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    1. Spring Competition Day 2

      by , 04-18-2017 at 02:02 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      My dream self is a violent prick lately.

      At Work (frag)

      I'm standing by the grill where I work. It looks exactly like the place where I work. Only there is lots of cleaning going on. The toaster is taken off the table and lots of people are wiping things down to make it shiny.

      Nomad (frag)

      Frag where I am talking to Nomad. He invites me to come visit him in Hawaii.

      Dog (frag)

      A brief flash of playing with my dog at home.

      Note: I wbtb here at 4:30 am. No lucids but some vivid dreams.

      Field and Complex (full NLD)

      I am outside walking in a familiar field. I go up a small foothill and find a large white building.

      I enter the building and wander many hallways. Inside I find Kaomea at a big computer console with someone else. She's wearing a nice tank top with a pink overcoat. I forget what we say. She calls me a "fucking Loser" at some point for no reason. I get mad at her and grab her by the coat and start pounding her face in. She sort of cries but does nothing else.

      I leave the complex with the other guy. At some point its confusing to get out. We both have to climb a large fence outside to get back to the field. I remember falling off the fence at one point and kind of rolling on the ground.

      Underground Waterpark (full NLD)

      I'm with some kid going through and underground tunnel system. We keep going through winding passages and then up some step. At the top of the steps are the openings to water slides. I immediately Jump in after the boy. The whole experience is fun and then I land in a large pool.

      I realize I still have pants on so I look for a change room. I think I go into one but enter tunnels again and now I am lost.

      Fight over TV (full NLD)

      Starts off... I'm in my house watching T.V. with some kids.

      Asuka walks by and I follow her downstairs. She enters another living room and sits in front of the T.V. there and she tells me she's going to watch her show.

      I go back upstairs and tell my kid that I'm going to watch my show now. The dream then diverges... the latter fragment I'll show later. My kids kicks and screams that he wants to watch his show... it makes me mad so I yell and yank his arm a little but not too rough. His friend intervenes and pushes me away and then morphs into a golden retriever guard dog. I morph into a dog as well and tower over him still and step up to him and over him to show dominance (I think i got this from watching Cesar millan but can't be sure). Someone else is in the room. I turn around and see a semi cartoonish version of Louie from Life with Louie... umm ok. I guess it's the kids dad. I turn back and the kid now looks like a miniature version of Louie. I step back and let the kid go with his father.

      TV (frag)

      When I go back up the stairs and enter the living room I ask to use the TV and the kids say it's okay. I sit down and ask my son how to use the remote system because it's confusing.

      False Flag Terrorism (full NLD)

      Starts off Me and Asuka are flying to a version of Toronto at Night time. We land by a large building. It has an open foyer with no doors so I go inside.

      I see a man going up some steps with a group of teens following him. It looks suspicious so I cloak myself and follow them up many flights of stairs. The kids are placing what looks to be miniature nuclear bombs on walls and pipes. I head downstairs.

      I pull out a cell phone to dial 911. but the phone redirects me to 415 which is apparently the 911 of the city? Some man answers the phone and I tell him what i saw but he doesn't seems to believe me. I get downstairs and ask some guy what address we are at. he gives me a clear name of that street but the other street sounds garbled. I ask him to repeat but that street comes out of his mouth garbled again. I give the garbled version to the operator and he thanks me and says someone will be on their way.

      I tell Asuka about it she opens a portal and we wind up back home. She pulls up the internet on her phone and says that the incident is from a fake terrorist organization. They go around making fake bombs and making fake threats to make whatever group they want look bad,then the government responds to these false flag operations and start wars. I find her explanation rather perplexing when I wake up.

      Updated 04-18-2017 at 02:15 AM by 6012

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    2. SpellBee Elements Competition #3

      by , 04-18-2017 at 01:03 AM
      :3 I had a bunch of small Non lucid dreams and one that seemed somewhat longer.

      Non lucid Dream 1

      I was inside a classroom getting ready with others to assist the teachers for our summer jobs. We were with the supervisor who was a man with short black hair,holding a clipboard. We were waiting for class to start but there were no kids and an announcement came up. "Alright everyone. Go home. There's no class today". Suddenly the setting changed to outside in a city where the sky was covered in clouds and it was raining hard. Everyone ran off in a different direction. "Wait for me!" I thought. After picking a direction to go in I tried to run but than started walking till I fainted and fell onto the ground. When I opened my eyes I was in what seemed like a garage or empty building with no walls on the first floor in the front, just Purple pillars. I was laying on the ground and someone from behind me pulled up a blanket that was on me. It seemed like the storm had stopped but I felt it was far from over.

      Non lucid Dream 2

      I was inside my old house using the curling iron when suddenly someone came in and warned me there was a spark of flame on my shirt. After they patted down my shoulder they left and I looked to find the wire covered in water. I unplugged it than left to find myself in a cluttered room filled with objects and boxes. I started to get changed when out of no where my dad came in naked. Seeing him naked while I was trying to get dressed made me scream like crazy for him to get out. He was trying to tell me something but covering myself with a rectangular mirror I kept telling him to leave. He eventually left and I hurried out the other door where a group of girl students were in what seemed like a campus. Students were chatting and some were drawing what they saw in front of them. One girl painted a big painting of a student sitting next to a red pen. "Did you paint that red pen by looking at that red pen?" I asked her. She said yeah. I told her it was nice.After looking around I felt fully clothed than woke up.

      Non Lucid Dream 3

      First I was at my old house chatting with my cousin, old best friend and others than ended up at a concert hall. There I didn't notice I was naked in front of my brother's friends till the last minute. I tried going elsewhere till my brother's friend mentioned I was crazy mentally and that's why I was naked walking around. I made a tuna can appear and threw it near his head. Than took a part of a telephone and threw it at him."Be quiet! I didn't know I was naked! I don't remember how this happened! Seriously, I don't remember!" I shouted. He turned around and scoffed at me while touching his head. Hurrying to the bathroom with green stalls, I found a large group of teenagers trying to play inappropriate games. This made me get an unsettling feeling from the concert hall so I ran out.

      "Gotta get out of here.I have a feeling someone' planning something bad" I thought. As I made my way down some steps a lady in a suit approached me and offered me pink and red buds as a bouquet. I held them, thanked her since they were pretty but knowing I didn't have money on me I said sorry and that I couldn't purchase them. After handing them back she said it was no problem. I kept walking, now on a burgundy carpet in between rows of light brown seats, hurrying past the crowd. There was a little girl laying on the carpet who appeared to be sick but seeing her open her eyes and her mom paying attention, I continued till I passed a door and entered a gorgeous gold/light brown spacious room with sofas in a circle and musicians in different corners playing their own instrument. I was about to go through what I thought was the exit but I Felt I might get caught for being suspicious. Sitting down on a gold sofa with red and grayish yellow pillows I began clapping In Beat To Their music. A violinist pointed out I was clapping in respect to the music. I smiled at his comment than looked at the pillows. After feeling them I woke up.

      Dream 4

      I recall looking around a school than ending up with my younger brother who playfully fell down the black stairs. I helped him up than took notice of a black keyboard and a Asian guy who looks like someone I use to go to class with. There being a microphone near it, I took it and began singing something random. The asian guy began playing something till I stopped. "Okay, now you sing something and I'll play". He said okay, took the microphone and closed his eyes."...Uh...What are you doing? Why aren't you singing?"I asked him puzzled. "I'm thinking about what I'm going to sing before I sing it"he replied. "Oh...okay". I said than acknowledged it was better to come up with lyrics that way. As I waited I also tried remembering how to play "lost woods" from Zelda and another song I learned but after trying it didn't sound good so I stopped. While playing I noticed the Asian guy smiling at me and looking at my fingers as I tried to recall the beat. I thought it was cute but than the dream shifted.

      It felt like 6Pm or 5Pm And I was hurrying past a crowd of people in the city. I was trying to get home after being outside for hours doing something job related. Next to me I noticed a tall muscled girl in casual clothing near the tall Asian guy. I began feeling a bit jealous that he had a girlfriend already who was close friends with him. But I continued my way trying not to bump into her because I was going to be respectful of his choices regardless. When I reached the next block they went in a different direction and I was wondering what my father and brother was up to. Remembering that my father ate Mc Donald's for lunch with my brother,I felt like buying fries and a burger. But after crossing up the street again and walking up a hill I saw a fry appear in the air and a group of people working on a film began popping up and around the block.

      The Asian guy appeared too and was wearing a purple suit with a black top hat. After smoothing out his now gray, white and black hair he jumped on set where a man dressed like the monkey king was making a loud shout as if he was Tarzan. "Throw in the topless woman that surround him!"called out the director. "I don't want the guy I like to be surrounded by topless woman"I thought. But than I shrugged it off and continued on my way. A small scene popped up near me of him cuddling a small purple cat now. "I wish I was that cat"came to mind but when the cat jumped out of his hands and began talking with a man's voice it vanished. Seeing Burger king below the hill in the other direction I decided to go down to eat than head to my father's house. But just as I was about to cross I felt slow than saw cars speed up fast than stop at the traffic light. I laughed awkwardly near a cop that came up and said I was fine, that I could cross. But when I tried another car came up too fast for me to cross. I felt annoyed but woke up afterwards.

    3. Playing with colour and taste

      by , 04-17-2017 at 10:41 PM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I become lucid as the plant nursery is constantly changing. I teleport to a chair in the sun. I summon a glass orb. I place it on the table and I change its colour many times. Eventually, stopping at Orange, I crack it open at taste a sweet hot syrup. I use time control to redo the moment several times...
    4. 5th LD Jump to the higher power

      by , 04-17-2017 at 08:36 PM
      #5 LD this morning.
      I realize that I am not doing the nose plug breath RC enough during the day because that's not how I realized lucidity in the dream. I jumped and was expecting to fly, but didn't so I kept jumping and then just went higher and higher until I grabbed a ceiling beam or outside power line. It could be that this was the message that my unconscious wanted to send me was that I had to put some physical effort into reaching my "higher power."

      Or it could be that I was just not practicing my RC enough during the day. I did have the thought that I really should stop and make that tea, but again there was so many people, so much action, so much chaos and busyness in the midst of the LD that I forgot the tasks I wanted to do. I was lucid, but allowing the dream to just carry me away.

      More details are in the written journal. Other characters: toddlers, toddler Tasia, neighbors, children of old friends, repairman
    5. ace space

      by , 04-17-2017 at 08:27 PM
      D1 - I am dealt 3 aces by a tarot lady, she gives me ace of earth, water and air. I want to do some tarot but know I won't be accepted as authentic.

      D2 - I'm on aboard a spaceship which is comprised of just a very large glass cylinder with a metal peice running round it. Everyone is weightless. My friend is leaving and gets onto another ship, I duck out a slidy window and go back.

      D3 - At school i'm leaving and teleport outside so I can hide from some people.
      Tags: powers, space, tarot
    6. Competition Dream Theme and Labor

      by , 04-17-2017 at 05:46 PM
      I watched a girl ride a very fast and large rollercoaster. Sometimes I was her. A lot of people were watching. The ride went forwards and backwards but she wasn't scared. Alicia texted me pictures of belly dance costumes that she was thinking about getting. I was annoyed.

      I am pregnant and going into labor. I am at a hospital and they start preparing me. They do a small procedure and give me a little wand thing. If I need to call for the nurse I’m supposed to put that on my privates and press a button. I try and it shocks me so I scream. I’m still slightly sedated. A dream friend takes me to the hospital on a small watercraft. It’s night time but I see a whale jump in the distance. I tell her and she says “Isn’t this such a cool place?” We get to the shore where T.A. and some of his friends lead the way to the hospital. One friend is racist and keeps trying to instigate fights. He asks me if I ever dislike or make fun of his people just because. I tell him no. T.A. tells him to stop. We arrive at the west side hospital where a lot of people are there to meet me. I see Beyonce and she does not look perfect like the media presents her, she looks very disappointing with a belly, uneven complexion, and hooked nose. There’s a little girl eating ice cream. Her pupils are dilated and she looks dazed. I tell her that if she eats too much ice cream she has to go home because labor hurts really bad and I can’t have her around me if she has a sugar high. Lani NS and Kristy S. are there. The hospital looks different than I remember. I check in at the nurses station. It's one of the L&D nurses from D's work who remembers me. From the lobby I hear that racist guy getting into a fight with Lani who wrote a book that he found offensive. I’m not sure where my room is because my name is on the board for all floors. I check each floor just in case. I end up wandering into the waiting room and asking if the hospital has been renovated because it looks different than I remember. They say it has. I’m relieved, I like it better this way. I squeeze past some nurses giving report and end up getting lost near a file room and engine room. People with badges help me out. There are so many men in the hallway. I’m not in any pain right now. The clock says 6. I know that my labor is going to be one of the very long ones; perhaps 12, 24, or even 48 hours. It makes me nervous. I get back to my room and start panicking. How did this happen? How is this real life? This wasn’t planned. Why did I ever think this was a good idea to go through with? I have a vague memory of telling my husband that I felt like I needed to keep the baby and he told me that I was responsible for it completely. It’s too late to do anything about it now. I’m so scared of motherhood and of the pain of labor. I’m not allowed to have an epidural. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it. I have a dream within a dream of myself walking into my hospital room and seeing me there laying with my new baby and another woman on a large bed straight ahead. It felt ominous and dark. The dream ended and I called my husband. I could hear him approaching the room so I hung up. He was irritated that I tried to call him, he’s clearly nervous as well. His eyebrows looks different, smaller, shaped, and lighter. He brings me a coin bra that I admire. I ask if it’s for me, he says yes, and I light up. Kristy comes in and they start talking in another language that they learned in the military. Kirsty has improved her skills at it. It goes on for a long time and they are acting quite flirty with each other.

      Updated 04-17-2017 at 05:50 PM by 70665

    7. Meditating Agian + SLD.

      by , 04-17-2017 at 03:55 PM (Lucid Time!)
      So today (last night more accurately.) I began actual formal meditations again. Seeing as in my dream journal I use an orange-blue scale with the color gradation in-between representing different phases between lucidity and non lucidity, it seems logical that meditation is more lucid than a lucid dream or any regular thoughts. Therefore I a considering that on any chance I include my meditated thoughts with my dream journals, something I may begin to do, along with the star rankings. I will probably not post a lot of meditations as I think those are personal. (The same reason I don't post all my dreams. ) But when I do, I will spoiler tag meditations since most people probably won't care to read them.

      Spoiler for Meditation 3:

      I dreamed semi lucidly that I was going for a jog. It was summertime and very warm and sunny outside and I was jogging through an area that I have never seen before IWL. There was an asphalt bike path that I followed through first a park area with a playground and a some slides. It then took me by a river with some large willow trees growing by the water and some tall pagoda-like houses across the way. The path made a left and went alongside a railroad track and an abandoned warehouse with piles of scrap metal and broken concrete in its front yard.

      I view myself in third person and notice that I am in my dream avatar body. This causes me to become more lucid. I begin flying on fire jets above the path and getting a view of the area. Nowhere nearby do I recognize any landmarks. I do see an elderly man driving a large red tractor/ATV type vehicle down the path a ways ahead of me. He attempts to go around a sharp turn too fast (maybe 40 miles per hour) and crashes into a metal telephone pole. The crash looks pretty bad and wreck rolls over the man into a ditch.

      At first I don't even want to look at the crash for fear of what I might see, but my continence/semi lucidity kicks in and with only vague and confused awareness that it is a dream character and that I don't really have a reason to go help. I consider calling 911 but then consider again how annoying and unreliable dream phones often are. So I turn around and land. The crash is every bit as grizzly as I expected and the elderly man's legs and lower body are completely gone and his guts are hanging out. But somehow he's still alive, and everything above his bellybutton is completely unharmed. He's in a lot of pain and screaming in pain but I can tell he's fading fast.

      I talked in my previous rant about how I haven't come up with any new dream control spells and have confirmed that all of my original ones work. I figure I can still use my three pillars of dream control and just plain English. My first priority is to put him out of his pain. I raise my hand to the man laying in the heap.


      The man stops screaming and is knocked out. I then point at him with two fingers, presumably to represent the arteries that carry blood away from the heart and the veins that carry the blood back.

      "Stop bleeding."

      All the blood disappears and stops coming out of him. I think some other bits of his lower body that were lying around disappeared too. I spread my hands apart wide and try to imagine completing his skeleton. I closed them in together.

      "Reconstruct Skeleton."

      There was a bed of gravel to my right, by the side of the trail. Hundreds of small white stones came alive from the gravel and rolled together forming the rest of his spine and the bones in his upper legs. I had to repeat the command and hand motion four or five times before his skeleton was actually complete. The dream began fading out here but I was so intensely focused on my dream control that I tried to ignore it and hurry up to finish before I ran out of time.

      I wondered how I would get flesh to cover the lower half of his skeleton once more and decided to pull and stretch the part of his body that was covered in flesh and imagine it growing to restore him fully. I began doing so psychically, manipulating his body to grow and stretch over the new bones. I lost the dream and woke up.

      Updated 04-18-2017 at 02:02 AM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    8. lol

      by , 04-17-2017 at 03:41 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      I was trying to fall back asleep when a force lifted my off my bed, took me in to the bathroom, threw me in the toilet and flushed it. As I was going down the drain I looked up and saw the skeleton ghost that did this laughing. I was teleported to a dry, open underground maze. with some people walking around. I approached some them and focused on trying to banish them by telling them to go away and turning my back on them. A couple of guys laughed at me when I turned back around to see if they were gone. I woke up.
      nightmare , lucid
    9. 4/17/17 | Concrete, Pokemon, Rainbow Dash

      by , 04-17-2017 at 03:22 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      Conditions: Sunny, Calm, Late Afternoon
      I was outside in a rectangular concrete area surrounded by woods. In the center was a big screen of stretched around a giant cube. On the outside edges of the concrete area were rooms that I never saw the inside of. The mane 6 were trying to enter the east room before the Pokemon theme song played. I tried to sing along, but I didn’t remember even half the words, which meant I was gonna get beat up at the end of it. During the song, I snuck up behind the group to smell Rainbow Dash’s mane for some reason. However, she noticed me and instantly flew off at high speed before I could get a whiff. Also, whenever I put my fist forward in time with the music, I would be launched in that direction, and then I would slowly float down. By the end of the Pokemon theme, the scenario changed before anyone had the opportunity to beat me up.
      Now, the concrete area was flat, and made of Minecraft blocks(Railcraft’s concrete blocks). Nothing special happened here, or in the woods.

      Updated 04-17-2017 at 03:25 PM by 67050

    10. Spring comp night 3, TOTM Basic II and Bonus

      by , 04-17-2017 at 02:38 PM
      Morning of 17/4/2017 6- 7.30am
      Typical motorbike dream, riding along country lanes. A guy rides past in the other direction with his jacket open and one of those modular helmets where the whole front panel flips up - also fully open. I continue riding but the motorbike is misbehaving. There isn't much power at all.

      I stop in a small village and see a black and blue sports bike in a car park. It is parked slightly on a slope. My own bike has vanished so I just climb onto the new one. First I have to sort out my helmet, which in the dream is a bright sky blue and has a sort of 'ninja mask' section at the bottom making the visor tiny, barely large enough to see through.

      This motorbike must be electric or something... the engine is completely quiet. Just up the road there is a crashed police motorbike and trailer. I pull over and spot the police officer in the middle of a field talking to a couple more people. They all seem fine and the officer waves that everything is okay.

      I start riding again and go around a corner, trying to shift up through the gears but finding the sensation really off. Wait. Well, this is a dream. I knew it already, but it suddenly occurs to me that I need to earn some points. But what was the next one in my 3 step task? Can't recall.

      I do some fast flying down the road to get into a town. There is a junction and a high street. People are walking along the pavements and next to a shop there is a small long haired dog tied to a lamp post. Recalling my previous failed attemtps at the TOTM I untie the dog and ask it to fetch. This time I keep talking to the dog - "fetch, c'mon, good dog, fetch it." The dog vanishes amongst the legs of the crowd but then returns. There is clearly something in it's mouth but it doesn't want to give it up. I have to hold the dog and try and gently open the jaws. A circular white thing, like an LED light, drops out.

      The nearby building seems to have a party going on inside. I decide to take a look and see people dancing. A girl starts pulling off her trousers and getting changed in the middle of the room. I stop and stare then try and make a move on her. She doesn't seem up for it. "Just a kiss then?" She stretches up and kisses me but doesn't really seem in the mood so I let her go.

      I try to think of other tasks and recall the bonus TOTM about flying into space and through a black hole. After phasing out through the wall I try to get to the sky, but it keeps being obscured by large plastic shapes. It starts to piss me off, so I start shouting at the dream about how easy it is to get to space. Why is the dream making this so difficult? Then straight away I am teleported into space. It is freezing cold. :shiver:

      It feels like being plunged into ice water. Well, I am only wearing boxers! Still, I try to tough it out, shivering, but trying to convince myself it is a dream and it is not cold at all. Instead I just close my eyes to end the scene and end up back on Earth.

      I recall my personal goal to try and split the sky to reveal the night. The sky is cloudy. Not that it matters. A woman with golden hair descends out of the thick clouds. She is holding what looks like an unconsious woman in her arms. Cool. "Hey, can you help me fly into space? Just hold on. One sec."

      Focusing on my goal I point a finger at the horizon and then lift it up, cutting through the sky. It dutifully splits the clouds and reveals the blackness of space and the stars. The two halves of the cloudy sky fall down to just above the horizon, so it is a mix of day and night at the same time.

      The golden haired woman takes my hand and we fly up towards the stars. It looks really cool. "Look for a black hole."

      We continue flying through space past galaxies and planets until a spinning circle of even darker black appears in front of us. We fly into the black hole and after passing through the stars around us are exploding like fireworks. Hanging in the blackness ahead of us is an enormous clear domino with the numbers one and seven on it's halves.
      lucid , task of the month
    11. Night 3 competition: Kidnapped by an actor

      by , 04-17-2017 at 11:14 AM
      Full dream: This was a period dream, but I am not sure when and where it took place but I was a lady wearing an old fashioned dress. A man kidnapped me at gun point. Turned out he was an actor and wanted me to perform with him. The plays were in French and Italian, but since I was not fluent in those languages, he wanted me to stay quiet, and he would do both his parts and my parts. Turned out he was a ventriloquist. Over time I feel in love with him, but he was dying so our time was limited.

      Fragment: all I remember is making pasta with shredded cheese and meat balls.

      Another fragment: in my old job there was a man who in real life sometimes would when stressed show some signs of dementia or forgetfulness. But in my dream it was another man in that job that was showing those signs of forgetfulness. I went to the admin at the front desk and told her about it, and she wanted me to do something about it to help him not be forgetful.
    12. A Spider in a Taxi (hand mobility)

      by , 04-17-2017 at 10:17 AM
      1 minute 36 second read.
      Monday morning, 17 April 2017.
      A Spider in a Taxi (hand mobility)
      Dream # 18,382-03.

      I am riding in a taxi with family members (including Zsuzsanna). I sit in the back seat on the left. After we reach our stop (Hinkler Central shopping mall), I notice a sizeable spider on my left.

      The spider has long legs. I do not know the species. I move away from it but turn around to crush it with my wallet when it is on the seat. It takes effort as I become more aware of my hand’s physicality and mobility.

      After I exit the taxi on its right, I close the door quickly in case the spider is still alive. I am the last one out. (In this dream, I am unaware of the cab driver as I do not look in their direction.)

      Spiders in dreams (depending on the narrative) correspond with the human hand for several reasons, including my lifelong association with “The Eensy Weensy Spider” song (or “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” and other variations) and its accompanying hand motions that model a crawling spider. A spider also serves as a somatosensory phasing indicator. (Spiders, bugs, and insects have associations with crawling on a person - a tactile association - not symbolism in the conventional sense). They do not always have negative associations. Spiderweb correlates with REM atonia (physical immobility while sleeping).

      In this case, probable additional influence is my annoyance at high cab fares (and handing a cab driver money).

      Updated 07-02-2022 at 09:54 AM by 1390

    13. The Classroom Beyond

      by , 04-17-2017 at 10:17 AM
      Morning of April 17, 2017. Monday.

      I find myself wandering through an unfamiliar school, the very large expansive building implied to be of one floor, it seems. (It may be modeled after my old middle school in Florida.) For some reason, I get this impression of a backstory where I had been seeking special classrooms that teach adults. It relates to physical education, I think, and possibly martial arts, but the details are not that clear. It may be that I am, under pretense, just looking for “hidden” areas in the building.

      I talk with an unknown male who is walking in the hall. I tell him about having heard rumors from people (and this is by deliberate pretense, as it seems I am just making up the whole concept to justify my exploration) about a hidden or secret classroom near the back of the building that teaches adults. He denies that there are ever any classes held beyond the hall we are in (which really is not logical, though I do not question him - though it may just be that the rooms are being renovated presently).

      I continue towards the back of the school building. I eventually reach an area where there seems to be a class being held to my right (which means that the other male was either lying or was unaware of it). The door is open and I can see that the classroom is full. It seems that it may be sixth or seventh grade. I think about talking to the teacher (who is unseen, as the door opens to the back of the class) but I do not want to disrupt the class. I notice an unfamiliar girl who has a light freckle-colored pattern over about half of her face and neck.

      Soon, all of the students start singing “The Bear Went Over The Mountain”. They sing very harmoniously, and the song goes on for quite a while. (I get the vague impression that it is for my benefit, though this is not certain.)

      I go back to the other male to tell him about the class and he seems puzzled. Soon, I realize I had absentmindedly had my leg in a bad position, pressing down on the surface of a table I am sitting on. He tells me that I have a medical condition, saying what it is (though I do not recall the term). I say “I don’t care”, as when I move my leg, the condition apparently resolves itself. There is a diamond-shaped hole in my right leg; inward, in about the middle of my lower leg. Soon, my skin rises up to the correct level to match the rest of my leg and I clearly see blood filling the area under the skin, which changes from the white diamond shape to normal appearance.

      “The Bear Went Over The Mountain” seems to be redundant of the nature of the dream itself, and also seems a play on the “subconscious mind” myth. Even though I supposedly go beyond a recognized area of the school, I simply end up on the other side of the school, though I suspect there are additional meanings (such as similarity to the phrase “over the hill”, though only by society’s nonsensical beliefs).

      Update Wednesday, 3 May 2017: The unfamiliar girl was a precognitive thread as I suspected. For their privacy reasons, I will not go into detail. On a side note, the “medical problem” might be a loose reference to my vagus nerve (though it is not life-threatening), but that is only assuming it was not a reference to a real-time physical position (in sleep) concerning my leg. On an additional note, the “subconscious mind” myth continues to baffle me, especially considering that nearly all dreams (other than the precognitive threads) are entirely erroneous in nature. The school setting is simply the result of being unconscious and the critical thinking skills of the conscious self being temporarily lost as a result and the dream self seeking to relearn the state of wakefulness. (As I have often explained before, I only use the term “subconscious” to designate the dream self as the “personified subconscious”, only to distinguish it from the unconscious, preconscious - especially when personified, the emergent consciousness, and whole conscious self identity.)

      Updated 09-08-2019 at 06:13 PM by 1390

    14. Dream 16/4/2017 - 17/4/2017

      by , 04-17-2017 at 10:07 AM
      Was walking around my house and realised I was dreaming. Did the nosepinch RC and it checked out. However everything was dark and I didn't know what to do, so I kind of sat down and meditated. Nothing happened and I woke up
    15. Night #3 of SpellBee SpringBee Comp Bee

      by , 04-17-2017 at 09:22 AM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      23:30 - 2:40

      Dream 1 - Volcano

      I'm in some MMO game. I see the map in my mind, it's truly massive. I'm running towards a lair inside a volcano. I'm with a friend who tells me about a special event starting inside the volcano. We are already late. We get into the lair. The boss there is dead and I see hundreds of players jumping around and moving towards one of the walls, waiting for a path to open. Lava is dripping from the ceiling of the cavern. Tiny droplets of lava falls like rain and seems to follow me. I try to outrun it, but I feel lava hitting my shoulders and back wherever I go.

      The path opens and people start running. I can outrun most of the players. The scene is like a small dirt path through a forest. Suddenly some players have bikes. I still outrun them. Then the dream throws some railings, signs, rocks etc on the path to slow me down. It turns into a slow crawl. I hate it. When we finally get to the end, we see a church-like building. Old friend Tero is at the door, telling everyone going where to sit. I'm 62nd person to go in, according to him.

      Dream 2 - Being Dead and Whatnot

      I'm in a museum, third floor I think. It's night. I have to spend the night here. I remember there being a beds in one room. I have trouble finding it. A large woman is patrolling the building and finds me. She yells. I beg her to let me stay the night. I have nowhere to go, since I'm dead. As the words come out of my mouth, I stop and repeat it in disbelief. "I'm...dead." Can that be? I can't recall how it happened. I feel sorrow. The guard lady lets me stay and points me to the second floor. I find the room with beds and rest.

      I wake up. It's 3am and my roommate is making late night snack and slamming doors. Uggggggggh...Well, this turns into a short WBTB thanks to him.

      3:15 - 6:30

      Dream 3 - Gift of the River God

      I see a medieval world, reminding me of Game of Thrones. It's a cloudy day. A woman with long wavy blonde hair and shining armor approaches a dark river, I recognize her to be Pike from Vox Machina (D&D group). There's a small crooked tower built on the river. It's made of stone and looks like a big pile of skeletons. There's a large metallic ring hanging on the tower. There's a chain attached to it. The chain goes into the river, it's binding something. Pike climbs the tower and drops the ring and chain into the river. She jumps into the river afterwards. A massive, ugly woman rises from the bottom of the river and lifts Pike with her abnormally long and thin arm. The hag thanks Pike for freeing her and asks if she wants her gift. Pike nods and instantly her form starts changing. The hag disappears and Pike floats down to the surface of the river, effortlessly walking on top of it. Her armor becomes engulfed in purple flames and she becomes nearly invisible, like Shadowform from WoW. She summons a horse, which is also just a shadow with purple flames around it. With unnatural speed, she rides over the river towards a castle in the distance.

      I'm a DO so I just fly up to get a better view. I see a small castle, a stone wall in front of it with a small gate and barren field around it. There's no grass or trees. The ground around the castle is completely dead. I see flashes of light next to the castle. There's a battle going on and some magic spells are visible from this distance. Dream skips a bit. Pike arrives to the castle and heads towards the fight. Her teammate is fighting a heavily armored man who hasn't taken any damage. He's nearly invincible. Pike walks towards him with determination, reaches behind her back and takes out her flaming greatsword. She holds the massive sword with her right hand. In the blink of an eye, she lifts the sword over her left shoulder and swings down at the armored guy. The force of the blow shatters the ground beneath him. He falls down, but isn't out yet.

      I suddenly stand where Pike was. Oh no! I have to take this guy out? What do I have? I check my inventory. I have a large yellow amulet that looks sharp. Think I could stab him with that? I try, but it does nothing. Oh god. Pike's teammate is still there. The bad guy starts getting up. I decide to run. The bad guy follows. A big rock near the castle entrance catches my eye. There's a message on it "Murderer is _____" It's a long name I can't recall, but that's clearly a warning. I didn't want to see that. Now whoever that guy is wants me dead too. Speak of the devil, the murderer appears behind me. He's actually a three headed hydra looking monster. He jumps at me. I dodge and run through the gate, back towards the river. Grog, also from Vox Machina, the goliath barbarian shows up and instantly removes a two heads from the monster to save me. The monster is right next to me. I've never seen severed heads so close and in detail.

      I sort of jump out of the GoT/D&D world. I'm sitting around a table with Travis Willingham, who plays Grog, and going through his dice and items. We are trying to figure out what items I could get from him so I could fight too. I only recall the name of one item "Blood Armor". I wasn't ready to fuse my body with a set of armor so I passed on that one. While organizing his dice, the dream transforms once more. Some lady comes by and asks if we are guests at the university. Travis has transformed into one of my WL friends and be both say we have been university students for years. She asks if we would like to foster a foreign kid together. We thought about doing it. After that we walk out of the building and talk about changing majors while walking through the city. I notice an old army friend on a poster. He's standing in a big bowl filled with water and limes. The limes spell out some bizarre word I can't recall anymore. Apparently I misread it too, according to my friend.

      And I wake up. It's 6:30 am. What a dream. But not a lucid, so I try again.


      Dream 4 - Ladies

      -Another dream full of sex, so I won't write it fully. At one point I was in a house with a woman who was my wife, apparently. She made a pyramid with pillows. Parts of a photo was printed on each pillow, they formed a picture of her.
      Tags: castle, d&d, games, hag, volcano
      non-lucid , memorable