my face, but I easily dodge it to the side and jump back. "Hah!" I exclaim and stretch out my hand, intending to lift him up with telekinesis. It doesn't work. "God damnit!". I flip my hand and raise it, Björn's foot starts going upwards aswell.

      "You always do that!" the guy next to me tells me as Björn's hanging upside down, struggling with the invisible cords while laughing. "The problem with Lucid dreams is recall. I mean everything looks so real and feels so real, it's just that I won't be able to remember it as clearly" I tell the other guy and he agrees with me. I look at my hand, I've got seven fingers and I grip the railing infront of me.

      My brother's friend Tom appears out of nowhere. I feel like screwing around with him and lift him up with telekinesis. I throw him around gently and hold him upside down for a while. He tries to escape into a house but I catch up with him before he reaches the elevator. I make him fly outside again. Rinse and repeat. Tom is starting to get really mad and I have to keep him from coming at me now. "Can you cut it the fuck out?!" he yells at me. I put him down. "You've been doing this for twenty minutes, isn't it enough already?!"

      I check my memory, damn he's right. I have been doing this for a very long time, and I feel bad. "I'm sorry man, I didn't think that people would care in a Lucid Dream. "Well, now you do!" he tells me angrily. I feel sorry for him and I feel like an ass. I pat him on the back and try to comfort him from the frightening experience. His back has some strange slime on it. "Hey Matte watch out!" he tells me and grabs my arm, pulling me away from the building. I look back and realise it's about to come down. A second later the balconies starts collapsing and there's only rubble left of the building.

      05.10: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 6 hours

      Supplements: None

      That's it! Awesome lucids in the middle of the week. That's what I'm talking about. A bit foggy recall, I know the second dream had way more in the beginning, but I know I had a good time back then, that's what matters!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    11. Low recall (revisited)

      by , 04-27-2011 at 04:27 PM (Through the Looking Glass ...as Experienced by Aeona)
      My recall has been very poor.. My last dream for the night (or something IN it) seems to take presence over the rest.

      I woke hearing Erasure's song "A Little Respect" wtf? So, I bide my time, recall will return, it always does.
    12. Chaos and the End of....something

      by , 04-27-2011 at 03:09 PM
      I had this dream quite a number of times when I was about five and six. I didn't watch the Terminator, or anything related to that at the time. But I always remembered waking up in terror. It was sort of like a night terror because by the time my parents had gotten me calmed down, I couldn't remember what the dream was about. I remembered pictures of things happening. But I could never remember what it was. I didn't know. Over time though, more memories have come back, and I've been able to just vaguely explain it. It'd honestly be easier if I could draw it, but I never have. I'm going to start doing that though.

      Anyway, I have always thought of this dream as symbolic. It stood for something. I know it did. I've had psychic/pre-cognitive dreams in the past, and I still do.

      Anyway, here it goes.

      First Time I had Dream:

      I was sitting on something. I don't know what it was, and I was holding something rather large. I was in a city some place, because I remember people being there. It was all quiet. But something was wrong and I remember going around and trying to tell people something was wrong and to be "ready". And then everything happened at once. There was this flash of blue light and all hell broke loose. It was like an explosion or something, because everything was slightly tinted after that. I remember panicking because there was this massive crowd of people running for their lives all around me and I could get no where. Then I saw a face. I don't know who it was. Just a face. I could hear a man's voice shouting orders into I guess a microphone or something. He wasn't acting all macho like a drill sergeant, but by his voice you could tell he meant business. Then I woke up screaming.

      Second Time:

      It started out differently.

      I was sitting in a building. There were no windows whatsoever, and everything was made out of conrete. I wasn't supposed to be there, but I was. I remember there were also people running back and forth in white coats. I knocked something over and it broke, and one of the white coated men started flipping out on me. Then that ended and I remember running in a panicked fury to a different room, where another white coat was going to press a red button. I started flipping out, trying to stop him from pressing the red button, something about destroying the world. He did anyway, and then all of what happened the first time, happened all over again. And I woke up screaming.

      I had the first dream one more time. And then it was it. Since then though, I've had dreams of volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, massive hurricanes, huge tornadoes, and a Holocaust type incident which involved Asian people coming in and sending people to work camps, making some of them go to war, and rationing our food and water (no they were not Chinese. I don't know who they were).
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    13. April 24 2011: Zombie rampage

      by , 04-27-2011 at 03:05 PM (The path to Lucid Mastery)

      I had this really weird and disturbing dream after watching an episode of Scrubs. I’m going to watch Scrubs more often from now on.

      When the dream started I was working in the hospital from Scrubs. A lot of weird stuff I can’t clearly recall was going on for quite some time but then an elderly man came in. He asked some questions to the lady behind the counter and left again. I and a marine (I have no idea where he came from) went outside. We saw him go into the house next to the hospital holding two girls by the hand. I and the marine thought he was up to something and that we should be keeping an eye on him but our boss told us to get back to work.

      Then, suddenly there was an explosion. I and the marine ran outside and saw there was a huge crater where the old man’s house was standing before. Out of the crater there climbed some kind of zombie. It slashed himself through some bystanders and ran into the large open area behind the hospital. The marine started pursuing him and I climbed onto the roof because I felt that’d be safer. At some distance from the hospital the zombie found its path obstructed by some bushes. The marine closed in on it but the zombie turned around and lunged at him.

      The marine was able to roll to the left just in time but the zombie did wound his leg. I started backing up a little since I worried the zombie would come for me but it turned around and went for the marine again. The marine then grabbed a grenade from his belt and hurled it at the zombie. The zombie exploded and I was flung backwards by the force of the explosion. When I got down from the roof I found the marine at the edge of the crater caused by the grenade, both of his legs severely injured. Some medics came to help him and our boss told him that though he would never walk again he had been of great service to everybody by killing the zombie.

      Updated 04-28-2011 at 10:21 AM by 33192

    14. Jumled Up Dream

      by , 04-27-2011 at 02:53 PM
      Last night. It was very strange.

      The first thing I was doing was looking frantically for a specific Tarot card. I had a HUGE stack. And was going through it looking for one. But I had set down three on the table at random. There was The Fool, The King of Swords, and a Queen of Wands reversed. It was weird. Kind of...symbolic. Anyway, I was asked what I was doing because I was shuffling through the large deck so fast and all I said was "Looking for something".

      Then the dream dissolved, and I was in a huge mansion that I've visited previously while dreaming. There were lots of stairs, and there was this on staircase that led to this waiting room type area. It was carpeted (like the rest of the place) with red carpet. The walls were a light tan color, almost white. There were hanging chandeliers, and very fancy furniture. Then there was a door to a "panic room" type place, which was also highly furnished and fancy. There was a long dark hallway, and at the end you could go either left or right. If you went left, it would take you to the panic room. If you went right, well. I don't know where it goes. There's a completely lit room there, but I've always been afraid of that room. Even though it's a dream. There were shadows in there and I took off running at full speed back to the waiting area where there was like two other people.

      Then it dissolved again, and I was thrust into another dream where I saw one of Mao Tsetung's sons. I don't know which one exactly. I just remember that's who they were related too. He was being awarded something and was all smiles. He was obviously filled with pride.

      I also vaguely remember being in a situation between the second and third dreams that was similar to the first Jurassic Park. I was being hunted by Velociraptor, but I was in a place that looked like a cross between a REALLY fancy musuem and some business place where they have conferences.

      Then I woke up........

      The night before last night however, I had a strange dream as well. This time, once again I could not tell who I was. I was sitting in a dark place, likely under a bridge from what I could tell. It was storming and the rain came down in a downpour. I was there with two other people who I thought were familiar but do not exist in my present life. We were going over a map of Saigon. We were hiding in Hanoi. So yes, we were in Vietnam. We had some sort of lights to look at the map. Then something happened where were started to panic, and that was it. I woke up after that.

      Updated 02-28-2012 at 03:57 PM by 45710

    15. April 23 2011: Chatting with Aradia

      by , 04-27-2011 at 02:52 PM (The path to Lucid Mastery)

      This dream was a really cool one. I nearly got lucid but I woke up even though I started stabilizing my dream by looking at my hands.

      I don’t remember the entire dream but the setting was a rather gloomy town. Everything was a really dark shade of purple. It looked like the city of Derse from Homestuck. I vaguely remember walking around there and talking to Sollux (also from Homestuck).

      What I do remember is meeting Aradia (Homestuck again) on a plain. She greeted me quite cheerfully and took me for a walk. While walking through the narrow streets we discussed about the role of the Space and Time players and the problem of Jack Noir. Then we suddenly weren’t in the city anymore. As if we’d stepped through an invisible curtain we were now in a vast, open area. There was nothing there, just dark purple emptiness. I asked Aradia how we should get past here and told her I had already tried before but failed. But she just smiled at me, jumped and landed about one meter further, causing ripples to flow through the surface, as if she was standing on an invisible rock beneath a tiny amount of also invisible water.

      Now that I knew what I was looking for I managed to find other invisible stepping stones and took a different route. After some jumping around we got to a large platform in the middle of the emptiness. There were also some other trolls and humans there (Sollux, Nepeta, Dave and Jade).

      Suddenly I realized I was dreaming and did the nose reality check and started looking at my hands to stabilize the dream immediately afterwards. It was to no avail, though, as I woke up.

      It’s a shame I was deprived of a lucid dream yet again but at the same time I’m glad I remembered such a cool dream.