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    1. 1st Intentional Lucid Dream YEAH!

      by , 01-28-2011 at 12:42 AM
      First intentional lucid dream!!!
      I took a nap...
      It started off really disappointing, but I think that's what helped me realize I was dreaming.
      I am at work walking by the copy machine. I've made it a habit every day to ask myself at certain parts in the school if I'm dreaming. So I'm by the copy machine and I say to myself.. "am I really at work right now?" All of the buttons are kind of glazed over looking and I realize wait.. really..? ohhh man! hahaaa I'm dreaming!! There's a few people around, and I see a kid from my class SS talking to himself. I say hi to him and he hugs me, but he's really cold and I feel bad for him. As SS is walking away I feel a hand on my arm. I want to walk outside, but I want to see who it is too. I am almost worried the hand would pinch or scratch me but I told myself, stay with it. Kind of feeling like I can only do one or the other, I turn around to find GB. I say "sweet!" and immediately I kiss him, and the next time I opened my eyes I was awake. When I was waking up I felt the same floaty weak feeling from when I tried to WILD the other night. I tried to fall back asleep again but I was too excited!

      Updated 01-28-2011 at 11:17 AM by 39980

    2. A. P. Paros

      by , 01-28-2011 at 12:37 AM
      alekos, petraki, paros (Non-lucid)


      - I am at Paros (famous holiday greek island) and i speak with A. on the phone. He was somewhere nearby and i try to find him. I see him and reach the tabble he sits in. There are some other guys and a girl. There is a free chair. I go there and pretend to be a junkie and ask for money in a funny way. One of the guys sees me and waves at me like "No, i ve got no money". I insist because A. hasn't seen me yet. He sees me and says "Here, you prick, take 1 euro!". We laugh. I sit next to one of the guys and ask them where do they know A. from. They say they are common friend with the girl (who is a fb "friend" of mine, i don't really know). They also told me that she sucks...
      Tags: paros
    3. Middle School Riot

      by , 01-28-2011 at 12:32 AM

      I was in my old middle school in my old History class and he asked me to go around to the otherside to do something. and i said " Sure i got nothing else to do" ( in my old school there are things called tardy sweeps which are if your late to a class and they catch you walking to a class they'll stop you and give you detention). So as i turn the corner i see every single dean coming at me so i turn around to see if i can hide somewhere but no i could.So one my old deans Mrs.Coleman says " aye boy where your pass at"
      Me: umm..
      Dean: whats your name
      Me:Victor Suero
      Dean: ohhh boy you just got yourself a detention
      Me: but...

      Out of random there were thousands of students trashing the school, and yelling and just going insane. As i run back to the class room to get safe im being swong at and yelled at.Finally like 5 mins later i get back to the class but i was completely empty the only thin there was a piece of paper that said "Understatement of the Year". I said "what happened"; right after that i woke up and got ready for school.

      Tags: school
    4. E. "Jumazi", live, J.

      by , 01-28-2011 at 12:29 AM
      eleni, "jumanzi", sxizo, live, jiggy (Non-lucid)


      - I am with E. in my house (not the same IRL). She sleeps in the room next to mine. I go over there to show her the room. It was a huge place, like an ancient theater. In the centre of it there was something like a big board game, really strange. E sat next to it and grabbed four "things" (like game characters...) and started placing them in many different spots on the tabble. It seemed pretty random though.

      - I am at a music live bar. There is the stage in one edge, the bar tabble on the side and big glass-doors on the other edge. I don't remember watching any band live there. Outside that place there is a road as wide as the live bar. There are many people my age sitting on the pavement. I am out there with some friends too. I think i am a little drunk, i was in a really good mood. At some point there is a guy i hear saying "hey what's up?". I was turning around at that time, so i stand in front of him, grab and shake his hand "I 'm fine dude, how are you?". He starts laughing and i realise that i don't know him (at first i just thought that i didn't remember him). We laugh for a while, then we leave. I am walking towards the entrance. A comes and says that they didn't perform well. I realise that my friend A and his band were playing tonight and i had just missed them, cause i was outside chating... I kinda slip trough it when he starts taliking my M. I go into the bar. They were cleaning the place up. I see a sparrow on the bar tabble (dancing! No, i m kidding...). It starts flying in circles, until someone opened a door and it finally flew away.

      - I am with J. in my car. He has some not so dense beard. He said something really funny, but i can't recall it... :/
    5. test

      by , 01-28-2011 at 12:25 AM
      finding out how this works...
    6. Quick LD

      by , 01-27-2011 at 11:55 PM (Raspberry's Second Life)
      Awake Lucid

      I slowly get out of my bed, and look around my room. Definetly dreaming. I feel a snug sense of contentment in my chest. I love the clarity of the dream! I slowly RC, making sure that I am in fact dreaming. I breathe through my plugged nose and laugh at the sensation. I'm about to jump through a wall when I remember I need to stabilize. I run my fingers down the wall, breathing in the scent. I turn around to my desk, and notice some objects that aren't usually there. I take in the details. I turn to the wall again.

      Then my next-door neighbors kids got up for school and being the loud primary school children that they are, woke me up with their annoying, high pitched screaming and shouting. So annoyed. Clearest lucid I get and they bloody wake me up. Tried to DEILD but no sir, didn't happen. GAH!
    7. Trucks

      by , 01-27-2011 at 11:53 PM
      Non-Lucid - Large trucks coming along our windy mountain road laden with huge boulders. Each rock bigger than a car and stacked 4-5 high on back of truck. I comment to my son "Amazing how those trucks can get past the tree tops carrying those rocks"
      Then in house as trucks deliver boulders outside. There is a specialist floor layer called "The Bone Crusher" who is giving us advice on a laquered floor consisting of thousands of small bones. My son and I think it looks cool - my wife thinks otherwise ...
    8. Sex

      by , 01-27-2011 at 11:26 PM
      I dreamt that I had sex with a girl of my school. I'm not going to talk about the details
      Tags: girl, sex
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. I Feel Numb?

      by , 01-27-2011 at 11:04 PM
      I don't really understand this dream I've been having, and not sure whether it's a nightmare or not. But, I know I'm sleeping. In my dream, I wake from another dream I've had and I'm laying in bed, in my room. Everything is in exact detail. Except when I try to move and readjust I can't, I feel the feeling you get when you've laid on your foot for too long, the prickly numb feeling, I also get the feeling inside to run, scream. I'm terrified, but I can't move, nor can't I talk. When I open my mouth to scream, I feel my neck and throat tightening but no sound comes out and when I look to the corner of my room theres a shadowy figure. I have no idea what it is. This dream is reocurring, I've had it about 4 or 5 times, and it's mostly the same. Except for the second or third time my blankets were ripped off towards the corner. It last for a few seconds to a few minutes. And then I wake up, with a horrible feeling.
    10. Deleted

      by , 01-27-2011 at 10:38 PM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:12 AM by 39215

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    11. FIRST LUCID DREAM! Health and safety inspection at work +

      by , 01-27-2011 at 09:54 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I am in a large room, it looks like a hospital. There are curtains and a bed. They want something from me, but I don't know what. I am being tested with various tests. They find out that I have some serious heart decease, something similar to cancer. There is no cure for it as I have it for too long. Then Pavel Opatrny and Marek Hlavacek walk in. They ask me some questions, but I don't understand what are they saying. I go to Pavel's grandma then. There was Milka Havlova, the lady with one arm.

      I go with Hlavacek and Danny to a shop with watches. I wanted nice and simple Seiko watches. They show me loads of shitty ones, plastic and funny colors. I refuse all of them as I know that I want nice watches. Then I see one, that looks really nice, but I tell them that I need some time to make my mind.

      I am walking around UBS buildings. But it looks different. There are massive rooms with many desks and escalators. It must be at night as it is dark or dim everywhere. I am looking for something. I am looking in draws. Then I get to an area that looks like a play corner for kids.
      I find a book there.

      I am at work and there is Helen working with me today. I walk in to the deli from the kitchen and notice many people in the deli. They wear long coats and I feel that they are somewhat important. When suddenly, they walk behind the counter and start checking everything. They open the microwave and see scotch broth soup being defrosted with the plastic bags. the microwave is somewhere else than usual, next to the Jacket potato oven. There is a whole cooked chicken on the counter. Its all greasy and it doesn't look good at all. I am starting to feel anxious as I know that it is going to be a problem. I don't understand where is all that mess coming from, but it is not important. I think Hellen must have been doing nothing. I realize it is health and safety inspection. Then they go to the kitchen. I am not following them so I don't know what is happening there. Then suddenly Sharon runs to me from the kitchen. I see the stress and tension and anger in her eyes. She asks me where are plasters from the first aid kit? I am getting a little bit angry and explain her that Alfonso, the kitchen porter keeps taking the plasters all the time.

      **** At this point I am starting to realize that something is not right here. We don't cook chicken in the deli bar. Also I see Emanuel in leather jacket and a hat. He doesn't work with us for long time, and he has no longer access to the building. With those things together I now know that it is a dream. I feel that I want to change what is going on. I don't have any specific intention, but I just want to change it.*****

      Then suddenly all those people yell "We gotcha!!!" (apriiil). And they all start to wish me happy birthday. I see all those birthday crackers firing. They explain to me, that it was just a birthday prank. I look at my manager telling her with my eyes that it is not my birthday, she understands and tells me with her eyes to be quiet.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    12. N.W.A. 4 Lyfe

      by , 01-27-2011 at 09:33 PM

      I'm at an amateur skateboarding competition with a friend of mine. We, along with what seems like a hundred other skaters, enter a large flat area lined with quarter pipes. All the participants stand on top of the ramps facing the center, where several people in charge are introducing the event. They begin to pass the microphone around and each person is urged to say something.

      Several people babble about nothing, but I remember thinking they sounded cool. I worried about how I would come off. My companion was passed the microphone and, in my opinion, made a solid impression on the crowd. The microphone was then handed to someone else. Then to me. I said in a sarcastically monotonous voice, "Fuck the police, comin' straight from the underground. Young negro got it bad cause I'm brown." Most of the crowd thought it was pretty funny. I looked around to make sure I didn't upset anyone and passed the microphone on.

      This is the last I remember of this portion of the dream. To the best of my knowledge, it preceded the following dream.


      Updated 10-20-2011 at 07:30 PM by 33186

    13. Dinosaurs!

      by , 01-27-2011 at 09:31 PM
      I am taking a trip to some tropical place, I think I'm by myself. I am on the way to the airport and I see a sign for the town I live in.. I was able to read it. For some reason I know that it is a movie I am going to be living out, and that is kind of in my mind the whole time. When I realize I never made it on the plane, I think, oh I guess the movie just jumps to this part here. I'm walking in a rain forest where lots of dinosaurs live. There's one of those hanging bridges I'm going over, and everyone is carrying a baby dinosaur. The baby dinosaurs are supposed to be our guides. Then mine, who is a girl (she had a flower on her head), stops to eat some berries on a tree, and the other baby dinosaurs do the same. Then I am in a hallway and I think that something really terrible is going to happen with a T-Rex because I remember from the movie preview. I start feeling really nervous and l think, wow this is going to be an interesting way to die!

      side note: my 3 year old niece C had a dream there was a snowman vacuuming in her bedroom.
      Tags: driving
    14. World war 3

      , 01-27-2011 at 09:24 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I’m playing golf with a famous person for some reason.
      It’s the first time I play golf, but I’m ridiculously skilled at it and win easily…

      (false memories, never seen the place nor the women)

      … I’m back “home”.
      I live with my girlfriend in a rather weird house. We cuddle on our bed a bit but suddenly remember that we forgot to get something important from the city…

      … We’re in the city now, riding on a train. The train starts braking for no reason. We look outside and see missiles falling from the sky.
      We’re scared; it appears a war has just started. Explosions start going off everywhere, one missile hits our track right in front of the train and it starts derailing.
      We quickly open our window and jump out before the train falls into the hole left by the missile.
      I look up. So this is what the end of the world looks like. The sky is red from all the explosions and fire. Missiles everywhere and fighter jets shooting each other and falling off the sky burning.
      We run into the city, trying to make it into the subway system, hoping that we may be safe there. (I've never lived close to a big city or a place with a subway)
      As we run through the city, some skyscrapers start falling over and a fighter jet crashes right in front of us. The heat of the explosion hurts and forces us to run into a building.
      We leave it on the other side, but another jet crashes straight through the street right in front of us.
      We’re both on the very edge of the hole left by the plane,starting to fall in.
      I turn myself around and push my girlfriend back up and she barely manages not to fall into the hole… but I do…

      … I wake up in some sort of futuristic hospital. There are two nurses attending to me, both wearing something that resembles a hooters outfit more than that of a nurse…

      … I’m being told it’s the year 2046. After my fall I was in stasis because they couldn’t fix me up with the current technology.
      What I witnessed was the beginning of world war 3. The newly elected president of America was a fanatic Christian and ordered all non-Christians including all Atheists to be killed all over the world.
      Now, over 30 years later, everyone is at peace and religious disputes no longer exist, the governments are transparent and censorship no longer exists.
      But we’ve paid the price, the current world population is only approaching 1 billion at the moment…

      …I’m being interviewed... they ask me about the golf game which confuses me because I don't think it's important.
      Next I am asked what my plans are now, considering that all of my knowledge is outdated, yet I haven't aged a bit. I’ll probably have to learn a new job.
      I ask the interviewer what the current situation with space exploration is, because I've seen a recruitment poster somewhere.
      He says they recently discovered ways to create FTL drives, and an exploration project will start any moment now, they’re actually searching for peoples willing to be trained for space travel.
      I tell him that I’ll try to join the program then, in hopes of becoming a pilot…
    15. Deleted

      by , 01-27-2011 at 08:32 PM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:09 AM by 39215

      side notes